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    A) Main Deck


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    K) Main Deck L) Sector 2 (TRO) M) Sector 5 (ARC) N) Sector 4 (AQA) O) Sector 6 (NOC)

    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    A) Main Deck

    Objective 1: Go to Quarantine Bay. Access Navigation Room en route.

    Samus' adventure unfolds as your new ship docks with the Biological Space Labs station. Your mission: to investigate the distress

    call, which reports of an explosion in the Quarantine Bay. If this is your first time at the controls of Samus, hit the Start button now

    and take a moment to familiarize yourself with the handy map interface. You can scroll the map using the control pad, and press theA button to get a quick synopsis of your current mission objective. Remember to check your map and objective frequently while

    playing to help keep yourself oriented within the labyrinth of the space station.

    Your computer has just highlighted the location of your first objective on the map, so move out. The path should be quick and

    painless, as you won't find any enemies at this early point. Since you have a moment to breathe, you might consider taking this timeto practice Samus basic moves, such as wall jumping and hanging from ledges.

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    Make your way up, to the left, and into the first Navigation Room (marked with an "N" onthe map). Stand on the center of the platform here to interface with the terminal. Your computer will keep you updated on the status

    of your mission throughout the game using these Navigation Rooms, so be sure to check-in whenever one is nearby. Besides, it's

    nice for Samus to have some company for a change.

    Keep moving up, to the left, and then back down toward the Quarantine Bay. Inside, you'll find your first baddie to blast: a

    Hornoad. Squelch his life signs with no remorse. Once you do, you'll also encounter your first X organism -- grab it to replenish anyenergy you might have lost in the fight. Hit the Start button and check your objectives for an update: "Hostile creature sighted.

    Report to Navigation Room." Head back and check in with your computer.

    Objective 2: X parasite presence confirmed. Find origin of bio-signs.

    As your computer so tactfully mentioned, Samus is currently only at 10% fighting strength. Regardless, your instructions are now toexterminate a newly detected batch of parasites on the far east of the map. Think you can handle it?

    Exit the Navigation Room to the right, and then head up, to the right, and into your first Save Station. Save Stations are your

    lifeblood. It deserves mentioning again that you should always go out of your way to save your progress whenever possible. You'll

    be glad you did.

    Step onto the platform and hit the A button to make the save. Exit to the right and keep moving up, to the right, and into the next

    Navigation Room. (Feel free to blast any Zombie Researchers threatening your path.) Your computer has some new intel you'll beglad to hear.

    Objective 3: Missile Data ready. Download immediately.

    Much to your delight, Headquarters is ready to send you a weapons upgrade before you must eliminate the alien life signs.

    Throughout the adventure, Samus will receive such weapon upgrades by downloading them in a specified Data Room. Your

    computer has now marked the Data Room of choice on your map, and it is located in the upper area of the Main Deck, known as

    the Operations Deck. Make your way up one story and to the right, and you'll discover the elevator shaft that will lift you to this newarea.

    During the quick elevator ride, Samus will deliver the first of a couple in-game monologues, this time regarding her computer and a

    former Commanding Officer (CO). Although not critical to your mission, tuck these juicy digressions into the back of your brain for

    future savoring.

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    Once you've reached the upper level, head out the hatch to the left and into the larger room. From here, Samus will encounter two

    new types of rooms in addition to the previously discovered Save Stations and Navigation Rooms. Run straight across the large,

    open area and into the ground-floor hatch on the left, and you'll find the Recharge Station (marked with an "R" on the map). Here,

    as the name suggests, Samus will quickly fill all health and weapons ammo to maximum capacity. Keep a sharp eye out for these

    lifesavers throughout your quest.

    Jog one more room to the left to save your progress, then head back into the larger room to

    continue onward. Climb up and to the left, and enter the second story hatch. In this Navigation Room, your computer will drop abombshell of common sense by informing you that the "Data Room is just ahead." Apparently, in space, even computers get lonely.

    Take this helpful hint, and run to the left and into the next room.

    Here you'll find the Data Room, used for downloading Samus' many weapon and suit upgrades. Step onto the platform to download

    the missile data. Samus may now fire missiles by holding the R button and firing with the B button. Missiles fire more slowly than

    your standard beam, but are much more powerful, as well. Pay attention to the number of remaining missiles at the top of the screen,as you'll only start with 10 until you collect additional Missile Tanks in the future. Now, head back into the Navigation Room.

    Objective 4: Elevators not operational. Find alternate route to target.

    Just what you were hoping for: a power failure. It appears that unseen forces are already working against your efforts to eliminate

    the X, as you must now search for a new path to the enemy location instead of simply taking the elevator back down. Not aproblem. Head right and back into the large room. Jump to the right from the second story hatch, and continue right across the two

    elevated platforms. Here, you'll find an inconspicuously glowing red wall. Shoot it with a missile to clear a path. But before you

    press on, remember the recent words of wisdom from your computer: "I'm reading huge bio-signs, so I hope your Missiles work..."

    With that in mind, you might consider topping off your weapons supply at the Recharge Station before you continue. And while

    you're there -- save.

    Head back to the newly created hole in the wall, and jump right in. Moving to the right, you'll find a large, inanimate, brain-like

    creature blocking your path. Take it out with three missiles, and continue to the right. Here, you'll find your first batch of Pit Blocks

    that will crumble beneath your feet and drop you to the level below. Continue zigzagging

    downward, and freely blast the walls around you to open any necessary paths.

    If you press the Start button and take a look at your map, you'll notice that your current location is within a green region of the map,

    indicating that you have found a previously uncharted, secret area. Pay attention to your map throughout the game, and be sure tofully explore all secret areas you find in the future, as they contain many important items and passageways.

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    Near the bottom of this hidden route, you'll find your first instance of a ladder. In Metroid Fusion, Samus can grab onto ladders by

    jumping at them and holding towards the ladder. Ladders are often found both vertically (as in this case) and horizontally along the

    roof, so keep pressing toward them in either case to latch on. From the ladder, Samus can aim in five different directions, fire, climb,

    and jump off with the A button. Climb this ladder to the top and keep holding up on the control pad to pull yourself neatly onto theplatform above. Now jump off the edge to the right, and continue moving downward toward the target objective.

    After falling a short ways down, you'll land on a platform with a Missile Tank. Grab it to increase your stash of missiles by five.

    While you're here, hit the Start button to check out your map; a small, white dot labels your current location, representing the secret

    item you've just found. Likewise, rooms with a small circle represent secrets that you have

    not yet found. Again, pay attention to your map at all costs, and don't leave an area until you've turned all circles into dots by finding

    the hidden goodies.

    Case in point: jump to the level below and head to the room on your left. Checking your map, you'll notice the white circle labeling

    this otherwise vacant room. That's right -- time to search for a secret item. Blast the top corner of the stair-stepped blocks on your

    left to snag another Missile Tank. Try not to waste this newfound stash of missiles between here and your mission objective --

    you're going to need them later.

    Head back along the bottom and to the right, and you'll reemerge in the station's well-lit Main Deck area. Check your map here,

    and you'll find a Save Station directly above you. Climb up there, and use it. Now, head back down to the bottom floor and deal

    with the few X-infested zombies lurking about. As you defeat them, pay attention to the colors of the X parasites that float away.

    Yellow ones will fill your energy, and green will give you weapons ammo (such as missiles and bombs). Red parasites are the cream

    of the crop, giving you both energy and ammo -- and lots of it. Make an extra effort to snag the red ones whenever you see them.

    These zombies will continually revive themselves, as nearby X parasites fly to their slain corpses, so don't spend too much time

    trying to eradicate them. Instead, keep moving to the right, where you must face a large eyeball creature that is guarding the hatch.

    You can only defeat this blinking monstrosity when its beady, black pupils are showing. Wait

    for the right time and plug a missile in its socket. It will take three missiles to get rid of him permanently, so stay focused, jump its

    energy blasts when the pupil doesn't show, and keep mowing down those zombies.

    Once the eye is gone, head through the hatch to the right and into the large room where your map indicates the target is located.

    Here, you'll be faced with a series of ledges, and there is a key concept to master with these if you hope to survive what is to come.

    Jump up and grab the first of these ledges by holding toward it on the control pad. As you hang from it, press away from the wall on

    the control pad, and Samus will crouch against the wall in a preparation to jump. Continue holding away from the wall, and press the

    A button to leap to the next ledge. Continue this pattern until you've reached the third ledge, where you must press up on the control

    pad to climb on top of the column itself. Remember this technique.

    Move on to the right, using this hanging jump method to reach another platform that holds your first Energy Tank -- another much

    needed gift. Grab it to add a bar of energy (i.e. 100 energy points) to your reserves. Now, walk to the edge of the platform the

    Energy Tank was on and shoot two missiles right above you. Jump up into the hole and to the right to find a second Energy Tank.

    Be glad for this, as you run to the right and fall to the room below.

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    The enemy threat is discovered: Arachnus, a native beast of SR388 that has been possessed by the X. Arachnus attacks with fire, a

    slashing beam of energy, and an earth-shaking ball attack. Defeating it isn't as tough as it looks, so long as you remember your jump

    moves from before. Hang from either edge and wait for Arachnus to move below Samus. Jump to the other side of the room before

    it can slam into the wall with its ball-rolling move (which will knock Samus down), and fire a missile directly into its belly when it

    turns around to face you. Don't get greedy -- you will typically only be able to tag the

    creature with a single missile before it counterattacks with either a slashing or ball attack. Just fire a single missile and jump back to

    safety on the ledge and ready to jump across the room again. Keep this pattern alive until you've depleted your missiles, and then

    continue with your blaster if necessary.

    Once Arachnus is defeated, you must eliminate the remaining Core-X with three well-placed missiles to earn your prize. If your

    missile reserves are empty, then hit the Core-X with your blasters to release a few X parasites (look for the green ones) and fill up.

    As the Core-X swoops by, fire off a quick missile, and then quickly jump to avoid taking damage. Once its shell is down, jump to

    grab the Core-X and receive the Morph Ball ability. As in the previous Metroid titles before, you can now hit the down arrow on

    the control pad twice to roll Samus into ball form. Doing so allows her to slip into cracks and reach even more secret areas andlearn other new abilities ball-related abilities.

    Now that you've dealt with the enemy threat, it's time to check in with the computer via the closest Navigation Room. Put that ball

    to use, and roll to the left and out of the room. Continue to jump, roll, and climb your way to the left. Eventually, you'll come to what

    appears to be a narrow passage that's blocked off. Climb the ladder opposite the ledge, aim to the left, and blast the two fake

    blocks to clear the path. Continue moving to the left, and you'll emerge back in the Main Deck. On the way back to the NavigationRoom above you, be sure to stop by the Save Station along the way. If you're low on energy, you can also blast the green, brain-

    like creature on the platform just before the Navigation Room to reveal a Recharge Station. Should you decide to recharge, then

    you might as well follow it up with another good save before pressing upward to the Navigation Room.

    Objective 5: X detected in Sector 1 (SRX). Investigate and gather data.

    "Samus, it's as I feared." Your computer has some bad news. The X have invaded the station's breeding grounds, and this news isonly going to make a bad situation worse for Samus. You've got no time to loose -- head to Sector 1 (SRX) and deal with the

    outbreak as only Samus can: with lethal force. Your destination is the station's Main Elevator, which leads to the hub of elevatorsthat tie the various sectors of the space station together. Deep within these diverse catacombs is where your true adventure awaits.

    Exit the Navigation Room to the left, making your way back down to the Save Station below you. As you pass through to the left,go ahead and pop a quick save. Head down and to the left again to cross the second Navigation Room. No need to stop and chat

    with your computer here, but feel free to do so should you need a refresher on the drama. Exiting the Navigation Room to the left,you'll need to head upward to progress -- but wait. There's another hatch here, just across from the Navigation Room. If youdecide to check out this Sub-Zero Containment room, then be warned: you won't survive for long due to your suit's inability to fight

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    the harsh arctic chill. But on the other hand, there's a very familiar face waiting on the insidethat Metroid fans will definitely recognize. It's worth the pain, so check it out and don't stay for long.

    Once you're back on the move, head up the shaft and look for a small, ball-sized opening immediately on your right. Roll alonginside to grab another Missile Tank, and then head back outside to press on toward the elevators. Keep moving up and to the left,

    rolling and blasting hatches as needed, until you come to the Main Elevator. Stand on the lift and press down on the control pad todescend to the Sector 1 elevator shaft. As Samus heads down, you'll witness a rather disturbing cutscene that should evoke a smallamount of confusion and fear -- as well it should. Continue down the elevator anyway, and then run to the left and hop onto the

    Sector 1 elevator: going down. When it arrives, head into the Navigation Room on the right to see what your computer has to sayabout the unsettling event above.


    B) Sector 1 (SRX) PreviousWalkthrough

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    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    B) Sector 1 (SRX)

    Objective 1: Atmospheric stabilizers corrupted by X. Investigate.

    Unfortunately, your computer is as clueless as you are about who or what damaged the space station's Main Elevator, so you'll have

    to put those worries behind you for the time being and focus on the mission at hand. As you'll recall, this breeding section of the

    station has recently been overrun by X parasites, so it's your job to exterminate the threat and return conditions to normal.According to your computer, the best way to go about this is to find and clear all five atmospheric stabilizers in the section. Let's

    rock n' roll.

    Head to the right, hitting both the Save and Recharge Stations along the way. The next big room you enter will have both a blue and

    green door inside. If you press the start button, you'll notice the upper-right corner of your map indicates that L1 through L4 hatchesare currently locked, so you won't be able to hit those areas until later. No problem, just keep moving where you can: to the right.

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    The next straightaway is packed with creatures to blast, so don't hold back. Knock threemissiles into the green-brained creature and you're on your way to the first of the five atmospheric stabilizers. Step inside, climb your

    way around the room in a clockwise manner, and then stand on the hovering rock platform to send three missiles into the X-

    smothered mechanical fan. One down, four more to go.

    Blast your way through the next room to the right, and at the end, you'll be rewarded with a nice Energy Tank for your efforts.

    Simply roll up and scoot under the walkway, and she's all yours. Breeze through the next room to the right, and stick to the highroad to enter atmospheric station number two. Once inside, you'll need to blast your way through a few Fake Blocks as you wind

    your way left, right, and up to the top (mind the Pit Blocks). If you're low on health, don't be shy about collecting a few dozen

    floating X parasites before you decide to finish off the atmospheric stabilizer. Once you're ready, cap it off with three missiles andhead back outside the room.

    Now it's time to venture down a floor. Jump down to the next hatch to the left, and cruise

    down this long and grassy hallway. Watch out for the horn-shielded beasts that will likely charge you once they catch your drift. Letthem charge, jump over them, and collect their X with a few quick blasts to the backside. Once you're through the hallway, continue

    one more room to the left and into the lava-filled chamber beyond. Here, you must jump and cling to the ladder on the ceiling,

    allowing you to monkey-bar your way out to an isolated platform with a Missile Tank. Grab it, and monkey your way back out --

    there's nothing more to see here until later in the game.

    Head down the silver shaft, avoiding the powerful, purple Zebesian Space Pirates along the way, and drop straight to the bottom.Skip through the small room to the right and you've found the third atmospheric stabilizer. This one will require you to climb across a

    horizontal ladder, and then up a vertical one to position yourself into firing range. Climb up the wall on the right, aim left, and cut

    loose with three missiles. Only two more stabilizers left.

    The fourth atmospheric machine is even closer than the previous ones. Just a quick hop

    across two small rooms to the right, and you're ready to clean up number four. This one will have you pulling off your favoritehanging leaps as you jump your way to the horizontal ladder strewn across the roof. Don't spend too much time combating the

    Hornoads jumping around below, as the healthy supply of X will keep them jumping into the unforeseeable future. Instead, just grab

    onto that ladder and shut down number four with three good missile shots. And before you leave, be sure to check the unlocked

    hatch in the upper left of this room for another Missile Tank to add to your collection.

    Now it's time to round up the fifth and last atmospheric stabilizer. Exit the room to the right, and jump your way up the tall shaft of

    pirate-filled platforms. For the most part, you can ignore the majority of these purple beasts and simply crisscross your way up as

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    you jump from ladder to platform to ladder again. But should one of the pesky guys get in your way, send a missile his way and

    collect his X. Exit the shaft to the left, and blast the lamp on the ceiling to raise the shutter as

    you continue to head left. Jump onto the ladder on the ceiling and swing your way to the end of this room, blasting anything thatjumps your way. When you hit the dead end, blast the left wall as you hang, and you'll knock out a few Fake Blocks to create a

    nice crawl space. Simply jump down from the ladder and catch onto the ledge, where you can then pull yourself into a ball by

    pressing up on the control pad. Squeeze through to the left, and out the hatch.

    In the next room, fall through the series of Pit Blocks to the ground below, and fight your way to the Save Station to your left. It'sbeen a while since your last save, so don't get lazy and skip this one. If you're in need of energy or ammo, the room just outside the

    Save Station is nearly as good as the local Recharge Station -- it's packed with regenerating critters and flowing with the yellow and

    green X parasites. Just pump away with the your beam weapon until you've topped-off your levels, and save it. Now you're ready

    to head back out to the right, and climb up the ladder to visit the big, ugly eye that's guarding the upper hatch. You know the drill:

    three missiles to the foul thing when its pupils light up will get you by.

    Entering the room to the left will definitely bring with it a mood swing. The music has shifted,

    letting you know right away that something sinister is afoot. Head to the bottom-left corner of the room, and you'll find a classicMetroid touch: a Chozo statue bearing an upgrade gift for Samus. But soon after shooting the ball, you'll realize that this Trojan

    horse has other plans, as a Core-X erupts from within and attempts to take you down. Unlike the last Core-X you fought, this one

    has a weak spot where you must concentrate your missile fire: its eye. Stick to the low ground and wait for the Core-X to approach

    you from the side. Once its eye swings around, plug the hole with a missile. Then jump to the far side as it passes and repeat until it

    releases your new power: the Charge Beam. Defeating and absorbing this Core-X will grant Samus her classic ability to hold down

    the B button and fully charge her weapon before unleashing a more powerful blast. From this point forward, you should keep yourbeam weapon charging at all times, ready for the first victim you encounter.

    Exit this room via the upper-right hatch, and blast the ceiling in the next room to clear enough Fake Blocks for passage into the fifth

    and final atmospheric stabilizer. Again, make your way around the room in a clockwise fashion, until you're standing to the left of the

    groaning fan blades. Blast away the Fake Blocks between Samus and the stabilizer, and

    charge up her beam weapon instead of using valuable missiles. Two solid, fully charged beam shots will clean up the last of the

    atmospheric processors. Now you're left with simply evacuating the sector and reporting to the nearest Navigation Room on the

    way out.

    Exit the fifth chamber via the lower-right hatch, pop a blast in the lamp to raise the shutter blocking your path, and climb up and to

    the right to save your progress. The rest of your exit path is all familiar territory -- just keep pressing all the way up, and then all the

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    way to the left until you hit the Navigation Room. Check your map along the way to make sure you don't get sidetracked. While en

    route, try out your new beam charge, and notice how much more powerful it truly is. Some of the creatures you dealt with on the

    way into the sector that were previously shielded to your standard beam will now evaporate with a single blast. Quite nice!

    Once you've run through the few remaining rooms, be sure to fuel up and save, then step left into the Navigation Room to get some

    feedback from your computer.

    Objective 2: X detected in Sector 2 (TRO). Brief in TRO Navigation Room.

    As you might expect, defeating the X isn't going to be as simple as shutting down a few atmospheric processors. While Samus did

    well to halt its spread in the Sector 1 breeding grounds, your computer has just dropped the word of an X outbreak in Sector 2.

    You heard the machine -- get up that elevator, take a quick jog to the right, and head back down into a whole new world: the

    tropical Sector 2. Report to the Navigation Room on your right as soon as you arrive, and prepare for your new mission briefing.


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    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    C) Sector 2 (TRO)

    Objective 1: Bomb data ready. Unlock Data Room hatch and download.

    It's been a while since your last heart-to-heart with the computer, and apparently the trusty machine has been doing its homework

    while you were off exterminating the X in Sector 1. The latest Navigation Room report is full of important tidbits, such as the identity

    of the elevator saboteur: the aptly named SA-X, an X clone of Samus herself at full power. The SA-X has helped spread theparasites throughout the station, and Sector 2 is next on the list of places for you to inspect. But be careful -- you're no match for

    the SA-X at this point in the game, and it won't take much for it to flatten your life-signs with its lethal ice beam. Instead of fighting

    the SA-X, your computer advises an alternate solution: find the bomb upgrade by first unlocking the Level 1 security hatches. TheSecurity Room isn't labeled on your map, so we'll have to find this one the good old-fashioned way.

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    Begin by saving and refilling your energy and weapons on the way into the sector. The firstpassageway you'll notice is the one directly below your starting point and heading to the left, but you'll soon realize that this is an

    early dead-end, as Samus won't be able to jump past the tall, wormlike creatures within. Don't bother with this room just yet;

    instead, continue around the larger room in a counter-clockwise manner -- again, bypassing the second hatch which leads to the as-

    of-yet unlocked Data Room -- until you reach the unlocked hatch in the upper right corner of the room. Follow this path to the right,and then climb all of the way up the lush, green cavern to the entrance of the unmarked Security Room at the top. Enter this Security

    Room to the left, and jump down to the terminal that will grant Samus the Level 1 access necessary to enter the Data Room on the

    far left side of the sector.

    Exit the Security Room via the bottom-right hatch, and trace your path back the way youcame: down and to the left. As you swing around the large room (this time in a clockwise manner), you'll now be granted access to

    another small room on the right; however, its secrets are not yet within your grasp. Don't waste time prodding around here, just

    keep moving to the bottom-left hatch and toward the Data Room. Run down the quick corridor to the left, and then climb up and tothe left of the following room to find the blue door leading to the Data Room. Blast and enter. Samus' classic bomb move is now

    yours. Roll into a ball and hit the B button repeatedly to give it a try for yourself. Bombs are not only great for laying waste to

    pursuing enemies, but also serve as a key to investigating your surroundings and hunting for Fake Blocks, secret items, and secret

    passageways. From this point forward, it should be your most frequently used weapon, as you continually probe your surroundingsfor secrets.

    Objective 2: Bomb data download complete. Proceed to Navigation Room.

    As you exit the Data Room, the ground will shake with an explosive force, and you'll hear haunting footsteps echo in the distance.

    Keep such foreshadowing in mind as you press forward. Run to the right, and, instead of falling down, jump across the gap to thetiny ledge on the far right wall. Roll up and drop a bomb, and there you'll reveal your first of many such secrets: a hidden Missile


    As you drop to the level below, you'll notice that your entrance to this room has since been blocked by rubble, most likely due to

    the earlier explosion. It seems that you'll need to find a new path to the Navigation Room from this point. No problem -- just createyour own exit. Run down the hallway to the left and bomb the floor at the left edge of the room. Doing so will knock out a Fake

    Block and drop Samus to a secret room below. Roll along and wipe out the baddies in this hallway, and then hit the room to your

    right for a refreshing save point. When you're ready to move on, exit via the hatch to your left.

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    In this next room, you'll need to roll up and bomb your way down through this maze to give

    Samus the bounce and jump she needs, not to mention the firepower necessary for laying waste to the savage roly-poly creatures

    crawling within. Whenever you have the headspace, definitely try to squat and blast the buggers with your beam weapon instead, asit's a far more efficient means of clearing the tunnels. Once you've reached the bottom of the maze, you'll find a single door leading

    to the left. That's your cue to move on.

    Head out into the empty shaft, fall to the lower level, and then proceed into the tropical region within the hatch to your right. Bomb

    any suspicious looking floor parts to destroy the obvious Fake Blocks and progress downward. You'll find your exit at the bottom-right corner of the room, but don't rush off just yet. First you'll want to bomb the floor just below this exit to reveal a hidden tunnel

    leading to another Missile Tank. Snag it, and now you're ready to exit via the bottom-right hatch.

    This next room presents a series of tall pillars that Samus must pull herself over. The first one

    is easy enough, but the second will require a well-placed bomb to trigger a hidden platform that will lend you the extra height

    advantage you need to get past. Just drop the bomb exactly two spaces away from the wall, and watch as you're lifted into the air.

    Continue running to the right, and exit into a very tall shaft that's full of new hatches to explore.

    The first and most important of these hatches is the one directly to your right on the ground floor. Take this hatch as far as it goes to

    the right, and in the next room you'll find a much-needed Save Station. Use it. Now that you can breath easier for a bit, head back

    to the shaft, and climb upwards. The hatch immediately above and on the right is a dead-end at this point, as is the next one up and

    on the left, so feel free to skip these if you're in a hurry. Otherwise, go ahead and explore them both as far as you can, if for no other

    reason than to know what to expect in the future. The important hatch to know is the third one up on the right, as shown here in this

    screenshot. Follow this passageway to the right and past this first hallway. The next room will

    allow Samus to bomb and blast away the floor to uncover a hidden room, but the result is a dead-end. Likewise, you can also climb

    up a here and attempt to bomb the ceiling, only to find that Super Bomb blocks are boxing you in. So, press on to the right, and into

    yet another Save Station. Save your game, and keep moving right.

    The next room is a simple one with a few slow moving creatures to slay. Breeze past it and continue moving to the right. Here you'll

    find another Energy Tank waiting for you -- grab it and chalk up another 100 energy points in the process. Next, bomb the floor to

    drop into the room below, where you must defeat another eyeball hatch guardian. Kill it quickly with your three missiles, and exit the

    room via the hatch to the right.

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    Suddenly, the music shifts again, and the tension builds for some unknown reason. Jump

    down into the large room below, and you'll discover why. You've stumbled into the lair of a large Core-X, which immediately

    transforms into a giant, purple, squid-like cyclops upon seeing Samus. Thankfully, this boss creature is not nearly as fearsome as it

    looks. It begins to attack Samus by jumping high into the air and across the room. Simply dodge these attacks and wait for it to float

    down to the ground after the third or fourth jump. At this key time, stand directly under the creature and fire off as many missiles as

    possible -- anywhere from one to three -- directly up its tailpipe. Repeat this process for a couple of minutes, and the Core-X willbe exposed, allowing you to break its shell via missiles and collect your new abilities: Hi-Jump and Jumpball. Now Samus can jump

    the entire vertical distance of the screen in a single bound, in addition to jumping while in ball form, which is extremely handy for

    maneuvering and dropping bombs at various elevations. With the unexpected collection of these abilities, Samus' mission objectives

    are again updated by her computer.

    Objective 3: Hi-Jump ability absorbed. Proceed to Navigation Room.

    Yet, the goal remains the same: get to the Navigation Room. But one quick glance at the map tells you that this task is still easiersaid than done. First, climb back out of this large boss room, and make your way back up and to the Save Station on the left. It

    goes without saying that you should consider saving. Once you've saved, keep heading as far left as you can go, all the way to the

    crumbled hatch that once served as an entrance to this region. Instead, bomb the floor next to this hatch to reveal the new passage

    of choice. These Fake Blocks will give way to a series of Pit Blocks, which will then drop you straight into the middle of a heart

    attack: the SA-X is patrolling the hallway directly below you. Don't make a peep, and, unless you have a death wish, certainly don't

    run to the end of the hallway on the right and drop down to challenge the SA-X. This thing

    knows no mercy, and it is more than willing to demonstrate that fact for you by ending your game in a matter of seconds. Once you

    feel confident that it's safe to move about, drop down, get back into that central shaft to the left, and keep searching for the

    Navigation Room.

    Once back in the central shaft, you'll notice a large number of new carcasses littered throughout, clinging to the walls and platforms

    as if their lives were instantly and unexpectedly snubbed by a powerful force. Fortunately, these dead creatures have become quite

    useful to Samus, as you can now combine them with your newly learned Hi-Jump to elevate yourself to new heights within the tall

    tunnel. But before you venture upward, stop for a moment and visit the second hatch from the bottom on the left -- the one directly

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    across from the recently crumbled entrance. Inside, you'll find two previously unattainable

    Missile Tanks -- one underwater, and one across the horizontal ceiling ladder. The key to the underwater Missile Tank is to triggerthree different steel platforms using bombs, all three of which allow Samus to reach the heights necessary to pull herself through gaps

    and drop the bombs for creating such gaps.

    Once you've earned these two extra Missile Tanks, it's time to finally jump your way out of this mess, using the alien carcasses as

    leverage. Climb to the upper level of the tube, and bomb your way through any Fake Blocks that cross your path. You'll also need

    to take advantage of your new Jumpball ability to successfully destroy the second of these Fake Blocks. Now run down the hallway

    to the right, and climb another set of platforms. In this new vertical segment, you'll see two small, ball-sized gaps. The gap on theright contains a Fake Block that you can bomb to collect another Missile Tank -- go and get it. When you're ready, proceed back

    into the primary Sector 2 zone via the small crack in the upper left of the shaft.

    From here, it's a quick run up and to the left to hit the Navigation Room. But on the way, why not stop by the room on the left just

    below the Recharge Station. You know, the one at the very beginning with the secret that you couldn't jump high enough to get?

    Well, now you can. Head into the room and jump over the tall, Jell-O monsters to add this elusive Missile Tank to your collection.

    Afterwards, return to the big room, and head to the upper left hatch to wrap this mission up with a good recharge and save beforelearning of the latest horrors caused by the SA-X and the parasites.

    Objective 4: Aberration in Sector 4 (AQA). Proceed to Sector 4.

    According to your computer, you've done a very bad thing. It seems to attribute your unlocking of the Level 1 security doors withthe spread of the X parasites and SA-X itself into new regions of the space station. Reports are coming in from Sector 4, the

    aquamarine level, telling of unusual behavior, and perhaps unlocking the Level 1 areas of the station is what has further encouragedthis spread of evil. No matter what the cause, it's up to Samus now to check it out. Head up the elevator, to the right, and then take

    the Sector 4 lift down to get the full briefing on site.


    D) Sector 4 (AQA) PreviousB) Sector 1 (SRX)

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    Walkthrough part 3

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    D) Sector 4 (AQA)


    A) Main Deck B) Sector 1 (SRX) C) Sector 2 (TRO) D) Sector 4 (AQA) E) Sector 3 (PYR)

    F) Sector 6 (NOC) G) Sector 5 (ARC) H) Sector 3 (PYR) I) Main Deck J) Sector 5 (ARC)

    K) Main Deck L) Sector 2 (TRO) M) Sector 5 (ARC) N) Sector 4 (AQA) O) Sector 6 (NOC)

    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    D) Sector 4 (AQA)

    Objective 1: Engage Serris.

    What is Serris, you ask? Samus will soon find out for herself, as your computer has plotted the next navigational point in the upper

    levels of Sector 4. Your target: the breeding grounds of the vile creature known as Serris. Your computer reports that the majority

    of the damage in this region is the result of its destructive tendencies, and you can't afford to let it escape to other sections of thestation. Head up there and wipe it out. As you travel, keep in mind the warning of broken power lines that may be exposed within

    the watery environments of this area. Should you ever hop into the pool and get a shock, then that's your clue to go diving

    someplace else.

    Exit the Navigation Room to the left, and grab a quick save and recharge on the way through. Your first entry to this world is a largeroom with two ground-floor hatches. For now, the path to the right is a dead-end, so skip right to the left exit. Pass through the

    smaller adjoining room, and into one of the largest rooms in the whole sector. As you enter, bomb the wall directly in front of you to

    reveal a few Boost Blocks as well as a Fake Block. Don't bother with the hidden path behind the Fake Block right now, as it will

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    only dump you into a pool of electric-charged water. As the doctor says, high-voltage electrical currents and Samus don't mix.

    Ignore these blocks for now, and jump your way to the top of the narrow verticalpassageway above. Bomb the group of Fake Blocks there to gain access to the rest of the room. Jump down and to the left to

    make your way across the room using the series of suspended blocks. Try your best not to splash into the water below as you move

    toward the upper left hatch -- this is your exit. Moving left into the next room will reveal a few new areas to explore. Start with the

    upper left exit; jump your way to the upper left and take that hatch to the next water-filled chamber. This path will lead you to aSave Station and an easily obtained Energy Tank. Just fight your way past the first armored piranha with a few charged blasts, climb

    up the ladder, and enter the hatch on your left to save. Head back outside and continue following this path the right and upward to

    snag the Energy Tank at the dead-end. When you've got it, backtrack to the first hatch below the Save Station, and return to thelarger room.

    Now it's time to take the bottom left hatch -- the one just below where you're standing.

    Doing so will put Samus at the edge of another electrified pool of water. Look up and blast the group of four Fake Blocks above

    your head, pull yourself up there in ball form, and ignite a bomb to start a chain reaction that will clear the ceiling ladder for Samus to

    grapple. Swing your way to the left, blasting any winged creatures obstructing your path. When you get to the platform, drop somebombs to cut a path to the left. But before you continue down that path, take a quick moment to jump up through the hole in the

    ceiling. Climb the ladder on your left, and keep pressing up once you're at the top to roll into an unseen crack that leads to a secret

    room on your left. Inside, you'll score another Missile Tank. Now, head back down, and keep pressing left.

    The next room to your left is a vertical shaft that leads up to a Save Station. Upon entering this area, there's a hatch immediately to

    your left for a room called the "Pump Control Unit." There's not much you can do there for now, so Samus needs to move up thisvertical hallway instead. Don't bomb the floor here, unless you actually wanted to jump into that electrically charged pool below

    your feet. Instead, blast the group of Fake Blocks above and to the right to climb upward. You'll then need to

    swing left via the horizontal ladder to avoid falling through the Pit Blocks below. On the left

    ledge, shoot the blocks above and jump to the next level up. Continue this pattern once more, working Samus to the right, up, and

    then swinging left again. Keep climbing and shooting these Fake Blocks until you finally reach the hatch on the top floor. Step on

    through to the right and you've earned yourself a save. But don't leave yet! You may notice a small crack on the right wall inside this

    Save Station. Bomb it, and you'll clear the path that leads to Serris' breeding grounds.

    The next room to the right will require a quick bomb to clear the tunnel that leads to the far right hatch. At this point, checking your

    map will reveal that you're about to enter the lair of the beast. Heading into the next room, you'll find the foul breeding tank of Serris

    but only a tease of the creature itself in the form of a skeletal corpse. The tension builds as you exit to the right, climb up the ladder,

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    and exterminate the red eye beast guarding another hatch on the right. Now you're ready to fight Serris.

    Make your way across the platform in Serris' lair to the far right, and be careful as parts of it

    collapse around your feet. Find a platform that you feel comfortable on, and get ready to fight the fastest creature that Samus has

    ever been faced with. This dragon-like beast will zip around the room at lightning speed, so respond quickly to its attacks if you

    hope to stay alive. Serris will dive in and out of the water around you, coming at Samus from all sides and eventually knocking you

    into the water. Keep pulling yourself up to the platforms and firing your missiles as it passes, timing your shots to impact its head

    whenever possible. Every direct hit will send the creature into an invincible frenzy, so keep jumping high into the air as you wait for itto resume its standard pattern of attack. It won't take but five or so direct hits to defeat Serris and unleash the Core-X within.

    Another five missiles into the Core-X, and Samus will regain the power of the Speed Booster.

    Objective 2: Speed Booster power absorbed. Proceed to Navigation Room.

    And with that, your computer requests your presence back at the Navigation Room for an update. Exit the late Serris' lair to the

    right, and speed your way to the far right end of the next room. Here you'll bomb the ground at what looks to be a pair of Fake

    Blocks, but instead, you'll destroy a set of Fake Blocks on your left. Wipe out the spiked enemies down this corridor, move to thefar left side, and get a running start back to the right as you speed boost over these Boost Blocks and descend to the level below.

    You're now on your way back to the beginning of the sector, with a quick detour first.

    There are two Missile Tanks to collect in this next room. First, stand in the gap below and to your left to bomb a path leading left.

    Roll your way left, where you'll need to bomb again to clear out a second chain of Fake Blocks. Doing so will allow you to squeezeinto a small nook, where you can bomb again to reveal the first of the Missile Tanks. Next, jump onto the ladder on your right, and

    fire two missiles directly to the left to create another small tunnel. Jump and pull yourself intothe gap, roll left, and fall down to the next section below. Here, you'll need to run to the right and jump across the gap to the small

    ledge on the right. Should you miss and fall through the Pit Blocks below, your only chance of snagging the second Missile Tank will

    be to wall jump your way back up the ceiling hole on the right. Once you're on the ledge, blast the upper-right corner of the wall to

    carve a path to the second tank. When you're ready to move on, fall through the Pit Blocks below, and grab a quick save via the

    Save Station to your right.

    Finding your way back to the Navigation Room seems simple at this point, but it's actually going to take some effort on your part.

    Start by running to the left and dropping back into the familiar room with the hanging platforms. The Navigation Room is just a few

    rooms to the right of here, but you can't blast your way there just yet. First, you'll need to make your way left again, following the

    same path you took the last time, until you reach the Pump Control Unit. Once inside, run straight to the left until you speed past a

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    wall of Boost Blocks and find yourself in the control room -- just be careful not to send yourself flying over the edge and into the

    electrified water below. Stand on the pad to activate the controls and drain the water inside the sector. As a result, many new areas

    will be opened, and checking your objectives will give you a new mission objective to pursue.

    Objective 3: Sinking water level opened new areas. Search and proceed.

    Orders are orders, so it's time to search the new water-free parts of this sector. Judging from your map, there's a good two-thirds

    of it left to see, so you'd better hustle. Begin by jumping down into the lower section of the Pump Control Unit, grabbing the

    gratuitous Missile Tank, and exiting to the right. At this point, you should seriously consider taking a slight detour to the Save Station

    above before continuing with your exploration. Once you're ready, continue back into next large room to the right, and notice thatthere's no longer a threat of electrified water to contend with. Instead, you'll now need to keep an eye out for exposed power cables

    as you drop to the lower section of the room. Clear out the enemies in this area, then get a running start from the left and plow

    through the stack of Boost Blocks in the bottom right corner.

    Moving to the right, you'll pass an easily spotted Missile Tank. Grab it, and keep moving

    right. In the next area, you'll hit another wall of Boost Blocks, so back up and get a running start from the rooms before to smash

    through. Keep running until you get all the way to the far right of the room, thus clearing out both sets of Boost Blocks without

    needing to get a second running start. Once you do, you'll now be able to bomb the Fake Block next to the door and check out thearea below, thanks to the lowered water level. But unfortunately, there's nothing to collect at this point; a Power Bomb Block

    obstructs the path, so remember this spot for later. Instead, keep pressing to the right, and your road to the Navigation Room is

    now clear.

    Objective 4: New Missile data ready in Sector 3 (PYR) Data Room.

    Headquarters has come through once again with another weapons upgrade for Samus: the awesome Super Missile. But,unfortunately, you can't reach any Data Rooms in Sector 3. So, your computer has given you new orders to proceed to a new

    region of the space station: Sector 3 (PYR). For those familiar with their Greek root words, you can already guess which elemental

    force will be the signature threat of the area. Head back up to the Main Elevator area, down the left hallway, and take the plunge to

    Sector 3; your computer will give you further instructions once you get there.

    NextE) Sector 3 (PYR) Previous

    C) Sector 2 (TRO)

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    E) Sector 3 (PYR)


    A) Main Deck B) Sector 1 (SRX) C) Sector 2 (TRO) D) Sector 4 (AQA) E) Sector 3 (PYR)

    F) Sector 6 (NOC) G) Sector 5 (ARC) H) Sector 3 (PYR) I) Main Deck J) Sector 5 (ARC)

    K) Main Deck L) Sector 2 (TRO) M) Sector 5 (ARC) N) Sector 4 (AQA) O) Sector 6 (NOC)

    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    E) Sector 3 (PYR)

    Objective 1: Locate Security Room and activate green hatches.

    Before Samus can download the new Super Missile data in Sector 3, she must first active Level 2 hatches via the Security Room

    ahead. As was the case with the Level 1 Security Room, you won't find it marked upon your map due to security reasons --

    naturally. Thus, it's time to go exploring. As you do, bear in mind the final words of your computer, instructing Samus to steer clearof any ultra-hot zones. Your Fusion Suit alone can't withstand such elemental torture, so should you ever notice a rapid decline in

    energy reserves, then take the hint and leave the room immediately.

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    Heading into Sector 3, you'll be tempted by one such hot zone right away. Run to the right(saving and recharging as always) and into the first large room. From here, you can choose to enter three different hatches, the first

    of which is too hot for Samus to handle. Instead, you'll want to blast away at the floor and investigate the lower left hatch. Notice

    that the hatch is already opened -- a bit of foreshadowing. Inside is a small, empty room, but bombing the left wall will reveal a

    stack of Boost Blocks. Head back into the main room and blast away the Fake Blocks cluttering the lower level. Get a running startfrom the far right side, and send Samus crashing through the hatch to the left at full speed.

    Now you're trapped inside a long hallway that ends with a green hatch on the far left side.

    Directly above the hatch is another cluster of Boost Blocks, so this time you'll need to get yourself airborne once you've begun to

    boost. Start from the right, sprint to the left, and jump as Samus hits the top of the second mound on the floor. If you've timed itright, she'll go spinning through the blocks above. On this platform, roll into a ball, and bomb your way into the left room, which

    turns out to be the Level 2 Security Room. With this quick download, Samus can freely open all green hatches on her way to the

    Data Room.

    Objective 2: Green hatches now active. Proceed to Data Room.

    Once you exit the Security Room, this sector will come alive with batches of new enemies. A well-charged beam will serve you well

    here, as you must first clear out the airborne creatures before performing a jumping Speed Boost to break through to the right.Keep fighting your way to the right along the bottom of the next room, and then continue upwards in the room that follows. Attack

    the first wall monster above and destroy it. On that same platform, run to the right, and a vertical chain of Pit Blocks will give way

    and allow Samus to slip behind the security shutter.

    The next room to the right is another long straightaway with a few enemies, but should be fairly simple. Open the shutter outside and

    get a long head start as you speed to the right and carve out Boost Blocks along the floor. Walking along the center of

    this carved section will allow a hidden Pit block to drop you down a level. (Note: Bomb the

    left wall here to reveal a hidden Power Bomb block.) Exit via the hatch to the right, and you'll find yourself in a very tall vertical shaft

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    that's full of even more hideous, green wall monsters. If you'd like to get your hands on another Missile Tank, then fall to the bottom

    of this tunnel and enter the hatch on your right, where you'll need to bomb the top of the floating platform to reveal the stash.

    Otherwise, make your way to the very top of the tunnel and continue through the hatch on your left.

    This next room is a bit deceiving. Bombing the left wall will reveal two different gaps that Samus can squeeze through in her ball

    form. The default ground-level path, however, is a trap that will drop you back to an earlier part of the level -- do not take it.

    Instead, ball jump to the middle gap and ride it to the left, snagging the Missile Tank along the way.

    Continue to roll around, bombing and jumping your way up, right, and following the path of

    the steel tubes. You'll emerge in a hallway that's on a straight path with the Data Room. There's no going left here for now, so presson toward the Data Room to the right.

    After cruising down the long, heat-distorted hallway, you'll run directly into the Data Room with zero opposition. Savor the moment

    as Samus downloads the Super Missile technology. Firing the missile hasn't changed, except that you'll now deal a substantially

    greater payload with each shot. Once you've completed the upgrade, you may notice a slight tremor and monstrous roar. It's

    probably nothing to worry about -- you might as well head outside and check it out.

    Objective 3: Super Missile data downloaded. Proceed to Navigation Room.

    Despite the earth-shattering quakes, nothing appears out of place as you head back down the hallway to the left. That is, until you

    enter the second room and notice the gaping hole in the ground that wasn't there just a few short minutes prior. It also appears that

    the entrance to this hallway has been blocked with rubble, so you've no choice but to head down through this new crater and checkit out. Fortunately, you're in luck -- there happens to be a Save Station just below and to the right, followed by a Recharge Station

    and, just beyond that, a Missile Tank. Destroy the purple brain-like creature blocking your path with a few of your new Super

    Missiles, and grab the upgrade before heading back upstairs. According to your fresh mission objectives, your computer wants you

    to investigate this "unknown event." Seeing as you have no other options, you'd be wise to comply.

    Objective 4: An unknown event occurred. Investigate.

    Leave the Save Station and head back upstairs toward the Data Room. Once you enter, you'll notice that the ground is violently

    quaking once again -- a subtle hint that a battle is brewing. Sure enough, an angry Security Robot is storming straight for you, so

    quickly jump and grab ahold of the ceiling as soon as you see it. It's extremely easy to let this hulking machine get the best of you

    and deplete your energy, so be on the defensive from the beginning and you'll eventually wear it down. Wait for the robot to walk

    underneath Samus and tap it's inner legs on the ground, signaling the launch of a fire mortar. When it does, be ready to send a few

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    missiles its way, aiming directly at the top of its brown-colored midsection. But you'll only have a split second to fire, since you need

    to position Samus directly above the exploding ball of fire to avoid being hit. Again, stay on the defensive, and make your first

    priority avoiding the fire. Eventually you'll be able to connect enough missiles to send this metal monster to the scrap heap.

    Objective 5: Repelled Security Robot. Proceed to Navigation Room.

    Unfortunately, the critically wounded Security Robot made a bold escape just before Samus could finish it off, so perhaps she'll

    have the chance to do the deed some other time. But for now, it's time to do as the computer says and report back to the

    Navigation Room for a debriefing. Before you head on your way, you might give serious thought to backtracking to the Save and

    Recharge Stations below -- you probably don't want to fight the Security Robot again anytime soon.

    Climb your way out of this dusty arena via the chunks of ceiling that the robot knocked down during its escape. Travel to the left

    down the hallway, and feel free to perform a boost jump (see the Advanced Tips section of this guide for details on pulling this off)

    to open up an upper room and snag an extra Missile Tank. Pass through the hatch to the left,

    drop down to the bottom floor, and jump to bomb the single Fake Block obstructing your path. Roll through to the left, and stop

    underneath the jagged ceiling blocks before you go any further. Drop a bomb, and you'll activate a lift that will put Samus in close

    proximity to the ceiling. Bomb away, and you've earned yourself another Energy Tank that should come in handy down the road.

    Collect the goods, and continue out the left, jumping and bombing the next set of blocks that lie in your path as well. You'll now findyourself at the first room of the sector, so head straight for the Navigation room in the upper left corner to hear the latest intel from

    your computer.

    Objective 6: Download support data. Proceed to Sector 6 (NOC).

    Now that you've unleashed the Level 2 security locks, your computer informs you that Samus now has access to the remaining

    sectors of the space station: Sectors 5 and 6. But her Fusion Suit is still susceptible to extreme temperatures, and because Sector 5is home to harsh winter conditions, the new plan is to infiltrate the Sector 6 Data Room and download some form of technology

    upgrade from headquarters that will allow Samus to survive such conditions and eventually explore these other sectors. You know

    the drill -- get up that elevator and head to the Sector 6 Navigation Room on the double.


    F) Sector 6 (NOC) PreviousD) Sector 4 (AQA)

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    F) Sector 6 (NOC)


    A) Main Deck B) Sector 1 (SRX) C) Sector 2 (TRO) D) Sector 4 (AQA) E) Sector 3 (PYR)

    F) Sector 6 (NOC) G) Sector 5 (ARC) H) Sector 3 (PYR) I) Main Deck J) Sector 5 (ARC)

    K) Main Deck L) Sector 2 (TRO) M) Sector 5 (ARC) N) Sector 4 (AQA) O) Sector 6 (NOC)

    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    F) Sector 6 (NOC)

    Objective 1: Download Varia Suit data. Avoid blue X parasites.

    In this lightless region of the B.S.L station, Samus must wander into its depths to recover her classic suit upgrade: the Varia Suit.

    With it, she'll be able to survive extremely cold and hot conditions (but not lava), so it's a key to unlocking many parts of other

    sectors within the station. Your computer has marked the upgrade on your map at the targeted Data Room, and has advised you tokeep a sharp eye out for any large, blue X that appear, as they'll drain your energy with their icy composition should you absorb

    them. Remember to stun them with your beam and just run on by. Now, let's move out.

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    Enter Sector 6 to the right after the standard save and recharge. You'll be instantly greeted bya swarm of buzzing creatures, so blast your way through the room and exit to the right. You'll notice a secret Missile Tank hiding in

    the bottom of the room, but you'll need to head into the next room on the right and bomb the left wall to backtrack to it. Now, keep

    working your way to the right through the next couple of rooms and blasting past the first blue X you encounter. Samus will loose 69

    energy points if you hit one, so be careful. The good news is that you'll absorb them, so they won't continue to be a threat beyondthe initial attack. Keep moving to the right and into the first vertical hallway of the sector.

    Samus will need to head down this shaft to the bottom to move on, and we recommend bypassing the first two hatches on your right

    and left along the way. Each is packed with mobs of blue X parasites -- far too many for Samus to handle on her own. Entering

    these rooms could mean certain death at this point, so you may consider skipping them. The first hatch on the right leads to a MissileTank (defeat the fake tank, and bomb to the right for the real one), so the risk may be worth the reward for some -- if you can

    survive. The second hatch on the left is a dead-end until you upgrade to your Power Bomb weapon, so there's no reason

    whatsoever to explore it. Just move to the bottom of this shaft and head through the hatch to your right.

    This next larger room only has one exit, so make your way to the lower left hatch via a

    clockwise pattern through the maze structure of the room. There's quite a few more blue X parasites in these next few rooms, so do

    your absolute best to avoid contact with them. Otherwise, your game will be over very quickly. Head through the lower-left hatch,

    and you'll need to get a running start from here to speed through the Boost Blocks at the far left end of this corridor. Hopefully, indoing so, you'll also speed past the few floating blue X in the room as well. Head down this ladder, and make a fast break for the

    hatch immediately to your right. Inside, you'll find a short hallway with a makeshift Recharge Station -- that is, a ton of critters that

    Samus can blast to collect their yellow X and replenish her energy. If you need more, just quickly exit and reenter the room andrepeat until her levels are full. Don't stop until she's full -- you're going to need it until you can grab that Varia suit. When you're

    ready, save via the Save Station to your right, and continue back to the left.

    The next room will have yet another blessing: an Energy Tank. Grab that free candy and

    thank your lucky stars. The room appears to be a dead end, but a quick bomb where the Energy Tank once stood will set off a

    chain reaction of Fake Blocks, clearing a path for Samus to fall downward. Tuck, roll, and bomb your way to the empty room

    below, then head through the hatch on your right.

    The next room will have a floor of solid Power Bomb Blocks, and a wall blocking your path to the right with more of these

    impenetrable blocks. Your only option is to bomb a small hole in the floor in front of this wall, drop down to the small crawlspace

    below, and roll back to the left, towards the door. When you do, the frightful SA-X will once again make a dramatic entrance.

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    It will slowly march all the way to the wall on the right, roll up, and drop a Power Bomb to

    clear the path. A word of warning: Be as far to the left as possible when it does for two reasons. First, to avoid taking damage in the

    blast, and second, to avoid being detected by the SA-X. Keep your distance from it until you hear it completely exit the room viathe hatch below. Be careful not to fall through the sneaky column of pit blocks near the ledge and wind up as an easy target for the

    SA-X. Just let the deadly impersonator exit the room quietly, and then follow through the same hatch to the left.

    Checking your map, you'll find a Save Station off to your left. Getting there through these next two rooms is a breeze, so head

    straight for it and save your progress. When you're done, head back into the room to your right and bomb the center of the floor tocut a hole leading downward. There are a lot of fake blocks below, but we recommend against shooting them all, as there are quite

    a few sneaky blue X parasites lurking within, just waiting to freeze Samus cold. Only shoot the key blocks you need to clear your

    path, and move on through the hatch to the right. Inside are a few more enemies to clean up and collect their nourishing X leftovers,

    along with a red eye hatch guardian. This time, your Super Missile will take it out with a single shot, thus granting you access to the

    Data Room to the right.

    Objective 2: An X has acquired the Varia Suit data. Find and recover it!

    Before Samus has a chance to download her Varia Suit, an evil Core-X has leeched onto the machine and somehow extracted the

    information. Naturally, your computer wants you to pursue it, so head into the room to your right, and prepare to do battle with an

    oversized version of the Core-X. This one is tough to hit as it quickly swoops down toward Samus, so react quickly. Use charged

    beam shots to damage the Core-X, and eventually it will revert to its smaller form. You know how to finish these guys -- a handful

    of missiles will release the Varia Suit upgrade for Samus to absorb. She can now withstand harsh cold and heat, in addition to nowbeing able to absorb the blue X like any other X parasite. Grab the upgrade and exit via the hatch to your right.

    Objective 3: Varia Suit abilities initialized. Proceed to Navigation Room.

    The next two areas are tall, vertical tunnels that lead Samus back toward the entrance of this Sector. There's a handy Save Station

    marked on your map just to the lower right of the second tunnel, so use it before you continue. You'll notice that the blue X will still

    attempt to attack Samus, but her Varia Suit upgrade will convert them into much-needed energy. It won't take long for them tofigure out that Samus is now immune to their freezing attacks, so enjoy the gratuitous energy while you can. Climb up the second

    tunnel on the right, and head back through the left hatch once you've reached the top floor. Here, you'll spot another Missile Tank,

    but be careful not to fall through the Pit Block lying just before it. As you grab this tank, you'll fall through to the left-hand tunnel

    below. As you fall, hold to the left to grab onto the small crack in the wall, and pull Samus through to the empty room to the left.

    Shoot out the center of the ceiling here to reveal another Missile Tank. Snag it, and head back down to the second, right-hand shaft,

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    then climb back up the ladder and exit via the hatch to your right.

    From here, the path back to the Navigation Room is very straightforward and linear. Just

    keep moving up and blasting anything that moves across your path. When you get back to the first vertical shaft, feel free to explore

    the two side-rooms that you skipped the first time through (grabing that Missile Tank to the right), as the blue X guarding them arenow helpless to the power of your Varia Suit. Continue upward until you've finally recharged, saved, and entered the Navigation


    Objective 4: Download Ice Missile data. Proceed to Sector 5 (ARC).

    Sector 5 is the only part of the B.S.L. station that Samus has yet to enter, and the time has finally come. Equipped with your Varia

    Suit, your computer informs you that the SA-X will no longer be able to stop you cold with it's Ice Beam. Unfortunately, your newFusion Suit can no longer be equipped with a similar beam of its own, so headquarters is sending you data to allow for the next-best

    upgrade: Ice Missiles. Sounds good, yes? Then get up that elevator and head into the Sector 5 Navigation Room for further briefing.


    G) Sector 5 (ARC) Previous

    E) Sector 3 (PYR)

    What Links Here

    Walkthrough part 6


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    G) Sector 5 (ARC)


    A) Main Deck B) Sector 1 (SRX) C) Sector 2 (TRO) D) Sector 4 (AQA) E) Sector 3 (PYR)

    F) Sector 6 (NOC) G) Sector 5 (ARC) H) Sector 3 (PYR) I) Main Deck J) Sector 5 (ARC)

    K) Main Deck L) Sector 2 (TRO) M) Sector 5 (ARC) N) Sector 4 (AQA) O) Sector 6 (NOC)

    P) Sector 1 (SRX) Q) Main Deck

    G) Sector 5 (ARC)

    Objective 1: Locate Security Room and activate yellow hatches.

    Samus is about to enter the winter wonderland section of this diverse space station, and what better place to obtain an Ice Missile

    upgrade than the arctic itself? But she won't be able to simply stroll into the Data Room here and be on her way. Instead, you'll need

    to find the Security Room in this sector and open the Level 3 security hatches first (the yellow ones) to gain access to the DataRoom. As usual, this Security Room isn't marked on your map, so let's go find it.

  • 8/1/2014 G) Sector 5 (ARC) - Metroid Fusion Wiki Guide - IGN 3/5

    Start this sector like every other with a good recharging and saving under your belt. Head tothe right into the first vertical shaft, where two yellow hatches will immediately block your path. Instead, jump onto the ladder on the

    left wall, climb to the very top of it, and fire two missiles directly to your right to create a small entry for Samus to squeeze through.

    This sneaky passage is the only way to advance. Roll through the small room to the right and into the larger one ahead. There's

    nothing special to see here, so just work your way up and then back down and to the right of the giant area. Exit through the hatch

    in the lower right

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