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Page 1: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Abridge –condense or shorten

The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Page 2: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Abstemious –sparing in eating and drinking; temperate

Huston believed that the restaurants serving of one potato encouraged an abstemious lifestyle.

Page 3: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Abstract – theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentationalGina did not understand what the

abstract painting was suppose to mean.

Page 4: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Abstruse – obscure; profound; difficult to understandThe child didn’t understand the abstruse

internet article on Dark Matter and the String Theory.

Page 5: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Accessible –easy to approach; obtainable

The walkway was blocked by a tree, making the building inaccessible.

Page 6: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Acclaim –applaud; announce with great approval

This weekend Mr. Holland decided to see the summer’s most highly acclaimed movie.

Page 7: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Acknowledge –recognize; admit

Page 8: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Adulation –flattery; admiration

Mr. Yorkson was a very critical boss, but he finally gave adulation during a meeting. Unfortunately, it was for his own idea.

Page 9: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Adversary –opponent

After viewing the new Star Trek movie, Grumpy Cat found the villainous Khan an unworthy adversary.

Page 10: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Adversity – unfavorable fortune; hardship; a calamitous event

The snake experienced adversity when being bullied by the school of possums.

Page 11: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Advocate – urge; plead for

Tommy’s good conscience advocated that he not steal the new X-Men movie.

Page 12: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Aesthetic – artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciation of the beautiful

Thomas did not believe that the art had any aesthetic appeal.

Page 13: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Affable – Easily approachable; warmly friendly

The Zombie’s found Janet affable, because she gave them jelly donuts.

Page 14: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Affirmation – positive assertion; confirmation

The cat affirmed that he would eat ALL of the hotdogs.

Page 15: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Alleviate – Relieve

Page 16: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Aloof – apart; reserved

Aloof Cat taught Aloof Cat Jr. how to ignore people who tried to pet them.

Page 17: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Altruistic – unselfishly generous; concerned for othersIn the future, even though George was having a bad day, he altruistically helped his friend change the spaceship’s flat tire.

Page 18: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Ambiguous – unclear or doubtful in meaning

It was ambiguous whether they were eating with their Grandma or actually eating their Grandma.

Page 19: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Ambivalence – the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes

Patricia felt ambivalent about ambulances; they had cool sounds and light, but often carried hurt people.

Page 20: Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class Abridge – condense or shorten The book had been abridge from a 600 page novel to a 10 page summary.

Ms. Geiss’ AP English III Class

Analogous – comparable

Bees and a bee hive are analogous to ants and an ant hill.

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