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When: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 Time: 9 am – 11:30 am

Where: Seton Hall Prep, 120 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052

Why: Laura Sodano and the Community FoodBank of New Jersey has a Teen Advisory Council to strategize ways to combat hunger. This Summit will be one of their events to help continue this committee with existing and new members. At the same time produce some action steps we can start immediately at schools.

How: Schools that already volunteer or wish to volunteer at the FoodBank are invited to send up to 20 committed student leaders to this free workshop day. They will work together to build this committee and address other hunger related concerns. (If you want to bring more students, just let us know!) Adult teachers/chaperones are asked to please stay as well.

Schedule: 9:00 am: Welcome and ice breakers to meet each other

9:00 Overview of the day and our specific goals 9:35 One or more representative(s) will go to one of the 8 workshops: 1. Community FoodBank of NJ Teen Board Meeting: current and interested teens 2. Soup Kitchens and Pantries: New Jersey’s Safety Net 3. Good Nutrition in These Hard Times 4. Empowering Youth: Using Social Media for Social Good 5. Be the Voice for the Poor! Advocacy & Legislative Issues 6. The Environment & Safe Food for All 7. Americas’s Grow-A-Row: Local Farming Bringing Nutrition to NJ’s Underprivileged 8. Global Poverty: How Does A Young Person Make A Difference? 10:25 Each group reports about their workshop to general assembly; make specific quantifiable goals 11:15 Leave

What this is not: This is not a study day about hunger. Everyone who gathers is expected to already know about hunger and desire to do something. Everyone is expected to contribute ideas. We want to share best practices and glean good ideas that we can agree to make happen.

How many: We will do this whether we have 5 schools or 15.

Deadline: We need to know who is coming before December 1, 2014.

Questions and RSVP : Laura Sodano at [email protected] and 908-355-3663, ext. 279.

Many thanks to Seton Hall Prep for their generosity in hosting this Hunger Summit again!

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11 9,000 71

24 2.5 110

One babydies every 11minutes

$71 million hasalready beenraised

the number ofcountries thatremain

the millions ofdollars raisedby Key Club

the ultimatefundraisinggoal

9,000 fewerdeaths peryear

As of November 9th, the Kiwanis-family Service Leadership Programs haveraised $3,184,211.89, with $575,155.17 coming solely from Trick-or-Treat forUNICEF. Key Club alone has contributed $2,533,735.30 on its own. We, as anorganization, are the biggest contributors to the Eliminate Project.

Throughout the past three four years, the Eliminate Project has fundraisedover $71 million, an amazing feat that proves that our goal of $110 million is notthat far away!

The latest portrayal of our progress is the update of the MNT statistics - nolonger does 1 baby die every 9 minutes. Thanks to the progress that we've allmade, now 1 baby dies every 11 minutes.While this is still a large number peryear, it's 9,000 fewer deaths than previously. Keep up the great work and look fornew opportunities within your community to advocate and fundraise.

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