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Page 1: Monday, 15 June 2020 · What is the global impact of the conflict in Syria? Monday, 15 June 2020 ... been going on since 2011 Syria’s president Bashar al Assad has dropped dynamite

What is the global impact of the conflict in Syria?

Monday, 15 June 2020

LO: To examine the global impact of migration during the Syrian conflict

Key wordsAsylum seekerRefugeeInternally displaced personForced migrationVoluntary migrationIslamic State / ISISBashar Al – Assad

Through empathy

Task 1: Study the graph above and answer the questions that follow

• Describe the trends in number of deaths from 2014-2016

• Explain possible causes of the deaths• Why do you think people still keep on migrating?

Page 2: Monday, 15 June 2020 · What is the global impact of the conflict in Syria? Monday, 15 June 2020 ... been going on since 2011 Syria’s president Bashar al Assad has dropped dynamite

Where in the world is Syria?Task 2-Describe the location of Syria:

• What continent is it in?

• What countries does it border?

• What sea is it next to?

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Information about migration from Syria

Task 3-Write 2 facts in your booksThe conflict in Syria has so far caused:• 470,000 people killed (400,000 directly in the war itself)• 4.5 million have fled Syria• 7.6 million are internally displaced• This has resulted in the biggest migration that the world has seen

since WWII• In 2014, 280,000 people entered the EU as migrants / refugees. In

2015, this figure was 1,006,000. This included: • 250,000 Syrians • 85,000 Afghans • 65,000 Kosovans • 30,000 Pakistanis• 25,000 Eritreans

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• Task 4- Watch the clip and answer the questions(These answers need to be submitted to your teachers, make sure you write the questions and answers.):

•• What is a refugee?• What type of migrants usually come to the European countries?• What are the causes of migration from Syria and some other African• countries?• Why are they migrating to European countries?• Which countries are refugees migrating to?• What routes are the refugees taking to Europe?• Why is it called a migration crisis?• What issues these refugees face from their place of origin to destination?• Which European countries have accepted the most migrants?• How many have the UK accepted?• Which countries have accepted no migrants?• Do you think countries should do more for the refugees?

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Task 5-Look at the images on slides 6-17 and watch the video clip.

Organise your notes either as a spider diagram like the one shown below or in a table:

You can use different colours for different categories

Push factorsfor migration from Syria

Potential impacts on the countries Syrians are migrating to(positive and negative, social, economic and political)

Potential impacts on Syria (positive and negative, social, economic and political)

Pull factorsfor migrants from European countries

Arguments for allowing more refugees in the UK

Arguments against allowing more refugees in the UK

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Most of the migrants arefrom Syria, where conflictbetween the government anddifferent groups has resultedin violence. A civil war hasbeen going on since 2011Syria’s president Bashar alAssad has dropped dynamiteand poisonous gas on townsthat oppose him. Some of thegroups fighting the presidentare just as bad at harmingother people

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Some countries in central and Eastern Europe, where there are few Muslims, donot want to accept any Muslimrefugees. These countries have either tried to build fences on their borders or simplypushed the refugees quickly along towards other countries.

Britain has agreed to accept 20,000 refugees but they willnot accept refugees that have already arrived in Europe. Instead , Britain will only offer asylum to Syrian refugeescurrently living in refugee camps in countries outside the EU, such as Turkey and Lebanon.

Germany has agreed to accept all the refugees who arrive, while sending economic migrants back. They expect between 800,000 and 1.5 million refugees will arrive in theircountry this year, and another million next year.

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Migration1.14 million refugees and asylum seekers live incamps in Lebanon.

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Many Syrians havealready spent years inrefugee camps incountries borderingSyria. They are comingto Europe because those camps do not have enough food or good schools, and you cannot get a job there.Refugees andeconomic migrants want to get to countries like Germanyand Sweden becausethe economy is goodand the governmentsthere let them work fora living.

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In many Middle Eastern countries men and women are not equal, religions other than Islam are not accepted and gaypeople are treated unfairly. Many people are concerned that, because of this, refugees will not fit in and conflict will happen. Some Europeans are angry

that their governments spendmoney on migrants. Refugeeswill cost Germany about 10billion euros (7.5 billion pounds)next year. But others say thatthe refugees will make Germanyricher in the long run, once theyget jobs and start working andspending money. Germany wants the rest of the countries in the EuropeanUnion to help by taking in some of the migrants.

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Migrants arrive inGreece on small rubbermotorboats from Turkey,just a few miles from theGreek islands. To get toItaly they take largerboats across theMediterranean Sea fromAfrica. It is verydangerous. When the sea is rough, sometimes the boats sink. Many people have drowned making this journey.

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Watch the clip and add more notes to your spider diagram.

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Use information from the lesson and figure 1 on this slide to answer the

following question:Task 6-‘European countries take more

asylum seekers’. To what extent do you agree?

This question will be set as an assignment on Edmodo.

1. Introduction-include a little bit ofbackground information why people

are migrating from Syria.2. One argument in favour of allowing

more refugees(PEEL)3. One argument against allowing more

refugees (PEEL)4. Another argument either in favour or

against5. Justified conclusion with your opinion

and strongest argument to support your opinion.

6. Use key geographical vocabulary and evidence throughout


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‘Should European countries take more asylum seekers’?

Alternative task 6- Write a PEEL paragraph either in favour or against the statement. Make

sure that you justify your point.