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Page 1: My reasearch into filming locations

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My research into filming locations

Below are a variety of shots taken from possible filming locations. I haveanalysed these locations to determine whether they suit my needs andwhether it will be possible to film in those locations.

This is a picture of a study room.I plan to use this when filming myfilm opening. I plan to either filmlater in the day or put up curtainsso that the room will be darker.This will help to stop a glare fromthe window messing up the shotand will add to the eeriness of thescene. I have chosen this roombecause the shape leads to aninteresting shot (shown on theright) which makes the cameraseem as though it is a personspying on the protagonist, whichwill create an ominous tone.

This is a close up shot of the desk I plan to use. It is dark in colour which has connotations of death.The phone and headphones givesdepth to the frame and makes theaudience aware that theprotagonist is just a normalperson. I will film in the evening

so that the room is a lot darker,and I will make the room a lotmore homely and realistic byplacing a half full packet of crispson the table along with pencilsharpening, and the character’sdiary, which is very important ionthe scene

This is an establishing shot of theroad outside the protagonist’sbedroom. This shot will show the

character Raven stood across theroad and slowly moving closer tothe camera side of the road. Therewill be multiple shots used whichwill show frequent jumps in timeto create discontinuous editing.Due to lack of light and safetyreasons, I plan to film this sceneduring the day and edit the framesso that the sky appears darker. Iwill also keep the little section of curtain in frame so that it createsa point of view shot of Jovelle.

Page 2: My reasearch into filming locations

8/7/2019 My reasearch into filming locations 2/2

My research into filming locations

This was an initial idea of where Iwould film the wrist slashingscene; however, I have recentlychanged my idea to a children’splayground to create a moresinister feel. I initially chose asink because I thought that thesound of the fake bloodsplattering against the metallicsink would be quite powerful andominous, however, in order tofilm that effectively, I would needto place the camera into the sink while filming which would bequite awkward.

This was an initial idea of where Iwould film the murder scene. Asthe floor tiles are white and thekitchen cupboards are light incolour, the dark red fake bloodwould show well. Also, theflooring and cupboards would beeasy to clean, meaning the fakeblood will not leave a stain. I willhowever need permission fromthe house owner before I beginfilming.

This was an initial idea of wherethe domestic violence scenewould take place. I have chosenthis room because the lightcolours of the wallpaper and thecarpet contrast with what is goingon, which would create confusion,

as it appears to be a happy home(because of the bright colours) yetbad things are happening. Asmentioned above, I will need toask permission from the houseowner before I begin to film.

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