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Negative pressure wound therapy forclosed incisions in orthopedic traumasurgery: a meta-analysisCong Wang1†, Yiwen Zhang2† and Hao Qu1*


Background: This meta-analysis was performed to determine the efficacy of negative pressure wound therapy(NPWT) versus conventional wound dressings for closed incisions in orthopedic trauma surgery.

Methods: A systematic search was performed in PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library databases. Theoutcome measures included deep surgical site infection (SSI), superficial SSI; wound dehiscence and length ofhospital stay. Cochrane collaboration’s tool and the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS) were used to evaluate literaturequalities. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software.

Results: A total of 6 studies including 2 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 4 cohort studies met our inclusioncriteria. NPWT resulted in a significantly lower incidence of deep SSI, superficial SSI, and wound dehiscence thanconventional wound dressings. However, no statistically significant difference was found in the length of hospitalstay.

Conclusions: NPWT appeared to be an efficient alternative to help prevent SSIs and wound dehiscence on closedincisions in orthopedic trauma surgery. Rational use of NWPT should be based on the presence of patient’scondition and risk factors.

Keywords: Negative pressure wound therapy, Conventional wound dressings, Surgical site infection, Closedincisions, Orthopaedic trauma, Meta-analysis

BackgroundWound complications within the realm of orthopedictrauma surgery are a major concern. Wound healingis particularly challenging following high-energytrauma, and frequently contribute to postoperativewound dehiscence and surgical site infections (SSIs)[1, 2]. A prospective randomized clinical trial showedan incidence of almost 19% SSIs following high risklower extremity fracture surgery [3]. SSIs are a ser-ious wound complication leading to increased postop-erative morbidity, mortality, length of hospital stay,and economic costs [4]. With the development ofnew techniques and strategies, attempts are made to

manipulate the wound healing process, improve heal-ing rates, and lower the incidence of infectious com-plications. Examples are antibiotic prophylaxis,multiple-dose administration of prophylaxis, less inva-sive surgical approaches, and prophylactic negativepressure wound therapy (NPWT).NPWT as an adjunct to wound healing has been de-

veloped more than a decade ago [5]. NPWT has 3 maincomponents that create a negative pressure environ-ment: a vacuum device, a porous dressing, and a con-nector that allows communication. The porous dressingplaced on the wound is a dry, hydrophobic, reticulatedpolyurethane-ether foam. The wound and porous dress-ing are sealed via an occlusive adhesive dressing, andcommunicate with the vacuum device via a connectorcreating a subatmospheric pressure environment.NPWT promotes wound healing by providing woundcoverage, reducing dead space and minimizing tension,

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* Correspondence: [email protected]†Cong Wang and Yiwen Zhang were co-first author.1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital,Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310009, People’s Republicof ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

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increasing blood flow, reducing edema, and constructingan environment that encourages tissue granulation [6–8]. It has been used successfully in open wound manage-ment and wound complications following orthopedicsurgery. As orthopedists become more familiar withNPWT, they expanded the application in various surgi-cal procedures; for example, it is now being used aspostoperative dressing for fasciotomy wounds after com-partment release [9]. Recent studies have showed the

application of prophylactic NPWT on closed incisionsfollowing high-energy lower extremity trauma and totaljoint arthroplasty [3, 10–12]. These positive results sug-gest that NPWT may become an adjunct to reducewound complications for primarily closed incisions inorthopedic trauma surgery, but no clear consensus wasachieved based on current researches.The purpose of this study was to meta-analyze the

current evidence in the literature to assess clinical

Fig. 1 The flow chart of literature screening

Table 1 Characteristics of the studies included in the meta-analysisStudy(year) Study

DesignSample size Age, mean ± SD, y Duration

of NPWTtreatment

Type of fracture Follow-up Outcome measures

NPWT Conventionaldressings

NPWT Conventionaldressings

Cooper(2018) [15]

RCS 27 40 76.3(58–91)

73.2(43–91) 7 days Periprosthetic fracture 90 days Incisional complications, deep SSI, andreoperations

Crist (2017)[16]

RCT 33 33 44.2(19–87)

43.2(18–92) >2 days Acetabular fracture Nr Deep infection

Dingemans(2018) [17]

PCS 53 47 43.9 ±15.6

42.2 ± 14.6 7 days Ankle, talus, calcaneus,mid-foot fracture

2-4 weeks Surgical site infection, wounddehiscence

Reddix(2010) [10]

RCS 235 66 40.2(11–75)

40.4 (16–80) 1-3 days Acetabular fracture 16.2months/37.3months

Deep wound infection, wounddehiscence

Stannard(2012) [3]

RCT 130 119 43 (18–80)

43(18-80) 59h(21-213)

Tibial plateau, pilon, andcalcaneus fractures

Nr Acute infections, late infections, andwound dehiscence

Zhou (2016)[18]

RCS 22 54 59.1 ±4.3

57.2 ± 6.2 7 days Ankle fracture Nr Superficial SSI, deep SSI, length ofhospital stay and hospital costs

RCS retrospective cohort study, PCS prospective cohort study, Nr not reported

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results of NPWT versus conventional wound dressingsfor closed incisions in orthopedic trauma surgery. Thehypothesis was that NPWT would result in less SSIs andwound dehiscence when compared with conventionalwound dressings.

MethodsLiterature searchTwo independent reviewers performed this study ac-cording to the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items forSystematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Theelectronic databases of PubMed, Embase, and theCochrane Library databases were searched from the in-ception of the database to November 1, 2019. The fol-lowing search terms was used: (negative pressure woundtherapy or negative pressure dressings or vsd or vacuumsealing drainage or vacuum-assisted closure) and (frac-ture or orthopedic trauma) and incision. The title andabstract were screened for all retrieved citations, and po-tentially suitable studies received a full-text review. Fur-thermore, the reference lists from included articles andrelevant reviews were assessed to identify additionalstudies meeting the inclusion criteria.

Inclusion and exclusion criteriaWe identified literature that met the following inclusioncriteria: (1) clinical studies comparing NPWT versusconventional wound dressings for closed incisions inorthopedic trauma surgery, including randomized con-trol trials (RCTs), cohort studies, and case-control stud-ies; (2) published in English; (3) outcomes including theincidence of SSIs; and (4) full text of studies available.The exclusion criteria were the following: (1) abstract,letters, editorials, conference articles, case reports, re-views, animal studies, and study protocols, (2) repeatedstudies and data.

Data extractionTwo reviewers independently extracted the data fromeach study using a predefined data sheet, relevant dataextracted included first author, year of publication, studydesign, sample size, age, duration of NPWT treatment,type of fracture, follow-up, and outcome measures.Whenever necessary, we contacted the authors of thestudies for the missing data and additional information.

Assessment of study qualityThe methodological quality assessment of the includedRCTs was independently assessed by two reviewersusing the Cochrane collaboration’s tool [13]. The risk ofbias was classified as low, unclear, or high risk. Themethodological quality of included cohort studies wasassessed according to the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale(NOS) [14]. The NOS uses a star system ranges fromzero to nine stars. Studies of high quality were definedas those with scores higher than 6 stars.

Outcomes measuredThe outcomes measured focused on (1) deep SSI; (2) super-ficial SSI; (3) wound dehiscence; (4) length of hospital stay.

Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 foroutcome measurements. The estimate of the overall re-sults was showed in forest plot. Odds ratios (OR) with95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated for di-chotomous outcomes, and mean difference (MD) with95% CI were used for continuous outcomes. Heterogen-eity among studies was tested using I2 statistic, and sub-stantial heterogeneity was represented by an I2 valuegreater than 50%. If significant heterogeneity was foundin the meta-analysis, we used a random effect model;otherwise, we used a fixed effect model. P value less than0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.

ResultsLiterature searchThe initial electronic databases search yielded 711 rele-vant articles. Manual searching of relevant referencesdid not add additional studies. After both duplicatechecking and title and abstract reviewing, 700 studieswere excluded. The remaining 11 studies were subjectedto full-text screen. Ultimately, two RCTs and four cohort

Table 2 Risk of bias assessment of randomized controlled trials

Study Randomization Allocationconcealment

Blinding ofparticipants

Blinding of outcomeassessment

Incompleteoutcome data

Selective outcomereporting


Crist (2017)[16]

Low Unclear Unclear Unclear Low Low Unclear

Stannard(2012) [3]

Low Unclear Unclear Unclear Low Low Unclear

Table 3 Quality assessment according to the Newcastle–Ottawascale

Study Selection Comparability Exposure Total score

Cooper (2018) [15] 3 2 3 8

Dingemans (2018) [17] 3 2 2 7

Reddix (2010) [10] 3 1 3 7

Zhou (2016) [18] 3 2 2 7

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trials were eligible for meta-analysis [3, 10, 15–18]. Aflowchart of the literature search is shown in Fig. 1.

Characteristics and quality assessment of the eligiblestudiesThe characteristics of the six included studies are listedin Table 1. The studies were published between 2010and 2018. The two RCTs and four cohort trials involveda total of 859 patients. A total of 500 patients usedNPWT after the surgeries, whereas 359 applied con-ventional wound dressings. A great majority of the in-cluded patients suffered from low extremity andacetabular fractures. The risk of bias assessment oftwo RCTs are illustrated in Table 2. The methodo-logical quality of four cohort trials assessed with theNOS are shown in Table 3.

Deep SSIDeep SSIs were reported in 6 studies [3, 10, 15–18], with505 NPWT and 362 conventional wound dressings. TheNPWT resulted in 4.8% of patients having deep SSIs,compared with conventional wound dressings where12.7% of patients had deep SSIs. There was a statisticallysignificant difference in favor of the NPWT (OR, 0.44;95% CI, 0.26–0.75; I2 = 36%; P = 0.002; Fig. 2).

Superficial SSISuperficial SSIs were reported in 2 studies [17, 18], with69 NPWT and 101 conventional wound dressings. TheNPWT resulted in 1.4% of patients having superficialSSIs, compared with conventional wound dressings

where 14.9% of patients had superficial SSIs. There wasa statistically significant difference in favor of the NPWT(OR, 0.15; 95% CI, 0.03–0.84; I2 = 0%; P = 0.03; Fig. 3).

Wound dehiscenceWound dehiscence was reported in 2 studies [3, 10],with 376 NPWT and 188 conventional wound dressings.The NPWT resulted in 3.5% of patients having wounddehiscence, compared with conventional wound dress-ings where 11.7% of patients had wound dehiscence.There was a statistically significant difference in favor ofthe NPWT (OR, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.21–0.88; I2 = 0%; P =0.02; Fig. 4).

Length of hospital stayLength of hospital stay was reported in 3 studies [15, 16,18], comprising 82 NPWT and 127 conventional wounddressings. The NPWT resulted in a mean length of hos-pital stay of 10.65 days, compared with the conventionalwound dressings where mean length of hospital stay was11.78 days. There was no statistically significant differ-ence between the techniques (MD, − 0.49; 95% CI, −2.96–1.99; I2 = 90%; P = 0.7; Fig. 5).

DiscussionThe successful use of NPWT on open wound manage-ment led some orthopedists to expand the application ofNPWT for some closed incisions. A recent consensuspanel recommended the use of NPWT on patients whoare at high risk of postoperative wound complications[19]; however, these recommendations have been

Fig. 2 Forest plot showing deep SSI

Fig. 3 Forest plot showing superficial SSI

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challenged by the results of more recent studies inorthopedic trauma [16, 17]. Therefore, we performedthis meta-analysis to compare NPWT and conventionalwound dressings for closed incisions in orthopedictrauma surgery. The most important finding of presentmeta-analysis was that NPWT significantly reduced theincidence of deep SSI, superficial SSI, and wound dehis-cence, and no increased length of hospital stay wasidentified.Regarding the wound complications, previous system-

atic review and meta-analysis showed that NPWT canreduce the risk of infection of the patients in treatmentof open fractures and accelerate the wound healingprocess [20]. In open wounds, NPWT promotes woundhealing by facilitating removal of excess interstitial fluid,reducing edema, enhancing tissue growth, and expansion[6, 8]. In closed incisions, NPWT functions to promotedrainage, improve lymphatic flow, decrease hematoma,and seroma formation, and it reduces relative motion atthe surgical site and decreases lateral tension across theincision line [21–23]. Recent clinical studies suggest thatNPWT can be a prophylactic treatment to decrease theincidence of infection in high-risk patients followinglower extremity fractures as well as following total jointarthroplasty [24, 25]. Consistently, the present meta-analysis indicated that NPWT significantly reduced theincidence of deep surgical site infection, superficial sur-gical site infection, and wound dehiscence on closed in-cisions in orthopedic trauma surgery. However, therewas no statistically significant difference in the length ofhospital stay. For wound, complication is not the onlydeterminant. The duration of NPWT treatment may alsoinfluence the hospital stay. And the sample size may be

too small to reflect significant difference between thegroups.An obvious and important advantage of NPWT is that

it needs less dressing changes compared with conven-tional wound dressings. NPWT reduces the strain ondoctor and nursing staff, and it is particularly obvious inobese patients or in special wound locations, such as thepopliteal fossa, buttocks, or groin. To some extent, useof NPWT is beneficial in the prevention of wound infec-tion as each dressing change is a potential opportunityof contamination of the wound. Therefore, NPWT issuitable for the patients who are sent to the intensivecare unit during the immediate postoperative period.Furthermore, patients were satisfied with the NPWT asit provides a cleaner wound environment, and they didnot have to take care of the surgical incision.In current modern healthcare environment, it is also

important to consider the economic factors when wemake treatment decisions. The costs of NPWT havebeen estimated to be less than $500 per patient [3], butthe health care costs associated with postoperative SSIscan be enormous [26, 27]. Therefore, in patients at highrisk for wound complications, it would be reasonableand cost-effective to use NPWT for closed incisions inorthopedic trauma surgery. Furthermore, the use ofNPWT did not increased the length of hospital stay.Although the current application of NPWT for closed

incisions in orthopedic trauma surgery has yielded somesatisfactory results, it does not mean that NPWT shouldbe used for all orthopedic trauma surgeries. Rational useof NWPT should be based on the presence of patient’scondition and risk factors [19]. The fractures involved inpresent study are calcaneus, pilon, ankle, tibial plateau,

Fig. 4 Forest plot showing wound dehiscence

Fig. 5 Forest plot showing length of hospital stay

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and acetabular fractures, which are frequently accom-panied with high likelihood of prolonged wound drain-age and postoperative wound swelling [11]. Thosepatients are at a high risk of SSIs and soft tissue healingproblems after the surgeries. And this problem is furtheraggravated if the patient has the most common patient-related risk factors, including obesity, diabetes mellitus,tobacco use, and prolonged surgical time [28–31].Therefore, it is reasonable that current study obtainedthe positive results about the use of NPWT for closedincisions. It is important to note that study to supportits widespread application in all cases in orthopedictrauma surgery is lacking, large, and well-designed RCTsare needed in the future to validate the efficacy andsafety of NPWT.Nonetheless, some limitations in the present meta-

analysis should be noted. (1) Only four cohort studiesand two RCTs were included in the present meta-analysis, and the sample size was relatively small, whichmight lower the evidence level. (2) The duration ofNPWT treatment of the included studies were inconsist-ent. (3) The fractures involved in present study are lowerextremity and acetabular fractures, which are at a highrisk of infection, and soft tissue healing problems aftersurgeries, so the outcome should be treated cautiously.

ConclusionIn conclusion, NPWT appeared to be an efficient alter-native to help prevent SSIs and wound dehiscence onclosed incisions in orthopedic trauma surgery. Rationaluse of NWPT should be based on the presence ofpatient's condition and risk factors. More large multi-center and high-quality RCTs are required for furtherresearch [32].

AbbreviationsCI: Confidence interval; MD: Mean difference; NOS: Newcastle–Ottawa Scale;NPWT: Negative pressure wound therapy; OR: Odds ratios; RCTs: Randomizedcontrolled trials; SSI: Surgical site infection


Authors’ contributionsCW contributed to the conception and design of the study. YWZ and CWparticipated in the literature search, study selection, data extraction, andquality assessment. YWZ and CW performed the statistical analysis anddrafted the manuscript. HQ contributed to the revisions of the manuscript.All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

FundingThis work was supported by Zhejiang Province Natural Science Foundationof China [Grant NO. LQ19H060003].

Availability of data and materialsAll data generated or analyzed during this study are included in publishedarticles.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital,Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310009, People’s Republicof China. 2Operating Room, The Second Affiliated Hospital, ZhejiangUniversity School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310009, People’s Republic of China.

Received: 14 October 2019 Accepted: 26 November 2019

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