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Page 1: Names of Muslim Babies


Collected by Tariq Ahmad Chapoo Shopian

Aabirah .Fleeting, transitory, ephemeral عابره

Aabish Daughter of Sa'ad; she was a queen عابشof Irqan (AN).

Aadila .Honest, upright, just, righteous; fem عادلهof Adil.

Aaida .Visiting, returning عائده

Aaila .Beautiful, like moon آئله

Aaima .Leader, ruler آئمه

Aaina Mirror آئینه

Aaira ,Noble, respectful, respected آئرهhonourable.

Aala .Benefit, favour, blessing آلء

Aamal ,Pl. of Amal, hope, expectation آمالaspiration.

Aamilah .Doer of (good) deeds, Righteous عامله

Aamira ,Prosperous, full of life, large عامرهsubstantial; fem. of Aamir.

Aani Fatimah Khatoon

آنی فاطمهخاتون

She was a literary woman and a poetess in Qastantiniyah (AN)

Aania .Towards, direction, concern آنیه

Aasira .Bond آصره

Abasah عباسهDaughter of al-Mahdi, a woman who was distinguished among her contemporaries.

Abdah .Worshiper (of Allah) عبده

Abeedah عبیدهWorshipper. The daughter of Nabil had this name; she was a narrator of Hadith.

Abeer عبیرFragrance, aroma, scent, perfume composed of musk, sandal-wood, and rose-water.

Abeera Rose, Sandal Safron mixed together عبیرهin fragrance.

Abida ,Worshiper, devotee, adorer عابدهdevout; fem of Abid.

Abla Well-rounded, perfectly formed, a عبلهwoman possessing a beautiful figure.

Abqurah .Genius عبقره

Abreshmina .Made of silk ابریشمینه

Ada .Grace, Expression ادا

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Adala .Justice عداله

Adan .Paradise, heaven عدن

Adiba ادیبهPolite, well-mannered, well-bred, courteous, polished, writer; fem. of Adib.

Adila .Equal عدیله

Afaf ,Chastity, purity, honesty عفافrighteousness, modesty, decency.

Afana .The forgiver, pardner عفانه

Afeerah .Covered with soil or dust عفیره

Afia good health, vigour, vitality عافیه

Afifa عفیفهpure, chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent; fem. Of Afif

Afkar .Pl. of Fikr, intellect thought افکار

Afnan .Pl. of Fanan, branch, twig افنان

Afra Dust coloured, earth-coloured, a عفراءvariety buck.

Afrah .Pl. of Farah, joy, happiness افراح

Afrin .Praise, lucky آفرین

Afroz Illuminated افروز

Afroza .Burning, polishing افروزا

Afsana .Fable, fiction, romance افسانه

Afsar .Crown افسر

Afsar Ara .Adorning the crown افسرآرا

Afshan ںافشا Adornment aids.

Afshin .Decorated with sparkles, golden افشین

Afza .Increase, augmentation افزا

Agharid .Pl. of Ughrudah, twittering, song اغارید

Aghsan .Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig اغصان

Ahd د ھع Pledge, knowledge.

Ahdaf داف ھا Pl. of hadaf, aim, goal, target.

Ahlam .Pl. of Hulm, dream احلم

Aighar She was a religious, righteous آیغرwoman (AN)

Aimen .Brave, fearless, lucky, right hand ایمن

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Ajeebah عجیبهShe was the daughter of Muhammad al-Baqadari, and was a narrator of Hadith.

Ajrada عجردهAl-Ameeh, was a great worshipper who worshipped long in the night somnetimes right upto daun (AN).

Ajwa .Name of a date in Saudia Arabia اجواTree planted by Holy Prohpet (PBUH).

Akhtar .Star, good luck اختر

Akida .Certain, firm اکیده

Akifa Devoted to, dedicated to, intent, busy; fem. of A عاکفه

al-Karimah الدرالکریمهA pious, righteous and intelligent woman of Egypt. She respected the Ulama and built religious schools (Madrasah) and mosques, She died in 762.

Alam .World; sing. of Alameen عالم

Alam Ara .Adorning the world عالم آرا

Aleema .Exalted, highest social standing علیمه

Aleena .Beautiful الینا

Alhan .Melody الحان

Alifa Friendly, sociable, amicable; fem. of الیفهAlif.

Alima .Woman of learning, scholar عالمه

Aliya عالیهHigh, tall, towering, lofty, exalted, high-ranking, sublime, superior, excellent; fem. of Aali.

Aliyya ,Highest social standing, lofty علیهsublime; fem. of Ali.

Almas .Diamond الماس

Almasa .Diamond الماسه

Almira Princess المیره

Altaf .Pl. of Lutf, kindness الطاف

Alveena .Loved one, cared one, liked الوینا

Alyaa .Heaven(s), sky, sublimity, lofty علیاء

Alyan .Tall and healthy علیان

Ama .Female slave, servant امه

Amal .Hope, expectation; sing. of Amaal امل

Aman Trust, safety, protection, tranquillity, peace of امانmind, calmness

Amanat .Pl. of Amanah, trust, deposit امانات

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Amani Wishes, aspirations, hopes; pl. of امانیUmniyah.

Amatul Islam .servant of Islam (female) امه السلم

Amatul Karim servant of the most (female) امه الکریمgenerous i.e. Allah.

Amatullah .servant of Allah (female) امهال

Ambar .Perfume, ambergris عنبر

Ambara .Perfume, ambergris; fem. of Ambar عنبره

Ambarin .Perfumed عنبرین

Ameena Trustworthy, faithful. hones; fem. of امینهAmin.

Ameera .Princess; fem. of Ameer امیره

Amila .Hopeful آمله

Amima ,Full, complete عمیمه

Amina آمنهSafe, secure, protected, a lady of peace and harmony. Name of the beloved mother of the Prophet Muhammad.

Amira عامرهAn occupant of an abode, one who makes umrah or ziyaarah, abundant treasure.

Amjad .Pl. of Majd, glory, honour امجاد

Ammara .A lady with strong Imaan; tolerant عماره

Amna .Safety امنه

Amra Any covering for the head, as a عمرهcrown.

Amrah عمره

Headgear; This was the name of the female companion Amrah RA daughter of Abdur Rahman bin Sa'ad bin Zurarah Ansari.

Amrozia Woman of today امروزیه

Anadil .Pl. of Andalib, nightingale عنادل

Anan .Clouds عنان

Anat .Perseverance, patience اناه

Andalah .Song of the nightingale عندله

Andalib .Nightingale; sing. of Anadil عندلیب

Aneesa انیسهCompanion, affectionate, friendly, sociable, intimate friend; fem. of Anis.

Aneezah .She-Goat عنیزه

Angbin .Honey انگبین

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Anila .Inexperienced, raw انیل

Aniqa .Neat, elegant, smart انیقه

Anisa ,A pious-hearted lady, good-natured آنسهcompatible.

Anjum .Pl. Najm, star انجم

Anjuman .Assembly انجمن

Anjuman Ara .Adorning the assembly انجمن آرا

Anoosh .Delighted انوش

Anoosha Delighted, happy انوشه

Anqa A woman with a long neck, an عنقاimaginary bird.

Ansam .Pl. of Nasam, breath, breath of life انسام

Anwar .Rays of light; pl. of Noor انوار

Anwarah Greatly lighted انوره

Anya .A woman with large eyes عنیا

Aoj .Peak, height, apex, climax اوج

Aqdas .Pure, sacred اقدس

Aqeela .The best, the very best عقیله

Aqiba .Result, consequence عاقبه

Aqila ,Wise, sensible, intelligent, sensible عاقلهdiscerning.

Aqsa ی ٰاقص Height, limit, far, shore.

Ara .Adorning آرا

Areefa Learned, expert, authority; fem. of عریفهAreef.

Areej ,Fragrance, aroma, sweet smell اریجscent, perfume.

Arfa .Exalted, sublime, great, high ارفع

Aribah .Wise اریبه

Arifa Learned, expert, authority; fem. of عارفهArif.

Arjumand .Excellent, beloved, noble ارجمند

Arjumnd Bano .Excellent woman, noble woman ارجمند بانو

Aroob Lover wife, who loves her husband عروب

Arshia .She who lives in skies عرشیه

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Arshia .One who lives is the sky عرشیه

Arus .Brides عروس

Arwa ارواShe was the daughter of Abdul Muttalib, and so an aunt of the Prophet PBUH his father's sister.

Arzu .Wish, hope, love آرزو

Asar .Pl. of Asar, sign, mark, trace آثار

Aseela .Highborn, of noble origin اثیله

Aseela .Of noble origin, highborn, pure; fem اصیلهof Asil.

Asghia .Pious people, modest people اصغیه

Ashiqa .Very friendly, which stays very close عشیقه

Ashraf .Nobler, more honourable; comp. adj اشرفof Sharif.

Ashraf Jahan ان ھاشرف ج Noblest of the world.

Ashwaq .Pl. of Shawq, longing, desire, wish اشواق

Asifa .Virtuous, pure, spotless, upright آصفه

Asima ;Safe, chaste, protector, guardian عاصمهfem. of Asim.

Asira Honoured, chosen, preferred; fem. of اثیرهAsir.

Asiya آسیهComforting, consoling, a mansion with solid foundation or pillars, firm, a powerful. Wife of Firawn. One who heals

Asma عثمهA narrator of Hadith and daughter of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Tahir al-Aswadi (AN)

Asmaa ,Higher, more exalted, more sublime اسماءmore eminent.

Asmaa .Pl. of Ism. name اسماء

Asmaa ,Chaste, virtuous, precious, valuable عصماءexcellent.

Asra ٰاسری To travel by night, to make someone travel by night.

Ateefa .Affectionate, compassionate عطیفه

Ateeqa .Ancient, noble; fem. of Atiq عتیقه

Atifa عاطفهCompassion, affection, sympathetic, kindness; fem. of Atif.

Atifat .Kindness, sympathy عاطفت

Atika .Clear, pure, limpid (of wine) عاتکه

Atiqa .Emancipated, a beautiful lady عاتقه

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Atira Fragrant, connoisseur of good عاطرهfragrance, aromatic, perfumed.

Atiya .Gift, present, bounty, grant عطیه

Atuf ,Affectionate, kind hearted عطوفcompassionate, loving.

Awatif ,Pl. of Aatifa, affection, compassion عواطفkindness, kind feeling.

Ayesha عائشه

Living, well-off, well-to-do, prosperous. Aisha (d.678): wife of the Prophet Muhammad and daughter of Kahlifa Abu Bakr.

Ayn .Source, spring عین

Aynul Hayat .Fountain of life عین الحیاه

Aynun Nahr ر ھعین الن Source of the spring.

Azaa ,A must have, right, courage, power عزاlegal, allowable.

Azah .Loved one, good, successful عزه

Azeema .Determination, firm will عزیمه

Azhaar ار ھاز Pl. of Zahrah, flower, blossom.

Azima ,Great, powerful, dignified عظیمهmagnificent, glorious; fem. of Azim.

Aziza عزیزه

Noble, precious, cherished, honourable, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, beloved; fem. of Aziz.

Azka .Big hearted, generous اذکه

Azra .Virgin, maiden, a young unmarried lady عزراء

Azwa .Pl. of Zau, light, splendour, limelight اضواء

Badai .Pl. of Badia, wonder, marvel بدائع

Badiha ه ھبدی Insight, perceptive faculty.

Badiyah Desert; Bint Ghaylan al-Saqafi was بادیهso named; she was of Taif.

Badr .Full moon of the fourteenth night بدر

Badriyah .Full moon-like بدریه

Badrun Nisa .Full moon of the women بدرانساء

Badyah .Clear, knowledgeable person بدیه

Baha اء ھب Beauty, glory, splendour, magnificence, glow.

Bahar ار ھب Spring, blossom.

Bahar Bano اربانو ھب Blooming princess.

Baheera یره ھب Dazzling, brilliant.

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Bahija یجه ھب Glad, happy, joyful, delighted, delightful, cheerful; fem. of Bahij.

Bahira ره ھبا Brilliant, superb, magnificent, gorgeous, spectacular.

Bahiya یه ھب Beautiful, brilliant, elegant, radiant, pretty, charming; fem. of Bahi.

Bahriyah al-Aabidah بحریه العابده

She was a devoted worshipper and ascetic of Basrah. She used to say, "If the heart gives up the passions, it will then domesticate knowledge."

Baiza ,White, bright, brilliant, innocent بیضاءpure; fem. of Abyad.

Bajila .Honoured, dignified, highly regarded بجیله

Bakarah .Virginity بکاره

Bakhita .Lucky, fortunate; fem. of Bakhit بخیته

Bakht .Lot, Fate, Portion بخت

Bakhtawar .Fortunate, Lucky بختاور

Bakura .Coming early بکوره

Baligha .Eloquent بلیغه

Banafsaj .Violent flower بنفسج

Banafsha بنفشا

Daughter of Abdullah al-Rumiyah; was a very pious and generous woman who gave much in charity (AN).

Banan .Fingertips بنان

Banu .Princess, lady, Miss بانو

Banujah The daughter of al-Mahdi, the بانوجهKhalifah (775-785), had this name.

Baqilah باقله

Baraim .Pl. of Burum, blossom, bud براعم

Barakah .Blessing برکه

Barat .Innocence, guiltlessness براءه

Bareea ٔبریه Innocent, blameless, guiltless, sound; fem. of Bari.

Bareerah .Pious بریره

Baria .Excelling, originator; fem. of Bari بارعه

Barkat .Blessing; sing. of Barakat برکت

Barrah برهShe was the aunt of the Prophet PBUH, daughter of Abdul Muttalib and mother of Abi Salamah.

Barraqa ,Bright, brilliant, shining, sparkling براقهglittering; fem. of Barraq.

Barsa برصا

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Barzah She was a narrator of hadith from Sayyidah برزهAyshah RA

Basbas بصبصShe was a slave-girl of Ibn Nafees; she was beautiful and had a melodions voice, (AN)

Basbasah بسبسه

Basharat .Good news, glad tidings بشارت

Bashira ,Bringer of good news; fem. of Bashir بشیرهharbinger.

Basila .Brave, fearless, intrepid باسله

Basima .Smiling; fem. of Basim باسمه

Basira ;Sagacious, endowed with insight بصیرهfem. of Basir..

Basma .Smile بسمه

Basoos -She was the daughter of Munqiz at بسوسTamimah (AN).

Bassama .Smiling; fem. of Bassam بسامه

Batina .Hidden, Inner باطنه

Batul بتول

Virgin, pure and chaste. A lady who is purely devoted to Allah, an epithet of Maryam, mother of Prophet Isa, and of Fatima, daughter of Muhammad.

Bazala .Generous woman باذله

Bazegha Bright بازغه

Bazla .Reward, generous بزله

Bazla ,Big hearted, open handed باذلهbounteous.

Bazm-Ara .Beauty of company بزم آرا

Bazriqa .Exalted, great بزرقه

Beena .Seeing; clear sighted بینا

Beenish Intelligent, genius بینش

Begum Honorific title, queen, lady of بیگمrank.

Benazir .Matchless, unique بینظیر

Bhajat جت ھب Splendour, magnificence, pomp, joy, happiness.

Bibi بی بیLady of rank, and honorific title used at the end of a woman's name in the Indian sub-continent.

Bilqis Queen of Saba known as Bilqis in the بلقیسArabian tradition.

Bisharah A narrator of Hadith (AN) بشاره

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Bisma بسمه

Bismal .Fragrance بسمل

Budur .Pl. of Badr, full moon بدور

Buhaysah یسه ھب

This was the name of a female narrator of Hadith; She was al-fazariyah; Abu Dawood and Nasai transmitted from her.

Buhayyah یه ھب The name of a freed female slave of Sayyidah Ayshah RA

Bujaybah بجیبهA narrator who transmitted from Shaybah bin Usman and Sabit Al-Shimale narrated from her. (AN)

Bulbul .Nightingale بلبل

Bunanah This was the name of the daughter of بنانهYazid al-Abshamiyah.

Buqayrah She was a narrator of Hadith, she بقیرهdied in 119 AH (AN)

Burdah She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very بردهdutiful worshipper.

Burum .Bud, blossom; sing. of Baraim برعم

Busaina Diminutive of Basna, beautiful بثینهwoman.

Busayrah بسیرهShe was a female companion RA and also a muhajirah, who migrated to Madinah.

Bushra ٰبشری Good news, glad tidings

Busrah بسره

This was the name of the daughter of Safwan bin Nawfal; She was a companion and she lived until the era of Muawiyah.

Bustan .Garden, orchard بستان

Dafiya Narrator of Hadith, daughter of ضفیهMuhammad bin Bisharah.

Dahma ماء ھد She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam al-Mahdi.

Daiba .Assiduous, persistent, devoted دائبه

Dalal .Coquetry, pampering دلل

Dalia .Dahlia, flower دالیا

Danish .Wisdom, learning دانش

Danish Ara .Endowed with wisdom, learning دانش آرا

Daniya .Kind hearted, the one who gets near دانیه

Dara .Halo (of the moon) داره

Darakhshan ںدرخشا Shining.

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Daria .Learned, knowing داریه

Darkhshanda .Splendid, glittering درخشنده

Darra درهpearl, brilliant, teat, udder; name of a Sahabiyah RA, daughter of Abu Lahab.

Daulah .Wealth, empire, state, power دوله

Dawha ,Lofty tree with many branches دوحهfamily tree.

Dawlat Khatoon. .She was from a ruling family دولت خاتون

Deeba .Brocade دیبا

Deenah .Obedience دینه

Dil .Heart, mind دل

Dilara .Beloved, one who decorates heart دل آرا

Dildar Having a big heart. Wife of دلدارMughal emperor Babur.

Dilkash .Attractive, captivating دلکش

Dilruba .Heart-ravishing, a beloved object دلربا

Dilshad .Happy, glad, cheerful دلشاد

Dilshad Khatoon .She lived between 730-750 دلشاد خاتون

Dima دیمهAn incessant gentle rain unaccompanied by wind, thunder, or lightning.

Doha ٰضحی Forenoon.

Dujanah .A great rain, name of a woman دجانه

Dunya .World, earth دنیا

Dur-e-Shahwar وار ھدر ش Kings worthy pearl

Durdanah Pearl-grain دردانه

Durr .Pearls در

Durrah درهPearl. A sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of Prophet Muhammad.

Durriya .Glittering, sparkling, twinkling, brilliant دریه

Faariha ,Happy, glad, delighted, cheerful فارحهjoyful; fem. of Farih.

Fadia .Redeemer, ransomer; fem. of Fadi فادیه

Fadwa name derived from self-sacrifice فدوی

Faheemah یمه ھف Intelligent.

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Fahhama امه ھف Very intelligent, learned, very understanding.

Fahm م ھف Intellect, intelligence, insight.

Fahm Ara م آرا ھف Adorned with intellect, intelligent.

Fahmida میده ھف Intelligent, judicious.

Faida ,Benefit, advantage, gain, worth فائدهwelfare.

Faiqa ,Excellent, outstanding, distinguished فائقهsuperior, ascendant.

Faiza ,Victorious, triumphant, winner فائزهsuccessful, prosperous; fem. of Faiz.

Fajr .Dawn, rise, beginning, start فجر

Fakeehah ه ھفکی Cheerful.

Fakhar .Honour, pride, glory فخار

Fakhira ,Excellent, glorious, magnificent فاخرهprecious, honourable.

Fakhr .Glory, pride, honour فخر

Fakhriya Proud, honorary, glory, pride (for فخریهnoble cause); fem. of Fakhri.

Fakhrun Nisa .Glory of the women فخرالنساء

Fakhtah فاختهA dove. This was the name of Umm Hani; Alo the name of the mother of Khalid bin Yazeede.

Fakihah ه ھفاک Fruit.

Fakira .Thinker فاکره

Falahat .Welfare, benefit فلحت

Falak .Orbit, sky, celestial sphere فلک

Faliha ,Fortunate, lucky, successful فالحهprosperous; fem. of Falih.

Fanila .Able, worthy فانیله

Faqiha ه ھفقی Jurist, expert, scholar in fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence); fem. of Faqih.

Faqirah This was the name of a beautiful فاقرهwoman, wife of Murrah al-Asadi (AN)

Faraal .Name of lion, height فرال

Farah .Joy, happiness, cheerfulness, delight فرح

Fareefta .Devotee, lover فریفته

Farha ,Gladness, pleasure, happiness فرحهdelight.

Farhal .Happy فرحال

Farhana ,Glad, joyful, happy, cheerful فرحانهdelighted; fem. of Farhan.

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Farhat .Cheer, pleasure فرحت

Farheen .Happy, glad فرحین

Farhi .Glad, happy فرحی

Faria ,Tall, towering, lofty, pretty, slim فارعهslender, fem. of Fari.

Farida ,Unique, matchless, singular فریدهprecious; fem. of Farid.

Fariha .Happy, glad, joyful فریحه

Farihah ه ھفار Brisk, Swift.

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Farkhanda Blessed فرخنده

Farqad .Name of a Star فرقد

Farrukh .Happy, Fortunate فرخ

Farwa -Fur; (daughter of Imam Jafar Al فروهSadiq).

Faryal .Name فریال

Farzana .Wise, learned فرزانه

Faseelah .Some distance فسیله

Fasiha .Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken; fem فصیحهof Fasih.

Fasiya .A gentle woman فاصیا

Fateenah .Intelligent فطینه

Fathiya ;One who wins victory after victory فتحیهfem. of Fathi.

Fatiha .Opening, introduction, dawn, first فاتحه

Fatima فاطمه

Literally: weaner, Abstinence, daughter of Muhammad and wife of Khalifa Ali known as Sayyidat-al-Nisa (the chief of women).

Fatin ,Beautiful, pretty, attractive فاتنglamorous, captivating, ravishing.

Fatinah ,Charming, fascinating, alluring فاتنهcaptivating.

Fattana ,Extremely beautiful, charming فتانهcaptivating.

Fauqiyah High Grade فوقیه

Fawha .Breath of fragrance فوحه

Fawz .Success, Salvation فوز

Fawza .Victory, triumph, success, winning, achievement فوزه

Fawziya ,Triumphant, successful فوزیهvictorious, fem. of Fawzi.

Fayona .Beautiful, pretty فیونا

Fayrooz .Turquoise فیروز

Fayyaza ,A lady who confers great favours فیاضهmost generous and bountiful.

Fazeela فضیلهHigh degree of excellence, merit, perfection, outstanding, virtue, excellence, knowledge.

Fazeen .Increasing فزین

Fazila فاضلهVirtuous, honest, excellent, superior, kind, outstanding, eminent, learned; fem. of Fazil (fadil).

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Fazilatun Nisa .Excellence of the women فضیله النساء

Feheema یمه ھف Intelligent, judicious, learned, erudite; fem. of Faheem.

Fidda .Silver فضه

Firdaus .Paradise, heaven, garden فردوس

Firdausi .Heavenly فردوسی

Firoza Turquoise, a bright greenish-blue فیروزهcoloured precious stone.

Fiza .Wide, open, open hearted فضاء

Fiza .Running water on land فضا

Fiza ,Enlarger, improver, who expands فزاءmagnifier.

Fozia Successful فوزیه

Fuada .Heart; fem. of fuad فواده

Fudayl .Learned, scholar فضیل

Funoon .Variety, art فنون

Furayah .Handsome, Well-built فریعه

Furoozan .Luminous, radiant فروزان

Fuseelah فسیله

Name of a narrator of Hadith who transmitted from her father, Wasilah bin al-Asqa RA who from the Prophet PBUH.

Fuzail فضیلA form of Faazil, meaning: An accomplished person; name of a saint known as Fuzail bin Iyaaz.

Ghada غادهDelicate young girl, beautiful young woman, youthful and beautiful woman.

Ghadeer .Brook, rivulet, small stream غدیر

Ghadia .Morning, cloud غادیه

Ghadir She was the slave of Musa al-Hadi غادرand then Haroon Rashid (AN)

Ghafira .One who hides other's sins غافره

Ghaida .Young and delicate, soft غیداء

Ghalia ,Precious, priceless, valuable, dear غالیهbeloved.

Ghaliba Conqueror, victor, winner; fem. of غالبهGhalib.

Ghamza .Gestures غمزه

Ghaneemah .Spoils, booty غنیمه

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Ghania ,Beauty, beautiful girl, pretty girl غانیهdanseuse.

Ghaniya Rich, wealthy, prosperous; fem. of غنیهGhani.

Ghareebah غریبهStrange, foreign; the daughter of Salim bin Ahmad at-Tajir had this name (AN)

Ghashia .Guidance غاشیه

Ghasna .Bud, blossom غصنه

Ghatiya .Dynamic, moving غاطیه

Ghazal .Gazelle, deer غزال

Ghazal .A poem, ode, talk with woman غزل

Ghazala .Gazelle, a young deer, the sun غزاله

Ghaziya .Female Warrior غازیه

Ghibtah غبطهShe was the daughter of Amer al-Mujashaiyah; she was a narrator of Hadith.

Ghina .Singing, song غناء

Ghufayrah غفیرهThis was the name of a very pious woman who kept vigil in the night. (AN)

Ghufran .Pardon, forgiveness غفران

Ghumaysa غمیصاء

Her Kuniyah was Umm Sulaym; She was a front-rank companion RA and narrated ahadith. She died in the times of Sayyidina Usman RA.

Ghusn .Branch, twig; sing. of Ghusoon غصن

Ghusun .Pl. of Ghusn, branch, twig غصون

Ghuzayyah ;She was also known as Ghuzaylah غزیهshe was a narrator of Hadith.

Gohar ر ھگو Precious Stone.

Gul .Flower, rose گل

Gul Badan .Beautiful body resembling rose گلبدن

Gul Bahar ار ھگلب Rose spring.

Gul Barg .Rose petal گلبرگ

Gul Izar .Rosy-cheeked گل عذار

Gul Rang .Rose-coloured گل رنگ

Gul Ru .Rosy-faced گل رو

Gul Rukh .Rose-face گل رخ

Gul-e-Rana .Beautiful delicate scented rose گل رعنا

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Gulab .Rose, rosewater گلب

Gulistan .Rose garden, garden گلستان

Gulnar A plant whose flowers resemble گلنارpomegranates

Gulrez Rose-Sprinkler گلریز

Gulshan .Rose-garden گلشن

Gulzaar .Rose-garden گلزار

Hababah A daughter of Ajlan; She was حبابهnarrator of Hadith.

Habiba Beloved, darling, sweetheart; fem. of حبیبهHabib.

Hablah .A woman who earns a lot هابله

Haboos حبوسThis was the name of noble lady who was kind and benevolent; she lived in Lebanon.

Hadaya .Pl. of Hadiya, gift, present ھدایا

Hadeel .Cooing of a pigeon ھدیل

Hadeeqah .Garden حدیقه

Hadia Guide to righteousness; fem. of Hadi ھادیهleader.

Hadiya .Gift, present; sing. of Hadaya ھدیه

Haeda .A woman who repents a lot هائده

Haemah .Crazy in love هائمه

Hafeeza .Guardian, protector; fem. of Hafeez حفیظه

Haffafa ,Glittering, shining, thin, peaceful ھفافهgentle wind.

Hafiza حافظهHonorific title of a woman who has memorised the Quran, guardian, protector; fem. Hafiz.

Hafsa Cub; wife of Muhammad; daughter of حفصهKhalifa Umar.

Haifa .Slender, slim, of beautiful body ھیفاء

Haiqa True, truly, obedient of God, prayer حائقهof God

Hajar The wife of Prophet Ibrahim AS was ھاجرname Hajar AS.

Hajira Wife of Prophet Ibrahim and mother ھاجرهof Prophet Ismail.

Hajjah حجهShe was a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Murrah; another narrator by the same name was the daughter of Murayt (AN).

Hajna The daughter of Nusayb, she حجناءwas a poetess. (AN)

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Hakeema حکیمه

Wise, sage, judicious, prudent; fem. of Hakeem. A Sahabia i.e. a Muslim woman who lived in time of the Prophet Muhammad.

Hakima .Ruler, queen حاکمه

Hala ھالهHalo, ring around the eye, aureole, name of the sister of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

Haleema حلیمه

Clement, patient, tolerant, gentle; fem. of Halim. Halima Al-Sadiyah: foster mother of the Prophet Muhammad.

Halia .Aware, knowing حالیه

Halima .Dreamer, visionary حالمه

Hamama .Dove, pigeon حمامه

Hamama .Bearer حمامه

Hamas .Low and soft sound, heartbeat همس

Hamda Praised, laudation of Allah; fem. of حمدهHamd.

Hamdan .Much praise. A tribe in Arabia حمدان

Hameeda ,Praised, commended, praiseworthy حمیدهcommendable; fem. of Hamid.

Hamida .Praiser (of Allah); fem. of Hamid حامده

Hamima .Close friend حمیمه

Hammada .Praising (God) حماده

Hamnah The daughter of Jahsh al-Asdiyah حمنهwas so named; she narrated Hadith.

Hamra .Red حمراء

Hana .Happiness, bliss, felicity ھناء

Hana .Merciful, kind hearted حنا

Hana .Kind hearted حنا

Hanan ,Compassion, affection, love, mercy حنانtenderness, warm-heartedness.

Hanfa Name of the wife of Sayyidina Ismail حنفاءAS.

Hani .Pleasant ھانی

Hania ٔٔٔانه .Happy, delighted ھٔ

Hanifa .True, one of true faith, upright; fem حنیفهof Hanif.

Hanin .Desire, longing, yearning حنین

Haniya .Pleasant, happy ھنیه

Hanna .Compassion, sympathy, pity حنه

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Hanoon حنونCompassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, soft-hearted.

Hanoona .Compassionate; fem. of Hanun حنونه

Hareem .House, walls of a house حریم

Hareer .Silk حریر

Harisa Cultivator, lioness; fem. of Haris حارثه(Harith).

Harisa .Guard, protector (f.) حارسه

Haroona .Protector, messenger هارونه

Hasana Good deed, kind act, favour; sing. of حسنهHasanat.

Hashmat ,Modesty, bashfulness, decency حشمتdecorum.

Hasiba Highborn, respected, noble; fem. of حسیبهHasib.

Hasifa Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious, endowed حصیفهwith sound judgement; fem. of Hasif.

Hasina .Pretty, beautiful حسینه

Hasna .Pious, beautiful woman حسناء

Hasna .Chaste, virtuous, modest حصناء

Hasnat .Virtues حسنات

Hassana Most beautiful woman, most حسانهsweetheart.

Hatima .Generous حاطمه

Hawiya .Dominant حاویه

Hawla .Intelligent حولء

Hawwa حواءA beautiful girl with a ruddy complexion, Eve; wife of Adam, mother of mankind.

Haya ,Shyness, bashfulness, coyness حیاءmodesty.

Hayat .Life حیات

Hayrah حیرهShe was a well-=known narrator of Hadith from the generation after the companions (AN)

Hazar .Kind of nightingale ھزار

Hazeena .Autumn, treasure, forever ھزینه

Hazeerah .Wise هزیره

Hazima ,Firm, energetic, judicious, discreet حازمهprudent; fem. of Hazim.

Haziqa .Clever, shrewd حاذقه

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Hazzafa The name of Hazrat Haleema حذافهSaadia's daughter.

Hena Greenery حنا

Hiba Gift, present ھبه

Hibatullah .Gift of God ھبه ال

Hikmat .Wisdom حکمت

Hilal .Crescent, new moon ھلل

Hinaa حناThe Indian privet; a shrub, the leaves of which are used for dyeing the hands, feet and hair.

Hind .Proper name ھند

Hindah She was the wife of Abu Sufyan ھنده(some versions call her Hind).

Hira حراA peak near Makkah where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to worship Allah.

Hiyam .Passionate love ھیام

Hoor A virgin maiden of Paradise for its حورdwellers.

Hooriya .Virgin of Paradise, houri, nymph حوریه

Hoorulain The most beautiful HUR with حورالعینbeautiful eyes.

Hoyam .Passionate love ھیام

Hubayshah -She was the daughter of Hubaysh al حبیثهAamiriyah; she was a poetess.

Hubba ی ٰحب She was a beautiful woman, daughter of Maalik bin Amr al-Adwaniyah (AN)

Huboor .Happiness حبور

Huda .Right guidance, right path ھدی

Hujaymah .Attack ھجیمه

Hujayrah ,She was a narrator of Hadith حجیرهdaughter of Husayn.

Hukayman حکیمهShe was the daughter of Umaymah daughter of Ruqayqah RA a companion.

Huma .An imaginary bird ھما

Humaida .Praised; fem. of Humaid حمیده

Humaira Of red colour. Name of Ayesha, wife حمیراءof the Prophet Muhammad.

Hunaydah ھنیده

The wife of Ibrahim al-Nakhee was so named, as also the daughter of Shurayk. (AN). Whe was a narrator of Hadith.

Hura Free woman حره

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Hurmat Respect, dignity or something حرمتdeclared, sacred by religion.

Hurriya .Freedom, liberty حریه

Husaina .Diminutive of Husn, beauty حسینه

Hushaima .Diminutive of Hishma, modesty حشیمه

Husn .Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness حسن

Husn Ara .Adorned with beauty حسن آرا

Husna ٰحسنی Most pious, good outcome; fem. of Ahsan.

Husni .Possessing beauty حسنی

Husniya .Beautiful, pretty حسنیه

Huzuz .Pl. of Hazz, fortune, good luck حظوظ

Iba .Pride, disdain اباء

Ibadat .Worship عبادت

Ibrisam .Silk ابریسام

Ibrisami .Silken ابریسمی

Ibriz .Pure gold ابریز

Ibtihaj اج ھابت Joy, delight.

Ibtihal ال ھابت Prayer, supplication.

Ibtisam .Smile ابتسام

Ibtisama .Smile ابتسامه

Idrak ,Intellect, perception, achievement ادراکattainment.

Iffat ,Purity, chastity, modesty, virtue عفتabstinence.

Iffat-Ara Decorator of Chastity عفت آرا

Ifra .Height, sublimity افراء

Ifrah .To make happy افراح

Iftikhar .Pride افتخار

Iftinan enchantment, captivation افتنان

Ihtisham ,Chastity, modesty, decency احتشامdecorum.

Ijlal ,Glorification, exaltation, honour اجللdistinction, respect.

Ijliyah .The daughter of al-Asturlabi al-Ijli عجلیه

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Ikhlas .Sincerity, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness اخلص

Iklil .Crown, garland, wreath اکلیل

Ikram ,Honour, glory, respect, generosity اکرامhospitality.

Ilham ام ھال Intuition, inspiration, revelation.

Ilm علمA slave gifl belonging to Zubaydah, wife of Harun al-Rashid had this name.

Iltimas .Request, appeal, entreaty التماس

Ilyas Name of a Prophet of Allah. He was الیاسcalled Ilyaseen as well.

Iman .Belief, faith in Allah ایمان

Imrana .Population, socialism عمرانه

Imtinan .Gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness امتنان

Imtisal Obedience, conforming to, in امتثالcompliance with.

Imtiyaz ,Distinction, mark of honour امتیازintelligent.

Inam ,Gift, present, act of kindness انعامbenefaction, bestowal.

Inan -A slave girl belonging to Harun al عنانRashid.

Inas .Friendliness, cordiality, sociability ایناس

Inayat .Concern, solicitude عنایت

Inshirah .Joy, delight, happiness, cheerfulness انشراح

Intisar .Victory, triumph; sing انتصار

Intisarat .Pl. of Intisar, victory, triumph انتصارات

Iqamat .Calm, peace, staying اقامت

Iqra .Study, read اقراء

Iradat .Wish, desire, intention ارادت

Iram .The Paradise of Shadad, Eden ارم

Irtiza .Contentment, approval ارتضاء

Isad ,Making happy of prosperous اسعادblessing.

Ishraq .Brilliance, radiance, shining اشراق

Ishrat .Pleasure, enjoyment, delight عشرت

Islah ,Making right, making good اصلحimprovement, betterment.

Ismat ,Purity, honour, protection, chastity عصمتmodesty.

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Ismat-Ara Decorator of modesty عصمت آرا

Isood .A woman of delicate body عصود

Istabraq .Brocade استبرق

Itidal ,Moderateness, moderation, mildness اعتدالrectitude.

Itimad .Reliance, dependence اعتماد

Itrat Lineage, descendants of Holy Prophet عترت(PBUH).

Izaz .Honour, esteem, regard, affection اعزاز

Izdihar ار ھازد Prosperity, flourishing, bloom, blossoming.

Izz عزThe daughter of al-Haytam Muhammad bin al-Haysam was so named.

Izza .Honour, fame, power عزه

Izza an-Nisa عزالنساءShe was the daughter of Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz bin Ali bin Hibbat Allah bin Khuldoon. She narrated hadith.

Izzat .Honor; esteem, integrity عزت

Jaan .Life جان

Jabalah Daughter of Musafh; she was a جبلهnarrator of Hadith.

Jabarah .A bracelet جباره

Jabin .Forehead جبین

Jadida .New, fresh جدیده

Jahan ان ھج World.

Jahan Ara ان آرا ھج Adorning the world. Daughter of Mughal emperor Shah Jahaan.

Jahan Khatoon ا خاتون ٔٔج ھں She was a Persian poet.

Jahdamah دمه ھج She was a female companion of the Prophet PBUH.

Jala .Bringing to light, shining, clarity جلء

Jaleelah .Dignified جلیله

Jaleesah Companion جلیسه

Jalila Great, exalted, magnificent; fem. of جلیلهJalil.

Jalwa .Sight, show جلوه

Jamal .Beauty جمال

Jamala .Beautiful, pretty, moon-faced جماله

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Jamia ;Gatherer, collector, author, writer جامعهfem. of Jami.

Jamila Beautiful, elegant, pretty; fem. of جمیلهJamil. Daughter of Khalifa Umar.

Jamila .Beautiful girl جمیله

Jamilah .Beautiful جامله

Janaan ںجانا Pretty, sweet-heart; pl. of Jan, life.

Janan .Heart, soul, pretty جنان

Janna .Garden, paradise جنه

Jannat .Heaven, paradise جنت

Jannatul Firdaus .Garden of Paradise جنه الفردوس

Jariyah .Slave girl جاریه

Jasrah ,Daughter of Dijajah al-Amiriyah جسرهand a narrator of Hadith.

Jassia One who sits, name of a Surrah of جاثیهAl-Quran.

Jawahir ر ھجوا Precious.

Jawda .Excellence, high, quality, fineness جوده

Jawedan ںجاودا Immortal, lasting.

Jawhara ره ھجو Jewel, gem, essence.

Jaza .Reward جزا

Jazibiyya .Attraction, charm, appeal جاذبیه

Jibla .Nature, natural disposition جبله

Jina ,Princess, lucky, patrician جینا

Jinan .Pl. of Jannat, garden, paradise جنان

Joindah .God's gift جوئنده

Joodi .Kind, working جودی

Joya .Searcher جویاء

Judaala .Distinct جداله

Judamah جدامهShe was the daughter of Wahb; she was a companion and a narrator of Hadith.

Juhaymah یمه ھج There is a suggestion that her name was Hujaymah, she was Umm ad-Darda, and a narrator of Hadith.

Juhi ی ھجو Fragrant flower.

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Jumaina .Diminutive of Jumana, small pearl جمینه

Jumana .Pearl جمانه

Jumaymah .Name of a female companion جمیمه

Junayna .Little garden جنینه

Juni .Lovable جنی

Junna .Shelter جنه

Juveria Diminutive of Jooriyah, damask rose. Wife of the جویریهProphet Muhammad.

Kabeesha ,This was the name of a poetess کبیشهdaughter of al-Waqa (AN).

Kabira .Great کبیره

Kabira .Leader, heroic woman کابره

Kabshah کبشهShe was a companion; she was the daughter of Sabit bin al-Munzir al-Ansari (AN)

Kaheela .Labour, triumph, trial کحیله

Kaif .A state of joy کیف

Kaifiya .Ecstatic, mirghful, gayhooppy کیفیه

Kaina .Leader woman کائنه

Kakuli Crest, tuft on the head of an animal کاکلیlike comb of a cock.

Kaleemah .Speaker کلیمه

Kalsam کلثمName of al-Qarshiyah who transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah (AN)

Kamaliyah کمالیه

Perfection: name of a traditionalist, daughter of Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Hashmiyah al-Makkiyah RA.

Kamila Perfect, complete, genuine; fem. of کاملهKamil.

Kaneezah .Firm (of flish), sturdy (of body) کنیزه

Kaniz .Maid servant, female servant, virgin کنیز

Kanwal .A flower of water, water-lilly کنول

Kanz .Treasure کنز

Kanzah Treasure; She was a poetess (AN) کنزه

Karam .Generosity, bounty, noble nature کرم

Karamat .Miracle کرامت

Kardawaiyah A ious woman, daughter of Amr کردویهal-Basriyah was so name (AN)

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Karima کریمهKind, generous, benevolent, open-handed, bountiful, noble; fem. of Karim.

Kariman .Generous lady کاریمان

Karma .Vine, grapevine, kind, generous کرمه

Kas کاصGlass; This was the name of a woman, daughter of Buhayr bin Jundub.

Kashfiya .Enlightenment کشفیه

Kashida .Hardworking کاشیده

Kashifah .Revealer of Secrets کاشفه

Kashira .Jubiliant, jovial کاشره

Kashmala Necklace of flowers, Garland کشماله

Kashooda .Attractive کشوده

Kashud .Bloom, success, benefit کشود

Kasirah .Plenty کثیره

Kasool ,A girl brought up by tender care کسولsluggish girl.

Kasturi .Musk, a song bird کستوری

Kaureen .Beautiful girl, pretty girl کورین

Kausar Abundance, name of a fountain, in کوثرthe paradise.

Kauser A Fountain in heaven کوشر

Kawkab .Star, satellite کوکب

Kaysah Daughter of Abu Bakr al-Saqafi, was a narrator کیسهof Hadith.

Kazima کاظمهOne who controls or suppresses her anger; fem. of Kazim.

Kehkashan ںکهکشا Galaxy.

Khabira .Aware, knowing خبیره

Khadija خدیجهThe first wife of the Prophet Muhammad who was the first to embrace Islam.

Khadra .Green, verdant خضراء

Khair ,Good, blessing, boon, wealth خیرfortune.

Khaira ;The best, prime, top, flower, cream خیرهsing. of khairat.

Khairat .Pl. of Khaira, blessing, good work خیرات

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Khairiya ,Charity, benevolence, beneficence خیریهgood.

Khairun Nisa خیرانساءBest of women. Epithet of Khadija, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

Khalida .Permanent, immortal, eternal; fem خالدهof Khalid.

Khalisa .Pure, true, clear, real; fem. of Khalis خالصه

Khalwat .Solitude خلوت

Khanam .Princess, noble woman خانم

Khansa Proper name (famous Arabic خنساءpoetess), pug-nosed.

Kharijah .External خارجه

Kharqa .Strong wind خرقاء

Khashar .Decorated, ornamented خشار

Khashia .Pious, devout; fem. of Khashi خاشعه

Khashifa .Disclosing, divulging خاشفه

Khasiba ,Fruitful, fertile, prolific, prodigal خصیبهproductive; fem. of Khasib.

Khatiba .Orator, speaker, fianc�e خطیبه

Khatiba .Speaker خاطبه

Khatira .Wish, desire خاطره

Khatoon .Noblewoman, lady خاتون

Khaula خولهA buck, deer, name of a well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad.

Khawara .The sunlight, east خاوره

Khazanah خزانهTreasure; She was the daughter of Khalid bin Jafar bin Qurt. She was a poetess.

Khazeena .Arsenal, treasure house خزینه

Khidrah .Green خضره

Khitfa .Erroneus, forgetful خطفه

Khudamah .Service, name of a Sahabiyah RA خدامه

Khudra .Greenery, greenness, verdancy خضره

Khulaidah خلیدهPermanent, name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr and the name of a Sahabiyyah.

Khulat .Love, friend خلت

Khulaybah This was the name of an Arab خلیبهpoetess.

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Khuld .Paradise, heaven, eternal خلد

Khulud .Immortality خلود

Khurmi .Happiness, leisure خرمی

Khursheed خورشی Sun.

Khurshid Jahan

خورشیدا ٔٔج ھں

sun of the world

Khushbakht .Lucky خوش بخت

Khushbu .Fragrance, scent خوشبو

Khushnuda .Delighted, agreed, happy, joyous خوشنوده

Khuwailah ;A little or young female gazelle خویلهname of a women.

Khuzama ٰخزامی Lavender, tulip.

Kiran .Ray, beam کرن

Kishwar .Country کشور

Kohinoor کوه نورThe mountain of light, name of a diamond that was a prized possession of the Mughals.

Korina .Exalted, sublime, nice کورینا

Kowaisah Handsome, pretty, name of a کویسهSahaabiyah.

Kuaybah کعیبه

A distinguished woman of her times was so named. She was the daughter of Saad al-Aslamiyah and she offered allegiance (bayah) to the Prophet PBUH.

Kubra ٰکبری Great, senior, (Al-Khubra - Epithet of Khadija).

Kuhaylah کحیلهThis was the name of a pious, learned woman who was a good speaker (AN)

Kulsoom ,Full of flesh about the face and cheeks, rosy کلثومhealthy cheeks, chubby cheeks.

Laal .Pearl, ruby لعل

Labiba لبیبهIntelligent, judicious, sensible, understanding, sagacious, wise, prudent, wise; fem. of Labib.

Lafiza .As deep as a sea لفظه

Lahifa .Helper لحفه

Laiba Name of a Hoor in Heaven لئبه

Laiha .Glittering لئحه

Lail .Night لیل

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Laiqa ,Worthy, deserving, elegant, capable لئقهdecent.

Lakhsha .Glittering لخشه

Lala .Flower لله

Lama ٰلمی Darkness of inner lips, it is considered to be beautiful.

Lamia .Brilliant, lustrous, shining, radiant لمعه

Lamis .Tender woman لمیس

Lamisa .Soft to touch لمیسه

Lamiya .With beautiful curls لمیه

Lamya .Dark-lipped (from inside) لمیاء

Laraib .Not suspicious, truth لریب

Laseef .Glitter لصیف

Latifa لطیفهPretty, charming, gentle, sweet, refined, kind, pleasantry, humour, friendly; fem. of Latif.

Latimah .Scent لطیمه

Lawaiza The girl who was born to Eve لویزهwith Abel.

Layaan .Gentleness, softness, tenderness لیان

Layina .Tender, supple, resilient لینه

Layla ٰلیلی Night, A well-known character in Arabic literature i.e. the beloved of Majnoon.

Layyah .Twist, Flexure لیه

Lina .'Gentle, soft, tender, 'a kind of palm لینه

Liza .Dedicated for Allah لیزا

Lubaba .Essence, core, gist لبابه

Lubana .Wish, desire لبانه

Lubna ٰلبنی A tree which yields an aromatic resin used in perfume and medicine i.e. storax-tree.

Lulu ل ٶل ٶ Pearls.

Lulua لوه ٶل Pearl.

Lutf ,Kindness, friendliness, courtesy لطفdelicate, grace, favour from Allah.

Lutfana .Kind, helper لطفانه

Lutfiya .Delicate, graceful لطفیه

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Lutfun Nisa .Grace of women لطف النساء

Ma as-sama ماءالسماءA noble hearted, generous lady, daughter of al-Muzaffar had this name.

Mabrooka .Blessed, prosperous, abundant; fem مبروکهof Mabrook.

Madaniya .Civilized, urbane, polished مدنیه

Madiha ,Praiseworthy, commendation مدیحهcommendable.

Mah .Moon ماه

Mah Jabin .Beautiful, brow like the moon ماه جبین

Mah Liqa .Moon-like (face) ماه لقا

Mah Naz Humble moon (that would disappear ماه نازon touch).

Mah Noor .Moonlight ماه نور

Mah Rukh .Face as bright as the moon ماه رخ

Maha ا ھم Wild cow (representing beauty).

Mahala .Brave محاله

Mahalfa .Opponent محالفه

Maham Wife of mughal emperor Zahiruddin ماهمBaber, mother of Hamayun.

Mahasin ,Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, charm محاسنcharming, attraction, virtue, merit.

Mahbasah A narrator of Hadith, al-Bahiliyah had محبسهthis name.

Mahbooba Dear, beloved sweetheart; fem. of محبوبهMahboob.

Mahdiya دیه ھم Rightly guided; fem. of Mahdi.

Maheen .Like moon ماهین

Mahfooza .Safeguarded, well-protected; fem. of mahfooz محفوظه

Mahin ین ھم Fine, subtle, thin.

Mahira ره ھما Skilled, skilful, proficient; fem. of Mahir.

Mahjooba Hidden, covered, screened; fem. of محجوبهMahjoob.

Mahmooda ,Praised, praiseworthy, elegant محمودهlauded.

Mahmoodatun Nisa .Praised (one) of the women محمودهانساء

Mahnaz .Pride of the moon مهناز

Mahparah Piece of moon مه پاره

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Mahroz .One who has a face like moon مهروز

Mahtab تاب ھما Moonlight.

Mahtalat Moon-faced مه طلعت

Mahwish .Moon-faced, beautiful as moon مهوش

Maida Dining table, a chapter of Quran مائده

Mailiha .Beautiful, the one with darker shade ملیحه

Maimana Right, right-hand side, right wing (of میمنهarmy).

Maimoona ,Auspicious, prosperous, lucky میمونهfortunate, blessed; fem. of Maimoon.

Maira .Favourable, admirable مائره

Maisa .Walking with a proud gait مائسه

Maisaa .To walk with a proud swinging gait میساء

Maisara میسرهProsperity, abundance, wealth, affluence; left, left-hand side, left wing (of army).

Maisoon .Of beautiful face and body میسون

Maisoora میسورهEase; successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous; fem. of maisoor.

Majda .Glory, honour, nobility مجده

Majdiya .Glorious مجدیه

Majeeda ;Glorious, noble, sublime, exalted مجیدهfem. of majeed.

Majida ,Glorious, noble, respected, exalted ماجدهfem. of majid.

Makarim .Of good and honourable character مکارم

Maktoomah .Name of a female singer of the past مکتومه

Maktoonah Name of a singer and a beautiful lady مکتونهof the past.

Malaha .Beauty, grace, elegance ملحه

Malaika .Angels ملئکه

Malak .Angel ملک

Maleeka .Queen; fem. of Maleek ملیکه

Maliha .Beautiful, pretty, good-looking; fem ملیحهof Malih.

Malika .Reigning, ruling مالکه

Malka .Fem. of Malik; queen ملکه

Mamoona ٔمامونه Trustworthy, honest, faithful, reliable; fem of Mamoon.

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Manahil ل ھمنا Pl. of manhal, spring, of salubrious water, fountain.

Manal ,Attainment, achievement منالacquisition.

Manar .Guiding light, light-house منار

Manara .Fem. of Manar: light-house مناره

Mandal .Fragrant wood مندل

Manfoosah منفوسه

She was the daughter of Abu Yazid bin Abu al-FAwaris; a very pious woman, she wept often for fear of Allah.

Manhalah له ھمن Spring; Name of many Arab women.

Mann .Gift, present, favour, benefit, boon من

Mannana .Bountiful, generous; fem. of mannan منانه

Mansoora ,Assisted, victorious, supported منصورهtriumphant; fem. of Mansoor.

Manzoora .Approved of, chosen, promising; fem منظورهof Manzoor.

Maqboola ,Accepted, admitted, granted مقبولهapproved; fem. of Maqbool.

Maqsooda .Intended, destined مقصوده

Marab ٔمارب Wish, desire, purpose, use, aim; sing. of Marib.

Maram .Wish, desire, aspiration مرام

Marghuba .Coveted, desired مرغوبه

Maria ماریهA lady with fair complexion, kind of bird. Wife of Muhammad who gave birth to son named Ibrahim.

Mariam ,Mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus) مریمthe Biblical Mary.

Marib .Pl. of Marab, wish مآرب

Maridah A slave-girl of Haroon Rashid had this ماردهname.

Mariha .Joyful, cheerful, lively مرحه

Mariya ماریاA learned woman of Andulus had this name; she was the daughter of Abu Yaqoob al-Faysali.

Marjan .Small pearls, corals مرجان

Marjanah مرجانه

Precious stone; She was the mother of Prophet Isa AS and has been mentioned in the Quran frequently and a whole Surah is named after her.

Maroofa معروفهFamous, known, eminent, kindness, kind act; fem. of Maruf.

Marqooma .Writter, stated, well-defined مرقومه

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Marwa .Flint-stone مروه

Maryam .Pious, mother of Hazrat Isa (AS) i.e مریمJesus.

Marziya Accepted, well-pleased, one who is مرضیهpleasing.

Marzooqa ,blessed, fortunate, prosperous مرزوقهsuccessful; fem. of Marzooq

Mas For Almas; diamond. (only almas is ماسused as name).

Masabih .Pl. of Misbah, lamp مصابیح

Masarrat ,Joy, delight, pleasure, gladness مسرتhappiness.

Mashal .Light, bright fire, flame مشعل

Mashhuda وده ھمش Present, manifest.

Mashia ٔمشیه wish, desire, will (of Allah)

Mashmool .Included, sought, after, searched for مشمول

Masira .Noble ماثره

Masooda مسعودهFortunate, happy, lucky, prosperous, gracious, favourable, august; fem. of Masood.

Masooma ,Innocent, sinless, safe-guarded معصومهprotected; fem. of Masoom.

Masoon .Safeguarded, well-protected مصون

Masrurah .Glad, happy, delighted مسروره

Mastura .Latent, hidden, chaste مستوره

Matina .Strong, solid, of resolute mind متینه

Mausooma .Namely, viz موسومه

Mawadda .Friendship, intimacy, affection, love موده

Mawhiba به ھمو Gift, talent; sing. of Mawahib.

Mawhooba وبه ھمو Gifted, talented, favoured; fem. of Mawhoob.

Mawsoofa موصوفهWorthy of description, portrayed, endowed with laudable qualities; fem. of Mawsoof.

Maya .Nature, wealth, power, quantity مایه

Mayyada .To walk with swinging gait میاده

Mazida ,Increase, excess, high degree مزیدهmaximum; fem. of Mazid.

Maziyah .Excellence, merit, virtue مزیه

Mehak Fragrance مهک

Mehrin .Loving, The sun, The moon مهرىن

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Mehrin .Loving, affectionate, sun, moon مهرین

Mehrun Nisa رانساء ھم Sun of the women.

Mehtab تاب ھم Moon.

Midhat .Praise, eulogy مدحت

Mihr ر ھم Sun, affection.

Mina .Pearl, bead منا

Minnat .Grace, kindness, favour, gift منت

Minoo .Paradise مینو

Miral Doe میرال

Misaal .Example, copy مثال

Misam .Impression, mark, beauty میسم

Misbah .Lamp, Light مصباح

Mishal .Lightened, sparkling, shining مشال

Miskeenah .Humble مسکینه

Mohsana محصنهChaste, virtuous, protected, sheltered, pure, modest, married woman.

Mohsina ,Benevolent, beneficent, charitable محسنهhumanitarian; fem. of Muhsin.

Momina ٔمومنه Believer (in Islam); fem. of Mumin.

Mona ٰمنی Pl. of Monya, wish, desire.

Muazah Daughter of Abdullah al-Adowiyah معاذهwas a narrator of Hadith.

Muazza ی ٰمعز Elevated, exalted.

Muazzama Exalted, respected, glorified; fem. of معظمهMuazzam.

Mubaraka ;Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious مبارکهfem. of Mubarak.

Mubashirah .Bringer of good news مبشره

Mubassirah .One who comments مبصره

Mubina .Clear, manifest, plain, distinct; fem مبینهof Mubin.

Mueenah .Helper معینه

Mueerah -The sister of Hajjaj bin Hassan al معیرهJamimi had this name.

Mufazzalah .A poetess of the past had this name مفضله

Mufida ,Beneficial, advantageous, favourable, useful مفیدهprofitable.

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Mugheesah .One who helps مغیثه

Mughirah Daughter of Hassan; she was a مغیرهnarrator of Hadith.

Muhabbat .Love, affection محبت

Muhariba .Fighter, one who entangles محاربه

Muhayya .Countenance, face, look محیا

Muhja جه ھم Heart, soul.

Muhra ره ھم Filly, a female pony.

Muida .Reviser, teacher, fem. of Muid معیده

Mujahida ده ھمجا One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam; fem. of Mujahid.

Mujiba One who answers or grants مجیبهsomething.

Mukarrama .Honoured, revered, honourable; fem مکرمهof Mukarram.

Mukhlisa .Devoted, faithful, pure-hearted مخلصه

Mukhtar .Free مختار

Mulayka .Diminutive of Malaka, angel ملیکه

Mulook .Pl. of Malik, king ملوک

Mumtaz ,Distinguished, exalted, superior ممتازoutstanding.

Mumtaz Mahal .Wife of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan ممتازمحل

Mumtaza .Fem. of Mumtaz ممتازه

Munaam .Soft, delicate مناعم

Munas Sabah .Wishes of the dawn منی الصباح

Munawwar .Shining, Bright منور

Munawwara ;Illuminated, brilliant, full of light منورهfem. of Munawwar.

Munazza .Devoid of faults, pure منزه

Muneeah -Name of a Slave-girl of Amr bin al منیعهAla.

Muniba One who turns towards Allah, one منیبهwho repents.

Munifa ,Eminent, exalted, superior, high منیفهlofty; fem. of Munif.

Munira منیرهbright, brilliant, shedding light, radiant, luminous, shining; fem. of Munir

Munisa ٔمونسه Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle; fem. of Munis.

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Munjiyah .A woman who saves someone منجیه

Muntahi .Last limit of height منتهی

Munya .Wish, desire, object of desire; sing منیهof Muna, wishes.

Munyatul Muna ٰمنیه المنی Wish of wishes.

Muqaddasa .Sacred, holy مقدسه

Muqbala This was the name of a narrator of مقبلهHadith, daughter of Ali al-Bazzaz.

Murdiyyah .Chosen one مرضیه

Muriha .Restful, soothing مریحه

Murshida ;Leader, guide, adviser, counsellor مرشدهfem. of Murshid.

Musaddas .A poem of six verses مسدس

Musaddiqa .One who affirms the truth مصدقه

Musarrat Pleasure مسرت

Musawat .Equality مساوات

Musaykah مسیکهShe was the mother of Yusuf bin Mahik and she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.

Mushahida .Observance, evidence, study مشاهده

Musharrafa .Honoured, elevated مشرفه

Mushira .Counsellor, adviser; fem. of Mushir مشیره

Mushtari .Jupiter المشتری

Muslima .Follower of the religion of Islam; fem مسلمهof Muslim.

Mussah مسهShe was Mussah al-Azdiyah, mother of Bussah; she was a narrator of Hadith.

Mustaeenah .One who prays for help مستعینه

Mutahhara ره ھمط Purified, chaste.

Mutazah A narrator of Hadith of the later معتزهperiod.

Mutia ;Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful مطیعهfem. of Muti.

Muwaffaqa ,Successful, prosperous, lucky موفقهfortunate; fem. of Muwaffaq.

Muyassar .Successful, lucky, prosperous میسر

Muzaina .Diminutive of Muzna, rain, clouds مزینه

Muzna .Rain clouds مزنه

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Naaz ,Glory, pride, elegance, gracefulness نازfresh.

Naazira ناضرهOne with healthy and happy looks, radiant, flourishing, resplendent, bright, beaming.

Naba .Famous, good, pious نابه

Nabaha ه ھنبا Fame, nobility, intelligence, brightness, brilliance.

Nabawiya .Prophetic نبویه

Nabeeha ه ھنبی Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant, intelligent; fem. of Nabih.

Nabiha ه ھناب Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant; fem. of Nabih.

Nabila نبیلهNoble, highborn, magnanimous, beautiful, intelligent, honourable; fem. of nabil.

Nadaa ,Dew, generosity, liberality ندیmagnanimity.

Nadi .Moist, damp, tender, delicate ندی

Nadia .The caller نادیه

Nadida .Rival, equal ندیده

Nadima Intimate friend, companion; fem. of ندیمهNadim.

Nadira ;Rare, extraordinary, choice, precious نادرهfem. of Nadir.

Nadiyya ,Fem. of Nadi, dew, generosity, damp ندیهtender, delicate.

Nadra ,Radiance, bloom, glamour نضرهbrightness, opulence, wealth.

Nadwa .Council, club ندوه

Naeema نعیمهHappiness, peaceful, comfort, ease, pleasure, smooth, tender, bliss; fem. of Naim.

Nafasat .Purity, refinement نفاست

Nafay .One who gets profit نافعه

Nafia نافعهProfitable, beneficial, advantageous, useful, beneficial; fem. of Nafi.

Nafisa ,Refined, pure, precious, delicate نفیسهchoice, exquisite.

Nageenah .Precious Stone نگینه

Naghma .Melody, song نغمه

Nahar ار ھن Day i.e. daytime.

Nahid ید ھنا Venus.

Nahida یده ھنا Fem. of Nahid.

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Nahiya .One who advises, adviser ناحیه

Nahiza ضه ھنا Elevated, deligent.

Nahla له ھن Bee.

Naifah نائفه

This was the name of a well-known, woman loved by the masses for her kindness and generosity, her advice was sought by the people.

Nail ,Winner, achiever, a boon, gift نائلacquirer.

Naila .Fem. of nail نائله

Naima .Delicate, soft, smooth ناعمه

Naira .Shining, glittering نائره

Najah .Success نجاح

Najat ,Safety, rescue, salvation نجاتdeliverance.

Najdah .Courage, bravery, help, succour نجده

Najia .Saved, liberated; fem. of Naji ناجیه

Najiba ,Noble, exce4llent, generous, praiseworthy نجیبهdistinguished, aristocratic.

Najida Brave; a lady who نجیدهaccomplishes difficult tasks.

Najidah .Succor, Help ناجده

Najiha Successful, prosperous; fem. of ناجحهNajih.

Najiya .Intimate friend, bosom friend; fem نجیهof Naji.

Najla .Large-eyed, wide-eyed نجلء

Najm .Star, planet نجم

Najma .Star, a fine species of grass نجمه

Najmus Sahar .The morning star نجم السحر

Najwa ٰنجوی Confidential talk, secret conversation.

Najwan .Saved, liberated نجوان

Nakhat ت ھنک Fragrance.

Nama .Gift, present, grace, favour, kindness نعماء

Nameera .Delicious water, pious woman نمیره

Namia Force to move forward, force to نامیهexpand

Naqa .Purity, refinement, clarity نقاء

Naqiba .Mind, intellect, leader نقیبه

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Naqiya .Clear, pure, clean; fem. of Naqi نقیه

Nargis .Narcissus (flower) نرگس

Narjis .Narcissus (flower) نرجس

Naseera .Helper, protector, friend, patron; fem. of Nasir نصیره

Nasha .Scent, perfume نشاء

Nashat ,Liveliness, vigour, cheerfulness, joy نشاطsprightliness, energy, vivacity.

Nasheem .Breeze, morning air نشیم

Nashida .Relaxation, joyance نشىده

Nashika .One who forgives, forgiver ناشکه

Nashirah .Publisher; diffuser, spreader ناشره

Nashita ,Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh نشیطهvigorous.

Nashwa .Fragrance, aroma نشوه

Nashwaa ٰنشوی Elated, exultant, flushed, enraptured; fem. of Nashwan.

Nasia .Clear, pure; fem. of Nasi ناصعه

Nasiba .Noble, highborn; fem. of Nasib نسیبه

Nasifa .Just, equitable ناصفه

Nasiha ه ھناص Advisor, sincere.

Nasihah .Advisor ناصحه

Nasila .Honey that flows from the comb نسیله

Nasim ,Breeze, gentle wind, fresh air نسیمzephyr, fragrant air.

Nasima .Fem. of Nasim, zephyr, gentle wind نسیمه

Nasiqa .One who manages, organiser ناسقه

Nasiqa .One who forgives, forgiver ناسکه

Nasira .Helper, aide, assistant, protector ناصره

Nasooh .Advised, suggested نصوح

Nasreen Jonquil, Narcissus, wild rose, Jericho نسرینrose.

Nasya .Reformer, advisor ناصیه

Natasha Gift of Allah نتاشه

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Natila .Relation, way, sake نتیله

Natiqa ,One endowed with speech, eloquent ناطقهspokesperson; fem. of Natiq.

Naushabah .Elixir نوشابه

Nawal ,Gift, present, grant, favour, grace نوالkindness.

Nawar .Flower, bud, blossom نوار

Nawaylah نویله

Naweed .Good news نوید

Nawfa .Excess, surplus نوفه

Nawla .Gift, present, grant, favour, grace نوله

Nawra .Blossom, flower نوره

Nayab Scarce نایاب

Nayyar .Sun نیر

Nayyara .Luminous, shining; fem. of Nayyir نیره

Nazaha ه ھنزا Purity, righteousness, chastity, virtue, honesty.

Nazakat .Delicacy, subtlety نزاکت

Nazan ںنازا Proud, vain, haughty.

Nazanin .Elegant, delicate, beloved نازنین

Nazara .Bloom, beauty نضاره

Nazarat .Freshness of splendour نضارت

Nazeeha ه ھنزی Pure, virtuous, honest; fem. of Nazih.

Nazeera نذیره

Warner, anything offered as a token of respect, anything given as sacrifice, a child who has been dedicated by his parents to serve Allah.

Nazeera ,Equal, like, alike, resembling, match نظیرهcomparable; fem. of Nazir.

Naziah .Companion, friend نازیه

Naziah .Sharpness, cold, a large bowl نازیه

Nazifa ;Pure, clean, neat, chaste, innocent نظیفهfem. of Nazif.

Naziha ه ھناز Pure, honest.

Nazila .Lovely, charming نازله

Nazima Arranger, organizer, poetess; fem. of ناظمهNazim.

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Nazindah نازندهName of a liberal woman of Baghdad; she founded a college with religious school.

Nazira .Observer, supervisor ناظره

Nazish .Proud, lover نازش

Nazli .Delicate, feminine نظلی

Nazneen .Beautiful, delicate نازنین

Nazpari .A queen of ancient persia نازپری

Nazrat .Pride, nice, great نضرت

Nazuk نازکDelicate; The daughter of Muhammad bin Ibrahim had this name. She was a narrator of Hadith.

Neelam A precious stone of sky blue نیلمcolour.

Neelma .Bluish, Like blue نىلما

Neelma .Lucky, with good fortune نیلما

Nehla .Present, gift; sing of Nihel نحله

Niaz .Desire, urge to express love نیاز

Nibal .Arrows نبال

Nibras .Lamp نبراس

Nida .Call نداء

Nigar .Picture, portrait, sweetheart نگار

Nighat .Odour, perfume, fragrance نگهت

Niha .Bright one, naughty one نهاء

Nihel .Presents, gifts نحل

Nihla .Present, gift; sing. of Nihel نحله

Nikhat Sweet Smell نکهت

Nilofar .Water-lily نیلوفر

Nimaat Blessings, boons, bounties; pl. of نعماتNimat.

Nimat Blessing, boon, favour, a gift from نعمتAllah, grace bounty.

Nisa .Women نساء

Nishat .Happiness, intoxication نشاط

Niyyat .Intention, determination, resolution نیت

Nofal .Blessing, donation نوفل

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Noor .Light, illumination نور

Noor Jahan ا ٔٔنورج ھں Light of the world.

Noora .Light; fem. of Noor نوره

Nooraniyah .Luminous, brilliant نورانیه

Nooruddunya .Light of the world نورالدنیا

Noorulain .Peace of eyes, light of eyes نورالعین

Noorun Nisa .Light of the women نورالنساء

Noreen .Bright نورین

Noreenah .A sweet dish نورینه

Noshi .Of pleasant taste نوشی

Noshin .Sweet, pleasant, (i.e. dream) نوشین

Nu'aymah .Name of a woman narrator of Hadith نعیمه

Nuboogh ,Distinction, eminence, excellence نبوعsuperiority.

Nudbah .Lament, Scar; Mark ندبه

Nudoora .Rareness ندوره

Nudra . .Rarity, rareness ندره

Nudrat .Singularity ندرت

Nufaysah نفیسه

Name of the daughter of Munyah who arranged the marriage of the Prophet PBUH with Sayyidah Khadijah RA.

Nuha ی ٰن ھ Intelligence, intellect.

Numa .Displayer, viewer نماء

Nuriya ;Light, luminous, radiant, brilliant نوریهfem. of Noori.

Nusaiba .Diminutive of Nasiba, noble نسیبه

Nusrat .Help, aid, assistance, support نصرت

Nuwaira Petals of flowers نویره

Nuwwar .Pl. of Nuwwara, blossom, flower نوار

Nuwwara .Blossom, flower نواره

Nuzar .Pure gold نضار

Nuzhat ت ھنز pleasure trip, freshness, promenade, excursion, recreation, cheerfulness

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Obaidiyah Bondswoman of Allah عبیدیه

Orwiya .Female mountain goat ارویه

Ozra Virgin, Virgin Mary عذرا

Ozza .A baby fawn, young female deer, female fawn عزه

Pakiza .Pure, chaste, polite, nice, fine پاکیزه

Pardaj .Splendour پرداج

Pari .Fairy, fairy-like beautiful پری

Parsa .Chaste, devout, pious پارسا

Parvin .The Pleiades پروین

Qabalah Responsibility; Name of narrator of قبالهHadith, daughter of Yazeed.

Qabila .Able, wise قابله

Qabool قبولAccepted. An early woman, daughter of Abdullah, freed slave of al-Mustanjid Billah.

Qadira .Powerful, able قادره

Qahira ره ھقا Overpowering, victorious.

Qaifa .Estimater قائفه

Qailah .One who speaks قائله

Qaima .Bestower قائمه

Qamar .Moon قمر

Qamar Jahan ںقمر جها The moon of the world

Qamarun Nisa .Moon of the women قمرالنساء

Qamayr قمیرDaughter of Amr al-Khufiyah, wife of Masrooq, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Qameer قمیرWife of Masrooq bin al-Ajda daughter of Amr al-Kufiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Qamra Moonlight, moonlit, bright; fem. of قمراءAqmar.

Qanaat .Patience قناعت

Qaniah .Contented قانعه

Qantara .Small bridge قنطره

Qaraah Cloudlet; A kind lady of the Hijaz قرعهhad this name.

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Qareebah .Near قریبه

Qaribah -Name of a woman scholar, Umm al قاربهBuhlul, of Banu Asad.

Qarsafah قرصافهShe was a narrator of Hadith known as Qarsafah al-Zahliyah.

Qaseema Beautiful woman, a box in which قسیمهperfumes are kept.

Qasiba .One who plays at flute, flutist قاصبه

Qasida .Mesenger قاصده

Qasima .Distributor, divider; fem. of Qasim قاسمه

Qasira .Patient قاسره

Qasoomah This was the name of a poetess قسومهdaughter of Ismail al-Yahudi.

Qaylah Two women companions had this قیلهname.

Qaymayriyah This was the name of an early قمیریهstudent of Hadith, wife of Masrooq.

Qaysar .A name of women قیصر

Qisaf ,Birttle, a student of Hadith قصافdaughter of Abdullah bin Damirah.

Qismat .Fate, destiny, area قسمت

Raaina .Beautiful princess, pretty priness راعنه

Raana ,Of elegant, statue, soft, lovely رعناءbeautiful, graceful, delicate.

Raani .A queen رانی

Rabab .Usually two-stringed instrument رباب

Rabbab .A musical instrument رباب

Rabeea .One who is well-versed ربیعه

Rabia The fourth. "Rabia Basri", name of a رابعهsaint who lived in Basrah.

Rabiha .Winner, gainer; fem. Rabih رابحه

Rabita .Band, bond, link nexus رابطه

Rabiya Spring, springtime, garden; fem. of ربیعهRabi.

Rabwa .Hill ربوه

Radifa .One who is full of shame رادفه

Radiya .Veiled, covered رادیه

Raeesa ,Leader, chief, princess, a noble lady رئیسهa wealthy lady.

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Raeha .Fragrance, perfume, scent رائحه

Rafat .Mercy, compassion, pity رافت

Rafeeah .Sublime, high رفیعه

Rafia رفیعهHigh ranking, noble, sublime, exquisite, exalted, eminent; fem. of Rafi.

Rafiah .Exalted رافعه

Rafida .Support, prop رافده

Rafif .Glittering, shining, gleaming رفیف

Rafiqa ,Intimate friend, companion رفیقهassociate; fem. of Rafiq.

Rafraf .Cushion, eyeshade رفرف

Raghada .Comfort opulence, affluence رغاده

Raghd .Pleasant, plenty رغد

Raghiba Desirous, wishful, willing; fem. of راغبهRaghib.

Raghid ,Comfort, opulence, affluence رغیدplenty.

Rahat .Rest, comfort, ease, relief راحه

Rahifa یفه ھر Sharp; fem. of Rahif.

Rahil راحیلWife of the Prophet Yaqub (Jacob). In the Bible she is mentioned as Rachel.

Rahilah .One who travels راحله

Rahima Kind, compassionate; fem. of رحیمهRahim.

Rahla .Happy, mirth, joyous راحله

Rahmat .Mercy, compassion, kindness رحمت

Raida ,Explorer, guide, leader, pioneer رائدهmodel, example; fem. of Raid.

Raiha .Smell, fragrance رائحه

Raihana ریحانهA handful of sweet basil. A bouquet of flowers; Wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

Raima .Well-cultured رائمه

Raiqa .Pure, clear, tranquil, serene; fem رائقهof Raiq.

Raitah An early woman narrator of Hadith, she was رائطهthe daughter of Muslim.

Rajab The seventh month of the رجبIslamic calendar.

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Rajia .Hopeful, hoping, full of hope; fem راجیهof Raji.

Rajiha Superior, predominant, fem. of راجحهRajih.

Rajini .Kingly, very exclusive راجنی

Rajiya .Hope, expectation, wish راجیه

Rajwa ٰرجوی Hope.

Rakhas .Soft and delicate, supple رخص

Rakheelah رخیله

Rakhima soft, pleasant, melodious (voice) رخیمه

Rakhshan .Dazzling, bright رخشان

Rakhshi .Beautiful-faced, charming رخشی

Rakhshinda .Resplendant, bright رخشنده

Rakina .Firm, steady; fem. of Rakin رکینه

Ramazan The ninth month of the Islamic رمضانcalendar.

Rameen .Successful woman رامین

Rameesah .Hidden رمیسه

Rameesah .Wise رمیثه

Rameesah رمیثهBeautiful bunch of flowers, bouquet, Umm-e-Saleem: Aunt of Prophet (PBUH)

Ramiza .Intelligent, level headed رمیزه

Ramla Sand. Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Her رملهkunya is Umm Habiba.

Ramsha .Beautiful رمشاء

Ramza .Coquette رمزه

Rana .To gaze, look رنا

Randa Scented, fragrant tree, good for رندهdecoration.

Rania .Gazing رانیه

Ranim .Singing, song, music رنیم

Raoom وم ٶر Loving, tender.

Raqia ;Superior, high ranking, educated راقیهfem. of Raqi.

Raqiba .Guardian, supervisor رقیبه

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Raqiqa .Delicate, fine, soft, slender, slim رقیقه

Rasee .Life full of happiness رسیع

Rasha .Fawn, young gazelle رشا

Rashad .Righteous رشاد

Rashaqa .Graceful, stature, grace, elegance رشاقه

Rasheeda Righteous, of good character, one رشیدهwho leads onto the right path.

Rashida راشدهFollower of the right path, mature, right minded, rightly guided; fem. of Rashid.

Rashiqa .Graceful, elegant; fem. of Rashiq رشیقه

Rasikha ,Well-established, well-founded راسخهstable, steady; fem. of Rasikh.

Rasima .Planner, designer; fem. of Rasim راسمه

Rasina .Calm, composed رصینا

Rasmiya ,Ceremonial, ceremonious رسمیهformal; fem. of Rasmi.

Ratiba .Well-arranged, well-ordered راتبه

Rauhah Happy Contented روحه

Raunaq .Beauty, grace, glamour, splendour رونق

Raunaq Jahan ا ٔٔرونق ج ھں Lustre of the world.

Raushan .Light, luminous, bright, splendour روشن

Raushan Ara .Adorning light (female) روشن آرا

Raushan Jabin .Of radiant forehead روشن جبین

Raushani .Light, splendour روشنی

Rawah .Rest, repose رواح

Rawahah رواحهA noted narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abu Umar bin Abdur Rahman al-Awzaee had this name.

Rawia Narrator, reciter, transmitter (of راویهincident Arabic poetry).

Rawza .Garden روضه

Raya .Aroma, fragrance ریا

Rayia ,Guardian, custodian, patron راعیهprotector; fem. of Rayi.

Raytah Daughter of Hurays, and a narrator ریطهof Hadith.

Raytah Daughter of Hurayth, and a narrator ریطهof Hadith.

Razana .Calm, composure, self-possession رزانه

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Razia .Satisfied, content, well-pleased; fem راضیهof Razi.

Razina .Calm, composed, self-possessed; fem. of Razin رزینه

Raziqa .One who feeds others, feeder رازقه

Raziya ,Delighted, satisfied, contended رضیهpleased; fem. of Razi.

Razwa ٰرضوی Name of a mountain in Madina.

Resham .Silk, softness ریشم

Rida .Sheet of cloth, veil, covering ردا

Rifa .Happiness, prosperity رفاء

Rifat Dignity, exaltation, high rank, high رفعتstanding.

Rifqa رفقهKindness, gentleness, company, companionship. Wife of the Prophet ishaq.

Rihab .Pl. of Rahbbah, vastness, expanse رحاب

Riham ام ھر Light rain, drizzle

Rim .White gazelle, antelope ریم

Rima .White, gazelle, antelope ریمه

Riqbah Name of the wife of Prophet Ishaq ربقهAS.

Riyaz .Pl. of Rawza, garden ریاض

Riza .Pleasure رضا

Rizeen ,Dignity, heavy and precious thing رزینsouvenir.

Rizwan رضوانSatisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, contentment, name of the gate-keeper of paradise.

Rizwana . ,Fem. of Rizwan رضوانه

Robeena .Happy, girl روبینه

Roha .Soul, life روحه

Roheen .Iron روهین

Rohi Life, soul روحی

Roobi .Ruby, pearl روبی

Roshan .Bright روشن

Roshni .Light روشنی

Rozinah .Daily wages, pension, reward روزینه

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Rua ی ٰر ٶ Pl. of Ruya, vision.

Ruba ٰربی Pl. of Rubwa, Rabwa, hill.

Rubaba .A two stringed musical instrument ربابه

Ruban .Pl. of Rubwa, hill ربن

Rubay ربیعShe was the daughter of Muawwiz and a companion of the Propphet PBUH from her young age.

Rubina .Face reader روبینا

Rufayah .An early student of Hadith رفیعه

Rufayda رفیدهShe was a female companion who performed surgery on the injured in a tent setup in the mosque.

Ruhaniya .Spirituality روحانیه

Ruhiya .Spiritual روحیه

Ruhm م ھر She was the daughter of al-Aswad and a narrator of Hadith.

Ruhma ٔرحما Kind, merciful.

Rukhaylah .This is also a male name رخیله

Rukhsanah رخسانه

Rukhsar Cheeks رخسار

Rukhsara .Loving, charming face, beautiful رخساره

Rukhshana .Bright, brilliant, shining رخشانه

Rumaysa She was Umm Sulaym and a narrator رمیصاءof Hadith.

Rumayta رمیتهThe daughter of al-Hadis bin al-Tufayl al-Azdiyah was known by this name; she was a narrator of Hadith.

Rumman .Pl. of Rummana, pomegranate رمان

Rummana .Pomegranate رمانه

Ruqa .Pretty, beautiful روقه

Ruqayqah .A name of some prominent women رقیقه

Ruqayya رقیهCharming, attractive, captivating. Daughter of Muhammad(s) married to Khalifa Usman.

Ruqya .Charm, spell رقیه

Rushda ٰرشدی Most rightly guided.

Rushdiya رشدیهRightly guided, on the right way, following the right path; fem. of Rushdi.

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Ruwaa ,Beauty, grace, prettiness رواءcomeliness, pleasing appearance.

Ruwaida .Walking gently رویدا

Ruya یه ٶر Seeing, viewing, looking.

Ruyaa یا ٶر Dream, vision.

Ruzaynah Name of the freed slave-girl of Sayyidah Safiyah رزینهRA wife of the Prophet PBUH.

Saadat .Blessing سعادت

Saaida .Branch, tributary ساعده

Saaiqa .Lightning صاعقه

Saara Wife of the Prophet Ibrahim and سارهmother of the Prophet Ismail.

Saat .Moment, time, occasion ساعت

Saba .Queen saba, queen sheba سبا

Saba .East wind صبا

Sabah .Morning, dawn صباح

Sabahat .Beauty, gracefulness, handsomeness صباحه

Sabat ,Firmness, stability, certainty ثباتendurance, boldness, truth.

Sabeeha .Beautiful, handsome, morning صبیحه

Sabeen .Both the worlds سبین

Sabeera .Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabeer صبیره

Sabha ٰصبحی Pretty, beautiful, graceful, radiant; fem. of Sabah.

Sabia .Captivating, enchanting, charming سابیه

Sabih .Pretty, beautiful, graceful صبیح

Sabiha ;Coming or arriving in the morning صابحهfem. of Sabih.

Sabina .Small sword سبینا

Sabiqa .First, winner; fem. of Sabiq سابقه

Sabira .Patient, tolerant; fem. of Sabir صابره

Sabita ;Well established, certain, sure ثابتهfem. of Sabit.

Sabooha .Pure, chaste سبوحه

Sabqat .Supremacy سبقت

Sabrina .Princess, daughter of the king سبرینه

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Sabriya .Patient; fem. of Sabri صبیره

Sabuh .Shining, brilliant صبوح

Sabura .Very patient, enduring صبوره

Sadaf .Shell, Oyster صدف

Sadaqat .Truth صداقت

Sadat .Happiness, bliss, felicity, success سعادت

Sadeeqa .Friend, companion; fem. of Sadiq صدیقه

Sadi سعدیDaughter of Awf al-Muruyyah and wife of Talhah bin UbaydAllah, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Sadida ;Correct, right, sound, appropriate سدیدهfem. of Sadid.

Sadiqa صادقهTrue, truthful, honest, sincere, faithful, veracious, devoted; fem. of Sadiq.

Sadiya ;Happiness, luck, blissful, fortunate سعدیهfem. of Sadi.

Sadoof .Name of a poetess صدوف

Sadooh .Singer, singing صدوح

Saduq ,Honest, truthful, sincere صدوقtrustworthy.

Saeeda .Happy, lucky; fem. of Saeed سعیده

Safa .A hill near the sacred Kaaba; stone, rock صفا

Safaa .Purity, clarity, serenity صفاء

Safeenah سفینهShp; Name of a narrator of Hadith, daughter of Muhammad bin Fadl (men are also so named)

Safeerah .Messenger, Ambassador سفیره

Safia .Pure, clear, crystal; fem. of Saafi صافیه

Safira .Traveller سافره

Safiya صفیه

Pure, righteous, untroubled, serene, the most valuable portions of the spoils of battle, sincere and honest friend; fem. of Safi.

Safura .Wife of the Prophet Musa صافورا

Safwa ,The best part, elite, top, prime صفوهflower.

Saghira .Small, slender, tender صغیره

Sahab .Clouds سحاب

Sahar .Early dawn, early morning سحر

Sahibah .Colleague صاحبه

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Sahimah Partner سهیمه

Sahina ساحنه

Sahira ره ھسا Moon, a spring which flows constantly.

Sahla له ھس Smooth, simple, fluent, soft, facile, easy, even; fem. of Sahl.

Saiba .Straight, pertinent صائبه

Saida .Rising, ascending; fem. of Said صاعده

Saima .Fasting; fem. of Saim صائمه

Saira Traveller سائره

Sairi .Satisfaction, saturation سیری

Sajida Prostrate in worship, bowing in ساجدهadoration; fem. of Sajid.

Sajila .Determined ساجله

Sajiya .Attractive ساجیه

Sakeeza .Fragrance سکیزه

Sakha .Generosity, liberality سخاء

Sakhawat .Generosity سخاوت

Sakhira .One who is like a delicate flower ساخره

Sakhiya .Generous, liberal, open handed سخیه

Sakina ,Calmness, comfort, ease, tranquillity سکینهrepose, serenity, peace of mind.

Sakina Daughter of al-Jadi, she was a ساکینهnarrator of Hadith.

Salam .Peace, safety, security سلم

Salama Peace, safety, security; fem. of سلمهSalam.

Saleema سلیمهUnhurt, affable, healthy, without defect, sound, perfect, complete, safe, secure; fem. of Salim.

Salifah Previous سالفه

Saliha Pious, virtuous, just, a chaste صالحهwoman, righteous.

Salikah .Following, mystic سالکه

Salima ,Safe, secure, perfect, sound سالمهcomplete; fem. of Salim.

Salma ی ٰسلم Pacifist, peaceful.

Salmah .Peace, fem. of Salm سلمه

Salsabil .A spring in paradise سلسبیل

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Salwa ٰسلوی Quail, solace.

Salwah .Comfort, ease, amusement سلوه

Sama .Heaven, sky سماء

Samah -Generosity, bounty, good سماحheartedness, large-heartedness.

Saman .Price, value ثمن

Saman .Jasmine سمن

Samar Pleasant conversation, evening or سمرnightly conversation.

Samarah A narrator of Hadith, daughter of سمراءQays al-Ansari.

Sameeah .Hearing سمیعه

Sameen .Costly, precious, valuable ثمین

Sameenah Valuable, costly, precious, priceless ثمینهexcellent; fem. of Smeen.

Sameenah .Overweight, fat سمینه

Sameera سمیرهCompanion (in nightly conversation), entertainer (with stories, music etc.) fem. of Samir.

Samia ,Eminent, exalted, lofty, elevated سامیهhigh minded, sublime; fem. of Sami.

Samiha سمیحهGenerous, kind, true, sincere, good-hearted, large-hearted, open-handed; fem. of Samih.

Samim ,Sincere, genuine, pure, true صمیمessence, heart.

Samima .True, sincere, genuine صمیمه

Samina A healthy girl, fertile land without سمینهrock and stone.

Samiqa .Lofty, towering سامقه

Samira ,Fruit-bearing, fruitful ثامرهproductive; fem. of Samir.

Samitah .Mighty سامته

Samrah .Profit, fruit ثمره

Sana ,Brilliance, radiance, resplendence سناءsplendour, majestic.

Sana ,Praise, commendation, thankfulness ثناءeulogy.

Sanad .Support, prop, document سند

Sanam .Beautiful, friend, lover, loved one صنم

Sanaubur .Cone bearing tree صنوبر

Sangeet .Music, rhythm سنگیت

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Saniha .Tall and high, bright سنیهه

Sanina .Friend, childhood friend سنینه

Saniya ,Brilliant, majestic, exalted, eminent سنیهsplendid; fem. of Sani.

Sanjeeda .Weighted, guarded سنجیده

Saqaafa .Wisdom, prudence ثقافه

Saqat .Strength, courage, power ثقت

Saqiba ,Penetrating, piercing, sharp-witted ثاقبهsagacious, acute; fem. of Saqib.

Sara .Wealth ثراء

Sarab .Mirage سراب

Sarahat .Explanation, detail, paraphrase صراحت

Sareea .Determined سریعه

Sareema .Determination, resolution صریمه

Sariba .Loverly ساربه

Sarina .Satisfactory, calm, cool سارینا

Sarita .Intelligent, clever, active سریتا

Sariyah Name of a female companion of the ساریهProphet PBUH.

Sarood .Rhythm and ecstasy سرود

Saroor .Happiness, calm, satisfaction سرور

Sarosh One who gives good news, unseen سروشvoice

Sarra She was a companion daughter of سراءnabhan al-Ghanawiyah.

Sarvia .Rich woman, affluent lady ثرویه

Sarwa .Fortune, wealth, riches ثروه

Sarwana .Of generous and good nature ثروانه

Sarwar .Chief سرور

Sarwari Chief ship سروری

Sarwat .Wealth ثروت

Sarya .Name of a pious woman ثریا

Sasha .Helper, assistant, supporter ساشا

Sataish .Praise ستائش

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Satila .Royal ساطله

Sauda :Leadership, the narrator of five Ahadith سودهSyeda Sauda bint Zam'aa RA

Sawab Reward. Name of an early ثوابpoetess.

Sawda سوداءDaughter of Aasim bin Khalid bin Dirar al-Qarshiyah, she was a narrator of Hadith.

Sawdah .Black سوده

Sawera .Dawn, early morning سویرا

Sayida Chief, leader, lady, Mrs; fem. of سیدهSayyid.

Sayida Leader, epithet of Hazrat Fatima سیده(A.S.)

Sayidatun Nisa .Chief of woman سیدهالنساء

Sayyah .Fragrance صیاح

Seerat .Character, life-story سیرت

Sehrish .Glamorous, magical سحرش

Shaban The eighth month of the Islamic شعبانCalendar.

Shabana .Nocturnal, Famous of the Night شبانه

Shabeehah ه ھشبی Picture, Image, like.

Shabin .Of Night, music of night شبین

Shabnam .Dew, a pendant of pearls شبنم

Shad .Happy شاد

Shadaab .Green, fresh, wet, ever-green شاداب

Shadan .Happy شادان

Shadia .Singer شادیه

Shadin .Fawn, young deer شادن

Shadman .Glad, cheerful, joyful شادمان

Shafaat .Recommendation, exoneration شفاعت

Shafaq .Aurora, morning light شفق

Shaffan .Cool breeze, morning breeze شفان

Shafia .Mediatress; fem. of Shafi شفیعه

Shafiah .One who recommends شافعه

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Shafiqa شفیقهCompassionate, kind-hearted, affectionate, tender, warm-hearted; fem. of Shafiq.

Shafqat ,Compassion, pity, kindness شفقهtenderness.

Shagoofa blossom شگوفه

Shagoon .Omen, luck, fortunate, destiny شگون

Shaguftah .Blooming, happy شگفته

Shahaba .Flame of fire شهابه

Shahamat .Grandeur, bravery, joy شهامت

Shahamat .Bravery, valour شهامت

Shahana انه ھشا Royal, kingly, splendid, magnificent.

Shaheeda یده ھش Martyr in the cause4 of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem of .

Shaheen ین ھشا A royal white falcon, the beam of scales.

Shaheenah ینه ھشا Falcon.

Shaheera یره ھش Famous, eminent, renowned; fem. of Shahir.

Shahida ده ھشا Martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour; fem. of Shaheed.

Shahiqa قه ھشا High, towering, lofty, tall; fem. of Shahiq.

Shahla لء ھش Having grey eyes with a shade of red, a species of the narcissus flower.

Shahnaz ناز ھش A musical note, name of a melody.

Shahra .Gift, souvenir شهره

Shahrbano ربانو ھش Lady of the city.

Shahrin رین ھش Month. Shahrin, the fully inflected form of Shahr appears in verse 3 of surat al-Qadr (no. 97).

Shahrzadah رزاده ھش offspring of the city

Shahzadi زادی ھشا Princess.

Shaiba .A variety of Artemisia شیبه

Shaima Daughter of Halima, the wet nurse شیماءof the Prophet Muhammad.

Shaira Poetess, endowed with deep insight شاعرهor intuition; fem. of Shair.

Shaista ,Cultured, courteous, urbane شائستهcivilized

Shaistah .Polite, Courteous شائسته

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Shajarah شجره

Tree; This was the name of a famous queen of Islam, she was Shajarah al-Durr, and known as Umm Khaleel al-Salihiyah.

Shajaratuddurr The tree of pearls, name of an شجرهالدرEgyptian Shajratuddur queen.

Shajeea Courageous, bold, brave; fem. of شجیعهShaji.

Shakila Well formed, beautiful; fem. of شکیلهShakil.

Shakira .Thankful, grateful, contented; fem شاکرهof Shakir.

Shakufa .Blossom, opening bud شکوفه

Shakura .Thankful, grateful; fem. of Shakur شکوره

Shama .Candle, Light, Flame شمع

Shamail .Virtues; pl. of Shamila شمائل

Shamailah .Good traits excellent disposition شمائله

Shamamah .Fragrance شمامه

Shameela ,Natural disposition, character quality شمیلهvirtue, a young shoot, a bud.

Shamikh .High, lofty, towering شامخ

Shamila .Complete, comprehensive شامله

Shamim .Perfume, scent شمیم

Shamima .Sweet smell, flavour شمیمه

Shamira .Experienced, expert, hard worker شمیره

Shamma .Pinch (of snuff) شمه

Shams .Sun شمس

Shamsa .Golden moon شمسه

Shamshad ,Tall and upright tree, box tree شمشادgraceful figure.

Shamsun Nahar ار ھشمس الن Sun of the day.

Shamsun Nisa The sun of Women شمس النسا

Shamuda .Diamond شموده

Shaqiqa .Full sister شقیقه

Shaqra ;Blond, fair-haired, fair-complexioned شقراءfem. of Ashqar.

Sharaf ,Nobility, high rank, eminence, distinction شرفhonour.

Shareekah .Partner شریکه

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Sharfa .Most noble, gentle, urbane شرفاء

Sharia .Princess, Daughter of the King شاریه

Sharifa ,Noble, eminent, honourable شریفهhighborn; fem. of Sharif.

Shariqah .Shining شارقه

Sharmin .Shy, bashful, modest, coy شرمن

Shasa شعثاءShe was the daughter of Abdullah al-Asdiyah, and a narrator of Hadith.

Shasun Nahar ار ھشمس الن Sun of the day.

Shayma .Proper name. Daughter of Halima شیماء

Shaza .Aroma, fragrance شزی

Shazia .Wonderous, strange, wonderful شازیه

Sheeba .Infatuated, demented, loony شیبا

Sheen .Beautiful, pretty, good, loved one شین

Shifa ,cure, healing, satisfaction شفاءgratification

Shimaa .Mirth, joy, ecstasy, gladness شماع

Shirin sweet, pleasant, gracious, delicate شیرین

Shiyaaj .Endeavour, strife, hardwork شیاج

Shola flame, blaze شعله

Shua .Rays of sun light شعاع

Shuaila .Burning candle شعیله

Shuhrat رت ھش fame, renown

Shukr thanks, gratitude, gratefulness شکر

Shumaylah شمیله

The first woman in Islam who wore coloured garments was shumaylah; wife of al-Abbas and she was also the first to prepare perfume.

Shumaysah ,She was a narrator of Hadith شمیسهdaughter of Aziz al-Atakiyah.

Shuqra fair-complexioned, blonde شقراء

Shurafa .Noble شرفاء

Siddiqa .righteous, very truthful, honest; fem صدیقهof Siddiq

Sidra The Lotus - tree at the farthest سدرهboundary in paradise

Sifoor .Exalted سیفور

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Silma peace; fem. of Silm سلمه

Silmi peaceful سلمی

Sima Sign of prostration on the face سیماء

Simaab .Mercury, silver سیماب

Simin silvery, made of Silver سیمین

Simra .Paradise, heaven, sky سمره

Sireen سیرینShe was the daughter of Ibn Abdullah Ibn Masood and a narrator of Hadith from the Prophet PBUH.

Sitara veil, screen, curtain ستاره

Sobiya .Nurse of Prophet PBUH ثوبیه

Sonia .Intelligence, Intellect, Smart سونیا

Suad happiness, good fortune سعاد

Subaha beautiful, graceful صباحه

Subayah .Daughter of al-Harish al-Aslamiyah سبیعه

Subaytah .Brave ثبیته

Subh dawn, aurora, morning صبح

Subhana .Pure, chaste, fine, nice, good سبحانه

Sufia .Intelligence, sharpness صوفیا

Sufia Pupil women, intellectual صوفیه

Sufiya .A mystic, someone believing in Sufi صوفیه

Sughra ٰصغری Small, slender, tender.

Suha ا ھس Dim star in Ursa Minor.

Suhaila یله ھس Canopus.

Suhaima یمه ھس Small arrow.

Suhair یر ھس Proper name.

Suhaira .Beautiful, pretty سهیره

Sujah .Civilization سجاح

Sukaina .Diminutive of Sakina, calmness سکینه

Sulafa .Choicest, (wine) سلفه

Sulaima .Diminutive of Salma, beloved سلیمی

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Sultana Queen, woman ruler, wife of a سلطانهSultan; fem. of Sultan.

Sultana .Queen, female of a king سلطانه

Sulwa ,Comfort, ease, amusement سلوهsolace.

Sumamah A writer and a poetess daugter of ثمامهAbdullah bin Sawar al-Basari.

Sumanah سمانهShe was the daughter of Hamdan bin Musa al-Anbariyah and a narrator of Hadith.

Sumaya .Diminutive of Samia, high سمیه

Sumayrah .Brownish سمیره

Sumaytah She was a companion and she was صمیتهal-haysiah.

Sumbal .A fragrant weed سنبل

Suml Name of an early distinguished ثملwoman.

Sumnah .A name of an Arab girl سمنه

Sunat Way, method, Prophet's (PBUH) way سنتof life.

Sunbula .Ear of corn سنبله

Sundus .Silk brocade سندس

Surayya ثریا ثریهThe Pleiades, cluster of seven brilliant stars in Taurus, a wealthy lady, lustre, chandelier.

Susan .Lily of the valley, iris سوسن

Suwaybah Name of one of the wet-nurses of the ثویبهProphet PBUH.

Suwaydah Daughter of Jabir, she was a narrator of سویدهHadith.

Taadeel .Moderation, equality, neutrality تعدیل

Taalea Fortunate طالعه

Taaliah .Lucky, fortunate, fortune, destiny طالعه

Taaqul .Wise thought تعاقل

Taasees .Inception, foundation تاسیس

Tabalah تبالهShe was the daughter of Yazid (Called by some as Bunanah); she was a narrator of Hadith.

Taban .Glittering, splendid تابان

Tabassum .Smile, happiness تبسم

Tabeedah .Complex, zigzag, curling تابیده

Tabeen .Followers تابین

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Tabina .Enlighting, sparkling تابینه

Tabinda .Bright تابنده

Taghrid .Singing, cooing تغرید

Tahani انی ھت Pl. of Tahniat, congratulation, felicitation, well-wishing.

Tahira ره ھطا Chaste, pure, pious, clean; fem. of Tahir.

Tahiya .Greeting, salutation, cheer, welcome تحیه

Tahkeem .Power, rule تحکیم

Tahleem .Beauty, decoration, pomp and show تحلیم

Tahmina مینه ھت Wife of the famous Persian hero Rustam and mother of Sohrab.

Tahseen تحسینAdornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment, praise, beautification.

Tahseenah .Acclaim تحسینه

Taiba ;One who refrains from evil-doings تائبهrepentant; fem. of Taib.

Taif .Vision, spectre طیف

Taisir .Felicitation تیسیر

Taj .Crown تاج

Tajmeel .Decoration, beauty, show تجمیل

Tajweed .Praise of Allah, hymn تجوید

Takreem .Respect, honour, sanctity تکریم

Talat Face, Sight طلعت

Talbashah A narrator of Hadith, daughter of Kab طلبشهbin Maalik.

Talhah Her Kuniyah was Umm Ghurab and طلحهshe was a narrator of Hadith.

Tali .Rising star, rising طالع

Taliba Student, seeker, pursuer; fem. of طالبهTalib.

Tamanna ٰتمنی To wish, to desire, to hope.

Tamanni .Wish, wishing (for), desire تمنی

Tamazur .Brilliant, whiteness تماضر

Tameemah -Name of a poetess, Ahban al تمیمهAbsiyah.

Tameemiya .Perfection تمیمیها

Tameen .Protection, patronage, care تامین

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Tameez .Distinction, difference, manner تمیز

Tamkeen .Honour, place, status, show تمکین

Tamseel .Example, allegory, parable تمثیل

Tanjia .Rescue, salvation, deliverance تنجیه

Tanweer .Illumination, lighting تنویر

Tanzila تنزیلهRevelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil, revelation, sending down; fem. of Tanzil.

Taqadus .Sactity تقدس

Taqiya God-fearing, devout, pious; fem. of تقیهTaqi.

Tara .Star تارا

Taraab .Joy & sorrow طراب

Tarannum .Singing ترنم

Tarib .Lively, gleeful, merry طرب

Tarifa .Rare, exquisite thing or object بریفه

Tariqah طارقهThis was the name of the freed slave of Labeet of the family of the princess of al-Qays bin Zayd.

Tarneem .Rhythm, voice ترنیم

Taroob .Lively, gleeful, merry طروب

Tasiyah ٔتاسیه Consolation, comfort.

Taslima .Greeting, salutation; fem. of Taslim تسلیمه

Tasmeekh .Living in fragrance تسمیخ

Tasmeem .Strong, durable, long lasting تسمیم

Tasmin .She who fulfills تسمین

Tasneema .A spring in Paradise تسنیمه

Tasnim .A spring in paradise تسنیم

Tasweeb .Justification, truth تصویب

Taufeeq .Instruction, courage, daring توفیق

Taufeer .Obundance, excess توفیر

Tauqeer .Respect, honour توقیر

Tawaddud توددEndearment, showing love or affection to, gaining the love of another.

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Tawfiqa توفیقهProsperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah); fem. of Tawfiq.

Tawoos س ٶطا Peacock.

Taybah .Pure طیبه

Tayyiba طیبهGood, good-natured, sweet, agreeable, generous, good-tempered; fem. of Tayyib.

Tayyibatun Nisa .Good-natured (one) of the women طیبهانساء

Tazima .Glorification, exaltation, honour, fem تعظیمهof Tazim.

Tazkia .To purify, to clean, to spiritualize تزکیه

Tazmeen .One who adds, combines, mixes تظمین

Tehreem .Forbidden state, respect, sanctity تحریمتا

Tehzeeb .Civilization, etiquette تهزیب

Tiba .Goodness, good nature طیبه

Tirana .Son, anthem ترانه

Tooba ی ٰطوب Good news.

Trana .Melody, song ترانه

Tufaylah طفیله

This was the name of the freed slave of al-Waleed bin Abdullah; she transmitted Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.

Tuhfa .Gift, present تحفه

Tulayhah طلیحهDaughter of Rabiah bin al-Harish she narrated Hadith from Sayyidah Ayshah RA.

Turfa .Rarity, rare object, novelty طرفه

Ubayda .Female servant of lower rank; fem عبیدهof Ubayd.

Udaysah عدیسهThis was the name of the narrator of Hadith, daughter of Ahban al-Ghifariyah.

Udoola .Justified عدوله

Ula ٰعلی High rank, prestige, glory.

Ulfat ,Friendship, intimacy, love الفتattachment.

Ulya .Higher, highest; fem. of Ala علیا

Umaira .Living a long life, living long عمیره

Umama امامهProper name. Name of grand daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

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Umarah Name of a Sahabi who took part in عمارهthe battle of Badr.

Umayma .Diminutive of Umm, mother امیمه

Umaynah امینهDaughter of Anas bin Malik. She had this name and had narrated Hadith.

Umayrah .She was the daughter of Alqamah امیره

Umayyah .She was a narrator of Hadith امیه

Umm امMother. Used as an attributive, to make a compound of which the first part is Umm.

Umm Abaan .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام ابان

Umm Fakeeh .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام فکیه

Umm Haraam .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام حرام

Umm Khalid .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام خالد

Umm Rabeeah .Name of Sahabiyah RA ام ربیعه

Umm Shareek .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام شریک

Umm Sulaim .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام سلیم

Umm Umarah .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام عماره

Umm Warqah .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام ورقه

Umm Yousuf .Name of Sahabiyah RA ام یوسف

Umm-e-Ayman .Mother of the blessed ام ایمن

Umm-e-Fazl .Mother of favour, bounty ام فضل

Umm-e-Habiba ام حبیبه

Wife of the Prophet Muhammad. Her name is Ramla; Umm Habiba is her Kunya (nickname) after the name of her daughter habiba.

Umm-e-Hani انی ھام Name of the daughter of Abu Talib and sister of Ali (RA).

Umm-e-Kulsoom .Mother of favour, bounty ام کلثوم

Umm-e-Kulsum ام کلثوم

Daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, married to Khalifa Usman (uthman) after the death of her sister Ruqayya.

Umm-e-Rooman ام رومان

Name of the sacred wife of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA) mother of Hazrat Ayesha (RA).

Umm-e-Rumman Mother of Ayesha (wife of the ام رمان

Prophet Muhammad).

Umm-e-Salma ٰام سلمی Name of the beloved mother of first Khalifa Abu Bakr (RA).

Umm-e-Salmah Wife of Muhammad, Her name was ام سلمه


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Ummid .Hope امید

Ummul Fazal .Name of a Sahabiyah RA ام الفضل

Umniya .Wish, desire, hope امنیه

Umrah Pilgrimage to Makkah other than عمرهregular hajj days.

Unaysah .Friendly, affable انیسه

Unquda .Bunch of grapes عنقوده

Urooba Woman who loves her عروبهhusband.

Urooj .Height, exaltation عروج

Uroosa .Bride, heroine عروسه

Urwa Support, handhold. Description of عروهAyesha by Muhammad.

Ushna .Fragrant اشنه

Utaybah A narrator of Hadith and daughter of عتیبهAbdul Malik had this name.

Uzma ٰعظمی Greatest, more magnificent, more glorious; fem. of Azam.

Wadad .Love, friendship وداد

Waddia .Amicable, friendly ودیه

Wadi .Gentle, calm ودیع

Wadida .Attached, devoted, friendly, fond ودیده

Wafa .Faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith وفاء

Wafeeqa .Successful; fem. of Wafiq وفیقه

Wafia .Faithful, loyal وافیه

Wafiqa .Successful وافقه

Wafiya وفیهTrue, trustworthy, reliable, loyal, faithful, perfect, complete; fem. of Wafi.

Wahabah یبه ھو This was the name of a poetess.

Waheebah یبه ھو One who gives.

Waheeda ,One, exclusive, unique, matchless وحیدهsingular; fem. of Wahid.

Wahiba به ھوا Giver.

Wahida .One of its kind واحده

Waiya .Guardian, watchguard, protector واعیه

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Wajahat ت ھوجا Respect.

Wajee .Happy, jolly, pleasant وجیه

Wajeeda .One who is noble وجیده

Wajida .Achiever, excited, finder, lover; fem واجدهof Wajid.

Wajiha ه ھوجی High, eminent, distinguished, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious, fem. of Wajih.

Wajna .Happy, jolly, pleasant وجنه

Wakalat .Advocacy وکالت

Wakeela .Agent وکیله

Walia .Friendly ولیه

Walidah .Newborn child ولیده

Walihah ه ھوال Name of a poetess of the past.

Waliyah .Friend ولیه

Wallada .Prolific, fertile, fruitful ولده

Wania Gift of Allah وانیا

Waqar ;.Dignity وقار

Waqeea .Respected وقیعه

Waraqa .Rich, paper-made وراقه

Wardah Rose, deep red colour, Colour of وردهrose.

Warisa .Heiress وارثه

Warqah .Petal of a flower ورقه

Wasama .Beauty, gracefulness, prettiness وسامه

Waseefah .Female servant; Maid-in-waiting وصیفه

Waseema .Beautiful, pretty, charming وسیمه

Washida .Bloomed, fresh واشده

Washma .Cultured وشمه

Wasia .Expansionist, vast, spacious واسعه

Wasifa Praiser واصفه

Wasifi .Praiseworthy واصفی

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Wasila .Inseparable friend وصیله

Wasima وسیمهBeautiful, pretty, graceful, handsome of face, goodly, elegant; fem. of Wasim.

Wasiqa Confident, sure, certain; fem. of واثقهWasiq.

Wasma .A pretty face, beautiful, graceful واسماء

Wasna وسناءA narrator of Hadith, daughter of Abdur Rahman al-Muqaddasi was so named.

Wazeerah .Female minister وزیره

Widad .Love, friendship وداد

Wijdan .Ecstasy, sentiment وجدان

Wisal .Communion in love وصال

Wisam .Decoration, medal, badge of honour وسام

Ya'laa Exalted, high. Name of a Sahabi یعلRA.

Yakta .Unique, incomparable یکتا

Yalqoot یلقوطAn early philanthropic woman of Damascus who gave much in charity.

Yaqoot .Ruby, sapphire, topaz یاقوت

Yariqa .Bright, white, fair, good-looking یارقه

Yasharah .Intelligent, precious stone یشعره

Yasim .Jasmine یاسم

Yasira .Rich woman یاسره

Yasmeenah .Sweet-smelling flower یاسمینه

Yasmin یسمین /یاسمین

The flower called jasmine.

Yumna ٰیمنی Right-hand, right, fortunate, lucky, blessed; fem. of Ayman.

Yumnah .Happiness, success; fem. of Yumn یمنه

Yusayrah .Easy یسیره

Yusra ٰیسری Left-hand side, state of ease.

Yusra .Easy; the left side یسری

Zaaminah One who stands surety for another ضامنهone who helps.

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Zabiyah ظبیهShe was the daughter of al-Barra bin Maroor; she reported Hadith from the Prophet PBUH.

Zabreen .Dominant, exalted, upright زبرین

Zabya .Female gazelle ظبیه

Zafeera One who is a source of success, a ضفیراsuccessful lady.

Zafeerah .Firm ظفیره

Zafira ,Victorious, triumphant, successful ظافرهwinner, conqueror; fem. of Zafir.

Zaghlula .Young pigeon; fem. of Zaghlul زاغلوله

Zahabia بیه ھز Golden, precious.

Zaheen .Clever, fast, intelligent, sharp ذهین

Zaheera یره ھظ Helper, supporter, protector, patron; fem. of Zahir.

Zahia .Pious, noble, grand, great زاهیه

Zahida ده ھزا Devout, ascetic, a hermit, self-denying.

Zahira ره ھزا Bright, brilliant, shining, luminous, distinguished, lofty.

Zahra راء ھز Bright, brilliant, radiant, shining, luminous; fem. of Azhar.

Zahrah ره ھز Flower, blossom, beauty.

Zahratun Nisa رهالنساء ھز Flower of women.

Zaib .Beauty زیب

Zaida ,Increasing, exceeding, excessive زائدهgrowing, surplus; fem. of Zaid.

Zaima .Leader زعیمه

Zain Beauty, grace. Zayn un Nisa زینwas a literary lady of her times.

Zaina ,Fem. of Zayn; embellishment زینهadornment, decoration, ornament.

Zainab زینب

Name of a beautiful tree exuding fragrance. Names of two wives and one daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and one daughter of Khalifa Ali.

Zairah .Visitor زائره

Zaitoon .Olive زیتون

Zaitun .The olive tree or the olive fruit زیتون

Zaituna .Olive; fem. of Zaytun زیتونه

Zakira ;One who glorifies or eulogises Allah ذاکرهfem. of Zakir.

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Zakira .One who speaks of, speaker ذاکره

Zakiya -Intelligent, bright, brilliant, sharp ذکیهwitted.

Zakiyya .Pure, chaste, sinless, fem. of Zaki زکیه

Zalfa ذلفاءThis was the name of a distinguished woman of her times, she was Hajib known as Umm al-Hajib Abdul Malik.

Zameelah .Companion زمیله

Zamurd A narrator of Hadith wife of Abu زمردHayyan al-Kasir was so named.

Zamzam .The name of a spring in Arabia زمزم

Zaqawat .Wisdom, sharpness, prudence ذکاوت

Zara Dawn, morning زارا

Zarafat .Wit, humour, wisdom, prudence ظرافت

Zareefa .Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif ظریفه

Zarin .Golden زرین

Zarina .Golden زرینه

Zarma .Captivating ضرمه

Zarqa .Bluish green (eyes) زرقاء

Zarrah ذرهShe was a narrator of Hadith who reported from the Prophet PBUH and Sayyidah Ayshah RA.

Zayb .Adornment زیب

Zeb Ara .Adorning ornament زیب آرا

Zeb-un-Nisa .Adornment of women زیب النساء

Zeba .Pretty, beautiful زیبا

Zerada .Gold maker زراده

Ziba .Pl. of Zaby, gazelle ظباء

Zinaat .Pl. of Zinat, ornament زینات

Zinat ,Adornment, ornament, decoration زینتelegance, beauty.

Zinat-un-Nisa .Ornament of women زینت النساء

Zinia .Name of a flower زینیا

Zinneerah .Name of a Sahabiyah RA زنیره

Ziyada ,Increase, addition, surplus زیادهsuperabundance.

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Ziyan .Ornament, decoration زیان

Zoreed زوریدOne who meets, one with strong intentions, one with decisiveness, distance, gap.

Zoya .Life, age زویا

Zubaah Name of a Sahaabiyyah, daughter of the ضباعهuncle of the Holy Prophet PBUH.

Zubaida زبیده

Diminutive of Zubda, butter, cream. Elite, choicest part, quintessence, essence, prime, flower.

Zubdah .Butter زبده

Zuha .Brightness, early morning ضحی

Zuhaira یره ھز Floret, small flower.

Zuhra ره ھز Venus, brilliancy, brightness, flower.

Zuhur ور ھز Pl. of Zahrah, flower.

Zulaikha زلیخاWife of the king of Egypt (Pharaonic age) who was attracted by the beauty of the Prophet Yusuf/Joseph.

Zulfa Having a small and finely chiselled زلفاءnose.

Zurafa .Elegant, witty, graceful; fem. of Zarif ظرفاء

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