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2011 Annual Report

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President’s & CEO’s Report 01

Board of Directors 02

Netball WA Staff 03

West Coast Fever 04

High Performance 06

National Teams 06

Western Australia Institute of Sport (WAIS) Program 06

Australian Netball League (ANL) - Western Sting 06

State Teams 07

Smarter than Smoking State Netball League 07

Smarter than Smoking Association Championships 07

Development Programs 08

Academy Program 08

DSR Regional Talent Development Program 08

Indigenous Program 09

Coach Education and Development 10

Scoolnet 11

Specialist Schools 12

San Remo NetSetGO! 12

Umpiring 13

Green Shirt Program 14

Country Umpire Advantage Program 14

Netball Australia - MO Development Squad 14


High Performance Team Lists 16

West Coast Fever 16

Australian Netball League (ANL) 16

WAIS Athletes 17

State Teams 18

21/U 18

19/U 18

17/U 19

Smarter than Smoking State Netball League, Reserves

and 18/U Cup Results 20

Smarter than Smoking Association Championships

Division 1 Results 22

Netball WA Annual Awards 23

West Coast Fever 23

Jill McIntosh Medal 23

Smarter than Smoking State Netball League 24

General Awards 25

Life Members 26

Presidents of each Region and Association 27

Regional Development Offi cers 29

Regional Umpire Development Offi cers 29

Umpiring Achievements 29

Academy Cup Results 30

Department of Sport and Recreation Academy

of Sport Scholarships 31


Directors’ Report 34

Financial Report 36

Income Statement 37

Balance Sheet 36

Statement of Cash Flows 38

Notes to the Financial Statements 39

Directors’ Declarations 44

Independent Audit Report 45

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West Coast Fever had a challenging

season, with some extremely exciting

and intense matches against some of

the heavyweights of the competition.

Wins against the Tactix, Steel and

Thunderbirds along with narrow losses

against the Magic, Mystics, Swifts

and eventual champions the Firebirds

showed the potential of the team.

Following the ANZ Championship

season, Netball WA’s recruitment

of national coach, Norma Plummer,

was a massive coup for netball in our

state. A legend of the sport, Plummer

personifi es not only everything that

is netball, but has an extraordinary

record of success at all levels.

We look forward to her having an

effect on every level of the sport in

Western Australia.

At a grassroots level, the

Development department continues

to work tirelessly to develop players,

coaches and umpires across the

state. We experienced fantastic

growth in our programs, none more

so than in our Scoolnet NetSetGO!

and Step up clinics with participation

growing to 7,096 from 1,975 in 2010.

The State Netball Centre development

has been a long process, but through

the hard work of Scott Henderson

and his team, we are confi dent that by

the beginning of 2014, WA will have

a world class facility where we can

work to develop our players, coaches

and umpires.

We thank the State Government for

their support and look forward to

moving into the new home for netball

in our state.

From a fi nancial point of view, Netball

WA recorded a modest surplus of

$44,395. Netball continues to enjoy

a solid fi nancial position thanks in

no small part to our major funding

partners, Healthway and Lotterywest

through the Department of Sport and

Recreation’s sport fund. We are proud

of the way Netball has embraced the

healthy living message across every

level of our sport.

We also would like to thank our

commercial sponsors. In 2011, Telstra

become a national sponsor of netball

and we welcomed the Sunday Times

and PerthNow as a sponsor of the

West Coast Fever. Their support

means that the Fever was, for the fi rst

time, able to produce a surplus that we

could reinvest in our sport at a grass

roots level. Skywest provided a great

deal of support for our development

programs and we looking forward to

continuing this relationship.

In 2011 Netball WA saw some familiar

faces leave, but also some exciting

new faces arrive. I would like to

welcome High Performance Manager

and West Coast Fever Assistant Coach

- Stacey Rosman, Marketing Executive

- Emily Wise, High Performance

Analyst - Megan Lorains and Inclusion

Offi cer, Jamie-Leigh Strickland.

At a national level, we saw some

encouraging signs with both the 19U

State side and our newly christened

ANL team, the Western Sting both

fi nishing on the podium in 3rd place.

The Sting had a particularly successful

campaign, fi nishing the round

matches in 2nd place. Both the 21U

and 17U teams fi nished in 5th position

in very tight competitions.

The Smarter than Smoking State

Netball League was won by Coastal

Sharks, leaving Midland Brick Demons

without that elusive 5th championship

title in a row. Congratulations to Sally

Ironmonger and her team once again

for winning what was one of the most

hotly contested leagues in the history

of the competition.

The Netball WA Board continues to

work hard behind the scenes for the

good of the sport in WA. I would like

to thank them again for their time and

their expertise in guiding our sport.

Finally, and on behalf of the Netball

WA Board, I would like to take this

opportunity to thank the dedicated

volunteers who work tirelessly for this

great sport. It is often easy to overlook

those that give so much of their time

and energy, to ensure that netball

reaches the impressive heights that it

deserves. So to all those that do play,

coach, offi ciate, volunteer or support -

thank you. Without you, netball would

be nothing of what it is today.

President’s and CEO’s Report 2011

2011 was a fantastic year for netball. The World Championships in Singapore

highlighted the global aspect of the sport, and showcased the incredible talent that

Australia is producing. Our West Australian Diamonds, Susan Fuhrmann and Caitlin

Bassett continue to amaze and inspire, and we could not be more proud of them for

the gold medals that they bought back to the state.

Robert Shaw

PresidentScott Henderson


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Umpire Administrator

Deb Poole(Part Time)

Netball WA Board of Directors

Robert Shaw

Robert joined the

Netball WA Board in

2007. He has been

involved in netball for

many years as a parent

and is aligned to the South East Demons.

As a Director of Daly & Shaw Building

Pty Ltd, Robert has been involved in the

growth and development of the company

to a stage where the organisation

currently employs 12 staff and 250

subcontractors and owns and operates

two affi liated businesses. Robert has

also been involved in several not for profi t

bodies and has a strong understanding of

how they work.

Lisa Cunningham

Lisa joined as a Director

of the Netball WA

Board in September

2008 bringing with

her experience from

her current position as Chief Executive

Offi cer of the David Wirrpanda Foundation

and a Career Consultant for the AFL

Players Association in Western Australia.

Lisa has a strong background in netball

as a current committee member for

Westcoasters Netball Club, previous

Director of Perth Bullets and Board

Member of Perth Netball Association as

well as a continued passion for the sport

at both grass roots and elite level.

Valerie Eaton

Valerie was appointed

to the Netball WA Board

in March 2005 and is

also a life member of

the organisation. She

has had extensive experience as a player

and coach of netball having represented

Australia and Western Australia. Valerie

coached Hong Kong to success at the

Asian Games in 1993 and received a

Coaching Excellence Award for this

achievement. Valerie is also a member of

the World Championship Netball Team

inducted into the Australian Sports Hall

of Fame in 2005. Formerly a secondary

school teacher in Western Australia and

overseas, and State Manager of Young

Achievement, Val’s interests outside

of netball include going to the opera,

concerts, table tennis, and reading.

Fran Haintz

Fran Haintz joined the

Netball WA Board in

2010 bringing with

her over 10 years

of experience in

regional netball management. Fran is the

current President of Northwest Netball

Region a role she has fi lled for seven

years. Fran has also been a member of

the Port Hedland Netball Association

Committee for the past 12 years holding

various positions including President for

seven years. She has a strong working

background in community development

and indigenous affairs in regional Australia

and participates as a Board member

on numerous community groups and

organisations in the Pilbara and Western

Australia. Fran still enjoys the infrequent

game of netball and continues to focus

her energy into umpiring as a National B

badged umprire and Association Umpire

Development Offi cer.

Jacqui Jashari

Jacqui was appointed

to the Netball WA

Board in March 2010.

Currently working at

the Department of

Sport and Recreation in organisational

development, Jacqui also has expertise

working with sporting organisations

in industry training and development

and high performance. Jacqui has

been involved in netball for many years

beginning her playing, coaching and

umpiring at Fremantle Netball Association.

Jacqui has also been a member of the

Bunbury Netball Association and Eastern

Goldfi elds Netball Association and is

currently a Board Member at the Coastal

Netball Region. Jacqui has extensive

netball experience at international and

national level. She has previously been

awarded the ANZ Sports Star Offi cial of

the Year, Womensport West Offi cial of the

Year and the Sports Medal of Australia.

She is currently on the Netball Australia

Grading & Endorsement Panel and

Umpire Management Committee.

Bob Byers

Bob was recruited to the Netball WA

Board for his skills and expertise in

fi nance. He is a practicing accountant and

has been for the past 35 years with the

last 15 as a sole practitioner in Subiaco.

Bob has also previously sat on the

committee for the Youth Council of WA.

Yvonne Rate (to July 2011)

Yvonne Rate AM joined the Board

of Netball WA in May 2010. She has

previously served on the Board of Perth

Netball Association and Netball Australia.

Yvonne was a member of the Women

in Sport Committee and subsequently

the Women’s Sport West. From 1998 -

2000 she was a Director of the Australian

Sports Commission. Yvonne lectured

in Physical Education at Edith Cowan

University before her appointment to St

Catherine’s College, UWA as Head of

College. She spent 5 years as Principal

of The Women’s College, University

of Sydney. Yvonne represented WA

as a player for ten years and retains a

passionate interest in the sport.

High Performance Umpiring Coordinator

& Inclusion Offi cerJamie-Leigh Strickland

Marketing Executive Emily Wise

Events Coordinator

Lexie Edwards

Coach/Player Development Offi cer

Jo Smith

High Performance Analyst

Megan Lorains

Member Services Coordinator

Robert McCaw

Reception and Administration

Natalie Moeahu-Pehi

Development Programs Coordinator

Suzanne Lennon

Community Programs Coordinator

Chrystal Asiata

Community Programs Coordinator

Ashleigh Brazill(Part Time)

Umpire Development Offi cer

Sharon Bennett(Part Time)

Chief Executive Offi cer

Simon Taylor(Commences 10th May)

Development ManagerLiz Booth

Finance Manager

Paul Beckers

West Coast Fever Assistant Coach & High Perfomance

ManagerStacey Rosman

West Coast Fever Head Coach

Norma Plummer

Commercial & Marketing Manager

James Young

Events Manager

Helen Robinson

West Coast Fever Operations Manager

Ingrid Dick & Jan Daniher

Netball WABoard of DirectorsRobert Shaw (President)

Bob ByersLisa Cunningham

Val EatonFran Haintz

Jacqui Jashari

The team at Netball WA is made up of

20 members of staff (excluding Board

Members) whose roles are outlined

in this organisational diagram. Staff

members are current as of March 2012.

Netball WA Staff

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The 2011 season was the fourth

ANZ Championship the West Coast

Fever has participated in since the

competition’s launch in 2008. Fever

Coach Jane Searle was in her third

year at the helm, however there was

little change in the ANZ Championship

history, fi nishing in ninth place.

The performances of Caitlin Bassett,

Andrea Gilmore and Susan Fuhrmann

were highlights from the season.

Caitlin fi nished the year as the number

one shooter in the competition in

goals/attempts with 362 goals from

409 attempts at 88.5%. Caitlin was

awarded the Holden Grassroots

Best Player of the match 3 times

throughout the season. Wing defence,

Andrea Gilmore had a stellar year,

fi nishing in the top 10 for intercepts

and defl ections in the competition.

Goal keeper Susan Fuhrmann was in

the top 10 for rebounds in 2011.

Australian Diamond honours were

bestowed upon Caitlin Bassett

and Susan Fuhrmann, with both

completing the Gold medal

winning match at the World Netball

Championships held in Singapore.

Promising young Fever athlete,

Courtney Bruce, also donned the

green and gold after being selected in

the Australian 19U team.

The 2011 ANZ Championship started

earlier this year because of the World

Netball Championship in July. Despite

this challenge, TV audiences and

attendances at stadiums remained

consistent with previous years. In

general, the team has approximately

100,000 viewers per match and

around 2,000 spectators. The

members support at home remained

steady with 819 Fever members. Away

games continued to prove taxing with

the extensive air travel reaching over

53,000km covered in 2011, and those

athletes with Diamonds commitments

fl ying approximately 90,000km.

Fever athletes spent more time

playing in the State Netball League

competition during and at the

completion of the season to sustain

match fi tness. They spent time

engaging those in the netball

community by attending association

appearances at Southern Districts,

Perth, Fremantle, Joondalup,

Noranda, Foothills, Eastern Hills,

Kalamunda, Swan Districts, Belmont,

Rockingham, Mandurah, Success and

Wanneroo. Fever held Netball Clinics

at Wanneroo and Fremantle in 2011.

The Fever Athletes coached at these

clinics and 370 netballers attended

the clinics held in June and July.

West Coast Fever

West Coast Fever Awards and Achievements

West Coast Fever Player of the year: Caitlin Bassett

Coach’s Award: Caitlin Bassett

Members’ Player of the year: Andrea Gilmore

West Coast Fever Best Club Person: Andrea Gilmore

Caitlin Bassett 75 Commonwealth Bank Trophy/ANZ Championship matches

Susan Fuhrmann 75 Commonwealth Bank Trophy/ANZ Championship matches

Andrea Gilmore 50 Commonwealth Bank Trophy/ANZ Championship matches

Ashlee Howard 25 Commonwealth Bank Trophy/ANZ Championship matches

Placing 9th - Won three, Lost ten

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National Teams

Three Western Australian athletes

were selected in the 2011 Australian

Diamonds Squad, these being Caitlin

Bassett and Susan Fuhrmann from

the West Coast Fever and Kate

Beveridge from the Melbourne Vixens.

In January 2011, the Diamonds

toured Jamaica. Beveridge and

Fuhrmann were named in this team,

where Australia won the fi rst game,

drew the second and lost the third

match of the series.

Bassett and Fuhrmann were named

in the Diamonds team that played two

test matches against the Silver Ferns

in June 2011 in the lead-up to the

2011 World Championships.

Both athletes were selected in the

Australian Diamonds Team for

the 2011 World Championships,

held in Singapore in July. After

a comprehensive round robin

competition, Australia faced a

determined Malawi team in the

quarter-fi nals, comprehensively beat

the Jamaican Sunshine Girls in the

semi-fi nal before beating the New

Zealand Silver Ferns by one goal in an

overtime heart stopper. Bassett shot

the winning goal for the Diamonds.

Following the World Championships,

Bassett and Fuhrmann were again

selected for the Diamonds to play in

the 2011 Holden Netball Test Series

in October against England and

New Zealand. Fuhrmann sustained

an ankle injury which prevented

her from playing the three tests

against England; however she was

included for the three tests against

New Zealand. Bassett played all six

matches against both teams. The

Diamonds won both test series.

Sarah East was selected in the 21U

Australian Team that toured New

Zealand in June 2011. Sarah, a 2011

AIS Scholarship Holder, also travelled

to Singapore with the AIS Squad

to train and play against several

international teams in the lead-up to

the World Championships.

West Coast Fever player and WAIS

scholarship holder, Courtney Bruce

was named in the 19U Australian

Netball Team.

Western Australian Institute of Sport

(WAIS) Program

The WAIS Netball Program provides

the daily training environment

and support services for Western

Australian athletes, either currently

in the National Program or identifi ed

as potential international or emerging

international athletes. World-class

coaching, training facilities and

support services in the areas of sport

science, sports medicine and athlete

education are offered to selected

athletes as they progress through the

elite pathway. The WAIS Program

is led by highly credentialed Head

Coach Michelle Wilkins; a former

Australian representative, AIS Head

Coach and High Performance Coach.

Australian National League -

Western Sting

Western Sting was Netball WA’s

representative in the 2011 Australian

National League (ANL). This

competition is an amateur open

aged round robin, home and away

competition consisting of preliminary

rounds and fi nals contested by every

state and territory. This competition

provides a crucial development

opportunity for those potential and

emerging international athletes looking

to gain selection into the West Coast

Fever team.

Western Sting had many strong

performances in 2011 and fi nished

in 2nd place after the round robin

competition. Following a tough

encounter against Victoria Fury in the

semi-fi nal, they played Queensland

Fusion in the 3rd place fi nal. Western

Sting had a narrow 1-goal win

against the Fusion in the round

robin competition and had to fi ght

hard in the play-off to secure third

place overall.

Jon Fletcher was appointed coach

of the Sting in 2011 and was well

assisted by Michelle Wilkins.

State Teams

The 2011 17U and 19U National

Netball Championships were held

in Brisbane in April. The Western

Australian 17U Team was competitive

and fi nished the round games in equal

4th place. A lower percentage saw

the WA team relegated to the bottom

half of the draw for the play-offs and

they fi nished 5th after fi nals.

The 19U Team, showed huge

improvement in 2011 with some close

and inspiring wins during the round

robin competition. After a strong

showing against New South Wales in

the semi-fi nal, Western Australia met

South Australia in the play-off for third

place. In a convincing display, where

they led from start to fi nish, the 19U

Team fi nished in 3rd place overall.

The 2011 21U National Netball

Championships were held in Melbourne

in August and the Western Australian

21U Team, although determined, faced

some tough and tight competition

against other states and achieved a

creditable 5th placing.

National Selectors attended

all National Underage Netball

Championships and the following

Western Australian athletes were

selected in the 17U and 19U National

Squads to attend the National Talent

Camp at the AIS in May: Numi Tupaea

was selected in the 17U Squad and

Courtney Bruce and Denise Shepley

in the 19U Squad. Additionally Jessica

Penny and Kaylia Stanton participated

in the 17U National Talent Camp as

invitees and Ellie Smart was also an

invitee for the 19U camp.

Courtney Bruce was selected in the

21U Australian Squad named after the

completion of ANL.

Smarter than Smoking State

Netball League

The 2011 Smarter than Smoking

State Netball League (STSSNL) once

again proved to be a showcase for

Western Australia’s best netball talent.

8 of our 11 Regions were represented

across 3 Divisions - League, Reserves

and 18 & Under, with Coastal

Sharks, West Coast Falcons and

Midwest Tigers deservedly taking the

respective titles.

Games were played in Perth,

Geraldton, Eaton and Dongara, and

with games scheduled for Albany and

Northam in 2012, the competition has

become a truly statewide event.

2011 was a year of consolidation for

the STSSNL following on from the

many structural changes implemented

in 2010. However, it will most

certainly go down on record as one

of the most even and closely fought

competitions across all divisions, for

many years.

The STSSNL plays an integral role

in the Netball WA Development

pathway for Players, Coaches,

Umpires and Score Bench Offi cials.

There is a direct link from Association

Netball through to high performance

representation at State, ANL and ANZ

Championship level.

Smarter than Smoking

Association Championships

231 teams, comprising of 3465

athletes and offi cials, competed from

all over the State in 32 divisions, with

104 teams from country associations

and 127 from the metropolitan

associations. This event is the largest

held in WA for Netball and was

hosted by Perth Netball Association

in conjunction with Netball WA. Open

1 Division was won by Southern

Districts in a very close match vs

Fremantle. All Division 1 results are

listed in Section 2.

High Performance


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Academy Program

The 2011 Netball WA Regional

Academy Program continued to

provide a talent based tiered training

program, including off court education

modules for athletes 13-16 years

of age.

The Regional Academies incorporated

structured programs for coaches and

umpires which were run jointly by

Netball WA and the 11 metropolitan

and country netball regions forming a

state wide program.

The Netball WA Academy Cup held

in July 2011 at Arena Joondalup

provided the regions with the

opportunity to compete in a state

wide competition as a fi nale to their

involvement in the Regional Academy

Program. The competition provided the

athletes with the opportunity to gain

additional development and experience

at a state level as well as assisting in

their preparation in trialling for state

17U Phases. In addition the Academy

Cup provided a platform for mentoring

of WA’s up and coming coaches

and umpires and the opportunity for

selectors to view country athletes

and coaches for selection into the

Department of Sport and Recreation’s

Talent Development Program.

The Regional Umpire Academy

provides a pathway for talented

umpires into the Smarter than Smoking

State Netball League Squad or State

Academy, as well as providing the

opportunities to develop skills, gain

practical experience and be mentored

by some of the state’s best umpires.

24 Regional Academy Umpires were

invited to umpire at the Academy

Cup in which they received valuable

coaching from Umpire Panel

Members and Cadets. Regional

Umpiring Development Offi cers and

Association Umpiring Development

Offi cers were also invited to this event

to enhance their knowledge and skill-

set to assist with developing umpires

in their associations and regions.

The 17U and 19U State Academy

program provided an intensive

training program for the best 14 -18

age group athletes to help them

gain selection into the 17U and 19U

State Teams. The State Academy

program educates athletes on a

daily training environment and the

commitment, preparation, intensity

and performance it takes for them to

reach their potential.

The Netball WA State Umpire

Academy seeks to offer umpiring

opportunities, programs, theory

and coaching and mentoring from

members of the Umpire Panel with

a view to promoting these umpires

to the Smarter than Smoking State

Netball League matches. In 2011

we saw 10 umpires selected into

the State Academy with eight of

those being introduced onto the

Smarter than Smoking State Netball

League court.

Approximately 60 coaches,

330 athletes and 210 umpires were

involved in the Netball WA Academy

Program in 2011.

Department of Sport and Recreation

Regional Talent Development Program

The Department of Sport and

Recreation (DSR) Regional Talent

Development Program (RTDP) is

designed to offer talented athletes

residing outside the metropolitan

area development opportunities and

support as they progress through

the Netball WA Player Pathway.

The program aims to ensure that

these athletes have the opportunity

to continue their netball development

through the provision of appropriate

support and skills based programs

some of which is completed in their

home environment.

An important component of this

program is the future development of

local coaches by offering opportunities

for mentoring and assistance in

advancing in accreditation levels.

The DSR RTDP Network Coach

plays an important role in coaching

and mentoring as well as guiding the

development opportunities for athletes

and future coaches in country regions.

Fifteen athletes and fi ve coaches

were offered full scholarships for the

2010/11 scholarship round.

Four athletes from the DSR RTDP

Program were chosen to represent

Western Australia in the 17U State

Team - Charlotte Donovan, Maddison

Schultz, Kate Sidebottom and

Ashleigh Haydock. One athlete

from the Program was also chosen

to represent Western Australia in

the 19U State Team - Ingrid Colyer.

A further fi ve DSR RTDP athletes were

selected in the 17U and 19U State

Squads and one DSR RTDP coach

was appointed as an Apprentice

Coach to the 19U State Team.

Netball WA would like to thank

the Department of Sport and

Recreation for its continued support

of the program.

Indigenous Program, supported by

Smarter than Smoking

Netball WA continues to deliver

the Indigenous Netball Program to

support and assist community groups

in participating in netball within their

community. The program aims to

increase participation of Indigenous

players, coaches and umpires through

exposure to:

• Coach and Umpire

Education Courses

• Player, coach and umpire

pathways that lead into mainstream

competitions and programs

• Development and talent

identifi cation opportunities

• Up skilling of coaches, umpires and

other volunteers within their local


• Event and program coordination

Netball WA continues to foster and

strengthen relations with Indigenous

communities and organisations

such as the Department of Sport

and Recreation and indigenous

support agencies including the David

Wirrpanda Foundation and Nyoongar

Sports, to ensure a successful and

sustainable program.

Inclusion Program -


2011 saw Netball WA reconnect

with the Disability sector and take

the fi rst steps to having a sustainable

‘People with Disability’ program and

competition structure across the

State. Netball WA has taken the

approach to increase exposure of

children with a disability to netball

and to work on ensuring they also

have clear pathway into their local

association. Netball WA believes

that with increased interest and

a commitment from associations

on the importance of providing

a truly inclusive sport a player

pathway would emerge.

Netball WA rolled out the Inclusion

NetSetGO! Disability program to

13 Education Support Centres

across the state totalling in 325 new

NetSetGO! participants.

During the year Atwell College,

Endeavour Education Support Centre

and Rockingham Senior High School

Education Support Centre joined

together and took their NetSetGO!

students to Success Netball

Association for a NetSetGO! Fun Day.

A major component for the day was

a round robin competition allowing

for participants to get a sense of

what it might be like to play at a

netball association.

Endeavour Education Support

Centre were lucky enough to ‘Win a

Diamond Clinic’, with many fantastic

entries being received. The clinic saw

Caitlin Bassett and Susan Fuhrmann

conduct a fun and interactive clinic.

The current PWD competitions for

adults in Geraldton and Fremantle

are still going strong and with further

assistance will continue to grow.

Development Programs

Indigenous Data for 2011

Course/Event Participation

Level 1 Umpiring Accreditation 12

Foundation Coach Accreditation 9

Grass Roots Program Participation 213

Indigenous Grass Roots Gala Day 324

Smarter than Smoking Association Championships 175

NAIDOC Netball Carnival 1,506

NAIDOC All Stars Carnivals/Competitions 494

Netball Advisory Aboriginal Committee 15

San Remo NetSetGO! Indigenous program 614

Total 3,362

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Coach Education and Development

The Foundation, Development,

Advanced and Elite Coach

Accreditation Courses were delivered

in 2011 with good participation rates

across all courses. A few minor

changes to the accreditation courses

in 2011 saw course presenters

attend an up skilling day in October

with Carol Byers - Netball Australia

Coach & Athlete Development

Manager. The Intermediate course

was not delivered in 2011 however

participants who had commenced

courses in 2009 and 2010 completed

the fi nal units of the course gaining

their Intermediate Accreditation in

2011. The manuals, workbooks

and DVD resources provided by

Netball Australia for the Foundation,

Development and Advanced coaching

courses continue to be a valuable

coaching tool and provide great

references for the coaches.

The Down to Earth coach education

program was rolled out by Netball

Australia in 2010. Up-skilling of

presenters commenced in 2011

to enable delivery in 2012 of this

valuable coach education program

within the Associations and Regions.

The Coaches in the Field programs

continue to be delivered by the

Associations and the Regions.

Coach Education sessions

commenced in February with former

Australian captain and player Vicki

Wilson, AIS coach Sue Gaudion

and former Silver Ferns coach

Yvonne Willering visiting WA and

delivering some very interesting

sessions to the High Performance,

State, State Netball League and

Specialist School coaches. Netball

WA High Performance Manager

Jon Fletcher provided coach

education opportunities through

the Locker Room series at Fever

home games and April saw High

Performance Coach Lyn Pemberton

deliver a session on shooting

technique to the attendees at the

Netball WA AGM Conference. The

Smarter than Smoking Association

Championships in June provided

another coach education opportunity

for coaches and players alike,

having High Performance coaches

Jon Fletcher deliver sessions on

circle defence and Lyn Pemberton

deliver coach education sessions on

shooter movements and rotation.

Regional visits provided another

platform for the regional coaches

to get the opportunity for coach

education sessions.

State Netball League, High

Performance Coaches and State

Team coaches were invited to

attend sessions with Jill McIntosh in

September. The sessions covered

analysis of the Australia versus New

Zealand World Championship game,

The Art of Winning and Staying

Positive / Mental Toughness.

In November Glenn Stewart, High

Performance Manager of the West

Coast Eagles followed up on Jill’s

session on the Art of Winning

delivering a session on Good Player

or Good Coach. Jill also worked with

potential High Performance coaches

delivering a court session to the 19U

State Academy athletes and gave

the coaches valuable insight into the

requirements of the High Performance

Course on how to prepare themselves

for the course.

State Netball League Coaches, High

Performance Coaches, Netball WA

Specialist School Coaches, State

Team Coaches, Regional Development

Offi cers and Coaching Course

Presenters were invited to attend the

Netball WA professional development

weekend based around the

International Games in October.

This professional development

provided opportunity for our course

presenters and coaches to attend

presenter and coach up-skilling

sessions with Netball Australia,

Netball WA and Jill McIntosh.

Netball WA once again looks

forward to providing coach education

and accreditation opportunities for

members in 2012.

Scoolnet, supported by

Smarter than Smoking

ScoolNet has continued to maintain

its high profi le status as a sporting

program option in primary schools

within Western Australia. The program

has been able to directly infl uence

and expose thousands of Western

Australian primary school children

by promoting, developing and

providing access to netball in a fun

and safe environment. The ScoolNet

program continues to grow strongly,

with 12481 students participating

in the program through clinics

or competitions.

2011 Course Figures Participants

Foundation 422

Development 80

Intermediate 12 completed course from 2010 and accredited

Advanced9 (ongoing into 2012) &

3 assessed and passed from previous courses

Elite 8

Step Up and San Remo NetSetGO! Participation (Years 1-7)

Number of Schools Number of Clinics Participants

2011 62 270 7,096

2010 20 120 1,975

2009 16 48 1,440

West Coast Fever Cup Participation

Schools Registered Teams Registered Participants

2011 175 346 4,212

2010 118 244 2,928

2009 176 229 2,748

West Coast Fever Fastball Competition Participation

Schools Represented Players

2011 14 1,171

2010 6 124

2009 1 30

Through 2011 Netball WA has also

developed a strong relationship with

key disability support services such

as DSR-SportsCONNECT, Inclusion

WA, Therapy Focus and Disability

Services Commission.

A major focus for the future will be

the re-engagement of people with a

disability who have previously been

exposed to netball. To ensure the

program can take the next step we

believe that it is essential that we

support association and clubs to

be inclusive through training and

education. With the assistance

of Inclusion WA a Netball specifi c

“Disability Awareness” training package

will be developed and the NWA

Development Unit staff looks forward

to delivering this to associations and

clubs throughout 2012.

Thanks to the Department of Sport

and Recreation for their continued

support of this Program.

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Specialist Schools

Netball WA in consultation with the

Department of Education (DoE)

continued to endorse four high

schools as Specialist Netball Schools.

These schools were Aranmore

Catholic College, Darling Range

Sports College, Melville Senior

High School and Warwick Senior

High School.

All schools were required to meet

specifi c standards and criteria set

by Netball WA and the DoE and

demonstrate that they could provide

a program that follows the Netball WA

athlete, coach and umpire pathways

and focuses on the holistic approach

to student development.

Additionally, the Specialist Netball

Schools received servicing from

Netball WA in the areas of athlete,

coach and umpire development and

were expected to establish links to

local clubs and associations and be

affi liated to Netball WA.

San Remo NetSetGO!

San Remo NetSetGO! has been

developed to provide children from

5 to 10 years with the best possible

learning and playing experience to

develop a positive introduction to

netball, ensuring enjoyment and

continued participation. Individuals

experience personal achievement in

terms of competence, enhanced self-

esteem, social co-operation and skill

development in a fun environment.

The San Remo NetSetGO! Program

continues to support the broader

community by offering Inclusion

NetSetGO! to CaLD, Disability and

Indigenous participants. The Inclusion

NSG! Program is funded by Australian

Sports Commission through Netball

Australia to increase the quality

of opportunity for marginalised

or disadvantaged groups to play

or volunteer in organised sports

such as netball.


The umpiring focus in 2011 was on

talent identifi cation throughout all

regions to increase the number of

umpire coaches, mentors and testers

across the state. During the season

a total of 50 umpires were talent

identifi ed. A total of 48 Umpires

have been invited to participate in

the Smarter than Smoking State

Netball League umpire squad in 2012

with a further 28 umpires invited to

participate in the 2012 Netball WA

State Academy.

2011 saw a marked increase in the

number of badges awarded across

the state, with a total of 158 umpires

receiving badges in 2011, compared

to 103 in 2010. This was a signifi cant

improvement and the Netball WA

Umpiring staff, Association and

Regional Umpire Development

Offi cers along with Netball WA’s High

Performance Umpire Panel should

be commended for the outstanding

efforts during the season.

The badges were as follows:

A Badge: 4 and 3 Endorsement

B Badge: 13

C Badge: 138

The Smarter than Smoking State

Netball League Squad achieved a

number of outstanding results in 2011

including successfully exposing a

number of new and young umpires

to the Smarter Than Smoking State

Netball League. Tara Crowley and

Gemma Nevin were selected to

umpire at the 17U and 19U National

Netball Championship in Brisbane in

April. A number of squad members

were also given the opportunity to

umpire during the Australian Netball

League; Jaclyn Berry, Nathan Cera,

Narelle Foster, Gemma Nevin, Laura

Payne and Chloe Thurkle. Narelle

Foster also travelled to Adelaide

to umpire in the Australian Netball

League. The Member Organisation

Exchange Program operated in 2011

with Chloe Thurkle and Gemma

Nevin given the opportunity to gain

experience by umpiring in Netball

South Australia’s State Netball

League Competition.

Jacqui Jashari and Paula Ferguson

umpired in the ANZ Championship.

Paula Ferguson umpired at the World

Netball Championships where she

was allocated the semi-fi nal match

between New Zealand and England.

Ferguson was also awarded the

Gibson and Gibson Offi cial of the Year

at the 2011 ANZ Sports Star Awards

in December.

Jashari was also a member of Netball

Australia’s Grading and Endorsement

Panel in 2011.

2011 NetSetGO! Data


Registered NSG! Centres (Accredited) 81 3012


Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) 5 608

Indigenous 14 614

People with Disability 13 325

Sub-Total 31 1547

TOTAL 112 4559*

* 2549 participants in 2010

Netball Australia Accredited Umpire Courses


Level I 1414

Level II 17

Rules in Action 251

Netball Australia Umpire Exams


Section I 1403

Section II 7

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Section 2Team Lists, Results & Accolades

Green Shirt Program

Netball WA continued to facilitate

the Green Shirt Program, which was

developed and supported by the

Department of Sport and Recreation.

The Green Shirt Program identifi es

and promotes community awareness

of umpires, recognises new offi cials

and is used as an avenue to up

skill the Green Shirt Coordinators

within the associations. The program

provides a clear pathway for umpire

development and encourages

beginner umpires.

Umpires within this program were

encouraged to complete the Level 1

Umpires Course, Section 1 Theory

Exam and Rules in Action session.

A total of 31 netball associations took

part in the program in 2011, thus

representing an increase in both the

number of associations and umpires

participating in the program.

Country Umpire Advantage Program

The Country Umpire Advantage

Program saw eight identifi ed umpires

offered the opportunity to participate

in a specifi c development weekend

that included theory sessions and

practical umpiring at the Perth

Netball Association. Several of these

umpires were then invited to join the

2012 Smarter than Smoking State

Netball League and State Academy

Umpire Squads.

Netball Australia - MO

Development Squad

Netball Australia identifi ed the

need to provide a nationally

consistent development program

at Member Organisation level to

increase the number of umpires

successfully progressing to higher

performance standards.

Up to ten umpires can be selected

in each MO and are provided with

practical and theoretical development

opportunities. Selected umpires may

be umpires already in the national

system working towards a higher

badge or umpires identifi ed with

the potential to be included in the

national system.

A senior mentor was appointed to

each squad and was responsible for

coordinating the Program on behalf of

Netball Australia. In 2011 this mentor

was Darlene Regali.

The 2011 Netball WA MO Umpire

Development Squad Umpires were:

• Tara Crowley

• Adriana Foster

• Abigal Garay

• Naomi Garay

• Gemma Nevin

• Chloe Thurkle

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2011 West Coast Fever Team

Final Placing: 9th

Name Number of games played

Caitlin Bassett 13

Ama Agbeze 12

Shae Bolton 13

Courtney Bruce 0

Johannah Curran 6

Sarah Ebbott 13

Susan Fuhrmann 13

Andrea Gilmore 13

Josie Janz 7

Ashlee Howard 9

Alicia Janz 3

Leah Shoard 13

Chanel Gomes 4

Sarah East 0

Lindal Rohde 1

* Chanel Gomes, Sarah East and Lindal Rohde were temporary replacement players throughout the season

Support Staff

Head Coach Jane Searle

Team Manager Genevieve Hunter

Assistant Coach Sue Kenny

Specialist Coach Michelle Wilkins

Strength Brendan Kennedy

Conditioning Ben Piggott

Doctor Mark de Cruz

PhysiotherapistsPippa Flanagan & Nina Crowhurst

Physiotherapist assistant Alexis Stephens

Massage TherapistsClare O’Connell & Bernd Adolph

Dietitian Terreen Stenvers

Podiatrist Darryn Sargant

Operations Manager Ingrid Dick

2011 WAIS Athletes

World Class Athlete

Caitlin Bassett

Susan Fuhrmann

International Class Athlete

Kate Beveridge (Vixens)

Shae Bolton

Joh Curran

Emerging International Class Athlete

Andrea Gilmore

Josie Janz

Potential International Class Athlete

Courtney Bruce

Briony Carlyon

Alice Coakley

Sarah East

Alicia Janz

Lindal Rohde

Denise Shepley

Ellie Smart

Sarah Tatam

Numi Tupaea

Mia Washbourne (until April 2011)

2011 Western Sting Australian Netball League (ANL) Squad

Final Placing: 3rd


Kirby Bentley

Kodie Blay

Courtney Bruce

Renee Cook

Lyndall Crichton

Sarah East

Alicia Janz

Josephine Janz

Lisa Millman

Ashleigh Neal

Stacey Northey

Lindal Rohde

Kate Schleicher

Ellie Smart

Sarah Tatam

Mia Washbourne

Support staff

Coach Jon Fletcher

Assistant Coach Michelle Wilkins

Team Manager Suzanne Lennon

Physiotherapist Nicole Robb & Theo Morris

Analyst/Statistician Malcolm Wright

Selector Jon Fletcher

Selector Michelle Wilkins

Convenor of Selectors Liz Booth

2011 World Netball Championships - Singapore


Caitlin Bassett - World Champion

Susan Fuhrmann - World Champion

Technical Offi cials

Paula Ferguson Umpire

Christine Robinson* Scorer/Timekeeper

Wayne Shepley Scorer/Timekeeper

Dianne Williams Bench Manager

* Awarded Gold Medal Game as a Timekeeper

High Performance Team Lists

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2011 Netball WA 21U State Team

Final Placing: 5th


Courtney Bruce

Alice Coakley

Tess Cransberg

Lyndall Crichton

Sarah East

Alicia Janz

Jessica Penny

Lindal Rohde

Maddison Schultz

Denise Shepley

Ellie Smart

Sarah Tatam

Support Staff

Coach Michelle Wilkins

Assistant Coach Nicole Prothero

Team Manager Michelle Gilmore

Physiotherapist Theo Morris

Selector Michelle Wilkins

Selector Lorraine Ward

Selector Lyn Pemberton

Convenor of Selectors Liz Booth

2011 Netball WA 17U State Team

Final Placing: 5th


Kimberley Burton

Jessica Colvin

Charlotte Donovan

Tayla Grigg

Ashleigh Haydock

Marlee Matau

Jessica Penny

Maddison Schultz

Kate Sidebottom

Kaylia Stanton

Rebecca Tuckey

Numi Tupaea

Support Staff

Coach Jo Smith

Assistant Coach Mike Cincotta

Team Manager Suzanne Lennon

Apprentice Coach Samantha McShane

Apprentice Manager Bev Gallager

Selector Jo Smith

Selector Gaye Teede

Selector Michelle Wilkins

Convenor of Selectors Liz Booth

2011 Netball WA 19U State Team

Final Placing: 3rd


Courtney Bruce

Jaimee Charles

Ingrid Colyer

Jessica Eales

Genevieve Ehlers

Eve Guelfi

Madeleine Hall

Sophie Kostecki

Alyce Peters

Denise Shepley

Ellie Smart

Georgie Smith

Support Staff

Coach Stacey Rosman

Assistant Coach Andrea McCulloch

Apprentice Coach Kelly Eastough

Team Manager Nicola Miller

Apprentice Manager Debra Poole

Selector Stacey Rosman

Selector Michelle Wilkins

Selector Lorraine Ward

Convenor of Selectors Liz Booth

State Teams

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Smarter Than Smoking State Netball League 2011

Team Pld Won Lost For Agst % Pts

Midland Brick Demons 18 17 0 1055 626 168.53% 52

West Coast Falcons 18 14 4 971 712 136.38% 42

Coastal Sharks 18 11 6 906 837 108.24% 35

Perth Lions 18 10 7 828 775 106.84% 32

Wheatbelt Flames 18 4 13 688 827 83.19% 16

Griffi n Souwest Jets 18 3 15 691 947 72.97% 9

Great Aussie Rangers 18 2 16 635 1050 60.48% 6

Finals Series

Elimination Final Perth Lions 39 Wheatbelt Flames 57

Qualifying Final West Coast Falcons 47 Coastal Sharks 54

Semi Final West Coast Falcons 66 Wheatbelt Flames 39

Semi Final Midland Brick Demons 54 Coastal Sharks 58

Preliminary Final Midland Brick Demons 70 West Coast Falcons 39

Grand Final Coastal Sharks 56 Midland Brick Demons 55

Previous Premiers

1989 Coastal Raiders 2001 Flames

1990 Stirling Saints 2002 Flames

1991 Perth Superdrome Bullets 2003 Four n Twenty Rangers

1992 Perth Superdrome Bullets 2004 Sparks

1993 Perth Superdrome Bullets 2005 Rangers

1994 Perth Superdrome Bullets 2006 Rangers

1995 Coastal Pumas 2007 Midland Brick Demons

1996 Superdrome Bullets 2008 Midland Brick Demons

1997 Kea Sparks 2009 Midland Brick Demons

1998 West Coast Warriors 2010 Midland Brick Demons

1999 WAIS 2011 Coastal Sharks

2000 Coastals

Smarter than Smoking State Netball League Results

Smarter Than Smoking State Netball League - Reserves

Team Pld Won Lost Drawn For Agst % Pts

Perth Lions 14 14 0 0 747 540 138.33% 28

West Coast Falcons 14 10 4 0 657 550 119.45% 20

Redink Homes Midwest Tigers 14 8 6 0 680 661 102.87% 16

Coastal Sharks 14 7 7 0 615 665 92.48% 14

Midland Brick Demons 14 6 7 1 647 612 105.72% 13

Wheatbelt Flames 14 5 9 0 595 606 98.18% 10

Griffi n Souwest Jets 14 5 9 0 623 679 91.75% 10

Great Aussie Rangers 14 0 13 1 508 759 66.93% 1

Finals Series

Semi Final Redink Homes Midwest Tigers 54 Coastal Sharks 41

Semi Final Perth Lions 57 West Coast Falcons 26

Preliminary Final West Coast Falcons 50 Redink Homes Midwest Tigers 38

Grand Final Perth Lions 45 West Coast Falcons 54

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Smarter Than Smoking State Netball League - 18/U Cup

Team Pld Won Lost Drawn For Agst % Pts

Midland Brick Demons 14 11 3 0 661 593 111.47% 22

Redink Homes Midwest Tigers 14 9 4 1 715 626 114.22% 19

Coastal Sharks 14 9 5 0 687 618 111.17% 18

West Coast Falcons 14 8 6 0 623 607 102.64% 16

Wheatbelt Flames 14 8 6 0 583 610 95.57% 16

Great Aussie Rangers 14 6 8 0 634 651 97.39% 12

Perth Lions 14 3 10 1 582 599 97.16% 7

Griffi n Souwest Jets 14 1 13 0 487 668 72.90% 2

Finals Series

Semi Final Coastal Sharks 50 West Coast Falcons 48

Semi Final Midland Brick Demons 30 Redink Homes Midwest Tigers 56

Preliminary Final Midland Brick Demons 58 Coastal Sharks 54

Grand Final Redink Homes Midwest Tigers 61 Midland Brick Demons 56

Smarter than Smoking Association Championships Division 1 Results

Open 1 Southern Districts 27 defeated Fremantle 25

17U Division 1 Southern Districts 27 defeated Mandurah 18

15U Division 1 Fremantle 19 defeated Perth 10

14U Division 1 Fremantle 27 defeated Geraldton 19

13U Division 1 Southern Districts 29 defeated Albany 13

12U Division 1 Fremantle (no fi nal)

West Coast Fever

West Coast Fever Player of the Year: Caitlin Bassett

Coach’s Award: Caitlin Bassett

Members’ Player of the Year: Andrea Gilmore

West Coast Fever Best Club Person: Andrea Gilmore

Jill McIntosh Medal

2011 Sally Joynes - Coastal Sharks

Previous Winners

1990 SIMEON Peta Southside Sparks

1991 JONES Jenny Flames

1992 JARROTT Sharon Bullets

1993 MARDON Chelsea Coastal Raiders

1994 SIMEON Peta Southside Sparks

1995 SEINOR Waveney Coastal Pumas

1996 FRADD Leith Bullets

1997 LLOYD-WOODS Angela Souwest Jets

1998 CLARKE Naydene Flames

1999 FERGUSON Paula Warriors

2000 ATWELL Michelle Bullets


2002 MITCHELL Fiona Coastals

2003 FUHRMANN Susan Souwest Jets

2004 DEVITT Cath Coastals

2005 DEVITT Cath Coastals

2006 NEAL Kyra South East Demons

2007 HUNTER Kym Perth Bullets

2008 BECKETT Emma Coastal Sharks


2010 BLAY Kodie Midland Brick Demons

Netball WA Awards

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Smarter than Smoking State Netball League Awards

Player of the Year 2011 - League Ashleigh Neal - Midland Brick Demons

Players’ Player of the Year 2011 - League Kirby Bentley - Wheatbelt Flames

Fairest & Best 2011 - Reserves Jaime English - Perth Lions

Fairest & Best 2011 - 18/U Cup Liana Perrella - Griffi n Souwest Jets

In Recognition of 100 games in top division 2011

Kirby Bentley Wheatbelt FlamesJoanne Dutton Perth LionsRochelle McKee Perth LionsAshleigh Neal Midland Brick DemonsTenille Treloar Griffi n Souwest JetsKellie Trott Wheatbelt Flames

In Recognition of 150 games in top division 2011 Kate Schleicher - West Coast Falcons

In Recognition of 200 games in top division 2011 Lisa Millman - West Coast Falcons

Smarter Than Smoking State Netball League Team of the Year

GOAL SHOOTER Stacey Northey Midland Brick Demons

GOAL ATTACK Ashleigh Neal Midland Brick Demons

WING ATTACK Kodie Blay Midland Brick Demons

CENTRE Lindal Rohde West Coast Falcons

WING DEFENCE Alicia Janz Midland Brick Demons

GOAL DEFENCE Josie Janz Midland Brick Demons

GOAL KEEPER Courtney Bruce Midland Brick Demons

Smarter Than Smoking State Netball League - Club Of The Year

In recognition of the overall performance of the club during the competition

Midland Brick Demons 2011


Volunteer of the Year 2011 Monica Holton - West Coast Netball Region

Smarter than Smoking State Netball League Umpire of the Year

Jaclyn Berry - Perth Lions

Umpire Achievement Award Amy Harvey - South East Demons

Smarter Than Smoking State Netball League Coach of the Year

Nicole Prothero - Midland Brick Demons

Coach Achievement Award Sue Scott - South East Demons

Bette Allison Coaching Scholarship Holders 2011

Kelly Eastough Midwest Gascoyne Netball Region

Samantha McShane Darling Range Netball Region

Faye Bevan Umpire Scholarship Holders 2011

Ashley Fowler Goldfi elds Netball Region

Chloe Thurkle South East Demons Netball Region

Flo Starcevich Manager Scholarship Holders 2011

Bev Gallager South East Demons Netball Region

Debra Poole Coastal Netball Region

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Year First Name Surname

1948 Dorothy Hogg (Hoskins)

1948 Maude Matthews

1949 Audrey Franks (Fairchild)

1953 Yvette Auckett

1953 Eve Robinson

1955 Bette Allison BEM

1955 Joyce Marsland (Rippin)

1958 Peg Felgate

1959 Beryl Arancini

1959 Pat Kirby

1960 Yvonne Ayres

1960 Sylvia Waring

1962 Mabs McMahon

1964 A Catherall

1964 J Quigley

1966 Laura Tolliday

1967 Shirley Ayre (Doornbusch)

1968 E Foley

1968 E Sharp

1968 Marj Williams

1970 Fay Bevan

1970 Kay Massey

1972 Glenice Dillon

1973 Kath Larner

1976 Yvonne Rate

1977 Nancy Dorrington

1977 Erma Smith

1978 Jean Coleman

1979 Gillian Anderson

1979 Lynne Moore

1979 Sue Taylor AM

1979 Eve Wearne

1980 Rosemary Allen

1980 Alison Elliott

1980 Kerry Gates

1980 Barbara Mayall

1980 Colleen Ranger

Year First Name Surname

1983 Julie Hewson

1985 Adele Highet

1986 Jill McIntosh

1987 Val Eaton

1987 Dawn Ellis

1988 Fran Gibbons

1988 Wendy Lee

1989 Nola Calnon (Goldman)

1991 Beryl Determes

1991 Sara Donovan

1991 Coral Mahony

1991 Helen Robinson

1992 Adele Simmons

1997 Pauline Mataka

1997 Sue Neate

1997 Helen Prince

2002 Margaret Baldwin OAM

2002 Lea Hadley

2002 Irene McKay

2002 Maureen Simmons

2002 Flo Starcevich

2002 Margaret Witney

2003 Annette Simper

2005 Elizabeth Booth

2008 Mary Cash

2008 Kaye Hunter

2008 Sue Scott

2008 Yvette Thomson

2008 June Webb

2009 Lyn Lendrum

2009 Dale Nielsen

2009 Alan Pilatti

2009 Judith Pilatti

2009 Carol Watson

2010 Shirley Christmass

2010 Erica Pirrottina

2010 Laraine Volcevski

Life Members


Fremantle Judith Pilatti

Mandurah Vicki Olsen

Rockingham and Districts Judy Roberts

Success Hazel Webb


Eastern Hills Fiona Malloch

Foothills Kerry Randell

Kalamunda and Districts Jenny Warwick

Noranda Lynda Jones

Swan Districts Jenny Huband


Eastern Goldfi elds Kathy Brooking

Esperance Lesa Blackman

Kambalda Valerie Tedge

Ravensthorpe Jasmine Agnew


Albany Judy Eskett

Denmark Jenny Findlay

Katanning Julie Poett

Kojonup Sandy Jackson

Narrogin and Districts Vicki Chadwick

Ongerup Peta O’Neill


Carnarvon Rebecca Tate

Geraldton Deb Jones

Kalbarri Hayley McDonald

Northampton Jessica Hasleby

North Midlands Bronwyn Thornton

Turquiose Coast Kerry Rodan

Mount Magnet Danelle Fauntleroy


Broome Juan Johnson

Derby Jane Edwards

Karratha Casandra Hackett

Kununurra Mandy Dahms

Newman Renee Kumeroa

Paraburdoo Janelle McNally

Port Hedland Lisa Baldock

Tom Price Megan Nash


Perth Marita Somerford

Mens and Mixed Bruce Bingham


Belmont Kerry Clarke

Serpentine/Jarrahdale Ellaine Hislop

Southern Districts Jenny Maras

Presidents of each Region and Association

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Boyup Brook Peta Meredith

Bridgetown Toni Edwards

Bunbury Sue Howard

Busselton Tash O’Neill

Donnybrook Rae Stewart

Eaton Karen Marshall

Leschenault Susan Newman

Margaret River Rosa Gibbon

Manjimup Susie Giblett

Waroona Annette Mason


Joondalup Joanne Bayliss

Wanneroo and DistrictsMonica Holton (dec)/Trish Robinson


Avon (Brookton) Michelle Paterson

Central Midlands Julia Greay

Central Wheatbelt Sarah Burrage

Corrigin and Districts Bev Hunter

Cunderdin Nippers Andrew Moore

Dalwallinu Elza Wallis

Kellerberrin Bonnie Cole

Lancelin Jenna Jolly

Merredin Emma Hooper

Mortlock Kate Petchell

Muckinbudin Tracy Warmdean

Northam Leanne Hunt

Quairading Lisa Caporn

South Midlands Pat Elliot

Wongan Hills Sandra Hartley

Yilgarn Corey Guadagnin

York Junior Sharon McDonald

York Senior Angela Ashworth

Coastal Tracey Boreham

Darling Range Sue Stacey

Goldfi elds Sonia Jones

Great Southern Anne Parsons

Midwest Gascoyne Leanne Fiorenza

North West Tracey Swami

Perth Lions Cherie Farnan

South East Demons Ashleigh Neal

South West Michelle Willsher / Dale Nielsen

West Coast Lyn Pemberton

Wheatbelt Adele Simmons

Umpiring Achievements

Jaclyn Berry ANL (2011)2011 Netball WA Umpire of the YearNetball WA High Performance Umpire Panel (from May 2011)

Nathan Cera ANL (2011)

Tara Crowley 2011 17U and 19U National Championships

Alex Di Bartolomeo Netball WA High Performance Umpire Panel

Paula Ferguson ANZ Championships2011 World ChampionshipsGibson & Gibson Offi cial of the Year - 2011 ANZ Sport Star AwardsNetball WA High Performance Umpire Panel (until April 2011)

Narelle Foster ANL (2011)Netball WA High Performance Umpire Panel

Michelle Gilmore Netball WA High Performance Umpire Panel

Jacqui Jashari ANZ Championships21U Nationals - Allocations/Coach PanelNetball Australia - Grading & Endorsement PanelNetball WA High Performance Umpire Panel - Chairperson

Gemma Nevin 2011 17U and 19U National ChampionshipsMO Exchange Program - AdelaideANL (2011)

Laura Payne ANL (2011)

Darlene Regali Netball WA High Performance Umpire Panel

Chloe Thurkle 2011 State Schoolgirls National ChampionshipsMO Exchange Program - Adelaide ANL (2011)

Regional Development Offi cers

Regional Umpire

Development Offi cers

Coastal Claire Adshead

Darling Range Nicole McKennay

Goldfi elds Tarryn Murray

Great Southern Donna Dowdell

Midwest Gascoyne Rebecca Swan

North West Tracey Williamson

Perth Lions

Darlene Regali (until May 2011) / Joe Gorinski (from October 2011)

South East Demons Amy Harvey

South West Teresa Halligan

West Coast Michelle Gilmore

Wheatbelt Heather Abel

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Division 1 Premiers: Coastal Netball Region

Division 2 Premiers: West Coast Netball Region

All Star UmpiresSheridan Carlson - Wheatbelt Netball RegionLyndsey Unwin - Goldfi elds Netball Region

Div 1 All Star Coach: Steve Kenworthy - Great Southern Netball Region

Div 1 All Star Team: Cherie Determes Great Southern Netball Region

Brittany Follett West Coast Netball Region

Summah Franchi South West Netball Region

Sally Graham Goldfi elds Netball Region

Lainey Halton South East Demons Netball Region

Jayme Harken Wheatbelt Netball Region

Natalie Howard Darling Range Netball Region

Zoe McAskil Midwest Gascoyne Netball Region

Sophie Orr Perth Lions Netball Region

Emma Whyatt Coastal Netball Region

Did not attend North West Netball Region

Div 2 All Star Coach: Jane Ridley - West Coast Netball Region

Div 2 All Star Team: Claire Gee Midwest Gascoyne Netball Region

Sarah King Coastal Netball Region

Courtney Kruta South East Demons Netball Region

Tahlie La Rosa Great Southern Netball Region

Rachel Lendich Darling Range Netball Region

Breanna Peacock West Coast Netball Region

Jaime Pickering Goldfi elds Netball Region

Olivia Strelein Perth Lions Netball Region

Morgan Tranter Wheatbelt Netball Region

Jessica Williamson South West Netball Region

Did not attend North West Netball Region


Jacinta Anderson Great Southern Netball Region

Tahnee Bell South West Netball Region

Jessica Brindley South West Netball Region

Shannon Clune Midwest Gascoyne Netball Region

Ingrid Colyer South West Netball Region

Charlotte Donovan South West Netball Region

Ashleigh Haydock Great Southern Netball Region

Rosina Hogben* North West Netball Region

Talicia Jetta* South West Netball Region

Teresa Moore North West Netball Region

Maddison Schultz Midwest Gascoyne Netball Region

Ashlee Sidebottom Goldfi elds Netball Region

Kate Sidebottom Goldfi elds Netball Region

Kelsey Timms Great Southern Netball Region

Cheyenne Wailu North West Netball Region

*Withdrew from Program


Terri Anderson Goldfi leds Netball Region

Kelly Eastough Midwest Gascoyne Netball Region

Cassandra Haskett* North West Netball Region

Steve Kenworthy Great Southern Netball Region

Jo Pita Goldfi elds Netball Region

*Withdrew from Program

DSR Head Coach

Gaye Teede

Netball WA Academy Cup Results Department of Sport and Recreation

Regional Talent Development Program Scholarships

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Section 3 Financial Report

For the Year Ended 31 December 2011

Netball WA (Inc)

ABN: 36 657 982 648


Directors’ Report 34

Financial Report

Balance Sheet 36

Income Statement 37

Statement of Cash Flows 38

Notes to the Financial Statements 39

Directors’ Declaration 44

Independent Audit Report 45

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Directors’ Report

Indemnifi cation and insurance of offi cers and auditors

During or since the end of the fi nancial year, the Association has

given indemnity or entered an agreement to indemnify, or paid or

agreed to pay insurance premiums as follows:

In respect of a contract insuring the Directors of the

Association and all Offi cers of the Association against a

liability incurred as such a Director or Offi cer to the extent

permitted by the Associations Incorporations Act 1987. The

contract of insurance prohibits disclosure of the nature of the

liability and the amount of the premium.

The Association has not otherwise, during or since the end

of the fi nancial year, indemnifi ed or agreed to indemnify an

auditor of the Association against a liability incurred as such

an auditor.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors:

Robert Shaw


22 February 2012

Robert Byers FCPA


22 February 2012

The Directors present their report together with the

fi nancial report of Netball WA (Inc) for the year ended

31 December 2011 and the Auditor’s report thereon.


The Directors of the Association at any time during or

since the end of the fi nancial year are:

Robert Shaw (President)

Bob Byers

Lisa Cunningham

Val Eaton

Fran Haintz

Jacqui Jashari

Yvonne Rate (Resigned 25 July 2011)

Operating Results

The Directors aim to produce a moderate surplus

from operations each year in keeping with the not for

profi t status of the Association. In keeping with that

aim, the profi t for the Association for the fi nancial

year is $44,395 (2010: $41,216).

Principal activities

The principal activities of the Association during the

course of the fi nancial year were to control the sport

of netball throughout the State of Western Australia.

The Association also manages teams participating in

national netball competitions and the Trans Tasman

Netball competition.

Operating and fi nancial review

Review of Operations

A review of the operations of the Association during

the fi nancial year and the results of those operations

found that during the year, the Association continued

to engage in its principal activity, the results of which

are disclosed in the attached fi nancial statements.

Signifi cant changes in the state of affairs

In the opinion of the Directors there were no

signifi cant changes in the state of affairs of the

Association that occurred during the fi nancial

year under review.


The Association’s objectives are to:

(a) foster, promote, develop and manage the game of Netball in

Western Australia;

(b) become affi liated with or subscribe to the All Australia

Netball Association Limited or any other association or

bodies whose objects are similar to the objects of the

Association and if thought fi t to withdraw or retire from any

such association or body;

(c) abide by the Offi cial Rules of the International Federation

of Netball Associations and the interpretation thereof

as determined by the International Federation of

Netball Associations and/or the All Australia Netball

Association Limited;

(d) promote and conduct Netball competitions and events

at all levels;

(e) manage the representation of Western Australia in

national events;

(f) use and protect the Intellectual Property of the Association

in the pursuit of these objects and the sport of Netball;

(g) promote and protect the interests of all Members and other

participants of Netball.

Environmental regulation

The Association’s operations are not subject to signifi cant

environmental regulations under either Commonwealth

or State legislation.

Events subsequent to reporting date

There has not arisen in the interval between the end of the

fi nancial year and the date of this report any item, transaction or

event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the

directors of the Association, to affect signifi cantly the operations

of the Association, the results of those operations, or the state of

affairs of the Association, in future fi nancial years.

Likely developments

The Association expects to maintain the present status and level

of operations and hence there are no likely developments in the

Association’s operations.

Directors’ Report

For the Year Ended 31 December 2011For the Year Ended 31 December 2011

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Balance Sheet





Administration 2,023,172 2,148,860

Coach and Player 86,518 72,229

Events 199,176 117,140

Marketing 34,455 36,400

Programs 194,314 153,307

Umpiring 74,147 27,967

West Coast Fever 994,498 859,467

Total Revenue 2 3,606,280 3,415,370


Administration (1,083,504) (1,018,698)

Coach and Player (421,386) (428,717)

Events (342,059) (302,830)

Marketing (231,706) (219,713)

Programs (369,520) (244,101)

Umpiring (129,264) (87,003)

West Coast Fever (984,446) (1,000,964)

Total Expenses (3,561,885) (3,302,026)

Profi t from ordinary activities 44,395 113,344

Transfer to Reserve - (72,128)

Profi t for the period 44,395 41,216

The notes on pages 39 to 43 are an integral part of these fi nancial statements.

Income Statement





Cash and cash equivalents 3 1,335,375 2,019,330

Trade and other receivables 4 71,813 57,663

Inventories 5 18,884 20,827

Prepayments 5 135,887 89,656

Total current assets 1,561,959 2,187,476

Property, plant and equipment 6 22,975 31,635

Bonds 5 4,200 0

Total non-current assets 27,175 31,635

Total assets 1,589,134 2,219,111


Trade and other payables 7 417,239 702,715

Provisions 8 80,825 34,384

Other liabilities 9 122,891 558,227

Total current liabilities 620,955 1,295,326

Total liabilities 620,955 1,295,326

Net assets 968,179 923,785


Retained earnings 487,401 446,185

Profi t for the period 44,394 41,216

Building reserve 436,384 436,384

Total equity 968,179 923,785

The notes on pages 39 to 43 are an integral part of these fi nancial statements.

For the Year Ended 31 December 2011For the Year Ended 31 December 2011

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Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements




Cash fl ows from operating activities

Cash receipts from sponsors and members 3,527,455 3,390,444

Cash paid to suppliers and employees (4,270,958) (2,898,005)

Interest received 60,475 55,542

Net cash (used in)/from operating activities 12(b) (683,028) 547,981

Cash fl ows from investing activities

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (6,674) (0)

Net cash used in investing activities (6,674) (0)

Cash fl ows from fi nancing activities

Netball Australia levies collected 252,110 267,434

Netball Australia levies paid (246,363) (223,986)

Net cash (used in)/from fi nancing activities 5,747 43,448

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (683,955) 591,429

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 2,019,330 1,427,901

Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 12(a) 1,335,375 2,019,330

The notes on pages 39 to 43 are an integral part of these fi nancial statements.

Note 1: Statement of Signifi cant Accounting Policies

This fi nancial report is a special purpose fi nancial report prepared in order to

satisfy the fi nancial reporting requirements of the Association’s Constitution.

The Board has determined that the Association is not a reporting entity.

The fi nancial report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements

of the following Australian Accounting Standards:

ASSB 1031: Materiality

No other Australian Accounting Standards, other authoritative pronouncements

of the Australian Accounting Standards Board have been applied.

The fi nancial report has been prepared on an accruals basis and is based

on historic costs and does not take into account changing money values,

or except where specifi cally stated, current valuations of non-current assets.

The following specifi c accounting policies, which are consistent with the

previous period unless otherwise stated, have been adopted in the preparation

of this fi nancial report.

(a) Income Tax

No provision for income tax has been raised as the Association is exempt from

income tax.

(b) Plant and equipment

Items of plant and equipment are measured at cost less

accumulated depreciation.

When parts of an item of plant and equipment have different useful lives, they

are accounted for as separate items.

Gains and losses on disposal of an item of plant and equipment are determined

by comparing the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount of plant and

equipment and are recognised net within “other income” in profi t or loss.


Depreciation is recognised in profi t or loss on a straightline and

diminishing basis over the estimated useful lives of each part of an item

of plant and equipment.

The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are

as follows:

2011 2010

Plant and Equipment 3 years 3 years

Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each

reporting date.

For the Year Ended 31 December 2011For the Year Ended 31 December 2011

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Notes to the Financial Statements Notes to the Financial Statements

Note 1: Statement of Signifi cant Accounting Policies (continued)

(c) Inventories

Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost

of inventories is based on the fi rstin fi rstout principle, and includes expenditure

incurred in acquiring the inventories and other costs incurred in bringing them to

their existing location and condition.

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of

business, less the estimated costs of completion and selling expenses.

(d) Employee benefi ts

Provision is made for the Association’s liability for employee benefi ts arising from

services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefi ts that are

expected to be settled within one year have been measured at the amounts

expected to be paid when the liability is settled. Employee benefi ts payable later

than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future

cash outfl ows to be made for those benefi ts.

(e) Provisions

A provision is recognised if, as a result of a past event, the Association has

a present legal or constructive obligation that can be estimated reliably, and

it is probable that an outfl ow of economic benefi ts will be required to settle

the obligation. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future

cash fl ows that refl ects current market assessments of the time value of money

and the risks specifi c to the liability.

(f) Revenue

All revenue is recognised when received and is stated net of the amount of

goods and services tax (GST).

(g) Goods and services tax

Revenue, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods

and services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not

recoverable from the Australian Taxation Offi ce. In these circumstances, the

GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of

the expense.

Receivables and payables are stated with the amount of GST included. The net

amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the Australian Taxation Offi ce is

included as a current asset or liability in the balance sheet.

Cash fl ows are included in the statement of cash fl ows on a gross basis.

The GST components of cash fl ows arising from investing and fi nancing

activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are classifi ed as

operating cash fl ows.



Note 2: Revenue

Memberships/Affi liations 1,479,672 1,346,594

Grants 809,240 688,325

Sponsorship 753,859 782,664

Other 503,034 542,245

3,545,805 3,359,828

Interest 60,475 55,542

3,606,280 3,415,370

Note 3: Cash and Cash Equivalants

Cash on Hand 28 51

Undeposited Funds 3,857 1,151

Cash at Bank 1,331,490 2,018,128

1,335,375 2,019,330

Note 4: Trade and Other Receivables


Trade Receivables 115,589 78,664

Less: Provision for Doubtful Debts (43,776) (21,001)

71,813 57,663

Note 5: Other Assets


Inventory 18,884 20,827

Prepayments 135,887 89,656

154,771 110,483


Bond 4,200 0

4,200 0

For the Year Ended 31 December 2011For the Year Ended 31 December 2011

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Notes to the Financial Statements Notes to the Financial Statements



Note 6: Plant and Equipment

Plant and Equipment at Cost 180,887 174,213

Less: Accumulated Depreciation (157,912) (142,578)

22,975 31,635

Car at Cost 20,716 20,716

Less: Accumulated Depreciation (20,716) (20,716)

0 0

Total Plant and Equipment 22,975 31,635

Note 7: Trade and Other Payables


Trade payables 102,500 454,343

Netball Australia levies 252,132 246,385

Other payables 48,264 32,078

Goods and Services tax payable 14,343 (30,091)

417,239 702,715

Note 8: Provisions


Employee benefi ts 80,825 34,384

Note 9: Other Liabilities


Income received in advance 122,891 558,227

Note 10: Segment Reporting

The Association operated solely within Western Australia within the sports


Note 11: Subsequent Events

There have been no events subsequent to balance date which would have a

material effect on the Association’s fi nancial report at 31 December 2011.



Note 12: Cash Flow Information

(a) Reconciliation of cashCash at the end of the fi nancial year as shown in the statement of Cash Flowsreconciled to the related items in the balance sheet as follows:

Cash on hand 28 51

Cash at bank 140,202 488,035

Cash on deposit 1,195,145 1,531,244

1,335,375 2,019,330

(b) Reconciliation of cash fl ow from operations with profi t from ordinary activities

Profi t from ordinary activities 44,395 41,216

Non-cash fl ows in profi t from ordinary activates

Depreciation 15,334 23,135

Change in assets and liabilities

(Increase) / Decrease in receivables (12,641) (23,312)

(Increase) / Decrease in other current assets (46,231) 69,098

(Increase) / Decrease in inventory 1,944 7,079

(Increase) / Decrease in bonds (4,200) 1,750

Increase / (Decrease) in accounts payable (289,103) 299,995

Increase / (Decrease) in unearned income (435,336) 53,928

Increase / (Decrease) in provisions for employee entitlements

42,810 2,964

Increase / (Decrease) in transfer to reserves (0) 72,128

Net cash from operating activities (683,028) 547,981

For the Year Ended 31 December 2011For the Year Ended 31 December 2011

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Directors’ Declaration Independent Audit Report to the Members of Netball WA (Inc)

Directors’ declaration

In the opinion of the Directors of Netball WA (Inc) (the “Association”):

(a) the fi nancial statements and notes, set out on pages 36 to 43:

(i) give a true and fair view of the Association’s fi nancial position as at

31 December 2011 and of its performance, for the fi nancial year ended

on that date; and

(ii) comply with Australian Accounting Standards as described in Note 1;

(b) there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Association will be able to

pay its debts as and when they become due and payable.

Signed in accordance with a resolution of the Directors:

Robert Shaw


22 February 2012

Robert Byers FCPA


22 February 2012


In conducting our audit, we have complied with

the independence requirements of the professional

accounting bodies.

Audit Opinion

In our opinion, the fi nancial report of Netball WA (Inc)

presents fairly the Association’s fi nancial position

as at 31 December 2011 and its performance for

the year ended on that date in accordance with

the accounting policies described in Note 1 to the

fi nancial report.

Basis of Accounting

Without modifying our opinion, we draw attention

to Note 1 to the fi nancial report, which describes

the basis of accounting. The fi nancial report has

been prepared for distribution to members for

the purpose of fulfi lling the Association’s fi nancial

reporting requirements under its Constitution. As a

result, the fi nancial report may not be suitable for

another purpose.


Lucy P Gardner



22 February 2012

Report on the Financial Report

We have audited the attached fi nancial report, being a special

purpose fi nancial report of Netball WA (Inc) for the fi nancial year

ended 31 December 2011 as set out on pages 36 to 44.

Directors’ Responsibility for the Financial Report

The Association’s Board is responsible for the preparation of the

fi nancial report and has determined that the basis of preparation

described in Note 1 to the fi nancial report is appropriate to

meet the requirements of the Association’s Constitution and is

appropriate to meet the needs of the members.

The Board’s responsibility also includes such internal as the

directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of a

fi nancial report that is free from material misstatement, whether

due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the fi nancial report

based on our audit. We have conducted our audit in accordance

with Australian Auditing Standards. Those Standards require

that we comply with relevant ethical requirements relating to

audit engagements and plan and perform the audit to obtain

reasonable assurance whether the fi nancial report is free from

material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence

about the amounts and disclosures in the fi nancial report.

The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement,

including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement

of the fi nancial report, whether due to fraud or error. In making

those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control

relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the

fi nancial report in order to design audit procedures that are

appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of

expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal

control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of

accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting

estimates made by the directors, as well as evaluating the overall

presentation of the fi nancial report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suffi cient

and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

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Preferred Suppliers

Key Partners

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Netball WA (Inc)

565 Hay Street,

Subiaco WA 6008

PO Box 930 Subiaco WA 6904

Phone: (08) 9380 3700

Fax: (08) 9380 3799

Email: [email protected]

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