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Page 1: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Moderate Income Housing Plans

Utah Division of Housing and Community Development

Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc.

Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference

Page 2: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Moderate Income Housing


Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

1. Estimate current supply of moderate income housing

2. 5-year estimate of the need for moderate income housing, revised biennially

3. Survey of total residential land use

4. Evaluation of potential regulatory barriers to moderate income housing

5. Description of city/county program(s) to encourage moderate income housing

Basic Requirements

Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

Page 3: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Actions that are Required

• Submit updated plan to the respective AOG and to the Div. of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)

• Submit report of biennial update and review to the respective AOG and to the DHCD every two years

Reporting Requirements

• Adopted by the city/county legislative body

• Updated biennially & reviewed by the city/county legislative body

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

Page 4: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Data that Should be Gathered and Updated

1. Current and 5-year projected numbers for:

a) Different segments of the population

i. By age group

ii. By occupation

iii. By special needs

b) Households, by size and income

c) Housing needs

i. Persons per dwelling unit (identifies overcrowding)

ii. Additional dwelling units needed

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

Page 5: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Data that Should be Gathered and Updated, cont’d

2. Number and size of dwelling units in the community

• Number of bedrooms

3. Dwelling units required to fill housing needs of current and future populations

4. Area Median Income (AMI) for the area

5. Housing costs and rental rates in the area

6. Current affordable housing stock

• Housing available for low to moderate income, disabled, senior, homeless, or other special needs households

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

Page 6: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Where to Get the DataPopulation• U.S. Census Bureau:

• Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (GOPB):

Income Limits • U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Dev.:• U.S. Census Bureau:

Local Housing Stock, Size, and Value • Contact local real estate agents and brokers • Multiple Listing Service (MLS)• Real estate websites• County Assessor’s Office

Household Income, Numbers, and Size• Utah State Tax Commission• U.S. Census Bureau:

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

LCDII’sHousing Plan


Moderate Income Housing


Page 7: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

• How does the current and future population sizes, income levels, and housing needs compare to each other? Do you anticipate a shortage or surplus?

Analyze the Data

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

• How affordable is the current housing stock for the target population?

• How many additional affordable housing units are needed to fill the (growing) housing needs of the community?

Page 8: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

• The plan should Empower the decision-makers

Elements of a “High-quality” Moderate Income Housing Plan

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

• The plan should be Action-oriented

• The plan should have Specific, Concrete Goals

• The plan should Strengthen broader community development objectives

Write your plan for your community,

not for the State

Page 9: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

• Participate in DHCD’s Pilot Program

• HUD Programs and Grants

• USDA-RD Programs

• CDBG and HOME funds

• Utilize RDA/EDA funds

• Land Donation

• Expedited Permitting

• Fee Waivers

Funding for an Affordable Housing Project

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Sources used:

• The Practice of Local Government Planning (2000) by the International City/County Management Association

• Guidebook for the Development of Workforce Housing (2008) by the Utah Workforce Housing Initiative partnership

Page 10: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

DHCD’s Pilot Program encourages community-driven affordable housing


DHCD’s Pilot Program

Participants have exclusive access to


In 2010, $2.2 million was set-aside for the Pilot Program

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Page 11: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Past Participants

City TypeTarget AMI

# of Units Funding

West Jordan City

Fixed-income Senior


< 50% 72 $1,000,000

Vernal City Workforce Housing

< 50% 49 $1,000,000

Basic Requirements

Affordable Housing Projects

Taking Action

Housing Plan Data

Moderate Income Housing


Moab City Workforce Housing

< 50% 60 $850,000

Page 12: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Questions? Please Contact:

Del L. Brady

(801) 538-8619

[email protected]

Examples of Affordable Housing Projects

Logan, UtahBrigham City, UtahSpringdale, UtahBrigham City, UtahProvo, UtahWest Jordan, UtahProvo, Utah

Questions? Please Contact:

Mike Glenn or Del L. Brady

(801) 538-8666 or

(801) 538-8619

[email protected]

Page 13: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Brigham City, Utah

Page 14: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Springdale, Utah

Page 15: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Brigham City, Utah

Page 16: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Provo, Utah

Page 17: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

Provo, Utah

Page 18: Moderate Income Housing Plans Utah Division of Housing and Community Development Lotus Community Development Institute, Inc. Utah Chapter APA Spring Coference.

West Jordan, Utah

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