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  • Chemical WorldThe Object of ThoughtThe Object of ThoughtEditor: Humberto GEditor: Humberto Gmez Sequeiramez Sequeira--HuGHuGSS4 July 2015 4 July 2015 -- Los Angeles, California, USALos Angeles, California, USA

    Nationality is the Antithesis of Freedom

    Whose side are you on? Dont you love your country? Full Metal Jacket

    Nationality like religion is the brand that the State impresses on a persons forehead to identify the Feudal Lordship to whom they owe allegiance and tribute. It is not a natural property of the human beings, such as freedom. This property impelled their evolution on the open field of nature when they lived without a passport. Then, nationality was not a condition of life for the State that created it as a condition of its function did not exist.

    The act of the State by which the Feudal Lord enforces its property rights over the land and the human beings that work the land for its benefitin exchange for protection from their enemiesis the political nature of nationality that determines its brutality. Nationality is not the condition of human as identity or freedom as a human property. It is the negation of human as identity and the codification of freedom, i.e., the Constitution, the Tax Code, and the Patriot Act. Freedom cannot be codified, thus nationality is the antithesis of freedom.

    Nationality is the brutal effect of the Feudal Lords division of humanity into warring armies of pillage. The Feudal Lords Army cultivates the state of ignorance that nationality is by indoctrinating the serves that they have a country to which they owe the value of their national identity and that, therefore, they must serve it making war against the Feudal Lords declared enemies. The Generals wrap this dehumanizing concept with patriotism as the glorification of the history of violence of a country that they call the greatest in the world. The State is the agency that the lords of the land, food, money, and weapons use to keep the allegiance of their servantsworkers, soldiers, politicians, priests, intellectuals, artists, and scientistsunder the threat of treason.

    The Feudal Lords use the unnatural sense of identity that nationality inspires in the servesminds as the incubator of the hate with which they stimulates them to kill other serves in defense of the value of their nationality. National pride was used by Adolf Hitler as the psychological weapon with which he and the National Socialist German Workers Party convinced the German nation to commit genocide in defense of the purity of their national origin. The State keeps the Feudal Lords serves captured in the illusion of like being the owners of a sort of Disney World whose wealth and government they do not possess with falsifications, espionage, ballots, bullets, anthems, flags, fireworks, and gory fairy tales.

    Humberto Gmez Sequeira-HuGS

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