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  • Insect Science (2010) 17, 199–219, DOI 10.1111/j.1744-7917.2010.01340.x


    Molecular approaches to study the insect gut symbioticmicrobiota at the ‘omics’ age

    Weibing Shi1,2, Ryan Syrenne1, Jian-Zhong Sun3 and Joshua S. Yuan1,2,3,4

    1Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology and 2Institute for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology, Texas A&M University, Texas,

    USA, 3Biofuels Institute, School of the Environment, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, and 4Advanced Research

    Institute for Sustainable Energy (ARISE), Texas A&M University, Texas, USA

    Abstract Insect gut symbiotic microbiota play essential roles in the growth, development,pathogenesis and environmental adaptation of host insects. The molecular and systemslevel analysis of insect gut symbiotic microbial community will allow us to discovernovel biocatalysts for biomass deconstruction and to develop innovative strategies forpest management. We hereby review the various molecular biology techniques as appliedto insect gut symbiont analysis. This review aims to serve as an informative resourcefor experimental design and research strategy development in the field. We first discussvarious strategies for sample preparation and their pros and cons. The traditional moleculartechniques like DGGE, RFLP and FISH are covered with respect to how they are appliedto study the composition, diversity and dynamics of insect gut symbiotic microbiota. Wethen focus on the various ‘omics’ techniques. The metagenome analysis together with therecent advancements in next-generation sequencing will provide enormous sequencinginformation, allowing in-depth microbial diversity analysis and modeling of pathways forbiological processes such as biomass degradation. The metagenome sequencing will alsoenable the study of system dynamics and gene expression with metatranscriptome andmetaproteome methods. The integration of different ‘omics’ level data will allow us tounderstand how insect gut works as a system to carry out its functions. The molecularand systems-level understanding will also guide the reverse design of next-generationbiorefinery.

    Key words DGGE, insect gut, metagenomics, metaproteomics, symbiotic microbiota,systems biology

    Introduction – Why study insect gut symbionts?

    Insects are one of the most diverse groups of living or-ganisms on earth (Chapman, 2006; Erwin, 1982). Due totheir diverse behaviors and feeding habits, almost no ter-restrial food source can escape the consumption by oneor more insect species. Despite the diversity, the highlyinterdependent and well-regulated symbiotic interactions

    Correspondence: Joshua S. Yuan, Department of Plant Pathol-ogy and Microbiology, Texas A&M University, College Station,Texas, 77843, USA. Tel: 979 845 3016; email: [email protected]

    with micro-organisms seem to be an important commonproperty for different insect species (Breznak, 2004).

    The definition and importance of symbiosis

    Symbiosis often refers to the long-term and mutuallybeneficial interactions among different species. Symbi-otic microbes living inside the host species are referredto as endosymbionts, and the symbiotic microbes livingupon or outside an insect’s body are often defined as ec-tosymbionts (Breznak, 2004). Based on previous studies,endosymbionts are prevalent in a variety of insect speciessuch as scarab beetles, cockroaches, termites and so on

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    (Brune, 2003; Dasch et al., 1984; Kane & Pierce, 1994b;Kaufman et al., 2000). Overall, it is estimated that a ma-jority of members of the Insecta are involved in sometype of symbiosis (Moran, 2002; Moran, 2007; Moran& Telang, 1998). Considering that Insecta is the largestgroup of invertebrates, it is important to study symbiosisin various insect species to understand the evolutionaryand ecological significance of the predominant phenom-ena. In particular, we need to better understand what rolesthe symbiotic microbiota plays in plant–insect interactionin terms of host selection and co-evolution of host–insectrelationships. From an application perspective, the studyof insect symbionts will help to discover novel biocata-lysts for biomass deconstruction and develop innovativestrategies for pest management.

    Function of insect symbiotic microbiota

    The herbivore insect gut microbiota has been well-established for at least two aspects of the function: thenutrient biosynthesis and the biomass deconstruction. Thenutritional function of the insect endosymbiotic microbeshave been well studied by feeding experiments with un-balanced or poor diets lacking essential nutrients such asamino acids and vitamins (Douglas, 1998). Some feed-ing experiments demonstrated that the insect endosym-biont can help to produce nutrients that do not exist inthe food (Khachane et al., 2007; Tamas et al., 2002;Tamas et al., 2008; van Ham et al., 2003). The genome se-quence of an obligate symbiont Wigglesworthia glossini-dia revealed many genes for nutrient biosynthesis andtransport (Akman et al., 2002). The phenomena are typi-cal for symbiotic microbes, which often dedicate part oftheir genomes for the benefit of the hosts (Moran, 2001;Ochman & Moran, 2001). A recent metagenome projectalso revealed that the viruses affecting the symbionts ofthe honeybee will lead to detrimental effects on honeybeegrowth and development and could be a major cause forCCD (colony collapse disease) (Cox-Foster et al., 2007).

    The second well-characterized function for insect sym-biotic microbiota is the biomass deconstruction and di-gestion function. Both herbivore insects and symbioticmicrobes can secrete cellulytic enzymes for biomass de-construction and hydrolysis (Ohkuma, 2003; Tokuda &Watanabe, 2007; Warnecke et al., 2007; Sun & Zhou,2009). It has been controversial about which plays a moreimportant role for biomass deconstruction, the symbiontsor insect host itself. Despite the controversy, the impor-tance of symbiotic microbes for biomass deconstructionhas recently been established by various genome-levelstudies. For example, symbiotic microbiota can help ter-mites to deconstruct lignocellulosic biomass with high

    efficiency (Ohkuma, 2003). The termite gut has actu-ally been referred to as the smallest bioreactor in theworld (Brune, 1998). The recent sequencing of the sym-biotic microbiota of the higher termite revealed manyglycosyl hydrolase enzymes with activities for degradingcell wall components such as cellulose and hemicellulose(Warnecke et al., 2007). In addition, the recent comple-tion of the genome sequence of a prokaryotic symbiont ofcellulolytic protozoa Pseudotrichonympha grassi has alsounveiled its ability to fix nitrogen and to recycle putativehost nitrogen wastes for the biosynthesis of diverse aminoacids and cofactors (Hongoh et al., 2008b). The protozoacontains up to 70% of the bacterial cells in the gut ofthe termite Coptotermes formosanus and is an importantcomponent of the termite gut symbiont.

    Both nutrient production and biomass deconstructionfunctions of the insect gut symbiotic microbiota can be ex-ploited for biotechnology purposes. On one side, it mightbe possible to develop various strategies for pest manage-ment through the control of insect gut symbiotic microbes.On the other side, the insect gut symbiotic microbiota canbe exploited for novel biocatalysts and microbe strain dis-covery. Combined with functional validation, these newbiocatalysts and microbe strains could greatly improve thedesign and efficiency of the next-generation biorefinery.The thorough understanding of the insect gut as a naturalbiocatalyst system with various molecular techniques willalso enable the reverse design of next-generation biore-finery. Regardless of the goal of analysis, the first task foranalyzing insect gut microbiota is to prepare the samplesthat well represent the microbe community in the insectguts.

    Sample preparation for insect gut symbioticmicrobial study

    At the ‘omics’ age, DNA, RNA, protein and metabo-lite samples can be prepared from insect gut symbionts.We hereby focus on metagenomic DNA sample prepara-tion and then briefly discuss the sample preparation formetaproteomics.

    Insect gut metagenomic DNA extraction

    Metagenomics can be defined as the study of themetagenome, the whole genetic material of the microbialcommunity existing in certain eco-environments (Sleatoret al., 2008). The ultimate goal of metagenomics is toacquire a global view of the composition and functionof the microbial community (Guazzaroni et al., 2009).The proper methods for DNA extraction remain keys

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    Table 1 Commercial kits for metagenome DNA extraction and their application in insect gut systems.

    Application in insectCompany Target product Website

    gut symbiota

    MP Biomedicals FastDNA SPIN Kit for Soil Zhang & Jackson, 2008Dillon et al., 2008Shinzato et al., 2005

    Sigma-Aldrich GenElute bacterial Genomic DNA Kit Guan et al., 2007QIAGEN Qiagen DNeasy Tissue Kit Fisher et al., 2007QIAGEN QIAamp DNA Mini Kit Hosokawa et al., 2006Promega WizardTM Genomic DNA Purification Kit Wei et al., 2006Mo Bio

    LaboratoriesPowerSoilTM DNA Isolation Kit Pittman et al., 2008b

    to reaching a comprehensive and unbiased evaluation ofmetagenomes of the community, particularly for the un-culturable micro-organisms (Cowan et al., 2005). In orderto reach such a goal, there are three aspects to consider dur-ing the sample preparation (Schmeisser et al., 2007). Thefirst aspect is the coverage. Metagenomic DNA shouldcover as many microbial species as possible. The sec-ond aspect is the integrity of the DNA sample. Shearingshould be avoided to obtain high molecular weight andhigh quality metagenomic DNA. The third aspect is pu-rity. The metagenomic DNA should be free of contami-nants interfering with downstream DNA processing suchas enzyme digestion, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)and vector ligation (Schmeisser et al., 2007).

    Many of the insect gut microbial DNA isolation proto-cols were derived from those for soil microbial communityanalysis and the first paper on the extraction of DNA fromsoil was published more than three decades ago (Torsvik,1980). Two strategies have been popular for metagenomicDNA isolation, and they are the cell recovery method andthe direct lysis method (Roose-Amsaleg et al., 2001). Thecell recovery method isolates intact organisms from thegut content prior to cell lysis, and the cell isolation isachieved either by repeated homogenization and differen-tial centrifugation (Holben et al., 1988; Hopkins et al.,1991) or by gradient centrifugation in media such as su-crose, Nycodenz R©, Percoll R© or metrizamide (Pillai et al.,1991; Robe et al., 2003). Some commercial kits have re-cently become available and these kits greatly simplifiedmany cultivation-independent analysis methods (Smalla,2004). The commercial kits used for DNA extraction frominsect gut systems are shown in Table 1. For instance,Schloss et al. (2006) used FastDNA SPIN kit for soil (MPBiomedical, Solon, OH, US) to isolate the metagenomicDNA from wood-boring beetle gut after the sonicationand centrifugation separation of bacterial cells from in-

    sect gut wall. The DNA isolation involves mechanicallysis by bead beating followed by purification of DNA ona silica matrix (Schloss et al., 2006). The same kit has alsobeen used widely for metagenomic DNA extraction fromthe gut systems of grass grub (Zhang & Jackson, 2008),feral locusts, grasshoppers (Dillon et al., 2008) and ter-mites (Shinzato et al., 2005). Other commercial kits usedfor insect gut symbiotic microbial metagenomic DNA iso-lation includes the GenElute bacterial genomic DNA kit(Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, MO, US) (Guan et al.,2007), Qiagen DNeasy Tissue kit (Fisher et al., 2007),QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Hosokawa et al., 2006),WizardTM Genomic DNA Purification Kit from Promega(Wei et al., 2006), and PowerSoilTM DNA isolation kit(Pittman et al., 2008b). Despite the available commer-cial kits, one has to realize that the metagenomic DNApreparation protocol has to be optimized because most ofthese kits are not designed for metagenomic DNA iso-lation from insect gut (Broderick et al., 2004; Warneckeet al., 2007). For example, we have recently modifiedan indirect DNA extraction method for various insect gutsymbiont metagenomic DNA extractions (Shi et al., 2009,unpublished data).

    Besides the cell separation approaches, another ap-proach is based on direct or in situ lysis of microbialcells in the presence of the environmental matrix (e.g.,soil, sediments or plant material), followed by the sepa-ration of nucleic acids from matrix components and celldebris (Ogram et al., 1987). The strategy generally yieldsmore DNA and is believed to provide a better represen-tation of environmental biodiversity (More et al., 1994).However, the largest disadvantage of direct lysis methodsis the co-recovery of contaminants like humic and fulvicacids with environmental DNA, and these contaminantsare visible as a dark color in the DNA sample. The contam-inants have been demonstrated to be inhibitors for DNA

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    hybridization, digestion and PCR (polymerase chain reac-tions) (Jackson et al., 1997; Miller et al., 1999; Tebbe &Vahjen, 1993). The removal of co-extracted humic acidsis critical for the direct lysis method. Lilburn et al. (1999)used direct lysis method for phylogenetic diversity studyof termite gut spirochaetes (Lilburn et al., 1999). Despitethe advantages of the direct lysis method, much fewerstudies used the method to study the insect gut symbiont,probably because of the concerns over contamination ofthe host DNA. Overall, cell recovery method has beenmuch more popular in the insect gut metagenomic anal-ysis and various commercial kits and modified protocolsare available for the analysis. The cell recovery methodcan also be modified to isolate RNA from the symbioticmicrobiota.

    Protein for ‘omics’ analysis

    Besides the metagenomics, metaproteomics are alsoimportant perspectives for analyzing insect gut mi-crobe communities. Metaproteome describes the pro-teins expressed in the environmental samples and pro-vides the real-time dynamics of the system (Handelsmanet al., 1998). Among the various proteomic techniques,mass spectrometry (MS)-based shot-gun proteomics hasemerged as the primary method for the identification andquantification of protein expression (Cravatt et al., 2007).As for metagenome analysis, sample preparation is alsocrucial for metaproteomics. The challenges come fromrequirements from both the environmental samples andthe ESI (electrospray ionization) MS analysis. On oneside, ESI is highly sensitive to detergent and requires thesample to be relatively pure. The extra purification stepis often involved for sample preparation for shot-gun pro-teomics and the use of detergent like sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) should be avoided. On the other side, thesample preparation from insect guts needs to be compre-hensive and contamination from the host tissue needs tobe avoided. Several protocols were developed based onthe previous metaproteomics analysis of environmentalsamples. Ogunseitan developed and evaluated two meth-ods for extracting proteins from water, sediments andsoil samples (Ogunseitan, 1993, 1997). One is the boil-ing method, which recovered high concentrations of pro-teins from waste water but not from soil and sediments.The other one is the freeze–thaw method, which workedbetter for soils and sediments (Ogunseitan, 1993, 1997).After the pioneering work, different extracting methodswere developed for various purposes (Schulze et al., 2005;Singleton et al., 2003). As compared to the environmen-tal samples like soil and sediment, the insect gut samplesare normally very limited and need specific modification

    of the protocols for efficient and comprehensive extrac-tion of proteome for LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry) analysis. Inaddition, the extraction of total microbial protein and theextraction of free proteins in the gut content will be differ-ent. Warnecke and colleagues employed metaproteomicsapproaches to study the free proteins extracted from wood-feeding higher termite hindgut (Warnecke et al., 2007).The sample preparation involves high-speed centrifuga-tion of luminal contents in saline buffer to remove theinsoluble fraction. The soluble proteins were then dena-tured, reduced, alkylated, and digested with trypsin forthe LC-MS/MS-based shot-gun proteomics analysis. Theanalysis allowed measurement of soluble proteins in thegut contents. However, analysis of total microbial proteinwill have to follow a protocol similar to the cell recoverymetagenomic DNA extraction method, where the micro-bial cells will be first separated and then total protein willbe extracted. We have recently developed such a protocolfor cattle rumen metaproteomics analysis, which can alsobe used for insect gut analysis.

    Traditional molecular techniques to investigateinsect gut microbiota

    Traditional molecular techniques played an important rolein furthering our understanding of the composition andfunction of insect gut symbionts. These techniques con-tinue to provide solutions for insect gut microbial commu-nity analysis at the ‘omics’ age. Over the past two decades,the study of insect gut samples with molecular methodshas revealed a large discrepancy between the relativelyfew culturable micro-organisms and the significant diver-sity present in insect gut (Head et al., 1998; Pace, 1997).Due to the limitation of cultivation-based methods, it wasexpected that most of the diversity in insect gut micro-biomes were still unknown (Stokes et al., 2001). In orderto study the diversity of insect gut microbial communities,three major molecular approaches have been employed todiscover new genes and investigate the composition of gutmicrobial communities. These three approaches includegene targeting PCR, molecular fingerprinting techniquessuch as DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis),and oligonucleotide probe-based hybridization techniquessuch as FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) (Stokeset al., 2001).

    Gene targeting: gene-specific PCR

    Gene targeting techniques employ gene-specificprimers to specifically amplify target genes, including

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    conserved 16S rRNA gene or a gene of specific functionalinterest from the metagenomic DNA of insect gut sym-bionts. This approach has been widely applied to insectgut symbiotic microbiota analysis and has revealed sub-stantial bacterial diversity and groups of unculturable mi-crobes (Brauman et al., 2001; Paster et al., 1996; Spitelleret al., 2000). Kane and Pierce (1994a) were among thefirst to use PCR-based ribosomal DNA sequencing tostudy insect gut microbial communities. Later on, Mckil-lip and colleagues analyzed the composition of the mi-crobiome in the midgut of Pandemis pyrusana Kearfottby both PCR and culturing techniques (McKillip et al.,1997). Lilburn and colleagues sequenced 98 clones ofnear-full-length 16S rDNA genes of Spirochaetes in thegut of termite species Reticulitermes flavipes. The re-search revealed substantial phylogenetic diversity in thetermite gut (Lilburn et al., 1999). Phylogenetic analy-sis of 16S rRNA genes recovered from the hindgut ofsoil-feeding termites also revealed an enormous diversityof bacteria in the different gut compartments (Schmitt-Wagner et al., 2003b). Based on the PCR targeting of16S rRNA, it has also been shown that most of the gutmicrobial 16S rRNAs from termite Reticulitermes sper-atus were unknown (Ohkuma & Kudo, 1996). Most ofthe early 16S rRNA gene targeting analyses revealed asignificant number of unknown bacterial species at thetime.

    Besides 16S rRNA, gene-specific PCR has also beenwidely used to discover genes of interest and surveymetabolic pathways. This approach has been particu-larly useful in cell wall degrading enzyme discovery forbioenergy purposes. A number of cellulases belonging toglycosyl hydrolase family 45 were cloned by gene target-ing from the flagellates Koruga bonita and Deltotricho-nympha nana, both of which were cultured from termitegut (Li et al., 2003). In addition, Inoue and colleaguesidentified a cellulase gene from lower termite hindgut us-ing PCR with gene-specific primers and in situ hybridiza-tion (Inoue et al., 2005).

    In addition to gene-targeting PCR of DNA samples,reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) from RNA has alsobeen employed to clone genes from environmental sam-ples (Manefield et al., 2002). By combining the RT-PCRwith immune-blotting, Casu and colleagues identified amajor excretory/secretory protease from Lucilia cuprinalarvae (Casu et al., 1996). Noda and colleagues also am-plified a nitrogen fixation gene from microbial RNA inthe gut of the termite Neotermes koshunensis by RT-PCR(Noda et al., 1999). RT-PCR experiments also revealedthat five GHF9 EG (Glycosyl Hydrolase Family 9 En-doglucanase) homologs were expressed in the salivaryglands and the midgut of termites (Nakashima et al.,

    2002). Other examples employing the RT-PCR techniquefor gene discovery in insect guts includes studies in Ancy-lostoma caninum hookworms (Jones & Hotez, 2002), Cre-ontiades dilutus (Colebatch et al., 2002), Protaetia brevi-tarsis (Yoon et al., 2003), Aedes aegypti (Pootanakit et al.,2003), Helicoverpa armigera (Chougule et al., 2005),and Manduca sexta (Brinkmann et al., 2008; Hogenkampet al., 2005).

    Even though gene-specific PCR was proven to be effec-tive for gene discovery and microbial diversity analysis,two major limitations have restricted the application of thetechnique (Cowan et al., 2005). First, the gene-targetingtechniques depend on existing sequence information todesign primers for PCR amplification, which greatly lim-ited the application of the technique. Second, normallyonly partial sequence of the genes can be cloned. Thecloning of full-length genes will have to involve furtherPCR-based chromosome walking (Cowan et al., 2005).The available next-generation sequencing techniques andthe metagenomic strategies will certainly revolutionizeboth gene discovery and biodiversity analysis for the in-sect gut symbiotic microbiota. In addition to traditionalgene-targeting PCR-based techniques, PCR can also beused for various molecular fingerprinting techniques tostudy microbial diversity.

    Molecular fingerprinting techniques

    Besides the library-based gene targeting PCR, severalother PCR-based techniques have also been widely usedto study microbial diversity in various environmental sam-ples. These molecular fingerprinting techniques includedenaturing or temperature gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE or TGGE) (Muyzer et al., 1993; Muyzer &Smalla, 1998), restriction fragment length polymorphisms(RFLP) (Liu et al., 1997; Osborn et al., 2000), singlestrand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) (Lee et al.,1996; Schwieger & Tebbe, 1998), and random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD) (Kauppinen et al., 1999). Formicrobial diversity analysis, these techniques are usuallyused to analyze the sequence of 16s rRNA from differentmicrobial species, where both molecular fingerprints andphylogenetic affiliation of microbial species can be gen-erated (Smalla, 2004). These techniques have been provento be helpful in providing an overview of microbial diver-sity in certain insect gut symbiotic microbiota. We herebyreview the previous application of these techniques in in-sect gut microbial diversity analysis.

    Among the different aforementioned genetic finger-printing techniques, DGGE is perhaps the most com-monly used. Recent application of the technique to studyinsect gut microbial diversity has led to a much more

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    comprehensive understanding of insect symbionts (daMota et al., 2005; Schabereiter-Gurtner et al., 2003;Smalla et al., 2007; Webster et al., 2003). The DGGEprofiling of wasp larval Vespula germanica revealed adiverse group of micro-organisms in the gut and in-dicated that the wasp larva are not dependent on oneparticular type of mutualist (Reeson et al., 2003). Be-har and colleagues analyzed Mediterranean fruit fly gutbacterial communities using both culture-dependent andculture-independent approaches such as DGGE and re-vealed that the family Enterobacteriaceae was the mostdominant species in the fruit fly gut (Behar et al., 2005).Recently, DGGE was employed to explore microbial di-versity in herbivore insects to study the potential mech-anisms for biomass degradation. Enterobacterial repeti-tive intergenic consensus PCR (ERIC-PCR) and DGGEwere combined to compare the diversity of lactic acidbacteria communities in wood- and soil-feeding termites(Bauer et al., 2000). The DGGE method was also usedto survey and screen for gut micro-organisms in wood-feeding termites (Hayashi et al., 2007), soil-feeding ter-mites, and their mounds (Fall et al., 2007). In additionto termites, the symbiotic microbiota in the hindguts ofscarab beetle larvae were also explored with metage-nomic approaches mainly based on DGGE (Pittman et al.,2008b; Vasanthakumar et al., 2006). Moreover, Dillonand colleagues surveyed microbial diversity from fourspecies of feral locusts and grasshoppers by DGGE ana-lysis of bacterial 16S gene fragments and revealed thatGammaproteobacteria from the family Enterobacteri-aceae is the most predominant species in grasshopperand locust guts (Dillon et al., 2008). Recently, we re-vealed the diversity of gut bacteria from different insectspecies by DGGE and found significant microbial diver-sity differences among wood-feeding, grass-feeding andleaf-feeding insects (Shi et al., 2009, unpublished data).DGGE has also been used to study symbiotic microbiotain a variety of insect species such as Dermolepida albo-hirturn (Pittman et al., 2008a; Pittman et al., 2008b),Gadus morhua L. (McIntosh et al., 2008), diamond-back moth (Raymond et al., 2008), Anopheles gambiae(Lindh et al., 2008), Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.(Bjornsdottir et al., 2009), and Artemia franciscana(Orozco-Medina et al., 2009).

    Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)analysis differentiates homologous DNA sequences basedon the distinct DNA fragment patterns resulting from thesequence specificity toward restriction enzymes (Esumiet al., 1982). In 1993, Harada and Ishikawa used RFLPto analyze 16S rRNA from the group of prokaryote mi-crobes in the gut of the pea aphid. The result suggestedthat gut microbes have a close relationship with aphid

    intracellular symbionts (Harada & Ishikawa, 1993). De-spite this analysis, the application of traditional RFLP inmicrobial diversity studies is very limited due to the in-herent technical limitations of the technology. Domingoused RFLP of 16S rRNA to study cricket hindgut micro-bial communities and suggested that community RFLPmethods did not have sufficient resolution or specificityrequired to study the effect of diets on cricket hindgutmicrobial community dynamics (Domingo, 1998). Dueto the limitations of traditional RFLP, terminal restrictionfragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) has been em-ployed to study microbial diversity in insect gut (Shinzatoet al., 2005). Different from RFLP, T-RFLP will sepa-rate homologous DNA based on the length and sequenceof the end sequence generated from restriction enzymedigestion of 16S rRNA, which makes it much more effi-cient in revealing microbial diversity. T-RFLP was usedto analyze the bacterial 16S rRNA genes in the midgutsof individual European cockchafer (Melolontha melolon-tha) larvae and revealed a simple but variable commu-nity structure (Egert et al., 2005). In addition, T-RFLPhas been used for gut symbiotic microbial communityresearch of various termites such as soil-feeding termites(Donovan et al., 2004; Friedrich et al., 2001; Kohler et al.,2008; Schmitt-Wagner et al., 2003a), wood-feeding lowertermites (Miyata et al., 2007; Stingl & Brune, 2003), andfungus-growing termites (Hongoh et al., 2006; Mackenzieet al., 2007; Shinzato et al., 2007). These studies helpedto reveal the composition and dynamics of termite gutmicrobial communities and led to some speculations onhow symbiotic microbes could contribute to biomassdegradation.

    Another traditional molecular fingerprinting techniqueis random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Theanalysis is based on amplification of genomic DNA usingrandom primers. RAPD-PCR was carried out to comparemicrobiota composition between different generations ofwestern flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis and re-vealed a surprising result that some bacteria in the thripscan be passed from generation to generation for up to50 generations (de Vries et al., 2001a, b). The discoveryhighlighted that symbiotic microbiota can be indigenousinstead of exogenous from the food material (de Vrieset al., 2001a, b). The application of RAPD is also verylimited due to technical complexity and low reproducibil-ity of the technique.

    Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) isa technique that uses electrophoresis to separate single-strand DNA to differentiate the homologous sequences(Yandell, 1991). SSCP was introduced to insect gut mi-crobiota analysis very recently and has not been widelyused. Mohr and Tebbe used SSCP to study the diversity

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    and phylogenetic consistency of bacteria in the guts ofthree bee species at the same oilseed rape field (Mohr& Tebbe, 2006). In a recent study, PCR-SSCP, RT-PCR-SSCP and stable isotope probing (SIP) were combinedto study partial bacterial 16S rRNA genes to survey thediversity of metabolically active bacteria in the larval gutof Manduca sexta (Brinkmann et al., 2008).

    Even though these different molecular fingerprintingtechniques have revealed significant microbial diversityin the guts of various insect species, all of them are ratherlimited in providing comprehensive and detailed analy-sis of microbial diversity. The techniques are particularlylimited if we want to survey the dynamics of microbialcommunities during biomass deconstruction. The recentlydeveloped metagenomics platforms are rapidly replacingthese molecular fingerprinting techniques.

    Fluorescent in situ hybridization

    Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is commonlyused in microbial ecology studies to visualize symbioticbacteria in the gut (Aminov et al., 2006; Cheung et al.,1977). The application of FISH in insect gut microbialstudies often involves fluorescently labeled probes tar-geting 16s rRNA with sequences specific for a bacterialspecies or genus (Turroni et al., 2008). FISH has been usedto detect, visualize and characterize the intracellular sym-biotic bacteria of aphids (Fukatsu et al., 1998), crickets(Domingo et al., 1998), termites (Berchtold et al., 1999)and some others. For biomass degradation-related stud-ies, Berchtold and colleagues examined the abundanceand spatial distribution of major phylogenetic groups ofbacteria in the hindguts of the Australian lower termiteMastotermes darwiniensis using FISH with group-specific, fluorescently labeled, rRNA-targeted oligonu-cleotide probes. The approach has been shown to be par-ticularly useful in studying uncultivated microbes to ob-serve the dynamics of microbiota (Santo Domingo et al.,1998). However, when complex bacterial communitiesfrom environmental samples are analyzed by FISH withrRNA-targeted probes, several technical problems and po-tential artifacts might occur and the detailed compositionof the microbiota cannot be revealed. In addition, bacteriain less nutrient-rich environments have low ribosome con-tent, which will affect the sensitivity of detection (Smalla,2004). In complement to FISH, DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) havealso been used to visualize microbial communities. DAPIstaining of bacterial cells highlighted the significant dif-ferences in the number of bacterial cells among differ-ent insect species when reared under the same conditions(Cazemier et al., 1997a, b). GFP can be used to track tar-

    get microbial species in the host. It has been used to showthat the colonization of bacterium Serratia entomophila inthe gut of the host Costelytra zealandica was not confinedto a specific site in the gut (Hurst & Jackson, 2002).

    Overall, the various molecular techniques have greatlyadvanced our understanding of insect gut microbial com-munities, and many of these techniques will continue tobe important to further our understanding of insect gutsymbionts today. However, due to the inherent limita-tions of these techniques, they cannot provide detailedinformation regarding the gene and pathway for differ-ent biological processes and a comprehensive coverageof microbial taxonomy in the gut. In order to understandthe biological processes involved in biomass degradation,we have to reach a detailed understanding of the biocata-lysts, pathways and compositions of insect gut symbionts.The recently available different ‘omics’ platforms enabledsuch studies.

    Techniques for “meta-omics” analysis of insectgut symbionts

    The recent advances in ‘omics’ technologies enabledus to explore micro-organism communities in an un-precedented way (Allen & Banfield, 2005; Tyson et al.,2004). The high-throughput metagenome, metatranscrip-tome and metaproteome analysis of micro-organism pop-ulations will allow molecular, organism and population-level investigation of how chemical and biologicalprocesses have enabled, controlled and evolved (Allen& Banfield, 2005). The complementary data annotationand high-throughput functional screening will allow theidentification of novel catalysts and strains for bioreme-diation, biomass processing, bioproduct synthesis and soon (Hongoh et al., 2008a; Lorenz & Eck, 2005; Warneckeet al., 2007). The so-called ‘metagenomics’ often in-volves sequencing genomic DNA extracted from a mi-crobe population in a certain eco-environmental setting(Handelsman, 2004). It often involves sequence-based,compositional and/or functional analyses of the com-bined microbial genomes contained within an environ-mental sample such as the insect gut (Handelsman et al.,1998). Metatranscriptomics refers to sequencing analysisof mRNA from a microbial population. Metaproteomicsrefers to the quantification and identification of all theproteins in a microbial community.

    The different ‘meta-omics’ techniques have beenbroadly used to explore the function and dynamics of di-verse microbe populations in various eco-environmentalsystems (Green et al., 2008; Keller & Zengler, 2004;Strom, 2008). From the human intestine to the depths of

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    the ocean, metagenomes from microbe communities havebeen sequenced and analyzed for evolutionary, patholog-ical, physiological, environmental and ecological studies(Allen & Banfield, 2005; Tyson et al., 2004). The diver-sity, composition and dynamics of a microbial communitylargely defines its effectiveness, specificity and reactivityfor a certain function related to life, biogeochemical cyclesand environmental mitigation (Allen & Banfield, 2005;Backhed et al., 2005; Falkowski et al., 2008; Green et al.,2008; Keller & Zengler, 2004; Lorenz & Eck, 2005; Tysonet al., 2004). In the past two decades, much effort has beendedicated to exploring the components of microbial com-munities from different niches at the molecular, organ-ism and ecological level to discover novel enzymes, path-ways and organisms for various applications (Green et al.,2008; Roussel et al., 2008). For example, metagenome andmetatranscriptome sequencing have also become impor-tant approaches for exploring biomass degrading mecha-nisms in wood-feeding insects. Several studies have beencarried out to study symbionts in the hindgut and midgutof wood-feeding higher termites (Warnecke et al., 2007)and lower termites (Todaka et al., 2007; Hongoh et al.,2008a, b). The termite is believed to recycle up to 30% ofthe total carbon on earth, and the highly efficient ligno-cellulosic biomass deconstruction has made the termite apotential source for novel biocatalysts for biomass decon-struction (Hongoh et al., 2008a; Warnecke et al., 2007).Recent studies have indicated that symbiotic bacteria andprotozoa in the hindgut of the termite play an impor-tant role in the hydrolysis of cellulose and hemicellu-lose (Nakashima et al., 2002; Tokuda & Watanabe, 2007;Warnecke & Hugenholtz, 2007; Warnecke et al., 2007;Wheeler et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2007). These analysesnot only revealed a diverse group of bacteria covering12 phyla and 216 phylotypes, but also led to more than100 candidate glycoside hydrolases. Moreover, the studyalso indicated other important functions of symbiotic mi-crobiota, including hydrogen metabolism, carbon dioxide-reductive acetogenesis, and nitrogen fixation (Warneckeet al., 2007). Overall, the development of metagenomics,metatranscripomics and metaproteomics over the pastdecades has been focused on the better understanding ofmicrobial diversity and function in the eco-environment,and has been driven by increasing demands for biocat-alysts and biomolecules for applications such as biore-finery (Schmeisser et al., 2007). We hereby review theapplication of these ‘omics’ platforms to study in-sect gut symbiotic microbiota from several perspec-tives, including the overview of metagenome analysisof microbial communities, next-generation sequencingand metagenome sequencing, functional metagenomics,metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics.

    Metagenome sequencing and next-generationsequencing

    There are two principal metagenomic strategies formetagenomics, the sequence-based metagenomics ap-proach and functional metagenomics (Fig. 1). Sequence-based metagenomics involves metagenome sequencingand downstream data analysis. Functional metagenomicsinvolves screening of DNA or cDNA library for gene dis-covery. Sequence-based analysis of metagenomic DNAfrom insect gut symbionts has been well-establishedduring the past decade. Metagenomics was first car-ried out with the conventional Sanger sequencing tech-niques (Smalla, 2004). Sanger sequencing is more usedtoward the 16s rRNA library or metagenomic DNA li-brary (Smalla, 2004). The aforementioned metagenomicanalysis of termite hindgut symbiotic microbiota involvesSanger sequencing of the metagenomic DNA library. To-tal metagenomic DNA from pooled P3 luminal contentswas purified, cloned and sequenced (Warnecke et al.,2007). Approximately 71 million base pairs of sequencedata were generated and assembled. The assembled se-quences are highly fragmented. In order to better under-stand the shot-gun data, 15 fosmids were selected forfurther sequencing and training of the dataset. The datahave led to a comprehensive coverage and quantifica-tion of the microbial composition in termite gut sym-bionts. In addition, more than 700 glycoside hydrolase(GH) catalytic domains corresponding to 45 differentCAZy families were identified through the analysis. Thestudy highlighted how metagenome sequencing can helpto identify natural biocatalysts, including different cellu-lases and hemicellulases (Warnecke et al., 2007). Anothersuccessful metagenome analysis is from the study of aphidsymbionts showing that heat tolerance of the host aphidspecies can be conferred by gene mutation in their symbi-otic microbes, which confers an evolutionary advantagefor the host in the field (Harmon et al., 2009).

    The recent development of next-generation sequenc-ing has offered the potential to revolutionize metagenomeanalysis (Marusina, 2006). When next-generation se-quencing is used, the approach can be the direct shot-gun sequencing of metagenomic DNA. Up to now, fourmajor next-generation sequencing platforms have beenavailable. 454 sequencing technology is the first availablenext generation sequencing technique and the platform isbased on ‘pyrosequencing’ and emulsion PCR amplifica-tion (Margulies et al., 2005). The sequence read length for454 sequencing can be up to 400 bases and the through-put is relatively lower at 400 million bases per run. Theadvantage of the 454 sequencing is the read length, whichmakes it easier for the sequence assembly in de novo

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    Insect guts Microbial samples Total proteins

    Genomic DNA

    Sequence-based analysis

    SolexaGA platform

    454 GS20 pyrosequencing

    Sequence assembly anddata analysis

    Enzyme digestion

    Shotgun LC-MS/MS

    Database search and analysis

    Discovery of novel biocatalysts and

    Microbial Species

    ORF identificationGene predictionsMetabolic modelingPhylogenetic analysis

    Modeling of coordinative function of enzymes


    Enzyme assayTranscriptomiccDNA

    Total chemicalCompounds

    NMR, MS, LC, GC, analysis

    Reverse design of biorefinery, reconstitution of enzyme mixture

    Fig. 1 ‘Omics’ analysis of insect gut as a natural biocatalyst system.

    sequencing (Shendure & Ji, 2008; Yuan et al., 2008). Il-lumina genome analyzer, formerly known as Solexa, isbased on the concept of ‘sequencing by syntheis’ (SBS)(Adams et al., 2009; Mardis, 2008). With the latest de-velopment of the technology, Illumina genome analyzercan generate pairwise sequencing of 100 base pairs and40 gigabase sequences per run. Another two platformsare ABSOLiD and Helocus, both of which have simi-lar sequencing throughput and less sequence read-length(Mardis, 2008). For this reason, 454 and Illumina havebeen the major approaches for metagenome sequenc-ing. The advantage of 454 is the longer read length,while the strength of Illumina is the sequence through-put (Stangier, 2009). It is expected companies like Pa-cific Biosciences will soon have the next-next-generationsequencing techniques available. The accuracy and cov-erage of the metagenome analysis highly depends onthe sequence coverage depth. The capacity of the next-generation sequencing technique has enabled a deepercoverage of the metagenomes and allows better annota-tion of more genes.

    Considering the pros and cons for Solexa and 454 se-quencing technology, some recent studies have combinedthe analysis with the two platforms to allow both betterassembly of the sequence, and the deeper coverage of thegenome (Ansorge, 2009; Shendure & Ji, 2008). Despitethe limitations of next-generation sequencing techniques,they have been broadly used for metagenome sequenc-

    ing of environmental microbial communities from dif-ferent niches, including soil (Blaha et al., 2007; Tringeet al., 2005; Voget et al., 2003), the human gastrointesti-nal tract (Gill et al., 2006), human feces (Breitbart et al.,2003), the oceans (Culley et al., 2006; Venter et al., 2004),the rumen (Brulc et al., 2009), acid-mine drains (Tysonet al., 2004) and Zodletone Spring, OK, US (Elshahedet al., 2005). However, more limited efforts havebeen employed in insect gut symbionts. Very recently,the next-generation-based metagenomic analysis of thegrasshopper (Orthoptera) and cutworm (Lepidoptera) gutsymbiotic microbiota were carried out to compare thedifferences in community structure as related to feedinghabits and to discover novel genes for biomass degrada-tion (W.B. Shi, X. Zhou, L.T. Liu, P. Gao, X.Y. Chen, N.Kyprides, E.G. No, S.Y. Dai and J.S. Yuan, unpubl. data).The analysis has led to the discovery of numerous novelbiocatalysts.

    Functional metagenomics

    Functional metagenomics involves screening for targetgenes in a library built with metagenomic DNA or RNA(Allen et al., 2009). Traditionally, metagenomic DNA canbe stored stably as a DNA library for further investigation.In a similar way, RNA can be extracted to build a cDNAlibrary. The information held within a DNA or cDNA li-brary can be used to determine community diversity and

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    search for the enzymes with a particular activity (Steele& Streit, 2005). For the DNA library, the basic steps of li-brary construction include the extraction of metagenomicDNA as aforementioned, the generation of suitably sizedDNA fragments, and the cloning of these fragments intoan appropriate vector (Cowan et al., 2005). For the cDNAlibrary, total RNA will be extracted and cDNA will besynthesized for building into a proper vector. Both typesof libraries can be screened for genes of interest via DNAhybridization using the probes of target genes or homologgenes (Demaneche et al., 2009). The approach has beenused to search for various genes from insect guts. Forexample, Shen and Jacobs Lorena reported the cloningand characterization of a novel chitinase gene expressedspecifically in the midgut of adult Anopheles gambiaefemales (Shen & Jacobs Lorena, 1997). They cloned thechitinase gene from a cDNA library via screening andfurther confirmed by Northern blot that the chitinase isexpressed exclusively in the guts of adult females.

    One of the major limitations of the traditional screeningstrategy is the need for probes specific to a certain gene.The sensitivity and reproducibility often also depends onthe probe design. The combination of library screeningwith gene expression and/or enzyme activity assay hasbeen developed to overcome such limitations. The methodhas been successfully applied to discover new genes andenzymes with different activities. A cDNA clone encod-ing carboxypeptidase was isolated from a larval gut li-brary of Helicoverpa armigera, and the complete cDNAsequence was expressed in insect cells using the bac-ulovirus system to verify carboxypetidase activity (Bownet al., 1998). Girard and Jouanin isolated a cDNA encod-ing chitinase of Pheadon cochleariae from a larval gutlibrary (Girard & Jouanin, 1999). For bioenergy research,novel xylanases with distinct domains have been discov-ered using metagenomic libraries of microbiota in severalinsects belonging to Isoptera (termites) and Lepidoptera(moths) (Brennan et al., 2004). Considering that this strat-egy does not require the homolog sequences for genesof interest, it has the potential to identify entirely newclasses of genes of new or known function (Handelsman,2004). However, the heterologous gene expression alsohas some limitations, including low gene expression leveland wrong post-translational modification (Handelsmanet al., 2002).

    A recent development of functional metagenomics isthe use of biosensor technology in gene discovery from in-sect symbioints. Guan and colleagues at the University ofWisconsin constructed a metagenomic library consistingof DNA extracted directly from gypsy moth midgut micro-biota, and analyzed it using an intracellular screen desig-nated as METREX (Guan et al., 2007). In this method, the

    biosensor detects compounds that induce the expressionof GFP from a bacterial quorum promoter by fluores-cence microscopy or fluorescence-activated cell sorting(Williamson et al., 2005). The authors identified an ac-tive metagenomic clone encoding a mono-oxygenase ho-mologue that mediates a pathway of indole oxidation. Itwas the first to identify a new structural class of quorum-sensing inducer from uncultured bacteria.

    The functional metagenomics based on the cDNA li-brary allows us to identify novel enzymes and genes fora particular application; however, the analysis is limitedby the available probes for cDNA library screening andthe assay used for protein function determination (Chaveset al., 2009; Moran et al., 2008). A more comprehensiveapproach is to sequence the metatranscriptome of micro-bial communities and annotate the metatranscriptome todiscover the novel genes.


    Metatranscriptome involves the analysis of RNA in amicrobial community. RNA is converted to cDNA for theanalysis. The random sequencing of cDNA thus may leadto a high percentage of rRNA signals. Different strategieshave been developed to remove rRNA to improve the cov-erage of mRNA. In addition, the available next generationsequencing technique has greatly enhanced the capacityto carry out metatranscriptome analysis.

    Cox-Foster and colleagues (Cox-Foster et al., 2007)used an unbiased metatranscriptomic approach to char-acterize microflora associated with honeybee Apis mel-lifera in a search for the cause of colony collapse dis-order (CCD). In this study, total RNA was extracted tocapture RNA viruses in presumed CCD-positive and neg-ative bees for 454 sequencing. The raw sequencing readswere trimmed and assembled into contigs, and then an-alyzed using BLASTN and BLASTX for function anno-tation. This analysis revealed the presence of bacteria,fungi, parasites, metazoans and viruses in the bee gutcontent. For example, sequences homologous to bacte-rial 16S ribosomal RNA were assembled into 48 contigs.Eighty-one distinct fungal 18S rRNA sequences were re-covered from the pooled samples. More importantly, theRNA profiling indicated that CCD may be caused bythe virus disruption of microbial community structure inthe bee gut system (Cox-Foster et al., 2007). More re-cently, a parallel metatranscriptome analyses was usedto identify host and symbiont contributions in collabo-rative lignocellulose digestion by termites (Tartar et al.,2009). In this study, over 10 000 expressed sequence tags(ESTs) were sequenced from host and symbiont librariesthat aligned into 6 555 putative transcripts, including 171

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    putative lignocelluase genes. They found that cellulaseswere contributed by host plus symbiont genomes, whereashemicellulases were contributed exclusively by symbiontgenomes. However, ligninase, antioxidant and detoxifica-tion enzymes were identified exclusively from the hostlibrary.

    These researches highlighted the importance of the in-sect symbionts for host health and showed how the meta-transcriptome can be applied to study insect gut systems.The advantage for metatranscriptome sequencing is that itcan better reflect the dynamics and function of the insectgut symbionts.

    Metaprotoeomics techniques for insect gut symbiontstudies

    Another way to explore systems dynamics is to studythe metaproteomics of insect gut symbionts. Like anygenome sequencing project, metagenome sequencing isonly the first step toward a comprehensive understandingof composition, dynamics and function of insect gut sym-biotic microbiota. The sequence itself won’t allow us tounderstand the protein activity and the dynamic changesof the system (Nelson, 2008). Post-genomic molecular ap-proaches such as proteomics will allow us to study the ulti-mate functional products of genes/genomes and derive thefunction and dynamics of insect gut system. The collec-tive study of all proteins in microbial communities, suchas those in insect gut, is referred as ‘metaproteomics’, todistinguish from the proteomics study of single species(Nelson, 2008). Metaproteomics allows the measurementof gene expression from the perspective of presence andabundance of translated proteins (Blackstock & Weir,1999; Wilmes & Bond, 2004). The proteomics platformcan be generally classified as gel-free or gel-based sys-tems (Kan et al., 2005). The traditional approach is toanalyze the protein sample with two-dimensional poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) at first andthen further cut the spot for MS-based protein identi-fication. The MS techniques that can be used for pro-tein identification include both matrix-assisted laser des-orption ionization (MALDI) and electrospray ionization(ESI). MALDI is often coupled with time-of-flight (TOF)mass analyzer, while ESI can be coupled with a vari-ety of mass analyzers. The earliest approach for proteinidentification of gel spot is through peptide fingerprint-ing, where the peptides from protease-digested proteinwill be measured by MALDI-TOF for the m/z value. Thepattern of peptide distribution will be searched againsta database of candidate proteins for identification. Eventhough the method was successfully applied for proteinidentification in gel-based proteomics, the accuracy and

    reproducibility of the method is often inconsistent. In par-ticular, the post-translational modification of the proteinwill severely distort the m/z value for the protein identi-fication. For this reason, peptide fingerprinting has beengradually replaced with tandem MS (MS/MS) analysis,where individual peptides will be subject to two roundsof MS analyses. The first round of MS analysis will ren-der the m/z value of the peptide, and the peptide will befurther broken into fragment ions by electron or chem-ical dissociation for the second round of measurement.According to the fragment ion pattern, a protein sequencecan be identified based on the search for fragment patternsagainst the database with protein sequences. The tandemMS method has become the most popular approach forprotein identification.

    Even though gel-based proteomics was the golden stan-dard for proteomics, the 2D-gel-based methods have nu-merous inherent limitations including low sensitivity, lowcoverage of proteome and difficulties in quantification.For all these reasons, gel-based proteomics has beengradually replaced with the gel-free proteomics, whichmainly relies on LC-MS/MS platform. The most pop-ular approach for gel-free proteomics is MudPIT (mul-tidimensional protein identification technology)-basedshot-gun proteomics (Delahunty & Yates, 2007; Lohrig& Wolters, 2009). In this approach, the total pro-tein from a sample is first digested by protease intoa peptide mixture and the peptide mixture is furtherseparated by multidimensional LC. The separated pep-tides are further analyzed by MS/MS for protein iden-tification as aforementioned. MudPIT can be com-bined with the different labeling techniques like ICAT(isotope coded affinity tags), ICPL (isotope coded proteinlabels), or iTRAQ (isobaric tag for relative and absolutequantification) for protein quantification (Delahunty &Yates, 2007). MudPIT can also be used as a label-freeplatform, where peptide quantification can be based ontotal ion counts and numbers of peptides (Delahunty &Yates, 2007). Despite the broad application of proteomicstechniques in various studies, the use of proteomics in theanalysis of insect gut symbiotic microbiota is still verylimited. In the aforementioned termite gut metagenomicsanalysis, the authors carried out a proteomics analysis oftotal gut protein to examine which enzymes are expressed(Warnecke et al., 2007). The total proteins were first ex-tracted from P3 luminal contents of wood-feeding highertermites as aforementioned. The digested peptides werethen subject to three-dimensional LC-MS/MS analysisfor protein expression analysis. The fragment ion patternsfrom metaproteomics were searched against a sequencedatabase derived from metagenome sequencing for pro-tein identification. The study has revealed that expression

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    of glycosyl hydrolases are regulated at the protein level,and enzymes in the metagenome were not expressed at thesame time and same level (Warnecke et al., 2007). Furtherstudy of the metaproteome in the natural biocatalyst sys-tems such as termite gut will allow us to understand howenzymes coordinate to degrade plant cell walls. Metapro-teomics analysis will be based on the metagenome se-quencing data and will help to further understanding ofinsect gut symbiotic microbes to the proteome level.

    Looking into the future

    The study of insect symbiotic microbiota is important forinsect physiology, pest management, evolutionary studyand discovery of various biocatalysts for different applica-tions, including pest management and biorefinery devel-opment. In particular, the gut systems of many herbivoreinsects can be considered as effective bioreactors, wherebiomass material can be deconstructed for the synthesisof various bioproducts important for insect growth anddevelopment (Breznak, 2004). The coordinative functionof host and symbiont enzymes plays important roles inbiomass processing and degradation. The study of insectgut symbiotic microbiota at the systems level will enableus to reverse-design the next-generation biorefinery.

    The techniques to study insect gut symbionts have ex-perienced dramatic changes during the past two decades.The initial studies of insect gut symbionts were based onmicrobial culture-dependent platforms, which providedvery limited information for the diversity and functionsof insect gut symbiotic microbiota (Amann et al., 1995;Dillon & Dillon, 2004). The culture-dependent techniqueonly allows us to access to a small portion of themicrobe community in insect guts (Oliver, 2000). Theculture-dependent analysis was quickly replaced andcomplemented by molecular biotechniques independentof microbial culturing. Methods like DGGE, SSCP, RFLPand FISH allowed us to better explore the complexityof natural microbial communities. These techniquesprovided some speculations of microbial communitycomposition, dynamics and function. However, tra-ditional molecular techniques still cannot provide acomprehensive view of the composition and dynamicsof insect symbiotic microbial communities. The recentlydeveloped metagenome sequencing techniques enabledus to reach much deeper sequencing and better coverageof the metagenome (Mardis, 2008). In particular, theadvancements in next-generation sequencing techniquesallowed us to explore the metagenomes from insect gutsymbiotic microbiota to an unprecedented depth and com-prehensiveness (Adams et al., 2009; Stangier, 2009). In

    addition, functional analysis, metatranscriptomics,metaproteomics and metabolite profiling are all provid-ing important information regarding the function of insecthosts and symbionts from different perspectives. Theintegration of information will lead to a systems-levelunderstanding of insect gut as the system for biomassdeconstruction, nutrient biosynthesis and so on. Despitesignificant progresses, several aspects of research needto be emphasized to better exploit insect gut systems forvarious biotechnology applications.

    First, more insect gut systems need to be studied withvarious ‘omics’ techniques. Current research mainly fo-cuses on the termite gut as the model system for biomassdegradation. Comprehensive metagenomics and meta-trascriptomics were carried out to study termite gut sys-tems (Tartar et al., 2009; Warnecke et al., 2007). However,there are many other insect species with strong capacitiesto degrade lignocellulosic biomass (Sun & Zhou, 2009).The cellullolytic enzyme activity in grasshopper gut isactually comparable to that of the termite gut (Shi et al.,2010). The comparative analyses of different insect gutsystems will allow us to identify common and unique fea-tures for degrading different lignocellulosic biomasses invarious insect gut systems. Such studies will also help tounderstand the co-evolution of insect hosts and symbiontstoward different food sources.

    Second, bioinformatics challenges for the assembly ofnext-generation sequencing data need to be better ad-dressed. Despite the potential of next-generation sequenc-ing in increasing the sequencing coverage of metagenome,sequence assembly for metagenome is much more chal-lenging than single species, in particular for complexsystems. The more microbe species in a community,the more complexity and overall genome size there willbe for insect gut symbiotic microbiota. Illumina genomeanalyzer has the most potential for increasing sequencecoverage due to higher sequencing throughput and lowerper base cost. However, short sequence read length to-gether with large overall genome size from this technologymake it extremely challenging to assemble metagenomesequences. The recent development of several assemblersfor short sequences like SSAKE, VEVELT, ABySS andEuler have provided solutions for the assembly of shortsequence reads of genome sequencing (Scheibye-Alsinget al., 2009). However, the conditions used for singlegenome assembly are not suitable for metagenome se-quencing. On one side, we need to find the optimizedparameters and criteria for the assembly of metagenomes;one the other side, these software packages need to befurther improved for metagenome sequencing.

    Third, lignocellulose digestion models of insects con-sider both host and symbiont. In particular, enzymes

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    secreted by host insect species play particularly impor-tant roles in lignin degradation (Tartar et al., 2009). Inprevious studies, the metabolism of monoaromatic modelcompounds by termites and their gut microflora were stud-ied; the results indicated that microbial degradation ofplant aromatic compounds can occur in termite guts andmay contribute to the carbon and energy requirement ofthe host (Brune et al., 1995). The recent metagenomeand metatrascriptome sequencing of gut symbionts fortermite, grasshopper and cutworm has led to the findingof very few lignin-degrading laccases, peroxidases or es-terases (Tartar et al., 2009; W.B. Shi, X. Zhou, L.T. Liu,P. Gao, X.Y. Chen, N. Kyprides, E.G. No, S.Y. Dai andJ.S. Yuan, unpubl. data). Metaproteomics will provide apowerful solution toward the observation of how biocata-lysts from the host and microbes work together to degradebiomass. However, more sequencing information needs tobe available to enable such analysis. The study of coordi-native function of host and symbiotic microbial biocata-lysts will help to guide the reverse-design of biorefineriesand the reconstitution of effective enzyme mixtures forbiomass degradation.

    Fourth, the integration of different ‘omics’ data intosystems-level understanding of insect guts will be impor-tant for the reverse-design of artificial reactors mimickingnatural biocatalyst systems. Systems biology enables theobservation of biological systems and processes at an in-tegrated view (Rachlin et al., 2006). The interaction, dy-namics and network of multiple components in a systemwill be modeled based on genome, proteome, metabolomeand transcriptome analyses (Rachlin et al., 2006; Vieiteset al., 2009). The accumulation of different ‘omics’ dataregarding insect gut systems will allow us to investi-gate how different components and biocatalysts worktogether to fulfill various functions, including biomassdegradation.

    Overall, we are at a golden age of addressing basicand applied questions involved in insect gut systems. Inparticular, the recently available ‘omics’ techniques willrevolutionize the field with enormous data to enable un-precedented understanding of insect gut symbiotic micro-biota and their interactions with hosts. The systems-levelintegration of this tremendous information will enable in-depth understanding of natural biocatalyst systems, likeinsect guts, toward providing novel solutions for next-generation biorefineries.


    This research was supported by the Texas Agrilife Re-search Bioenergy Research Initiative, Sungrant and a spe-

    cial research initiative for Bioenergy sponsored by JiangsuUniversity, China.


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