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Podgorica, Montenegro

Muharem Memovic PhD. EM; Coauthors;Pr. Dr. Medicine Nikola Boljevic;Pr. Dr. Fizike Spasoje Vlajic


Contact: [email protected]

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Over the centuries the whole communities of different cultures and civilizations, as well as individuals have developed, maintained and passed on the method of bio-energy healing.

In China, acupuncture has been used as a way of increasing life energy, and removing blockage of energy flow. The theory of harmony has been the basic principle in relation to both life and death.

Therefore, life has been seen as an interlude of permanent balance and harmony between two fundamental forces yang and yin which are in constant conflict. The balance between these two forces is the harmony of life, i.e. health. If either of them becomes dominant, there is an imbalance or disease.

 According to the Chinese beliefs, meridians play a decisive role in life. They thought that the energy ("qi") runs along the meridians in a way water flows across the riverbed or a nerve impulse that goes along the nerve. Even the smallest branches of meridians provide the human body with energy, such as rivers do to the Earth.

The acupuncture needles directly eliminate the blockage of energy flow, and increase the power of the energy flow. If you want to be healthy and have a better and more fulfilled life, you can achieve it only by opening your heart to life and love. Energy balance of human body is largely based on the principles of mental hygiene, which is the basis of either the health or disease.

The goal will be achieved when you adopt the theoretical basics of this method, known as bio-energy therapy or biotherapy. The bio-energy acting is not the privilege of the chosen ones.

Under certain conditions, each psychologically and physically healthy person is able to transmit bio-energy by this method to their closest ones.


Cosmic energy includes energies that come from the outer space. Among them, energies that carry electromagnetic radiation have the most significant impact.

According to ancient beliefs, especially in the East (India, China, Japan ...) the most energy is received at the vertex through certain centers for the exchange of energy between body and environment. According to Hindu beliefs, it is the Sahasrara Chakra. Interestingly, chakras

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are associated with the functioning of the hormonal glands. In this sense, the Sahasrara chakra corresponds to the pineal gland.

Moreover, electromagnetism from the land is transmitted as well and acts on the human body.

Many biochemical reactions that maintain balance in the cell functioning when they defend, heal and in some sense, rejuvenate themselves depend heavily on the interaction of these energies (cosmic, earth and those ones within a man).

Disorder of the equilibrium leads to cells receiving wrong electromagnetic messages, and thus to the disruption of biochemical reactions and creation of conditions causing disorders and diseases.

Bio-energy brings back the necessary balance, and the re-initiation of biochemical reactions used by cells to protect and heal themselves.

The Earth's energy gets through the base of the spine (coccyx) into the body and those two energies go along the central energy channel and at certain points intersect.

Resonance, interference and other physical processes create an interaction of forces and energies that they carry, which is important for the state in which our body is. Transformation of these two forces creates a new energy that radiates to the outside world. The area of this emanation (change) made by intersection of energy flows is the strongest in the part of the small intestine, stomach, heart, throat and brain. In the east, these centers are called "chakras" meaning "wheel" which symbolizes the eternal movement.

Accordingly, these two energies originating from a different place are transformed from one state to another and take on the characteristics of a living organism.

The vital forces part from meridians, i.e. energy flows from the organs and organ entities. The body as an energetic composition is in a constant interaction of energy (exchange) with its surroundings, we are sensitive and responsive to the forces or energies that surround us.

From my own experience with the practical implementation of bio-energy, I assume that, apart from well-known manifestation of these forces, in fact energies, they also have some properties that science has yet to detect and recognize.

In this sense, bio-energy healers talk as well about "life energy".

The whole of our physical and mental body is constantly supplied by this vital energy, without which life would be impossible. The flow of this invisible energy enables the life on the earth. When we stand, our vertical position enables the earth and cosmic energy to flow dynamically (at the frequency of about 8 Hz, which is the Earth resonance frequency). It is known in science as the Schumann resonance.

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As a result, the functioning of all our organs becomes active. When we are in the lying down position, energy charging loses in force and all physical functions slow down. And all these universal energies are called meridians and are present in humans, plants and animals.

The Earth itself has a network of energy lines. One part of the meridians in the human body was classified and described thousands of years ago by the Chinese Medicine. Western medicine did not recognize the existence of these meridians, until their existence was confirmed by the research of Dr. Jean Claude and Prof. Dr. Verneula from the Clinic of Nuclear Medicine in the Hospital Necker in Prague. At the starting point of a meridian isotopes of technetium had been injected, and special scanners had monitored the movement of this substance.

 In this way, the existence of energy meridians, biological clock and a constant energy exchange were confirmed.

Bio-energy in science is still an unclear manifestation of natural forces, of which, because of its role in biochemistry, electromagnetic force takes the primary place.


Bio-energy healing is the process in which a bio-energy healer via thought processes directs their own energy to a patient. Some initial rules can be set up for healing through bio-energy, or a method by which a complete healing of a patient leading to the self healing is to be carried out. The principles of the method are as follows:

1. Phases to be implemented in the course of the procedure are as follows:

1. Entering the energetic field of a patient, opening and cleaning of the energy centers (chakras).

2. Healing of the patient in a standing position.3. Healing of the patient in a sitting position accompanied by visualization while

touching him/her by hands.4. Healing of the patient in the supine position with both hands accompanied by

visualization.5. Treatment finishing and getting out of the energy field of the patient.

2. Hand movements during the treatment are the most important factors contributing to the positive effects of healing. Even at the time of ancient civilizations they were aware that the right hand has positive (yang) and the left arm has negative (yin) properties.

a) By circular movements of the hand i.e. fist of a bio-energy healer with separated and outstretched fingers in a clockwise direction, the energy of the bio-energy healer is

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transferred to the patient in the most appropriate way. In other words, such a procedure helps the sick in case their energy is insufficient to fight against a specific disease. The procedure is defined as the provision of energy.b) Circular movements of the hand i.e. fist of a bio-energy healer with separated and outstretched fingers in the counterclockwise direction have the opposite effect compared to the previous, thus contributing that the excess of energy, as a result of an illness in the body of patients, is neutralized in the most appropriate way. The procedure is defined as taking away of the adverse (negative) energy.

c) Straight-line hand movements i.e. fist movements with separated and outstretched fingers are used to treat primarily diseases of legs, arms and spine. These movements are performed from fingertips to the hips-shoulders, and always in the direction of the heart. These movements can be performed with one or both hands and with his hands in a parallel position. The definition of this procedure is bringing the energy.

d) Straight-line arm and hand movements with separated and outstretched fingers are used primarily to treat diseases of legs and arms of patients. The movements are performed from shoulders and hips to fingertips, and always from the heart to the periphery. These movements are usually performed with one hand, or exceptionally with both hands in the parallel position if the patient lies down. The definition of this movement is taking away of negative (harmful) energy.

e) Placing hands on the surface of the energy layer for a while has the purpose to activate the energy flow or in other words, to stimulate direct self-healing of patients.

f) A straight-line movement of only one arm from the base to the upper part (of the leg, arm, or spine) while the fingers are at the top of the upper part (of the leg, arm, or spine) enables the activation of the energy flow and increases the energy potential of patients.

g) Any direct placement of both hands on the patient's body should be accompanied by adequate visualization with closed eyes of the bio-energy healer.

3. All movements performed by bio-energy healer should be natural and done without much effort.


For a person to be healthy, it is necessary that his/her total energy is higher or equal in relation to the energy needed. There are three cases:

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If a person's effective energy is less than the energy required, then we have a disease as a result.

(E) < (En)

If a person's effective energy is greater than the energy needed, then the result is good health, as it is the case with bio-therapists.

(E) > (En)

If a person's effective energy is equal to the energy needed, the result is still good health. (E) = (En)

Creating an effective excess of energy in a bio-therapist is a permanent process and it is not lost during the transfer to patients. This implies that the bio-therapist, during the treatment, is completely dedicated to healing and fully concentrated. Energy transfer occurs only in one direction, from the bio-therapist whose energy is greater than the energy required (E) < (En).

Energy exchange is done based on the principles of different potentials.

During the treatment bio-therapist keeps under control only the excess of energy, and this share is the only portion of energy he/she may transfer to patients. By transferring bio-energy to patients, he/she also incites (activates) a defense mechanism of patients that enables them to deal with illness by themselves.

After a certain number of treatments, i.e. as treatments go on, the patient’s energy layer improves, so that eventually, the necessary energy and health are achieved.

If the energy deficit in patients is relatively small, then the probability of feeling healthy again in a short period of time is high.

If a bio-therapist’s excess of energy is relatively small than the energy needed, the healing process of patients will be long lasting.

If the total bio-energy of bio-therapist is at the limits of the level of the energy needed, then he/she cannot heal the sick.


Healing technique of lumbar sciatica, disc herniation and discopathy

Entering the energy field of a patient through hands - basic hands crossed movement (picture 1)

This movement of crossing hands down the spinal column (picture 2) has the role of establishing and strengthening the balance of the energy body. This movement is performed at the beginning and at the end of each treatment.

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This movement is performed with open hands and fingers outstretched.

The therapist stands to prevent the deviation of the flow of his vital force. He stretches out his arms onto the patient with palms facing down. The movements are done slowly and calmly while the therapist, at the same time, radiates the healing energy through his hands and fingers.

The healing of the patient is performed in the prone position using both hands (picture 3) along with the process of visualization. By placing both hands on the lumbar region of the spine and by the process of visualization, the bio-energy therapist heals the sick place for about ten minutes. Then, the patient turns around and lies down on his/her healthy side with arms and legs outstretched and the sick leg bent at the knee (picture 4).

The bio-energy therapist places the right hand on the shoulder of patients with mild pressure, and the left hand on the hip above the pelvis, making a slight pressure on the pelvis in the direction of the bed (lateral stretching of the body).

In doing so, he releases or reduces the pressure of the disc on the spinal canal of lumbar spine.

After this procedure, the pain is reduced or disappears completely, depending on the extent of the disc herniation. With the pain reduced, the patient turns on his stomach, always on his left side with arms and legs outstretched and close to the body, with his/her sick leg bent at the knee (picture 5).

The bio-energy therapist places the right hand on the lumbar spine, brings the left palm 2 centimeters closer to the foot of the sick leg ( which is bent ), and by gentle and circular motions in the counterclockwise direction, he pulls the negative energy out and throws it away.

As his hands are moving, the patient feels that the pain is being pulled out and is going away.

The aim of the procedure is to reduce the pain, which completely disappears when the patient repeats a certain number of treatments. The procedure is the same for ailing feet and regaining the normal foot function, as well as for discopathy.

The treatment lasts 15-30min. After a certain number of treatments the patient is healed, starts doing certain physical exercises to strengthen and maintain the harmony of their health.

This method of healing, which is completely painless has managed to heal many patients. The questionnaire including 500 patients (respondents) has proved it to be very successful.


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Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4 Picture 5

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Bibliography1. Memovic, Muharem. Bioenergy. Podgorica : s.n., 2006.

2. Domancic, Zdenko. Neslucene Sposobnosti Covjeka. poljana : s.n., 1987.

3. Darras, Jean-Claude. Acupuncture: A Course of Study. Las Vegas : Society of Ultramolecular Medecine, 1985.

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