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Page 2: Music magazine analysis

Vibe magazine was launched in 1993 and has the general focal genre of hip hop/R&B music. This genre is

commonly associated with being an extravagant and glamorous lifestyle represented with expensive cars,

excessive amounts of money and beautiful ‘Barbie doll’ women. Vibe magazine has published the faces of

various world famous artists along the lines of Pharrell Williams, Kanye West and Rihanna, all referred to as

the typical ‘gangsters’ of the music industry. The magazines demographic is predominantly the younger adult audience who follow the urban, hip hop culture

and trends.

Page 3: Music magazine analysis

The predominant colours used subverts typical conventions. Blue and Pink commonly used for pop style magazines and connotes femininity. Also making cover look extremely youthful.

Colour used for text and Masthead matches the colour in his clothing. Creates fluidity throughout the cover.

Image has a direct mode of address, this creates a connection between artist and audience and therefore a personal relationship.

List of artist names, indication to the type of genre the magazine is and its target audience. Also a subtle hint into what theme of music to expect inside the magazine.

‘Exclusive’ and ‘B.I.G secrets’ are both taglines with the intention of enticing and captivating the audiences attention particularly when on a newsstand (making people want to buy magazine).

Masthead slightly covered by image, indicates popularity of magazine, readers are familiar with brand identity.

Bold font is consistent throughout cover, stands out and grabs attention of an audience

Main sell line corresponds with image (artists name) and different colour to masthead, stands out.

Page 4: Music magazine analysis

The use of the ‘V’ brands the Vibe magazine without having to use full brand name on contents page. Allows the creation of a simple and spacious layout.

Used a variety of fonts- going against the typical conventions of a magazine. Withholds theme from cover by occasionally using bold subheadings however headings are more formal with the use of a more fluid font. Stylish and more interesting.

The cool and modern image of the magazine is portrayed through artists stylish clothing and appearance.

Theme of black and grey is broken by the vibrant red heart held by a female hand. Possible indication of theme of the article.

Page is simplistic with a plain background. The intention of this is to pull main focus onto image of the artist. Text is small to allow the image to dominate the page as well as the oversized ‘V’ (emphasize on artist having clear brand association)

Page 5: Music magazine analysis

Billboard is an American Music Magazine initially intending for music professionals such as artists, radio

DJs and music producers however Billboard magazine has proven to be extremely popular with an audience of young

adults interested in mainstream chart music. Billboard keeps up-to-date with the latest trends and revelations in the industry and has published the faces of artists from

Beyonce to Katy Perry and Prince.

Page 6: Music magazine analysis

Posed Image- artist is looking directly at audience (direct mode of address) creates a relationship between cover and audience.

Quote is used to entice audience. Hints at what to expect inside- leaves reader wanting more.

Artists name is displayed like a masthead, edge to edge of cover. Goes against typical convention of magazine (Differentiation). Makes artists name a main focal point of the cover.

Colour scheme is simple and consistent. Font colours of yellow, white and black are used throughout cover creating fluidity.

Masthead is partly covered by main image. Creates the impression that the image is almost coming out of the page. Also supports the idea that brand identity is recognisable by readers.

Vibrant yellow stands out against simple background tonal colours . Compliments bright colour of artists hair.

Page 7: Music magazine analysis

Simple grey coloured background. Focus is predominately on contents information and images.

Charts list running down the side of page. Indicating genre of music the magazine is centred around and withholds the up-to-date and modern image the magazine keeps.

Images of artists/celebrities involved in the magazine (brand association.) Page numbers creates accessibility for reader.

Simple and small font, focused on information of contents rather than appearance.

Contents header is in a stylish, modern font, continues the overall brand identity of the magazine.

Page 8: Music magazine analysis

Black and Pink colour scheme matches artist appearance (hair and lips) creating fluidity. Pink represents the femininity of the artist and emphasises on female audience.

Direct mode of address- posed image- creates relationship between audience and artist.

Image slightly covers header (artist name)- allows image to stand out and appear almost 3D.

Image is main focal point of double page spread, text is small allowing image to dominate the page.

Page 9: Music magazine analysis

This is a special edition of the magazine feature women’s music which is stated clearly above masthead. Therefore the prominent audience of this magazine would be female young adults however the cover has gone against the typical conventions of a female targeted magazine and used the colour scheme of blues, white and grey which would subconsciously attract the secondary male audience.

Masthead conforms rule of thirds- Billboard logo and tagline takes up entire spacing.

Main image is of female singer Beyoncé. Commonly portrayed as the largest female figure in the music industry supporting the theme of the edition

Main headlines are written in bold lettering to attract audience attention.

Page 10: Music magazine analysis

Minimalistic and bland setting, pulls full focus on image of artist. Also emphasizes the colour of the word ‘Girl’

Image is predominate focal point of double page spread. Text is small allowing the image to dominate the page.

Small introduction paragraph into interview indicating the main article is on the following pages. Text is white subtly contrasting with the background.

Page 11: Music magazine analysis

Q magazine is a music magazine published in the united kingdom since 1986 with a target audience of the more mature music lovers commonly starting at the age of 25 that enjoy a range of genres of music. Q magazine are well known for publishing the faces of extremely popular artists including Michael Jackson, The Beatles and Adele.

Page 12: Music magazine analysis

Main image: artist Florence Welch. Direct mode of address- relationship between audience and cover. Seductive look- gives cover sex appeal which will attract audience. Her eyes and hair create vibrancy within the cover- the colour of her make up is used elsewhere on the cover.

Anchors main image-Identifies the artist. Inside quote is also used- gives indication into what to expect inside magazine.

The masthead is placed in the left hand corner. Going against rule of thirds.

Cover/sell lines used to entice audience words such as ‘Blow out!’ are used to attract attention

Page 13: Music magazine analysis

Same masthead as on front cover, keeps brand consistent.

Written in capitals, stands out to the reader. Also categorizes the magazine allowing it to become more accessible to audience.

Images add interest to the page. Randomly arranged making the page differentiated from typically structured contents pages. Images give the reader an insight into what to expect inside the magazine

Page 14: Music magazine analysis

Red mise-en-scene continues the brand recognition of the magazine. The colour of the magazines logo

Artist dressed provocatively- sex appeal to entice audience however she appears as sophisticated- withholding the reputation of magazine.

USA- Sat on American flag- connotes the idea she is dominating the USA with her music.