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Learning Objectives

Today you will learn:

• Why the MBTI Step III was developed (The Rationale)• What principles underlie the MBTI Step III (The Theory)• How the MBTI Step III was constructed (The Design)

You will also learn about it’s many applications via:• Report samples• Case studies

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What is Unique about the MBTI Step III?

• The MBTI Step I is primarily a “sorting instrument”It identifies “birds of a feather” (Ex: ENTP, ISFJ, ESFP…)

• The MBTI Step II highlights variations of preference within a particular typeAn INFJ who prefers to initiate conversations is “An Initiating INFJ” An ENFP who doesn’t wait until the last minute is “An Early Starting ENFP”

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The MBTI Step III is a Type Development Instrument that identifies:

• How well you use perception and judgment based on your reported or verified type?

• If you are effective in the processes that come naturally to you and yet use skills or adaptations to compensate for tasks that are often a challenge for you?

The MBTI Step III assumes:

• Type development is lifelong. As you mature, you not only use your strengths, you address your blind spots.

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For instance, an ENFP prefers an open schedule! The challenge is to learn to be on time.

In contrast, an ESTJ prefers timeliness! The challenge is to be flexible with time.

Effective type development is when an individual uses his strengths and compensates for blind spots.

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An ENFP with Poor Perception and Judgment

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An ESTJ with poor perception and judgment:Everything must be on time. No exceptions!!!

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How you manage time is based on the perceptions you use and the judgments you make on data at any given moment.

Sometimes it makes sense to insist on being on time, sometimes it doesn’t.

Is it best to always be prompt?Yes and no!

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The Theory behind the MBTI Step III:

• There is a finite amount of brain energy that is distributed for use among the functions with the dominant and auxiliary functions using 75% of this energy

• The other energy can either be use to develop non-preferred functions or it can be wasted on projection and defensiveness

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Projection is finding qualities of ourselves that are unacknowledged or unconscious, in others. According to Jung, the inferior function is an unconscious process so it is subject to projection.

“When you point your finger at someone, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you!”

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Defensiveness is another energy draining compensation we do that is often related to our inferior function.

I am NOT a slob!

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A major goal of the Step III is to increase awareness! We discover what we are doing well and what we need to change

Awareness releases Brain ENERGY!

Release of energy can be defined as a change in perspective leading to new motivation and a greater willingness to address blind spots.

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The Construction of the MBTI Step III

• There are 222 questions on the Step III instrument• The questions come from the MBTI Step I Form M and

the MBTI Step Form Q

• There are also questions from the MBTI Form F (used in the 1970’s) that was formerly known as the “Counselor’s Report.”

• The Counselor’s Report did examine type development but it was not written as a direct communication tool for the client even though it was client centered.

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The questions from the MBTI Form M and the MBTI Form Q (Step II) identify specific type and out of preference facets

The MBTI Form F contributes the questions that measure type development.

An example of a type development question that measures confidence (Question #150):“When you have to do business with strangers, do you feel:a)Confident or at ease,orb) A little fussed or afraid that they won’t want to bother with you.

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Flow chart for Step III Scales and Patterns and Their Relationship to the Step III Interpretative Report

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Important Terms/Examples:

Sufficiency Scales are:Confidence: Believing you can do somethingStamina: Being able to work through adversityCompensatory Strain: Projecting difficulties onto others or external circumstances

Developmental scales (26 of them): measure parameters of logic, planning, flexibility, or stubborness and cynicism…

Patterns: Are complex patterns of sufficiency scales plus developmental scales.

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Now, if he answered b) A little fussed or afraid that they won’t want to bother with you. (to question #150 about business with strangers)

And if he answered a few more questions suggesting lack of confidence, this would be a type development issue because ESTPs tend to be quite confident!

Let’s go out on a limb and assume Billy Mays is an ESTP:

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So Billy Mays might get this statement on his report:Your self-confidence seems somewhat low at this time.Is there something in your current life that may be affecting your confidence at this time or is low confidence typical for you? In either case, explore ways to add to your level of confidence, perhaps by taking on a few tasks were you are likely to succeed.

Billy might respond, “Yes, I haven’t had a new info-mercial in a long time. I think I’ve lost my touch”

The coach can then ask questions such as “What does it look like when you have your touch?”

From a coaching standpoint, there is potential to expand on this idea:

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To generate a type development statement on the Step III report, several questions have to be answered a certain way. One single question does not generate a statement.

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Let’s look at the components of the MBTI Step III report and some real case examples:

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The MBTI Step III Interpretive Report has:

• An “About” Section that introduces the purpose of the report and certain assumptions

• A personality profile that lists the developmental advantages and challenges given your reported type (MBTI type is listed in this section)

• Four sections that cover attitudes and behaviors that influence four important areas of your everyday functioning. They include….

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Your Approach to Yourself and the World

Your Approach to People and Relationships

Your Approach to Responsibility and Work

Your Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making

MBTI Step III Part Two Sections

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Subject: a 48 y.o. ENFP who has just started a private coaching business after 25 years as a speech pathologist. She also has 3 children who are either in college or finishing high school and who are making life transition decisions.

In the section “Your Approach to Yourself and the World” she gets this statement:

You seem to worry or become preoccupied about things quite a lot.Explore alternative ways to reduce your worrying. Some people use exercise, yoga or meditation, others talk to someone they trust.”

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Coaching opportunity:

The client responds to the report statement: “Yes, there are many changes happening right now and I am a little worried about how it will all shake down. Sometimes my worry is more like wanting to see the future (typical ENFP).

The savvy type coach might ask: What are some ways you can live more in the present?

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Subject: 50 year old ENFP who is looking to advance in her career, work on personal relationships, and find out what she really values in life.

In the section: “Your Approach to People and Relationships” he receives the following statement:

You tend to express your feelings and opinions quite openly.What are the advantages and disadvantages of your free expression? When, if ever, do you keep your feelings and opinions to yourself?

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The Coaching Opportunity:

The client responded to this query by saying, “Never. I can never keep my mouth shut. If I am telling a story or trying to explain something, I can never get to the point.

As a coach, I responded, “You will be pleased to know that many ENFPs are admired for being expressive. But sometimes it isn’t appropriate to talk so much. We just have to identify strategies so we know when we are way off topic or when we need to give someone else a chance to speak.

This discussion led to the client generating communication goals.

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Subject: a 39 year old ENTP physician. She was curious about the MBTI Step III but wasn’t sure she would learn anything new about herself.

In the section “Your Approach to Responsibility and Work the client received the following statement:You tend to work steadily on things that are interesting than on things that are not.Find some techniques to help you work more consistently on the less interesting parts of your responsibilities…Successfully doing this may actually free up time and energy for what you really enjoy.

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Coaching opportunity:

The client responded: Doesn’t everyone feel this way?

As a coach I responded: Well there are some who prefer a checklist and specific requirements. They aren’t as concerned with trying to avoid unpleasant tasks. ENTP’s often like to “beat the system” if they can.

The client responded: Interesting! When I was in med school, I was also getting a master’s degree. I didn’t finish it because I refuse to the do the journal review. It’s pointless! I keep trying to get it waived…The journal project itself would take 6-8 hours.

As coach I responded, “Could we have a fun lockdown and just get it done so you can move on?”

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This is the feedback I received from this client after her MBTI Step III experience (and the lockdown):

As a young professional, I have demonstrated that I possess the skills necessary to be successful. I will admit that I was not sure what the MBTI-III would be able to do for me. After the feedback session with Ms. Holm, I am now a firm believer in the value of this tool.I was not surprised to find my Meyers-Briggs type to be ENTP – Extroverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. I am fairly predictable in this sense. What Ms. Holm was able to do for me with the step III was to isolate my blind spots and help formulate strategies to make

me more productive.

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Subject: 43 year old female ISFP. She was a recent widow but in getting to know her, she wasn’t suffering as much as grief as she was anguishing over the abuse she endured when she was married. She continues to feel like a doormat but doesn’t know how to change that.

She received this statement on Your Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making:You seem to have no opinions of your own so you rarely, if ever, make independent judgments, instead relying on others around you to decide most everything. Make a concerted effort to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, which may be the basis of your own opinions- even if you’re not able to express them just yet.

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Coaching opportunity:

As it turns out, this client had multiple Step III report statements that reflected her inability to make decisions or voice an opinion. Her report stood out as a need to identify her values.

From a type development standpoint, she required much help. An ISFP is a dominant introverted feeler and yet she had no definite value system to support her judgment function.

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Concluding remarks:

• Even though the MBTI Step III is a type based instrument, it uses no type language to confuse the client. It is user friendly!

• The statements that are generated in the interpretive report are stated in way to promote dialogue between the coach/counselor and client. It isn’t a diagnosis!

• It is a method to jumpstart a coaching session –to increase AWARENESS, that leads to effective goal planning.

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Let it be summer soon! Thank you!

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