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Page 1: My Favourite Travelling Companions

My Favourite Travelling Companions


By: Simone Denny

Page 2: My Favourite Travelling Companions

I'm on holiday..... I love to travel. I feel like it's in my bones: I have a gypsy that lives inside me and she's always nagging at me to book a flight to some far off land. I have lived, studied and worked in various continents around the world, from which I have explored extensively, almost like an addiction. It's a constant itch that I have to scratch. Some would call it wanderlust...

I've had many great adventures around the world. When James (my now hubby) and I left London we spent a year travelling through the old Silk Road from Lebanon to Kazakhstan. We also travelled through South Asia from Bhutan to the Andaman Islands. Ah - if only we could have fully appreciated the freedom at the time! We now ogle at the photos and re-read our blog to escape to those places - just for a short moment. Things are different now we have two little people under 3 but we have been determined to continue travelling. As I type this we are in Sri Lanka, where we have been to many times before - it holds a very special place in our hearts. We are slowly learning that we can't be as intrepid as we used to be (although we still try!) and that travel takes on a different pace and that that's OK. So What Are My Favourite Travelling Companions?

Well aside from my family of course, here are 10 travel essentials that are in my bag for this trip.

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Vanessa Megan Bug Off Insect Spray + Mosquito Nets + Citronella Patches

Like most tropical countries, Sri Lanka has mozzies and in some parts there have been cases of dengue fever. For this reason we try to be extra vigilant with keeping the mozzies at bay for us and the kids. Mosquito nets with citronella patches are mandatory, plus a good dose of natural insect repellent. I love the natural Vanessa Megan Bug Off Me Insect Repellent for babies and for adults, particularly now they have their new roll on bottles. It doesn't contain DEET and is completely natural and non-toxic. This is especially important for me when applying it to my little babies sensitive new skin. My Trusty Camera

I am dusting off my SLR camera, as it really has been in hibernation with the craziness of life and the ease of the iPhone. It has always been a creative outlet for me and I'm determined to get behind the lens on this trip. The Nourishing Hub instagram has been a small foodie photo outlet for me in the absence of my real camera.

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A local Sri Lanka woman preparing an offering for puja. Probiotics

Probiotics are an excellent travelling companion. Probiotics are the friendly bacteria that help balance the flora in the digestive system. When travelling there can be the potential for gut bacteria to become unbalanced. Probiotics can help to ward off bad bacteria that may cause food poisoning and other gastro issues. Probiotics are also excellent for immunity. In Sri Lanka I eat a lot of the buffalo curd; like yogurt it is full of good bacteria. In other Asian countries natural yogurt is not so easy to come by. For my toddler I use Healthy Essentials Probiotics Powder for Kids and for my baby I like the BioCueticals, which you can get from your naturopath or some pharmacies. For myself I like the Nattrition Organic 2012 Probiotics or the new Raw Pre-probiotics.

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Sri Lankan speciality - Buffalo Curd and Ketul Syrup - a great natural probiotic

Dr Libby's Book - Beauty from the Inside Out

This is Dr Libby's latest book, a gift for my birthday, which I do plan to read at least one page of this holiday! Beauty from the Inside Out is based on the premise that our outer layer is merely a reflection of inner processes and it is the health of 50 trillion cells inside our bodies that we should consider! I am half way through her book Rushing Woman's Syndrome but am finding myself too busy to read it, sound ironic at all?!? :)

Superfood Blend

I'm taking Shakti's Superfood blend with me on holiday because it combines all the things I put in my smoothie at home all in one pot. In couple of teaspoons I get my greens, bee pollen, maca powder and it is great for immunity, energy and alkalising. I am also also trying out a new green by Amazonia called Amazonian Raw Greens, which is the most delicious green I have every tried (I think it is the mint!). No need for a smoothie, just add to water - it is very drinkable!

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Natural UV Sunblock

People often ask me what my favourite non toxic sunblock is and I do have a few. This summer I have really liked the Natural UV Sunblock (one for babies and one for adults). It works really well, is good value, has completely natural ingredients and isn't too sticky.

This is a little snap my hubby took of Apa Villas, Thalpe, Sri Lanka. Many things have changed over the years in Sri Lanka but this place remains the same.

My Homemade Muesli

I love a tropical Asian breakfast with fresh fruits and juices but every now and then I do feel like a bowl of old fashioned muesli (and so does my oldest daughter) - which isn't as easy as it sounds in many Asian countries. If you missed it the other week, here is the recipe

Healthy Snacks

Again, not always that easy to find when you're on the road. Being a snacker I always take nuts, trail mix and more recently Loving Earth Deluxe Buckinis (which

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don't usually last through the plane ride :)). These buckinis are a mix of caramelised buckwheat and all kinds of tasty super foods treats. For my daughter I'm taking some of the Nutra Super Foods for Kids Berry Choc Chunk Bar, quite sweet but completely natural. Great little energy bundles and a very convenient way to get the super foods in while on the move.

This is my daughter Bodhi on our last trip to Sri Lanka. The best snacks are those on your doorstep - beautiful hydrating coconuts, fresh fruit and hand-picked cashew nuts. Yogi Pants

Yes I have packed my brand spanky new lulu lemon yoga pants another birthday pressie (thanks Mum have always wanted a pair of those!) and I do plan to do yoga this holiday as I really feel like I need to reconnect with my body, breathe and stretch this post baby body. In the past we've stayed at Talalla Retreat - a basic but lovely place that offers surfing and yoga, ticking the right boxes for my hubby and me :) A Good Sense of Humour :)

This is probably the most essential of all the things to take on holiday. Travelling can be intense - especially with kids, we have already had quite a few unplanned adventures on this trip. I try to remind myself to keep it light, travel with people who have a similar mindsets (and who you can laugh about it later with) and not to take myself too seriously (or the lovely locals who are usually trying their best).

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I have been spending some time with the local Sri Lankan's in the kitchen and I'm working on some delicious curry recipes that I can't wait to share with you - watch this space :) Wishing you a beautiful weekend from sunny Sri Lanka. Simone @ the Nourishing Hub X

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