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Near Threshold Heavy Quarkonium Photoproduction at Large Momentum Transfer

Peng Sun,1 Xuan-Bo Tong,2, 3 and Feng Yuan4

1Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics,Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China

2School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518172, P.R. China

3University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, 230026, P.R.China4Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Perturbative QCD is applied to investigate the near threshold heavy quarkonium photoproductionat large momentum transfer. We take into account the contributions from the leading three-quarkFock states of the nucleon. The dominant contribution comes from the three-quark Fock statewith one unit quark orbital angular momentum (OAM) whereas that from zero quark OAM issuppressed at the threshold. From our analysis, we also show that there is no direct connectionbetween the near threshold heavy quarkonium photoproduction and the gluonic gravitational formfactors of the nucleon. Based on the comparison between our result and recent GlueX data of J/ψphotoproduction, we make predictions for ψ′ and Υ (1S,2S) states which can be tested in futureexperiments.


Exclusive heavy quarkonium production in high energyphoton-proton scattering,

γ(∗) +N → V +N ′ , (1)

where the incoming photon can be real or virtual, hasattracted great attention in hadron physics commu-nity. This process is dominated by the two gluon ex-change [1, 2] and can be formulated in the generalizedparton distribution (GPD) [3, 4] framework [5–9]. Thetheory advance has also pushed the perturbative QCDcomputation of these processes to the next-to-leading or-der [9–11].

Recently, there has been a strong interest of this pro-cess at the lower end of the energy range near the thresh-old [12–30]. In particular, it was argued in Refs. [12, 13]that this process can provide a direct access to the so-called trace anomaly contribution to the proton mass,while the origin of the proton mass is of fundamental inQCD strong interaction theory [31–39].

In experiments, J/ψ photo-production from the nu-clear targets near the threshold have been investigatedbefore [40, 41]. More recently, high precision measure-ments have been carried out by the GlueX collaborationat Jefferson Lab [16]. Future experiments will exploreboth J/ψ and Υ near threshold photo-production in greatdetails [42], including JLab-12GeV [43, 44] and electron-ion colliders (EIC) [45–47].

In this paper, we will focus on one of the key aspects ofthe threshold kinematics that the momentum transfer isrelatively large: −t ∼ 2GeV2 and 10GeV2 for J/ψ and Υ,respectively. Here, t is the momentum transfer squaredfrom the nucleon target. Because of this large momen-tum transfer, we can apply the QCD factorization argu-ment to compute the scattering amplitude. This factor-ization follows that of the hadron form factor calculationsin perturbative QCD [48–55]. For the heavy quarko-nium production in the final state, the non-relativistic

QCD (NRQCD) [56] will be adopted and the associatedcolor-singlet matrix element of the quarkonium state isresponsible for its production in the exclusive process.

In the perturbative calculations, the quark/gluon prop-agators in the scattering amplitudes lead to the powerbehavior for the differential cross section at large momen-tum transfer [57–59], which has been commonly assumedin the phenomenological studies of near threshold heavyquarkonium production, see, e.g., Refs. [16, 24, 25, 60].In the following, we will provide an explicit calculationto demonstrate this power behavior.

The hard exclusive processes at large momentumtransfer depend on the non-perturbative distribution am-plitudes [48]. In our derivations, we take into accountthe contributions from the leading-twist and higher-twistterms of the nucleon distribution amplitudes [61, 62].They correspond to the three-quark Fock state light-conewave functions of the nucleon with zero orbital angularmomentum (OAM) and one unit OAM components [63],respectively. Their contributions lead to different powerbehaviors at large (−t), similar to the nucleon’s form fac-tors [54, 55].

We will also take the heavy quark mass limit and applythe following hierarchy in scales:

W 2γp ∼M2

V � (−t)� Λ2QCD , (2)

where ΛQCD for the non-perturbative scale. In addition,throughout the following analysis, we take the thresholdlimit, i.e., Wγp ∼ MV + Mp, where Wγp represents thecenter of mass energy and MV and Mp for the heavyquarkonium and proton masses, respectively. To deter-mine the leading contribution, we introduce a parame-ter [64],

χ =M2V + 2MpMV

W 2γp −M2


, (3)

which goes to 1 at the threshold. We will expand theamplitude in terms of (1−χ). By applying this expansion,








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we find that the commonly used 1/(−t)4 power term forthe differential cross section is suppressed by (1−χ). Thedominant contribution at the threshold actually comesfrom the higher-twist term with 1/(−t)5 power behavior.

As mentioned above, the exclusive heavy quarkoniumproduction has been extensively studied in the GPDframework and the scattering amplitude can be written interms of the gluon GPDs. In Refs. [18, 26, 29], the GPDformalism was applied in the the threshold kinematics,where the connection to the gluonic gravitational formfactors was explored. One of the major objectives of thispaper is to check the connection between the near thresh-old heavy quarkonium photo-production and the gluonicgravitational form factors. To do that, we compare thedifferential cross section derived in this paper and thoseof the gluonic gravitational form factors of the nucleon atlarge momentum transfer in Ref. [55]. We will show ex-plicitly that there is no direct connection between them.Therefore, approximations have to be made to link theGPD formalism of this process to the gluonic gravita-tional form factors [18, 26, 29]. A brief summary of ourresults has been published in Ref. [65]. In the following,we provide more detailed derivations.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. InSec. II, we will examine the threshold kinematics andapply the expansion method mentioned above to sim-plify the derivation. In Sec. III, we take the example ofphoton scattering off a pion target. The leading Fockstate of the pion contains quark and antiquark and thederivation is much simpler compared to the nucleon case.Sec. IV and V will be dedicated to the nucleon case. InSec. IV, we study the contribution from the leading com-ponent of the nucleon distribution amplitude and showthat its contribution is actually suppressed in the thresh-old limit. In Sec. V, we perform the analysis of higher-twist component of the nucleon distribution amplitudeand show that its contribution to the differential crosssection does not vanish at the threshold. In Sec. VI, wediscuss the interpretation and consequence of our deriva-tions. We conclude that there is no direct connectionbetween the near threshold photo-production of heavyquarkonium and the gluonic gravitational form factorsof the nucleon. In Sec. VII, we provide phenomenolog-ical applications of our derivations. Predictions on ψ′

and Υ will be presented for future experiments based onthe comparison between our results and the GlueX dataon near threshold J/ψ production at JLab. Finally, wesummarize our paper in Sec. VIII.


The typical Feynman diagram of the two-gluon ex-change contributions to the near threshold heavy quarko-nium photoproduction is shown in Fig. 1,

γ(kγ) +N(p1)→ J/ψ(kψ) +N ′(p2) , (4)

γ(kγ, ǫγ) J/ψ(kψ, ǫψ)

p1 p2

k1, µ k2, ν

FIG. 1. Schematics of two-gluon exchange contribution to thethreshold heavy quarkonium production.

where we have used J/ψ as an example. In order to makethe near threshold expansion more evident, it is useful toexamine the relevant kinematics for the scattering ampli-tude. The center of mass energy and momentum transfersquared can be written as,

W 2γp = (kγ + p1)2 = (kψ + p2)2 ∼M2

V , (5)

|t| = |(p2 − p1)2| �M2V . (6)

Therefore, we will have the following approximationsaround the threshold kinematics,

p1 · kγ ∼ p1 · kψ ∼M2V , (7)

p2 · kγ ∼ p2 · kψ �M2V . (8)

In addition, applying the heavy quark mass limit ofM2V � (−t), we find that the invariant mass of the t-

channel two gluons is much smaller than heavy quarko-nium mass. We will also take the approximation ofMc ≈ MV /2 in the non-relativistic limit of the heavyquarkonium system.

The quark propagators in the upper part of the Feyn-man diagram of Fig. 1 are all in order of 1/MV . Forexample, one of the quark propagators can be simplifiedas


(k1 − kψ/2)2 −M2



−k1 · kγ − k1 · k2

≈ 1

−k1 · kγ, (9)

where we have applied |k21| ∼ |k2

2| ∼ |k1 ·k2| ∼ |t| �M2V .

Because k1 carries certain momentum fraction of the in-coming nucleon, k1 · kγ will be order of M2

V . Similarly,we have


(k2 − kψ/2)2 −M2


≈ 1

−k2 · kγ. (10)

The following propagator will also show up in some ofthe Feynman diagrams,


(k − kψ/2)2 −M2



−k · kγ≈ 2


, (11)

where k = k1 +k2 = p1−p2. In the center of mass frame,k is dominated by p1 because p2 is soft.

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Applying the above approximations, we can simplifythe photon-heavy quarkonium transition amplitude. Letus define µ and ν for the polarization indices for k1 andk2, respectively, and εγ and εψ for the photon polarizationand J/ψ polarization vectors, respectively. To furthersimplify the derivation, we choose the physical polariza-tion for the incoming photon,

εγ · kγ = 0, εγ · p1 = 0 . (12)

With this choice, we notice that the contributions fromεγ · k1 and εγ · k2 are also suppressed in the heavy quarkmass limit. Therefore, we will drop these terms as well.We emphasize, all these approximations have been crosschecked by a full computation.

Finally, we have the following expression for the am-plitude from the heavy quarkonium side,

Mµνψ,ab =


[ε∗ψ · εγWµν

T + ε∗ψ · kWµνL +Wµν


]k1 · kγk2 · kγ


(13)where a and b represent the color indices for the t-channelgluons. In the above equation, Nψ is defined as

Nψ = − 4eceg2s√


ψJ(0) , (14)

where ψJ(0) is the wave function of J/ψ at the originand is related to the NRQCD matrix element [56]. Thetensor structures Wµν

T,L,S are defined as

WµνT = −k1 · kγk2 · kγgµν − k1 · k2k



+k1 · kγkµ2 kνγ + k2 · kγkν1kµγWµνL = k1 · kγενγkµ2 + k2 · kγεµγkν1WµνS = −k1 · k2

(k1 · kγε∗µψ ενγ + k2 · kγε∗νψ εµγ

+k1 · ε∗ψkνγεµγ + k2 · ε∗ψkµγ ενγ). (15)

where WT and WL represent the amplitudes for atransversely polarized and longitudinal polarized heavyquarkonium in the final state, respectively, whereas WS

for a subleading term.Clearly the above amplitude is symmetric under

k1, µ ↔ k2, ν. In the above equation, the first term isthe leading contribution in the heavy quark mass limitat the threshold. The second and third terms are sub-leading contributions.

We have also carried out an important cross check forthe above results. We compute the full amplitude with-out any approximation. We then take the leading con-tribution of the differential cross section (the amplitudesquared) in the heavy quark mass limit and thresholdlimit, and obtain the same result.

A. Vanishing of Three-gluon ExchangeContribution

Before we start our derivations of the threshold scatter-ing amplitudes, we would like to comment on the three-

γ(kγ) J/ψ(kψ)

N(p1) N(p2)

k1 k2 k3

FIG. 2. Typical Feynman diagram from three-gluon ex-change. These diagrams vanish because of the C-parity con-servation.

gluon exchange contributions. The two-gluon and three-gluon exchange diagrams were considered in Ref. [64] forthe threshold production of J/ψ and it was argued thatthe three-gluon exchange diagrams dominate the differ-ential cross section contributions.

However, we find that the three-gluon exchange dia-grams do not contribute in our framework, due to theC-parity conservation. This is because the three gluonsfrom the nucleon side carry symmetric color structure(such as dabc) while those from the heavy quarkonium(J/ψ) side are antisymmetric (such as fabc), where a, band c represent the color indices for the three gluons inthe t-channel, respectively. Explicitly, from the nucleonside, we have, as shown in Fig. 2,

εijkεlmnT ailTbjmT

ckn ∝ dabc , (16)

where ijk and lmn represent the color indices for theinitial and final three quarks, respectively. Here, we haveapplied the anti-symmetric color structure for the three-quark Fock state wave function of the nucleon [63]. Onthe other hand, for the heavy quarkonium side, we have,instead

Tr[T aT bT c




(dabc + ifabc

). (17)

However, because of J/ψ is in the 1−− state, the photon-J/ψ transition amplitude vanishes for the symmetriccolor configuration with three gluons, i.e., dabc term fromthe above vanishes. Combining this with the color struc-ture from the nucleon side, we conclude the three-gluonexchange diagrams do not contribute.


In this section, we take the example of pion case toshow the detailed of our derivations. In this case, wehave photon scatters on the pion target and produces aJ/ψ in the final state close to the threshold,

γ + π → J/ψ + π , (18)

where the dominant contribution is again a two-gluonexchange diagram. The two gluons attach to the twoquark lines from the pion target, as shown in Fig. 3.

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γ(kγ) J/ψ(kψ)

π(p1) π(p2)

FIG. 3. The Feynman diagram contribution to the exclusiveγπ → πJ/ψ at large momentum transfer. The two gluonsattach to the quark and antiquark lines, respectively.

Considering the leading Fock component of the pion,we have

|π+〉ud =

∫d[1]d[2]ψud(1, 2)





]|0〉 (19)

where i and j = 1, 2, 3 are the color indices, and ↑ and↓ label quark light-cone helicity +1/2 and −1/2, respec-

tively. The color factor δij/√

3 is normalized to 1. Thelight-cone wave function amplitude ψud(1, 2) is a func-tion of quark momenta with argument 1 representing x1

and q1⊥ and so on. Since the momentum conservationimplies ~q1⊥ + ~q2⊥ = 0 and x1 + x2 = 1, ψud(1, 2) de-pends on variables x1 and q1⊥ only. The integration inthe above equation is defined as,∫

d[1]d[2] =




2√x1(1− x1)

. (20)

From the light-cone wave function, we obtain the distri-bution amplitude,

φ(x) =


(2π)3ψud(1, 2) . (21)

The final scattering amplitude of γ+π+ → J/ψ+π+ canbe computed in terms of the above distribution amplitudeof pion,

Aπ =


∗(y1)φ(x1)Mµνψ (εγ , εψ, x1, y1)

× −g2sCF




γν], (22)

where Mµνψ has been given in the previous section.

A. Threshold Expansion

At the threshold, the amplitude squared can be furthersimplified as

|Aπ|2 = GψGπ(t)G∗π(t) , (23)

where the spin sum and average have been applied. Here,Gψ is defined as

Gψ = |Nψ|2 =384π2e2



〈0|Oψ(3S(1)1 )|0〉 , (24)

where 〈0|O(3S1)|0〉 is the color-singlet NRQCD matrixelement for J/ψ. Gπ(t) is defined as

Gπ(t) =8παsCF




x1x1y1y1, (25)

where CF = (N2c − 1)/2Nc, x1 = 1− x1 and y1 = 1− y1.

Here, we have neglected high order corrections of tψ =−t/M2

V .

B. Compared to the Gravitational Form Factors

We now compare the above result to the gluonic gravi-tational form factors at large momentum transfer, whichhave been computed in Ref. [55]. For convenience, we listthe results below. The gluonic gravitation form factorsof the pion are defined as

〈p2|Tµνg |p1〉 = 2PµP νAπg (t) +1

2(∆µ∆ν − gµν∆2)Cπg (t)

+ 2m2gµνCπ

g (t) , (26)

where Tµνg is the gluonic energy-momentum tensor in

QCD and m represents the pion mass. Here, P =(p1 + p2)/2 is the average momentum, ∆ = p2 − p1 isthe momentum transfer and hence t = ∆2. From theresults of Ref. [55], we find

Aπg (t) = Cπg (t) =4m2


g (t) (27)









From the above results, we find that there is no directconnection betweenGπ(t) of Eq. (25) and any of the grav-

itational form factors of Aπg (t), Cπg (t) or Cπ

g (t) (Eq. (27)).This indicates that we can not directly interpret the nearthreshold heavy quarkonium photo-production in termsof the gluonic gravitational form factors.

C. Compared to the GPD Formalism

As mentioned in the Introduction, the photo-production of heavy quarkonium has been derived in theGPD framework. If we extend these derivations to thenear threshold kinematics, we obtain

Aπ = Nψε∗ψ · εγ

∫ 1


dxHπg (x, ξ, t)

(x+ ξ − iε)(x− ξ + iε),(28)

for the pion target, where Nψ has been given in Eq. (14)and ξ is the skewness parameter. In the threshold limit

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γ(kγ) J/ψ(kψ)

N(p1) N(p2)

k1 k2

FIG. 4. Typical Feynman diagram contributions to thethreshold J/ψ photoproduction at large momentum transferfrom two-gluon exchange.

we take ξ = 1. In the above equation, Hπg represents the

GPD gluon distribution of the pion. The GPD gluon dis-tribution at large momentum transfer can be calculatedin terms of the distribution amplitudes as that of thequark GPD in Ref. [66], for which we list in Appendix A.If we substitute the result of Hπ

g (x, ξ, t) from there, wewill be able to reproduce the scattering amplitude resultfrom the direct computation in the above subsection A.This provides a useful cross check for our derivations.


Now we turn to the proton cases. We show the typi-cal Feynman diagram in Fig. 4. To compute these dia-grams, we follow the factorization argument for the hardexclusive processes [49], where the leading contributionscome from the three quark Fock state of the nucleon.The three-quark states can be further classified into zeroorbital angular momentum (OAM) and nonzero OAMcomponents [63]. We will first examine the contributionfrom zero OAM component. This corresponds to thetwist-three contribution from the nucleon’s distributionamplitude.

A. Three-quark Fock State with Zero OAM

Because there is no quark OAM, the total quark spinequals to the nucleon spin. The associated light-conewave function amplitude is defined as

|P ↑〉1/2 =


(ψ(1)(1, 2, 3)




(u†j↓(2)d†k↑(3)− d†j↓(2)u†k↑(3)

)|0〉 , (29)

where ijk represent the color indices for the three quarks,respectively, and the measure for the quark momentum


d[1]d[2]d[3] =√





×(2π)3δ(1− x1 − x2 − x3)δ(2)(~q1⊥ + ~q2⊥ + ~q3⊥) .(30)

By integrating over the transverse momenta qi⊥, we ob-tain the twist-three distribution amplitude [61]

Φ3(x1, x2, x3) = −2√


∫[dq⊥]ψ(1)(1, 2, 3) , (31)

where [dq⊥] = d2~q1⊥d2~q2⊥d

2~q3⊥(2π)9 δ(2)(~q1⊥ + ~q2⊥ + ~q3⊥). In

this configuration, the three quarks only carry longitu-dinal momenta to form the nucleon state. The aboveparameterization applies to both initial and final statenucleons. Of course, their momenta are different. Inaddition, because the quark helicities are conserved, thenucleon helicity is also conserved.

B. Partonic Scattering Amplitude

Schematically, we can write the helicity-conserved am-plitude as

A3 = 〈J/ψ(εψ), N ′↑|γ(εγ), N↑〉


∫[dx][dy]Φ(x1, x2, x3)Φ∗(y1, y2, y3)

×Mµνψ (εγ , εψ)


(−t)2Hµν({x}, {y}) , (32)

where {x} = (x1, x2, x3) represent the momentum frac-tions carried by the three quarks, [dx] = dx1dx2dx3δ(1−x1 − x2 − x3), and Φ3(x1, x2, x3) is the twist-three dis-tribution amplitude of the proton [61, 68]. The partonicamplitudeHµν is calculated from the lower part of Fig. 4,where the incoming three quarks carry momenta of x1p1,x2p1 and x3p1 and outgoing quarks with momenta ofy1p2, y2p2 and y3p2, respectively.

There are total of 12 diagrams (lower part) for theHµν . However, all the diagrams can be generated byonly two specific diagrams with different helicity configu-rations and arrangement (permutation) of the momentafor the quark lines. First, all these diagrams have thesame color factor,

C2B ≡ δac



a)i′i(TcT b)j′j(T






. (33)

For these diagrams, a pair of quarks has zero total he-licity. One can combine these two fermion lines into aDirac trace, by applying the following identity,

U↑/↓(p2)ΓU↑/↓(p1) = U↓/↑(p1)ΓRU↓/↑(p2) , (34)

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↑k1 k2



↑k1 k2



↑k1 k2



↑k1 k2



FIG. 5. Partonic scattering amplitude for the type I config-uration: k1 is determined by the quark line with helicity-upstate.

where ΓR is a γ-matrix chain obtained by reversing theorder in Γ. This leads to the typical Dirac algebra forthe partonic amplitude Hµν ,

U↑(p2)Γ1U↑(p1) U↑(p1)Γ2RU↑(p2) U↑(p2)Γ3U↑(p1).(35)

It is easy to find out that the first two factors can becombined into a Dirac trace, and we obtain the followingexpression,


[1 + γ5


Γ11 + γ5



]U↑(p2)Γ3U↑(p1) . (36)

We will apply the above simplification to all the dia-grams.

Furthermore, by examining the two gluon kinematics,we realize that one of the gluons’ kinematics is deter-mined completely by the quark line that the gluon at-taches. Let us identify that gluon is “k1”. Therefore,k1 = xip1 − yip2 where i represents the quark line in thediagram. With k1 determined, we immediately deducethat k2 = xip1 − yip2.

Therefore, we can classify the partonic scattering am-plitudes into two groups: k1 = xip1 − yip2 attaches tothe helicity-up quark line (Type-I) and k1 attaches tothe helcity-down quark line (Type-II). The derivationsfor both types are similar but differ in some details.

The typical diagrams of Type-I are shown in Fig. 5,where we include all possible attachments of k2 and theadditional gluon exchange between the two quark lines.The contributions of all these four diagrams can be eval-uated at the same time and will be grouped together. Forthese diagrams, it is easy to show that the amplitude canbe written as,


[1 + γ5

2/p2· · · γν · · · 1 + γ5

2/p1· · ·].

(37)Because there is no other vector than p1, p2 and ν, weconclude that the trace of the second factor is propor-tional to pν1 or pν2 . Explicitly, these four diagrams con-tribute,






x2y2y1. (38)

↓k1 k2



↓k1 k2



↓k1 k2



↓k1 k2



FIG. 6. Partonic scattering amplitude for the type II configu-ration: k1 is determined by the quark line with helicity-downstate.

Adding them together, we have,








ν1 + y1p


x1y1, (39)

where we have also included the t-channel gluon propa-gators.

Typical Type-II diagrams are shown in Fig. 6. Thecalculations are a little bit involved. For example, theamplitude can be written in the following form,


[1 + γ5

2/p2· · · γν · · · 1 + γ5

2/p1· · · γρ · · ·


(40)Now the trace of the Gamma matrices can lead to a termlike εp1p2νρ, which can be simplified by applying the fol-lowing identity,

U↑(p2)γµU↑(p1) =iεµνp1p2

p1 · p2U↑(p2)γνU↑(p1) . (41)

In the end, we find that there is cancellation betweendifferent terms and the Type-II diagrams vanish.

To derive the final result for the amplitude, we need tocontract theMµν with Hµν in Eq. (32). The final resultscan be summarized as

A3 = 〈J/ψ(εψ), N ′↑|γ(εγ), N↑〉


∫[dx][dy]Φ(x1, x2, x3)Φ∗(y1, y2, y3)



× U↑(p2)/kγU↑(p1)M(3)(εγ , εψ, {x}, {y}) . (42)

The spinor structure in the above equation is a conse-quence of the leading-twist amplitude which conservesthe nucleon helicity. This is similar to the A form factorcalculation in Ref. [55].

C. Threshold Expansion

In the threshold limit, we find thatM(3) can be furthersimplified as

M(3) = ε∗ψ · εγ8eceg




ψJ(0) (2H3 +H′3) . (43)

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The coefficient H3 can be summarized as

H3 = I13 + I31 + I12 + I32, (44)


Iij =1

xixjyiyj x2i yi


and H′3 = H3(y1 ↔ y3).Similar to the pion case, we can reproduce the above

result by applying the GPD gluon distribution Hg(x, ξ, t)at large momentum transfer in the GPD formalism. Forthe reference, we list the GPD gluon distribution Hg inAppendix B.

The final result for the differential cross section willdepend on the threshold limit of the amplitude squared.In the limit of χ→ 1 we find the following result,

|A3|2 = (1− χ)GψGp3(t)G∗p3(t) , (46)

which actually vanishes at the threshold. In the above,the spin sum and average has been performed, and Gψhas been defined in Eq.(24). Gp3 follows the form factorfactorization and can be written as

Gp3(t) =8π2α2



∫[dx][dy]Φ3({x})Φ∗3({y}) [2H3 +H′3] ,

(47)where H3 and H′3 are given above, and C2

B = (2/3)2 isthe color factor related to partonic amplitudes. Combin-ing Gp3 and G∗p3, this leads to 1/(−t)4 power behaviorfor the amplitude squared, which is consistent with theconventional power counting analysis. However, this con-tribution is suppressed at the threshold.

The suppression factor (1 − χ) comes from the spinorstructure in Eq. (42). In order to obtain a nonvanish-ing contribution at the threshold, we have to go beyondthe leading-twist contributions. In the following section,we consider the three-quark Fock states with one unitOAM, which are related to the twist-four distributionamplitudes [61, 63].


The twist-four contribution comes from the three-quark Fock state with one unit quark OAM. Two im-portant features emerge for nonzero OAM contributions.First, the partonic scattering amplitudes conserve thequark helicities. However, because of a nonzero OAMfor one of the three-quark state, the helicity of the nu-cleon states will be different. This contributes to thehadron helicity-flip amplitude. Second, in order to geta nonzero contribution, we have to perform the intrinsictransverse momentum expansion for the hard partonicscattering amplitudes [54], which will introduce an addi-tional suppression factor of 1/(−t).

The twist-four distribution amplitudes are related tothe three-quark Fock states with one unit of OAM. Thiscan comes from either the initial or final state. For exam-ple, if we consider the contribution from the initial stateof spin-down nucleon, we can parameterize the Fock stateas [63],

|p1 ↓〉1/2 =


((qx1 − iqy1 )ψ(3)(1, 2, 3)

+(qx2 − iqy2 )ψ(4)(1, 2, 3)) εijk√


×(u†i↓(1)u†j↑(2)d†k↑(3)− d†i↓(1)u†j↑(2)u†k↑(3)

)|0〉 ,

where the total quark helicity equals to +1/2 with nu-cleon helicity −1/2. With this choice, the final statenucleon’s Fock state can be taken as that in the previoussection.

An important step in the computation of twist-fourcontribution is to perform the collinear expansion of thepartonic scattering amplitude in terms of the transversemomenta qi⊥. In particular, the linear term of qi⊥ willlead to the twist-four distribution amplitudes when weintegrate over the qi⊥ [54],

Ψ4(x1, x2, x3) = − 2√




× ~q2⊥ ·[~q1⊥ψ

(3)(1, 2, 3) + ~q2⊥ψ(4)(1, 2, 3)

], (48)

Φ4(x2, x1, x3) = − 2√




× ~q3⊥ ·[~q1⊥ψ

(3)(1, 2, 3) + ~q2⊥ψ(4)(1, 2, 3)

]. (49)

To extract the linear dependence of the transverse mo-mentum qi⊥ from the partonic amplitudes, one can firstexpand the spinor as

U(xip1 + ~qi⊥) ≈ U(xip1) +/~qi⊥/p2

2xip2 · p1U(xip1) . (50)

After the evaluation of the Dirac structures in the am-plitudes following the strategy in last section, all the lin-ear dependence of ~qi is explicit and straightforward tofind out. For the contributions associated with the ini-tial OAM, it will yield a structure like:

Γ1({x}, {y})(qx1 + iqy1 )U↑(p2)U↓(p1)

+ Γ3({x}, {y})(qx3 + iqy3 )U↑(p2)U↓(p1) . (51)

where the transverse momentum conservation ~q2⊥ =−~q1⊥ − ~q3⊥ is used, and the identities γxU↑(p) =U↓(p), γ

yU↑(p) = iU↓(p) have been applied.Applying Eqs. (48,49) with the linear terms of qi⊥ from

the partonic amplitudes, we obtain the twist-four contri-bution to the scattering process of γp→ J/ψp as

A4 = 〈J/ψ(εψ), N ′↑|γ(εγ), N↓〉

= U↑(p2)U↓(p1)Mp




Ψ + Φ4({x})M(4)Φ

], (52)

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where Ψ4 and Φ4 are the twist-four distributions intro-

duced above and M(4)Ψ,Φ from the partonic amplitudes.

From this equation, we can clearly see that the nucleonhelicity-flip is manifest in the spinor structure. This am-plitude is negligible at high energy, but will be importantat the threshold, because it is not suppressed in the limitof χ→ 1. The amplitude squared along with the associ-ated spin sum and average can be written as

|A4|2 = m2tGψGp4(t)G∗p4(t) , (53)

where m2t = M2

p/(−t), Gψ is the same as above. Gp4depends on the twist-three and twist-four distributionamplitudes [61, 62],

Gp4(t) =C2B(4παs)



∫[dx][dy]Φ3(y1, y2, y3)

× {x3Φ4(x1, x2, x3)T4Φ({x}, {y})+x1Ψ4(x2, x1, x3)T4Ψ({x}, {y})} , (54)

where the hard function has the following form

T4Ψ = 2T4Ψ + T ′4Ψ ,

T4Φ = 2T4Φ + T ′4Φ , (55)

and T ′4 is obtained from T4 by interchanging y1 and y3.Then we have

T4Ψ =x3K1(1 + y2/y1) + 2x3K1

+ 2x3(K2 −K2)−K3/y1

+ x3(K4 +K5)/x1 + 2(K4 + K5) ,

T4Φ =T4Ψ(1↔ 3) , (56)

where the functions Ki and Ki are defined as

K1 =1


3 x21y1

, K2 =1


3 x2y2,

K3 =1


, K4 =1




K5 =1


, Ki = Ki(1↔ 3) . (57)

As mentioned above, the twist-four distribution ampli-tudes can come from both initial and final state nucleons.Because of the symmetric property of the partonic scat-tering amplitudes, these two contributions are the sameand have been included in the above final result.

Eqs. (53) and (46) are the final results of our analysis.Comparing these two, we find that the twist-four contri-bution is suppressed in 1/t but enhanced at the threshold.These two features can be used to disentangle their con-tributions in experiments. If we limit our discussions inthe threshold region, the only contribution comes fromthe twist-four term.


As mentioned in Introduction, the near thresholdheavy quarkonium production has been argued to provide

a direct access to the gluonic gravitational form factorsof the nucleon. However, our explicit calculations for thepion case have shown that there is no direct connectionbetween them.

From the results in previous sections, we have cal-culated the near threshold photo-production of heavyquarkonium on the nucleon target at large momentumtransfer. The gluonic form factors at large (−t) havebeen recently calculated in Ref. [55]. We conclude, again,we can not build a direct connection between them.

A. Construct the Gluonic Operator

The above conclusion can be understood from a de-tailed analysis of the photon-quarkonium transition am-plitude. As discussed in Sec. II, this amplitude can besimplified in the heavy quark mass limit, M2

V � (−t),

Mµνψ = Nψε

∗ψ · εγ

kγ,αkγ,βk1 · kγk2 · kγ

WαβµνT . (58)

Here, we only keep the leading term in this limit. Forsimplicity, we have also dropped the associated color fac-tors associated with the t-channel gluons. In the above,

WαβµνT is defined as

WαβµνT = −kα1 kβ2 gµν − k1 · k2g


+kν1kβ2 g

αµ + kµ2 kα1 g

βν , (59)

which can be identified as gluonic operator of FαρFβρ

acting on the nucleon state. However, the complete scat-tering amplitude involves the integral of the momentak1 and k2 with the associated propagators depending onthem. In the end, the γN → J/ψN ′ amplitude can beschematically written as

A = Nψε∗ψ · εγ



(k1 · kγ − iε)(k2 · kγ − iε)



× 〈N ′|F a,αρ(η1)F a,βρ(η2)|N〉 . (60)

Clearly, if we neglect the k1 and k2 dependence in thepre-factor of 1

(k1·kγ−iε)(k2·kγ−iε) , the above equation can

be identified as a gluonic gravitational form factor of thenucleon state. However, as discussed in Sec. II, this pre-factor comes from the quark propagators in the photon-quarkonium transition amplitude. The complete calcula-tion will have a full dependence on the momentum frac-tions of the incoming nucleon p1 carried by the two gluonsk1 and k2.

We emphasize that the above discussions apply to all ofthe kinematics in heavy quarkonium photo-production,including small and large (−t). Therefore, our conclu-sion is valid in the whole kinematics of this process thatthere is no direct connection between the near thresholdphoto-prodution of heavy quarkonium and the gluonicgravitational form factors of the nucleon.

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B. Compare to the GPD Formalism

It is interesting to find out that the above WµνT can

be directly compared to that for the gluon GPD calcula-tions. Gluon GPD is defined through the matrix element〈N ′|F+αF+

α|N〉. The amplitude associated with this canbe written as

−n·k1n·k2gµν−nµnνk1·k2+nµkν1n·k2+nνkµ2n·k1 , (61)

where n is the light-cone vector used in the GPD defini-tion with n · k = k+ for any momentum k. Here, k1 andk2 represent the gluon momenta that couple to the nu-cleon state, and µν for their polarization indices. Clearly,this is the same structure as Wµν

T of previous subsectionif we identify n ∝ kγ .

Following this argument, the scattering amplitude ofγN → J/ψN ′ can be formulated in terms of the gluonGPDs [6, 7, 9, 18, 26, 29],

A = Nψε∗ψ · εγ

∫ 1



(x+ ξ − iε)(x− ξ + iε)(62)

× 1




+η−〈N ′|F a,+α(−η−

2)F a,α+(


2)|N〉 ,

where the last factor defines the associated gluon GPDs.In previous sections, we have given explicit examplesthat demonstrate the consistency between our calcula-tions with the GPD formalism.

Clearly, from the above GPD formalism, one can onlylink to the gluonic gravitational form factors by mak-ing approximations of no x-dependence in the pre-factor

1(x+ξ−iε)(x−ξ+iε) [26, 29]. This is the same as we discussed

in the previous subsection. Therefore, our conclusion ofno direct connection between the near threshold photo-production of heavy quarkonium state and the gluonicgravitational form factors is consistent with the GPD for-malism.


Taking into account the contributions derived in pre-vious sections, we can write down the differential crosssection for the near threshold heavy quarkonium photo-production at large momentum transfer,




16π(W 2γp −M2

p )2

(|A3|2 + |A4|2

)≈ 1


[(1− χ)N3 + m2


], (63)

where N3 and N4 represent the twist-three and twist-four contributions, respectively. The most importantconsequence of our power counting analysis is that theleading-twist contribution is suppressed at the thresh-old. Away from the threshold point, it will start to con-tribute and may dominate at large (−t) because of the

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0-t (GeV2)

10 3

10 2

10 1





2 )

p J/ pp ′ p

4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 W (GeV)

10 1



p J/ pp ′ p

FIG. 7. Differential cross sections for J/ψ and ψ′ photo-production as functions of the momentum transfer t and thetotal cross sections near the threshold as functions of Wγp.

leading power feature. With high precision future exper-iments [42, 44, 46], we should be able to distinguish theircontributions.

If we take the leading contribution of Eq. (63) at thethreshold, i.e., the N4 term, the differential cross sectiononly depends on the momentum transfer t. This is animportant signal from the perturbative QCD analysis inthis paper. Of course, away from the threshold region, wehave to take into account additional contribution fromN3

and the kinematic corrections in Eq. (63). In Ref. [65],the twist-four contribution has been applied to fit theGlueX data [16] with the following parameterization ofthe differential cross section,

dt|twist−4 =


(−t+ Λ2)5, (64)

where Λ2 = 1.41 ± 0.20 GeV2 and N0 = 51 ±22 nb ∗GeV8. The current data from the GlueX canbe well described by the above parameterization. In thefollowing, we will apply this result to the future experi-ments for the threshold photo-production of ψ′ and Υ.

We have also made an order of magnitude estimate ofthe differential cross section by applying the twist-fourcontribution of Eq. (53) with model assumptions for thetwist-three and twist-four distribution amplitudes of thenucleon [61, 62]. There have been great efforts to com-pute these distribution amplitudes from various meth-ods [53, 69–86], including the lattice QCD, the light-cone sum rule and model calculations. The differen-tial cross sections calculated from the distribution am-plitudes with realistic model assumptions, e.g., thosefrom Ref. [77], are consistent with the experimental dataaround −t = 1.5GeV2 and the fitted result of Eq. (64) 1,whereas the results from the asymptotic distribution am-plitudes are an order of magnitude smaller.

1 In the numeric calculation of the Gp4(t) in Eq. (54), a lower cutoff(∼ (0.17GeV)2/(−t)) on the momentum fractions xi and yi inthe integral is imposed to avoid the end-point singularity. This issimilar to the Pauli form factor calculation at large momentumtransfer in Ref. [54].

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2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16-t (GeV2)

10 7

10 6

10 5

10 4

10 3

10 2




2 )

p (1S) pp (2S) p

11.4 11.6 11.8 12.0 12.2 12.4 12.6 12.8 13.0 W (GeV)

10 5

10 4

10 3

10 2


p (1S) pp (2S) p

FIG. 8. The differential cross sections for Υ(1S) and Υ(2S)photo-production as functions of the momentum transfer tand the total cross sections as functions Wγp near the thresh-old.

A. Predictions for ψ′ and Υ(nS) Production

Extending our analysis to other heavy quarkoniumstates is straightforward and similar formulas can be de-rived. As a first step, we take the differential cross sectionfrom the twist-four contribution at the threshold,

dσ(γp→ V p)

dt|threshold =


(−t+ Λ2)5, (65)

for a heavy quarkonium state V . In the heavy quark masslimit, the t-dependence only comes from the nucleon side.Therefore, we will assume the above Λ parameter shouldbe same for all heavy quarkonium states. On the otherhand, the normalization factor NV

0 will depend on thequarkonium state in the final state. From the derivationsin previous section, we know that the differential crosssection is proportional to,

dt∝ α2

s(MV )〈0|OV (3S(1)1 )|0〉


, (66)

from which we derive the ratio between different heavyquarkonium states,


N0=α2s(MV )〈0|OV (3S

(1)1 )|0〉/M7



(1)1 )|0〉/M7


. (67)

Substituting the associated NRQCD matrix elements forJ/ψ, ψ′, and Υ (1S, 2S) from, e.g., Refs. [87, 88], we findthe following values for the normalization factors,


0 = 0.20N0 , (68)

NΥ(1S)0 = 5× 10−3N0 , (69)

NΥ(2S)0 = 2.5× 10−3N0 . (70)

In Fig. 7, we show the threshold cross sections for γp→ψ′p. As comparison, we also show the results for J/ψ.For Upsilon production, the results are plotted in Fig. 8.

The comparison between different quarkonium stateswill provide an important confirmation for the produc-tion mechanism. The comparison between Charmonium

and Bottomonium, in particular, will test the heavyquark limit we have employed in this paper. Meanwhile,the momentum transfer range is much higher for Υ ascompared to J/ψ. This provides a unique opportunityto explore the large momentum transfer region.


In this paper, we have carried out a detailed derivationof near threshold heavy quarkonium photoproduction atlarge momentum transfer. We have taken into accountthe three-quark Fock state of the nucleon with zero andone unit of quark OAM. We found that the contributionfrom the Fock state with zero quark OAM is suppressedat threshold. The differential cross section is dominatedby the contribution from nonzero OAM Fock state andhas a power behavior of 1/(−t)5.

Our power counting predictions are consistent withrecent experimental data of near threshold photo-production of J/ψ from the GlueX collaboration at JLab.Based on the comparison between our derivation and theexperimental data, we have made predictions for ψ′ andΥ(1S,2S). All these predictions can be tested at futurefacilities including the electron-ion colliders [45–47].

We have also shown that there is no direct connectionbetween the near threshold photo-production of heavyquarkonium state and the gluonic gravitational form fac-tors. The indirect connection can be built through GPDgluon distributions. For example, we can parameterizethe gluon GPDs and fit to the experimental data, which,in return, can constrain the associated gravitational formfactors.

Acknowledgments: We thank Yoshitaka Hatta, Xi-angdong Ji, and Nu Xu for discussions and comments.This material is based upon work supported by theLDRD program of Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-tory, the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science,Office of Nuclear Physics, under contract numbers DE-AC02-05CH11231. P. Sun is supported by Natural Sci-ence Foundation of China under grant No. 11975127and No. 12061131006 as well as Jiangsu Specially Ap-pointed Professor Program. X. B. Tong is supported bythe CUHK-Shenzhen university development fund undergrant No. UDF01001859.

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Appendix A: Gluon GPD for Pion

The gluon GPD for pion is defined as∫dη−



∣∣∣F+µa (−η





× F +µ,b(




g (x, ξ, t) , (A1)

where the gluon field strength tensor is F aµν = ∂µAaν −

∂νAaµ − gsfabcAbµAcν , and the gauge link in the adjoint

representation is

Lab [z2, z1] = P exp


∫ z2


dz− G+,c(z−)facb].


P denote the path-ordering operation. In the definitionof GPD, P = (p1 + p2)/2 is the average momentum,∆ = p2 − p1 is the momentum transfer and t = ∆2. Theskewness parameter ξ is defined as the projection of the

momentum transfer ∆ along P direction, ξ = − ∆+

2P+ .In the large (−t) limit, the gluon GPD of the pion has

the following factorization formula:

H(π)g (x, ξ, t) =

∫dx1dy1φ(y1)φ(x1)H(π)(x1, y1) , (A3)

where φ represents the leading-twist distribution ampli-tude of pion. The perturbative function at the leadingorder can be written as

H(π)(x1, y1) =g2sCF−t

((1− ξ)2


(1 + ξ)2


)×(δ[x− (x1 − y1 + ξ(x1 + y1 − 1))

]+ δ[x+ (x1 − y1 + ξ(x1 + y1 − 1))



The above result is similar to that of the quark GPDcalculated in Ref. [66] for the pion.

Appendix B: Gluon GPD for Nucleon

The gluon GPD of nucleon is defined from∫dη−


+η−⟨p2, s

′∣∣∣F+µa (−η





× F +µ,b(


2)∣∣∣p1, s




(Hg(x, ξ, t)U(p2, s

′)γ+U(p1, s)

+ Eg(x, ξ, t)U(p2, s′)iσ+α∆α

2MpU(p1, s)

), (B1)

where sµ denote the covariant spin-vector of the proton.

Following the strategy in [55, 66], the GPD Hg canbe extracted from the helicity conserved amplitude, andone can show that at the large momentum transfer, Hg

follows the following factorization formula:

Hg(x, ξ, t) =

∫[dx][dy]Φ∗3(y1, y2, y3)Φ3(x1, x2, x3)

×H({x}, {y}) , (B2)

where Φ3 is the twist-3 proton light-cone amplitude [61],and H is the hard coefficient and perturbatively calcula-ble. At the leading order, we obtain

H({x}, {y}) = 2H+ H(y1 ↔ y3) , (B3)





x1 + y1 + ξ(x1 − y1)

x1y1x1x3y1y3+x1 + y1 + ξ(x1 − y1)


)×(δ[x− (x1 − y1 + ξ(x1 + y1 − 1))

]+δ[x+ (x1 − y1 + ξ(x1 + y1 − 1))


(x3 + y3 + ξ(x3 − y3)

x3y3x3x1y3y1+x3 + y3 + ξ(x3 − y3)


)×(δ[x− (x3 − y3 + ξ(x3 + y3 − 1))

]+δ[x+ (x3 − y3 + ξ(x3 + y3 − 1))

])}. (B4)

Similar results for the quark GPDs Hq of the nucleonhave been calculated in Ref. [66]. They share the samepower behavior at large (−t).

On the other hand, the GPD Eg at large (−t) is cal-culated from the nucleon helicity-flip amplitude, and therelated factorization formula can be written as

Eg(x, ξ, t) =

∫[dx][dy] {x3Φ4(x1, x2, x3)EΦg({x}, {y})

+x1Ψ4(x2, x1, x3)EΨg({x}, {y})} Φ3(y1, y2, y3) , (B5)

where Ψ4 and Φ4 are the twist-four distribution ampli-tude of the proton [62]. Eg can be written as,

Eg = 2E + E ′ , (B6)

where E ′ is obtained from E by interchanging y1 and y3.

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The detailed calculation yields

EΨ({x}, {y}) =−C2




×[x3K1δ[x1, y1]

((1 + ξ)2x1x1 + 2

(1− ξ2


+ (1− ξ)2y1y2

)+ x3K1δ[x3, y3]

((1 + ξ)2x3x3

+ (1− ξ)2y3y3

)+ x3(K2 −K2)δ[x2, y2](

(1 + ξ)2x2x2 + (1− ξ)2y2y2

)+K3δ[x1, y1](

2(1− ξ2

)x1 − (1− ξ)2y1

)+ x3(K4 +K5)

δ[x1, y1](

2(1− ξ2

)y1 + (1 + ξ)2x1

)+ (K4 + K5)

δ[x3, y3](

(1 + ξ)2x3x3 + (1− ξ)2y3y3

)]+ (ξ ↔ −ξ) ,


and EΦ = EΨ(1 ↔ 3). Here we have used the followingnotation to express the delta function of x:

δ[a, b] ≡δ[x− (a− b+ ξ(a+ b− 1))]

+ δ[x+ (a− b+ ξ(a+ b− 1))] . (B8)

The functions Ki are the same as those defined inEq.(57).

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