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To start I captured a picture of a fellow classmate on the backdrop of a green screen, and put this image into Photoshop.

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I then cut around the image using the pen tool in Photoshop, and moved the outline onto a new, blank canvas, making it the first layer of my magazine cover.

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Using a simple background photo taken from Google I place the picture onto this. I choose an urban picture, and the colour blue to contrast well with the clothes my model was wearing.

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A small barcode was taken from Google and placed in the bottom left of the screen, and a logo of my school, and the school of which the magazine focuses on, was scavenged off the schools website and cropped slightly. Finally, the title was placed in the top left of the picture, a not-so-clever pun on the name of the school.

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The last stage of the process was to place a few cover and sell lines onto the page to complete the process. As evidenced by the final products picture, it was not of the highest quality at all, highlighting my inexperience with the Photoshop programme and tools, although it was to be expected as it was the first time I encountered such a programme, and this preliminary work was massively important as it gave me some experience with the tool which was crucial to my basic understanding of how to use the programme.

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