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Page 1: Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards

Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Commission Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2013 Lansing, Michigan


Chief Doreen Olko, representing the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Mr. Thomas Cameron, representing Attorney General Bill Schuette Sheriff James Bosscher, representing the Michigan Sheriffs' Association Professor Ron Bretz, representing the Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan ChiefDonald Mawer, representing the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Mr. Michael Wendling, representing the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan Director John Calabrese, representing the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Mr. Ken Grabowski, representing the Police Officers Association of Michigan Mr. Fred Timpner, representing the Michigan Association of Police Sheriff Jerry Clayton, representing the Michigan Sheriffs' Association Mr. Richard Weiler, representing the Police Officers Labor Council Lt. Col. Dan Atkinson, representing Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue, Michigan State Police Mr. John Buczek, representing the Fraternal Order of Police D/Sgt. Chris Luty, representing the Michigan State Police Troopers Association Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski , representing the Michigan Sheriffs' Association



Mr. David Harvey, MCOLES Executive Director Mr. John Szczubelek, Assistant Attorney General and Commission Counsel Ms. Hermina Kramp, MCOLES Deputy Executive Director Mr. Danny Rosa, MCOLES Staff Mr. David Lee, MCOLES Staff Ms. Joyce Nelson, MCOLES Staff Ms. Jacquelyn Beeson, MCOLES Staff Mr. John Steele, MCOLES Staff Mr. David Lee, MCOLES Staff Mr. Pat Hutting, MCOLES Staff Ms. Diane Horwath, MCOLES Staff Ms. Debra Thelen, MCOLES Staff Ms. Gina Rosendall-Saucedo, MCOLES Staff Ms. Rhonda Hooson, MCOLES Staff Ms. Holly Baer, MCOLES Staff

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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

Ms. Sandra Luther, MCOLES Staff Mr. Michael Logghe, MCOLES Staff Mr. Lynn Ried, MCOLES Staff Mr. Darnell Blackburn, MCOLES Staff

GUESTS (signing in)

Mr. Jerry Cannon, Northwestern Michigan College Mr. Al Hart, Northwestern Michigan College Program Director Kevin Lindsey, Baker College Program Director Jon Johnston, Baker College Director Ed McGarrell, School of Criminal Justice-Michigan State University Captain Kari Kusmierz, Michigan State Police Inspector Dave Greydanus, Michigan State Police Director Larry Jackson, Washtenaw Community College Director Dan Dellar, West Shore Community College Ms. Rachel Sadowski, Hopkins Police Department Sheriff Richard Fuller, Kalamazoo County Sheriffs Department Director Carl Seitz, Macomb College Director Thomas Grace, Kirtland Community College Mr. Tim Bolles, Michigan State Police Director Larry Belen, KVCC Police Academy Ms. Jodi Richhart, Grand Rapids Community College Director Julie Yunker, Grand Valley Police Academy Ms. LouAnn Hamblin, Schoolcraft College Deputy Chief Dave Trexler, Michigan State University Police Department Director Andy Lindeman, MMPA-Lansing Community College


The Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Doreen Olko at 10:40 AM on February 13, 2013 at the MCOLES Office in Lansing.


Chair Olko introduced herself and asked the Commission members, staff, and audience to do the same.


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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcemmt Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February /3, 2013


A MOTION was made by Commissioner Buczek and supported by Commissioner Bosscher to approve the December 12, 2012 Commission meeting minutes as written.

A VOTE was taken. The MOTION carried.


There were no additions or changes to the Agenda.


Chair Olko asked for public comment on any issue not listed on the agenda. There was no public comment.


Law Enforcement Officer Position Reoort- Chair Olko stated the electronic distribution contained the LEO report for the month of January. The number of Jaw enforcement officers continues to decline. Currently the number is 18,685.

Special Use Requests - Chair Olko stated that the commission materials contained a report detailing the Special Use Requests. There were no questions and no discussion occurred.

Grant Adjustment Requests - The Commissioners were advised that the Grant Adjustment Requests Activity Report was also part of the electronic distribution of Commission materials. There were no questions.


Video Recording - Executive Director Harvey advised that the new law regarding Video Recording came into effect last year. MCOLES was given the task of developing the process and getting the funds to the field. There is a timeline to have the standards in place before mid-summer. The legislature has to appropriate funds and so far the 2014 budget does not show such an appropriation.


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Michigan Commissio11 0 11 Law E11Jorcem ent Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

Eyewitness Identification- Executive Director Harvey advised that he worked with the State Bar Task Force to develop the new Eyewitness Identification standard. He stated that it was only advisory and information regarding it could be found on the MCOLES website.

Agency Best Practices - Mr. Harvey advised the Commission that he continues to work with the CLEAR Committee to develop Agency Best Practices. He stated that he had encountered very little objection and everything seemed to be going well. He continues to meet with CLEAR and will keep the Commission updated.

Michigan Police Officers - Director Harvey advised the Commission that he had received an email from the state of New Mexico. They stated that when they have an officer candidate that was trained in Michigan, they move him to the top of the list. Director Harvey said that this was a testament to the academies and the excellent training they provide.


Executive Committee

Commissioner Olko advised that the Executive Committee met earlier that day prior to the Commission meeting. She stated that the Committee discussed revisions to the Commission Bylaws and Commission Resolution 2013-01.

Revisions to Commission Bylaws- Chair Olko asked the Commissioners if they had read the revisions to the Bylaws that were part of the electronic distribution and if there were any questions or comments. Vice-Chair Tom Cameron advised that he noticed a few inconsistencies in the document. He stated that the terms "presiding officer" and "Chair" were used interchangeably. He wanted to make the document consistent throughout and recommended that the term "presiding officer" be replaced with the term "Chair". Chair Olko advised the changes would be made.

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Wendling and supported by Commissioner Clayton to approve the revisions to the Commission Bylaws.

A VOTE was taken. The MOTION carried.

Commission Resolution 2013-01 -Commissioner Olko stated that the Criminal Justice Training Fund is used to reimburse Commissioners for any expenses they incur. She further stated that the Commission in the past supported a policy of only being reimbursed up to the state travel rates even though they are entitled to be reimbursed for the actual reasonable expense. By adopting Commission Resolution 2013-01 the Commissioners are accepting reimbursement only up to the state travel reimbursement rate.

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Bosscher and supported by Commissioner Cameron to approve Commission Resolution 2013-01.

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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

A VOTE was taken. The MOTION carried.

Status of Commissioner Appointments - Chair Olko advised the Commission of the Governor's decision to remove the Detroit Police Department's (DPD) Commissioner and to not fill the Detroit Police Officer's Association (DPOA) vacancy therefore the Commission will now be reduced to fifteen seats. With the last census Detroit's population fell below 750,000 and the city no longer met the criteria needed to hold a position on the Commission. With regard to the DPOA, the number of officers they represented needed to be at least 15% of all law enforcement officers in Michigan. They no longer met the criteria.


Executive Director Harvey advised that there were five revocations for consideration by the Commission. He stated that all five were either fe lony convictions or pleas and that the documents had been sent to the Commissioners in an electronic distribution. Director Harvey advised that all five revocations could be addressed with one vote.

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Luty and supported by Commissioner Weiler to remove John A. Beemer from the group and vote on his revocation separately.

A new MOTION was made by Commissioner Calabrese and supported by Commissioner Mawer to vote and approve the revocation of licenses for G. Gladden, E. Paravas, Jason Pfeil and Donald E. Shaw.

A VOTE was taken. The MOTION carried.

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Clayton and supported by Commissioner Mioduszewski to approve the revocation of license for John A. Beemer.

Commissioner Luty advised that he was abstaining from the vote.

A VOTE was taken. The MOTION carried with Commissioner Luty abstaining from the vote.


MSP Academy Request - inspector Dave Greydanus from MSP was called upon to make a presentation. Inspector Greydanus introduced Mr. Kevin Lindsey and Mr. Jon Johnston both from Baker College and Dr. Ed McGarrell from Michigan State University.

The Commissioners were advised that the Michigan State Police (MSP) in conjunction with Michigan State University (MSU) and Baker College wanted to start a new police academy. The background behind the proposal included the following information:


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Michigan Commissioll 011 Law E11forceme111 Sta11dards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

1. MSP and MSU have a history of working together that goes back many years. 2. Problem Based Learning (PBL) as a teaching method is being pushed by MCOLES.

MSP feels they are behind in this area and MSU and Baker College could help them incorporate PBL into their teachings.

3. They feel there is a need for an academy to accommodate the MSU and Baker students.

4. They feel a new academy would better serve the students. 5. This academy will allow the MSU and Baker students to obtain MCOLES'

accreditation. 6. The academy would allow them to integrate new methods of learning into cutting

edge training. 7. They would be able to contribute to law enforcement with the information from their

research. 8. Baker College conducted a survey with current students and there was an interest in

the new police academy. 9. Baker College wants to give their students an opportunity to get hired by providing

them with qualifications for MCOLES licensing. 10. Everyone feels that this is best for the students.

Members of the audience addressed the Commission with their concerns including:

1. What impact would this new academy have on existing academies? 2. The current academies would like MCOLES to conduct research to determine the

impact and also get input from the current academies. 3. Academies were concerned that there aren't enough students to support another

academy. 4. Many of the students cannot afford MSU tuition.

The floor was then opened to the Commissioners for their questions which included the following:

1. Commissioner Timpner wanted to know MCOLES' feeling on adding another academy.

2. Commissioner Olko asked that the different types of training academies be explained and advise which category MSP's new academy would fall.

3. Commissioner Bosscher showed concern that the market is already saturated. 4. Who would benefit from the cost of tuition that the students were paying? 5. How does the MSP cost compare to the other academies? 6. Commissioner Buczek advised that in the past it was determined that we did not need

any more academies and at one point MCOLES actually looked at reducing the number of academies and/or the number of sessions offered.

7. Commissioner Olko questioned whether it might be more advantageous to consider this request in conjunction with the five year strategic plan.

8. Commissioner Bosscher questioned if MCOLES had the personnel to handle the addition of another academy with the cuts in staff over the past few years.


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Michigan Commission on Law £uforcement Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

9. Commissioner Wendling was concerned that the MSP training staff would not have enough space and time to accommodate another academy at their facility.

After discussing all of the options available the following motion was made:

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Bretz and supported by Commissioner Cameron to include the MSP academy proposal as part of the strategic plan.

A discussion ensued and the following occurred:

An amended MOTION was made by Commissioner Bretz and supported by Commissioner Luty to allow the Michigan State Police in conjunction with Michigan State University and Baker College to move forward with their proposal.

A roll-call VOTE was taken. The MOTION carried with the following votes recorded:

Bretz Wendling__ ______ ...;:.___--!

Grabowski Mawer Mioduszewski B~Kher Y~

~~------------- -------~




Yes Votes= 11 No Votes= 3

*Commissioner Atkinson advised he would recuse himself from the vote.

Military Police Training Program Site- Executive Director David Harvey provided the background regarding the Military Police Basic Training Program and advised that the Commission had agreed that MCOLES staff could move ahead with the program. The next step in the process was to find a site for the Military Police Basic Training Program. The process included selecting criteria that was approved by the Commission and then publishing the criteria for the academies to make a proposal.

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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan

The criteria included: • Acceptance of the GI Bill • Ability to maximize the GI Bill • Allow credits • Summer Start Date • Provide Housing

February 13, 2013

Director Harvey advised there were five institutions that applied. A scoring system was established to compare the proposals. Initially MCOLES wanted only one site but since they had already heard from thirty applicants interested in attending the MP Academy without doing any advertising they felt it necessary to make a recommendation for two sites. The two proposals meeting the criteria were Grand Valley State University who would run their first academy in June and Kirtland/Northwestern/Grayling who would begin their program in August.

Director Harvey stated the proposal they are bringing to the Commission for a vote is to begin with the two sites stated above.

Lt. Col. Atkinson addressed the other Commissioners stating that Col. Etue felt that she had not had enough time to review the process that was used to select the sites. She wanted the Commission to table the vote until the March 5, 2013 Strategic Planning Meeting.

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Atkinson and supported by Commissioner Luty to table the vote of the Military Police Basic Training site recommendation until March 5, 2013.

A lengthy discussion occurred. Commissioner Bosscher questioned whether Grand Valley State University and Kirtland College were in a position to delay the vote. Both Grand Valley and Kirtland College were against delaying the site selection.

Captain Kusmierz stated that she felt the decision was based on the quality of the "proposal" and instead it should have been based on the quality of the " training". She advised the Commission that she found the criteria used for the selection very disconcerting.

There was further discussion in which it was pointed out that the two locations chosen for the Military Police Basic Training Program were both able to meet the timeline established and both were able to accept the GI Bill.

The previous motion was restated for a roll-call vote.

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Atkinson and supported by Commissioner Luty to table the vote of the Military Police Basic Training site recommendation until March 5, 2013.

A roll-call VOTE was taken. The MOTION failed with the following votes recorded:

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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Commission Meeting, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

- -- - --- - - - - -

Commissioner Vote I Timpner No

Bretz No Wendling No Grabowski No Mawer No Mioduszewski No Bosscher No Cameron No Buczek No Clayton No Calabrese No Weiler No Luty No Olko No Atkinson Yes

Yes Votes= 1 No Votes= 14

A MOTION was made by Commissioner Bosscher and supported by Commissioner Weiler to approve the Military Police Basic Training sites as recommended by Staff.

A roll-call VOTE was taken. The MOTION passed with the following votes recorded:

Yes Yes

Yes Yes Yes

-Atkinson Yes

Yes Votes= 15 No Votes= 0

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Micltigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards Commission Meeling, Lansing, Michigan February 13, 2013

A short discussion occurred regarding any additional Military Police Basic Training Program sites. It was determined that if there was a need for additional sites a second application process would be started.




Deputy Executive Director Hermina Kramp advised the Commissioners that the first meeting for strategic planning was scheduled for March 5, 2013 at the MCOLES Offices in Lansing. The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM.

The next regularly scheduled Commission Meeting: Wednesday, AprillO, 2013 Lansing, Michigan


A MOTION was made by Commissioner Calabrese and supported by Commissioner Atkinson to adjourn'the meeting.

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Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards

Commission Resolution 2013-01 A Resolution to Adopt State Rates as Limit to Expenses

WHEREAS, MCL 28.608 provides that members ofthe Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards are entitled to their actual expenses in attending meetings and performing their official duties; and,

WHEREAS, the Commission has a adopted a provision in its Bylaws authorizing it to approve an interpretation ofthe term "actual expenses" as used in MCL 28.608; and,

WHEREAS, it is appropriate for the Commission to interpret the term "actual expenses" in a manner consistent with Section 0420.01 of the Administrative Guide to State Government; and,

WHEREAS, in conjunction with Section 0420.01 ofthe Administrative Guide to State Government, the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget has adopted and regularly revises a Schedule of Travel Rates specifying reimbursement rates suitable for determining actual expenses for members of the Commission;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commission interprets the term "actual expenses" in MCL 28.608 as referring to the reimbursement rates specified in the Schedule of Travel Rates adopted and regularly revised by the Department of Technology, Management & Budget.

Adopted by the Michigan Commission n Law Enforcement Stan ds on February 13, 2013.

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