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More Than Enough For Me by Pastor Kent Munsey

12:00 PM








Main Scripture: Genesis 17:1­ 6 “When Abram was ninety­nine years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. 2 And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying: 4 “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. 5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but

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your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations. 6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you.” INTRODUCTION Pastor Kent explains his discovery that not every viewpoint is correct. We are currently living in times where the Christian worldview is scoffed and minimized. He continues on to boldly say, “I believe the Christian worldview is the only correct worldview.” No matter what your worldview is, it must answer four basic questions and Christianity is the only worldview that does. FOUR WORLDVIEW QUESTIONS 1.ORIGIN: How did I get here? 2.MEANING: Why am I here? 3.MORALITY: How do I define good and evil? 4. DESTINY: What happens when I die?

RIGHT VS. WRONG: We are living in the most vulnerable time in history. Today there is a view that morality is subjective. People often

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believe that they can decide what is right or wrong. However, the Christian worldview reinforces the fact that morality is objective. There is a clear right and wrong. We often try to approach life in the gray areas, when the Bible lays out a clear black and white approach. When Dr. RAVI ZACCHARIUS was posed with the question: “Why are you so afraid of subjective morality?” His response was “Do you lock your doors at night?” Christians are not afraid of subjective morality but instead we all are. We are all afraid someone else will decide that letting themselves into our houses is right. EVOLUTION: How easily do we believe what people say without seeking out our own answer? We have no right to believe in evolution until we read Charles Darwin’s book “The Origin of Species.” Darwin spends two chapters in his own book disproving his own theory. It has been over 156 years and we have no proof of an actual species evolving.

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THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ATHEIST: Atheists believe there is no God, however Pastor Kent contended that there is, in fact, no atheist. It is scientifically impossible to be an atheist. For example: A person could say, “I believe Paris, Illinois does not exist.” However, to prove that they would have to study every single city in the state of Illinois in order to prove that one city does not exist In order to say there is no God a person would have to have all knowledge in the entire World. The smartest person in the world can only retain 1% of all possible knowledge. In order to have all knowledge a person would have to know all of history, every language, all math and so on. Is it possible in the 99% of knowledge one does not know, that there is a God? Some people identify themselves as agnostic which means “no knowledge”. They are not saying God does not exist but instead they are saying that they “do not know”.

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REVERSING THE ARGUMENT: It would be easy to reverse the argument and say that since you also only have 1% of knowledge you can not prove there is a God. However, Pastor Kent stated “ I do not need to know every city that exists in Illinois to know that Paris, Illinois exists because I have been there and have experienced it.” Pastor Kent tells a story of when he and Pastor Alli were first dating back before the days of iPhones where they printed out pictures and kept them in their wallets. He explains that every time he would show Alli’s picture his friends would often say “she isn’t real.” None of his friends believed she was real until they actually met her and experienced her. How can we as Christians know that Jesus is real? We have met Him and experienced Him. We walk with Him, serve Him, worship Him, and talk with Him everyday. God is more than enough for us.

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CONCLUSION God gave us a heart to feel, a mind to think, a will to choose, and a soul to live forever. Choices determine our destiny and by choosing Jesus we agree that He is more than enough. “A man with an argument is always at the mercy of a man with an experience” God does not want to win an argument, He wants to win you. Additional Scripture: Psalm 14:1 “The fool says in his heart there is no God.”

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