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Page 1: Mission Concepcion

Mission Concepcion

By: Jose Miguel

PalechorAugust 2009

Page 2: Mission Concepcion

Mission Concepcion internship august 2009

Page 3: Mission Concepcion

Going in to of the Mission

These experiences for me were new and the greatest ever … I’m lucky to have had the opportunity to know and learn lots about the history of the San Antonio missions, different kinds of people from all around the world, practice my English (when I practiced my English every day I improved), also met with very nice people who helped me with their support, and showed me any thing I needed to help me be a great tour guide and have the experience for all of my life.

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Mission Concepcion Frescos

These are frescos that was painted by missionaries and indigenous. Also have a mean this frescos

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Volunteers and manager

These people are the most important resource in my stay there, because they helped and showed me a lots in knowledge, to did something or talked with somebody whom needed help from volunteer or staff in this Mission Concepcion.

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Sandra, Eliceo, Migue, and Joel. We were in these Mission. So we was lucky for this wonderful opportunity to been in these place. I’m sure every one have had a single greatest experience to tell about it.

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