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Page 1: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

Medieval Europe

Name: Date:

1. Which was a major result of the Crusades?

A. the development of new economic interestsfor Europe

B. the permanent dominance of Christianity inthe Middle East

C. a decentralization of the power of the RomanCatholic Church

D. a lessening in the power and influence of theEuropean middle class

2. Base your answer to the following question on thequotation below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

“the. . . relationship was essentially a contractbetween lord and vassal which was definedand enforced by mutual agreement. . . . It wasassumed that lord and vassal had a commoninterest—the welfare of the fief.”

—Sidney Painter

Which political system is described in thisquotation?

A. pure democracy B. absolute monarchy

C. feudalism D. fascism

3. In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was

A. the strengthening of the feudal system

B. the adoption of Islamic religious practices

C. an increased demand for goods from the East

D. increased European isolation

4. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)on the illustration below and on your knowledgeof social studies.

The illustration represents a society based on

A. social class

B. educational achievement

C. accumulated wealth

D. political ability

5. Which is the most valid generalization about theCrusades?

A. The Crusades strengthened the power of theserfs in Europe.

B. The Crusades increased trade between Europeand Asia.

C. The Crusades brought European influence toAfrica.

D. The Crusades supported the idea of religioustolerance.


Page 2: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

6. Which statement best describes the result of theCrusades?

A. Europeans maintained a lasting control overmuch of the Middle East.

B. Islamic influence dominated Europe.

C. Europeans developed tolerance ofnon-Christian religions.

D. Trade between Europe and the Middle Eastwas expanded.

7. Which is a characteristic of a feudal society?

A. rapid social change

B. high literacy rate

C. industrial-based economy

D. rigid class structure

8. An important long-term result of the Crusades inthe Middle East was the

A. increased tension between Muslims andChristians

B. destruction of Muslim military power

C. creation of a large Christian state on the RedSea

D. restoration of the Byzantine Empire

9. Medieval life in Europe was characterized by

A. limited social mobility

B. a strong central government

C. a thriving system of international trade

D. rejection of the teachings of the Christianchurch

10. A major result of the Crusades was the

A. conversion of the majority of Europeans toProtestantism

B. weakening of the power of the middle classin Europe

C. growth of trade between Europe and Asia

D. development of feudalism in Europe

11. An important contribution of feudalism was that it

A. advanced the ideals of a democratic society

B. provided for some law and order in society

C. strengthened the powers of the monarchy

D. fostered the idea of a classless society

12. One major result of the Crusades was the

A. permanent occupation of the Holy Land bythe Europeans

B. long-term decrease in European trade

C. conversion of most Muslims to Christianity

D. spread of Middle Eastern culture andtechnology to Europe

13. During the feudal periods in Japan and Europe, afamily’s wealth was mainly determined by the

A. amount of land the family controlled

B. number of children in the family

C. size of the castles built by the family

D. value of the family’s gifts to religious leaders

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Page 3: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

14. The Crusades have been called “history’s mostsuccessful failures.”

Which statement best explains this expression?

A. The Crusades did not achieve their originalgoals, but they brought about many desirablechanges in Europe.

B. Although the Crusaders captured the HolyLand, they were unable to bring aboutdemocratic reforms.

C. The Crusades helped bring about the fall ofthe Roman Empire.

D. The Crusaders prevented the Turks fromcapturing Constantinople for many centuries.

15. A major goal of the Christian Church during theCrusades (1096–1291) was to

A. establish Christianity in western Europe

B. capture the Holy Land from Islamic rulers

C. unite warring Arab peoples

D. strengthen English dominance in the Arabworld

16. Base your answer to the following question on thequotation below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

“Come then, with all your people and givebattle with all your strength, so that all thistreasure shall not fall into the hands of theTurks. . . .Therefore act while there is stilltime lest the kingdom of the Christiansshall vanish from your sight. . . .And inyour coming you will find your reward inheaven. . . . ”

— Emperor Alexius Comnenus,quoted in The Dream and the Tomb

Which event is referred to in this quotation?

A. Enlightenment

B. French Revolution

C. Glorious Revolution

D. Crusades

17. One result of the Crusades was an increase intrade between the Middle East and

A. East Asia B. Africa

C. North America D. Europe

18. In western Europe, the Middle Ages began afterthe collapse of which empire?

A. Mughal B. Roman

C. Ottoman D. Byzantine

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Page 4: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

19. Which heading would be best for the partialoutline below?


A. Desire to be released from feudalobligations

B. Defense of the Holy Land

C. Forgiveness of sins

D. Desire for wealth from the MiddleEast

A. Reasons for the Reformation

B. European Motives for Fighting the Crusades

C. Causes of the Fall of the Roman Empire

D. Reasons for the Split Between the Easternand Western Churches

20. “. . .Christian warriors, He who gave His life foryou, today demands yours in return. Theseare combats worthy of you, combats in whichit is glorious to conquer and advantageous todie. Illustrious knights, generous defenders of theCross, remember the examples of your fatherswho conquered Jerusalem, and whose names areinscribed in Heaven; abandon then the things thatperish, to gather unfading palms, and conquer aKingdom which has no end.”

— St. Bernard of Clairvaux

This statement was most likely used to encouragepeople to

A. repel a Viking invasion

B. stop advancement of the Huns in Europe

C. join the Crusades

D. force Russians to convert to Catholicism

21. Which factor contributed to the decline in thepower of the European nobles in the late MiddleAges?

A. decreasing importance of towns and cities

B. collapse of international trade

C. rise of nation-states

D. increase in the influence of serfs

22. Which circumstance best describes a long-termresult of the Crusades?

A. Muslim control of Jerusalem ended.

B. Feudalism began in western Europe.

C. Cultural exchanges between the Middle Eastand Europe grew.

D. Christians and Muslims achieved a lastingpeace.

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Page 5: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

23. Base your answer to the following question on thestatements below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

. . . For many in the contemporary Arabworld, the Crusades are viewed as havingbegun nearly a millennium of conflict withwhat would become the West. The Crusadesare seen as representing the constant threatof Western encroachment [trespassing]. Butmany scholars say that is a more recent andinaccurate view of the Crusades. . . .

— Mike Shuster, reporter, NPR

The Medieval Crusades were taken and thenturned into something that they never reallywere in the first place. They were turned intoa kind of a proto-imperialism, an attempt tobring the fruits of European civilization tothe Middle East, when, in fact, during theMiddle Ages the great sophisticated andwealthy power was the Muslim world.Europe was the Third World. . . .

— Thomas Madden, St. Louis University,

History of relations between the

West and Middle East, NPR,

All Things Considered,

August 17, 2004

These statements indicate that the history of theCrusades

A. has been neglected by experts

B. was of little importance

C. is the subject of debate and interpretation

D. illustrates the importance of tolerance andunderstanding

24. What was one of the primary reasons for thespread of the bubonic plague?

A. increase in trade

B. colonization of the Americas

C. development of the manorial system

D. economic decline

25. Which heading best completes the partial outlinebelow?


A. Escape feudal oppression

B. Earn salvation from sins

C. Recapture the Holy Land

A. Goals of the Hanseatic League

B. Reasons for Europeans to Fight the Crusades

C. Results of the Reconquista

D. Aims of Charlemagne

26. Base your answers to the following questionson the speakers’ statements below and on yourknowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: We must fight to keep control of Jerusalem in the hands ofthose who believe in Allah.

Speaker B: Come and battle while there is still time to protect theHoly Land where Christ walked.

Speaker C: We must go forth to heal the split between the churches.

Speaker D: An investment in ships and knights will yield control ofprofitable trade routes.

Which speaker is expressing an economic motivefor the Crusades?

A. A B. B C. C D. D

27. One long-term effect of the Crusades was the

A. development of Pax Mongolia

B. fall of the Ming dynasty

C. control of Jerusalem by Europeans

D. growth of trade and towns in western Europe

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Page 6: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

28. Which statement best explains the relationshipamong groups of people under feudalism?

A. All classes received equal treatment before thelaw.

B. Social classes were determined primarily byeducational achievements.

C. Obligations among social classes were clearlydefined.

D. Strong national governments passed laws tomaintain class structures.

29. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)on the diagram below and on your knowledge ofsocial studies.

Which economic concept can be inferred from thisdiagram?

A. self-sufficiency B. inflation

C. trade embargo D. competition

30. Which was an important cause of the rise offeudalism in Europe?

A. increasing power of the Catholic Church

B. weakness of central government authority

C. political ideas brought back by the Crusaders

D. growth of national monarchies

31. Which was common to both European andJapanese feudalism?

A. flourishing trade

B. development of industry

C. cultural diversity

D. decentralized government

32. Which was most responsible for bringing about thedecline of feudalism in Western Europe?

A. fall of the Roman Empire

B. revival of trade and commerce

C. spread of the Protestant Reformation

D. weakening of the power of absolute monarchs

33. In Europe, the Crusades resulted in

A. a greater isolation of the region from theworld

B. an increased demand for goods from theMiddle East and Asia

C. the adoption of Islam as the official religionof many European nations

D. the strengthening of the feudal system

34. Which was a characteristic of European feudalism?

A. existence of many small semi-independentunits

B. emphasis on individual liberties

C. public participation in decisionmaking

D. equal division of labor

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Page 7: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

35. Which term best describes a society in which thelanded aristocracy has most of the wealth andpolitical power?

A. feudal B. commercial

C. socialist D. utopian

36. Which was a common feature of feudal societiesin both Japan and Europe?

A. extensive contact with citizens of othercountries

B. opportunity for social mobility

C. domination by a military class

D. strong central government

37. Which factor contributed most to the rise of thefeudal system in Europe?

A. development of trade routes

B. influence of the medieval church

C. strength of the nobles

D. weakness of the central governments

38. The paragraph below describes conditions in areasof Europe during the 9th century.

The barbarians sacked towns and villages.They burned down the churches and departedwith a crowd of captives.

Which was a result of the conditions describedabove?

A. Treaties with the barbarians eventually led totheir withdrawal.

B. National armies were formed to combat thebarbarians.

C. Nations joined together for collective security.

D. Individuals surrendered many of their rightsto local lords in return for protection.

39. A direct result of the Crusades was that

A. the pope lost control of the Church

B. Europeans increased their demands for goodsfrom the East

C. Christians gained permanent control of theHoly Land

D. nobles gained power over the monarchs

40. Which was a characteristic of feudalism in bothmedieval Europe and Japan?

A. The middle class acquired more power thanany other class did.

B. Political power was held by a strongcentralized government.

C. The army encouraged strong nationalisticfeelings among the people.

D. All the people knew their roles in a rigidclass system.

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Page 8: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

41. One important effect of the Crusades on westernEurope was that they

A. led to a decline in the importance of thechurch in western Europe

B. furthered cultural diffusion throughout westernEurope

C. introduced the Industrial Revolution to westernEurope

D. ended the western European quest for anoverseas empire

42. Feudalism in Western Europe was similar tofeudalism in Japan in that

A. power was based on class relationships

B. the national government controlled the nobility

C. social mobility was easily achieved

D. most of the people lived in cities

43. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)on the speakers’ statements below and on yourknowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: Good government stresses the importance of the nation and accepts therights of the individual only if the interests of the individual are thesame as those of the nation.

Speaker B: The person of the king is sacred and to attack him in any way is toattack religion itself. The respect given to a king is religious in nature.

Speaker C: All human beings are born free and equal with a right to life andliberty. It is the duty of government to protect these natural rights ofits citizens.

Speaker D: Our goal will not be achieved by democracy or liberal reforms, but byblood and iron. Only then will we be successful. No nation achievesgreatness or unity without the traumatic experience of war.

Which speaker’s statement expresses the idea ofdivine right?

A. A B. B C. C D. D

44. What were two indirect results of the Crusades?

A. Trade and commerce increased and the feudalsystem was strengthened.

B. Trade and commerce declined and the feudalsystem was strengthened.

C. Trade and commerce increased and the feudalsystem was weakened.

D. Trade and commerce declined and the feudalsystem was weakened.

45. Feudal societies are generally characterized by

A. an emphasis on social order

B. a representative government

C. many economic opportunities

D. the protection of political rights

46. The Crusades indirectly contributed to thediscovery of the New World by

A. forcing the relgious conversion of the Muslimpopulation

B. forcing the Turks to flee from Constantinople

C. stimulating European demand for goods fromthe East

D. increasing the power of the feudal lords

47. In medieval Japan and medieval Europe, the feudalsystem was dominated by

A. middle-class merchants

B. peasant farmers

C. radical revolutionaries

D. warrior aristocrats

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Page 9: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

48. Which was a characteristic of feudalism?

A. Land was exchanged for military service andobligations.

B. Government was provided by a bureaucracyof civil servants.

C. Power rested in the hands of a strong centralgovernment.

D. Unified national court systems were developed.

49. In European feudal society, an individual’s socialstatus was generally determined by

A. birth

B. education and training

C. individual abilities

D. marriage

50. Which economic system existed in Europe duringthe early Middle Ages?

A. free market B. socialism

C. manorialism D. command

51. The growth of feudalism in Europe during theMiddle Ages was primarily caused by the

A. rivalry between the colonial empires

B. suppression of internationalism

C. decline of the Roman Catholic Church

D. collapse of a strong central government

52. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)on the illustration below and on your knowledgeof social studies.

This illustration suggests that the European feudalsystem was

A. designed to promote political and economicequality

B. controlled by a powerful middle class

C. intended to provide opportunities for socialmobility

D. supported by the labor of the peasants

53. Feudalism influenced Europe and Japan by

A. providing social stability

B. fostering the growth of religion

C. eliminating warfare

D. encouraging formal education

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Page 10: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

54. “Tedious were it to recount, how citizen avoidedcitizen, how among neighbours was scarce foundany that shewed fellow-feeling for another, howkinsfolk held aloof, and never met, or but rarely;enough that this sore affliction entered so deepinto the minds of men and women, that in thehorror thereof brother was forsaken by brother,nephew by uncle, brother by sister, and oftentimeshusband by wife; nay, what is more, and scarcelyto be believed, fathers and mothers were found toabandon their own children, untended, unvisited, totheir fate, as if they had been strangers. . . . ”

Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron

The author of this passage was describing the

A. breakdown of social order during the bubonicplague

B. power of special courts during the Inquisition

C. treatment of native peoples in Latin Americannations

D. outcome of the famine in Ireland in the 1890s

55. Base your answer(s) to the following question(s)on the diagram below and on your knowledge ofsocial studies.

Most economic activities on this feudal manorwere related to

A. guilds B. industry

C. banking D. agriculture

56. During the feudal period in Europe, power andposition in society were based on the

A. amount of money earned

B. level of education achieved

C. number of slaves owned

D. amount of land possessed

57. Which heading best fits the partial outline below?


A. People become more aware of theoutside world.

B. Merchant and craft guilds helpcommercial centers grow into cities.

C. Trade routes develop to supply thegrowing demand for new products.

D. Monarchs centralize control andincrease their power.

A. Seljuk Turks Dominate Europe

B. Democracy Ends in Eastern Europe

C. Feudalism Declines in Western Europe

D. Religion Becomes Powerful Force in Europe

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Page 11: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

58. “Tedious were it to recount, how citizen avoidedcitizen, how among neighbours was scarce foundany that shewed fellow-feeling for another, howkinsfolk held aloof, and never met, or but rarely;enough that this sore affliction entered so deepinto the minds of men and women, that in thehorror thereof brother was forsaken by brother,nephew by uncle, brother by sister, and oftentimeshusband by wife; nay, what is more, and scarcelyto be believed, fathers and mothers were found toabandon their own children, untended, unvisited, totheir fate, as if they had been strangers. . . . ”

Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron

The author of this passage was describing the

A. breakdown of social order during the bubonicplague

B. power of special courts during the Inquisition

C. treatment of native peoples in Latin Americannations

D. outcome of the famine in Ireland in the 1890s

59. The term feudalism is best defined as a

A. holy war between Christians and Muslims

B. process in which goods are traded for othergoods

C. division of political power between threeseparate branches

D. system in which land is exchanged for militaryservice and loyalty

60. In western Europe, feudalism developed after the

A. Roman Empire collapsed

B. Renaissance began

C. city of Constantinople fell

D. Mongols invaded

61. Base your answer to the following question on theillustration below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

A Typical Manor

Source: Philip Lee Ralph, WorldCivilizations at Norton online (adapted)

What does this illustration show about a typicalmanor?

A. All residents were treated equally.

B. Secular values in society were stressed.

C. There were a large number of factories.

D. People depended on agricultural production.

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Page 12: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

62. An economic reason for the institution of serfdomwas to maintain

A. an educated citizenry

B. a stable workforce

C. overseas trade

D. religious uniformity

63. Base your answers to the following questionson the speakers’ statements below and on yourknowledge of social studies.

Speaker A: We must fight to keep control of Jerusalem in the hands ofthose who believe in Allah.

Speaker B: Come and battle while there is still time to protect theHoly Land where Christ walked.

Speaker C: We must go forth to heal the split between the churches.

Speaker D: An investment in ships and knights will yield control ofprofitable trade routes.

Which speaker expresses a Muslim perspectiveduring the Crusades?

A. A B. B C. C D. D

64. One way Japanese feudalism during the Tokugawashogunate was different from European feudalismis that during this period of Japanese feudalism

A. political power was more centralized

B. foreign missionaries were welcomed

C. emperors were overthrown in coups d’etat

D. most wealthy merchants were able to attainhigh social status

65. “Tedious were it to recount, how citizen avoidedcitizen, how among neighbours was scarce foundany that shewed fellow-feeling for another, howkinsfolk held aloof, and never met, or but rarely;enough that this sore affliction entered so deepinto the minds of men and women, that in thehorror thereof brother was forsaken by brother,nephew by uncle, brother by sister, and oftentimeshusband by wife; nay, what is more, and scarcelyto be believed, fathers and mothers were found toabandon their own children, untended, unvisited, totheir fate, as if they had been strangers. . . . ”

Giovanni Boccaccio, The Decameron

The author of this passage was describing the

A. breakdown of social order during the bubonicplague

B. power of special courts during the Inquisition

C. treatment of native peoples in Latin Americannations

D. outcome of the famine in Ireland in the 1890s

66. Which development led to the shortages of labor in14th-century Europe and in 16th- and 17th-centuryNorth and South America?

A. rise of nation-states

B. outbreak of the Black Death and smallpox

C. fall of Constantinople

D. introduction of new military technologies

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67. Base your answer to the following question onthe map below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

Which groups of people were most closelyassociated with the spread of the Black Death?

A. merchants and pilgrims

B. bankers and explorers

C. missionaries and slave traders

D. soldiers and diplomats

68. Base your answer to the following question onthe graph below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

The principal cause of the trend in England shownin the graph was

A. famine B. disease

C. immigration D. a lower birthrate

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69. Base your answer to the following question onthe map below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

Which area of Europe was least affected by theBlack Death?

A. southwestern Europe

B. Mediterranean Coast

C. eastern Europe

D. British Isles

70. In western Europe during the early Middle Ages,education declined as a direct result of the

A. rediscovery of classical Greek civilization

B. loss of the power of the Christian Church

C. fall of the Roman Empire

D. rise of absolute monarchs

71. • 1340s–Mongols, merchants, and other travelerscarried disease along trade routes west of China.

• 1346—The plague reached the Black Sea portsof Caffa and Tana.

• 1347—Italian merchants fled plague-infectedBlack Sea ports.

• 1348—The plague became an epidemic in mostof western Europe.

Which conclusion can be made based on thesestatements?

A. The plague primarily affected China.

B. The interaction of people spread the plague.

C. Port cities were relatively untouched by theplague.

D. The plague started in western Europe.

72. Base your answer to the following question onthe map below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

Which geographic theme is the focus of this map?

A. Regions: How They Form and Change

B. Movement: Humans Interacting on Earth

C. Location: Position on the Earth’s Surface

D. Place: Physical and Human Characteristics

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73. The rapid changes that occurred during the lateMiddle ages in Europe had the effect of

A. expanding the influence of the feudal lords

B. strengthening the power of monarchies

C. eliminating religion as a form of social control

D. limiting the power of the merchant class

74. Base your answer to the following question onthe map below and on your knowledge of socialstudies.

The map shows that the Black Death

A. began in England and Ireland and then spreadeastward

B. spread slowly over several decades

C. affected most areas of western Europe

D. was most severe in Italy

75. Which statement about the impact of the AIDSepidemic in both Africa and Southeast Asia ismost accurate?

A. Life expectancy in both regions is declining.

B. The availability of low-cost drugs has curedmost of those infected.

C. The introduction of awareness programs haseliminated the threat of the disease.

D. Newborn babies and young children have notbeen affected by the disease.

76. Base your answer on the map below and on yourknowledge of social studies.

First Incidence of Black Death in Europe and Asia, 1333–1351

Source: Decameron Web, Brown University (Adapted)

The information on this map suggests that theBlack Death was primarily spread by the actionsof

A. invading armies B. nomadic peoples

C. merchants D. explorers

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Page 16: Medieval Europe Name: Date - Change Our · Medieval Europe Name: Date: 1. Which was a major result of the Crusades? A.

77. Which action is linked to the spread of the BlackDeath to Europe during the 14th century?

A. trade with Asia

B. conquest of Japan

C. trade across the Sahara

D. exploration of the Western Hemisphere

78. The bubonic plague affected economic developmentin medieval times by

A. encouraging the introduction of new types ofcrops

B. causing production to decline and prices torise

C. sparking the ideas of socialism and reform

D. destroying the guild system

79. During the 14th century, the Black Death becamea widespread epidemic primarily because of

A. the resurgence of trade

B. Chinese overseas exploration

C. European colonial policies

D. new agricultural practices

80. The Middle Ages in Western Europe wascharacterized by

A. the manor system and the importance of landownership

B. absolute monarchies and strong centralgovernments

C. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life

D. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

81. What was one result of large armies traveling greatdistances during the Crusades?

A. Europe’s population severely declined.

B. Democracy in the Middle East grew.

C. Cultural diffusion increased.

D. Slavery was eliminated.

82. As the Middle Ages ended, the rise of a middleclass in western Europe can be attributed to the

A. economic policies of the Roman Empire

B. increase in trade that resulted from theCrusades

C. strength of Christianity in medieval Europe

D. self-sufficiency of the manor system

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1.Answer: A

2.Answer: C

3.Answer: C

4.Answer: A

5.Answer: B

6.Answer: D

7.Answer: D

8.Answer: A

9.Answer: A

10.Answer: C

11.Answer: B

12.Answer: D

13.Answer: A

14.Answer: A

15.Answer: B

16.Answer: D

17.Answer: D

18.Answer: B

19.Answer: B

20.Answer: C

21.Answer: C

22.Answer: B

23.Answer: C

24.Answer: A

25.Answer: B

26.Answer: D

27.Answer: D

28.Answer: C

29.Answer: A

30.Answer: B

31.Answer: D

32.Answer: B

33.Answer: B

34.Answer: A

35.Answer: A

36.Answer: C

37.Answer: D

38.Answer: D

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Teacher’s Key Page 2

39.Answer: B

40.Answer: D

41.Answer: B

42.Answer: A

43.Answer: B

44.Answer: C

45.Answer: A

46.Answer: C

47.Answer: D

48.Answer: A

49.Answer: A

50.Answer: C

51.Answer: D

52.Answer: D

53.Answer: A

54.Answer: A

55.Answer: D

56.Answer: D

57.Answer: C

58.Answer: A

59.Answer: D

60.Answer: A

61.Answer: D

62.Answer: B

63.Answer: A

64.Answer: A

65.Answer: A

66.Answer: B

67.Answer: A

68.Answer: B

69.Answer: C

70.Answer: C

71.Answer: B

72.Answer: B

73.Answer: B

74.Answer: C

75.Answer: A

76.Answer: C

77.Answer: A

78.Answer: B

79.Answer: A

80.Answer: A

81.Answer: C

82.Answer: B