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Page 1: MLM Mastery: 5 Traits of a Master Prospector

MLM Mastery: 5 Attributes Of A Master MLM Prospector

Page 2: MLM Mastery: 5 Traits of a Master Prospector

MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

People often tell me that they wish they could be a master network marketing prospector. Anyone can do it. The main

requirements are a little time and LOTS of practice! Nonetheless, there are various skills that you can improve that will infinitely guide you on your MLM journey and support you in

accomplishing MLM Mastery.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

What I’ve learned is, there are 5 Qualities or Characteristics of Master MLM Prospectors: Passion, Consistency,

Communication, Being Prepared and Being Positive.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Let's plunge into each one and look at how you can start to put into effect in your Network Marketing business today!

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Trait #1: Passion

You MUST have a serious passion for Freedom, your Product and Helping others.

Passion is without a doubt the most important quality on this list. Without a strong passion for your product, this industry, the

freedom it can provide and helping people attain that freedom, then you really shouldn’t be in the MLM industry.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

What you need to figure out is what turned you on to your company and its product, then use that same passion and share it with others. Chat with other product users and pay attention to success stories within your company. There is always a wealth of product and success testimonials that you can use to convey your belief and passion. Keep in mind, people are first attracted

to your passion before they are attracted to your product or company.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

“Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn.”

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM ProspectorTrait #2: Consistency

It is a necessity to be consistent with your network marketing business each day.

Being consistent is undeniably a key part to your success. Another way to think about it is, if you are a doctor but only carry out 7 out of 10 surgeries accurately, how long do you think you

would be in business? Not very long! You will become extremely consistent when you start treating the $500 start-up cost for your

network marketing business like it was $500,000 or even $5 Million!

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

I come across a lot of people who begin a MLM business but then they don't even put in the time and energy to be successful. But they are still anticipating a massive pay off. Well, the reality of the situation is the pay off can ONLY occur when you think of your business like a business and consistently work it every day. Putting in consistent effort doesn't involve an added eight hours a night when you get off, however devising an Action Plan and

sticking to it works.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

You want to set a Minimum Daily Exposure (MDE) number for yourself. When you are first starting out and working your

network marketing business on a very part-time basis, I advise beginning with 3 MDEs. Your ultimate goal is to be exposing between 10 and 15 new people to your MLM business every


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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

When you calculate the numbers about what this will do for your business, you will have no problem displaying passion. This

leads to success. It's a simple formula that will work whether you build online or offline or a combination of the two!

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Trait #3: Communication

Connect, Communicate and Follow Up!

Communication is key for connecting with your prospects. You should have at bare minimum contact once a week, no matter if

that lead was generated on the internet or offline.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

One word of caution, though. There is a fine line between bugging and following up. Keep in mind, developing a

relationship is crucial to successful sponsoring. So you DON'T want to be pitching your network marketing business every time. When you follow up with your prospects, make it personal. Ask

about their business or job, their family, remember birthdays and anniversaries. It’s all about connecting and getting to know them.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

If they are an offline MLM lead, you want to be in touch when there is a local meeting, a special presentation, a new tool or a

new product launch.

With an online MLM prospect this becomes simple because you should have an auto-responder sending out letters every few


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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

The whole object of communication is to keep you in your lead's mind. So that if things go south for them or if they just need a change, you are the person they think of first to call to help

change their financial situation.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Trait #4: Being Prepared

You need to always have tools prepared and practice alert living.

An unclear economic outlook has caused people who ordinarily would look down at MLM or Network Marketing to really take a

second look at it. Because of this, they are willing to see MLM as a method to make extra money.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Hence you want to be armed with tools (literature, a CD, a DVD, etc) that you can hand to your leads and you should be prepared

to tell at least two product stories and two income stories.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Stories are a must for your network marketing business as people are emotional and they will respond better to stories

rather than just a bunch of facts. Through the stories, people will learn more about either your product or your opportunity. Now

stories are something that a prospect can get passionate about!

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Facts Tell, Stories Sell!!

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

Furthermore, you want to be presentable wherever you go (i.e. no pants around your butt or dressing like you are headed to the club). Dress for success is more than a clever phrase. It makes

you prepared to make something good happen for your MLM business.

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM ProspectorTrait #5: Be Positive

You have to be upbeat.

No one is up ALL the time. We all have down moments. You just NEVER want to let your prospects and downline witness it.

People love being around happy, charismatic people. They do not want to have to be walking on eggshells around you. A good

rule of thumb is to be the person you want to attract. After all birds of a feather… and who needs to be in a group full of Debby


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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

I challenge you to apply every one of these skills into your Network Marketing business. It is critical to not pick and choose, but incorporate every one of them. You will discover that when you do, your confidence will climb. Your business will begin to grow and you will be on your way to achieving MLM Mastery!

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MLM Mastery: Five Attributes Of A

Master MLM Prospector

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If you are ready to change your future, you want to learn MLM Mastery from L.R. Hand at

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