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Mutual UFO Network, Inc.




Ed/ted by: Raymond £. Fowler



Page 2: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April


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ANN DRUFFELAssociate Editor


MILDRED BIESELEContributing Editor



Humanoid Study Group

PAUL CERNYPromotion/Publicity


LUCIUS PARISHBooks/Periodicals/History

ROSETTA HOLMESPromotion/Publicity

GREG LONGStaff Writer

TED PHILLIPSLanding Trace Cases





DENNIS HAUCKEditor/Publishers Emeritus

The MUFON UFO JOURNAL ispublished by the Mutual UFONetwork, Inc., Seguin, Texas.Membership/Subscription rates:$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.;$16.00 foreign. Copyright 1983 bythe Mutual UFO Network. Secondclass postage paid at Seguin,Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form3579 to advise change of address toThe MUFON UFO JOURNAL,103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas78155.

FROM THE EDITORLet's keep some perspective. on the nature of the UFO

problem. Despite the high interest in — and high potential payoff of— abduction and crash/retrieval cases, they represent extremes(rather than the "norm") and no totally convincing evidence hasemerged to warrant acceptance of either as fact. Both do demandcontinued close monitoring and investigation. CE-II cases,especially, constitute the core of the mystery. Supposed links ofUFOs with Bigfoot, cattle mutilations, etc. remain to be proven, anduncritical assumption of such links does nothing to advancescientific UFOlogy. Comments to the contrary are invited.


By John F. Schuessler


THE GERMAN HYPOTHESIS . . 6By Foster Morrison



(Plus other news and features, including CRITIC'S CORNER, p. 12; INOTHERS' WORDS, p. 19; DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE, p.20)

The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under .Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publiclysupported organization of the type described in Section 509(a)(2). Donorsmay deduct contributions from their Federal income tax. In addition,bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are deductible for Federalestate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions ofSections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the code.

The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and donot necessarily represent the official position of MUFON. Opinions of contributorsare their own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the staff, or MUFON.Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles maybe in a Letter to the Editor (up to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about2,000 words). Thereafter, the "50% rule" is applied: the article author may reply butwill be allowed half the wordage used in the response; the responder may answer theauthor but will be allowed half the wordage used in the author's reply, etc. Allsubmissions are subject to editing for style, clarity, and conciseness.Permission is hereby granted to quote from this issue provided not more than 200words are quoted from any one article, the author of the article is given credit, and thestatement "Copyright 1983 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,Texas" is included.

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Flying discs, spheres, and cigarshave been reported nearly continu-ously for the past 35 years. However,during the past decade an ever-increasing number of triangular anddiamond-shaped objects have beenseen in the skies, adding a newdimension to the UFO mystery.

During the 1980 Christmas holidayseason, three people encountered alarge, glowing, diamond-shaped object,hovering over a dark east Texas road.The injuries they suffered are nowfamiliar to UFO investigators aroundthe globe. Nevertheless, the objectremains unidentified. (The Cash-Landrum radiation injury case - Ed.)

A similar object was sighted nearCleveland, Texas, on May 22,1982. JonMcDonald, a deputy sheriff for LibertyCounty, was on routine patrol just a fewmiles from the location of the earlierincident when he observed two brightlights just over the top of the tall pinetrees.

Officer McDonald explained howstolen cars were being driven fromHouston and abandoned in that darkwooded area. At 10:57 that night he wasalone in his patrol car when his UFOencounter began. The surroundingswere familiar. He was at the pipelinecrossing on Gladstall Road, a favoritedumping spot for stolen cars. Becausethe pipeline is the only open area in thedense woods he checked to see that thearea was closed to traffic by a heavywire fence. To his left he could see thered blinking lights atop some towers;but just beyond the towers appearedtwo very bright white lights.

The east Texas Piney Woods is stillrelatively unspoiled; covered with treesand dense undergrowth. The humanpopulation is sparse and the nightsdark. An officer on patrol must knowthe location of homes, businesses, andother man-made items. When anunusual light is spotted the officer isimmediately alert. Therefore, when




Cleveland, Texas, UFO; May 22,1982

Deputy McDonald saw the two lightsjust over the trees he immediatelyflashed his spotlight in their direction,he figured the lights were on a low flyingairplane. Nevertheless, he got out of thecar for a look around; but the lightssunk out of sight below the treetops.

Soon the lights reappeared. Hesaid "They would just come up and godown. I mean, stairstep itself down andstairstep itself back up. I shined myspotlight on it and the lights went out."

The officer was on one side of thepipeline and the object was on the other— about 500 yards away. At that pointhe could see red lights in a diamondformation, with one blinking red light inthe center. Its flight path was from thenortheast to the southwest, directlyover the officer's head. He said it wasabout 1,000 feet in the air and closingrapidly.

When the object went overhead heshined his spotlight on it. "I could plainlysee it," he said. "It was in a diamondshape, y'know, all four corners wererounded; but it was in a diamondshape." He went on to describe thecolor as grayish; like a dirty galvanizedsteel — "a dirty, dirty gray." And it waslarge. "I'd say you could fit ten cars intothe square it would form if it was placed

on the ground."The night was warm and humid

and the sky was partly cloudy; but theforest was very still. In fact, he didn'thear the normal sounds of the cricketsand small animals. The object, too, wassilent as it glided overhead.

Officer McDonald switched off hisspotlight and stood in the darkness asthe huge diamond-shaped objectmoved on to the southwest. In a fewseconds he heard a whine and theobject just took off. That was all. Whenasked to describe the sound, he said "itsounded like a, not a turbine, but itwould have to be something nuclearpowered."

Fortunately, the officer had aninteresting experience without illeffects. When he reported theexperience to the dispatcher via thepolice radio, he was told to submit anofficial Offense Report. OfficerMcDonald gave his permission for thisreport to be made public; suggesting itmight be helpful to others in futuresighting situations.

(Editor's Note: Mr. Schuessler's reportincluded a copy of officer McDonald'sofficial "Offense Report".)

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"UFOs: A Scientific Challenge"


The 14th Annual MUFON UFOSymposium, with the appropriatetheme of "UFOs: A ScientificChallenge," will be held July 1-3,1983,at the Huntington-Sheraton Hotel inPasadena, California. Pre-registrationreservations should be sent to MUFONof Southern California, P.O. Box 2723,Sepulveda, CA 91343, with checksmade payable to "MUFON of SouthernCalifornia." Pre-registration for allsessions is $17.50. (For additionalinformation, see'Director's Message, p.20.)

Based on the turnout in SanFrancisco, Calif., 4 years ago, anattendance of 1,000 or more isanticipated for this year's symposium;Pasadena is adjacent to Los Angeleswhich has long been a center oforganized UFO investigation andresearch in support of the National-Investigations Committee on AerialPhenomena (NICAP), Center for UFOStudies (CUFOS), and MUFON.

Pictured here are Bill Hassel —physicist), symposium chairman, andother organizers, along with some ofthe speakers. Topics to be coveredinclude Southern California UFOsightings, UFO propulsion, E-M effectson veh ic les , p i l o t s igh t ings ,crash/retrieval reports, Governmentcover-up, cattle mutilations, and UFOson the international scene; (Speakersand titles are included in the Director'sMessage.) A variety of displays andinformal caucuses will round out theconference.

We suggest you make yourreservations now for what promises tobe the outstanding U.S. UFOConference of the year.


Bill Hassel, Symposium GeneralChairman

William L. Moore, author of "TheRoswell Incident"

J. Allen Hynek, PhD, ScientificDirector of CUFOS

Ann Druffel, Journal columnistand author of "The TujungaCanyon Contacts"

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Symposium, Continued

1983 MUFON Symposium planners, I. to r.: Vince Uhlenkott,Treasurer; Walt Greenawald, Program Development; Jerry Hiers,Publicity.

Richard F. Haines, PhD, Paul C. Cerny, IM. Californiaexperimental psychologist State Director


The Journal is a publication of, by,and for MUFON members orsubscribers as a forum for exchange ofinformation, views, and commentaries.Your participation is invited. All news,information, or articles should besubmitted in typed and double-spacedform. Author guidelines are availableupon request.

Maximum article length, with rareexceptions, is 12 manuscript pages(about 4 Journal pages). Shorterarticles (about 500-750 words) arealways welcome, and may be publishedas "Comments," "Notes," or"Responses." Letters to the Editor,commenting on any material publishedin the Journal, should be under 500words.

The "Data Mart" column is aservice to members/subscribers otherthan businesses who wish to request orexchange information or offer UFO-related items for sale. Brief notices arepublished free of charge, either withyour address or, if you prefer, with areply code so that MUFON canforward responses to you.


What would you like to see more ofor less of in the Journal? We won'tknow if you don't tell us.

For the rest of 1983 we will beconducting a member survey todetermine your interests, and afteranalyzing the results we will report onthem and make the changes yousuggest insofar as we can consistentwith MUFON and Journal policies.

Do you have a favorite column orregular feature? A special interest incertain aspects of the UFO problem?Do you want more sighting round-ups,reviews, analytical articles? Do youfavor more dialogue1 between UFOproponents and skeptics? Whatinformation is most useful to you? Whatcolumns or features are of least interestto you? Let us know via a post card orletter addressed to:

Member Survey, MUFON, 103Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155.

Page 6: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April


In attempting to evaluate the UFOphenomenon we find very little of theprecise data most scientists areaccustomed to using. All we really haveare a lot of complex, but ill-definedevents out of which we can extract nonumerical values of aything.Contemporary management sciencehas provided a means of coping withsuch situations, which are typical ofthose faced by businessmen,executives, and bureaucrats, asopposed to the carefully controlledworld studied by scientists in their cleanrooms and laboratories. Themethodology is known as DecisionAnalysis.

In principle, Decision Analysis isjust the application of probabilitytheory. The mathematics involved isabout 200 years old. Anybody can learnthe basics, but most people never reachthis level in their formal education, noteven the heavily schooled lawyers andfine arts PhDs. Engineers and scientistsuse the theory all the time, usually in ahighly developed special form such asleast-squares regression. It is the stock-in-trade of all those social scientists whouse numbers more than eloquence, nomatter their ideological bent.

This essay will not attempt theconstruction of a rigorous decisiontheory analysis of the UFOphenomenon. Instead, the methods ofA. Conan Doyle, as demonstrated byhis character Sherlock Holmes, will beapplied. What this means is that a storywill be created out of a sequence ofvaguely related events. The story couldthen be tested for possible validity byDecision Analysis.

There are good reasons why thiswill not be done here. The first is thatthe author, though an appliedmathematician, is only familiar withdecision theory, but not facile with it.This problem can be solved byobtaining expert consultants, ifsomeone could find the money for theirfees. The entire UFO phenomenon6

should be subjected to such an analysis,which ought to be revised on a regularbasis as more data accumulate.

The hypothesis to be outlined herewould not win the accolade of "mostlikely" from very many experts at thepresent time. If a comprehensiveDecision Analysis were done, severalvery different stories might outrank thevariations of The German Hypothesis.

There are, however, some goodreasons for doing the analysis at theessay level. For one thing, it has beendone at least twice before. The first trywas UFO's, Nazi Secref Weapon?Written and published by Canadian farrightists, the little book suffers fromsloppy composition -and shoddyscholarship. There is no documenta-tion to speak of, except some reprintednewspaper clippings. Little distinctionis made between hard fact andspeculation. Despite its flaws, thepublication does serve the purpose ofraising some interesting questions.Some people would say "frightening,"which is always interesting.

The second effort is in the form of anovel, Genesis. Almost too much of theperipheral UFO baggage is taken intothis book. The central character of thestory is a villian of such Olympianproportions as to dwarf any historicalperson or even hypothesized extraterr-estrials. He is an American namedWilson from the corn belt, far moreversatile than Leonardo, who vastlyexcells Stalin at political intrigue andmakes all other scientists seeminsignificant.

As a work of literature, Genesis is a"pot boiler" novel, but it is intended topresent possible historical facts as adramatization. A big improvement overUFO's, Nazi Secret Weapon? is thatthe author has documented his sourcesthoroughly. The message of the twoworks is much the same, though theaudiences and purposes diverge widely.One is trying to cheer up discouragedracists and the other to warn

overconfident liberals. (Now guesswhich does which.) Even if one is not ineither of these groups, it would be wiseto take the message to heart.

The rest of this essay will constructa more plausible scenario based on thecommon theme of Genesis and UFO's,Nazi Secret Weapon? It will not beclaimed that this is the current mostlikely explanation of the UFOphenomenon, even in the not toohumble opinion of the author.However, this is a serious effort toconstruct a far more plausible storythan the ones in either of these books,and one whose likelihood is notnegligible by any means.

Space TechnologyThe UFO phenomenon to some

people seems a violation of the laws ofphysics. Most, if not all, of the basicphysics and mathematics for the NASAshuttle and Project Apollo date fromthe nineteenth century or earlier. Ittook two generations and more for thetechnology to catch up. As it is, theShuttle is an unwieldy, Rube Goldbergcombination of a reentry vehicle and anairplane, that pushes existing scienceand technology close to the breakingpoint. One might call it a triumph oftechnological machismo over Murphy(and his Law), now that we have seen itdoes indeed fly. In stark contrast, thetypical UFO outperforms dirty, noisyshuttles and military interceptorseffortlessly and even quietly. Shuttleand space colony enthusiasts hateUFOs so much that they simply refuseto recognize their existence.

Most books on relativity tell aboutthe curvature of space and time. Butspace and time are not merely curved,in some sense they are not real, asuseful as they may be to mostengineers. Space and time are notabsolutes. Mathematics calls this beingnon-holonomic; the jargon of relativity

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Hypothesis, Continued

says they are not invariants .Experiments have shown that if anumber of (very, very accurate) clocksmake round trips through differentenvironments they will record differentelapsed times. Things as common ase l e v a t i o n s show t h i s samemathematical property in the context ofclassical, Newtonian physics.' Veryprecise elevations must be correctedfor gravity variations because thesurfaces of equal potential (such as astill pond) are not exactly parallel orconcentric. Space'and time are not justcurved in the world of high speeds andstrong gravity, they are even ill-defined.The theory of relativity provides thecorrection equations to make sense outof the numbers we read from our rulersand clocks under all conditions,whereas classical physics is goodenough for our workaday world.

If we are to explain UFOs in termsof physics we understand to somedegree, it seems essential to assumethey are capable of generating artificialgravity fields, much as we producemagnetism with electric currents. Hereis where our science is fatally deficient.Einstein and many others have tried tocome up with a unified field theory. Theresults have been very disappointing, tosay the least. But a completely success-ful theory would, supposedly, tellus how to generate a gravitational fieldfrom an electric current or other formof energy. Presumably we could cancelout the earth's gravity and acceleratevery quickly in any direction. Perhapsthere would even be a way to convertmass to energy without the massiveequipment and radiation hazards of ourpresent nuclear power plants or fusionprojects.

The very high accelerationsdemonstrated by UFOs imply verystrongly that the gravity force is beingused. Only gravity could accelerate avehicle and its contents, includingpassengers, without setting up the largeforce gradients that would tear themapart. Because all our familiar aircraftuse Newton's second law andmechanical pressure (ul t imate lyderived from microscopic electro-magnetic forces) to propel themselvesand their cargoes, most people have

// we are to explain UFOs interms of physics we under-stand to some degree, it seemsessential to assume they arecapable of generatingartificial gravity fields....

concluded incorrectly that UFOsviolate our basic concepts of physics.Instead high accelerations prove thatUFOs use gravity forces. One mayhypothesize a fifth force, not nowknown to terrestrial physicists, but thisdoes not solve the problems of how togenerate or control the force and addsan unnecessary assumption.

German Breakthrough?For The German Hypothesis to be

tenable, it is virtually essential toassume that a team of Germanscientists devised a very successfulunified field theory and probably in thetime frame of 1933-1939. The Germantechnical expertise was surely theworld's best in that period, thoughother European nations and Americawere not far behind. We do know thatgravitons (the particles that transfergravitational energy and momentum)and photons (the particles that transfere l e c t r o m a g n e t i c e n e r g y a n dmomentum) do interact.

Einstein predicted the curvature oflight by gravity and this has indeed beenobserved. Perhaps this interaction isenhanced by resonance of thefrequencies of photons and gravitonsand that makes gravity manipulationquite practical. Such a phenomenonwould create havoc with the geometricelegance of relativity theory ascurrently conceived, but quantummechanics has done that already on theatomic scale. There are no otherphysical processes where the behaviorof electromagnetic radiation (i.e.,photons) does not depend critically onfrequency.

Some may object that the Nazisdeprecated Einstein and his work andwould be the last ones to expand uponit. Here we must differentiate betweenpolitical rhetoric and technicalexpedience. For one thing, the mediahad built up Einstein as a folk hero, abrilliant, but eccentric, lovable man

who wanted peace and just enoughmaterial goods to sustain his quest forscientific truth. He became a symbol ofprotest against the Nazi treatment ofJews.

If indeed relativity and a unifiedfield theory have the practical militaryand economic values of leading to UFOtechnology, it would make the mostsense f r o m the v i ewpo in t ofcounterintelligence to denounce themas "Jewish physics." To publicize sucha possibility might have jarred Einstein'smind into action again. After he wasabout 40, in 1919, he neveraccomplished very much. And therealso were (and are) many very brightyounger physicists, to whom Nazismwas an anathema, and they would havebeen strongly motivated to work on the

• problems. Confusing the issue withpersonal attacks on Einstein and hisracial and religious background was agood strategy and it dovetailed soperfectly with NSDAP (NationalSocialist German Workers' Party)ideology that it would arouse nosuspicion.

One may ask how Germanphysicists could make such abreakthrough without it beingduplicated in the past 50 years or so.Frequently scientific discoveries aremade almost simultaneously, but notalways. In Marco Polo's time China wasthe equal of Europe in everything whereit did not surpass the West. By thenineteenth century China hadregressed while the West had madeenormous progress in the sciences andtechnology. Recent successes ofChinese scientists show us that bright,creative people were still being born inChina, but that the society had becomeso ossified that it stultified them.

Opportunities in other areas ofscience and the awesome Einsteinpersonality cult have served to deterpeople from following his leads orquestioning his hypotheses, as aphoton-graviton resonance wouldrequire. What is more, graduate andprofessional schools tend to drive outcreative people in favor of mediocreworkaholics, who are better at memori-

-zing trivia than thinking. Creative peopleare likely to be eccentric, undisciplined,

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Hypothesis, Continued

and lopsided in their intellectualdevelopment, as was Einstein, himself.

Nazi sympathizers, on the otherhand, would have been stronglystimulated to debunk Einstein andwould go over his work with a fine-toothcomb, if they had adequate capabilities.In the process they could well havesucceeded in extending and improvinghis work rather than totally discreditingit. If they could get that far, the militaryimplications would be obvious. Genesissuggests a conventional technologicalmodel for flying discs, though itmentions anti-gravity as a possiblepropulsion method.

One may wonder if Hitler ever wasaware of the flying disc project. Theexistence of such an effort is welldocumented in Genesis and less so inUFO's, Nazi Secret Weapon. The cruxof The German Hypothesis lies inwhether the disc was a genuine UFOtype of craft or we have a case of anhistorical coincidence of UFOsappearing while Germans are workingon a totally crackpot aircraft design.The existence of "foo fighters"suggeststhat the German disc may have beenviable. Genesis postulates that derFuhrer was ignorant of the wholeprocess, which was carried out underHimmler's aegis.

Another viewpoint suggests takingNazi ideology seriously and discountingNazi rhetoric. The NSDAP lauded theNordic subrace and was down on slavsand hostile to Jews. AnthropologistCarlton Coon has shown that most ofthe population of Germany is of theAlpine subrace. Earlier studies haveindicated a very strong correlation ofNordic with Protestant and Alpine withCatholic. Nazi propaganda insisted thenon-Jewish Germans were "pureNordic," but the party experts hardlycould have believed it themselves. Themajority of Germans were (and are) .basically Alpine, much like the despisedCzechs, Poles, and Russians.

Not only were the Alpine types amajority, but they .were the grass rootssupport of the NSDAP. Nazism alsowas very unpopular in the Nordicforeign nations of Scandinavia, theBritish Isles, and North America. Hitlerhimself was an Austrian. Despite an8

endless wave of anti-Nazi books andTV programs, this glaring contradictionis never mentioned. Lack ofconsistency, however, is scarcely a viceunique to Nazi politicians.

We Americans always have beentold Hitler wanted to conquer theworld. That seems to be a typicalexaggeration, but he did state explicitlyhe wanted Germany to become apowerful imperialist state, a positionfrom which Britain was slipping at thattime. All Germans then, no matter theirpolitical persuasion, were saturatedwith history and aware of OswaldSpengler and his ideas. Another fact isthat the Nordics were (and are)becoming a smaller and smallerminority in Germany. They were thelosers in a demographic derby, as aretheir WASP cousins in contemporaryAmerica, whites in South Africa, andJews in Israel. An expanded,imperialistic Reich would haveaccelerated this process, we can besure. So, what's another littlecontradiction?

We do know the Nazis took theirracial theories seriously enough to setup special facilities to produce idealhuman specimens through selectivebreeding. As students of the Aryanconquest of India, they must haveknown that caste systems ultimatelyfail. The best wgy to produce a truesuper race, instead of the imaginary oneof political propaganda, would be inrelative isolation, pot in the middle of animperialistic state, where commerceand political intrigue soon submergeclass, caste, society, and culture. Avictorious Third Reich undoubtedlywould have set up for its chosen aspecial colony isolated from the turmoilof central Europe, but the long-termviability of such a Utopia is dubious aslong as it is a dependency.

The new disc technology,however, with its ability to borewormholes in space and time, openedup vast new possibilities. Why not takethe best and leave both Germany andits enemies behind? Now I suspect thatmost German Nordics, like their kinelsewhere, were appalled at Hitler,Nazism, and all else that is illiberal andanti-intellectual. There must have been,however, a minority of fanaticalsupporters among this minority. At

least some of these would be moved tothe Antarctic and the Amazon regionand then, perhaps, to a colony on aplanet revolv ing about someconvenient star.

If one can conceive that this mighthave happened, and that is asking for avery open, imaginative mind, thenspeculation about Hitler's role is nowappropriate. We have been sosaturated with propaganda aboutHitler's crimes against humanity that.we fail to notice some real peculiaritiesabout his career. His rise to power andsuccess was meteoric and reached apeak in 1939. Then he wrecklesslylaunched his country into a hopelesswar and it and much of the rest ofEurope were devastated. It is too easyto say that Hitler was crazy. Suchstatements explain anything and henceexplain nothing. A more realisticevaluation is that age and stress caughtup with his frai l , war-damagedconstitution and his physical andmental health deteriorated.

But why did he allow the war tostart in 1939? Germany's submarinefleet, its only answer to Britain's andAmerica's powerful navies, wasobsolete even then and the V2's,missiles, and jet fighters on the drawingboards were years from production.Germany would have needed vasttechnical superiority to hope to matchthe far more massive productivecapacities and manpower pools ofFrance, Britain, the U.S.A., and theU.S.S.R, Her allies were Italy, Hungary,and Bulgaria, all of little value. Not onlydid Hitler start a massive war ill-prepared, he mismanged it so badlythat some of his generals tried toassassinate him in 1944. Near the end ofthe war, for example, he made theLuftwaffe use the new Me-262 jet fighteras a fighter-bomber instead of a muchneeded superior interceptor. Not onlydid he not want to win the war, he didnot want to delay defeat.

One can speculate that Hitlerescaped with his hypothesized chosenfew or stayed behind to assure that heprogram remained a secret and thatGermany was thoroughly demolished.Would he abandon his faithfulsupporters, and maximize Itheir defeat,

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Hypothesis, Continued

to pursue an ideologial dream?Although a skilled politician, Hitler wascertainly a "true believer." He was anascetic, like Gandhi, not the type ofhigh-living grafter that fills our electedoffices. Could he cynically leave hisdevoted Alpine followers to the tendermercies of the Soviet Army? Certainly!As a fanatic he would have put asideevery consideration except the successof his ultimate project. The situation inEurope would keep the worlddistracted for years while the New Manin the New Germany was busy at otherthings. After Germany was defeated,everybody tried to outdo his neighborblaming it all on their former leader. Thehypothesized cynicism would havebeen well justified.

According to both Genesis andUFO's..., the escape to the South Poledid not go undetected. Did AdmiralByrd probe for Nazi exiles down there,who retaliated with a show of force overWashington, D.C.?This is too specific aseries of events to analyze withoutintensive research, some of whichmight require classified or otherwiseunavailable materials. Instead, let usanalyze some typical UFO behaviorpatterns that indicate a terrestrialsource with a critical edge in science,rather than an extraterrestrialc iv i l i za t ion hundreds or eventhousands of years more advancedthan we are.

For one thing, UFOs take keeninterest in secret military bases. Thishas been reported repeatedly. Asociety so very far ahead would becontent to read Jayne's annuals aboutour destructive toys. UFO encountersare always incredibly bizzare. A highlyadvanced alien culture would be cool,rational, and detached, even ifsomewhat curious, and could avoiddetection completely. The apparentlyexotic behavior seems to be intended tokeep the scientific community and thebourgeoisie ( inc luding Sovietapparatchiks) blissfully incredulous.The cheapest and most effective part ofany security system is a flow ofinformation that is high in volume andlow in coherence. Whatever the sourceof UFOs, they are doing an excellentjob of this. The mission of the UFOs

The cheapest and most effectivepart of any security system is aflow of information that is highin volume and low incoherence. Whatever the sourceof UFOs, they are doing anexcellent job of this.

obviously is spying, and perhaps evensome piracy. Human abductions andcattle mutilations indicate they may beinto molecular biology and aresomewhat ahead of us, as Genesissuggests.

Best EstimateOn this side of the fence what is

happening? The best estimate is thatthe intelligence community is keeping itall a secret from elected officials andthat no President or Congressman hasbeen able to learn more than you have.There are two motivations for this kindof behavior and it's not clear which isdominant in this case. The inner core ofthe intelligence community may harborNazi sympathizers, who would not liketo see the noble experiment disturbed.There also is bound to be a strong fearof retaliation if a threat were to develop.Underground research and securityfacilities have been built by the U.S.A.,much as Germany did during the ThirdReich. That is where the UFO actionmust be, if there is any within the U.S.Government.

A massive retaliation of unknownproportions might accompany thelaunching of a conspicuous Americanprogram to duplicate UFO technology.The UFOs are not as easy to spy on asthe Soviet Union, so the intelligencecommunity keeps walking on eggs. Forthe same reasons the "spooks" mustcooperate, willingly or not, with theUFO effort to remain incredible. Ifelected officials and most of the upper-middle class became convinced of thereality and hence importance of theUFO phenomenon, the debate wouldmove out of the shadows and into thelimelight of the democratic process.The results of this are totallyunpredictable to the "spooks," to theUFOs, and to your author.

Fortunately, even if a politician orscientist reads.this article, he (or she)

won't take it seriously. These people,though not really stupid, are asstubborn as the proverbial mule; youhave to hit them between the eyes witha sledge hammer to get their attention.The German Hypothesis indicates thatWorld War II was started, expanded,and deliberately lost to distract theattention of the majority of the humanrace .from the true directions ofNational Socialist scientific and socialprograms. This strategy would permitthe Nazi colony to expand its technicallead tremendously, while the vastlywealthier U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. wouldwaste their time and money on dead-ends such as chemical rocketry.

Lots of speculations can be madeabout certain details of the UFOexperience. UFO's, .Nazi SecretWeapon?, in fac t , makes the(undocumented) statement that theseGerman exiles have contactedextraterrestrials and are collaboratingwith them. Genesis speculates that theapparent aliens are short ParaguayanIndians, captured and robotized bybrain implants. Either or both of thesespeculations might be true.

Now that you have swallowed TheGerman Hypothesis hook, line, andsinker, we may proceed to predictfu ture developments. UFOs willcontinue to monitor earth verycarefully. Even if interstellar travel hasopened up vast, new frontiers, it will bea long time before the colony has grownenough to feel secure from a potentiallyhostile home planet. Would the colonyever invade Earth? If inhabitable planetsare as rare as some scientists think, it isa distinct possibility. Or mostinhabitable planets may already haveformidable societies.

Provided that living space is stillnot too scarce in the Universe, thecolony may be content to let us proceedon our path of wiping out most life onEarth, and ultimately ourselves, withenvironmental destruction and perhapsnuclear war. We can be sure anyUFOnauts have read The Global 2000Report to the President, even if RonaldReagan has not. We may be left as a badexample of the results of democracyand egalitarianism to instruct futuregenerations in their evils.

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Bob Wanderer stated in a letterafter reviewing my "Viewpoint on theAndreasson Affair" that our positionsseem .fairly close and that we both aredubious of that case. I am only "partlydubious," mainly because of the use ofhypnosis to obtain the story. Actually Iam very open to the whole thing,including the fact there may have beena real UFO and real entities involved.Maybe this is because, as I've becomeacquainted with the UFO phenomenonthe past 10-15 years, I believe that realUFO events occur. I think he bycontrast, believes real UFO events donot occur — which makes him a"skeptic" and me a "believer."

I would wear my believer's badgewith honor even though the NOVAshow used the term in a derogatorysense. The term does not mean that I'm

a weak-minded dupe. It is the verycontradictory and anomalous nature ofthe UFO phenomenon that drives meto study and consider the nature ofreality itself. And I would be the last totry to tell others what the whole thing isall about or how they should thinkabout it. That would be presumptuousand egotistical.

As for the article on the NOVA"The Case of the UFOs" (No. 178, Dec.1982), Wanderer's position is that theshow which the UFO movement wouldlike to see made cannot be madebecause the s tandards of TVdocumentaries are such that it wouldn'tbe considered since it would not besu f f i c i en t ly focussed and easilyunderstood. To that my. response is aloud "Bull--, Mr. Wanderer!" Theproducers may have had that thought

Hypothesis, Continued

Even if you consider The GermanHypothesis an outgrowth of anhistorical accident, some of thedeductions of this essay remain highlyplausible. The nature of the game beingplayed by the UFOs and the intelligencecommunity with each other and withthe general public has only oneexplanation. Even advanced aliensmight be concerned if the U.S.A. orU.S.S.R. developed UFO capabilities.Obviously the "spooks" know a lotabout UFOs and do not want any partof it to feed into the political process, forthe reasons given previously. It is morethan a concern that stock in NorthAmerican Rockwell would plummetbecause the firm's technology ispotentially obsolete. Only an addledsocialist ideologue would come up withan explanation like that.

Unless there is a fluke event,where both UFOs and "spooks" losecontrol for too long, civilian researcherswill continue to be stymied by lack ofresources. There has been no UFOactivity escalation sufficient to perturbthe smugness of the scientificcommunity or the middle class as awhole. Let's recall the mule analogy. So10

far we have been tantalized withfeathers. Freedom of Information suitsare not going to dislodge anythingsignificant unless they happen to triggerthe unlikely event. A Federal judge, andsome rather flaky people now holdthese jobs, might freak out and spill itall.

As a UFO investigator, you areincreasing the likelihood of the fluke.Do you want to open up a Pandora'sBox out of which may flow aliens,economic and social upheaval, andperhaps even revenge-minded Nazis? Ifyou are a UFO investigator, you havemore curiosity and imagination thangood sense. And if I can pop the lidbefore you, I will.

REFERENCESBerry, Adrian, The Iron Sun: Crossing theUniverse Through Black Holes (Warner Books,1977)Calder, Nigel, Einstein's Universe (PenguinBooks, 1980).Coon, Carleton S. The Races of Europe(Greenwood, 1972).Harbinson, W.A. Genesis (Dell Publishing Co.,1982).Macvey, John W. Interstellar Travel (AvonBooks, 1978).Mattern. and Friedrich, UFO's, Nazi SecretWeapon? (Samisdat Publishers, Ltd!, no date;available from publisher at P.O. Box 11132,Station "E", Buffalo, NY 14211, $4.95).

but they didn't want, actually, to try tofocus the subject any more than hewants to be a "believer" for fear hewould be considered stupid.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek's editorial inInternational UFO Reporter (Nov.-Dec., 1982) outlines the many feet offilm that ended up on the cutting roomfloor, which could have gone to makethe show that Wanderer says couldn'tbe made. The editorial also discreditsthe Persinger "explanation" for suchUFO events as Travis Walton's orDeputy Val Johnson's — a theory Iintroduced to Mr. Wanderer in order togive him something to chew on, to seehow he would behave. My ownadditional objection to the NOVA showis only a logical one. It concerns thescene showing the compressive rockfracture experiments. The electricsparks appeared during the rockfracture. "Real" UFOs are not seen atthe . same time . as an earthquake,although there are known to be largediffuse earthquake lights sometimesassociated.

Harley Rutledge's letter to APRO(APRO Bulletin V. 30, No. 11) agrees.He says, "Having lived in the vicinity ofthe New Madrid fault for 20 years andhaving directed a long-term scientificfield study of UFO phenomena, duringwhich I observed some 150 UFO lights,I do not believe that any of these wereproduced by insects or earthquakes —nor~ were any of the seven craft Iobserved."

It's an interesting theory, but theNOVA show stated rock fracture as thesource of UFO lights. That is not evenwhat Persinger is saying. He points to asix-month or longer lag that he thinksoccurs in his hypothetical UFOconnection between earth stress andeventual earthquake. His mathematicalanalyses are based on a lag. I'll bet I'd beable to prove anything about anything ifI were up on my multivariant statisticalanalyses. As for Persinger's additionalwork connecting the conscious contentof UFO experiences with the supposed

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In a combination sales promotionand UFO public education event, wehad our first opportunity to utilize ournew portable display exhibit boards atthe elegant Sunrise Mall in CorpusChristi, Texas from February 15ththrough the 19th. A personalappearance by Scott Carpenter, theformer astronaut and the display of a12-foot model of the Space Shuttlepreceded MUFON's exhibit by 2weeks. Continuous visual aids were anattraction to visitors to the shoppingmall and our exhibit. In addition to thefour display boards (both sides)exhibiting 8 x 10 inch photographs anddrawings of close encounter cases ofthe first, second, and third kinds, oneboard was devoted to hoax photos.Jensflares, and objects frequentlymisinterpreted as UFOs.

The most popular attraction wasthe continuous showing of UFOprograms, movies, and documentarieson a closed circuit VHS video display,provided through the courtesy of VideoConcepts. Some of the VHS tapesfeatured were "UFOs Are Real," "TheUFO Experience" by KPIX-TV in SanFrancisco, "Chariots of the Gods,""The UFO Incident," and the question-able NOVA series, "The Case of theUFO." Between videotape shows,slides of UFO photographs wereprojected on a screen depicting close

Comment, Continued

electrical events, I have no comment.Now that Wanderer has made a

commitment to the "pine long" solutionto the great Loch Ness Monstermystery ( No. 176, Oct. 1982), I wonderwhat he thinks about the 1,500 hours ofsonar-grams with multiple contactsmade by the latest study, reviewed in arecent New Scienfisf ("The Biology ofLoch Ness," Vol. 97, No. 1345,17 Feb.1983)? Apparently the scientists are notready to close the books on it as soon ashe is.

encounters of the first, second, andthird kinds.

The public exhibit also providedthe first occasion to display MUFON'snew 4 ft. x 6 ft. banner. Made of woolfelt, it has white letters and logo on aroyal blue background with gold borderand accessories. This banner will beused at all annual MUFON UFOSymposiums, starting with Pasadena,California, as a prominent backdropbehind the speakers lectern.

Since favorable UFO publiceducation is one of MUFON'sobjectives, photographs have beenincluded ' in this article showingconstruction details of the displayboards and exhibit layout as ideas forour members who may wish to utilizethem. MUFON is personally indebtedto Sherman J. Larsen and the Centerfor UFO Studies for their novelconstruction ideas to build individualboards that are not only portable fortransportation, but selfrstanding andmay be assembled in 5 minutes after thephotographs have been attached. Ourdisplay consists of six boards (bothsides), however only four were used inCorpus Christi.

It may be extended to any numberof boards without any revision indesign.' Aluminum tubing for legs andextruded a luminum channel ingprovides the frame and strength foreach board. Angle brackets are usedfor the corners to attach each board tothe upright legs with appropriate autohose clamps. One-half inch thickcelotex, 3 ft. x 4 ft. in size, and paintedwhite on both sides was used for thebasic boards. The time for constructionis no small task, considering thenumber of extruded a luminumchannels that must be cut and fitted,and the drilling and insertion of 240 selftapping screws in the bracketry for sixboards.

Plans are being made to have boththe UFO exhibit display boards and thebeautiful MUFON banner at the 1984

MUFON UFO Symposium in Dallas,Texas.


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CRITIC'S CORNERBy Robert Wanderer

How to Avoid Being "Abducted"

Are you concerned that you andyour loved ones might be "abducted"onto a UFO by "aliens"? A fascinatingnew study suggests a simple way toavoid such a calamity: If you do notbelieve "abduction" is possible, you willnot be "abducted."

At least that's the interpretation Imake, adapting the results of a study of"past lives" hypnosis to the problem ofUFO "abduction" stories. I considerthat "abduction" stories and "pastlives" stories involve essentially thesame procedure: you are hypnotized,asked (explicitly or implicitly) to tell astory (about being "abducted" or abouta "past life"), and then your"unconscious mind" (or whatever term

*> '

you prefer) produces the requestedstory.

The study was conducted byRobert A. Baker, a psychologist at theUniversity of Kentucky. He recruited60 students who had been hypnotizedin classroom exercises and wereconsidered good hypnosis subjects.

Each person came individually intoa room containing a comfortable cotand was told they were participating in astudy or relaxation, where they were tolie down and listen to a tape recordingon "past lives regression." Threeslightly different recordings were used,each with 20 students. After hearing thetape the subject was hypnotized andregressed into a "time machine" goingback down through the years beforebirth. They were asked to describethemselves and their surroundingsthere. After intensive questioning, eachsubject was returned to the "timemachine" for a second and then a thirdattempted excursion into the past.

One group heard a tape tellingabout a "new and exciting" therapyusing "past lives," and suggesting thatthe subject "relax, let go, and do as I tellyou" to journey back to another life. Ofthese 20 subjects, 17 reported on a"past life," and 15 of those reportedmore than one "past life" in the three12

attempts. Only three didn't come upwith a "past life."

The second group heard a moreneutral tape about "past .lives," sayingthat "you may or may not drift back toanother lifetime." Of these 20 subjects,12 reported on a "past life" and nine ofthose on more than one. Eight of the 20reported none.

The third group heard a tape about"a bunch of far-out therapists on theWest Coast have come up with yetanother crazy kind of therapy" andadvising the subject that "you mightaccidentally, by chance," experienceanother lifetime. Of those 20, only tworeported a "past life," only one reportedmore than one, and 18 had none.

Baker concludes that "it seemsclear that the suggestions made prior tothe induction and regression attemptshad a significant influence upon thepast-life reports."

I suspect something very similargoes on in "abduction" cases developedunder hypnosis. You report some"missing time," some time you can'taccount for. You wonder whethersomething strange happened, you'veheard that people sometimes reportUFO "abduc t i ons" in suchcircumstances, and you go underhypnosis wondering/expecting/believ-ing in some mysterious unknown. Andthen, the story you "expected" comesout under hypnosis.

As Dr. Baker concludes:"Past lives regression phenomena,

rather than being examples of the'reality' of reincarnation, are instead theresult of suggestions made by thehypnotist, expectations held by thesubjects, and the demand characteris-tics of the hypnoidal relationship."

Replace "past lives regression"with "UFO abduction," and "reincarna-tion" with "extra-terrestrial aliens," andyou've got a provocative thesis aboutUFO "abduction" stories. It would beinteresting if someone would test thatthesis, similar to the study of "past

lives" hypnosis.We hear of cases where people are

hypnotized, allegedly to find out what"really" happened on some occasion,and suspecting that "somethingstrange" may have happened. Itsometimes turns out that they thinkthey were "abducted" onto a UFO. Arethere ever any cases where people arehypnotized expecting to have someexotic story revealed such as a UFO"abduction," where they tell underhypnosis that they weren't "abducted"but actually had a perfectly normalexperience? Are there hypnotizedsubjects with such expectations who donot get what they expect?

Dr. Baker, in the article reportingon his study, cited other cases goingback to Bridey Murphy in 1956 whichshow "how easily human subjects willrole play extreme regressions ondemand." In all these studies, he pointsout, "the power of suggestion seemsparamount. If a hypnotic subject is toldhe will go back to another lifetime and ifthe hypnotist expects him to do so anddemands that he play such a role, it isdifficult for the subject not to comply."Hypnotists in "abudction" cases, pleasenote.

Reference: Robert A. Baker, "The Effect ofSuggestion on Past-Lives Regression," AmericanJournal of Clinical Hypnosis, 25:1, July 1982, pp.71-76; summarized in Psychotogy Today, April1983, p. 25.


We acknowledge contributions ofcancelled foreign stamps from M.Kislosky, Georgetown, Pa.; Greg Long,Kennewick, Wash.; and AudreyPatrick, Kennett Square, Pa. Proceedsfrom the project are applied tointernational exchange of UFOinformation. Send stamps to RichardHall, 4418 39th St., Brentwood, MD20722.

Page 13: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April


More than 50 original extra-terrestrial models were entered in the"Make your Own E.T. Contest"sponsored by the Mutual UFONetwork in Beverly, Massachusetts.These models were on display duringthe Ideas Exchange Fair whereMUFON scientists studied them andjudged them on the basis of originality,detail, and appropriateness of theenvironmental conditions on the homeplanet for supporting each newly-invented life form. Mrs. MargeChristensen, MUFON State Directorfor Massachusetts, was the coordinatorfor the Ideas Exchange Fair at BeverlyHigh School on October 30 thatattracted 650-700 visitors. TheMUFON judges were David Webb,Bob Sampson, Jules Vaillancourt,Barry Greenwood, Joan Thompson,and astronomer Jack Eddy fromColorado.

Kevin Christensen, 1st prize,Grades 9-12

Prizes included a copy of the 1981MUFON UFO Symposium Proceed-ings held at M.I.T., complimentarytickets to Sack Thesters, "E.T. PhoneHome" bumper stickers, and "E.T."posters. In the 9-12 year old category,Kevin Christensen (son of David andMarge Christensen) won the first prize.A special thanks is extended to the

MUFON judges, I to r: Dave Webb, Joan Thompson, BarryGreenwood, Bob Sampson, Jules Vaillancourt

judges pictured, and congratulations toKevin for his unique "E.T." model andorginality in depicting life and livingconditions on a fictitious planet.

We should all be proud, becausethese young people are going to be thescientists of the future!


MUFON needs a l a rgermembership/readership in order to bemore effective in pursuing our goals ofUFO research and public education.We suggest that State MUFONorganizations, and individual membersas well, consider gift subscriptions tothe Journal, for friends, relatives,libraries, or your doctor or dentist forwaiting room reading material. Stateorganizations should encourage theirmembers and consultants to take outadditional subscriptions as a means ofsupporting MUFON and disseminatinginformation.

Also, if you know someone whomay be interested in becoming amember or subscriber, send us theirname and address and we will mail them

a complimentary copy of the Journalalong with information about the goalsand purposes of MUFON.

And don't forget, MUFON is anonprofit, tax exempt organization.Your contr ibut ions (other thanmembership fee) are deductible fromFederal income tax for U.S. citizens.o


Research Analyst to compile,analyze, and summarize informationabout reported UFO "abduction" casesin order to determine patterns — orinconsistencies — and to facilitatefuture research. May be collegestudent, librarian, abstractor, or otherwith strong verbal and analytical skills.Successful applicant will be provided amodest budget for supplies, typing, anddevelopment of a card catalogue;guidelines will be provided. Submit aletter outlining your interest and theskills or experience you could apply tothis project (deadline July 1, 1983) toRichard Hall, Secretary-Treasurer,Fund for UFO Research, Box 277,Mt. Rainier, MD 20712.


Page 14: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April


UFOlogist Sheaffer Replies

Editor,In his article (No. 178, Dec. 1982)

Virgil Staff quite adequately makes thepoint that he did not like what I said onKGO radio last year. However, I wasencouraged to see that he was unableto point out any specific errors in what Isaid. I do occasionally make errorswhen I speak, as do most of us mortals,but either I made none on that day, or ifI did, Mr. Staff did not find them.

Mr. Staff starts right off on thewrong foot by spelling my name wrong,which MUFON's editors apparently didnot bother to check. He then claimsthat I was host to the Jim Eason Show

»that afternoon, which is incorrect. Mr.Eason hosted the show that day, as ishis custom; I was the guest.Furthermore, I am astonished to seethat Mr. Staff would say that "untilrecently, there has been a paucity ofdata for evaluating the work of Mr.Scheaffer (sic)."

My book The UFO Verdict hasnow been available for two years. It hasbeen' reviewed right here in theMUFON UFO Journal. ("Offensiveand inexcusable": McCampbell; "Aninsult to the intelligence": Andrus.)Tsk, tsk. I've fared far better, however,in reviews in real scientific publicationssuch as The New Scientist and Sky andTelescope, where my book wasrecommended highly).

I was an invited speaker at the 1980Smithsonian UFO Symposium inWashington, , D.C., which receivedmuch attention nationally. In addition,my writings have been published inmagazines such as Omni, Astronomy,Official UFO, Frontiers of Science,Fate, and others, and have beendiscussed in practically every majorUFO publication. I cannot imaginewhere Mr. Staff has been these past fewyears.

In fact, I see no statementattributed to me which I would care todeny, or change even if I could. TheJimmy Carter UFO was undoubtedlyVenus, whether Mr. Staff likes it or not.Anyone who insists in taking14

unsubstantiated eyewitness impress-ions as "gospel," instead of what theyare (impressions) has obviously learnednothing from the last 35 years ofUFOlogy. And yes, it sometimes isnecessary to interrupt long-windedstory tellers on radio shows, becausethe actual time available on such shows(minus commercials, news, etc.) is infact extremely limited.

When someone is telling you abouta sighting which occurred 30 years ago,and can't even say what date itoccurred, and .I have no star tables,weather records, airline schedules,etc., in front of me, the chances ofmaking any intelligent evaluation of thatincident in the next minute or two arenil. Everyone's time would be betterspent by going on to the next call. While

•Mr. Staff apparently doesn't realize thenecessity for a great deal of specificinformation before evaluating a UFOsighting (he says it makes no differencewhether or not the-date is known!!!), Iwould hope that MUFON does.

Robert SheafferSan Jose, Calif.

(Editor's comment: Why does Mr.Sheaffer think that an "instantevaluation" is what is expected of himon a radio show? Is it not moreimportant to try to determine from thecaller's "impressions" whether asimple, natural explanation isapplicable, and if not, to workbackward from that point and try to pindown an exact date so that realinvestigation — as opposed toskeptical assumption — can beundertaken?)

Reviewer Response To Author

Editor,Harley Rutledge (No. 179, Jan.

1983) has made two allegations aboutmy negative review of his book. Bothare totally invalid.

First, he stated that I was"befuddled" about there being no radarcapabilities to deal with over CapeGirardeau, Missouri. Sorry, Harley, butyou should have checked with theMemphis Air Route Traffic ControlCenter across the state border. Theydid have radar coverage of non-transponding targets over your hometown down to 6,000 feet, even back in

1973. Recent additions to the systemhave improved that figure by anotherthousand feet. The FAA also couldhave contacted those targetsrepresenting light aircraft by radio.Rutledge didn't pursue this prospect;he merely wondered how many of his158 UFOs could have been aircraftlights!

Second, he claims that I have"persisted" in "persuading" a heavily-referenced member of his field team to

. "impugn" him. I met the latter in Atlantaby accident, where he initially offeredunsolicited doubts about the emotionalatmosphere affecting many of hisexperiences with Rutledge in the field.Once he learned I was planning to do areview of Project Identification, hebacked off, not wanting to hurt hisfriendship with Rutledge. Thus, Ipublished nothing in Fate about ourconversation! Of what "antics" am Iguilty?

I stand by my pan of ProjectIdentification. The book promised a"first scientific .field study" withextensive use of instrumentation andthe insights of a PhD physicist. Instead,the reader got an amateurish"skywatch" with a startling lack of fieldequipment use, no photographs of the41 "Class A" UFOs, subjectiveestimates. in place of systematictriangulatibn and assumptions aboutthe intelligence of a UFO phenomenonpersonally attuned to one HarleyRutledge.

Allan HendryTucson, Ariz.

"Space Aliens" TalkEditor,

In reference to Mr. Lucius Parish'statement (No. 179, Jan. 1983) referringto the Dec. 14th issue of the NationalEnquirer, about the "nutty possibilities"of space aliens talking throughh y p n o t i z e d c l i e n t s a n d t h eendorsement, I wonder what basis hehas for his statement. Seemingly, to myknowledge; he has witnessed none ofthese hypnotic sessions nor reviewedsome 50 hours of video and also 50hours of casette.

Although I know this seems a"way out" form of communication, I

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Letters, Continued

cannot help but remembering areproduction of an article that was inthe New York times way back when thetelephone was invented. The New YorkTimes was calling Alexander GrahamBell "nutty."

The article went something likethis: "There is a man by the name ofAlexander Graham Bell who is trying totake the American public on the 'nutty'idea of being able to talk over a wire.Anybody in their right mind wouldknow this was an impossibility. But if itwere so, what earthly use would it be?"

Jiles HamiltonDaytona Beach, Fla.

(Editor's Comment: Mr. Hamiltonenclosed newspaper clippingsidentifying himself as a "licensedhypnotist" in Florida who accidentallystumbled across alleged "aliencommunications" through routinehypnosis performed on people withpersonal problems. The "aliensvoices" allegedly used the voice boxesof his subjects to communicateinformation. People knowledgeableabout "trance states" and "multiplepersonalities" are invited to comment.)

Journalistic StandardsEditor,

A basic difference between BillMoore's journalism and mine hasindeed been identified in his response(No. 178, Dec. 1982) to my article. Myfeeling is that the selection anduncritical repetition of secondarysources does indeed constituteendorsement and I believe bothjournalistic ethics and legal standardsare closer to that view (that's onereason Moore is being sued by at leastone person about whom he merelyrepeated some offensive nonsense.)

I believe to claim otherwise is toabdicate an author's responsibility toverify the accuracy of his material —but of course one does have to trustother people, yet when that trust isshown to have been misplaced (as inMoore's case), one should take one'slumps like a man.

Paraphrasing Moore's attitude asexpressed in correspondence with me,he claims that merely repeating a story

in his published works does not implythat he thinks the story is necessarilytrue, or that he expects his readers tobelieve he is attesting to the accuracy ofthe story in question. I do not thinkthat's cricket.

I am flattered that Moore admitsmy research has "consistentlydemonstrated an access to information(in many cases Soviet) which is notgenerally available to the rest of us."That is what most reviewers wroteabout my book Red Star in 'Orbit(Random House, 1981), althoughTHEY meant it as a compliment. Iwould modestly attribute that not toany inside information or surreptitiousguidance, but to uncommon diligenceand resourcefulness.

Yet Moore's point about footnotesand sources is well taken. The mainsource of my information has beenCharles Sheldon's Soviet Space

. Programs and the issues of Spqceflightmagazine (published by the BritishInterplanetary Society in London). Icertainly do aver that I have had accessto no classified data or analyses — mywork is totally original and I'm damnedproud of it.

Regarding the dispute overCUFOS's alleged violation of Sovietcopyright on the "Gindilis Report" re-publication: I am entirely accurate onthat count. The USSR signed theInternational Copyright Convention in1973, routinely violates it internally, butkeeps a stringent eye on Westerntransgressions (although it has,admittedly, never sued anyone so far).There is a loophole, sanctioned bytradition, in which government officialinternal use of translations is toleratedso long as no commercial value accruesto the material (the National TechnicalInformation Service, or NTIS, isauthorized to sell certain translationsbut the Soviet government receives itscut).

Publishing the Gindilis Report forsale is clearly illegal; what I wrote isentirely true. Perhaps Moore's off-baseaccusation is just "yet another exampleof [his] well-known penchant formaking pronouncements from on highwithout bothering to first check hisfacts" (the words he ironically used todescribe my own statements!). Forv e r i f i c a t i o n , check wi th the

Department of Commerce, Mr. EugenePawlikowsky, (202) 377-1362.

James ObergDickinson, Texas

N.Z. Radar Case

Reference Bruce S. Maccabee's"open-letter" (No. 178, Dec. 1982)relative to statements made by me onthe NOVA UFO program, he is correctthat it was 7 minutes after Capt. WilliamStartup first asked the Wellingtoncenter about unidentified radar blipsbefore he mentioned having a TV crewon board, as I promptly acknowledgedto Maccabee on Oct. 23, 1982.1 regretthat age is taking its toll of my memorycells.

But -the facts are, as Maccabeeknows, that traffic controller GeoffCauser did not call the pilot (Startup) towarn him of unknown radar-blips in thevicinity of Startup's aircraft until thepilot chanced to ask. As the controllerexplained to Maccabee in a telephoneconversation on Jan. 14, 1979, barelytwo weeks after the incident, he hadbeen informed by the man he replacedthat Startup had a TV crew on board.Further, that he had been monitoringthe disappearing-reappearing blipsbecause he "was expecting him(Startup) to ask me." Then thecontroller laughed.

When Maccabee asked if thecontroller had ever before seen suchoddly behaving blips, Causer, informedMaccabee: "Yes I have. I think if you'dcheck with most of the radarcontrollers at Wellington, we've all seenanomalous propagation, or unidentifiedreturns from time to time. We haven'ttaken too much notice of them. It wasonly because of the interest shown bythis particular flight and by the previoussightings on the 21st of December, youknow. There was a lot of interestshown."

The controller also told Maccabee:"The thing with all these (radar) targets,with the exception of one I spotted laterin the evening, they were erratic. Youcouldn't track them in the acceptedsense. They showed no afterglow."(When monitoring craft-like objects,the last position appears brightest, with

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Letters, Continued

each successively previous positionappearing less bright.)

As Capt. Startup himself reportedin his own book (p. 98): "Geoff (Causer)had been watching the curious radarimages down the coast for almost halfan hour. They were erratic, though,appearing and disappearing in randomfashion, and he did not consider themto be solid objects. "(Emphasis added.)Inasmuch as Startup at no timechanged course to try to avoid apossible mid-air collision with the blipsreported to him, I must conclude thathe shared controller Causer's opinion.

Although Maccabee has publishednumerous papers and articles on theNew Zealand case, including several inthe MUFON UFO Journal, he has notrevealed what the controller told him onJan. 14,1979, which would indicate thatthe Wellington radar blips were causedeither by anomalous propagationconditions, a malfunction of the radar'smoving target indica tor , or acombination of both. Perhaps this keyomission indicates that advancing yearsare taking a toll of Maccabee's memorycells as well as my own.

Philip J. KlassWashington, D.C.

Cash-Landrum RadiationEditor,

As one who is actively studying theCash-Landrum case, and who hascorresponded with Dr. Peter Rank onnumerous occasions, I must expressmy amusement at Paul Stowe's"Technical Review of RadiationEvidence in Cash-Landrum Case" andDr. Rank's response. (No. 178, Dec.1982).

Dr. Rank begins his review of thearticle by congratulating Mr. Stowe for"the depth of his knowledge and thethoroughness of his analysis....! wouldagree total ly with Mr. Stowe'sanalysis..." He then proceeds to rejectmany of Stowe's assumptions andconclusions:

(1) Regarding assumption of totalbody exposure, "This is by no meansclear."

(2) Regarding Stowe's estimate of200-300 rem exposure, "I do not believe16

Joe Santangelo, Director of MUFON Amateur Radio Nets andEastern Regional Director of MUFON. For information about thenets, contact Mr. Santangelo at 20 Boyce St., Reading, MA 01867.

that a general dosage level can beassigned..."

(3) Regarding assumption ofmonoenergetic source, "It is thereforem i s l e a d i n g t o a s s u m e t h a tmonoenergetic rays of any kind are theprincipal determinant of the patients'symptoms."

Dr. Rank reveals that "there wereno well-documented changes in theblood..." According to Table 1, whichaccompanied Stowe's article, thiswould indicate total body exposure ofless than approximately 50 rem,insufficient to account for the reporteddiarrhea, vomiting, hair loss, and non-healing ulcer. However, if thewitnesses managed to ingest additionalradiation, and apply still more to theirhair (while somehow avoiding totalbody exposure), perhaps this casewould make some sense.

As it now stands, there appears tobe no rational support for thespeculation that Cash-Landrumrepresents a genuine radiationexposure case, much less a "UFO"case. I would strongly urge MUFON toencourage the witnesses to take aproperly administered polygraph

• examination (perhaps on F. LeeBailey's television program "LieDetector"), to assist those of us whoare searching for the truth in this case.

Gary P. Posner, M.D.St. Petersburg, Fla.

Letters to the Editor are invited,commenting on any articles or othermaterial published in the Journal.Please confine them to about 400words. Articles of about 500-700 wordswill be considered for publication as"Comments" or "Notes." Allsubmissions are subject to editing forlength and style. Please type anddouble space all articles.

UFOs as "Pop Culture"

Page 17: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April

Director's Message, from p. 20

is still available from MUFON for $5.00plus $1.50 for postage and handling.

The 1983 MUFON UFOSymposium will be held on July 1,2, and3 at the Huntington-Sheraton Hotel,1401 South Oak Knoll, Pasadena,California; telephone (213) 792-0266.The toll-free number to make hotelreservations in the U.S. is 1-800-325-3535 (In Missouri 800-392-3500),Eastern Canada 800-268-9393; andWestern Canada 800-268-9330. Roomreservations per night are $57.00 for asingle and $67.00 for doubleoccupancy. American Airlines is theOfficial Carrier for the 1983 MUFONUFO Symposium in Pasadena/LosAngeles, California. To take advantageof American's special Meeting ServiceDesk call toll-free 800-433-1790 for U.S.and Canada, and in Texas call 800-792-1160. They will advise you how toqualify for American's money-savingfares and discounts.

The featured speakers and thetitles of their papers are: Mrs. AnnDruf fe l , "Southern California'sStraight-Line Mystery in UFOSightings"; Alan : C . Holt, "UFOPropulsion: Pulsed Radiation andCrystalline Structure"; James M.McCampbell, "UFO Interference withVehicles and Self-Starting Engines";Richard F. Haines, PhD, "A Review ofSelected Aerial Phenomenon Sightingsfrom Aircraft from 1942 to 1952";William L. Moore, "UFOs: Uncoveringthe Ultimate Answer"; Paul C. Cerny,"The Continuing UFO Deception andConfusion Syndrome"; Peter A.Jordan, "Cattle Mutilations and theImagined Culprits: A PsychologicalPerspective"; and J. Allen Hynek, PhD,"UFO Activities Around the World."

The host committee has advisedthat the price of individual sessionsvaries between 3 and 7 dollars, totaling$25.00. Pre-registration is a bargain at$17.50 versus the entire symposiumprice at-the-door of $23.00. With astudent identification card, the studentprice at-the-door is $15.00. Pre-registration reservations should be sentto: MUFON of Southern California,P.O. Box 2723, Sepulveda, CA 91343,with your check made payable to"MUFON of Southern California." this

year's symposium theme is "UFOs: AScientific Challenge."

Two new Research Specialistswere recently appointed. They areThomas C. Billingslea, Route One, Box636, Ore City, TX 75683 in ElectricalEngineering, and Michael G. Barrows,2008 McKinley St., Philadelphia, PA19149. Mr. Billingslea has a B.S.E.E.from Texas A & M University and Mr.Barrows has a B.A. in Sociology.

MUFON of North Carolina hasannounced that their 7th AnnualMUFON UFO Conference will be heldon June 11-12, 1983, at the NatureScience Center in Winston-Salem,N.C. Speakers presently committedare Dr. Willy Smith, Paul B. Norman(Australia), George Fawcett, andBernard Haugen. For fur therinformation, please contact theChairperson, Mrs. Gayle McBride atP.O. Box 46, Winston-Salem, N.C.27102. We have invited Mrs. GayleMcBride and Henry Morton to considerthe possibility of hosting the 1985MUFON UFO Symposium in NorthCarolina. Mr, Morton is the State-Director for North Carolina and Mrs.McBride is the Assistant StateDirector.

"UFOs: Past, Present and Future"is the theme for the Scientific Bureau ofInvestigation (SBI) 1983 UFOSymposium to be held August 12, 13,and 14 at the Ramada Inn, 1228Western Ave., in Albany, NY 12203.Hosted by the SBI of Northern NewYork, Dan Lowenski is the symposiumchairman and Pete Mazzola will be themaster of ceremonies. Pete was soimpressed with the format of the 1982MUFON UFO Symposium in Torontothat he has structured their symposiumin a similar fashion. The speakers will bevolunteers and should submit theircompleted papers by April 30th.Advanced tickets for each of the fivesessions on Saturday and Sunday is$6.00 or a package price of $25.00 forthe entire symposium. Advancedtickets may be secured from The SBI,P.O. Box 193, Staten Island, NY 10312.Hotel reservations are to be madedirectly with the Ramada Inn (518) 489-2981.

R. Powell Adams, State Directorfor Missouri, has announced that an"Investigative Group Training Session"

for Missouri and adjoining States will beheld in St. Louis, Missouri, onSaturday, August 20 and Sundaymorning, August 21, 1983, inconjunction with the annual picnicsponsored by the UFO Study Group ofGreater St. Louis on Sunday afternoonAugust 21st. A copy of Mr. Adams'letter of March 18, 1983 was sent toeach of the following State Directors:Forrest R. Lundberg (Iowa), Stanley J.Fouch (Kansas), Leonard W. Sturm(Illinois) and Burt L. Monroe(Kentucky).

Powell and his committee are to becommended for this ambitious project,that is part of a program to organize theState of Missouri into a stronginvestigative team. The new thirdedition of the Field Investigator'sManual will be an integral part of theprescribed training. Required readingof Obseru/ng UFOs prior to the trainingcourse is being considered, plus severalother books. Your InternationalDirector is now planning his vacation toattend both the training course and theannual picnic. Preliminary plans arealso being made to meet with theMUFON groups in Memphis ,Tennessee, and New Orleans,Louisiana, following the St. Louissession.

Ray W. Boeche, State SectionDirector in Nebraska, has advised thatthe University of Nebraska at Lincolnand the Nebraska Association for theStudy of the Unexplained will again co-sponsor a conference at the Universityof Nebraska on November 11, 12, and13, 1983. In november of 1982, thename of the conference was "ExploringUnexplained Phenomena," featuringDr. Roy Mackal, Dr. J. Allen Hynek,Ray Boeche, and Linda MoultonHowe.Dr. Hynek, Linda Moulton Howe, andTom Adams have confirmed theirinvitations to speak for 1983.

Milos Krmelj, Representative forYugoslavia, has recently mailed copiesof the UFO/Fortean magazineODISEJA (ODYSSEY) Numbers 30and 31 that is edited by Mr. Krmelj. Hehas plans to publish an English editionin the near future with Governmentpermission. Milos has rewritten andpublished several featured articles and

(continued on next page)17

Page 18: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April

MAJOR ANNUAL METEOR SHOWERS(Compiled by Walter N. Webb, MUFON Consultant in Astronomy.)



Eta AquaridsDelta AquaridsPerseids


Duration (Approx.)

Jan. 1-6Apr. 19-24

May 1-8July 15-Aug. 15July 25-Aug. 18

Oct. 16-26Oct. 20-Nov. 30 .Nov. 15-19Dec. 7-15Dec. 17-24

Peak (Approx.)

Jan. 3Apr. 22May 4July 28Aug. 12

Oct. 21Nov. 2Nov. 17

Dec. 14Dec. 22

Hourly Rate (Avg. Yr.)

, 4 015202050

2515155015 '

Radiant* (Constellation)



. (Near Perseus)OrionTaurusLeoGeminiUrsa Minor

*Note: Shower meteors become visible some distance from their radiant points. Therefore, the observer should scan the entiresky when searching for such meteors. Bright fireballs can appear at any time and are not necessarily associated with meteorshowers.

Director's Message, Continued

utilized photographs from the MUFONUFO Journal in his publication for thebenefit of their subscribers. In theCash-Landrum Case, he illustrated thearticle with photographs from theJournal, he prepared the text frommaterial published not only in theMUFON UFO Journal, but theA.P.R.O. Bullet in, CUFOS, andNational Enquirer by Bob Pratt.Kenneth Arnold's photo from the coverof the Journal illustrates an articleabout this famous pioneer. His currentaddress is: Milos Krmelj, Mildnskega 6,61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Yugoslavia.

"Project Rainbow Circular —L e t t e r " was i n i t i a t e d as acommunication supplement to thework of Provisional InternationalCommittee for UFO Research(PICUR) to organize all UFO groupsinto one world-wide federation. It isbasically a newsletter to relate theprogress being made in UFOlogy in thereporting nation, and to adressproblems confronting PICUR betweeninternational meetings. The followingRainbow-members, organizationrepresented, and Nat ion areparticipating in this round-robinnewsletter: Per Anderson (SUFOI),Denmark; David Haisel (UFOCAN)Canada; Peter A. Hill (BUFORA)18

Scotland/England; J. Allen Hynek(CUFOS) USA: Bertil Kuhleman(URD) Sweden; and Walter H. Andrus,Jr. (MUFON) U.S.A. Peter A. Hill is thepresent chairman of PICUR. The nextPICUR meeting will be held in August inc o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h e T h i r dInternational UFO Congress in theUnited Kingdom, August 27,28, and 29,1983, sponsored by BUFORA in Bucks,England. Michael Sinclair, InternationalCoordinator now residing in London, inMUFON's representative to thePICUR meetings.

Ilkka Serra, MUFON Representa-tive for Finland, has forwarded twocopies of the "Annual Report 1981" byThe UFO Research of Finland,published in English. Twelve of the 14pages are devoted to investigated UFOsighting reports from 1974 through1981. The annual report replaces theformer quarterly report and is used intheir "exchange program." The staff ofthe publication is composed of LasseAhonen, Editor-in-Chief; Ilkka Serra,Gosta Malm, and Kalevi Pusa,Translators; Olavi Kivinieni and Kari A.Kuure, Board of Editors. The addressof The UFO Research of Finland is: SF -17950 Ky lama , Finland. I lkkaconducted a workshop session at the1980 MUFON UFO Symposium inClear Lake City, Texas, and alsoattended our 1973 symposium in

Kansas City, Missouri. He has offeredhis best wishes from Finland to all of ourjournal readers.

The work of the SteeringCommittee of the North AmericanUFO Federation will be completed byJuly 1, 1983, per John F. Schuessler,Chairman. The success of the 1982UFO Summit Conference in Toronto,Ontario, dictates that a follow-upmeeting be held in Pasadena,California, on Monday, July 4,1983, inconjunction with the 1983 MUFONUFO Symposium at the Huntington-Sheraton Hotel to take final action onthe implementation of the federation,adoption of bylaws, specific business,and election of officers if appropriate.

In order that the travel plans ofrepresentatives and attendees will notbe disrupted, the meeting will beconfined to a half day (8:00 a.m. to noonor 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.). The SteeringCommittee has already been advisedby individual correspondence. UFOgroups or organizations that were

. unable to be represented in Torontoand desire to be part of the new NorthAmerican UFO Federation, shouldadvise the Steering CommitteeChairman, John F. Schuessler, P.O.Box 58485, Houston, TX 77058 as soonas possible, i d e n t i f y i n g yourorganization and representative.°

Page 19: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April

Lucius Farish

In Others' Words

In the only recent NATIONALENQUIRER article on UFOs, BradSteiger tells of his childhood encounterwith a small humanoid. The eventoccurred in 1940, Steiger says.However, if memory serves correctly,the details of this particular incidenthave changed considerably sinceSteiger first wrote about it. For thosewho are interested, the article is in the".ENQUIRER'S March 29 issue.

The "Anti-Matter/UFO Update"column of April OMNI deals with theMinnesota case in which a woman diedof cold and starvation while waiting for aUFO landing.

William R. Corliss' second volumein his "Catalog of Anomalies" series,T O R N A D O S , D A R K DAYS,ANOMALOUS PRECIPITATION,AND RELATED WEATHER PHENO-,MENA, is now available. The contentsare broken down into nine categories,covering such topics as unusual clouds,falls of animate and inanimate objects,giant hail, rain from cloudless skies,dark days, tornados, whirlwinds andother atmospheric phenomena. Forthose who are familiar with the lateMorris K. Jessup's writings on theseeming link between UFOs andunusual sky events, there is much toconsider in this Catalog. As with all thevolumes in this series, there are fiveseparate indexes, as well as numerousillustrations. Anything from Corliss

a lways c a r r i e s t h e h i g h e s trecommendation. Copies of theCatalog may be obtained for $11.95from The Sourcebook Project, Box107, Glen Arm, MD 21057.

Zecharia Sitchin is one of theoutstanding writers on what has cometo be known as the "ancientastronauts" subject. His second book,THE STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN,continues his research into the historyand mythology of the Near East.Abundantly illustrated and containingan extensive bibliography and an index,the book is now available in apaperback edition. It may be orderedfrom Avon Books, Mail Order Dept.,224 West 57th Street, New York, NY10019. The price is $3.50, plus 50f forpostage and handling. Sitchin's firstbook, THE 12TH PLANET, is alsoavailable from this address, for $2.50(plus 50$). Both books are highlyrecommended.

Brad Steiger's latest book, THESEED, continues his "Star People"theme, presenting his theories andspeculations on possible ancestorsfrom the stars, as well as reptilian formsof life which may either have come fromouter space or originated here onEarth. THE SEED is available fromBerkley Book Mailing Service, P.O.Box 690, Rockville Centre, NY 11570.The price is $2.75, plus 75<P for postageand handling.




The UFO NEWSCLJPPING SERVICEwill keep you informed of all the latestUnited States and World-Wide UFOactivity, as it happens! Our service wasstarted in 1969, at which time wecont rac ted w i t h a r e p u t a b l einternational newspaper-clippingbureau to obtain for us, those hard tofind UFO reports (i.e., little knownphotographic cases, close encounterand landing reports, occupant cases)and all other UFO reports, many ofwhich are carried only in small town orforeign newspapers."Our UFO Newsclipping Serviceissues are 20-page monthly reports,r e p r o d u c e d b y p h o t o ^ o f f s e t ,containing the latest United States andCanadian UFO newsclippings, withour foreign section carrying the latestBritish, Australian, New Zealand andother foreign press reports. Alsoincluded is a 3-5 page section of"Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfoot andother "monster" reports). Let us keepyou informed of the latest happeningsin the UFO and Fortean fields."For subscription information andsample pages from our service, writetoday to: '


Plumerville, Arkansas 72127


UFO alert as mystery light passes over BerksTHE Thames Valley was on UFOred alert last night.

Air force bases throughout theregion scanned the skies after aglowing white object was spottedwest of Reading.

Battle radar at a US Air Force basetracked the mystery object In the night*ky.

"We are picking op a primary' target", said a USAF air traffic con-

troller.But the UFO disappeared from the

sky above Reading at about 9.15pm."I thought I was going mad, said a

Hnngerford woman who reported theslowly-moving bright white light to the

Evening Post earlier In the evening.But NATO air traffic control staff it

the US air strike base it Upper Heyfordconfirmed they had had reports of asighting earlier In the day.

Berkshire villagers reported theobject, which was moving slowly west.

Astronomers at the Royal GreenwichObservatory at Herstmonceuz In Sus-sex confirmed there should be nothingIn the western sky except for Venus:

USAF Upper Heyford air traffic con-troller Sergeant Byrd Cormier said: "Aprimary target means that the light Isbouncing back off something out there.

"This Is a primary target bat we havenot been able to Identify It, and do not

have radio contact with, IfOther key alrbases In the Thane*

Valley scanned the sky for the object. .RAF Brlze Norton air traffic control-

ler Corporal Candellln said they wereunlble to pick up the object.

SightingsHe said the Oxfordshire base knew of

a barrage balloon that had slipped Itsmoorings at Stratford and was beadingsouth, Cut the timing of the balloon'sprogress did not tie In with the Read-ing sightings.

Squadron Leader Haves at RAF Ben-son In Sooth Oxfordshire said: "ThereIs nothing on the radar. Oar almanacsIndicate That Tenai wwU a* In A*

western On tonight, bat that may wellnot be what was spatted."_ Mrs Patricia Horrlgtn, of TamnUHill, Hungerford, ssldi "I thought 1was going mad.

"We were going to watch a sciencefiction programme on the televisionand I was going to hang the washingout. I saw a brilliant light In the sky. Itwas very, very bright and at about 9pmI saw It moving, growing yellow anddimmer."

USAF Upper Heyford said theyreceived several telephone calls Ironpeople claiming to have seen the UFO,buj despite the sighting on tbelr battfe

were unable to say what Ike


Page 20: MUFON UFO Journal - 1983 4. April


After many months of preparation,the third edition of the MUFON FieldInvestigator's Manual (edited byRaymond E. Fowler, Director ofInvestigations) is now available. Itconsists of 20 sections prepared byauthorities in each of their respectivefields of expertise. MUFON is indebtedto the following people for additionalsections in the new manual: MichaelHough (Australia) for Section 2 of XItitled "Lightning Strikes as the Cause of.Some UFO Ground Traces"; RichardNiemtzow, M.D. and John F.Schuessler for Section XV, titled"Evaluation of Medical Injuries fromUFO Close Encounters"; StephenClark for Section XVI on "Hypnosis asan Investigative Aid"; Thomas P.Deuley, for Section XIX, titled"Radiation Survey of Landing Cases";and Walter H. Andrus for Section XXon the topic "The Challenge toUFOlogy by the Mutual UFO Network.

Updated revisions of existingSections have been contributed byFred Adrian, Joan Jeffers, BruceMaccabee, and William H. Spaulding in"Photographic Evidence"; RonWestrum for "The Field Investigator'sCode of Ethics"; Richard F. Haines,PhD, for Aerial Sighting Reports (Form11); T.P. Deuley for Residual Radiation(Form 10); Fred Meritt and WaltAndrus for Computer Input (Form 2);Walter Webb for updated "BrightPlanet Location Charts"; P. WayneLaporte for "UFO Apparent Size atArm's Length Chart"; and majorrevisions by Ted Phillips in "FieldInvestigation of Alleged UFO LandingSites." The new manual contains 161pages, 8'/£ x 11 size, in a standard three-ring binder format. The third edition ofthe MUFON Field Investigator'sManual is dedicated to J. Allen Hynek,PhD, for his untiring efforts to bring theimportance of the UFO phenomenonto the scientific and academiccommunities. (The second edition wasdedicated to the late James E.

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Investigator's Manual (copright 1983) isan essential tool, the price to currentMUFON members is $6.00 plus $1.50postage and handling. For all others(non-current members), the price of themanual is $10.00 plus $1.50 for postageand handling. State Section Directorswho have been planning Field

Investigator training courses, utilizingthe new manual, may now expeditetheir plans.

A very fine supplement toMUFON's new manual is the bookObserving UFOs by Richard F. Haines,published by Nelson-Hall in Chicago.This outstanding trade size paperback

(continued on page 17)

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