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Page 1: Mood and emotions impact on team performance

NASA Project Management Challenge 2007


Mood and Emotions: Impact on Team Performance Marco Sampietro

[email protected] Project Management Challenge 2008 – Reach Higher

Page 2: Mood and emotions impact on team performance

NASA Project Management Challenge 2007



 Mood and Emotions: Definitions

  Impact of Mood and Emotions on Team Performance

 How to influence Mood and Emotions


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NASA Project Management Challenge 2007



 Mood and Emotions: Definitions

  Impact of Mood and Emotions on Team Performance

 How to influence Mood and Emotions


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NASA Project Management Challenge 2007



  A relatively lasting emotional or affective state.   Mood is an internal, subjective state, but it often can

be inferred from posture and other observable behaviors.

  Moods are experiences that are longer and more diffuse, and lack awareness of the eliciting stimulus.

  Moods can be created by stimuli of relatively low intensity, or can be left behind by emotions that fade so that the initial antecedent is no longer salient.


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NASA Project Management Challenge 2007



  A reaction to a stimulus that has a range of possible consequences and typically refer to discrete and intense but short-lived experiences.

  A person's temporary internal state of being, which has a clear start and end, and it is an involuntary, subjective, physiological response to an object or a situation, based in or tied to physical state and sensory feelings.


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Comparison between Mood and Emotion

Mood Emotion Duration Relatively long-term Relatively short-term

Time Pattern Gradual onset, continuous, tonic

Rapid onset, episodic, phasic

Intensity Relatively weak Relatively strong

Causation Not caused by specific events

Caused by a specific event

Function Provides information about current state of self

Provides information about current state of situation

Directedness Unfocussed Takes specific object


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  Positive Mood & Negative Emotions The discrete event of encountering a malfunctioning

photocopier at 9:50 this morning while rushing to prepare for a 10:00 meeting may cause one to feel frustration or anger for a short while, even if you are in cheerful mood. And so, for instance, one may snap at a secretary while frustrated about the photocopier.

  Negative Mood & Positive Emotions

Finding 100$ on the ground, thus feeling happy for a while but being in black mood because of continuous sentimental problems


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 Mood and Emotions: Definitions

  Impact of Mood and Emotions on Team Performance

 How to influence Mood and Emotions


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NASA Project Management Challenge 2007


The role of emotions

  “In decades past, workers were told to leave their emotions at home and most complied.”

  There is little debate nowadays that organizational life is saturated with emotion.

  People are emotional. Hebb once called humans “the most emotional of animals.”

  Academics and practitioners alike have come to the collective insight that emotion is a pervasive force in the workplace that has the capacity to influence the organization and its members in significant ways.

Impact on Team Performance

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NASA Project Management Challenge 2007


The framework

Hard Skills: Methodology Tools Procedures


Mood & Emotions

Soft Skills: Leadership Team Climate Motivation Communication Conflict Mgmt Decision Making


Impact on Team Performance

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Leader’s Emotional


Team Sentiment

Team Performance


Team Performance

Leader’s Emotional


Impact on Team Performance

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Leadership and Team Climate

  A leader's emotional expressions may affect performance by evoking affective reactions in followers that may influence their performance.

  Several studies have demonstrated that people that work together may converge emotionally over time.

  Researches found that leaders ' emot ional expressions instilled congruent moods in followers and influenced their liking of the leader as well as ratings of the leader's charisma and effectiveness.

  Emotional Contagion: leaders affect the group’s mood, both at individual and collective level.

Impact on Team Performance

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  Scholars attest that human emotions and mood are likely to influence the processes underlying motivation.

  Emotion constitutes an important source of influence on human thought and behavior.

  Mood and Emotions influence work motivation via their influence on judgment components (expectancy judgments, uti l i ty judgments, and progress judgments) involved in conscious behavioral choices.

Impact on Team Performance

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  Emotions can be useful in terms of directing attention to pressing concerns and signalling what should be the focus of attention.

  Being able to provoke emotions while communicating improves the information retention and the ability to recall information.

Impact on Team Performance

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Conflict Management

  Conflict is an emotionally defined and driven process.   Affective – Relationship Conflict negatively affects

group outcomes.   Studies found that induction of positve mood led to

more cooperative and to less competitive behavior in negotiation than either neutral or negative mood.

  Positive emotional experience within the work team facilitated open discusssion of differences, which has been found to facilitate constructive conflict management.

Impact on Team Performance

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 Mood states often bias judgments in a mood consistent manner:

  People in positive moods make more positive judgments, whereas people in negative moods make more negative judgments.

Decision Making

Positive Moods Negative Moods Creativity Attention to details

Integrative Thinking Detection of errors and problems

Inductive Reasoning Careful information processing

Impact on Team Performance

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 Mood and Emotions: Definitions

  Impact of Mood and Emotions on Team Performance

 How to influence Mood and Emotions


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How to Influence Mood and Emotions

Environmental Conditions

Managerial Activities



Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Managerial Activities: Leader’s Control of Emotional Display   A leader's emotional expressions can be thought of

as success or failure feedback that may influence fo l lowers ' in ferences regard ing the i r own performance.

  Research has documented a positive relationship between leader posi t ive mood and group performance, based on these findings a leader's displays of happiness can be expected to inspire better performance than displays of anger.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Managerial Activities: Emotional Intelligence

  Emotional Intelligence: ‘the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth’.

  Leaders who are high on emotional intelligence will be better able to improve team performance by managing their own and their collaborators’ mood and emotions.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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  Giving feedbacks after goal achievement or special efforts triggers positive emotions.

  Celebrating important events (project end, new contract etc.) permits to link challenging activities with positive emotions thus improving commitment.

Managerial Activities: Feedbacks and Celebrations

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Managerial Activities: Monitoring and Improving Team Climate   The creation of a playfull psychological safe

atmosphere that foster trust, friendliness, and openess may help to induce positive moods and emotions that will instigate organizational spontaneity, creativity, innovation, and productivity.

  Group emotion results as from the combination of the groups’ affective composition and the affective context in which the group is behaving.

  One should try to create settings that have contextual qualities of being playful, safe and challenging all together; that is creating an affective context.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Managerial Activities: Humor

  Humor has been shown to be a powerful tool in helping to manage such disruptive negative emotions as anger and anxiety/tension.

  Humor can also elevate one’s mood from the depths of the daily sources of “depression” we all occasionally suffer from.

  Humor is especially effective in substituting a positive emotion for a negative one.

  Humor lowers tension and improves divergent thinking, and, especially in the outcome of laughing, helps in reducing the negative effects of stress.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Environment: Lighting and Colours

  Bright light stimulates us, while low levels of illumination quiet our senses.

  Insufficient lighting is linked to emotional stress and to physical ailments.

  Light, especially natural light, has been shown to enhance the performance of people while working.

  A bright room with light colors is preferred over a room with dark colors.

  A dim space with low contrasts might contribute to feelings of relaxation; a bright space with sparkle could be stimulating.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Environment: Air Quality and Odors

  A number of studies have suggested that odors affect mood and attitudes.

  It has been suggested that pleasant odors evoke happiness and surprise and that unpleasant odors evoke disgust and anger.

  Office air is typically highly filtered and de-humidified.

  The latent scents from various cleaners and the outgassing of many synthetic products fill the air with what the brain perceives as dangerous smelling chemicals, and that creates a lot of subliminal anxiety in workers.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Environment: Temperature and Humidity

  High heat and high levels of humidity can create problems because of difficulties in controlling body heat. This can lead to increased levels of stress and lower work efficiency.

  Temperature also tends to influence social behaviors such as aggression. High room temperature can easily lead to nervousness, tension, and negative emotional reactions.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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Environment: Ergonomics

  Companies can encourage team productivity and innovation, as well as positive mood and emotions, by providing staff members with comfortable, attractive areas for team meetings, as well as individual work stations that can be tailored to personal needs and preferences.

 When people are working at improperly designed workstations, muscle fatigue, eyestrain, headaches, and other discomforts can become factors that negatively influence mood.

Influencing Mood and Emotions

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 Mood and Emotions: Definitions

  Impact of Mood and Emotions on Team Performance

 How to influence Mood and Emotions


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  Mood and emotions are well debated in the private life but their impacts on individual and team performance are underestimated.

  Mood and emotions could be shaped even inside the company’s boudaries.

  Managerial behaviours and work environment can be leveraged as tools to change mood and trigger emotions.


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