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Page 1: Neil Steinberg Whines As The Minister Dines

Weekly Newsletter • Volume 3, Number 41

Neil Steinberg Whines As The Minister Dines

The Chicago Sun Times columnist Neil Steinberg’s latest ravings against The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan represent the last desperate gasps of the Synagogue of Satan being exposed and defanged. Let us start with the title of his bel-ligerent screed, “So where has Farrakhan led his Nation?” in which Steinberg can’t resist old Jewish habits in arrogat-ing to himself, as a Jew, the role of judging “where” Black people should go and who should lead them there. It is the vanishing world of lies and liars that Jesus foretold of—a world in which all its inhabitants must view the universe through a caucasian Jewish prism, and any other perspective is punished by the insufferable whining of “anti-Semitism.”

A long-emasculated Sun Times goes along with Steinberg, who feels that as a Jew he is qualified to rewrite Black history as he feels it should have happened. And in a way he is right: “negro” history has always been a Jewish enterprise, and just as with the scribes of Jesus’ time Jews like Steinberg have distort-ed Black history into a series of fables that are today unrecog-nizable to the Blacks who actually lived it.

Before he gets to his negro fairy tales, how-ever, Steinberg must first do his duty on behalf of the foreign country of Israel, giving aid and comfort to the Neo-cons on their oil-thieving crime spree around the Middle East and Africa as they steal the region’s resources for Western consumption. This time they are after Iran. The International Energy Agency, the Western coun-tries’ oil watchdog, says it better than 10,000 CIA briefs: “Iran holds the world’s fourth-largest proven oil reserves and the world’s second-largest natural gas reserves. [It] is OPEC’s second-largest oil producer and the third-largest crude oil exporter in the world.” Clearly, Iran is

an energy superpower. All else flows from there. Period. Iran is the biggest jewel in the Caucasian’s crown of white world supremacy. Four-star US Army Gen. Wesley Clark exposed the Pentagon scheme when he revealed that just days after 9/11, he was shown a government memo describing the US plan “to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and then Iran—five years and seven countries.”

So Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the latest invented “tyrant” to stand between white people and that

massive Middle East oil spigot. He is falsely charged by Israel with “wanting to build a nuclear bomb” despite the fact that all 16 US intelligence agencies have concluded that if Iran ever had a program to build a bomb, it was halted almost a decade ago. With industrializa-tion and population growth Iran is facing an 8% annual increase in demand for electricity and so nuclear power is the path the Iranians chose to meet that challenge. Israel recently an-nounced it would build a nuclear power plant at Negev for the same reasons, to add to its plant

in Dimona—the one they use to secretly build nuclear bombs. The Iranian president made a good point on the Charlie Rose show when asked yet again if he is building a bomb. He said,

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“What would we use it for? What intelligent person would fight 5,000 American bombs with one bomb?”

Though he sounds perfectly rational, he will never sat-isfy Neil Steinberg and the ADL’s Abraham Foxman, who must beat the drum for war at any cost—including our Black children’s lives. They have manufactured outrage against Minister Farrakhan, who had dinner with Mr. Ahmadinejad along with other world leaders at the United Na-tions last week. Could they have sounded more like the Jewish scribes in Luke 15:2 who “began to grumble” about Jesus, say-ing, “This man receives sinners and eats with them.”

This is pure racism, of course, because neither one of these bigots—Steinberg or Foxman—has issued a single condemna-tory syllable against the long list of world-renowned leaders who have also met with Iran’s elected leader. According to one report, Minister Farrakhan was seated “among Mennonites, Iranian Muslim clerics, Jews, Catholics and a conservative evangelical Baptist mega-church pas-tor from Texas…” Jewish lawyer Stanley Klein spoke about Israel’s push for war at the dinner: “If the U.S. cannot convert a country into a client state, then it prefers a weak or failed state.” Former attorney general Ramsey Clark, a white man, sat two seats away from the Iranian president. A simple Google search will find President Ahmadinejad in cordial associations with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and the former UN leader Kofi Annan, Chinese President Hu

Jintao, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. There are even American allies like Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan and Afghan President Karzai.

Minister Farrakhan meets with any and all people he chooses to without seeking the permission of the Jewish

lobby.But that is not the worst of it. Foxman and Steinberg engage in a

uniquely Caucasian hypocrisy, where they approve of actions by fellow Caucasians that are simply unforgivable when it comes to the shvartses (Yiddish for “niggers”). While The Minister was having dinner with the Iranian president, dozens of white corporations were—and are—doing billions of dollars of business in Tehran everyday, all day, and they have been for years, but the Jews make no issue of it! Firms like Dresser-Rand, ConocoPhillips, Tyson Foods, Porsche, Lexus, and General Electric.

And while Foxman and Steinberg scour the American treasury to ensure that not a single penny of Black people’s taxes gets to the Nation of Islam to solve Black problems, the US has given contracts worth $107 bil-lion to these corporations without an ADL grumble or a Sun Times snivel.

Steinberg ludicrously charges Ahma-dinejad with the “stealing of the election in 2009, [and the] suppression of the Iranians who filled the streets to protest...” How

conveniently he forgets. In 1951, Iran held free, democratic elections and voted Muhammad Mosaddegh to be its Prime Minister, a man who wanted to use the oil of Iran for the


Min. Farrakhan meets with any

and all people he chooses to with-out seeking the

permission of the Jewish lobby.

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BY RICHARD B. MUHAMMAD -Editor, Final Call

One of the hallmarks of the slave master mentality and White Supremacy is making sure that Black folk are kept in line by only associating with those the slave master deems appropriate for speaking to or interacting with.

Columnist Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times was perhaps channeling a little of the spirit of ole massa in a recent column where he attacked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.

The first problem Ole Massa Steinberg had was the Minister had the gall to actually sit with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York as world leaders met for the United Nations General Assem-bly, an annual gathering to consider the problems facing the planet and possible solutions.

Massa Steinberg rails against the Minister for breaking bread with Mr. Ahmadinejad, and accuses the Iranian leader of “stealing” the election in 2009, suppressing Iranian protests, seeking an atomic weapon and threatening Israel.

It would have been much simpler if Massa Steinberg had opened with his claim about the Iranian threat to Israel instead of wasting time on the other specious claims. He could also have admitted in his opening paragraph that he was mouthing the position and poisonous propaganda of the Anti-Defamation League, which is virulently anti-Na-

tion of Islam and many believe anti-Black.Later on, Massa Steinberg expresses disdain for the Hon-

orable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, the beloved father of mod-ern Pan-Africanism, and essentially concludes that Min. Farrakhan like Mr. Garvey is a “big talker,” who is teaching outmoded ideas about separation.

To begin, Min. Farrakhan is a leader who enjoys world-wide stature, global relationships and an international following. He is a free Black man, a Muslim and a citizen of the world. He is a spiritual guide and profound thinker, who is concerned with the condition of humanity—though his first work is to the suffering Black man and woman of America and the Western Hemisphere.

As a free man and a Muslim, and a leader, it is wholly appropriate for Min. Farrakhan to sit and dialog with his Muslim brother, just as the Zion-ists in America welcome and lion-

ize Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister whose incendiary rhetoric about attacking Iran and challenges to President Obama to do something about Iran have even taken some in the Jewish state aback.

As for Mr. Ahmadinejad’s reputation in the West, as well as the Minister’s relationships and visits with Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and the late revolutionary leader Muammar Gadhafi, a free man as-sociates with whom he pleases. But since Massa Steinberg

Slave master mentality at Sun-Times?

3social and educational development of the Iranian people. That is, until 1953, when the United States engineered a coup d’état to force him out of office. But America didn’t stop there—it installed the puppet regime of Mohammad-Rezā Shāh Pahlavi to rule over the Iranian people. Mosaddegh was jailed and his supporters were murdered or exiled. Once the “Shah of Iran” recognized Israel, American arms flowed in and he became the West’s policeman in the Middle East. Believe it or not, he called this Westernization program “The White Revolution.”

Minister Farrakhan taught us of this history: “[Y]ou fed him [the Shah] with your latest jet planes and military advisors and he set up his own death squads that punished those who wanted to see Islam restored in the political sense, because in Islam there is no separation between church and state, the state flows out of the religion, but America knew that such a state would not be good for American interest[s]…”

If Americans still remember the British tyranny of 1776, why is it surprising that Iranians remember America’s tyr-anny of 1953? President Ahmadinejad and his people have

a right to be highly suspicious of America’s intentions. So saith—not Farrakhan—but the Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 2000: “The coup was clearly a setback for Iran’s political development and it is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America.” As the Minister so faithfully reminds us, “God is not mocked, for what so ever a man soweth the same he shall also reap.”

Now Iran is facing the evils of a generation of Western ag-gression that has undermined its ability to grow and flourish. Clearly, Iran is developing nuclear technology for peaceful purposes whilst President Ahmadinejad, an intelligent and reasonable man, is being demonized in advance of the final Israeli onslaught. Seeking the audience and counsel of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was a wise move. The Minister is the only voice of Truth and Reason amidst the madness of Satan’s world. His perspective can’t be manipulat-ed by Jewish gangsterism, and this is why the Neil Steinbergs and Abraham Foxmans of this (under)world have actually made it their life’s work to silence him.

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objected to these relationships also, here is an answer from the Minister about dealing with those America does not like or actually hates: “Evidently America is on the wrong side of history. If I am a friend of those who fight to deliver the masses from oppression, if I am a friend of those who suffer from the powers that refuse to acknowledge their service to the masses of the people, then I am a friend of Abraham and Moses and Jesus and Muhammad. But they too were hated by those in power because they spoke for the poor who have no voice. So I am in good company,” said Min. Farrakhan Sept. 26 during a Social Media Townhall meeting.

And while Massa Steinberg may not think much of Castro, Mugabe or Gadhafi, all are revolutionaries who freed their people from the grip of White rule and U.S. influence that was not in the best interest of their people. No slave master likes a freedom fighter, they prefer to side with oppressors.

As for consorting with election thieves and abusing protestors, Ole Massa Steinberg need only look at the 2000 presidential election with the ballot box trickery in Florida, which determined the fate of the election in favor of the presidential candidate whose brother ruled the state. Not to mention widespread disenfranchisement of Black voters by laws that took away voting rights from felons and the outright denial of the right to vote to Blacks in Florida. Then there were the similar shameful tactics in Ohio in 2000, and this year a Pennsylvania lawmaker declared that new voter I.D. laws should tip the state to Republican presidential con-tender Mitt Romney as the votes of Blacks and others likely to support the Democratic Party are curtailed. Anyone who wants to steal an election can easily take a page from the playbook of the respected GOP.

For abuses of protestors, Ole Massa need only look at the University of California Davis, where the school is seeking a near million dollar settlement after campus security pepper-sprayed non-violent students and alumni at a demonstration in New York where a suit against police for violating rights of Occupy protestors is moving forward. So while Massa Stein-berg may want to throw mud on Iran, it appears there are plen-ty of abuses of demonstrators right here in the good ole USA.

Then there was Massa Steinberg questioning where the Minister has led the Nation of Islam. Well to be honest, he brought the Nation of Islam back from death at the hands of the U.S. government’s Counterintelligence Program, which was an FBI illegal undercover action that targeted Black leaders and organizations for destruction, and related tar-geting by local law enforcement. Only the Nation of Islam, by Allah’s (God’s) grace, has been able to come back from government infiltration, disruption, disinformation cam-paigns, set-ups and murder.

The Minister has led the Nation along a healthy path as an Islamic community. He has led his followers and admir-ers to high levels of civilization, community building and peacemaking. He has established a model of independent and effective education as urban school systems suffer from 50 percent dropout rates among Black males. He has offered a way to peace and progress for young Black males locked out of American society and locked inside U.S. penal insti-tutions. He has done all of this while under constant assault, overt and covert.

As for the philosophy of separation, the reality is racial segregation exists today—and Chicago is one of the most racially segregated cities in the country when it comes to housing patterns. Late night news doesn’t show White mothers agonizing over the gang-related deaths of their children or White men protesting how jobs in their neigh-borhoods are taken by men who don’t look like them. So the question is not whether the races will be apart, but under what conditions? Chinatown is its own distinct and separate entity but because of cultural unity and self-love, it is a healthy community able to maintain itself and enjoy healthy relationships with others.

Black people should enjoy the same type of autonomous reality given that the society remains unequal and hostile to our interests.

Like Mr. Garvey, the Minister has been subjected to gov-ernment surveillance and infiltration and plots. And Negro leaders have spoken against Min. Farrakhan, when prodded or ordered by Whites, but things change with time. W.E.B. DuBois was a critic of the Garveyite “Back to Africa” move-ment, but Mr. DuBois eventually moved to and died in West Africa—fed up with the hypocrisy and hatred found in America. So today’s critics may be tomorrow’s disciples.

To close Mr. Garvey was man who plowed ground and gave Blacks in America and the Diaspora a powerful vi-sion. The enemy was able to overcome him and destroy his movement. His sacrifice and his unjustified suffering was part of a price paid to redeem Black people. But his work won’t be wasted, this is the time of the fall of every tyrant by the power of Almighty God and the rise of Black people. So despite opposition to Farrakhan and slander, he won’t lose and neither will those who stand with him.


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Peter, a slave from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1863. The scars are a result of a whipping by his overseer, who was subsequently fired by the master. It took two months to recover from the beating.

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