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    Association of Private Dental

    and Medical Colleges of

    Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal


    E-2/51, Arera Colony,

    Opp Habibganj Railway Station

    Bhopal -462016 (M.P.)

    Tel: : 0755 2460047, 2467244, 3201141, 3256198





    P R O S P E C T U S 2 0 1 4

    Websites :




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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus







    In pursuance of judgm ent dated 24/01/ 2014 of the

    Hon'ble Supreme Court of I ndia in I.A. No. 69,70,71

    and 72 in Civi l Appeal No. 4060/ 2009. Association of

    Private Dental and Medical Colleges of MadhyaPrad esh w ill be cond uctin g an Entran ce Test wh ich is

    fair, transparent and non-exploitative. Thus under

    the supervision of Admission and Fee Regulatory

    Committee DMAT- Examination 2014 is being

    cond ucted for ad m ission .

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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus




    l The Association of Private Dental and Medical Colleges of

    Madhya Pradesh(APDMC), hereinafter referred to as the

    'Association' was established and registered under the

    Societies Regulation Act 1973 at Indore vide Regn. No.

    IND/ 7448 dated 23/ 02/20 04. The Association is the

    Representative Body of 20 Private Unaided Dental and

    Medi cal Colleges of Madh ya Pradesh.

    l In compliance of the directions of Hon'ble Apex Court, the

    Associat ion h as taken a decision t o hold a Comm on Entra nceTest DM AT- 201 4, whi ch wi ll b e condu cted by th e Associat ion

    for admissions in Private Dental and Medical Colleges of

    Madhya Pra desh.

    l Association will also conduct Entrance Test for admission to

    BPT, B.Sc. Nur sing and other All ied Para med ical Cour ses.

    l The Brochure for DMAT 2014 contains Application Form for

    the Com mo n Entr ance Test DMAT 2014 . It also conta ins

    Rules for admission and information about courses andcoll eges. These Rules are appl icable only for th e Academ ic

    Year 2014- 15.

    l The Admission Committee wil l consist of 5 Members

    nom inated b y the Association. The Comm ittee wil l supervise

    the conduct of DMAT-2014 Entrance Examination, the

    preparation and declaration of the results, conduct of

    counselli ng and all otm ent of cour ses and coll eges.

    l The Adm ission Comm ittee wi ll i ssue necessary in struction s for

    implementation of these rules and provide informations to

    be publi shed and comm unicated.

    l The results of DMAT-2014 wil l be declared only after due

    approval of Admi ssion Commi ttee.

    l T h e A d m i s s i o n C o m m i t t e e s h a l l d e c i d e o n a l l

    representations, queries, complaints etc. of the candidates

    and the decision of the Comm ittee shall b e f inal and b indin g.

    l DMAT 2014 shall be conducted under the guidance of

    Admi ssion and Fee Regulatory Comm ittee for Professional



    TEST DMAT - 2014

    Candidates should go through the contents of this brochure

    carefully and for any clarif ication and genuine doubts /diff icult ies, approach to the Admission Committee. Further

    information if any required about the entrance test, wil l be

    uploaded and avail able regul arly on the websites of Association .


    NOTE :




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    If due to unforeseen circumstances during the conduct of DMAT-

    2014 at the center (s) and in the contingencies like incidence of

    mass copying, leakage of Question paper, entrance of

    unauthorized persons in the examination centre/hall, natural

    calamities, riots, etc. the Admission Committee may cancel the

    examinati on at such or all centre(s) such cancelled exami nation

    would be re-conducted on a l ater date at th e earliest which shall

    further notify on the websites. The fresh prog ram me for conductof DMAT 2014 at such centre(s) only.






    DELHI 03 PATNA 09


    INDORE 05 REWA 11



    1. The Associat ion reserves the r ight to add or delete

    th e Test Cit y's/Centr es.

    Kindly choose the examination Test City's/Centres

    careful ly. If the opted is ful l the candidate wil l be

    allotted the second opted Test City's/Centres

    automatical ly.

    2 . Sy l labus for the DMAT-2014 (Annex B) w i l l be

    same a s that of class XII of CBSE or of 10+ 2 of

    Madhya Pradesh State Board of th e academi c year

    2013-14 or equivalent examination, for Physics,Chem istry and Biol ogy. Sylla bus is also availa ble on

    the w ebsite of the Associat ion .

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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus




    Application Forms for entrance examination wil l be

    availabl e at the selected bran ches of State Bank of Indi a on

    payment of Rs. 750/- ( Rs. Seven hundred f i f ty only) th rough


    Application Forms are also available at all part icipating

    colleges/ Association Office on payment of Rs. 750/- ( Rs.

    Seven hundred f if ty only) through cash/ demand draft in

    favour of APDMC payable at Bhopal.

    Application Forms can also be obtained from the

    Association Office/Participating Colleges by post by

    remit t ing a DD of Rs. 850/- ( including p ostal charges).

    Application Form can also be downloaded from our

    website. In case the application form has been downl oaded

    from website it shall be submitted alongw ith Dema nd Draft

    of Rs. 1500/ - ( for MBBS / BDS Courses) an d (Rs. 750/- for

    other Courses ) drawn in favour of APDMC, payable at

    Bhopal .

    Before f i l l ing the application form the candidate must

    fami l iar ize h im sel f /hersel f wi th the i n format ion g iven in

    this brochure and shall satisfy his/h er eligibi l i ty to ap pear

    in the examinat ion. The candidat e is required to go

    through the information brochure carefully and acquaint

    himself/herself with all requirements with regard to the

    f i l l ing- in of the Appl icat ion Form. Appl icat ion Form wi l l be

    fi l led by Bla ck Ball Point Pen in English only.

    Overwri t ing, cutt ings, erasing i n the Appli cation Form may

    lead to rejection of the Form and should be avoided. Any

    error a rising on this account shall be the responsibil i ty of

    the candidat e. (It is advisable to f i rst f i l l in a photocopy of

    the form and then f i l l in the mai n). Candidat e should wr ite

    his/her complete address in the appli cation form for furth er

    corr espond ence. Pin Code shoul d be given in the space

    provi ded for Pin Code. Candi dates are also advised to keep

    photocopy of Application Form in hi s/h er record. The Application Form s compl ete in all respect should be

    subm itted to the Controll er of Exami nation, DMAT OFFICE,

    E-2/51, Arera Colony, Opp. Habibganj Railway Station,

    BHOPAL (M.P) 462016 by Registered / Speed

    Post/ Courier/ in person with Examin ation Fee of Rs. 750/-

    by Demand Draft drawn in favour of APDMC, payable at

    Bhopal. Candidates deposit ing Application Form in p erson

    can al so deposit Exam ina tion Fee by cash in DM AT Officeth

    and obtain necessary receipt latest by 25 June, 2014 andth

    27 June, 2014 with lat e fees of Rs. 200/-.

    Note: Candidat es applying f or BPT/B.Sc. Nursing and other

    Paramedical Courses are not required to send the

    examination fee draft of Rs. 750/- alongwith Application


    The application is required to be duly returned in the

    envelope provided alongwi th the Application Form.

    Candidat e shall write Nam e and Application Form

    Number on the back of D emand Draf t .

    Incompl ete Application Forms wil l be rejected.

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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus





    Form should be f i l led by the candidate in his/her own

    handwrit ing. It is suggested that candidate make a

    photocopy of the Form and u se that for pr actice. Please f i l l

    the form with great care, request for corrections wil l not be

    entertained at any stage, incomplete f i l led Appl ication Form s

    will be rejected with out an y notice. Candidat es should read

    all the instructions carefully and f i l l the Form with utmost

    clar ity. They shoul d use Black Ball Poin t Pen only. Fill th e

    Form in Engl ish using CAPITAL LETTERS only.

    5.1 Name of the Candidate: Wr i te f i rst name, then middle name

    (abbreviate if necessary) and then surname in the boxes

    provided on top of the circles. Leave a box blank between

    fir st, second an d surn am e.

    5.2 Date of Bir th of Candidate: In the f i rs t co lumn two boxes are

    provided; write th e date in the boxes. Thereafter Two box are

    provided, wr i te the month ( i f born in Jan wr i te 01) and in the

    third column two boxes are given. Write the year ( if born in

    year 1991 write 9 and 1).

    5.3 Sex: Tick the appropr ia te Column Male or Female in the boxprovided.

    5.4 Cour ses : Tick the choi ce of cour se. Candi date app eari ng for

    DMAT-2014 are eligible for any course available in the

    counsell i ng if qu alify for that course whether opted or n ot.

    5.5 Choice of Centres: Tick up the choice of the two centres in

    ord er of prefer ence and wri te Centr e Code No. FIRST &

    SECOND choice.

    5.6 Name of Parent /Guardian: Wr i te f i rst name, then middle

    nam e (abbr eviate if necessary) th en surname in th e boxes

    provided. Leave a box blank between nam es.

    5.7 Mai l ing address should be clear ly wr i t ten ent i rely ins ide the

    boxes. Write your address and f ina lly PIN code. Write

    addr ess in capital l etters only.

    5.8 I f you have contact te lephone/m obi le numbers p lease f i l l in

    the b oxes.

    5.9 A recent colour h igh contrast 3.5 cm. x 4.5 cm. size

    photogra ph is required. Only photograph of the front profi le

    with fu ll face, head, shoulder a nd with both ears visible and

    taken wi thout wear ing an y cap or h at or sunglasses wil l only

    be accepted. Polaroi d photo is NOT acceptab le. Photo gra ph

    mu st be taken on or after 1st January, 2014 with a playcard

    indicating the name of the candidate (as in the application

    form) and the date of taking photograph.

    In case name and date are wri tten on the photograph a fter

    taki ng it, the appli cation wi l l be rejected.

    The name and date on the photograph must be clear and


    Photograph should be pasted in such a manner that full

    profi l e or head, face and shoulder l ies entirely in side the box

    and no where else. Do not use pin/staple to f ix the

    photograp h. Do not attest or sign the photograph.

    5.10 Signature should be m ade by the Candidate hi mself/herself

    entirely inside the box.

    5.11 Thumb Im pression: - Appl y your left thumb im pression using

    RED STAMP PAD ink in the space provided in appli cation

    form . Allow the ink to get compl ete dry.

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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus


    recognized Board, U niversity with th e percentage of m ark s

    as mentioned above.


    An y o t h e r q u a l i f i c a t i o n r e c o g n i z e d b y G o v t . o f

    India/Medical Council of India/Dental Council of India as

    recognized qualif ication for admission to MBBS/BDS



    FOR :



    For admission to BPT, B.Sc. Nursing, and other Allied

    Param edical Courses those cand ida tes who have pa ssed the

    qual i fy ing Examinat ion of 10+ 2 f rom Board of Secondary

    Education M.P. or C.B.S.E. having passed in Physics,

    Chemistry and Biol ogy subject individuall y are eligibl e for

    admission. For admission to B.Sc. Nursing Coursescand ida te mu st have passed in Engl ish also.


    Those who have passed any equivalent or higher

    examination with above said subjects from any other

    recognized Boar d/ University.


    Any other quali f ication recognized by r elevant Council of

    India as recognized qualif ication for admission to above


    No rou nding off of the m arks secured by th e candidat es in

    10+ 2 or equiva lent Examinat ion wi l l be done in

    individ ual subjects of f inal total, wh ile converting m arks of

    the individu al subjects out of 100 or total m arks out of 200.

    NOTE :

    (a) Al l the par t icu lars in the Appl icat ion Form m ust be wr i t ten

    carefully and legibly by the candidate in his/her own handwr i t ing.

    (b) The candidates are advised to keep the photocopy of

    application form (of both sides). If any candidate demand

    photocopy of application form it wil l be provided by DMAT

    office on p ayment of Rs.200/-

    (c) Any at tempt on the par t o f a candidate to in f luence the

    authorit ies, directly or indirectly wil l be treated as

    disqualif ication of candida ture for ad mi ssion.

    6. FOR FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE:(a) Ment ion your address for commu nicat ion in the appropr ia te


    (b) Thereaf ter no change wi l l be permit ted and the candidate

    will have to make his/her arrangement for receiving the

    mai l on that a ddress or redirecting of the mail .

    (c) The APDMC shal l not take any responsib i l i ty for non-

    delivery of an y comm unication on above account.

    (d) Always ment ion your Appl icat ion Form Number as pr in ted

    on top left hand corner of the Form. After the allotm ent ofRoll Number th e candida te should m ention the Roll Numb er

    for al l corr espond ence.



    For ad mi ssion to MBBS/ BDS Cour ses, those cand ida tes who

    have passed the qual i fy ing examinat ion of 10+ 2 f rom

    Boar d of Seconda ry Education M.P. or CBSE havi ng passed

    in Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects individually and

    have secured at least mini mum 50% mar ks in Physics,Chemi stry and Bi ology combi ned together and mu st have

    passed in English al so.


    Those who have passed any equivalent or higher

    examination with the aforesaid subjects from any other

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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus


    For exampl e, If the total of the m arks in four subjects comes to 99out of 200 percentage comes to 49.50 that wil l not qualify thecandidate.

    The candidates who are appearing for the qualifying

    examinat ion i .e . 10+ 2 or equiva lent in March/Apr i l 2014

    are also eligible to appear for DMAT- 2014 provid ed they

    must fulf i l l the eligibi l i ty condit i ons.

    I f the marks of a candidate at XI I or 10+ 2 (or equiva lent)

    examination have been revised after revaluation, the

    eligibi l i ty of the candidate ma y be altered. The candida te

    will be permitted to avail the benefit of revised marks

    subject to his/her representation to the Admission

    Committee and production of necessary proof to thesatisfaction of the Admission Committee. The candidates

    must note that the Admission Committee wil l not be

    responsible for late declaration of result of such re-

    evaluation or la te subm issions of proof d ue to any reasons

    whatsoever an d r equest to consider/reconsider the claim of

    the candidat e arising out of such re- evaluation shall n ot be

    entertained. Candidates have to furnish all proofs before

    the publication of merit l i st.

    Candidates who have failed in any subject and got

    supplem entary are also eligible provided he/ she subm it theresult of passing on or before last Counsell ing 30/ 09/ 2014.

    Note: N o Dom icile is required. Any Indi an Cit izen can apply.

    8. SCHEDULE OF DMAT - 2014

    D a te o f Ex am i n a ti o n: 2 9t h Ju n e, 2 01 4 ( Su n d ay )

    Tim e: 09: 00 am to 12: 00 noon

    Subjects: Physics, Chem istry, Botany & Zoology


    The DMAT-2014 w il l consist of on e comm on question paper of 3hours duration in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology(Botany an d Zoology) consisting of 200 mu lt ipl e choice questionswhere subject wise distr ibut ion wi l l be as under:

    Physics 50 Questions

    Chemistry 50 Questions

    Botany 50 Questions

    Zoology 50 Quest ions

    All questions are compulsory hence the candidate is expected toattempt a ll th e questions. Out of four bubbles provided again steach qu estion on the answer sheet; the candidates wil l h ave todarken onl y one bubble by using Black Ball Point Pen. For eachcorrect answer one mark wil l be awarded.

    There shall be no negative marking for wrong answers,scratching, overwriting, tick marks, erasers, whiteners and

    mul tiple answers and use of any pencil, pen other then Black BallPoint Pen wil l be awarded no m arks.

    The cand ida te shoul d use BLACK BALL POINT PEN onl y to fil l theOMR Answer Sheet.



    Durat ion of examinat ion wi l l be of 3 hours. The medium of thetest shall b e English and Hindi only.




    After the completion of test, the Admission Committee wil l geteach question on the question paper examined by "subject-experts" al ongwith the answers suggested by t he paper- setter andmoderator. If any question is found to be defective by theseexperts, then it wil l be cancelled.Question can be cancelled due to fol low ing r easons;i) Wrong structuring of the question.i i) More then one option being correct.i i i) None of the option being correct.iv) Any pr in t ing error leading to a si tuat ion where more than

    one answer m ay be correct or none of the answers may becorrect.

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    In lieu of such cancelled questions, every candidate will beawarded extra marks in proportion to the marks obtained byhim/her, irrespective of the fact whether the candidate had

    attem pted such cancelled q uestions or not.The answers prepared by the subject experts shall be f inal andbinding.

    12. ADMIT CARD

    Admit Card of candidates shall be uploaded on ourwebsite one week before the Examinati on.

    No candidate wil l be allowed to appear for DMAT-2014unless he/she holds valid admit card issued by theControll er of Examinati on, DMAT-2014.

    The candidat e is required to preserve the Adm it Card forall fu tur e reference and correspondence.

    13. AGE LIMIT

    No candidate shall be admitted to a Medical/Dental College /BPT/ B.Sc. Nursing and ot her All ied Para M edical Courses unti lhe/she has compl eted or wil l complete the age of 17 years on orbefore 31st December 2014.


    For reckonin g the age as aforesaid th e date of bir th as mentionedin the certificate of Higher Secondary School CertificateExamination or the mark sheet of the said examination or anequivalent examination of a recognized Board/ University shallbe deemed to au thentic.

    15. NRI SEATS

    (A) NRI Seats w i l l be f i l l ed up as pe r Hon 'b le Supreme Cour tjud gm en t i n I .A . N o. 57 an d 5 9 i n Civi l Ap pe al No . 406 0 /2009 dated 3rd April, 2012.

    ( B ) M i n im u m Ed u ca ti o na l Qu a l if i ca t io n [ D en t al / M e di ca lColl eges ]

    The candidates seeking admission against NRI quota, shouldhave passed the qual i fy ing examinat ion of 10+ 2 f rom Board ofSecondary Education M.P. or CBSE having passed in Physics,Chemistry and Biology subjects individu ally and have secured at

    least mi nim um 50% mar ks in Physics, Chemistry and Biologycombi ned together and must have passed in English al so.

    ORThose who have passed any equivalent or higher examinationwith the aforesaid subjects from any other recognized Board,University with the percentage of m arks as mentioned above.


    Any equivalent exami nation 10+ 2, M.P. Board of SecondaryEd u c a t i o n / C BSE/ Q u a l i f y i n g e x a m i n a t i o n o u t s i d e I n d i arecognized by Medical Council of India /D ental Council of India foradm ission to MBBS/ BDS cour ses.

    ( C) M in i m um Ed uca ti on al / Q ua li fi ca ti on :(BPT/B.SC. NURSING/OTHER ALLIED PARAMEDICALCOURSES)As mention ed in Para -7 (B)

    16. HOW TO APPLY

    The NRI candidates shall apply directly to the Head of theconcerned Institution in the application form prescribed by theInstitution. Eligible Candidates may contact the Head of theInstitution regarding their adm ission against NRI Seats. NRIcandida tes are not requi red to appear i n DMAT - 2014.

    The screening of the appl ications shall be done at the institutionlevel. The admissions shall be done on the basis of merit l istprepared fr om the appli cations received. If the seats are not f i l ledunder N RI quota then such seats shall be f i l l ed as drop out / vacantseats as per para 15 (A) above.

    Fees: The annual proposed fee for the NRI candidates wil l be asment ioned below

    S. No Courses Annual Fees

    1. MBBS 20000 US $

    2. BDS 10000 US $

    3. BPT 3000 US $

    4. B.SC. NURSING 3000 US $

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    Note: Seats distr ibution in view of H on'ble Supreme Court di rections between State Quota/APDMC Quota & N .R.I. wil l be availabl e on websitebefore the Counsell i ng.

    17. SEATS AVAILABLE The avail abi li ty of Coll egewise Seats for MBBS/BDS/ Courses to be fill ed duri ng Academi c Session 20 14-15 are g iven below:-


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  • 5/25/2018 MP DMAT 2014 Prospectus


    Note: Distr ibution of Seats wil l be available on our website

    before commencement of th e Counsell ing. MCI/DCI and GOI may grant permission or fresh

    reorgani zation or increase in intake capacity of theexisting Coll eges.

    In case private colleges other than menti oned in the tableabove wh o have app lied t o MCI/ DCI / Respective Coun cil sfor academic session 2014-15 gets approval, their seatswould al so be available at the t im e of admission.

    R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjai n, Sri Aurobin doInstitu te of Med ical Sciences, Indo re an d People's Coll egeof Medi cal Sciences & RC, Bhopa l ar e alr eady recognized

    by MCI & Govt. of India, Modern Dental College &Research Centre, Indore, People's College of DentalSciences & RC, Bhopal, College of Dental Sciences &Hospital, Rau Indore, Hitkarini Dental College andHospital, Jabalpur, People's Dental Academy, Bhopal, SriAurobin do College of Dentistry, Indore, Mahara na PratapCollege of Dentistry & RC, Gwalior, RKDF Dental College &RC, Bhopal and Guru Gobind Singh College of DentalSciences & RC, Burhanpur are also recognized by DCI &GOI.

    Admission to other Dental & Medical colleges for thesession 2014- 15 would be availabl e only after the renewalof perm ission is granted by DCI/ MCI.

    ** Seats shall be f i l led up from minority communities asper di rections of State Min ority Commi ssion if a ll seats arenot f i l led up f rom Minor i ty Communi ty remain ing vacantseats shall b e f i l led up from DMAT merit 2014/ equivalentqual i fy ing examinat ion.


    On the basis of the mark s obtained by candida tes in th e DMAT-2014 mer i t l is t wi l l be prepared depending upon number of(APDMC Quota) sanctioned seats. Remaining candidates up to af ixed num ber wi l l be k ept in the wai t ing l ist .

    Merit cr iter ia in case of candida tes with equa l m arks

    Merit order of candida tes having secured equal total m arks wil l bedecided o n the b asis ofmar ks obtained in indi vidual subjects arran ged in order of their

    imp ortance as follows :

    1st Zoology 2nd Botany3rd Chemistry 4th Physics

    There after the person elder in age wi l l be preferred.



    The allotment of seats shall be made to the candidatesthrough open counsell ing on the basis of personalappea ran ces. The counselli ng Com mi ttee will consist of: -

    ( i ) Al l Members of Admission Comm it tee or any one asper th e decision of Admi ssion Comm ittee.

    ( i i ) Nominee o f AFRC.

    ( i i ) Al l the Deans / Director of Medical /Denta l Col legesand nom inated mem bers of APDMC.

    ( i i i ) Contro l ler o f DMAT Examinat ions.

    Candidates who have been allotted a seat in f irstcounselling on merit basis, because of any reason couldnot join the allotted institution are also eligible topar ticipate in second open counsellin g.

    The program me for counsell ing shall be advertised in th el e a d i n g N e w s p a p e r s o f t h e S t a t e . C o u n s e l l i n gprogramme shall also be available on website of theAssociat ion . Separa te call letter s wil l not b e sent.

    Candidat es shall have to travel f or the counsell ing at theirown cost.

    Candidates shall not be allowed to enter the areaspecif ied for counsell ing withou t showing the DMAT-2014Examin ati on RANK CARD.

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    in Para 20 (A) shall not be eligi ble for admission.

    The candidate shall wait for their turn in the order ofmerit . Candida tes shall be called i n small gr oup of 10- 20for scrut iny i .e . ver i f icat ion of required or ig inaldocuments and if found eligible, shall further bepermitted for the counsell ing where they shall exercisetheir option for allotm ent of any one of the available seatswhich shall b e f inal and the same shall be allotted to th emon the spot and th e allotm ent letter shall be i ssued.

    If a Cand ida te due to any un avoid abl e circum stan ces doesnot remain present on the date and t im e f ixed for h im/ her

    for scrutiny of the documents and counselling then suchcandi date, if he/ she com es after war ds, shall be consideredonly at the stage, where the counsell ing is in progressirrespective of hi s merit. He shall b e considered only if thecounsell ing is going on, and allotment done before toother candida tes on the basis of their m erit shall rem ainunchanged.

    Such candida tes those who a re absent or th ose who couldnot participate in the counsell ing due to incompletedocuments shall be called in the next counseling, if seats

    sti l l r emain vacant.

    All or igina l documents wil l be verif ied by the concernedcollege at the t im e of admi ssion.

    Canvassing directly or indir ectly for the all otment of seatwould disqualify the candida te for adm ission. Influ encingthe staff by unfair means wil l lead to cancellation ofa l lo t ted seat and such candidate wi l l a lso facedisqualif ication for appearance in the subsequent DMAT -2014.

    Candidates selected for admission shall be subject todisciplinary rules of University/ Institution/ Governmentand Management.

    A Candidate selected for any MBBS/BDS/ BPT /B.Sc.Nursing and Other All ied Param edical Courses as per

    The candidat e without or igina l documents as menti oned

    meri t wil l not be all owed for change of college on mutu albasis.

    The selection mad e by the Ad mi ssion Comm ittee as perprocedure is f inal and wi l l be bind ing on th e candida te.

    Admission to the candidate wil l be given only after thecandidate wil l deposit his/her all-relevant originalcertificates, documents alongwith the balance course feethrough ban k draft in favour of allotted college. Origi nal

    certif icates wil l be returned only after completion ofinternship.

    20. Documents to be produced at

    time of counselling

    1 . D em a n d D r a ft o f Rs. 2 ,5 0, 00 0/ - ( MBBS) Rs. 1 ,2 5, 00 0 / -(BDS) , Rs. 10,000/- for BPT/ B.Sc. Nursing and otherCourses in favour of APDMC payable at Bhop al as (Tuit ionfee).

    2. Rank Car d of D MAT 2014.

    3 . P ho to co py o f f il l ed A pp l ica ti on Fo rm .

    4. Pr oof of Ident i f i cati on.

    5 . Co un sel l in g fe e o f Rs. 10 00 / - i n ca sh .

    6 . GA P Cer ti fi ca te i f a ny ( a ff id avi t) .


    Because of any reasons candidates who are unable to submit

    Demand Dr aft at the t im e of counsell ing, wil l have to subm it anunder taking that they wi l l submit the required Demand Draf t inDMAT Office withi n 3 days after date of counsell ing.

    20. (A). Documents to be subm itted at the t im e of Admission atrespective coll ege

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    1 . Or i gi n al m a rk sh eet of qu al i fy in g ex am i n at io n.

    2 . M i gr a ti o n ce rt i fi ca t e ( ex ce pt M P Bo a rd Bho p al ) f r om t h e

    University & Board.

    3 . L et te r of a l l ot m en t i ssu ed b y t h e Adm i ssi o n Co m m i t te e/DMAT - 2014 Counsell ing Commi ttee.

    4 . Si x ( 6 ) r ece nt pa ssp o rt si ze p h ot og r ap h s.

    5 . St at em en t o f m a rk s o bt ai n ed in 10 + 2 o r e qu i va len texaminat ion.

    6 . Pa ssi n g ce rt i fi ca t e o f 1 0 + 2 o r e qu i va l en t e xa m i n at i on .

    7 . Ra nk Ca rd ob ta in ed in DM AT- 20 14 .

    8 . Transfer Cer ti f i ca te/Schoo l leav ing Cer ti f i ca te f rom lastinstitution attended.

    9 . Passi n g Ce r ti f i ca t e o f H i g h Sch o o l o r e q ui v al e ntexaminat ion (proof of age) .

    1 0 GA P Cer ti fi ca te if a ny ( af fi d av it ).

    1 1. M ed i ca l Fi t ne ss ce rt i fi ca t e.

    12. D ecl ar ati on for m.

    13 . Rema in ing tu i t ion fee, cau t ion money and o ther co l legefees .

    14 . Bond/Bank guaran tee i f r equ i red by concerned co l lege.



    found obstructing the admission process or creatingnuisance, the candida te shall be l iab le for disqualif icationfrom t he admi ssion process. The decision taken by theCollege Authorit y shall be f ina l and bind ing.

    Not-with-standing anything stated in the Rules here-in-above, a candidate who was allotted a seat in previousyear(s) and who vacate/aba ndon it after avai l ing th e saidseat, has completed such a period of course which wouldresult i nto lapse of the said seat, wil l not b e eligible foradmission unless he produces a No Objection Certificatefrom the college whose seat has been lapsed due to thecandi date concerned.

    Any candidate himself or his/her authorized proxy if

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    Fee Structure:In accordance with the di rections of H on'ble Suprem e Court of In dia the fees of Private Dental and Medical Colleges shall be charged as decidedby the Adm ission and Fee Regulatory Committee. The fees to be charged by the Pri vate Dental & Medical Colleges is as given i n th e table.

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    The fee amount given above shall be charged by therespective coll eges for the Academ ic session 2014- 15.However, the fee if revised by the Admission and Fee

    Regulator y Comm ittee constituted by the Governm ent ofMadhya Prad esh or Madhya Pradesh private un iversit iesregularity commission shall be binding and accordinglypayable/ adjustable by the candidate(s)/ college(s).

    The Committee may f ix the different fees for differentinstitution as per the guide l ines of Hon'ble SupremeCourt.

    Payment of Fee: The candida te shall be admitted onpayment of one year fee at the t ime of admission at

    respective college. Out of which amount of Rs. 2.50, 1.25lak h and Rs. 10,000/- for MBBS,BDS and for otherCourses respectively will be deposited during counselling.If the Institution/college feels that any particularstudent(s) may l eave in mi dstream then the college ma yrequir e the candidat e either to pay fee for ful l course andor submit Bond/Bank guarantee of the fee for wholecourse in evidence to the law laid by the Hon'ble ApexCour t in case of Islam ic Academ y of Educati on.

    23. RANK CARD

    The candidate wil l receive the Rank Card by post afterdeclarati on of r esult.

    The Rank Card wil l contain marks obtained by thecandidate and h is /her mer i t ranking.

    2014 Rank Card, a dupl icate Rank Card can be obt ained

    on making an appl icat ion on p la in paper to theController, APDMC, alongwith a Demand Draft of Rs.1000/ - in favour of APDMC payable at Bhopal or in cash.


    Consequent upon a candidate all otment for a course andcollege he / she is required to report on the notif i ed dateand ti me to the Dean / Principal of the college concerned.


    The student wh ile studying in th e MBBS/BDS and oth ercourses, if found indulging in anti national activit ies,unlaw ful activit ies or raggi ng in an y form, contrar y to theprovisions of Act and Law and Law enforced byGovernment, wil l be l iable to be expelled from the collegeby the Dean/ Principal of the College.

    Failure of the candidate in taking full and correctstatements in the appl ication for m a nd/ or suppression of

    any information is l iable for disqualif ication of thecandidate, even at later date. Such a candidate wil l bedebarred fr om the entire selection process and pursuingthe course of studi es.

    I t is the responsibil i ty of every candidat e to submit p roperdocum ents. Any attem pt to subm it documents which arenot genui ne, wil l l ead to cancellation of the adm ission ofthe candidate, forfeiture of the fees, deposits andexpulsion of the candidate from the college by theAdmission Committee or his authorized off icial. The

    nam e of such candidate/s shall be deleted from the MeritList.

    Pursuant to the orders in W.P. (Civil) No. 615 of 1999,Hon'ble Supreme Court of India has directed theDepartment of Human Resources and Development,Govt. of India, to take all necessary steps to curb the

    Duplicate Rank Card: In case of loss of Original DMAT

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    menace of ragging and take severe action against thestudents invol ved in such activities. Students to takeserious note of i t .

    As per the provisions in "Madhya Pradesh Prohibit ionRagging Act of 1999", students indulging in ra gging canbe punished under the Act result ing in suspension,expulsion fr om th e college and imprisonment.

    Student fail ing to clear MBBS/BD S and other courses inthe stipulated t im e fixed by MCI/ DCI/ relevant Council andcontinu ing th ereafter shall b e asked to pay proport ionatefee for the remai ning p eriod of the course.

    Any issue not dealt herein ab ove wil l be dealt wit h, whenarising full y and f inal ly by the Admission Committee.


    In case of any legal dispute, the jurisdiction shall belim ited to Hig h Court of M adhya Pradesh only.


    1 . The ca n di d at es a r e a d vi se d b ef or e fi l l i ng u p th e fo r m , t o

    ensure that they fu l f i l l a l l the e l ig ib i l i ty and qual i fy ingconditions with respect to age, qualification etc. foradmi ssion to th e course applied for.

    2 . The ca n di d at es a r e n o t re qu i r ed t o a tt a ch / e ncl o se a nydocuments with the application form. They shall berequ i red to p roduce the same a t the t ime o fcounsell ing/Admission.

    3 . P l ea se en su r e t h at t h e Ap pl i ca t io n Fo r m i s n ei t he r fo l de dnor torn or mut i la ted.

    4 . A pp l ica ti on F or m ca n al so b e d ow nl oa de d f ro m t heAssociation w ebsite. In case the app lication form has beendownload ed from website should be submitted alongw itha Demand Dra ft of Rs. 1500/- drawn in favour of APDMC,payable at Bhopal.

    5 . P ho to gr ap h fo r Ap pl i ca ti on Fo rm m u st be - W hi te

    Backgr ound, Full face both th e ears and shoulders shouldbe visible in the photograph, photograph should be inMATT fin ish.

    6 . The Asso ci a ti o n sh a ll n o t b e r esp on si b l e f or t h eapplication form s lost in transit; received after due dateand no correspondence in this respect shall beentertained.

    7 . Canvassing di rect l y o r indi rect l y fo r the a l lo tmen t o f seatwou ld d isqua l i f y the cand ida tes fo r admiss ion .Influencing the staff by unfair means wil l lead tocancellati on" of all otted seat and such candidate wi l l alsoface disqualif ication for appearance in the subsequentDMAT Examin ation.

    8 . Ca nd id at es sh ou ld u se o nl y Black Ball Point

    Pento f i l l the Application Form.



    1 0. I n co m p l et e Ap p li ca t io n Fo r m w i l l be r ej ect ed .

    1 1. L ef t Th u m b i m pr essi on usi n g RED STAMP PAD

    INK entirely inside the box provided in Application

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    1 . A co r rect App l ica t ion Form has been used and the fo rm has been f i l l ed up co r rect l y and signed a tdesired pla ces.

    2 Demand Dra f t o f Rs. 1 ,500 / - ( Cost of App l ica t ion Form + Exam Fee) has been enclosed i fApplication Form ha s been download fr om website.

    3 D em a n d Dr a ft of Rs. 75 0 / - as e xa m i n at i on f ee ha s b ee n e ncl o se d.

    4 Co r r ect l ef t t h um b i m p r essi o n w i th r ed st a m p p a d i n k h as b ee n t a ke n,

    5 N o ce rt i fi ca t e h a s b ee n su b m i tt ed al o ng w it h App l i ca t io n For m .

    6 Pro p er co l ou r ed p h ot og r ap h h a s b ee n p ast ed a s p er i n st r uct i on s.

    7 Pho tocopy o f the App l ica t ion Form ( bo th sides) has been taken and kep t fo r futu re re fe rence .

    8 P ho ne nu m ber h a s b een f il l ed u p pr op er l y w i th STD co de .

    9 D a te o f b i r th of ca n di d at e h a s b ee n co r re ct l y f i ll ed u p.

    1 0 D ecl a r at i on co l um n h a s b ee n p r op er l y si g n ed .

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    Annexure - A

    S N o N a m e o f th e I n st i t u t i o n Tel e p h o n e N u m b er Fa x N u m b er1. R.D. Gardi Medical College, Ujjai n 0734-4 013621


    2. Sri Aurobi ndo Institute of Medical Sciences, Indor e

    0731-4231000 (30 Lines), 4231111


    3. Peoples College of Medical Sciences & RC, Bhopal 0755- 4005100 -03,40050 64


    4. Index Medical College Hospital & RC, Indor e 0731- 4215757


    5. L. N. Medical College Hospital & RC, Bhopal 0755- 4049600 , 4049621


    6. Chira yu Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal 0755- 6679000 , 6679258, 2707000 0755- 6679269

    7. Modern Dental College & R,C, Indor e 0731-2 882772,28 82693


    8. College of Dental Science & Hospital, Rau, Indor e 0731- 4020422 , 4020111


    9. RKDF Dental College & RC, Bhopal 0755- 2417216 , 4005503 9


    10. Peoples College of Denta l Sciences & RC, Bhopal 0755-4 005341


    11. Mahar ana Pratap College of Dentistry & RC, Gwalior

    0751-2233378, 2348112

    0751-2346113, 64526640751-2347476

    12. Hi tkarini Dental Col lege & Hospi tal , Jabalpur 0761-2600303, 2609926


    13. Peoples Dental Academ y, Bhopal 0755- 4005361, 4005360


    14. Sri Aurobi ndo College of Dentistry, Indor e 0731- 4231010 (30 Lines), 4231111 0731-4231010

    15. Rishira j College of Dental Sciences & RC, Bhopal 0755-4 097300


    16. Guru Gobind Singh College of Dental Sciences & RC, Burha npur 0755-6533777, 4234777


    17. Institute of Dental Education and Advance Studies (IDEAS), Gwalior 0751-2 576294


    18. Mansarovar Dental Col lege, Bhopal 0755-2495580, 2492554, 2879445


    19. Bhabha College of Dental Sciences, Bhopal 0755- 6497425


    20. Index Dental Col lege, Indore 0731-4013700


    21. APDMC - DMAT OFFICE, E-2/51 Arera ColonyOpp Habibgan j Rai lway Stat ion Hospi talBhopal - 462016

    0755-3201141, 3256198,2460047, 2467244


    22. S ta t e B a n k o f I n d i a : Bhopal T.T. Nagar Branch, Indore Main Bran ch, Jabalpur Main Branch, Gwal ior Main Branch, Uj jain Ma in Branch, Sagar Civi l LinesBranch, Rewa Main Branch, Chandigarh Main Branch, Raipur Main Bran ch, Bilaspur Main Branch, New Delhi Main Branch, Ahmedabad Ma inBranch, Lucknow Gomti Nagar Branch, Patna. Main Branch, Kota Main Branch, Jaipur Main Branch and Ranchi Main Branch .

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    ( i ). Th e Exa m in at io n Ha l l w i ll b e o pen ed 30 m i nu tes b ef or ethe comm encement of th e test. Cand ida tes are expectedto take their seats im mediately after th e opening of theExamination Hall. I f the candidates do not report intime, they are l ikely to miss some of the general

    instructions to be announced in the Exami nation Hall.

    ( i i ) . Th e ca n di d at e m u st sh o w, th e Ad m i t Ca r d fo r ad m i ssi o nat the Entrance of Exami nation Hall. A candidate whodoes not posses the Admit Card issued by the DMATshall not be admitted to the Examination Hall underany circumstances.

    ( i i i ). D u r in g th e e xa m i n at i on t i m e, th e i n vi g i la t or w i l l ch eckAdmi t Card of the candida tes to satisfy himself/ herselfabout the identi ty of each candida te. The invigi lator wi l l

    also put his/her signature in the place provided on theAnswer Sheet.

    ( i v) . A se at wi t h a Ro l l N u m b er w il l be a l l ot t ed to ea chcandidate. Candidate must f ind out and occupy hisallotted seat. If a candida te is found appearing in thetest, from a seat or room other than the one allotted tohim /h er, his/ her candida ture shall be cancelled.

    ( v) . A ca n di d at e w h o co m es a f te r t h e co m m en ce m en t of t heexaminati on shall not be permi tted to sit in theexaminat ion.

    ( vi ) . Ca n di d at es a r e n o t a l l ow ed t o ca r r y a n y t ex tu a lmat erial, prin ted or written, bits of papers, envelope orany other material except the Admit Card inside theExaminat ion Hal l .

    ( v i i ) . Ca lcu la tors, Sl ide Ru les, Log Tab les, Geometry Box,Electronic Digital Watches with facilities of calculators,cellular phones, pagers or any oth er electronic gadget

    are not allowed inside the Exami nation Hall .

    ( v i i i ) . No cand idate, w i l l leave h is/he r sea t o f the Examina tionRoom until the Examinations f inished. Candidateshould not leave the Hall without handing over theirAnswer Sheets Question Booklets to the In vigilator onduty.

    ( i x) . Ca n di d at es a r e a d vi se d t o br i n g wi t h th em a ca r d bo ar dor a clip boa rd so that they have no diff iculty in w rit in gresponses in the Answer Sheet even if the tables

    provided in the Examination Hall do not have smoothsurface. They wil l al so bri ng their own Ball Point Pens ofgood qu ality. These wil l not be supplied by th e DMAT.

    ( x) . Sm o k i n g i n th e Ex am i n a ti o n p r em i se s i s st r i ct l yprohib i ted.

    ( x i ) . Tea, co f fee, co ld d rinks o r snacks a re no t al lowed to betaken by the candidates into th e Examin ation H alls.

    ( x i i ) . The Test w i l l sta r t exact ly a t the time ment ioned in theAdmi t Card an d an a nnouncement to this effect wil l bemade by the Invigilator.

    ( x i i i ) . The cand idate must sign on the At tendance Sheet a t theappropri ate place. The candidat es are also required toput their left hand thumb impression in the spaceprovided on the Attendance Sheet.

    ( x iv) . For those who a re unab le to appear on the scheduleddate of examination for any reason, re-examinationshal l not b e held by th e DMAT under a ny cir cum stances.

    (xv) . UNFAIRMEANS:

    a ) I f du r ing the course o f examina t ion , a cand idate i sfound indulgin g in any of the followi ng, he/she shallbe deemed to have used unfair means at theexamination and as such his/her result shall not bedeclared but shal l be ma rk ed as UNFAIRMEANS (U.F.M)


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    and debarred f rom examinat ion permanent ly infuture:

    - having in possession papers, books, notes, electronicdevices or any other ma terial or i nform ation relevant tothe examinati on in th e paper concerned;

    - g iv ing or receiv ing assistance direct ly or ind irect ly of anykind or at tempt ing to do so;

    - wr i t ing quest ions o r answers on any mate r ial o the r thanthe answer book given by the Center Superintendentfor wri t ing an swers;

    - tea r ing o f any page of the quest ion paper, answer sheetetc.;

    - con tact ing or commun ica t ing o r t r ying to do so w i th anyperson, other than the Examination Staff, during theexaminati on t im e in the Examin ation Center.


    - tak ing away the answer sheet /quest ion book ou t o f theexaminat ion hal l / room;

    - smugg l ing ou t Quest ion Paper o r i t s pa r t o r smugg l ingout question books/answer sheet or part thereof;

    - th rea ten ing any o f the of f i cia ls connected w i th theconduct of the exami nations or threatenin g any of thecandidates.

    b ) Ca n d i d a t es sh o u l d e n su r e b ef o r e l ea v i n g t h e

    Examination Hall that they have handed over theanswer sheet/question book to the invigi lator on duty.

    In case, the candidate does not hand over the AnswerSheet/ Answer Book and takes away the same withhim/her, this shall amount to use of unfair meanspra ctices and accordi ngl y his/ her case shal l be dealtwi th .

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    Annexure B

    DMAT - 2014



    Units and dimensions, Dimensional analysis, S. 1.Units, motion in two dimensions Cases of uniformvelocity and uniform acceleration, General relationamon g posit ion and velocity. Uniform circular m otion.Force and iner t ia . Newton's Laws of mot ions.Conservation of momentum and energy. Static andkinetic friction. Work energy and power, Elastic

    coll isions, Potential energy, gravitational potentialenergy and its angular conversion to kinetic energy.Potential energy of a spring Rigid body rotation andconservation of its moment. Moment of inert ia,theorems of parallel an d perpendicular axis. (Mom entof inert ia of uniform ring, disc thin rod and cylinderonly) .

    Acceleration d ue to gr avity and its variation, Un iversallaw of gravitation, geostationary satell i tes, escapevelocity.

    Hooke's law, Young's modulus, shear and bulkmodulus, surface energy and surface tension, kinetictheory of gases, gas laws, kinetic energy andtemperature.

    2 0 1 4

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    Specifi c heats at constant volum e and constant pressure.Mechanical equiva lent of heat , isothermal andadiabatic processes.

    Heat conduction in on dimension, convection andradiation. Stefan's law and Newton's law of coolingperiodic motion, Simpl e harm onic motion, Oscil la t ionsdue to spring wave motion principle of superposit ion,Progressive and stationar y waves, beats and Doppl ereffect.

    Wave nature of l ight , Interference, Young's double slitexperiment, Velocity of l ight and Doppler 's effect inl ight .

    Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, curvedmir ror, Lenses, mirr or and l ens form ulae.

    Dispersion in prism, absorption and emission spectra.

    The human eye defects of vision, magnif ication andresolving p ower of t elescope and m icroscope.

    'e ' and 'e/m ' for and electron, Einstein's photoelectr icequation, photocells.

    Bohr model of the atom. Hydrogen spectrum,Composition of nucleus, atomic masses and isotopesradi oactivity, laws of r adi o active decay, decay constant ,half l i fe and m ean life, Mass-energy relati on f ission. X-Ray: pro perti es and u ses.

    Elementary ideas of conductor, semi-conductor andinsulator, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, pn

    juncti on a s a recti fi er.

    Bar m agnet l ines of force, torque on a bar ma gnet dueto magnetic f ield earth's magnetic f ield, tangentgalvanom eter, vibrati on magnetom eter.

    Coulomb's law of electrostatics, dielectric constant,electr ic f ield and p otential d ue to a poi nt charge, dipole,dip l e f ield, Guass's law in simpl e geometries.

    Electrostati c poten tial , capacitan ce, par all el pla te andspherical capacitors, capacitors in series and parallel,

    energy of a capacitor.

    Electri c curr ent, Oh m's la w, Kirchoffs law s, resistances inser ies and para l le l temperature dependence ofresistance. Wheatston bri dge, potentio m eter.

    Measurem ent of volt ages as curr ents.

    Electric power, heating effects of currents, chemicaleffects and law of electrolysis thermoelectricity. BiotSavart law Magnetic f ields due to a straight wire,

    circular loop and solenoid.

    Force on a movin g charge in a mag netic f ield (Lorentzforce), mag netic moment of a current l oop, effect of aunifor m m agnetic f ield of a current l oop, forces betweentwo currents, moving galvanometer, ammeter andvoltmeter.

    Electromagnetic induction induced emf, Faradays law,Lenz's law, self and mutual inductance Alternatingcurr ents imped ance and r eactance, growth an d decay of

    current in L-R circuit, elementary idea of d ynamo a ndtransformer.


    Structure of Atom : Constitution of n ucleus: Bohr's atommodel: quantum numbers aufbau principle, electronicconf igurat ion of e lements (upto-Kr) : de-Brobl ierelation, shapes of orbital s.

    Chemical bond : Electrovalent covalent an d coordinatebonds, hybridization (sp) : hydrogen bond : shapes ofmolecules (VSEPR theory) : bond polarity resonance,Element s of VBT a MOT.

    Solutions: Modes of expressing concentrations ofsolutions: Types of solutions, Raoult's law of colligative


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    properties, non-ideal solution, abnormal molecularweights.

    Solid State: Crystal la ttices, uni t cells, Stru ctur e of ion iccompounds: close packed structure, Ionic radii,im perfections (point defects): Pr opert ies of soli ds.

    Nuclear chemistry: Radio active radiations: Half- l i fe,radioactive decay, group displacement law. Structureand p roper t ies o f nuc leus : Nuc lea r reac t ions ,disintegration series, art if i cial transmutati on: isotopesand th eir uses: Radiocarbon dating.

    Chemical equil ibr ium: Chemical equil ibr ium, Law of

    mass action : Kp and Kc : Le Chatelier principle and itsapplications.

    Ion ic Equi l ibr ia in so lut ions, Solubi l i ty product ,com mo n ion effect, theor ies of acids and ba se hydr olysisof salts: pH bu ffers.

    Thermo chemistry and Thermodynamics: Energychanges during a chemical reaction: intrinsic energy.Enthalpy; First law of thermodynamics: Hess's lawHeats of reactions: Second law of thermodynamics:

    entropy: free energy; spontaneity of a chemicalreaction; free energy change and chemical equil i br ium ;free energy change and chemical equil ibr ium; freeenergy as energy available for useful wor k.

    Chemical Kinetic: Rate of a reaction, factors affectingthe rate, rate constant, rate expression, order ofreaction, first order rate constant expression andchar acteristics, Arr henou s equat ion .

    Electrochemistry: Oxidation, Oxidation number andi o n - e l e c t r o n m e t h o d s . E l e c t r o l y t i c c o n d u c t i o n .Faraday's laws: voltaic cell, electrode potentials,electromotive force, Gibbs's energy and cell potentials,Nor nest equation, commercial cells, fuel cell,electrochem ical theory of corr osion.

    Surface chemistry. Colloids and Catalysis; Absorption,

    Colloids (types preparati on a nd properties). Emulsions.Mi celles, Cata lysis: Types an d cha ra cter isti cs.


    Principles of metallurgical operations: Furnaces, oreconcentration, extraction, purif ication metallurgies ofNa, AI, Fe, Cu, Ag, Zn and Pb and th eir prop erties.

    Chemical periodicity: S.p.d. and f- block elements,periodic table: periodicity: atomic and ionic radiivalance, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegat ivit y, met all ic char acter.

    Compar ative study of elements: Comparati ve study ofthe fo l lowing fami l ies of e lements: ( i ) Alka l i m eta ls ( i i )Alka l ine ear th m eta ls ( i i i ) Ni t rogen fami ly ( iv) Oxygenfami ly (v) Ha logens (vi) Noble gases.

    Transit ion metals: Electronic configurations of 3d-m e t a l i o n s , o x i d a t i o n s t a t e s , o t h e r g e n e r a lcharacteristic properties, potassium permanganate,and potassium dichromate.

    Co-ord inat ion compounds: Simple nomenclature,

    bounding and stabil ity classif ication and bonding inorganometail ics.

    Chemical analysis: Chemistry involved is simpleinorganic qualitative analysis: calculations based onacid - base t itr im etry.

    ORGANIC CHEMIS1RYCalculation of empir ical and molecular formula of organiccompounds.Nom enclatur e of organi c compou nds, comm on fun ctional groups

    isomerism, structure and shapes of alkanes, alkanes andbenzene.

    Preparation properties and uses of alk ynes, alk ynes and alk ynes,benzene petroleum , cracking octane num ber, gasoline addit i ves.


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    Nomenclature, Physical Chemical properties, correlation ofphysical properties with structure properties and uses ofheloalka nes. hal obenzenes, alcohols and ph enols: General ideaso f some po lyha logen compounds v iz . d icho lo ro thanes ,dichloroethers, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, D.D.T. benzenehexachloride.

    Nomenclature methods of preparation, Chemical propertiescorrelations of physical properties with structures and uses ofethers, aldehydes, ketones carboxylic acids and their derivatives,Brief account of the chemistry of Cyanides, isocyanides, aminesand nit ro compou nds.

    Polymess:Classif ication: Preparation, and uses of comm on

    natura l a nd synthetic polymess.

    Biomolecules: Classification, Structures and biologicalim portance of carbohydra tes, am ino, acids, peptides, proteins andenzym es, nucleic acids and li pid s.


    Structural organization of cell, cell theory: Light and ElectronMicroscopi c view of cell: Structure and fu nctions of cell Org anel les:- Nucleus Mitochondria, Chioropast, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgicomplex, lysosome. Micro bodies, microfilaments, Ribosomes.Centr ioles and Plasmids, Eukaryoti c chrom osome (Morph ology)cell and plasma mem bran. Difference between plant and anim alcell Divi sion, cell cycle. Signi ficance of mit osis and mei osis.

    Mendel's Laws of inheritance, Monohybrid and dihybrid cross;Linkage and crossing over of genetic material DNA replication,genetic code transcripti on tra nslation and gene regulati on.

    Difference between prokaryote and Eukaryotes: Structurereproduction and economic liportance of viruses Mycoplasma,

    Bacterioph age, Cynoba cteri a (Nostoc) and Bacteri a.

    Five kingdom classif ication Binomil nomenclature: Externalmorophology and life cycle of Spirogyra Mucor, FunariaSelagin ella and pin us.

    Elementary knowl edge of microsporogenesis megasporogenesis,Fe r t i l i s a t i o n , e n d o s p e r m a n d e m b r y o d e v e l o p m e n t i nAngiosperms.

    Tissues and t issues systems, meristema tic and p erm anent tissue.Mineral n utr it ion- essential elements and their functions: up takeof minerals transport of water and solutes, Transpirationphotosynthesis and Respiration importance, mechanism andfactors affectin g these processes: phot orespira tion .

    Enzymes and growth hormones with reference to the irclassification. Chemical nature, mode of action importance.Elementary idea of photoperidism and phytochrome.Ecosystem - Stru ctur es and fun ction , Maj or ecosystems i.e, Lak e

    and Forest; Food chain, Food web' and Energy 'flow. Ecologicalcrists-Role of man i n poll uting Environment-Ai r, Water and soil.

    Role of plants in human welfare: A general knowledge of plantprod ucts of economi c valu e -Dr ugs, Fibers cereal s.

    (Wheat and Rice) Pulse (gram) Oil seeds (ground nut).Sugarcane, Coal an d petroleum .

    Food preservation- Methos and im portance.

    Principle of plant breeding an d its role in im provement of crops.

    Biotechnology:scope and im portance in Agri cultur e and industr ies manufactureof cheese, Yoghu rt Al cohol anti biot ics.




    Structure and function of Animal tissues Epithelial, ConnectiveMuscula r, Skeletal an d Nerve.

    Histology of Manmalian oargans - Stomach, Intestine, LiverKidn ey, Lun g, Testis and Ovary.

    Structure and Physiology of different organ systems of Human


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    body - Skin, Digestive System Respiratory System. Circulatorysystem , excretory system , N ervous system , Reprod uctive system.

    Skeleton, j oin ts, Muscles on the b asic of m ovemen t Receptor s.Endocrine system with special reference to various Endocrineglands of man and horm onal co- ord inat ion.

    Vitam ins & m iner als (sour ce and disorder s due to deficiencies)


    Female reproductive cycles in mammals. Gametogenesisalongw ith structure of sperm a nd ovum.

    Types of eggs, Fertilization, cleavage types of cleavage and


    Development of mammals upto three germinal layers. Foetalmem brancestructure an d functions.

    Growth, repair and ag eing, amn iocentesis.

    Chromosomes, Types of chromosome, Human karyotype andchromosoma l abnorma l i t ies and syndromes. Hormona l ,Chromosomal and Genic balance theory of sex determination.Sex. Linkage and sex l inked inheritance in Man. Blood Groupsand th eir signif icance, Blood Bank.

    Tissue culture Genetic Engineering (Brief idea). Mutation genemutat ion.

    Human population natality Mortality, Sex ratio, Populationexplosion, dynamics of human life with respect to food supply,housing health and standard of l iving impact of populationproblem s and their control.



    Classi f icat ion-Binomial and t r inomial nomenclature Basicfeatures of classif ication, Classif ication of different anim al phylaup to classes wit h characters and suit abl e examp les.

    Origin of l i fe, Theories of Organic evolution-Darwin, Lamarck,Synthetic Evidence of or ganic evolution H uma n Evolution.

    Economic Zoology /Sericulture, Apiculture, Lac culture, Poultry,Fishery and pearl i ndustry.

    Protozoan disease in relation to man. Insect carrying diseases inre lat ion to man.

    Cancer-types of cancer and cancer cell. Communicable diseases(Hep atit is. AIDS) STD, Imm une Response, Vaccines and an tis eraAllergies.

    Smoking, al coholism and drug ad diction symptom s and control.

    Wild conservation.

    Pesticides - Uses, advan tages and hazar ds.


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    psrkouh, l ksf l ; s' ku v kWQ i zkb Zo sV M saV y , o a e sM hd y d kWy st e / ; i zn s' k d h

    l Ei w. kZ Hkkj r o " kZ e sa v U; d ksb Z c zkap u g ha g S l aL F kk d k d ksb Z Hkhv f / kd kj h@ d e Zp kj h d k; kZy ; d s c kg j t kd j d ke u g had j l d r k v kSj u kg h f u ; e f o : ) i zo s' k f n y ku s d k v f / kd kj j [ kr k g Sa A , sl s e sa v x j d ksb ZO; f D r @ , st sal h@ l aL F kk g e kj h l aL F kk d k i zf r f u f / k g ksu s d k n ko k d j, l ksf l ; s' ku v kWQ i zkb Zo sV M saV y , o ae sM hd y d kWy st d s i { k e sai zo s' k d su kei j f d l h N k= @ N k= kv ksa@ v f HkHkko d ks l s v ko sn u i = i zkI r d j sa v F ko kN k= @ N k= kv ksa@ v f HkHkko d ks d ks M saV y @ e sM hd y d kWy st e sa i zo s' k n su s d kv k' o kl u n s] , sl s O; f D r @ , st sal h@ l aL Fkk v o S/ k x f r f o f / k; ksa } kj kN k= @ N k= kv ksa@ v f HkHkko d ks d ks x qe j kg d j t ky l kt h d j l d r s g S , sl hv o S/ k x f r f o f / k; ksa d s f y , , l ksf l ; s' ku v kWQ i zkb Zo sV M saV y , o a e sM hd yd kWy st f d l h Hkh i zd kj l sm Rr j n k; h u g h g ksx kA

    i zn s' k d s f u t h f p f d Rl k@ n ar e g kf o n ~; ky ; ks e saM he sV d ksV s d h l hV ksa

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    vkns'kkuql kj

    v/; {k, l ksfl ; s'ku vkWQ i zkbZosV MsaVy , oa

    esMhdy dkWyst e-i z-


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    Details Date

    rdSa le of I nfor m at ion Br och ur e & Ap pl ica ti on For m : 23 M ay, 2014 on wa rds

    thLast date for receiving com plete Appl ication Forms 25 June, 2014

    At Office of the Associati on o f Pri vate Denta l& Medical Colleges of Madh ya Pradesh

    D-M AT Office, E-2/ 51, Arera Colon y,

    BHOPAL - 462016 (M.P.)

    thLast Date wi th late fee of Rs. 200/ - 27 June, 2014

    thDate of Exam ination : 29 June, 2014 (Sunday)

    Tim e of Exam ination : 09: 00 a.m . to 12: 00 noon

    AglaSem A

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