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Page 3: Navigators Badge Book

Little Book of Badges

Moral Compass

As a Navigator I promise to do

my best to create a world free

of prejudice and ignorance.

To treat people of every race,

creed, lifestyle and ability with

dignity and respect.

To strengthen my body and

improve my mind to reach my

full potential, to protect our

planet and preserve our


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Archery .................................................................. 4

Arts and Crafts ....................................................... 6

Buddy ..................................................................... 7

Bushcraft ................................................................ 8

Camping ................................................................. 9

Caving .................................................................. 10

Charity and Volunteering ...................................... 11

Climbing ............................................................... 12

Communication .................................................... 13

Community ........................................................... 14

Conservation ........................................................ 15

Construction ......................................................... 16

Cook ..................................................................... 17

Cycling ................................................................. 18

Design .................................................................. 20

Discovery ............................................................. 22

Environment ......................................................... 24

Experimental ........................................................ 26

Flight .................................................................... 28

Gamer .................................................................. 29

Geocache ............................................................. 30

Go Kart ................................................................. 32

Heritage ................................................................ 33

Hikes .................................................................... 34

Knots .................................................................... 35

Map Reading ........................................................ 36

Media ................................................................... 37

Minecraft .............................................................. 38

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Little Book of Badges

Paddle Sports ....................................................... 39

Performing Arts .................................................... 40

Pets ..................................................................... 41

Pioneering ............................................................ 43

Rafting .................................................................. 44

Safety ................................................................... 45

Sailing .................................................................. 46

Sewing ................................................................. 47

Skating ................................................................. 48

Space ................................................................... 49

Spirit and Mind ..................................................... 50

Sports ................................................................... 51

Survival ................................................................ 52

Swimming ............................................................. 53

Water Conservation.............................................. 54


Navigator 100 Challenge ...................................... 55


Senior Level Badges ............................................ 57


Morse Code Decoder ........................................... 64

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1 Learn about all the equipment used in archery.

2 Learn the basic safety rules and procedures of archery.

3 Take part in a session lead by an experienced archery coach.

4 Take part in a friendly competition with other Navigators.


1 Learn how to look after the equipment used in archery.

2 Demonstrate the safety rules and procedures of archery.

3 Keep a record of your progress over 6 organised sessions.

Session 1 Score Session 2 Score

Session 3 Score Session 4 Score

Session 5 Score Session 6 Score

4 Take part in at least 3 archery competitions

1 2 3

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Little Book of Badges


1 Demonstrate how to look after the equipment used in Archery

2 Make your own working Archery bow and arrows

3 Take part in an archery competition outside of Navigators

4 Create a presentation on the history of archery

Your thoughts, what’s your best score, have you found your dominant eye?

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Arts and Crafts


1 Present something you have made to the group.

2 Make something from wood, clay or cloth.

3 Draw a picture of something you wish to make.

4 Demonstrate in a scrap book or similar your craft making activities.


1 Present to the group/chapter something you made and how it was created

2 Create something with moving or hidden parts

3 Draw a comic strip describing idea for a model, invention or project

4 Take part in a community project using you art/craft skills


1 Put on an Exhibition of your work within the community as an individual or as Chapter/Group.

2 Make a fully interactive model.

3 Create a project, including materials and instructions for others to follow.

4 Use your craft skills to be a help to another person

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1 Draw a poster about what you enjoy in Navigators.

2 Invite a friend along to Navigators.

3 Teach your friend the seven values of being a Navigator.

4 Introduce a friend to the Group/Chapter.


1 Find a pen friend in another Unit / Chapter.

2 Draw a self-portrait.

3 Write a letter about yourself and send it to your pen friend.

4 Receive a letter back from pen friend and talk to them to your group/chapter.


1 Keep a scrapbook of your correspondence with your pen friend (at least 6 months)

2 Find out about Navigators group and their differences.

3 Find out about someone in your community of similar age who could do with a friend.

4 Carry out an act of random kindness and discuss with your group/chapter.

Tip for Leaders.

Try looking on the Navigators USA Leaders Facebook

Group for other chapter contacts and check out the

leader’s resource site.

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1 Learn about safety in a woodland environment.

2 Make a simple shelter that fits two people.

3 Learn the three parts of a fire triangle.

4 Create a camp tool from woodland resources


1 Carve a tool that can be used for cooking on an open fire.

2 Create a whistle from natural resources.

3 Demonstrate three different types of fire.

4 Construct a piece of furniture and use it.


1 Cook a two course meal on a fire for your team.

2 Show the uses of different types of wood.

3 Demonstrate three different ways of lighting a fire.

4 Spend a night in a shelter you have created from natural resources.

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1 Pitch and take down a simple 2 person tent.

2 Know what to pack for a weekend away.

3 Participate in a camp fire, building and activities.

4 Sleep out doors in a tent you have helped put up.


1 Demonstrate how to pack a ruck sack for a weekend.

2 Pitch and take down at least a 4 man tent with your team.

3 Sleep 10 nights in a tent (Not consecutive)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4 Take part in a sketch during a campfire.


1 Make up first aid kit for a weekend camp.

2 Pitch and take down an 8 man/mess tent as part of a team.

3 Run a wide game or lead a song/activity at a camp fire.

4 Complete 25 Nights in a tent (Not consecutive) 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10















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1 Explain how caves are formed.

2 Explain what you pack to go caving.

3 Be able to describe four cave formations.

4 Create a cave out of craft materials or on a computer.


1 Listen to a caving expert about caves in the area and how to cave safely.

2 Go caving.

3 Travel in a group with proper etiquette remembering to leave no trace.

4 Learn about ecological issues and how to protect caves.


1 Join a caving club or assist in a caving project.

2 Do a report on a famous caver/expedition/cave.

3 Learn about caving mapping methods.

4 Keep a log of 5 trips to different caves.

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Little Book of Badges

Charity and Volunteering


1 Define Community/Voluntary service.

2 Take a tour of a charitable facility in your area.

3 Name three ways you can help the community.

4 Participate in a food, toy, clothing drive/collection.


1 Find out information on three different charities.

2 Take part in an event to fundraise for a cause.

3 Participate in a project to help the elderly.

4 Participate in a neighbourhood clean-up project.


1 Create a presentation about an important charity.

2 Complete 20 hours in a project to help the community.

3 Work with a homeless/food bank project.

4 Plan and execute a fund raiser for a local charity.

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1 Listen carefully to a safety talk about climbing with an instructor.

2 Take part in an indoor climbing/bouldering session.

3 Know the names and uses of your equipment

4 Identify 3 places you can practise climbing safely.


1 Undertake at least 3 hours of climbing on an indoor wall.

1 2 3

2 Learn 3 knots used in Climbing. 1 2 3

3 Present a short talk on the risks associated with climbing.

4 Learn the importance of warm up and planning before undertaking a climb.


1 Undertake 6 different climbs. 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Undertake at least 3 outdoor climbs with qualified instructors

1 2 3

3 Know how to tie 7 knots used in climbing.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 Demonstrate to your team what you would do in a climbing emergency or visit a mountain rescue team.

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1 Learn about safety in communication.

2 Create your own secret code and exchange messages with friends.

3 Create a poster for an event or activity your group are doing.

4 Learn how to call emergency services when required.


1 Learn about the risks associated with social media and how to stay safe.

2 Communicate across a large space without using sound.

3 Write a fundraising or thank you letter.

4 Learn how to sign at least 10 words in ASL/BSL or Makaton


1 Learn the alphabet in ASL/BSL, Morse Code, Semaphore or similar.

2 Create a web page about your unit and what you do.

3 Talk to a local community member and their role.

4 Take part in a structured debate with your team on a topical issue.

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1 Learn about the diversity of your community.

2 Talk to a local faith or religious leader about their community.

3 Take part in a project to help your community.

4 Make a map or model of your area including public buildings nearby.


1 Talk to a local public figure within your community.

2 Take part in a local event, activity or fund raiser.

3 Help improve a local facility, weed paint, repair etc.

4 Plan a fundraising idea to raise money for a local charity.


1 Plan, Develop and put on a fund raising activity for a local charity.

2 Keep a Diary on helping regularly with a local charity or not for profit organisation.

3 Do a presentation about a community group in your local area, this could be about Navigators.

4 Produce a leaflet/poster on a local public resource.

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1 Identify an endangered species and create an awareness poster.

2 Visit a zoo/wild life park or nature reserve.

3 Speak to a wildlife professional or volunteer group.

4 Find out about conservation in your area.


1 Find out what people are doing to help with conservation.

2 Take part in a local conservation activity.

3 Explore your local wildlife and record your findings.

4 Design your own conservation project. What would you do to help conserve what we have?


1 Plan, Develop and put on your own small conservation project. Bug Hotel, Bat/Bird Box etc.

2 Keep a diary of volunteering or fundraising for a conservation project.

3 Find out about the effects of modern life on animal or human welfare.

4 Help raise awareness of a local conservation project.

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1 Build a model of a house.

2 Visit a construction site or similar organised site visit.

3 A mini catapult, vehicle or tower from sticks/canes.

4 Follow a set of instructions to complete a building projects.


1 Using supplied materials build a bridge to span a defined distance.

2 Learn about the health and safety on a construction site.

3 Build a three dimensional model of a local building or facility.

4 Construct a full size vehicle, catapult or similar from pioneering equipment.


1 Help with a local community construction project.

2 Use a computer package to construct a virtual building or room layout.

3 Create plans for others to follow to construct a useful camp gadget.

4 Organise and Plan the layout for a weekend camp.

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1 Learn basic hygiene rules regarding dealing with food.

2 Follow cooking instructions to bake a cake, biscuit or muffin.

3 Learn how to make a hot drink.

4 Wash up and clear away after a unit cooking session.


1 Learn about bacteria and food contamination.

2 Cook a two course meal of your choice in a kitchen.

3 Demonstrate the layout of a dining table.

4 Create a three course meal with options for special diets.


1 Create two contrasting meals one standard and one healthy version.

2 Help out at a community cafe, food bank or similar

3 Develop and cook a 3 course meal for your team/group/section etc.

4 Plan a daily menu for 1 person, keeping under the recommended calorie limit.

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Bronze based on Bikeability Grade 1

1 Fit Helmet, Carry out simple check, Get on and Off Bike.

2 Control Bike around objects, Control Bike with 1 hand.

3 Do an emergency stop when required.

4 Look all around you whilst cycling keeping in control.

Silver based on Bikeability Grade 2

1 Cycle safely on the road, avoid obstacles and observe dangers.

2 Make correct signals, perform a safe U-Turn and use junctions correctly.

3 Use Highway Code, Know your road signs.

4 Decide when to use a cycle lane.

Gold based on Bikeability Grade 3

1 Plan a trip from home to place of interest and back.

2 Show you can use roundabouts and multi lane roads safely.

3 Understand blind spots and how to pass vehicles safely whilst queuing.

4 Know how to react to dangerous road conditions and interpret signs.

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If you follow some simple road safety advice the roads don’t

have to be a dangerous place to cycle.

Many people say they are put off cycling because they don’t

like the idea of cycling in traffic, but many cyclists use busy

roads every day without any problems. That’s because they

cycle safely and make sure drivers know they’re there. Once

you know the basics of road cycling, you can start to enjoy

these journeys.

Tips for cycling on roads

Cycling safely

Make sure motorists can see you

Be aware of vehicles

Many collisions occur when a cyclist is on the inside of a

vehicle which is turning left. Don’t assume the vehicle is going

straight ahead just because it isn’t signalling left. Always avoid

‘undertaking’ any vehicle in this situation – it’s better to hang

back until the vehicle has moved off.

Never cycle along the inside of large vehicles, such as Lorries

and buses, especially at junctions, where most accidents


Cycle training

to find out about local cycle training check out these sites.



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1 Visit a design studio, artist, architect, newspaper, publisher or similar.

2 Design a poster for a local community or Navigator function.

3 Create a puppet or a character and give it a personality.

4 Design a new invention to help with a problem you would like to overcome.


1 Create a newsletter or small magazine featuring a local event or activity.

2 Design something that would be useful for camp.

3 Create a 3D design of a new building.

4 Design and pitch a new uniform or outdoor wear for Navigators and why they need it.

Tip for Leaders.

If you need free software for design applications try or use Google Sketchup for 3D Design.

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Little Book of Badges


1 Design an online magazine or web site.

2 Create either scenery for a show, some artwork for a mural or back drop for a community project.

3 Create a feature board that demonstrates what inspires you.

4 Design a new logo for a range of clothing or stationery for a community project.

Sketch some of your ideas here before starting out.

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1 Visit a museum or local place of interest.

2 Take part in a beach combing, rock pool exploration or fossil hunt.

3 Explore your local park or grassland recording types of wildlife.

4 Talk about something you have discovered in history.


1 Present a talk on a famous explorer, navigator or adventurer.

2 Take part in an activity at a local museum.

3 Discover the history behind an aspect of your community.

4 Identify different species of plants and trees in local park.

Tip for Leaders.

Local Museums will often give guided talks around their

collections but after a visit try and follow it up with press release

to local newspaper and social media, thanking them its great way

of publicising Navigators and creating local links.

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Little Book of Badges


1 Organise a tour of your local area for your group.

2 Help or visit a local archaeological dig or activity.

3 Research a name on a local war memorial or character from local history/folklore.

4 Create a meal from resources found locally.

Perhaps sketch out some of your discoveries or take a photo for

identification later on.

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1 Visit a local recycling plant/depot.

2 Find out what rubbish is recyclable.

3 Create a model out of scrap material.

4 Find out how you could save water around the home.


1 Find out how to save electricity around the home.

2 Arrange a collection of recyclable material.

3 Help local community with public space/park or woodland etc.

4 Create a device to save water.


1 Help plant new plants in your local community.

2 Find out about what our local area was like before roads/buildings were built.

3 Spend an evening indoors without any electricity.

4 Develop a way to make drinking water safe.

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Little Book of Badges

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Walk or ride a bike instead of going in the car

Use refillable water bottles

Recycle plastic containers

Use energy efficient light

bulbs and appliances

Use reusable grocery bags

Recycle Soda/Pop and

Fizzy drink cans

Turn the water off before

brushing your teeth

Use reusable lunch boxes

Recycle cardboard


Compost food to create

enriched new spoil

Use the other side of paper

Recycle newspaper,

pamphlets and magazines

Don’t buy unnecessary


Reuse materials for


Compost leaves and yard waste

Here are some of our ideas can you add some of

your own?

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1 Make a rain catcher and monitor rainfall over a week.

2 Find out what rubbish is recyclable. Find out how gears and pulleys work.

3 Explore our 5 main senses.

4 Take part in experiments that look at acid and alkaline.

Weekday Rainfall in mm/in Weather Forecast









1 Create a simple electric circuit to send Morse code

2 Record the daily weather and compare to national forecast

3 In a safe environment spend an hour without one of your 5 senses.

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4 Recreate a famous experiment in your meeting place


1 Visit a place of scientific interest.

2 Create your own camera and develop a picture from it.

3 Measure the circumference of the earth.

4 Create a presentation of a famous scientist.

Top Navigator Tip.

Measuring the circumference or the distance around the earth at

the equator will not require a very large tape measure or ruler but

you can do simply yourself. Try researching how Eratosthenes

approximated it.

You can use this space for some of your calculations.

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1 Listen to a person who is involved in the aircraft industry or frequently travels by air.

2 Create a paper aeroplane, then after experimenting, find a way to improve it.

3 Create a model of a hot air balloon, plane or helicopter.

4 Find out about a particular plane and talk about it with your team.


1 Visit an airfield or place associated with the aviation industry.

2 Create a water propelled rocket.

3 Discover what makes a plane fly.

4 Make a working kite.


1 Take a trip in a balloon, plane, glider helicopter or simulator.

2 Learn about air pressure and weather patterns.

3 Propel an egg 30ft in the air and land without breaking.

4 Present a talk on the history of flight, jet engine or other aviation related topic.

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1 Take part in an activity based on a video game.

2 Learn about good sportsmanship and fair play.

3 Design a game and its packaging.

4 Make your own board game.


1 Develop a set of instructions on how to play a video game.

2 Design a set of characters for a video game.

3 Create a board game and show others how to play it.

4 Write a short review of a game you have played.


1 Develop or edit a world or character within a game.

2 Run a wide game with your team based on a video game.

3 Present a talk on the pros and cons of video gaming.

4 Develop a fundraising activity using a video game.

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1 List the equipment you should carry when geocaching.

2 Know the points of a compass, way point & country code.

3 Know how to set a map to North.

4 Find your first cache.


1 Make and place a travel bug and log for 3 months.

2 Place you first cache and maintain it.

3 Know how to set a way point.

4 Find 20 Caches.


1 Find a cache with level 4 or 5 difficulty.

2 Find a cache outside of your country.

3 Pack a bag with everything you will need for 12 hour caching.

4 Find 50 Caches.

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Little Book of Badges

Keep a track of all your finds with our Geocache Log.

Date Name Date Name Date Name

1 21 41 2 22 42 3 23 43 4 24 44 5 25 45 6 26 46 7 27 47 8 28 48 9 29 49 10 30 50 11 31 51 12 32 52 13 33 53 14 34 54 15 35 55 16 36 56 17 37 57 18 38 58 19 39 59 20 40 60

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Go Kart


1 Build a model Go Kart from a kit/pattern.

2 Create a self-propelled vehicle.

3 Design your own racecourse.

4 Race slot cars or pine box derby against your crew.


1 Build a full size soap box no bigger than 2 m in length 1m width.

2 Take part in a soap box race.

3 Record your best lap time and find a way to improve.

4 Take part in a radio controlled car race.


1 Build a self-propelled go-kart.

2 Drive a go kart around a purpose built track or course.

3 Find out about a famous racing person.

4 Record your fastest time for yourself and team.

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1 Find out where your great grandparents live/lived.

2 Find out two historical facts about your area.

3 Visit a place of historical interest.

4 Learn something about costume, diet or leisure from history.


1 Search for a family tree from a person in history.

2 Talk to a person from local historical society.

3 Visit a historical re-enactment event.

4 Take part in a traditional activity, Wassail, Morris Dance etc..


1 Research your own family tree and present to your team/chapter.

2 Volunteer at a local place of historical interest.

3 Find out about the history of various youth movements.

4 Create an historical activity at a local event.

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1 Follow a trail or a map.

2 Learn about appropriate safety and clothing.

3 Learn how to use a torch correctly.

4 Know about North, South, East and West.


1 Take Part in at least 5 Walks/Hikes. One should be a night hike.

1 2 3 4 NIGHT

2 Learn what you need to take on a hike.

3 Learn what you need to do in an emergency.

4 Demonstrate knowledge on weather protection.


1 Take part in at least 10 hikes longer than 5 miles.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 Learn what to take on a 2 day hike.

3 Visit a search and rescue facility or organisation.

4 Take part in a sponsored walk for charity.

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1 Tie a shoe lace/bow.

2 Tie a reef knot..

3 Tie a clove hitch.

4 Tie a Bowline.


1 Tie a figure 8.

2 Tie a sheet bend.

3 Tie a two and a half hitch.

4 Tie a taut line hitch.


1 Tie a fisherman's knot.

2 Tie a water knot.

3 Tie a rolling hitch.

4 Tie a prusik knot.

Tip for leaders. Check out for some

great guides. Plus remember sometimes there are variations in

naming of knots so a child may just know it by another name.

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Map reading


1 Learn 8 basic point of a compass.

2 Learn about magnetic north.

3 Learn how to read a legend and scale.

4 Follow a simple map from A to B.


1 Know how to plot a course between two points.

2 Demonstrate how to use grid references.

3 Know how to find/take a bearing on a map.

4 Walk at least 3 miles using map and compass.


1 Plan a hike for others to follow.

2 Learn about contours of a map.

3 Identify hazards on a map.

4 Walk at least 5 Miles using map and compass.

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1 Create a collage using various media.

2 Act out a radio interview or pretend to be a DJ.

3 Visit a Newspaper, Radio or TV Station.

4 Write a story about something you have done.


1 Create a storyboard for a short film.

2 Create a press release to send to a local media outlet.

3 Conduct and record an interview with a local personality.

4 Speak about a subject of your choice for at least 5 minutes.


1 Record/Create a short film.

2 Create a simple magazine or newsletter

3 Create an exhibition on something you have created.

4 Take and present pictures at recent Navigator or Community event.

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1 Know how to make a chest and bed.

2 Know how to make a torch, ladder, stairs, armour, sign, bucket, slab and glass.

3 Know how to make a sword, pick axe, shovel, axe, hoe, furnace, doors.

4 Create a building and describe how you should respect others creations.


1 Know how to create Bucket of Lava, Shears and Bricks.

2 Know how to make a painting, double size chest, cook meat, mine redstone, redstone torch.

3 Create a piston & multi-floor building with colour floor.

4 Demonstrate what not to do when playing online.


1 Build a working roller coaster that completes a full lap without user intervention.

2 Build a village and bring villagers to it in survival.

3 Build a redstone trip wire that fires missiles

4 Visit nether world and recover blaze rod in survival.

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Paddle sports


1 Learn what safety equipment you MUST wear for paddle sports.

2 Learn how to lift and carry your craft ( with assistance – no solo carrying)

3 Learn how to get in/ on your craft, and out of or off your craft safely.

4 Take part in a session lead by an experienced paddle sports coach.


1 Learn how to identify the safety features of your craft.

2 Show an ability to get in/ on and out/off your craft without assistance (without capsize).

3 Show proper use of the paddle in a forward stroke/ backwards stroke and turning on the spot.

4 Take part in at least 4 paddle sport sessions (4 Hours).


1 Select, and fir your own safety kit, unaided. Select a suitable paddle, unaided.

2 Check your boat’s safety features and adjust footrests/ seating to suit your own needs.

3 Launch your craft showing proper access.

4 Have taken part in 8 Paddle sport sessions.

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Performing Arts


1 Sing a song or read a poem to your crew/group/chapter.

2 Play a game using your body to tell a story.

3 Tell a story, dance, act or play a musical instrument.

4 Take part in a production or musical performance.


1 Perform a song to a group with music or backing tracks

2 Perform a short sketch with friends.

3 Demonstrate skills on creating a production.

4 Take part in a community activity using performing arts.


1 Take part in a production which you fully rehearse for audience.

2 Take part in two active productions.

3 Present a demonstration on your particular performance skill.

4 Create a sketch to deliver to a community or care group.

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1 Visit animal sanctuary, vets or animal care centre

2 Talk about your favourite pet or domestic animal.

3 Write a diary on what your pet has done over a week.

4 Help clean up after your pet.

Day Pet Diary notes.








Continued overleaf

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1 Visit an animal charity and find out what they do and the obstacles they have to overcome.

2 Discover what animals have done to help people.

3 Keep a diary of animal’s health, diet and exercise.

4 Explain what would happen if you neglected your pet.

Day Pet Health Diary notes.









1 Help out at an animal charity at venue or fundraising event.

2 Find out about your before they were domesticated

3 Help someone in their community with their pet.

4 Learn about animal healthcare and looking after your pet.

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1 Create a structure as tall as possible from spaghetti or similar.

2 Construct a simple catapult from canes and small sticks.

3 Learn how to tie two poles with a square lashing.

4 Construct a simple shelter or den.


1 Learn how to build a tripod and lash together.

2 Learn how to splice two ropes.

3 Learn how to secure a large structure with ground support.

4 Learn the basics of pulleys.


1 Build a tower or bridge from pioneering poles.

2 Learn how to stop a rope from fraying.

3 Build an entrance gate for a camp with pioneering poles or similar.

4 Build a table and seating for an outdoor meal or camp.

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1 Learn about water safety and its risks.

2 Build a small raft big enough to hold an egg or small object.

3 Take part in a model raft race.

4 Undertake experiments on buoyancy.


1 Build a raft big enough for two people.

2 Learn about life jackets and their uses.

3 Learn how to re-right a raft in calm water.

4 Take part in Dragon Boating or similar activity that requires team cooperation.


1 Build a raft that will hold your own team (min 4 people)

2 Race your raft against another team across water.

3 Find out about Kon-Tiki and its adventures.

4 Build a raft with sail and create your own paddles.

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1 Learn about stranger danger and when to say no.

2 Learn what to do if you think you are in danger.

3 Visit a police, fire or ambulance station or listen to a demonstration.

4 Find out who to call in the event of an emergency.


1 Know of the dangers around the home.

2 Design a poster reflecting safety at home.

3 Learn about road safety and what to look out for as a pedestrian.

4 Learn about poisonous plants and berries.


1 Learn about signs of poisoning and what to do.

2 Learn basic first aid.

3 Learn how to detect and deal with shock.

4 Learn about warning labels and what they mean.

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1 Learn the terms: bow, stern, port and starboard.

2 Make a float plan (pretend or for a real trip).

3 Tie 2 Knots.

4 Learn about different types of life jackets.


1 Learn the safety rules for sailing.

2 Go sailing.

3 Take part in a jib and tack.

4 Assist with a line or navigation.


1 Explain the points of a sail.

2 Box a compass.

3 Explain the points in tacking and jibing.

4 Rig a small boat or do a boat check on a larger boat.

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1 Thread a needle.

2 Tie a knot at the end of the thread/string.

3 Do a whip/overcast stitch.

4 Sew two things together.


1 Sew using all the following stitches.

2 Running stitch, hemming stitch,

3 Slip stitch, catch stitch.

4 Decorate something with embroidery or attaching fabric.


1 Learn to operate a sewing machine.

2 Sew something using a pattern.

3 Learn about different types of fabric.

4 Sew for a service project or to help others. Example could be to sew on badges for other Navigators.

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Bronze complete all 4 parts or snowplough Sam 1

1 Sit and Stand up on Ice.

2 March forward 8 – 10 steps.

3 March then glide on 2 feet.

4 March in a place/on a spot.

Silver complete all 4 parts or snowplough Sam 2

1 March followed by a long glide.

2 Backward wiggles – six in a row

3 Forward two-foot swizzles – 2-3 in a row.

4 Dip while moving.

Gold complete all 4 parts or snowplough Sam 3 or Basic 1

1 Forward skating 8-10 steps

2 Forward one foot glide – right and left.

3 Forward snowplough stop with skid.

4 Backward swizzles – 4-6 in a row.

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1 Know how to find the North Star.

2 Look at a moon through a telescope.

3 Know the position of the earth to the other planets.

4 Build a spaceship/rocket out of junk.


1 Visit a space related, exhibition, observatory, museum or similar.

2 Identify three consolations in the sky.

3 Find out about a pioneer related to space and our understanding of the universe.

4 Take part in a space related activity or experiment.


1 Make and fire your own rocket.

2 Build a telescope.

3 Take a detailed picture of the moon or planet.

4 Learn how to navigate by the stars.

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Spirit and Mind


1 Discuss a newspaper article that catches your attention, related to people’s beliefs.

2 Take part in an act of celebration or worship in your community.

3 Take part in an act of remembrance.

4 Take part of an activity that enhances your thinking.


1 Find a story that relates to the seven values of the moral compass.

2 Create a mind map illustrating your thoughts on spirit and thinking.

3 Identify a great thinker, philosopher, campaigner or religious individual.

4 Visit a spiritual centre that you have not been to before.


1 Find out about two separate religions and their differences.

2 Debate an issue that requires deep thought and consideration of others.

3 Keep a diary of any spiritual thoughts and thinking’s.

4 Create a "pause for thought" style speech.

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1 Try 3 new sports you have not tried before.

1 2 3

2 Learn about working in a team.

3 Discuss what is important about good sportsmanship.

4 Visit a gym/spots centre with your team/chapter/group.


1 Demonstrate your favourite sport and its history.

2 Visit a stadium or recreation centre.

3 Learn about a new sport and get involved.

4 Take part in a competition or grading of your sport.


1 Take part in a competition or grading of your sport.

2 Organise a demonstration or charity game within your community.

3 Referee or judge a sport of your choice.

4 Take part in a sport which is open to all abilities.

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1 Find out about the fire triangle.

2 What are the most important things when attempting to survive in the wild.

3 Cook a simple meal on a fire.

4 Understand about clean and dirty water.


1 Learn how to use survival equipment safely.

2 Light a fire without matches.

3 Learn how to find your way around without gps, compass or map.

4 Prepare wild food for cooking and eating.


1 Build a single shelter from natural resources.

2 Spend at least 24 Hours in a woodland environment

3 Understand how to stay healthy outdoors.

4 Learn how to be found easily in the event of an emergency.

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Bronze or Pass Grade 1 Swimming

1 Enter and Exit Water and understand pool rules.

2 Push and glide off the wall up to 5 meters in any direction.

3 Take part in a pool game and be confident moving through the water.

4 Be able to use floating aids and equipment.

Silver or Pass Grade 3 Swimming

1 Jump in and retrieve object from 0.9m away.

2 Swim 10m in any direction.

3 Understand the Water Safety Code.

4 Push away from the side and maintain a straight course.

Gold or Pass Grade 6 Swimming

1 Understand about preparation of exercise.

2 Perform a shout and signal exercise.

3 25m in a style of your choice and 10m clothed.

4 Swim 10m of each style correctly Crawl, Breast Stroke and Butterfly.

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Water Conservation


1 Learn about the water cycle.

2 Draw a water molecule.

3 Learn about the use of water in the landscape.

4 List 3 ways of conserving water in your home.


1 Learn where your local water supply comes from.

2 Describe how waste water is treated.

3 Find out how water reaches your tap.

4 Take a tour of a water treatment plant.


1 Learn about water pollution.

2 Share a presentation on water conservation.

3 Aid in a clean-up of local water source/stream/river/beach.

4 Create a model garden using affective water usage.

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The One Hundred Challenge

1 Tie a reef knot 57 Visit an historic building

2 Fix a puncture 58 Recycle Rubbish

3 Make tracking symbols 59 Make bread

4 Hello in another language 60 Follow a trail

5 Make a den or shelter 61 Build a balloon rocket

6 Make bow and arrow 62 Make a raft

7 Secure rope to ground 63 Make a bat/bird box

8 Light a fire without matches 64 Make a bug hotel

9 Cook a meal outdoors 65 Camp in the wild

10 Make a hammock 66 Make some wild art

11 Make a seat 67 Entertain someone

12 Make water safe for drinking 68 Raise some money

13 Identify two different reptiles 69 Skim a stone

14 Make a firelighter 70 Hold a snail race

15 Learn how to use a life-buoy 71 Play Pooh Sticks

16 How to sharpen a stick 72 Hunt for bugs

17 Cook a Marshmallow 73 Visit a farm

18 Fly a paper aeroplane 74 Hold a large insect/spider

19 Measure your pulse 75 Go star gazing

20 How to remove a splinter 76 Climb a large hill

21 How to make a sling 77 Try pond dipping

22 How to read a compass 78 Grow a plant

23 Swim 25m 79 Bird Watching

24 Make and throw a lasso 80 Find Geocache

25 Splice a rope 81 Explore a rock pool

26 Measure rainfall 82 Make a sand sculpture

27 Use a Map 83 Try Weaving

28 Know phonetic alphabet 84 Take a photo and print it

Continued Overleaf

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29 Sign Hello and Thank you 85 Clean your shoes/boots

30 Make a pizza 86 Wash hands correctly

31 Send a text/sms 87 Make a leaf/potato print

32 Send/Receive email 88 Find wild footprints

33 Tie a shoe lace 89 Learn how to cross road

34 Send a letter abroad 90 Play a wide game

35 Sew on a badge 91 Camouflage a den/shelter

36 Keep clean on camp 92 Take part in trust exercise

37 Put up a tent 93 Use a metal detector

38 Wash and dry dishes 94 Make a knot board

39 Make hot drink 95 Make a fruit salad

40 Make a paper cup 96 Make a cooking tool

41 Make a kite 97 Make a rope swing

42 Fly a kite 98 Feed an animal

43 Ride a soap box 99 Do a good deed

44 Go down a zip wire 100 Wash and dry clothes

45 Climb an obstacle 101 Eat a new food

46 Make a cake/muffin 102 Paint a picture

47 Calculate height of tree 103 Use a telescope

48 Sketch a landscape 104 Go Caving

49 Write a poem 105 Go to top of large tower

50 Draw a poster 106 Fire an arrow

51 Write a secret message 107 Play a game of chess

52 Know your flag 108 Go on a boat/float trip

53 Identify common trees 109

54 Decode some morse code 110

55 Locate edible wild food 111

56 Make a stretcher 112

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Little Book of Badges

Senior Badges

Senior badges work a little differently to how normal badges, in that

the tasks they complete are determined by the Navigator themselves

with only a few simple rules.

To reach the next level they must complete a set number of activities

and that each range of activity must contain at least one from a gold

level specification in the rest of the book. The activity also has to be

approved by an adult helper before proceeding.

So for example to complete level one a senior navigator must

complete ten chosen activities. 9 of these they choose themselves and

the 10th they choose from this book. So a program for level 1 might

look like this.

Level 1 Activity 1 Try Coasting

2 Make a Swedish log fire

3 Help with bag pack

4 Complete 20 Mile Hike

5 Put on a firestick display

6 Complete a 5 mile canoe journey

7 Help out with Junior Section

8 Go on a pony trek

9 Take part in theme park camp

10 Referee a sports event – Taken from

Sports Badge.

Level 2 will be similar but they need to complete 12 Activities, Level 3

15 Activities and so on. The great thing being you can work on

activities that are at the right level for the navigator and by working

together can allow them to help build your programme. One last rule

each rule must be progressive of the previous level. So if in level 1

they wanted to walk 10 miles they can’t then do a 5 mile walk.

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Level 1 Activity











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Level 2 Activity













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Level 3 Activity
















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Level 4 Activity





















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Level 5 Activity





















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Morse code decoder

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