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NEW ULM HIGH SCHOOL 2020 COVID-19 Reopening Guide

Learning Model Parameters

0-9 In-person learning for all students

10-19 In-person learning for Elementary students: Hybrid learning for secondary


Distance learning learning for all students

30-49 Hybrid learning for elementary students; Distance learning for secondary students

At New Ulm High School, providing a quality education, preparing students for post secondary, vocational, military, as well as the work force, in a safe environment is our highest priority. In order to meet the needs of all of our families we have developed an education plan that meets the Minnesota Department of Education requirements, the Department of Health requirements and offers educational options to families. Each of these learning models is offered based on the level of COVID-19 cases within our community.

Three educational delivery models are required by the state of Minnesota. The three models are: Distance Learning, Hybrid, and In-Person. Students will also have the option of a Distance Learning Model as part of all three models.

Our primary purpose at New Ulm High School is to ensure the safety of our students and staff and to ensure all students have the opportunity to receive a quality education. Every day that a student does not receive an education is education lost. To achieve this we have designed a model that allows for transitions between learning models while enhancing the educational time a student has at school, and mitigates the amount of access to others a student will be exposed to. By extending the length of each class period from 55 minutes to 105 minutes and extending classes over two days we reduce the number of times a student moves from one class to another. This limits the number of students and teachers’ individuals come in contact with. In addition, due to other safety requirements, we have lengthened the amount of time allowed to move from classroom to classroom. This type of schedule is referred to as a “Block Schedule”.

Number of cases per 10,000 over 14 days, by county of residence

50 +

Hybrid learning for all students

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A “Block Schedule” has several variations, has been used in educational settings for decades and is evidence based. Our “Block Schedule” will be used for all of our educational delivery models: in person, hybrid, and distance learning. Hybrid will be a combination of the In Person and Distance Learning. All three models will utilize the “Block Schedule”.

During the “Block Schedule” there will be a day 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Day 5, which will generally be Fridays, will not follow the block schedule, but will be a flexible schedule and will provide students at risk the opportunity for additional instruction, as well as provide students with the opportunity for credit recovery, student supports, and make up work/time. While all students may not be on site on day 5, they will all be expected to focus on their educational goal, through instruction provided by teachers and have opportunities to meet, either directly, depending on the COVID status, or indirectly. A description of a daily schedule for each educational delivery model is part of the delivery model description found on page 3 and 4.

The delivery model will be based on Synchronous and Asynchronous delivery. Synchronous delivery is when a teacher provides direct instruction to the students at a specific time. During Synchronous delivery a teacher has the ability to provide immediate feedback. This can be done through in person, zoom, Google Meet, blogs, etc. Asynchronous delivery allows teachers to provide curriculum that can be completed by the students on a time that works best for them, but within a designated timeframe determined by the teacher.

As we focus on safety measures, the three educational models allow New Ulm High School the ability to transition from one educational model to another as efficiently and as quickly as needed.

Daily Schedule for all delivery models

Day 1 and 3

Period 1

Period 2

Period 3

8:00 - 9:45 9:45 - 9:55

9:55 - 11:40

Passing time

Passing time 1:00 - 1:10 1:10 - 2:55

Period 4 Lunch A Resource B

Resource A Lunch B

Lunches and Resources

12:20 - 1:00 11:40 - 12:10

12:30 - 1:00

11:50 - 12:30

Daily Schedule for all delivery models

Day 2 and 4

Period 5

Period 6

Period 7

8:00 - 9:45 9:45 - 9:55

9:55 - 11:40

Passing time

Passing time 1:00 - 1:10 1:10 - 2:55

Period 4 Lunch A Resource B

Resource A Lunch B

Lunches and Resources

12:20 - 1:00 11:40 - 12:10

12:30 - 1:00

11:50 - 12:30

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Educational Models and Implementation

All models will have a full time distance learning option

Educational Delivery Model One: Distance Learning for All Students


During the distance learning delivery model students will receive instruction through synchronous and asynchronous activities. Synchronous delivery will be held on Day 1 and Day 3 for all students for periods 1, 2, and 3, and on Day 2 and Day 4 for all students’ periods 5, 6, and 7. Day 5 will be used as a student support day allowing for student teacher connection, credit recovery, and educational support. The asynchronous work will be daily meaningful assignments, with outcomes leading to the achievement of course standards. Attendance will be taken during synchronous days, while work completion will be expected and monitored for asynchronous days.

All grades will be determined based on the amount of knowledge attained and demonstrated by the end of the course.


Educational Delivery Model Two: Hybrid (Combination In Person/Distance Learning) During the hybrid delivery model students will receive their instruction through both in person and distance learning (both synchronous and asynchronous). Students with the last names A-K will be in person to receive their education for period 1, 2, and 3 on Day 1. Students with last names A-K will be in person to receive their education for period 5, 6, and 7 on Day 2. Students with last names A-K will receive distance learning for period 1, 2, and 3 on Day 3 and will receive distance learning for periods 5, 6, and 7 on Day 4.

Students with the last names L-Z will be in person to receive their education for period 1, 2, and 3 on Day 3. Students with last names L-Z will be in person to receive their education for period 5, 6, and 7 on Day 4. Students with last names L-Z will receive distance learning for period 1, 2, and 3 on Day 1 and will receive distance learning for periods 5, 6, and 7 on Day 2.

Day 5 will be used as a student support day allowing for student teacher connection, credit recovery, and educational support. During asynchronous days there will be daily meaningful work, with outcomes leading to the achievement of course standards. Attendance will be taken during synchronous days, while work completion will be expected and monitored for asynchronous days.

All grades will be determined based on the amount of knowledge attained and demonstrated by the end of the course.


Case managers of students with disabilities will be contacting parents/guardians and reviewing contingency plans for all delivery models. All communications related to a child with a disability should be done through their case manager. Case managers are the most familiar with the students and the system of operation as it relates to special education.

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Not so fast: Fridays are student support days. While teachers will not push out additional work on Fridays, teachers may expect work completion and submissions on Fridays. Students may be required to come to school on Fridays for additional support. This includes students in need of credit recovery, students with disabilities who are in jeopardy of significant regression and students who need additional educational support from their teachers. All other students are responsible for work previously assigned throughout the week.

During the in-person delivery model students will receive on site educational instruction daily. All students will report to period 1, 2, and 3 on Day 1, periods 5, 6, and 7 on Day 2, periods 1, 2, and 3 on Day 3 and periods 5, 6, and 7 on Day 4. Students are not required to attend school on day 5 unless they are a student at risk and have demonstrated the need for additional educational support. This includes students in need of credit recovery, students with disabilities who are in jeopardy of significant regression and students who need additional educational support from their teachers. All other students are responsible for work previously assigned throughout the week.

All grades will be determined based on the amount of knowledge attained and demonstrated by the end of the course.

Educational Delivery Model Three: In-Person for All Students


Bussing will be available when school is in session during Hybrid and In Person Delivery Models. If you are eligible for transportation you are welcome to use the bussing in order to report to school!!!


Homework may be assigned daily and will be due by 8:00 a.m. the next day. Formative work that is not completed and submitted prior to the 8:00 a.m. deadline will not be scored and the student will receive a zero. Work submitted on asynchronous days will act as attendance for that day. No assignments will be issued on days in which the course does not meet either synchronously or asynchronously.

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As we focus on safety measures, the three educational models allow New Ulm High School the ability to transition from one educational model to another as efficiently and as quickly as needed. Along with the ability to transition educationally, there will be safety precautions in place. The Assistant Principal will serve as the COVID Coordinator and will be in charge of all health and safety procedures, as well as all Department of Health requirements related to COVID-19.


All students and faculty/staff must wear face coverings or face shields when needed, while on campus. Exceptions include: eating lunch and physical education, band/choir activities outside where students can be more than six feet apart from each other.


With 105 minutes of class each period it will benefit students to take masks breaks. Mask breaks may occur in large open areas such as walking outside, maintaining social distancing, accessing the commons area when available, accessing the gymnasium when available, as well as other opportunities in which you can meet the health recommendations.


Classrooms will be outfitted with sanitizer, and disinfecting/cleaning wipes for use during the day. These do not replace hand washing, however, these are good practices when hand washing is not possible.



Student desks will be positioned to maximize social

distancing. Until such time as COVID-19 is no longer a

threat, student desks will not be allowed to be in small groups, pods, facing each other, etc. Additional locations on campus are being utilized as instructional venues per requirements.


When students are moving to class and between classes, one-way hallways will be in effect to minimize facing interactions. Signs both on the walls and on the floors will denote these hallway designations.


In order to provide students with ample time to move between classes and give teachers time to sanitize before the next group of students, passing periods will be extended to 10 minutes between classes.


We will maintain two lunch periods. The cafeteria will be cleaned between periods. Juniors and Seniors who qualify for open lunch will be allowed to leave campus. There will be strict procedures they must follow when returning. Failure to follow outlined procedures may result in the loss of open lunch privileges for all students. Masks should be worn when not eating.

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Backpacks are permitted as a replacement to locker use. They are to be used for school materials only and will be placed within the classroom in a safe location determined by the teacher.


Locker use is only permitted Prior to the first period of the day, when reporting and leaving for lunch and at the end of the day.


New Ulm High School will continue to support students with health conditions. We are asking parents if at all possible to provide daily medication at home to decrease risk factors. We will be separating students with basic medical needs from students who demonstrate COVID related symptoms.


We have decommissioned all drinking fountains to avoid potential cross contamination. We continue to provide contactless water dispensers. All water bottles must be clear, in accordance with building policies and cannot be shared between students.


Building entrances and exits will be clearly designated and labeled. Following the designations will be expected. Students will continue to be required to check in and out of the building, through the main office, when entering and leaving the building when school is in session.


Safeguarding the health and safety of our

students, families, and faculty/staff is of the

utmost importance. Please understand there

is no method that can guarantee COVID-19

cannot be spread. All actions directed toward

safety are to mitigate and not eliminate risk.

By choosing the in-person delivery option,

parents are acknowledging the associated

risks involved. We will continue to monitor

trends as well as directives from local, state

and federal health organizations to

continually evaluate safety protocols for our

students and faculty/staff.


Visitors will be prohibited from the building when school is in session. This includes guest speakers, guardians, parents, etc. If an emergency arises, parents or guardians should call the main office for assistance. If a meeting is required, meeting guests should report to the main office.

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• All weeks begin with a Day 1 schedule i.e. Labor Day Week begins on Tuesday, Day 1

• All two day weeks will be Distance Learning if we are in a Hybrid Delivery Model i.e. November 23/24 and December 21/22

• October 5 inservice is moved to October 8, October 5 will be a Day 1


We have been working closely with maintenance to ensure we have the tools, staff, and supplies required to ensure we can properly disinfect the school on a regular basis. We have a routine in place to provide nightly disinfection of every classroom. Additionally, lunchroom tables will be disinfected after each group has eaten.


As we have been commissioning the buildings for students returning to school, air handlers have been set to maximize outside fresh air and minimize recycled air.

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First Week of Classes Hybrid 8/31/2020 - 9/3/2020

To assist students in acclimating to the new school year, schedule and hybrid format of classes, the first week of classes will be utilized as an Orientation. This will give students time to adjust, and give us the opportunity to explain the new schedule, guidelines and rules, and clarify any student questions or concerns. During this first week, students will attend in the hybrid format (listed below), and will not be partaking in Distance Learning on the days opposite of which they attend in person. Distance Learning curriculum will be pushed out the following week.

Monday August 31st - Grades 9-12 A-K

Pd. 1: 8:00 - 9:45 (Everyone attend 1st hour class)

● Chromebooks to be distributed in 1st hour ● 9th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 8:45 - 9:45

Pd. 2: 9:55 - 11:40 (Everyone attend 2nd hour class)

● 11th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 10:40 - 11:40 Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00 Lunch/Resource or Resource/Lunch (other grades attend as scheduled)

● 10th Graders report to Lunch A at 11:40 then the GYM for Class Meeting @ 12:10 - 1:10 Pd. 3: 1:10 - 2:55 (Everyone attend 3rd hour class)

● 12th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 1:55 - 2:55 Tuesday September 1st - Grades 9-12 L-Z

Pd. 1: 8:00 - 9:45 (Everyone attend 1st hour class)

● Chromebooks to be distributed in 1st hour ● 9th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 8:45 - 9:45

Pd. 2: 9:55 - 11:40 (Everyone attend 2nd hour class)

● 11th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 10:40 - 11:40 Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00 Lunch/Resource or Resource/Lunch (other grades attend as scheduled)

● 10th Graders report to Lunch A at 11:40 then the GYM for Class Meeting @ 12:10 - 1:10 Pd. 3: 1:10 - 2:55 (Everyone attend 3rd hour class)

● 12th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 1:55 - 2:55 Wednesday September 2nd - Grades 9-12 A-K Attend all classes as schedule Pd. 5: 8:00 - 9:45

Pd. 6: 9:55 - 11:40

Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00

Pd. 7: 1:10 - 2:55

Thursday September 3rd - Grades 9-12 L-Z

Attend all classes as scheduled Pd. 5: 8:00 - 9:45

Pd. 6: 9:55 - 11:40

Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00

Pd. 7: 1:10 - 2:55

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First Week of Classes In Person 8/31/2020 - 9/3/2020

To assist students in acclimating to the new school year, schedule and hybrid format of classes, the first week of classes will be utilized as an Orientation. This will give students time to adjust, and give us the opportunity to explain the new schedule, guidelines, and rules, and clarify any student questions or concerns. During this first week, students will attend in the hybrid format (listed below), and will not be partaking in Distance Learning on the days opposite of which they attend in person. Distance Learning curriculum will be pushed out the following week.

Monday August 31st - Grades 9-10 All Students

Pd. 1: 8:00 - 9:45 (Everyone attend 1st hour class)

● Chromebooks to be distributed in 1st hour ● 9th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 8:45 - 9:45

Pd. 2: 9:55 - 11:40 (Everyone attend 2nd hour class)

● 10th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 10:40 - 11:40 Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00 Lunch/Resource or Resource/Lunch (other grades attend as scheduled)

Pd. 3: 1:10 - 2:55 (Everyone attend 3rd hour class)

Tuesday September 1st - Grades 9-10 All Students Attend all classes as schedule Pd. 5: 8:00 - 9:45

Pd. 6: 9:55 - 11:40

Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00

Pd. 7: 1:10 - 2:55

Wednesday September 2nd - Grades 9-12 All Students

Pd. 1: 8:00 - 9:45 (Everyone attend 1st hour class)

● Chromebooks to be distributed in 1st hour ● 11th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 8:45 - 9:45

Pd. 2: 9:55 - 11:40 (Everyone attend 2nd hour class)

● 12th Graders report to GYM for Class Meeting @ 10:40 - 11:40 Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00 Lunch/Resource or Resource/Lunch (other grades attend as scheduled)

Pd. 3: 1:10pm-2:55pm (Everyone attend 3rd hour class)

Thursday September 3rd - Grades 9-12 All Students

Attend all classes as scheduled Pd. 5: 8:00 - 9:45

Pd. 6: 9:55 - 11:40

Pd. 4: 11:50 - 1:00

Pd. 7: 1:10 - 2:55

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Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year! “OPEN HOUSE” Guidelines for Open House:

1. Only one parent/guardian may accompany a student 2. Face coverings must be worn within the building 3. Maintain Social Distancing

During Open House Students have the opportunity to do the following: 1. Pay Chromebook insurance fee 2. Speak with tech representative and parents can sign up for Campus 3. Load student lunch accounts 4. Speak with Teachers 5. Speak with Counselors, Administrators, and/or School Resource Officer

Tuesday August 25

Open House for 9th graders and students new to the district 3:30 - 5:30: Last name A-K 5:30 - 7:30: Last name L-Z New Student Orientations This orientation is for students grades 9-12 who are new to the district 4:00 - 5:00: Orientation for last name A-K 6:00 - 7:00: Orientation for last name L-Z New Student Orientation will include the following: -Presentation -Guided Tours -Opportunity to pay Chromebook insurance fee -Speak with tech representative and sign up for Campus alerts and create an account -Load student lunch accounts -Opportunity to speak with teachers -Opportunity to test out lockers Wednesday August 26 Open House for 10th-12th graders ONLY 3:30 - 5:30: Last name A-K 5:30 - 7:30: Last name L-Z If these open house days do not work for you please contact your teachers and schedule a Zoom or Google Meet time, either during open house or any time that is convienent. This would be a great opportunity to meet your student’s teachers.

Please follow all Open House guidelines while in attendance.

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