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Page 1: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch

Language and Literature Faculty

A thesis submitted to the school of Graduate Studies as a

prerequisite in partial of Master of Arts in Translation Studies (M.A.)

Naturalness in Translation


Dr. Hossein Vossoughi


Dr. Ahmad Sedighi


Shahrzad Akbari Haddad


Page 2: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


List of Figures

Figure ‎4.1 Percent range of shifts in Najafi‘s translation ..................................83

Figure ‎4.2 Percent range of shifts in Karimi‘s translation .................................83

Figure ‎4.3 Percent range of shifts in Ansari Yazdanjoo‘s translation ...............85

Figure ‎4.4 Percent range of shifts in Ansari Far‘s translation ...........................85

Figure ‎4.5 Correlation coefficients of shift types for various translation titles .89

Figure ‎4.6 Cross correlation between title 1 and title 2 .....................................92

Figure ‎4.7 Cross correlation between title 3 and title 4 .....................................93

Figure ‎4.8 Shift percentage for natural texts ......................................................94

Figure ‎4.9 Shift percentage for unnatural texts ..................................................94

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Table of Contents

Dedication ..................................................................................................... III

Acknowledgment .......................................................................................... IV

List of Figures ................................................................................................. V

Abstract ............................................................................................................ 1

Chapter I: Introduction ................................................................................10

1.1 Statement of the Problem and the Purpose of the Study ......................12

1.2 Significance of the Study ......................................................................13

1.3 Research Question .................................................................................13

1.4 Theoretical Framework .........................................................................14

1.5 Definition of Key Terms .......................................................................14

1.6 Limitations of Study ..............................................................................15

Chapter II: Review of the Related Literature ............................................17

2.1 Translation and Translation Studies ......................................................18

2.2 Historical View of Translation ..............................................................20

2.3 Translation Theory ................................................................................24

2.4 Norms and Strategies ............................................................................30

2.5 Naturalness ............................................................................................35

2.6 Translation shifts ...................................................................................54

Page 4: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to

Chapter III: Methodology ............................................................................67

3.1 Corpus .......................................................................................................68

3.1.1 Size of the Corpus ..............................................................................69

3.2 Design of the Research .........................................................................69

3.3 Procedure ...............................................................................................70

3.4 Unit of Analysis ....................................................................................71

3.5 Data Recording......................................................................................73

3.6 Data Collection......................................................................................73

Chapter IV: Results and Discussions ..........................................................80

4.1 Data Processing .....................................................................................81

4.2 Findings and results ..............................................................................89

4.3 Discussion on Findings .........................................................................93

Chapter V: Conclusion and Implication .....................................................98

5.1 Restatement of the Problem ................................................................100

5.2 Conclusion...........................................................................................100

5.3 Implications .........................................................................................102

5.4 Suggestions for Further Research .......................................................103

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REFERENCES ............................................................................................104

Appendix I: Results of Subjective Test .....................................................110

Appendix II: List of Sample Sentences and Shifts ...................................111

Appendix III: Questionnaire ......................................................................132

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Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts

belong to different cultures, therefore they contain culture specific items which are

the difficulty of translation if they are to be understood and realized by the reader.

This study concerns with the linguistic elements of languages that are different in

expression because of cultural gaps between nations. This research studies the role

of shifts in the process of natural translation. Subjective tests are designed for two

translations of two sample English novels. Readers‘ opinions on quality of

naturalness are collected to provide the conceptual foundation for the research. The

achieved results were analyzed according to a statistical evaluation to find a

correlation between naturalness of the translations, and quality and quantity of the

shifts. Cross correlation between two natural and unnatural texts is 66 percent

which is the highest value of all calculated correlations. It reveals that these two

natural texts use almost identical shift types. Various criteria for verification and

validation of the results are performed, and they show the value of correlation is

the least and equal to 18 percent for natural and unnatural translations. The results

also show that the most frequent shifts for natural translations are ―Transposition,‖

―Equivalence,‖ and ―Modulation.‖

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A: List of English References

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Barnstone, W. (1993), The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice, London: Yale

University Press

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Summer Institute of Linguistics

Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. (1988), ―The Translation Turn in Cultural Studies‖, In

Constructing Cultures: Essays on Literary Translation, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Beekman, J. and Callow, J. (1974), Translating the Word of God, USA: The Zondervan


Brautigan, R. (1989), Trout Fishing in America, USA: Mariner books

Caford, J. C. (1965), “Translation Shifts‖, in Venuti L., (ed.), Translation Studies Reader,

London: Routledge

Chesterman, A. (1997) Mems of Translations, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, PA: John


Page 8: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


Crystal, D. (2008), a Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Blackwell Publishers

Ellis, R. (2008), The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English, Volume 1, New York:

Oxford University Press Inc.

Harris, B. and Sherwood, B. (1978), ―Translating as an Innate Skill‖, in Gerver, D. and Sinaiko,

H. (Eds.), in Language, Interpretation and Communication, New York: Plenum Press

Hatim, B. and Mason, I. (1997), The Translator as Communicator, London: Routledge

Hermans, T. (1985), The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation, London:

Croom Helm

Herman, T. (1999), Translation in Systems: Descriptive and Systemic Approaches Explained,

London: Croom Helm

Lefevere, A. and Bassnett, S. (1990), Translation, History and Culture, London: Cassel

Lefevere, A. (1985), ―Why Waste our Time on Rewrites? The Trouble with Interpretation and

the Role of Rewriting in an Alternative Paradigm‖, in The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in

Literary Translation, Hermans, T. (ed.), London: Croom Helm

Lefevere, A. (1992), Translation/ History/ Culture, London: Routledge

Page 9: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


Malakoff, M. and Hakuta, K. (1991), ―Translation skill and metalinguistic awareness‖, in

Bilinguals, E. Bialystok (ed.), in Language processing and language awareness by bilingual

children, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Mollanazar, H. (2001), Naturalness in Translation of Novels from English to Persian, University

of Warwick

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Newmark, P. (1988), A Textbook of Translation. London: Prentice Hall International

Newmark, P. (1981), About Translation Multilingual Matters, London: Prentice Hall


Newmark, P. (1991),About Translation, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Nida, E. (1964), Toward a Science of Translating, Leiden: Brill E. J.

Nida, E. and Taber, C. R. (1969), The Theory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: Brill E. J.

Puurtinen, T. (1992), ―Dynamic Style as a Parameter of Acceptability in Translated Children‘s

Books‖, in Translation Studies: an Interdiscipline

Page 10: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


Popovic, A. (1976), Dictionary for the Analysis of Literary Translation, Edmonton: Department

of Comparative Literature, University of Alberta

Pym, A. (1992), Translation and Text Transfer, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH

Roger T. B. (1991), Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice, London and New york:


Salinger, J. D. (1951), The Cather in the Rye, New York: Penguin

Snell-Hornby, M. et al (eds.), Translation Studies Congress, Vienna, Austria Amsterdam: John


Snell-Hornby, M. (1990), “Linguistic Transcoding or Cultural Transfer? A Critique of

Translation Theory in German‖, in Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. (eds.), Translation, History and

Culture, London: Routledge

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Toury, G. (1995), Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond, Amesterdam: Benjamins Library

Tytler, A. F. (1962), Essay of the Principles of Translation, London: Dent J. M.

Page 11: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


Van Leuven-Zwart, K. M. (1988), ―Translation and Intercultural Studies: Selected Papers of

TRANSIF Seminar Savonlinna‖, in Tirkkonen-Condit, S., Translation and Translation Studies:

Discord or Unity in Empirical Research, Tübingen: Gunter N. V.

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Empirical Research in Translation and Intercultural Studies: Selected Papers of TRANSIF

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Venuti, L. (1995), The Translator’s Invisibility: a History of Translation, London: Routledge

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ب: فشست مىاتغ فاسسی

(، یؽ لك آال ؼـ آفیىب. سفا: ف ز4881یكؼاد، دیب )

(، یؽ لك آال ؼـ آفیىب. سفا: ف ی4881ابـی فف، یبـ )

(، بسـ ؼز. سفا: یال4888دفی، طؽ. )

(، بعـ ؼز. سفا: لمن4884وفیی، اضؽ، )

Page 13: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to


طثيؼی تدن تشجم


فف بی اق آدبیی و ش ث عجیؼی ثؼ سفخ اـ یىی اق فبی ـؼ ثطث ؼـ سفخ ی ثبؽ.

ای ؼـن غاؽ ى ی ثبؽ.ب سؼك ؼاـؽ ضبی ػجبـار غب ففی ىشؽ و ثفای ف

ثیب شفبسی سطمیك ث ثفـوی ػبف قثببوی قثب ب ی دفؼاقؼو ث ػز خؼ ىبف ففی یب

ث ای ظـ ؼاـؽ زی ای سطمیك م سغییفار ؼـ ـؽ سفخ عجیؼی ـا ـؼ غبؼ لفاـ ی ؼؽ.

طمك ثفای ـویؽ ث ا عفاضی ؽ. فخ اق ؼ ـب ایىیآق بی ضػی ثفای ؼ س

فی سطمیك آـاء زی عجیؼی ثؼ ـا خغ آـی وفؼ. شبیح ث ؼوز آؽ ثف اوبن اـقیبثی آبـی ث

ظـ ؼوشیبثی ث جىشی عجیؼی ثؼ سفخ ب ویز ویفیز سغییفار سفخ ـؼ سدكی سطی

جىشی ؼـؽ اوز و ثیشفی مؽاـ 66عجیؼی ـ ففز. جىشی شمبث ثی ؼ ش عجیؼی غیف لفا

ؼیبـبی ػشفی ثفای سبییؽ اػشجبـ شبیح ثىبـ ثفؼ ؽ اوز بی طبوج ؽ ـا ث غؼ اغشب ی ؼؽ.

غیف عجیؼی وشفی مؽاـ یؼی ای ؼیبـب ب ی ؼؽ و مؽاـ جىشی ثفای سفخ بی عجیؼی

زی شبیح ب ی ؼؽ و ـایح سفی سغییفار ثفای سفخ بی عجیؼی ث سفسیت ؼـؽ ی ثبؽ. 48

ی ثبؽ. «ؽالوی» «ؼبؼ»، «خبثدبیی»

فقاؼ اوجفی ضؽاؼ

Page 14: Naturalness in · 9 Abstract Naturalness is one of the controversial concepts in translation. Translated texts belong to

المی داوشگا آصاد اس

ياحذ ػلم ي تحقيقات

(.M.Aسشت متشجمی صتان اوگليسی) پايان وام كاسشىاسی اسشذ


طثيؼی تدن تشجم

استاد ساىما:

ؼوشف ضىی ثلی

استاد مشايس:

ؼوشف اضؽ ؽیمی


فقاؼ اوجفی ضؽاؼ


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