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Mindfulness Inner Peace

Psychology CA-IIIShubham Connor VerlekarAU160001

Mindfulness Inner Peace

AgendaWhat is mindfulness?Why should you care?Inner Peace, Happiness and MindfulnessHow does it work?What odes it feel like?How to be mindful?

What is MindfulnessMindfulnessis a state of mid where you have complete open attention on the present moment. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by,mindfulnessmeans living in the moment and awakening to experience.Its an eastern philosophy concept developed over past 2000 years

Why should you care? A lot of benefits!Reduced rumination.Several studies have shown that mindfulness reduces rumination. In one study, for example, Chambers et al. (2008) asked 20 novice meditators to participate in a 10-day intensive mindfulness meditation retreat.Stress reduction.In 2010, Hoffman et al. conducted a meta-analysis of 39 studies that explored the use of mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. concluded that mindfulness-based therapy may be useful in altering affective and cognitive processes that underlie multiple clinical issues.

More benefitsIncreases working memory A 2010 study by Jha et al., documented the benefits of mindfulness meditation among a military group who participated in an eight-week mindfulness training, a nonmeditating military group and a group of nonmeditating civilians. They both were highlu stressful Better quality of life.Using qualitative and quantitative measures, nursing students reported better quality of life and a significant decrease in negative psychological symptoms following exposure to mindfulness-based stress reduction training (Bruce, Young, Turner, Vander Wal, & Linden, 2002).

Inner peace and happinessHappiness is not about smiling all of the time. It's not about eliminating bad moodsWhat is happiness? The most useful definitionand it's one agreed upon by neuroscientists, psychiatrists, behavioral economists, positive psychologists, and Buddhist monksis more like satisfied or content than "happy" in its strict bursting-with-glee sense. It has depth and deliberation to it. It encompasses living a meaningful life, utilizing your gifts and your time, living with thought and purpose.Happiness can be easily achieved thru mindfulness

How does mindfulness workMindfulness works on a number of levels.From a physical point of view, formal mindfulness practice causes the relaxation response. The relaxation response means your breathing slows, your blood pressure drops, you relax and feel calmer.From a brain science point of view, regular mindfulness reduces the reactivity of the Amygdala, the fight or flight part of your brain. This means you become less reactive and less stressed out about things, in particular worries, and thoughts that previously may have caused you stress, are not so problematical.

How does mindfulness feels like

Mindfulness isnt one particular state, but rather a deepening in to the feeling of the experience you are having right at this moment which could be pleasant or unpleasant. There is no good or bad way to do it. Just do it is the only mantraOne thing is for sure though, you can only experience what mindfulness is like by actually doing it.

How to be mindfulWrite down everything thats on your mind on one piece of paper (use more than one piece if you need).Create three columns on a second piece of paper, and label them:To Be Done;Maybe Later; andDelete. Sort all the items on the first piece of paper into the three columns on the second piece of paper.Take each item from theDeletecolumn, send it off into space, and tell it never to return (with a corny little ceremony if that helps).Take the items from theMaybe Latercolumn and put them on aMaybe Laterlist. (If you dont keep one, start one).Take the items from theTo Be Donecolumn and put them into your planning system. (If you dont have a planning system, get one).

SummaryMindfulness is highly relaxed state of mind, which is more of an experience a state where you are not worried or thinking about anythingMindfulness is a form of meditation and has various benefits from stress reduction, reduces deep over thinking, improves working memory and so onThe way mindfulness works is thru relaxation response and reduces the Amgylada responsivity.You cant know what mindfulness feels like unless you do it.

Review QuestionsWhat exactly is mindfulness?When and How can you be mindful?Why should you be mindful?How does mindfulness work?

Thank you for listening.


American Psychology Association -

Meditation: In Depth | NCCIH. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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