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Millwood Studios



Welcome to our very first issue of the Millwood Newsletter! Aimed at anyone with an interest in photography I hope you find the content both fun and informative!

This issue is packed with features including a fantastic interview with Guild of Photographers panel member and Judge Andrew Appleton where he shares his photographic journey with you right from picking up a Kodak Brownie at the age of 7 to becoming a fully-fledged International photographer and trainer. Also in this issue we Interview full time professional model Amy Rose where she talks about a wide range of subjects such as memories of her favorite photo- shoots and her aspirations for the future. In addition we have a great article by the talented Glamour Photographer Paul Jones. In this edition Paul takes you step by step guide on how to create Hollywood style glamour shots using a simple but highly effective three light set-up.

Also in this issue you will find a range special offers for a wide range of the services we provide at Millwood. From studio hire to model days and group shoots we are committed to providing you with the tools you need to be as creative as you like.

Millwood Photography is a family run affair and it is hoped that our friendly approach to business is one that is able to create not only long standing working relationships but also new friendships and collaborations that will allow us all to further our passions be it professionally or as the keen amateur.

I would firstly like to thank all those contributors whom have made this newsletter possible- without your input I feel this newsletter would have been rather dull! Secondly my gratitude goes to all the people who have employed the services of the studio. In our first year we have been lucky enough to meet some amazing creatives and it continues to give us real pleasure to work with you all. To that end I wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing you at the studio in the near future.

Andrew Appleton Interview Andrew Appleton is a photographer specialising in beauty, fashion and performance photography he also teaches photography on his workshops, seminars and lectures throughout the UK. Andrew is a panel member of The Guild of Photographers.

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Studio Lighting Tips by Paul Jones

Glamour photographer Paul Jones shares his studio lighting tips. In this issue a simple 3 light Setup.


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How long have you been a photographer?

I first picked up a camera when I was 7, a Kodak Brownie 127. My fascination with creating images began then, I think I was a frustrated artist, I wanted to create things but couldn’t draw or paint. I continued as a keen amateur through my teens and twenties with a home darkroom, shooting on 35mm and medium format. In the early eighties I did a two year part time course at university then lost interest for a while as family life took over. With the introduction of digital I became interested in photography once again. Through my main work at the time I had been working with Photoshop (early 90s) so it seemed a natural progression to bring in digital images and work with them. My first step into the commercial world of photography was when I bought a DSLR and was asked to photograph some plays at a local theatre. This led to shooting actor’s head shots then family portraits. At that time I was still working in the corporate world and like many juggling photo shoots around the day job. I turned full time pro in 2007 then started the training courses in late 2010.

How would you describe your style?

I have never thought I have a style. Someone once told me I had a very noticeable style, when asked to elaborate they said my images look “clean”.

What type of cameras do you shoot with?

Currently I shoot with Nikon mainly but use Canon, and Hasselblad as and when. I have an arrangement with Hasselblad who support the Portfolio Builder Days, although I don’t think I would ever buy one they are very economical to hire for jobs that need the special qualities the offer in terms of resolution and dynamic range.

What is your favourite photography accessory, other than your camera?

I think that changes over time. I have just got a Round flash which is very convenient and gives a lovely light but the one thing that I have that has helped my photography beyond anything else is my faithful people carrier called Edward. I had the back converted into a rack system to hold all my lighting kit. I really couldn’t manage without it.

If you had to choose one lens which one would it be and why?

80-200 f/2.8 (or 70-200 f/2.8 VR) For what I shoot it does just about everything, lovely for head shots at around 135mm, full lengths at 70-100. I also carry a 50mm f/1.4, 85 f/1.8 and a 24-70 f/2.8.

What lighting equipment do you take on a shoot?

That is very dependent on what I am shooting and where. A lot of the time on location I keep it simple with on camera flash, bouncing it from whatever is available. Sometimes I will add an off camera flash either using the Nikon CLS system or Pocket Wizards. If I need more power I have a Lencarts Safari 600ws battery pack and head.

What is your favourite computer/editing accessory, other than your computer?

Wacom tablet, I have an old Intuos 3. I am fortunate that I can use the mouse or trackpad with my right hand and the pen on the tablet with my left!

How important is Photoshop in your final images?

Not all my images reach Photoshop but they all go through Lightroom for cataloging and indexing plus basic colour correction. Photoshop helps with skin smoothing, more detailed toning and removing distractions.

What is your most used photoshop tool, plug in, action set etc.

Portraiture by Imagnomic

Mac or PC?

Mac (iMac 27 and very old MacBook Pro for when I am on the road)

Do you plan on buying any new equipment and if so what do you have your eyes on?

I no longer have a studio but still have my 8 year old lights which have now seen better days. Occasionally I need to take these on events when we setup a pop up studio so they are next on the list for change.

What gives you ideas and inspiration to create such awesome imagery?

Ideas come from everywhere, it could be a film, an advert, a piece of music, something I see while travelling, a person etc.

What is Andrew Appletons advice?

1. Do everything the best you can during the photographic process. Compose, light and expose it right in camera and use post processing to enhance rather than correct.

2. Keep the passion. If you are shooting as a professional make sure you shoot you own projects to keep your creative juices flowing.

Thanks Andrew!

Andrew is a photographer specialising in beauty, fashion and performance photography he also teaches photography on his workshops, seminars and lectures throughout the UK. Andrew is a panel member of The Guild of Photographers.


An Interview with

Andrew Appleton

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Lighting Techniques

with Paul Jones

This photograph was taken at Millwood Photographic Studio with resident model Georgiana. All the lighting equipment is available at the studio and if you need help with anything don’t be afraid to ask. Jamie and Paul are very happy to assist you to get great shots.

This lighting setup is easy to create and it uses three studio flash-heads. I setup a simple ‘clamshell’ lighting arrangement of a studio light above the camera position to light Georgiana’s face, with a reflector

underneath to bounce some light under the chin to fill in shadows. Here, I chose to modify my main light with a beauty dish fitted with a grid. A beauty dish gives gorgeous light that is slightly harder than a softbox. The grid makes the light more directional.

Georgiana was wearing a black outfit and placed in front of a black colorama backdrop. To create some separation I added a rim light down each side by placing a studio light behind her and angled towards her. The lights were fitted with barn-doors to lessen the amount of light coming forward and to prevent any flare coming into the camera.

I set the back lights to the same power as my main light. All three lights were metered at f/8 as I wanted the rim light to stand out. In a studio I usually set my camera to its lowest ISO, which is ISO 100. My shutter speed here was 1/125.

I think Georgiana has quite a classic beauty and the black and white treatment gives something of a ‘Hollywood’ glamour feel to the photograph.

Next time you’re at Millwood Studio use the opportunity to try out some new lighting ideas.

Thanks for reading.

Paul Jones

Paul Jones is a photographer based between Wigan and Warrington in the north west of England. His photography is primarily based around glamour images, portraits and headshots. He is mainly known as a glamour photographer, having been involved in glamour model photography over the last 15 years. Paul has worked with hundreds of experienced glamour models and those taking their first steps into glamour modelling.

Some of Paul’s notable work:

Photography FAQs- Portraits, contributing photographer

Successful Glamour Photography, contributing photographer

Lighting for Glamour Photography, contributing photographer

Photographs of Laura White featured in several newspapers and magazines

Contributor of photographs and editorial for various UK photography magazines

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An interview with

Amy Rose Who are you?

Hello! I'm Amy Rose a full time professional model.

Why did you decide to be a model? How was the first approach to pose

Just over 4 years ago I was working as an hairdresser. One of the director’s wanted to use me as a model to showcase her work. I was asked to attend a photo-shoot and get some shots. After the shoot the photographer (Mike Jagger) asked me if I would like to join Jagger01Model Management. The rest is history!

What is modelling for you? Do you transform in photo shoots?

Modelling is now a big part of my life. Apart from the photography, Modelling is a way in which I can express myself in. You have to transform in photo shoots, it’s the best part! Photographers like you to transform into the model they would like for their shots.

What do you want to achieve as a model?

I feel I am in a lucky position of being able to say that I have achieved all that I wanted to achieve when first starting out as a model. I wanted to achieve a good reputation, being diverse and to be the best at what I can be. I feel that I have achieved this.

What's the photo shoot you enjoyed the most?

I was asked alongside Mike Jagger to hold photographic workshops in New York and New Jersey, USA. Although I thoroughly enjoy every photo-shoot, the workshops in the USA were fantastic!

What do you think about the nudity in photography? Were you nervous about your first topless shoot?

Although debatable, if artistic then nudity in photography is gorgeous and fabulous! As one good photographer said 'It is about admiring the model’s body, not desiring it'. I have to say that I wasn't nervous about my first Topless shoot.

Do you admire a model? Why?

I admire Tyra Banks. I think she is fabulous, successful, gorgeous former

model who is humble but not afraid to speak her mind.

What do you want to project when you're posing on a photo shoot? What do you want to provoke in each of your photo shoots?

I project and provoke what the photographer is asking of me.I feel so far that this has been achieved as I have had no complaints!

Do you have a diet to have that beautiful body of yours?

Haha, cheeky! No diet but I do eat healthy and i'm always out walking my 3 beautiful dogs (Poppy, Daisy and Oscar).

What's the favourite part of your body?

My hands. I was blessed with piano fingers (just don't ask me to play!).

Is there any city you would like to visit?

For modelling, Las Vegas! Would love to get some fabulous shots over there. For personal, Dublin - Ireland. I would love a proper pint of Guinness!

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What do you read?

Anything! I've just finished Virginia Andrews - Petals on the wind and I am now reading Karl Pilkington's - The Moaning of life.

Tell us something nobody knows about you?

I give blood 3 times a year and have just joined the bone marrow register.

What's your favourite place and why?

My local park. Nothing gives me greater pleasure then walking my 3 dogs around its gorgeous surroundings.

What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

Me and a few friends went white water rafting in the South of France. Crazy but fun!!

What's the music you like the most?

If I hear a song that I love then its on the iPod! I like anything from 80's the Eurovision!

What's your favourite clothing?

At the moment I am loving maxi dresses and gypsy skirts.

What type of of lingerie you like the most? Any favourite band?

I love corsets, love to model in them! I either like a designer in Yorkshire who has made me some stuff for my shoots or high street brands such as La Senza and Ann Summers.

Are you interested in acting someday?

I would love to get into acting! I am always being called 'the little actress'!.

Thanks Amy we look forward to working with you again at the studio soon!

Amy will be at Millwood on Saturday 23rd August- limited space still available contact Jamie for more details

Amy is available to hire through Jagger01 Model Management. Alternatively contact the studio where we will be able to arrange an all in one model and studio hire package for Amy or any other Jagger01 model at special rates.

Other Models available with Jagger01 Models:



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Attention All Camera Club Members and groups!

Does your club hold outside events? Then why not suggest a trip out to Millwood? We love hosting Club Nights and can tailor make your evening to suit specific requirements

We have three separate studios totalling 3500 square feet which ensures ample space to cater for large groups

Feature wall in studio 1

Studio one is a versatile and naturally lit room covering some 1800 square feet. With a stunning stone feature wall, the studio is customisable to your own requirements. As well as the usual standard set up there are many props and photographic opportunities within this

space to ensure that the diverse nature of the studio will meet all your creative requirements

Four Poster in Studio 1

With a specially reinforced floor this studio is equipped to house cars and motorbikes. Props include a four poster bed, antique farm cart, leather chesterfield suite, Victorian piano,, rocking horse, antique sewing machine, buffet bar type sets plus many other props too numerous to mention.

Kitchen Area in Studio 1

Studio two is a newly renovated white room with a double ended infinity cove.

White Room Studio 2

In studio three we offer a number of ever-changing sets. At the moment, these include a barn set, Mediterranean set,

Victorian wash-room and an army themed set.

We have a private make-up room with en-suite WC facilities and a fully equipped kitchen where complimentary refreshments are always available. In addition we have a large selection of models outfits available at no extra cost to yourself. If you would be interested in studio days we can arrange them at special rates- we have a growing list of models on our directory and a resident makeup artist available for hire or alternatively I can even arrange time for print models/makeup artists to keep costs down.

Mediterranean set in studio 3

For a special rate of only £185 you can have your very own model night in our studio inclusive of the hire of 3 models from our directory and FREE lighting tuition (if you so may require it) from our Head Photographer Paul. Our nights run from 7.30pm until 10.30pm on any evening you wish.

All you need to do is bring your camera and we will do the rest to ensure you get the most from your time at the studio.We have a dedicated car park and are easily accessible being only 10 mins from junction 23 of the M60 and offer great access for customers from Yorkshire too as we are situated only a couple of miles from the Woodhead Pass. Also Stalybridge Train station is a mere 3 minutes drive from our studio and we can even pick you up from the station is you require.

Please contact Jamie directly on 07453309220 to discuss your requirements or alternatively email us:

[email protected]

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Millwood Weekly Social-Meet the Gang!

Every Tuesday or Thursday evening we hold events at the studio that are designed to be a cost effective and fun way to come to the studio meet new people and share ideas.

New to studio photography? This is not a problem as there is always somebody on hand to lend any assistance you need.

The cost of the night varies between £15-£30 dependent on the nature of the shoot. Got Facebook? Then why not add Millwood Thursday Photography Group to keep up to date with upcoming events.

Here are a few examples of images taken at the studio by our group members:

Laa Taken by Lee Whitehead

Chelsea Taken by Steve Haywood

Laura Taken by Andrew Hall

Beetson Taken by Jeni Harney

Jade Taken by Neil Hyde

Jamie Taken by David Smith

Georgina Taken by Ian Boys

Sam Taken by Tom Pearson

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Studio Hire

We have a vast array of equipment at the studio and the use of it is included in the price of hire. Here is a summary of the equipment we hold:





















1 FAN.




FOUR POSTER BED plus much much more!

“What a wonderful place Millwood Studio is - from the immense top floor with its fantastic stone walls and wooden floor, to the pristine white cove and inspired sets downstairs. I can't thank Paul and Jamie enough for the wonderful shoot I had at Millwood last weekend. We covered the top floor (and Lizzie Bayliss) in flour, and I could not have made those images without Paul's help. He's the genuine time-served, experienced pro who has a real passion for making great pictures, (and great coffee) and the design and contents of the studio reflect this from the sets to the abundance of props. No hesitation in recommending Millwood studios.”

Owen Lloyd

“I have had many shoots at Millwood Studio and would recommend it highly to any photographer. It's very clean, warm, well equipped, very friendly and professional, everything you want from a studio.”

Richard Hardwick

I shot at Millwood studios on Saturday and I can't recommend it highly enough, it was very well equipped with lots of options and the staff there were very friendly and helpful, Jamie even managed to find a Makeup artist for me at the last minute as mine was unable to attend at the last minute so they saved my bacon. I will definitely be using Millwood again

Andbro Images

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New rates of hire from August 2014

Our new price list offers unbeatable value

One hour now £25

Two hours now £45

Three Hours now £60

Half Day now £80

Full Day now £160

Using your own makeup artist? Then feel free to get your model prepared for your shoot in our fully appointed make-up room for only £10 per hour.

Are you a wedding photographer perhaps and you need a venue to meet your clients? Our comfortable reception area is an ideal place to bring your potential customers. For a nominal fee of only £10 per hour you may make use of the plush surroundings of Millwood.

In addition we can also offer portrait photographers the opportunity to use our facilities for customer viewings. Once you have completed your shoot at the studio you can invite your clients back for a private viewing of their images presented to them as a slide show on the big screen. This is a tried and tested method to increase sales and we can offer you use of our equipment for this for only £10 per hour.

Above all we aspire to do our uppermost to assist in any way we can to help you develop your own photographic business.

Our Resident MUA

Kate is our resident Make up Artist. Fully qualified to level three in Hair and Media Make-up Kate is able to provide the following range of services:

Wedding make-up

Make-overs (proms/nights out/special occasion)

Special FX

Make-up lessons

Photo-shoot make-up

Stage make-up

Wedding hair

Stage hair

Wig fitting

Up-dos and formal hair

Hair styling

You can employ the services of Kate inclusive of use of the make up room for £35 per hour. If you require Kate on set for the shoot after the initial sitting for touch ups and styling then this is possible for a rate of £20 per hour.

For more information contact Kate direct on 07815710150

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Millwood Commercial

In our first 12 months we have been lucky enough to work with some amazing clients. Perhaps most enjoyable to the studio is the increasingly busy side that is our product photography service.

We believe our images can give the edge in that good product photography can increase sales online in an ever increasing competitive market. Our personal approach will allow that from concept to completion we will work alongside our customers to ensure their products are presented with the aims of their business in mind.

We can provide clients with a range of services:

Inserts (with shadows)

Resizing (pixels/inches) optimisation for web


Steaming of products to ensure neatness and smooth garments

Editing (Photoshop 6 extended edition)

Shaping of product

Matching colour

Product will be symmetrical

"Invisible" Mannequin:

Front and back shot £7.99

Front, back and side/detail £9.99

Full set and model £13.99

Model £7.99

Flat shots/product shots/accessories £5.99

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Some examples of our work- Living walls

Living Walls- a brand new concept in bathroom design. Recently we had the pleasure of having company directors Mark and Glen in the studio. Due to the expansive space we have here we were able to create the sets on site to deliver the best possible images for commercial use.

Image shot in the white room

Image shot in studio one


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Upcoming events at the Studio….

We are very much looking forward to our exclusive weekend with top international model Madga Sztuka. At 18 years old, Magda won the title Miss Crete in 2011, and that was the beginning of a promising modelling career. Magda is now shooting everything from glamour, commercial, swimwear and lingerie to wedding dresses. We have only one place remaining on the boat trip and limited availability for the model day on the studio on the 29th.

EXTRA MODEL DAY NOW ADDED SUNDAY 31ST AUGUST-contact Jamie for special rates

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A final word from the editor.... I hope you have enjoyed reading our first newsletter and all being well we aim to publish one every two months or so. If you would like to contribute to the next edition then do not hesitate in getting in touch.

You will soon find this edition on our website along with a new members only area where you can subscribe free of charge. The web developers are currently designing a system where you will be able to book all our services online. In the meantime keep a lookout on Purpleport and Facebook for upcoming events and offers. Of course you can always give me a ring on 07453309220 or alternatively send me an email:

[email protected]

Stop Press!! I can now reveal an exciting new collaboration in that Millwood Photography will now be delivering an Introductory Photography Course. Designed and certified by Andrew Appleton of Appleton Photo Training. All Andrew's courses are approved by The Guild of Photographers.

Till the next time Jamie

email: [email protected]

69 Wakefield Road, Stalybridge SK15 1AB


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