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MVC ASP .Net VS 2010

Jayant [email protected]

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Key Take Aways…

• Why MVC?• What is MVC?• How to Implement MVC?• ASP .Net VS 2010 MVC Enhancements…

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Why MVC?

• Easier code maintenance and support.• Supports automated unit testing tools such as

NUnit, MBUnit,...• Decouple business and presentation

application layers.• Web-based thin-client application.• User interface logic tends to change more

frequently than business logic.

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Patterns…• Page Controller Pattern

• ASP.NET web forms are the code-behind classes.• Each page has a code-behind class.• URL requested by the client is directly handled by

individual pages.• All page code is in the code-behind files.• By default, ASP.NET is page controller based.

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Patterns…• Front Controller Pattern

• MVC is based on a front controller design.• Centralized controller instead of multiple

controllers.• Trap all client requests, and controller decides

which view or .aspx to render.

Client Request

Central Controller



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What is MVC?• Model: This refers to the data that is shown in the UI.

Data can come from different sources.• View: This refers to the UI components that will show the

model data.• Controller: This controls when to change the view, based

on user actions.• MVC design is not a replacement to the n-tier

architecture.• The model, the view, and the controller are not related

directly to the layers, or to the physical tiers; they are logical components that operate together in a certain pattern.

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Basics of MVC• Model is independent of the view and the controller.

• Controller is associated with the view, allowing to change views independent of the controller.

• View depends on the model, and is updated when the model's state has changed.

Controller View


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REST: Representation State Transfer• Architectural pattern used to identify and fetch

resources from networked systems. e.g. www.• Sharing of resources via unique identifiers.• No need to check for a page postback.• Foll. code is not supported in REST approach:


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ASP.NET MVC Framework• In MVC framework, URL routing is used. • URLs are used based on the settings in a config

file. e.g.: http://localhost/customer/list/ instead of traditional URL like: http://localhost/CustomerList.aspx

• ASPX pages are kind of view engine, nothing else.

• ASP.NET MVC framework is not a replacement or upgrade of web forms, but merely another way of programming.

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URL Routing Engine• Standard ASP.NET model

• MVC Framework model:

Client browser requests URL



CustomerList.aspx processed by

ASP.NET runtime and HTML

returned to IIS


Client browser requests URL


ASP.NET runtime

IIS Controller Class

View (ASPX)

Model Class

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MVC 2.0 Enhancements• Includes ASP.NET MVC 2 framework.• Strongly Typed Html Helpers: view model

level error instead of all validation Errors ASP.NET MVC 1 : <%= Html.TextBox(“ClassId”,

Model.ClassId) %> ASP.NET MVC 2 : <%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ClassId) %>

• Model Validation: Validation logic is always enforced on the server, and if needed can be done on client via JavaScript.

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MVC 2.0 Framework Enhancements• Areas Support: Group controllers and views

into sections.• Data-Annotation Attribute Validation Support:

Enable to perform validation by adding one or more attributes. (Add References: Microsoft.Web.Mvc.DataAnnotations.dll and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll assemblies. E.g.:

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MVC 2.0 Framework Enhancementsusing System.ComponentModel;Using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;namespace MvcApplication1.Models{public class Product{public int Id { get; set; }[Required][StringLength(10)]public string Name { get; set; }[DisplayName("Price")][Required][RegularExpression(@"^\$?\d+(\.(\d{2}))?$")]public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; } }}

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Suggested Reading…• ASP.Net 3.5 (Application Architecture and Design) by Vivek Thakur

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Thank You


Contact me: [email protected]

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