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Page 1: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

Network Meeting


Poznań 2013

Page 2: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

CONTENT CONTENT ................................................................................................................................................. 2

NWM Poznań – Share Your secret. AEGEE Know-how! ......................................................................... 3

THEMATIC CONENT ................................................................................................................................. 3

Main part has been divided to 4 paths ............................................................................................... 3

Description of workshop's ................................................................................................................... 4

Description of Open Space .................................................................................................................. 7

PARTICIPANTS ........................................................................................................................................ 19

There were 33 locals represented ..................................................................................................... 19

There were 13 countries represented ............................................................................................... 20

Represetation by sex ......................................................................................................................... 21

Popularity of paths ............................................................................................................................ 22

SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................. 22

Page 3: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

NWM Poznań – Share Your secret. AEGEE Know-how!

NWM Poznań – Share Your secret AEGEE Know-how was first in the history

interregional NWM. Paulina Inez Wenta's and Bartosz Sudorowski's Netwok

created one of the most productive/resentful meeting of youth recent time.

Four days of sessions, workshops and open spaces resulted brought an effect of

new, bigger awareness of who we are, what we can do and how strong youth is.

Team of young, ambitious people from Poznań, NetComs, trainers and mentors

of open spaces took care to make this event unforgettable. During NWM around

150 people from over 40 locals and 15 countries were debating, talking about

serious issues and learning new, useful skills. For sure it will have an strong

influence on their future activities as AEGEE member and on organization itself.

Besides substantive part of the event there was also social part, about which

took care AEGEE-Poznań. Participants have visited historical Browar Poznański

and seen how young people in capital of Wielkopolska have fun.


Main part has been divided to 4 paths





Each participant during applying choose the right path for himself and on that

basis was assigned to specific workshops. Moreover there was held an Open

Space part, during which all participants were debating in small groups about

following topics:

How to attract new members and make them stay?

How best to promote cooperation between locals within in the network?

Where we should look for funds? (from which institutions, companies,

which grants are reachable for us)

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How to motivate our members to start new initiatives, to become

coordinators, to act?

How to promote European level of AEGEE among our members?

How to cooperate effectively inside of the Network?

How to make people interested in the history of AEGEE and their locals?

Ideas for other than PRWG, FRWG, HRWG working groups on local level.

Description of workshop's

Know-how Path

1. Market Analysis (2 slots) Trainer: Marcin Fijoł

Even the best strategy appears sometimes to be mistaken, it all depends on the

market analysis quality, as it’s market what verifies how the company’s business

goals based on strategy are being achieved, which aren’t. The market

communicates which areas are worth investing, also gives hints where

prospective market niches are. The major challenge for entrepreneur is to have

ability to read the market but read it with complete understanding. The

workshop will deliver you the basic knowledge of how to introduce new ideas on

the market to avoid failure and build own market advantage by proper market


2. Creative Tubes (2 slots) Trainer: Grzegorz Olifirowicz

Have you always wanted to start a new business, but haven’t got any idea what

to do? Are you a hard-working person, yet lacking in creativity? Or maybe your

creative mind gets you to places you don’t want to be? If you answered ‘yes’ to

any of these questions, then this workshop is perfect for you! We’re going to deal

with creativity but in a very practical aspect. We will discuss and merge ideas in

order to create business concepts worth millions. We’re going to create start-ups

on the basis of the conceptual/cognitive tool called “Creative Tubes”, which is a

very interactive tool so it involves everybody for active participation.

Dare to face the Tube? The whole workshop is also gamified, so it looks like a

game in order to enhance your creativity.

I am pretty sure that the outcome of Creative Tubes workshop will be several

great ideas. What will you do with them later? That depends on you

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Adventure Path

1. Live your dream! Trainer: Jakub Michałowicz

“The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” – Lao Tzu. The

story of an adventurous soul that successfully managed to combined his passion

for travel with corporate business, and continue to live his dream! Turning

points, planning and challenges one have to face to discover new Oceans!

2. Improvisational theatre workshop Trainer: Paweł Pieniążek

Impro workshop (improvisational theatre workshop) – based on Theatre Sports

stage format by the British educator, playwright, actor and theatre director, Keith

Johnstone (

The program of the workshop is comprised of a number of group exercises

aimed at improving or perfecting specific abilities and a presentation of a few of

simple short forms of improvisation. The above mentioned abilities include:

observation, association, history telling, building characters, body animation. So-

called side effects of the exercises list not only greatly improved self-confidence,

expansion of your comfort zone, quicker initiative taking in a group of people,

more creativity, repartee but also simply great fun.

Disclaimer! Impro workshop by Pawel Pieniazek, from Inicjatywa Fruuu may

irreversibly alter your personality and the way you see the world!

3. Traveling? Yes we can! Trainer: Jakub Staniszewski

Everyone can travel! Only thing you need is courage to do the first step – that’s

the idea standing behind this workshop. If you think you can’t afford your

dreams about far journeys this workshop is about to prove you are wrong. If you

are eager to learn how to travel on low-budget, if you wish to test yourself in

unexpected, travel circumstances, if you want to share your travel experience –

feel invited!

Enterprise Path

1. Assessment Center Trainer: Adam Samorek

How to survive and success thanks to the NGO’s experience. Use your

experience in AEGEE to get your dream job.

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2. Profit from non-profit Trainer: Mikołaj Dramowicz

Usage of the knowledge acquired by student's organizations in professional life.

Participants learn about advantages of being involved in overschedule activities

on university in terms of looking for and gaining work. They will also check in

what way they can transform acquired knowledge and skills in business benefits.

European Path

1. Future of Europe Trainer: UAM lecturer

Open discussion, which main topic was the future of Europe and European

Union and the role of young people in the developing process.

2. Actions of EU for Youth Trainer: Natalia Krzyżan

Nowadays in times of open Europe, it is important to know how to use given

opportunities. Can I work in foreign EU country? How to start my business in EU?

How to find scholarship? Can I study abroad? For this and many other questions

you will find answers during our workshop.

3. Nationalism Trainer: Thomas Leszke

We, AEGEE members, are unlikely to be nationalists. Yet, to many of us,

nationalist attitudes are closer than we think. Because of course we do have

national identities, and the line between „having a national identity” and „being a

nationalist” is very thin indeed. This is only logical, because most identities (and

certainly national identity) are based on social exclusion. But it is dangerous,

because we may often not realize that our feeling of attachment towards our

home country may lead us to opinions that are discriminatory, unjust, and even

in conflict with human rights.

That is why it is very important to understand what nationalism is, and see how

we can protect and cultivate our national identities without getting into ethical


4. Policy and advocacy Trainer: Beata Matuszka

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Workshop held by Beata Matuszka which main aim was to bring the main theme

closer to the participants and analyze their opinions in this subject.

Description of Open Space

During the open spaces many subjects started to fade within each other as the

discussions evolved. The results are provided with a Q&A summary.

The groups were small (8-10 people) and diversified.

How to attract new members and make them stay?

How best to promote cooperation between locals within in the network?

Where we should look for funds? (from which institutions, companies,

which grants are reachable for us)

How to motivate our members to start new initiatives, to become

coordinators, to act?

How to promote European level of AEGEE among our members?

How to cooperate effectively inside of the Network?

How to make people interested in the history of AEGEE and their locals?

Ideas for other than PRWG, FRWG, HRWG working groups on local level.

Group 1. Locals: Leipzig, Katowice, Budapest, Gliwice, Lviv.

Group 2. Locals: Aachen, Lublin, Poznan, Zaragoza.

Group 3. Locals: Athena, Koln, Brno, Berlin, Paris, Aachen.

Group 4. Locals: Warsawa, Torun, Bergamo, Valladolid, Krakow.

Group 5. Locals: Warsawa, Kaunas, Santander, Zaragoza, Ankara, Gliwice.

Group 6. Locals: Bari, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Erfurt, Warsawa.

Group 7. Locals: Catania, Torino, Lviv, Lublin, Kaunas, Enschede. Udine.

Group 8. Locals: Katowice, Gliwice, Krakow, Berlin, Torun, Zielona Gora, Gdansk.

How to attract new members and make them stay?

Social activities not mandatory linked with AEGEE.

Organizing or taking part to AEGEE activities all together

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Sharing ideas and being together.

Having common activities.

Showing that there are many ways to be together.

Showing how the skills gained in AEGEE can be used in job life.

Using the Summer University period which for most of the students is the

most interesting project of AEGEE.

*Does they stay active after it?

Yes because usually the SU motivates all members to stay active even later.

Official and non-official AEGEE events, social activities and theme party

with Erasmus students.

Having meeting with Erasmus students who usually are the best

motivations for potential members to join an international organization

Organizing LTC and taking care of new members

Having different projects and organizing the recruitment period before

the Summer University application period since that more people are

attracted by it. We also allow everybody to come and join our local and

then we have a mentoring period where every new member has a buddy

that provide him informations.

Investigating which are the passions or hobbies of potential members and

suggesting them to following it within AEGEE.

Members must feel to be in a prestige organization and being proud of it

Showing that AEGEE is not for everybody and is an elitist organization

Including basic informations about AEGEE in workshops at the University

Telling to members that they can continue the experience made in the

summer remaining active in the antenna.

Awarding prizes for best organizer or member of the month in order to

motivate them to continue to work hard (you reactivate members inactive

for long time).

Selecting after every event the best or most active member, awarding

small prizes to motivate members to stay and continue to work hard

(activate normal members inactive for long time).

Including oldies to work together with newbies in order to motivate them.

Pushing people to be more active and don’t be only passive member in

order to remain a member of the local.

Helping newbies to travel and join the experience that will motivate them

to work harder for the local.

During the Summer University period.

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Taking emails of people who can be interested in activities related with


Making promotions in particular places as language classes.

Firstly inviting them to take part actively in the local.

Giving small gadgets as presents.

Asking to make small presentations about AEGEE during the first lectures

of the academic year.

We had an ambassador for every university and it was suggested to us to

have female ambassadors.

In Ukrain there is an high % of girls in the locals and this attract new


Talking about travels. In this way you can easily understand who would be

interested to join AEGEE

Motivating people to take part in the activities of the local.

The things that attract people are the possibilities that AEGEE can give

Motivating persons, telling that they are important for the local and that

their work is important for the common goal.

Making presentations about AEGEE during the beginning of the academic

year in the hall of the University.

Promoting the recruitment period using facebook, website, telling to

members to involve their friends.

Potential members can find us during the office hours in the University.

During the presentations why try to avoid to talk about the European level

because it sounds so complicated for newbies.

Showing what a real AEGEE events is with pictures of gym, sleeping bags

and and so on.

A lot of people don’t believe that is possible to travel with so low prices

and thinks that is a scam.

*Don’t they believe that is possible to travel with AEGEE?

They can’t understand how is possible to keep prices so low, for this reason we

make a huge promotions to explain every detail.

A lot of new members came back very motivated and now they are active

also for the organization of the agora.

Do you promote also other “boring” activities?

We do it later when people are already motivated to work in AEGEE.

Organizing meetings where we provide short info about AEGEE and asking

to potential members to help the local in its work.

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Organizing parties with special prices for AEGEE members.

Organizing meetings with Erasmus students and talking about the travel

possibilities that AEGEE gives.

Using the Summer University period which is more attractive for potential


The best period is the period before the SU and before the beginning of

the academic year.

Organizing LTC in order to inform new members about the structure and

aim of AEGEE.

Collecting books the we don’t use anymore and putting flyers and info

about our local. Then we spread them around the city and in the end we

inform about this treasure hunt through our facebook page.

How do you motivate and keep members active? Do you usually push

people to be active?

The problem is to motivate members to being multipliers.

using parties with Erasmus to attract people, using flag games and free


Playing alcoholic games to make people more open minded. Seriously!

Organizing meeting where is possible for new members to discover the

real potential of AEGEE.

Organizing party not related with AEGEE activities where people can meet

each other.

Using the “Domino subscription effect”. Free drinks for every member that

you present to AEGEE.

Giving discounts with the AEGEE card.

Organizing AEGEE theme party.

Presenting AEGEE and focusing in talking about how many skills is possible

to gain in AEGEE and how it can help in the job life.

Making people feels in a family where they can contribute in every way

with their help.

Organizing parties not related with AEGEE and then making a short

presentation of it. They day after we organize a recruitment desk and

usually a lot of people come back.

Collecting a lot of Erasmus students and showing the international face of

the association.

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The problem of Erasmus student is that they are not very active in the


Organizing multilanguages meeting where is possible to train several

languages with Erasmus students.

Giving free English lessons.

Motivating people to take part in the next AEGEE events.

Creating working groups to keep members motivated.

Organizing social activities not related with AEGEE.

What kind of activities do you do?

Official and non-official AEGEE events, social activities and theme party

with Erasmus students.

Having meeting with Erasmus students who usually are the best

motivations for potential members to join an international organization

Organizing LTC and taking care of new members

Having different projects and organizing the recruitment period before

the Summer University application period since that more people are

attracted by it. We also allow everybody to come and join our local and

then we have a mentoring period where every new member has a buddy

that provide him informations.

Investigating which are the passions or hobbies of potential members and

suggesting them to following it within AEGEE.

So recruitment can depend not only from the local but also from the

environment like university?

In Poland the common idea about NGOs is that once you join it you are

obliged to work a lot for it.

How do you do recruitment? How and why did you join AEGEE?

Announcing it in the website and making promotions at the University

usually focused to Erasmus students.

After participating to an AEGEE event I wanted to be more active and help

my local.

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I was invited to take part to a meeting and after I decided to join AEGEE.

I wanted to do something more than studying and my plan was to meet

different organizations to have more choose. AEGEE impressed me more

than the others with its main aim and now I feel the association to belongs

to me.

Invited by a friend to take part to a meeting and after it I decided to join

the local. Everybody goes to meetings only if they already know someone

and for this reason is important to catch group of friends.

Because of the AEGEE spirit.

I joined AEGEE after the SU and I think that is the best moment to catch

members because everybody come back from the SU with another spirit.

It should be a good idea during the SU to integrate a session about AEGEE

during the event.

I started to being an active member of the local after the experience as

organizer of the Summer University

I was surprised by the great presentation that the board made. They

dressed like stuarts and gave us some fliers about SU that were looking as

flight tickets..

Do you focus your recruitment during SU period or beginning of the

academic year?

Whenever is possible to do it. We also use other activities, as flash mobs,

to spread the voice about or local

Do you use only parties to attract people?

Unfortunately when we organize meeting to discuss about the EU political

life the participation is really low. So we try to promote AEGEE during

parties making small presentations and giving short info.

Do you have a mentorship system?

Yes we have it but our recruitment is really different. It starts every

beginning of academic year and we organize one week of event related

with AEGEE. During the event we talk with the group of student (new and

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old students) showing the university and the city. After introduction we go

in camping together with the new people. The camp consist in parties and

games to make people interact each other. We create teams and make

games to let them compete and build up the team spirit.

Do you receive any help by the university?

Yes, the Dean office helps us to organize presentations in the University.

Send messages to the newsletters of the University and to student


How best to promote cooperation within in the network- between locals?

During the open space discussion many different types of cooperation

between locals were discussed. During the discussion it became obvious,

that one the one hand certain kind of cooperation can be found in the

whole network while other forms are specific for certain countries and


So you can assess that Summer Universities, Exchanges between locals as

well as trainer exchange for LTCs are done by almost all locals.

Specifics however can be found in the mode of fundraising, which in

Poland is often done jointly by many locals for one event. Another

example is the exchange of helpers for big statutory events like Agora,

EBM or other events. One specific furthermore is the constitutional drink

in order to visit each other after board elections between neighboring

locals that can be found in Netherlands and some polish locals.

Another big example of cooperation is the bone marrow donation in

Poland that took place in many locals simultaneously.

Exchange with funding and cultural Exchange about common culture,

works hops on culture and sports.

Regional invitation of neighboring locals weekly (have a visit Schedule for

almost every weekend).

Constitutional Drink of neighbouring antennae.

AEGEE Brno: czecho-slovacian event to celebrate the constitution where a

common database of Czech and Slovak locals was created.

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Renew event In Spain to motivate Young members AT the beginning of

the semester together with All Spanish and French locals.

Twin Antennas like Passau-Delft.

Interregional Dinner between locals In Italy.

Organised Summer Universities together.

Exchange trips between locals.

Joint Summer Universities.

Birthday parties with presents from other locals.

Bone marrow donation In Poland with many polish locals.

Thematic workshops on saving Money In Warszawa/Krakow (as

fundraising event to raise funds).

Joint LTCs of smaller locals.

Mentor/Trainer on specific topics like Lawyer, FR, PR within one country.

Summer University Opole - Wroclaw.

Fundraising for events to big companies by many locals together.

Agora helpers from all over the country (Zaragozza, Rhein-Neckar) to

strengthen cooperation within one country.

Summer University together and Structured Dialogue Event organised


NWM Zabrze of AEGEE Gliwice, AEGEE Katowice.

Katowice: Twin antenna Dniepropietrowsk.

3 days integration weekend for All polish participants “Nocna szychta”.

Summer university together with other locals.

Cooperation for NWM Gliwice.

LTCs with other locals to find new members.

Fundraise together for big companies.

Summer University Utrecht-Cologne.

Cooperation through real life contact and visiting each other, not just

skype always.

AEGEE Bergamo Christmas dinner.

Cooperation always face to face!

Aachen : Summer University In Osnabruck, Visits of Maastricht, Dusseldorf,

6 in the shitty city.

Lublin: Cooperatio through exchange of trainers at LTCs.

Benchmarking with ideas to take best practice of other antennae to use In

your local.

Poznan: Summer University together with Zielona Gora.

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Groningen: Exchange to Poznan.

Alicante: as helper for Agora Zaragoza.

Joint Fundraising for the Agora from Aachen.

Experts for Design who can be used by everyone.

Budapest: Lots of cooperation with AEGEE Pilicsaba and massive

members exchange.

Summer University together with other locals.

Gliwice: Network meeting with AEGEE Katowice: many personal meetings.

Joint workshops with two locals with exchanging experience together.

Exchange students between different locals.

Marrow Donors 4000 possible donors in Poland, good events for newbies

to take on simple , on important tasks.

Project Database with Projects that are organized every year but In

different places with common PR, common participants and common


Pre-Events and Post-Events for statutory events.

Project- development with other locals at the LTCs, experts and trainers.

Where we should look for the fund?

It is more and more difficult to gain founds for our projects.

Everybody agreed that the best way is to gain money from grants and EU

projects, because there is a lot of them now. But this is nothing difficult

and not all of our projects which require FR are able to be connected with

thematic range of grants.

After long discussions we reached 2 conclusions:

- First are companies for who we are a target. Those for whom youth is

important, whose products are used by youth. The most often we've

mentioned names of companies producing energy drinks, clothes for

young people, instant food, yogurts, isotonic drinks.

- Moreover we concluded that strong branch of industry is energy

industry. This kind of companies used to be associated with danger or

destroying na environment and they want to have a good opinion,

especially among people who take care of an environment and we

know that there is a lot of persons like that among youth. According to

that whole heading products factories, power plants, coke plants and

fuel factories sponsor us most.

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How to make people interested in history of AEGEE and their local?

Interesting activities, projects, games, talking about symbols of AEGEE,

evolution of symbols, quiz about history of AEGEE.

Project game, life of locals of AEGEE, how they are spending their day.

History photos, talking about projects.

What happened in local, chronologically.

Presentation who is constantly growing about history of AEGEE.

Who was the first person in aegee, the idea of creating local.

Song about projects.

Pictures, photographs from past events.

FR – which companies helped us before.

Histories about people, new members will want join to AEGEE, meet new

people because of this encouraging stories.

Statistics, which event had better contact with new members

Knowing more history, for example the culture of locals, how they used to

live, exchanging history.

Project about history: great successes, city game connected with history of


Tell something about someone who is famous now – nice to know his past,

how he started.

Funny stories about board, people from AEGEE, gossips.

Interactive games, for example, we are showing movie about AEGEE history.

Stopping and asking people “what will happen know? What do you think?”.

Oldies coming to tell the stories.

Put In office time line and add interesting projects, mile stones, pictures, it will

motivate people to be on this wall Idea of movie presentation, movie made

from photos.

Talk about father of AEGEE, person who invented Erasmus.

Movie from a year of AEGEE local life (2 min) and then add the next 2 min

movies every year.

Ideas from old projects, old members.

Histories about best events/worse events.

Write history with another locals.

Best cities (locals).

List of old events, typical energizers.

Funny stories about icebreaking games.

Histories of SU.

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Making one big database from the beginning, booklet every five years.

Movie, parody, get involve all the participants form whole Europe.

Write down on one website history, compulsory for every antenna.

History gossip box (the best gossips).

Why this the history important?

It is good to know for example not to do mistakes from the past.

To know how far we reached.

We have to know legends of AEGEE, interesting stories from the past.

Life experience to develop local (for example Louis on agora was speaking

about hiss begging, progress, development, to be more involve, inspire


To know about before projects it is easier to make the next one and not to

do the mistakes twice.

Compare past and present, you can see the way of change and it can

motivate people to know history and motivate to make some changes,

new history.

During this open space was lively discussion. Participants were giving

many great ideas. Most of them said that this is boring topic but after

debate they decided that this is very important. Why? Because we should

know our roots, it is easier to make events with experience form old

members, and with this knowledge we will not make the same mistakes

twice. Also it can help develop our local.

How we can make people interested? It was many wonderful ideas.

Beginning with movies, photos, songs, games and booklets; ending with

funny stories, the best gossips, the best/worst events and famous people

who was in AEGEE. The most interesting ideas was: making one big

database from the beginning, movie involving AEGEEans form whole

Europe, interactive games; for example, during showing movie about

AEGEE history, pause for a moment and asking people “what will happen

know? What do you think?”. Summing up, we should creating events

connected with AEGEE history because it is important, useful and also it

can be fun discover unknown paths of our local or AEGEE.

How to promote european level of AEGEE among us (locals) and our


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Regular events in which everybody can participate.

Presentations - not necessarly,poeple more enjoy action (ex. trips, work with

erasums students), make them awere what is AEGEE.

Should get more familiar with that what the european level actualy is; the

fresh people go to big events.

Introduce new ideas + breaking bariers of new ones + communication makes

necessity to connect with others.

Problem: people don't want to vistit places not popular (Ukraine, Bialorus)

Funny movies, european night - to bring eu level to us.

D describe the organization of this level (how it works).

New Year's eve in gdańsk.

List letter.

About what is happening in EU AEGEE aviable in communicators.


Events (provide the access to info about them).


Arranging meetings and apointments.

Promotion via internet/digitalized stuff, problem: events are only for


Problem: always the same people on EU level meeting, poeple don't get

involved beacuse of lack of time or/and money - more fundings for EU level


Invite Ines :D (person who has got chrisma and have big knowledge about the

subject); speaches of EU experienced people on LTC.

Exchanges+metings - like NWM.

Movies - for outsiders; good quality, interesting movies.

Mailing list but with special expretion of info in it (like in form of comics).

Unknown to almost anybody AEGEE blog?

Problem: not much time; (from M: maybe language barier? People are afraid

of speaking foregin language).

Share of experience (older members with new ones).

Eventually: funny events, photos, movies, advertisement on univercities

(meeting with suprise), generaly: making AEGEE more matrialy atractive.

'Ok. You have to go there'.

Social communicators, engaging in projects the fresh man.

Pushing fresh to be active: in events, in organizing, discussions etc.


Through the people with longer time in AEGEE + presentations of those.

Visiting EU level groups during their work.

Competition between news.

Mailing per week/month - lists with new info, not only for events.

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They here because: people, first time in Poznań, workshops, atmosphere, 4

days without studies, refeshing tasks, openning the min.

Problem: time still is limited somehow, but if you want to go very much it is

possible to find solution.

Provide possibilities to go abroad for new - ambituos will go.

'Candies for work'; there are activities there are extra pluses.

Keeping slef motivated, specialy old members to make them a good example.

Foundings for travels/events (less costs will be well seen).

Agora, AEGEE academies.

Repotrs after every EU level event in front of the others (in way of promoting


Advertisement and a from person to person, one wants to go he/she makes

others to go to (sparkles).

Group meetnig, like old with new ones to share experience and show young

they are welcome and needed.

Giving taks fresh ones - making them involved, even with small responsibility

needed from their side.

Again report (form of it doesn't matter).

Lifestream, Golden Times, moving out membership do nothing.


Network Meeting in Poznań was attended by 188 participants from all over the

AEGEE Network. Below we present some data.

There were 33 locals represented

3%1% 1% 1% 1% 3%


3% 1%2%








Aachen Alicante Ankara Athina Barcelona

Bari Bergamo Berlin Białystok Bratislava

Brescia Brno Budapest Catania Frankfurt am Main

Gdańsk Gliwice Ioannina Katowice Kaunas

Kiev Köln Kraków

Page 20: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

Locals present

Aachen 3 Las Palmas 2

Alicante 1 Leipzig 2

Ankara 1 Lublin 7

Athina 1 Lviv 7

Barcelona 1 Madrid 4

Bari 3 Mainz-Wiesbaden 1

Bergamo 1 Mannheim 1

Berlin 5 Opole 1

Białystok 3 Osnabrück 1

Bratislava 1 Paris 1

Brescia 2 Passau 1

Brno 2 Poznań 1

Budapest 1 Santander 1

Catania 1 Torino 1

Frankfurt am Main 1 Toruń 6

Gdańsk 5 Udine 1

Gliwice 12 Valladolid 1

Ioannina 1 Valletta 1

Katowice 13 Warszawa 26

Kaunas 5 Wrocław 7

Kiev 2 Zaragoza 4

Köln 2 Zielona Góra 13

Kraków 31

There were 13 countries represented

Poland Germany Spain Italy Ukraine Latvia Greece

Czech Turkey Slovakia Hungary France Malta

Page 21: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

Countries present

Poland 125

Germany 17

Spain 14

Italy 9

Ukraine 9

Latvia 5

Greece 2

Czech 2

Turkey 1

Slovakia 1

Hungary 1

France 1

Malta 1

Represetation by sex

Representation by sex in numbers:

Men 67

Women 121



Page 22: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

Popularity of paths

The numer of participants on each path:

Enterprise 45

Adventure 73

Know-how 38

European 32


The main aim of the Network Meeting in Poznań was to motivate people in

AEGEE to cooporate with each other outside their part of Network (divided my

Network Commissioners).

It was the first Interregional Network Meeting (together with the NWM in Vienna

which took place the same weeked).

The idea and new solutions brought to the project (like paths and 4 days) were a

great success. People contribute, shared solutions and new ideas – some of

them are beeing implemented or are worked on (e.g. Twin Antenna between

Aachen and Warsaw, paths worshops, needs assesment, solutions to locals

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80





Page 23: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013

problems suggested by other boards, new project concepts, flagship project

concept, new ideas to solve the biurocracy in AEGEE).

Things that should be considered when organizing next NWM:

Thematics during the Open Space panel provided by participants in a pre-

NWM formular.

Dividing Open Space panel to two sessions: disscussion/teoritical part and

solutions/practical part.

AEGEE Inspire session should be held in a difference place than the party

is taking place.

Paths with more AEGEE disscussion, less non-interactive workshops.

More time for the Boards part.

The participants should be able to choose their paths and specific

workshops regarding their experience in AEGEE.

The NWM attending point specified by the Antenna Criteria should be only

given if the local has their representatives during the majority of time.

People which want to come only to meet with friends should not be


During the depparture day which is Sunday there should be as less

thematic slots as possible to not loose any content.

Page 24: Network Meeting Results Booklet Poznań Autumn 2013


Bartek Sudorowski Network Commission

Paulina Inez Wenta Network Commission

Justyna Zielska Project Coordinator

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