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Page 1: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

See UIL Pg. 11C

See PHS TOP 3 Pg. 11C

This year’s top three stu-dents graduating from Pioneer High School

have chosen different paths not only in high school, but for their future career goals as well.

Top ranking student Wil-liam Liang, son of Shu Xian Liang and Yong Chu Li, plans to major in engineer-ing and hopes to pursue a career in space exploration at SpaceX or other private companies.

Salutatorian Jose Aleman, son of Carlos and Olga Ale-man, plans to study petro-leum engineering in college, pursuing a career as a petro-leum engineer.

Third ranking student An-gelica Rodriguez, daughter of Raul and Leonida Rodri-guez, plans to study medi-cine and pursue a career as a surgeon.

In high school Liang’s studies concentrated on Science, Technology, En-gineering and Mathematics (STEM), but the times he enjoyed most came from his participation in theatre under the direction of Theatre Di-

rector Mrs. Fertig. “Looking back at the last

four years, my most mem-orable and enjoyable mo-ments in my high school ca-reer are without a doubt the hours, days, weeks, and even months spent rehearsing and putting together every single show with everyone. And the most important part of this experience is how support-ive Mrs. Fertig is. Not even once did she ever discourage me from accomplishing any-

thing, instead she inspired me and continued to provide me the opportunities to better myself,” Liang said.

He also enjoyed partic-ipating in U.I.L. competi-tions, Chess Club and LEO Club, where he served as vice president in addition to being elected to the State LEO Council as Lion Tamer.

He provided community service as a volunteer at a lo-cal nursing home, as teaching assistant at Harry Shimotsu

Elementary School, through Meet in the Middle and the National Honor Society.

Aleman, Pioneer’s second highest ranking student, both an athlete and a top scholar, was named Cross Country MVP, and was a state quali-fier in cross country and a re-gional qualifier in track. The scholar-athlete has volun-teered his time at junior high cross country meets, track meets, at a nursing home,

Earning one of the top three spots of one’s graduating class is a

tremendous achievement. Sharyland’s top three stu-dents Katharine Garcia (Ka-tie), Daisy Abraham and So-fia Cortes Padilla exemplify what initiative, hard work and a good support system can bring.

Valedictorian Katie Gar-cia plans to attend Columbia University in New York City to major in political science and minor in philosophy.

“I’m proud of myself, I feel like I worked hard to get where I am,” Katie said.

Because of her experi-ence in the debate team, she is considering going to law school and perhaps working in drafting and/or research-ing public policy.

“If you know me, you know that it’s not debatable that I love debate and that I enjoy being right, and debate has brought me many suc-cesses,” Katie said. “But, for every success, it’s given me 100 more failures—and I couldn’t be more thankful for those 100 failures.”

Aside from all the les-sons she learned though her mistakes, Katie credits her

accolades to the support of her family, friends, counsel-ors, teachers and mentors, especially when she was not successful.

“Overall, the support I’ve been given in high school has been beyond compari-son,” Katie said. “Of course my parents cried and hugged me when I got into college or when I found out I was Valedictorian—and I’m very grateful for that. But what I’m most grateful for, is the love and support I’ve re-ceived when I didn’t succeed or when I made a mistake.

Salutatorian Daisy Abra-ham will attend A&M Uni-versity and plans to double major in anthropology and biology.

“I’m happy with what I have achieved and I hope my accomplishments of to-day enable me to excel even more in the future,” Daisy said.

Daisy is an aspiring gen-eral practitioner or cardiol-ogist and will participate in the Texas A&M Health Sci-ence Center College of Med-icine Partnership for Primary Care Program (PPC). The

program is intended to help qualified, dedicated young people, like Daisy, get a head start in her medical career and eventually contribute to improving health care in parts of Texas that need it most.

A career in the medical field comes as no surprise. Daisy managed to expand her education with various activities involving the med-ical field. She took Medical Rotation classes, was a mem-ber/officer of HOSA and helped with the annual blood

Pioneer High School’s commencement exer-cises for the school’s

second graduating class will be held Saturday, June 4 at 10 a.m. at the State Farm Arena. The Pioneer Diamondback band will perform “Pomp and Circumstance” as the graduates enter the arena.

After the procession, third-ranking student Angel-ica L. Rodriguez will make the introductions, and honor student Sandra S. Solis will give the invocation. “The National Anthem” will be performed by Jacob Trigg, Dario Coronado and Wil-liam Cuellar III, members of the Sharyland ISD JROTC. Honor graduate Keren A. Al-varez will lead the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the Texas Flag.

James Heath, Pioneer principal and Master of Cer-emony, will welcome the graduates, their friends and family, honored guests, fac-

ulty and staff. Jose F. Aleman will give

the salutatory address, fol-lowed by the valedictory ad-dress by William Liang.

Senior Class President Veronica T. Rodriguez will then address the graduating class, reflecting on her and her fellow graduates’ experi-ences of the past four years.

Sharyland ISD Superin-

PROGRESS TIMES Section C May 27, 2016

Sharyland top three happy about success, thankful for support

Recognizing excellence in education

Sharyland ISD Graduation Edition

Pioneer’s top three choose different paths

Sharyland High School graduates to receive

diplomas June 4

Seniors, your journey is about to begin. Con-gratulations on gradu-

ating from Sharyland ISD. Some of you will go on to colleges and universities, military service and others might choose to go straight into the workforce. Wher-ever life takes you make the best of it. Dr. Seuss was a fantastic author, and provid-ed us with many words of wisdom. In his book, Oh! The Places You’ll Go, he states:

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.”

I can’t promise you that life will be easy, in fact I can almost guarantee that you will be faced with many challenges. But you ulti-mately will decide how you handle the challenges in your life. Will you quit the first

time you fail at a task or will you stand tall and try again? Will you react in anger when someone treats you unfair-ly or will you forgive them and treat them with respect? Learn from each challenge, and you will become stron-ger and wiser. The choice of who you become is yours.

SISD super urges grads to follow their dreams

See MESSAGE pg. 11C

Sharyland High School is proud to announce that the 2016 gradua-

tion ceremony will be held June 4 at 6 p.m. at the State Farm Arena in Hidalgo. The Rattler Band will perform “Pomp and Circumstance” as the graduates enter the arena.

After the processional, SHS Principal and Mis-tress of Ceremony Carolyn Mendiola will introduce the third-ranking student, Sofia Marian Cortez Padilla, who will give the invocation.

Following the presenta-tion of colors on behalf of the Sharyland ISD JROTC, honor student Jacob Padilla will lead the Pledge to the US Flag, and Honor Student Madeleine Louise Garza will lead the Pledge to the Texas Flag. Honor student Gabri-ela Cazares will then intro-duce the SHS Choir and Rat-tler Band who will perform the National Anthem.

Mendiola will give the official welcome, acknowl-edging the graduates, their friends and family, honored guests, faculty and staff.

Salutatorian Daisy Eliz-abeth Abraham will present the salutatory address, fol-lowed by the valedictory ad-dress by Valedictorian Kath-arine Leia Garza.

Senior Class President Andrea Sada will then ad-dress the graduating class and all attendees, reflecting on her and her peer’s expe-riences of the past four years.

After Superintendent Dr. Robert O’Connor certifies all the graduates, School Board

See DIPLOMAS pg. 11C

Pioneer HS graduation ceremony planned June 4

See PIONEER pg. 3C

Dr. Rob O’ConnorSuperintendent, Sharyland ISD

James D. Heath Principal

Carolyn MendiolaPrincipal

Valedictorian Katie Garcia

Salutatorian Daisy Abraham

Third Ranking Sofia Cortez

See SHS TOP 3 11C

Valedictorian William Liang

SalutatorianJose Aleman

Third Ranking Angelica Rodriguez

After earning second place in district, the SHS Academic UIL

students competed at the regional level in various events. The competition took place at the University of Texas-San Antonio on April 22 and 23.

“All students that partici-pated tried their absolute best and the coaches that guided them are amazing and their never ending dedication is truly fantastic,” UIL Co-co-ordinator Ofelia Garza said.

The individuals and teams placing at Regionals and ad-vancing to State are as fol-lows:

Number Sense, coached by Jose Nava, won 1st Place Team. Number Sense team members and their places earned are as follows: 1st Place Regional Champion, Josh Jones; 2nd place, JinHo Yoon; 7th place, Hyuk Jun Choi; and 11th place, Yujin Seo.

Current Issues and Events, coached by Eloisa Alvarado-Saenz: 1st Place

Regional Champion, Bran-don Ramirez.

Calculator Applications, coached by Ofelia Garza: 2nd Place Team, state bound as Wildcard. Team mem-bers include: 4th Place, Josh Jones; 6th Place, Hyuk Jun Choi; 9th Place, JinHo Yoon;

and 18th Place, Heon Hui Lee.

UIL provides extracurric-ular experience for the stu-dents through competitive events. Students taking part in UIL must have self-moti-vation and intellectual curi-osity due to the difficulty of

the competitions.“UIL is amazing,” junior

Veronica Meza said. “When I got in UIL it was the first time I competed in anything. I had never really had a com-petitive attitude, but UIL has inspired me to win.”

Sharyland Academic UIL team competes at Regionals, six advance to State

Sharyland High school UIL students compete at Regionals at San Antonio.

Page 2: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

page 2B January 2, | www.strgv.compage 2C May 27, |

Class Of 2016 Migrant Students At Pioneer High School

Sharyland I.S.D.Federal Programs Office Texas Migrant Program

Texas Migrant Interstate Program

Adame, Eritza Darlie

Garcia, Laura Lee

Alaniz, Pricilla Lyzeth

Gomez, Marisol

Cazares, Marlen Aracely

Guevarra, Jesus Esaias

Garcia, Kenneth

Hernandez, Ruben Viggiano Reynoso, Kevin

Not Pictured: Gonzalez, Ricardo A.; Quintana, Banesa Isabel; Rios, Juan Miguel

After competing at re-gionals, 15 HOSA students from SHS

and SA3 qualified for State. The HOSA State Conference was held in Galveston on April 13-15.

“The State Competition was a great experience for our students,” HOSA Advi-sor Cynthia Aldape said.

Sophomores Carolina Becerril and Claudia Mar-tinez competed in Health Education and placed fifth. Health Education is a team event in which the compet-itors select a health relat-ed-concept or instructional objective and prepare a les-son, provide the instruction and evaluate the results.

“We basically have to do a presentation in front of judges showing them how we would present to middle school student. We just talk-ed about unhealthy eating and how it affects us,” Clau-dia said.

Damian Gaouette and Miguel Garza competed in Pharmacology and were rec-ognized at the State Confer-ence. This event is a 100 item written exam with an essay tie-breaker question. The questions measure knowl-edge at the recall, application and analysis levels. Dami-an placed first and Miguel

placed second. Both stu-dents qualify for the National HOSA Conference.

“It was pretty nerve-wrecking and very in-tense,” Damian said. “They brought the top five finalists in random order to the stage and from there they revealed the top three contenders who would advance to nationals. When they called third place and onwards, I was just hap-py to move on to the next round to represent my school at a higher level.”

In the HOSA Chapter Reflections category, senior Ana Cecin placed, qualifying her for the Nationals HOSA conference also.

“I thought I wasn’t going to make it and I was really nervous,” she said. “While we were at the ceremony everybody was holding my hand because I got really nervous and my name wasn’t called out until the second to last. It was super over-whelming when they called my name. I started crying; I went up to the stage and at that moment I was still su-per shaky and I had a really funny feeling because when you win at area it’s like ‘cool I made it to state,’ but when you win at State there are so many people watching you, there were over 3,000 peo-

ple.”Aside from the actual state

competition the students had the opportunity to have some fun at the Galveston Island Historical Pleasure Pier.

“HOSA planned this thing called ‘Discover Galveston’ and we went to the pier and we got on the Ferris wheel and got on all those rides and games,” senior Rebeca Gon-zalez said. “We also went to the beach, walked… and had fun. We then went downtown to go eat at cute little restau-rants.”

HOSA had very high standards and through the years, the organization keeps proving itself among others.

“I have no words to de-scribe how I feel,” HOSA ad-visor, Cynthia Aldape said. “I am so proud of all my stu-dents that compete because HOSA is hard. The events we have are all research based, medically innovative and creative so it requires a lot of preparation, medical skills demonstrations, etc. And the competition from specialized medical high schools in other areas is tough. Nevertheless, my students rise up to the challenges presented,”

The National HOSA Con-ference will take place June 22-25 at Nashville, Tennes-see.

Sharyland HOSA competes at State Competition, advances to Nationals

Front Row: Claudia Martinez, Carolina Salinas Becerril, Paulina Moreno, Rebeca Gonzalez, Carlos Esquivel, Andres Benavides, and Joshua Briones.

Back Row: Damian Gaoutte, Ana Cecin, Miguel Garza, Daniel Carlson, Julio Perez. Not pictured: Mariela Cavazos, Fabiola Serna, and Alyssa Luna.

Sharyland High School’s Parliamentary Proce-dure Team placed ninth

in the nation at the Business Professionals of America National Leadership Confer-ence held in Boston, Massa-chusetts on May 5-9. Junior Joshua Seth Jones who was installed as a state officer and named State Reporter at BPA’s State Leadership Con-ference in March also attend-ed the conference and par-ticipated in the Leadership workshops and camps. Josh is Sharyland ISD’s first state officer, and he competed against 30 other candidates.

The Parliamentary Proce-dure team took a written test on parliamentary laws and procedures then presented to a panel of judges in pre-lims where 25 other teams from across the nation also competed. This young team made it to the final round of the top 10. Congratulations to Anel Cuarenta, Paulina Echanove, Mario Garza, Anna Gonzalez, Arianna Gutierrez, Cristina Nava, Paulina Sada and Erick Vega and their advisors Nancy Barboza and Irene Morin.

Previously, the SHS BPA chapter competed at the State Leadership Conference held in Corpus Christi. This is the largest group that the SHS BPA chapter has ever taken to the state conference with a total of 39 competing. The Parliamentary Procedure

team ranked second in the state.

“As you can see, the stu-dents were extremely suc-cessful and demonstrated superior abilities compared to the rest of the State,” Bar-boza, advisor, said. “We were ranked as one of the top schools in our region, and now the state.”

In January, SHS BPA chapter competed at the an-nual Regional Leadership Conference held at STC. The students were extremely suc-cessful and demonstrated su-perior abilities to the rest of the RGV.

“Our kiddos are on their way on being ‘Tomorrow’s Business Professionals’….running companies, serving as C.E.O.’s, creating soft-ware, running the medical industry, and serving in lead-ership roles,” Barboza said.

Following is a list of SHS BPA students who placed high in the competition: 1st in Advanced Accounting: Je-sus Reyna, 2nd in Banking & Finance: Joshua Jones, 1st in Economic Research Individ-ual: Abraham Cruz, 1st in In-tegrated Office Applications: Clarissa Lopez, 4th in Basic Office Systems & Proce-dures: Romeo De Leon, 1st in Fundamental Spreadsheet Applications: Hyuk Choi, 3rd in Medical Office Pro-cedures: Alan Garcia, 2nd in Admin Support Research Individual: Erwin Von Nach-

er Hongo, 3rd in Computer Network Technology: Elliud Hernandez, Jr., 2nd in PC Servicing & Troubleshoot-ing: Roberto Rivas, and 4th in Network Administration Using Microsoft: Ivanna Castañeda.

Others taking top awards at the competition were: 3rd in C++ Programming: Jorge Mendoza; 4th in JAVA Pro-gramming: Alejandro Gar-cia; 2nd in SQL Database Fundamentals: Mario Tapia; 2nd in Fundamentals of Web Design: Cecilia Adame; 4th in Digital Publishing: Ale-jandro Torres; 1st in Inter-view Skills: Andres Tamez; 2nd in Extemporaneous Speech: Jesus “Chuy” De La Fuente Lozano; 1st in Finan-cial Analyst Team: Marcela Marin, C. Andrea Ruiz, Eve-lyn Quinlan; 1st in Economic Research Team: Julio Con-treras, Josh Jones, Stephanie Kim, Hannah Kirby; 2nd in Network Design Team: Ri-cardo De Leon, Alan Garcia, Alejandro Garcia, Clarissa Lopez; 2nd in Web Site De-sign Team: Ana Sofia Lopez, Cecilia Adame; and 1st in Parliamentary Procedure Team: Anel Cuarenta, Pauli-na Echanove, Cristina Nava, Arianna Gutierrez, Anna Gonzalez, Mario Garza, Er-ick Vega, Norberto Alejan-dro Hinojosa.

Sharyland BPA competes at State, advances to Nationals

SHS BPA students are pictured visiting Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts, where the team placed ninth in the nation at the Business Professionals of America National

Leadership Conference. Josh Jones, of Sharyland High School, was installed as a state officer at the BPA State Leadership Conference

Page 3: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

PIONEER from pg 1C

Sharyland Pioneer FFA Chapter traveled to Huntsville December 4, to compete in Texas FFA’s Leadership Career

Development Events. Four teams qualified for the state com-petition, three advanced to the finals and one was named a state semi-finalist. PHS placed fourth in Senior Agricultural

Skills Demonstration Contest. Team members included: John Ryan Rodriguez, Nadia Gomez, & Richard Longoria, Bella Ala-

niz, Michael Landavazo, & Emily Michki. Bella Alaniz, Green-hand FFA Creed Speaker, placed eighth in the finals and the

Public Relations team earned the title of state semi-final-ists. The team included: Lauren Esqueda, Andrea Guajardo, Johnny Howell and Jacob Madrigal. Sharyland Pioneer FFA

Advisors are Marco A. Barrientes and Joe C. Carter.

Sharyland Pioneer FFA Participates in State Leadership Career Development

On April 2, the Pioneer High School Winter Guard compet-ed at the Texas Educational Color Guard Association State Championships at PSJA North. The PHS Winter Guard was

named the Scholastic A South Zone Champions and earned the gold medal with a score of 94.640. The guard earned the highest score of the day out of 44 guards present. The Win-ter Guard had a successful season as they went undefeated

at all 6 contests that they competed at. This is the first State Championship title the Color Guard program has earned. The

Pioneer High School Color Guard is under the direction of Samuel Aguilar.

PHS Winter Guard Takes State

Pioneer High School’s Avery Coronado qualified for the State Powerlifting Championships competition.

tendent Dr. Robert O’Connor will certify all the graduates, and School Board President Ricky Longoria will present the diplomas to the graduating students.

Pioneer High School Prin-cipal James Heath will offer final thoughts for the Class of 2016, and the ceremony will end with the singing of the Sharyland Pioneer Alma Mater, which will be led by honor students Matthew Guerra, Javier Martinez Jr.,

Daniela Delgado, Karynna Peña, Elise Lopez, Jonathan Jones, and Josiah Gonzalez. They will be joined by Se-nior Advisory Council mem-bers Veronica Rodriguez, Juan Salazar, Kailee Serna and Jennifer Shepherd.

Graduates of the Shary-land Pioneer Class of 2016 will then proceed out of the arena as Diamondback band plays “Pomp and Circum-stance.”

On January 23, 10 Pioneer High School students competed at the Choir UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest. Of those 10,

seven earned first division ratings for their solos, includ-ing, sophomore Arlyn Gonzalez and senior Tanner Trigg,

who qualified to compete at the State Solo and Ensemble Contest in May in Austin. The girls went on to perform at

UTRGV as part of the Women’s Choral Festival.

PHS Choir Making Music

On Saturday, March 12, the Pioneer High School Indoor Per-cussion and Winter Guard competed at the Edinburg North

High School T.E.C.A. Invitational. The Indoor Percussion Ensemble placed 3rd in their class. Both groups competed at

the very first ever Pioneer High School T.E.C.A. Invitational, and the Indoor Percussion received first place in its class and

the highest score of all the percussion units competing that day. The Winter Guard received first place in its class, as well and received the highest score of all the guards competing.

The Winter Guard also competed on April 2 at the State Championships at P.S.J.A. North H.S. and the Indoor Percus-

sion competed on April 9 at their State Championships at Palmview H.S.

PHS Percussion and Winter Guard Success Break

2015-2016 Sharyland ISD Board of Trustees – Ricky Longoria, President

Dr. Noe Oliveira, Vice-PresidentJulio Cerda, Secretary

Melissa Smith, Assistant-Secretary

Jose Garcia, MemberRolando Peña, Member

Dr. Noel O. Garza, MemberSuperintendent: Dr. Robert O’Connor H.S. Principal: James D. Heath

Parent’s Name: Shu Xian Liang and Yong Chu LiAcademic Areas of Concentration in High

School: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

Community service or volunteer work at school: Volunteered at the Nursing home (2014-15). Teacher Assistant for the Harry Shimotsu Elemen-tary School during the summer (2014). Volunteer participation through LEO Club, Meet in the Middle, and NHS.

Leadership positions: Theatre Vice-President (11th), LEO Club Vice-President (11th), and State LEO Council Leo Tamer (12th).

Awards/Honors: AP Scholar with Distinction (2015), A Honor Roll (9th-11th), Perfect Attendance

(9th-11th), LEO State Council Honors (12th).Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: U.I.L (9th-12th), The-

atre (9th-12th), LEO Club (10th-12th), Chess Club (9th-12th), NHS (12th).Future plans after high school: Major in engineering and eventually work in

the field of space exploration at SpaceX or other private companies.Parent’s Name: Carlos Aleman, Olga AlemanAcademic Areas of Concentration in High

School: Math, ScienceCommunity service or volunteer work at school: Volunteered at junior high cross country meets,

track meets, a nursing home, football concession stands, fundraisers, homecoming booths, and li-braries.

Leadership positions: Captain of cross country team.

Awards/Honors: A Honor Roll, State Qualifier in Cross Country, Regional Qualifier in Track, Out-standing Student in Calculus and Environmental Science, MVP in Cross Country.

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities:

Mainly cross country and track. Have been in Leo Club and Environmental Club, and National Honor Society.

Future plans after high school: Going to major in petroleum engineering in hopes of becoming a petroleum engineer in the future.

Parent’s Name: Raul and Leonida Rodriguez Academic Areas of Concentration in High

School: Health Science Career Cluster Principles of Health Science, Medial Terminology and Patho-physiology, Clinical Rotations; upper level/AP Sci-ence and Math courses

Community service or volunteer work at school: VolunTEEN at Doctors at Renaissance, volunteered at Rio Grande Regional Hospital, LEO club member, volunteered at Ronald McDonald House Organiza-tion, volunteered in church community events at Holy Spirit Parish

Leadership positions: Drum Major of High School band and officer of Health Occupation Stu-dents of America

Awards/Honors: A Honor Roll, AP Scholar, member of NHS, All Region Band member, and member of National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists, member of 2015 5A UIL State Marching Band

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: member of High School band, member of Health Occupation Students of America, and LEO club

Future plans after high school: Biology Major with a Pre-Medical track at Tex-as Tech University; plans to become a surgeon.

Parent’s Name: Diana & Heriberto SolisAcademic Areas of Concentration in High

School: Math and Science Community service or volunteer work at school:

Morning announcer for pledges, assisted in home-coming festival, peer tutor, folklorico performer for the elementary schools and junior highs, conduct-ed seatbelt checks at the high school, assisted with Teens in the Driver’s Seat- Drinking and Driving Simulator, promoted Body Positivity Awareness.

Leadership positions: NHS, SADD, and Vol-leyball (Athletics) have allowed me to be a leader around the school by leading by example.

Awards/Honors: A-Honor Roll, A&B Honor Roll, AP Scholar, National Academy of Future Scientists

and Technologists Award of Excellence, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Outstanding Senior, Volleyball Academic All-State

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Volleyball, Folklorico, Religion Classes (CCD), Students Against Destructive

Decisions (SADD), National Honor Society (NHS)Future plans after high school: University of Texas at Austin; Major: Petro-

leum EngineeringParent’s Name: Rogelio Alvarez Jr. & Keren Wen-

dy AlvarezAcademic Areas of Concentration in High

School: In high school, I took advantage of the education I was getting, and signed up for the op-timum classes to enrich my foundation of knowl-edge. Additionally, I concentrated more on Spanish language classes, core classes, and CTE courses for prospective educators. Community service or volunteer work at school: Within the Sharyland school district, I volunteered most of my time as an intern at Jessie Jensen Elementary and at the GO Center. Furthermore, I volunteered within the community service organizations I was a part of in school. Leadership positions: Book Club (Club

Secretary), National Honor Society (Historian), Female Rights Equal Equity Club (Club Historian/Media Specialist)

Awards/Honors: AP Scholar Award with Honor, 3 Outstanding Student Awards (Pre-Calculus/College Algebra Dual-Enrollment, AP English III, and AP Spanish Language), A Honor Roll (9th, 11th), A&B Honor Roll (10th), STAAR Com-mended Performance (English II and U.S. History), Mission Junior Service League Student Recognition, Texas Scholars Award recipient, Outstanding Senior Award Recipient, 1st Place at Texas Public Service Association Regional Event (Advanc-ing to State)

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Student Council (Class President) (9th), Band (Percussion Section Leader) (9th), Spanish Club (Club President) (11th), Book Club (Club Secretary) (11th-12th), National Honor Society (Chapter Historian) (11th-12th), Leadership, Experience, and Opportuni-ty (LEO) Club (Member) (12th), Instructional Practices in Education and Training (Participant) (12th), Female Rights Equal Equity Club (Club Historian/Media Spe-cialist) (12th), Criminal Justice Club (Member) (12th), Masterminds Club (Alternate) (12th)

Future plans after high school (college and/or career as you anticipate at this time):I will be attending Texas A&M University in College Station in pursuit of a degree towards early childhood education. I plan to be teaching as a bilingual generalist and eventually serve within a school district in the Rio Grande Valley.

Parent’s Name: Ronnie Guerra and Martha F. Guerra

Academic Areas of Concentration in High School: Math and Science

Community service or volunteer work at school: Thanksgiving Food Bag Preparer, St. John of the Fields Church, Nov 2013. Food Bag Preparation, Rio Grande Valley Food Bank, Dec 2014.

Leadership positions: Captain of my club soccer team, the Houston Dynamo South Texas Academy.

Awards/Honors: 2014 – 2015 All District First Team 31-5A Boys Soccer, 2015 – 2016 All District Second Team 31-51 Boys Soccer, Member of the National Society of High School Scholars, Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society at South Texas

College, Outstanding Senior, National Honor Society MemberParticipation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Soccer Team all four

high school years, Team Tennis and Individual Tennis all four high school years, Engineering Club Member, LEO Club Member, Houston Dynamo South Texas Soccer Academy Soccer Player

Future plans after high school: I plan to attend Southern Methodist Univer-sity in Dallas, TX and pick up a double major of Biochemistry and International Business. Depending on what it is I like more, I will either go on to medical school to achieve my Doctorate to become an Anesthesiologist or go on and receive a master’s degree in business.

Parent’s Names: Javier Martinez and Cynthia Ann Martinez

Academic Areas of Concentration in High School: Math and Science Community ser-vice or volunteer work at school: LEO Club, Health Occupations Students of America, Summer Band Camp, National Honors Society

Leadership positions: National Honors Society - Treasurer, LEO Club - Tail Twister, Sharyland Pioneer Band - Secretary, Sharyland Pioneer Band - Section Leader, Sharyland Pioneer Winter Guard – Road Crew Captain

Awards/Honors: Certificate of Volunteerism at McAllen Medical Center, Texas Music Scholar, State Marching Band, All-Region & Pre-Area Qualifier,

First Place at Winter Guard State Championship Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Member of the

Sharyland ISD Band organization, Member of the Sharyland Pioneer Winter Guard Road Crew, Member of the Sharyland Pioneer National Honors Society, Member of Sharyland Pioneer Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), Member of the Sharyland Pioneer LEO Club

Future plans after high school: After graduating high school, I plan on being a Chemistry major at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley, and the career that I am currently pursuing is a Radiologist specializing in pediatrics.

Parent’s Names: Jorge Delgado & Mrs. Julie Delgado

Academic Areas of Concentration in High School: Health Science Career Cluster

Community service or volunteer work at school: Hospital Volunteer-transported patients and helped nurses (48 hours), LEO Service Club-helped organize community Palm Festival (8 hours), Student Council-helped collect canned goods for needy families (6 hours) and raised money for local Women’s Cancer Center during Breast Cancer Awareness Month ( 6 hours)

Leadership positions: HOSA, 2012-Present; Of-fice: Sentinel, Worked football concession stand (6 hours), Safety Halloween Fair 2014 (4 hours), Veter-

ans Day Appreciation Cards, Donated toys and canned goods during holidays (6 hours), National Club Project for Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Ran the Annual Blood Drive (8 hours), LEO Club, Built mobiles for handicaps, Palm Fest 2012 (6 hours), Collected canned food donations for needy families during month of November, Student Counc 2015-2016, Senior Class Vice President, Student Council Community Project, National Honor Society 2015-2016, Club Vice Presi-dent

Awards/Honors: Student of the Month (September) 2010, Perfect Atten-dance 2010-2011, Sharyland North Top 20 Ranking Student 2011-2012, A-Honor Roll 2012-2013, Sharyland Varsity Tennis Team 2013-2014, District Girls Singles 2nd Place (Regional Qualifier), A-B Honor Roll2 013-2014, Acceptance into Clinical Rotations Program 2014-Present, Varsity Tennis Girls Singles 1st Team All District 2014-2015 Junior Service League of Mission Nomi-nee 2016

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Varsity Tennis Team, Student Council, HOSA, National Honor Society, and LEO Club

Future plans after high school:After I graduate high school I plan on going to college at UTRGV for two years where I will complete my pre-requisite courses in Pre-Physical Therapy. I will then go off to gradu-ate school at the University of Texas at Austin where I plan to enter the Physical Therapy program and hopeful-ly earn my P.T. doctoral degree and become a certified Physical Therapist.

Parent’s Name: Jose Alberto Peña and Veronica Peña

Academic Areas of Concentration in High School: Math and Science

Community service or volunteer work at school: Summer Band, Dance camp, Belle’s Fundraisers, LEO Club, Teacher’s Aid volunteer, Relay for Life vol-unteer Awards/Honors: Guard of the week as a freshman, Belle of the Week as a senior, Student’s Award for Academic accomplishments, Student of the Month by Mission’s Women’s League, National Honor Society for High School Scholars

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Member of the Sharyland band’s color guard, Member of Diamonds dance team, Member

of Diamond Belles dance team, Member of the LEO Club, Member of Sharyland Pioneer’s National Honors Society

Future plans after high school: I plan to major in Biomedical Science and graduate with a bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University. Then I wish to pursue further education in a P.A. school and graduate from that program to pursue an active career in the medical field as a Physician’s Assistant.

Parent’s Name: Fabiola Jeffries and Hugo Lo-pez

Academic Areas of Concentration in High School: Engineering, Math, and Science

Community service or volunteer work at school: Helped with UIL Meet, Volunteered at the annual Homecoming Hoedown (2014-2015; 2015-2016), Volunteered at Football Games with different concession stands. (Taco Hut, Conces-sion Stand)

Leadership positions: Secretary of Business Professionals of America (2014-2015), Vice-Presi-dent of Business Professionals of America (2015-

2016), Captain of the Varisty Volleyball Team (2014-2015; 2015-2016)

Awards/Honors: AB Honor Roll (9th grade-12th grade), 1st Place at UTB Pia-no Competition (2012), 2nd Place in Global Marketing Team at regionals (2014-2015; 2015-2016), Honorable Mention for Volleyball (2013-2014), Defensive Play-er of the Year (2014-2015), 2nd Team All-District (2014-2015), All-Tournament at Missions Veterans Tournament (2015-2016), All-Tournament at Sharyland ISD Invitational Tournament (2015-2016), 1st Team All-District (2015-2016)

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: Piano Lessons and Competitions, School Volleyball at Sharyland and Pioneer High School, Club Vol-leyball, Business Professionals of America, National Honor Society, UIL Academ-ics (Computer Applications)

Future plans after high school: I plan on going to study engineering at Tex-as A&M College Station. I want to specialize in Biomedical Engineering which focuses on prosthetic work. After that, I hope to achieve my masters degree in possibly business.

Parent’s Name: Mr. Samuel Nathan Jones and Mrs. Kelly Andersen Jones

Academic Areas of Concentration in High School: Math and Science

Community service or volunteer work at school: Over 1000 hours of various service and vol-unteer work at BT McAllen

Leadership positions: Leadership council for football my senior year, Captain/President of FCA my senior year

Awards/Honors: Academic All-State Wrestler my senior year (1st in school history), Regional Qualifier for Wrestling in the 145 Lb. weight class

senior yea, Regional Alternate for Wrestling in the 138 Lb. weight class junior year, Member of the

all-region band my senior year, Every year I marched, the band received a 1 (the best a band can do) at the annual Pigskin Jubilee Marching Contest. Member of the Marching Band Senior year that competed at the State Marching contest in San Antonio and placed 23rd out of 31 bands and finished the season 23rd out of 223 5A marching bands in the state of Texas

Participation in academic and extra-curricular activities: 4 years in Concert Band, 3 of which I was in the Honors (top) band and 1st chair in the school, 3 years marching band, 4 year football player, 2 year letterman as a quarterback and safety, 2 year wrestler, 2 year letterman in the 138 Lb. weight class junior year and 145 Lb. weight class senior year, 3 year sub-varsity track runner in the 100, 200, 4x100, 4x200 and 4x400, Competed in UIL Math, Number Sense, Sci-ence and Calculator Applications at various times throughout high school and competed at the varsity level my senior year in all but science. M e m -ber of FCA my senior year and was one of the students who helped start the organization on Pioneer’s campus

Future plans after high school: I will attend Baylor University in the fall and study humanitarian engineering. After my 4 years at Baylor, I plan on either at-tending Southwest Theological Seminary or going into the workforce to, most likely, be a missionary or work for a disaster relief organization.

William LiangValedictorian

Matthew Jacob Guerra6th Ranking Student

Jose Francisco AlemanSalutatorian

Daniela Delgado8th Ranking Student

Angelica Rodriguez3rd Ranking Student

Javier Martinez, Jr.6th Ranking Student

Sandra Sophia Solis4th Ranking Student

Keren Alizza Alvarez5th Ranking Student

Karynna Pena9th Ranking Student

Jonathan Peter Jones10th Ranking Student


Elise Lopez10th Ranking Student

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Limas, Daniela YllenLerma, Tatiana VictoriaLara, DaniellaLara, Dana BrynnJuarez, Emilia MoniqueJones, Jonathan PeterJames, Thomas Wesley

James Joseph Resendez

Iracheta, Nicolas Alejandro

Horner, Perrin ElliottHornaday, Paul Emery

Holguin, Elissa YvetteHinsley, Ronald Anthony

Hernandez, RubenHernandez, Laura Cecilia

Hernandez, Carina EliaHernandez, Caleb EloyHernandez, AndresHernandez Hernandez, Joyce

Hedstrom, Karla Elizabeth

Heath, James GarrettHatzold, Madison Nicole

Guzman, Dante JosephGutierrez, Julio Alberto

Gutierrez, AlexisGulino, ValeriaGuevara, Jesus EsaiasGuerrero, LizetteGuerrero, Jose

EstanislaoGuerrero, Carolina

GalindoGuerrero, Carla

ElizabethGuerra, Tristan

AnthonyGuerra, Matthew


Guerra, Madelyn Louise

Gudino, AbigailGuajardo, Julianne Janelle

Guajardo, Benjamin Adair

Guajardo, Andrea Nicole

Gonzalez, San JuanitaGonzalez, SalvadorGonzalez, MichelleGonzalez, Katherine Therese

Gonzalez, Juan AngelGonzalez, Josiah Daniel

Gonzalez, Jose LuisGonzalez, Angela

CarrieGomez, Yvette Gomez, Roberto IsaacGomez, Nadia KarinaGomez, Max AlexanderGomez, MarisolGomez Jr., GabrielGaytan, Tanya Arleen

Gaytan, Angel Alejandro

Garza, Justin Elias

Garza, Joshua EstebanGarza, Jose ArnulfoGarza, JeremiahGarza, Desiree BiancaGarza, Deandra AlexisGarza, Brooke LeighGarza, Bianca NicoleGarza, Analisa

ChristineGardea Rodriguez,

Julieta NoheGarcia, Sierra RaeGarcia, Monica Danely

Garcia, Maria RebeccaGarcia, Luis EnriqueGarcia, LisandroGarcia, Linda AureliaGarcia, Laura LeeGarcia, KennethGarcia, Kassandra Isabel

Garcia, Jose Alfredo

Pioneer HigH ScHool 2016 graduateS

Garcia, Jessica GisellGarcia, Jayda Dionnette

Garcia, Erika Paulette

Garcia, Ahily LizbethGarces, JuanGamboa, JesusGalvan, Meagan MarieFuentes, BrisnaFlores, Andrew JosephFarias Jr., DanielFamiglietti, Bridgette Nicole

Estrada, Alex BouvierEsparza, JosueEsmeralda, Amanda Nicole

Escamilla, Philip HenryEnriquez, Abigail Kristine

Elizondo, Hector DanielDelva, Florian LemeulDelgado, DanielaDelgadillo, Lydia Cecilia

De Leon, Melissa Jacqueline

Davila, Kaisha LizetteDavidson III, James Glenn

Cuervo, Grecia DanielaCuellar, Anthony Lee

Cuellar III, William Roman

Cuanang, Jonas Regan Leano

Correa, Sofia CarinaCoronado, Dario Eduardo

Coronado, Avery AlexisCorona, Jireh IsaiCorona Jr., TomasConchas, Allan JafetColunga, Sean MichaelCerda-Aguilar, Alexa Dariela

Centeno Cuellar, Jenny Araceli

Celedon, KimberlyCazares, Marlen Aracely

Cavazos, Karen JulietCavazos, IssacCavazos IV, RoqueCastejon, BrandonCastillo, Harley DennettCasas, AdalbertoCantu, Victoria Alejandra

Canales, Raymundo Alonzo

Calzada, Keana Alina

Calzada Jr., GerardoByrd, John PhilipBustamante Avendano, Jenyfer A

Bryan, Justin DanielBrechler, Jordyn LeighBravo, Jesus RamonBloom, Aleena KayBest, Clyte WalkerBenavidez, GabrielBenavides, DavidBeltran, Cesia Kereny

Becerra, Miguel AngelBarrientoz, Fabian Manuel

Barrientos, Stephanie Marie

Ballesteros, Lauren Nicole

Balderas, Jonathan Anthony

Avila Jr., IsidroArredondo, Cyana Janelle

Arguello, Vianette Angelica

Arellano, AlejandroAparicio, Humberto Alejandro

Amaya, Ailyn

Amador, Yalitza Alvarez, Keren AlizzaAlonzo, CrystalAlfaro, DanielaAleman, Jose Francisco

Alanis, Pricilla LyzethAlanis, Julissa SusanaAguilar, Lydia MarieAdame, Eritza DarlieAcosta, Samantha Dannielle

Abrego, Aisa Eulogia

Page 5: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

Rodriguez, VianneyRodriguez, Veronica

TeresaRodriguez, Miguel

DavidRodriguez, Kayla

VictoriaRodriguez, Jose RaulRodriguez, Jonathan

Rodriguez, Joel Alejandro

Rodriguez, Izsak ReneRodriguez, Francisco


Rodriguez, Ayden Martene

Rodriguez, Angelica Lucilla

Rodriguez Rodriguez, Edson

Rodea, Samantha Edith

Rios, LeonardoRios Jr., RodolfoReyes, Harry HazielRegino, Kelly DelinRamos, RonaldoRamos, Ramsey LeeRamos, Martin Andres

Ramos, FayeRamos, Clarissa

ReneeRamos, AaronRamirez, Andrea RaeRamirez, Alexis

Ramirez, Alexandra Nicole

Ramirez, Alejandro David

Ramirez, Adrian Ezequiel

Puente, DanielPerez, Esmeralda


Perez, Elizabeth Clarise

Perez, EduardoPerez, Andrea AraceliPerez III, ArmandoPena, KarynnaPena, Cynthia

SydoneePena, Beth IsabelPecina, Leslie

RoxannePalacios, Clarissa

CelestePalacios, AllisonPalacios Guerrero,

JaquelinePadilla, Juan Manuel

Padilla, Hannah RoseOrtega, Enrique Aaron

Ollervidez, AlejandraOliveira-Gonzalez,

Jose De JesOlivarez, Maria

FernandaOchoa, Brenda Lizet

Nicoleau Ramirez, Jose Alfonso

Navarro, ReynaldoMunoz, Sabrina MarieMoreno-Gutierrez,

DianaMorales, Valerie Rae

Monterrubio, SeleneMontemayor Jr., Luis

RicardoMolina, Ana-KarenMolar, Crystal

MoniqueMills, HollisMelchor Nunez, Luis

CarlosMejia, LeonardoMedrano, PalomaMata, VivianaMata, John DanielMartinez, Vanessa Denise

Martinez, Jesus Antonio

Martinez, Briana Gabrielle

Martinez, AlexaMartinez Gonzalez, Milka

Martinez Jr., JavierMartin, Michelle JanetMarroquin, Celeste Aurora

Marquez, Taylor Ayenni

Maravillas, Alizzah Grace

Mangseth, Brady Joshua

Magallan, Shelby Anthony

Luna, Lesly NicoleLugo, Kristina MarieLugo, JoseLugo, AdamLucero, Gabriel Adrian

Pioneer HigH ScHool 2016 graduateS

graduateS not Pictured:Aleman Jr., Amador

Alfaro, Alexander Becerra Gomez, Leonel

Cagley, Mercury Alexander Camacho, Jacob Michael

Cantu Jr., Ulysses Cantu, David Matthew

Cantu, Michael IvanCedillo, JoshuaCerda Jr., Julio Chavez, Diana

Chavez, Jazon Rene

Cisneros, Aaron De La Rosa, Jose Roberto

Deanda, Santiago Diaby, Jamal Alexandre

Garces, Marcos A Garcia, Immanuel Alonzo

Garza, Alonso Jasser Garza, Brooke Leigh Garza, Jose Alejandro

Gonzalez, Araceli Gonzalez, Edgar Eduardo Gonzalez, Gabriela Anali

Gonzalez, Ricardo Gonzalez, Ulises

Guajardo, Omar Avery Guzman, Martha

Hernandez, Samantha Lee Kaiser, Erich Andres

Liang, William Litif Jr., Carl George

Lopez Lozano, LuceroLopez, Andres Eduardo Lopez, Joanna TeresaLopez, Pedro Javier

Lopez, Victor Alberto Lozano, Jose Feliciano Madrigal, Jacobo Noe Martin Jr., Roosevelt

Martinez Gonzalez, AbrahamMartinez, Ailton Jair

Martinez, Jorge AlbertoMartinez, Marlon Israel

Martinez, Yaritza YulissaMatamoros, Pedro Alejandro

Mayrga Martinez, Grecia Mena Teran, Jorge Joshua

Mendoza, Getsemani Mireles Jr., Julian Javier Padron, Andrew Daniel

Pedraza, YamilethPena, Sergio Arturo

Perez Jr., Carlos Perez, Steve

Quintana, Banesa Isabel Quintanilla, Alberto Antonio

Rios, Juan Miguel Rivera, Elizabeth Ann

Rodriguez, Carlos

Rodriguez, Jesus Alan Rodriguez, Samuel Jacob

Salazar, Edgar Luis Salem, Jorge

Sanchez, Omar DominickSandoval, Jay Anthony

Serrano Osorio, Salvador Solis Jr., Dagoberto

Villamonte, Diego Israel

Lopez, Valerie LeanneLopez, RomeoLopez, KathrynLopez, Jacob LeeLopez, EliseLopez Jr., Sergio

Zapata, Ricardo Barron

Zamora, Daisy DeeYbarra, Kassandra Ulissa

Wise, Devin RobertVillarreal, JoannaVillarreal, Daisy Susette

Villarreal, Christopher Albert

Villalon, Joelle Kristine

Villalobos, Rocio Gabriella

Vigilar, Philippe Gregorio Raf

Viggiano Reynoso, Kevin Alejan

Viera, Bianca Christine

Vela, Raelene DanielleVasquez, Ruby MarieVasquez, Isaiah LeeVasquez, Camille Renee

Vasquez, Arianna Janelle

Van Wagoner, Alexander

Underhill Jr., Robert Lee

Tumulak, Tricia Mae Lunar

Trigg, Jacob TannerTrevino, Victor ReneTorres, Martha AstridTorres, Kassandra

MarieTorres Robles,

CarolinaTijerina-Tapia, Gilber-

to HidalTamez Jr., JuanSurita, Adrian

LisandroSullivan, Karina AlexisStubbs, Rhea Dee

Stickle, Leslie AnneSolis, Sandra SophiaSolis, FernandoSolis, Crystal JeanetteSolano, Bailey LeannSilva, Roberto AdrianShepherd, Jennifer

ReneeSerna, Kailee MarieSerna, Andrea


Sanchez, Michael Brandon

Salinas, Luis Ricardo

Salinas, Julian TriztanSalinas, Anissa MarieSalinas, Aaron.jpgSaldana, Rosa YairedSalazar, Vanessa Marie

Salazar, Juan JoseSalazar Jr., RobertoSaenz, Vyaneth

YannelySaenz, Juan MauricioRunge, Dylan MichaelRomero, Justin Phillip

Romero, Juan Sigifredo

Romero, Jayson Dean

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Alfaro, DanielaDiamondback FFA Booster Club:$1,000

Alanis, Julissa L.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Acosta, Samantha D.Baylor Dean’t Gold:$20,000; Need-based

Baylor:$14,600; Tuition Equalization Grant:$3,364

Guajardo, Andrea R. Diamondback FFA Booster Club:$1,000; Sharyland

Pioneer Chapter:$500

Garza, DeandraPHS Cheerleading Booster Club:TBA

Delgadillo, Lydia C.PHS Band Booster:TBA

Cuellar, William R.RGV Lead Ambassadors:$150

Corona, Jireh I.Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson:$500

Best, Clyte W.Diamondback FFA Booster Club:$1,500; Sharyland

Pioneer Chapter:$500

Beltran, Cesia K.RGV Lead Ambassadors:$200; SADD:$300

Escamilla, Philip H.RGV Lead Ambassadors:$150

Benavidez, GabrielPioneer Criminal Justice & Fire Service:$250

Delgado, DanielaDare to Dream:$500; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815;

TEXAS Grant-New Initial HS:$5,000

Famiflietti, Bridgette N.Payne Auto Group City Clash:$500

Marroquin, Celeste A.UTRGV Jones Academic:$500; UTRGV Leadership

Mission End.:$500

Marquez, Taylor A.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Mangseth, Brady J. Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Hinsley, Ronald A.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Hernandez, CarinaDiamond Back Athletic Booster:TBA; St. Gregory’s

University Women’t Golf:$70,000

Garcia, Jose A.Dare to Dream:$500

Benavidez, DavidDiamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA; Our Lady

of the Lake:$25,200

Arredondo, Cyana J.Leo Club:$500; Mission Lions Club

Foundation:$500; UTRGV Selden Leavell:$1,000; UTRGV Scholars:$20,000

Guzman, Dante J.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Gulino, ValeriaPHS Band Booster Club:TBA

Guajardo, Julianne J.PHS Cheerleading Booster Club:TBA

Gonzalez, San JuanitaDare to Dream:$500

Gonzalez, Katherine T.PHS Art Club:$300; St. Edward’s University Dean’s Achievement:$60,000; Hilltopper Award:$12,000

Gonzalez, Joshia D.Texas Exes Hidalgo STAR Chapter-Morris & Rita

Atlas Scholarship to the University of Texas:$3,000; KRGV Channel 5 Student of the Week:$1,000

Garza, BiancaDiamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA; PHS

Cheerleading Booster Club:TBA

Lopez, KathrynRGV Lead Ambassadors Scholarship:$150

Lara, Dana B. Diamondback Ahtletic Booster Club:TBA; Texas

A&M Community Connection:$3,000

James, Thomas W.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Hornaday, Paul E.Diamondback FFA Booster CLub:$1,400; Monty

Awbrey Memorial:$500

Hernandez, Joyce D. Mission Crime Stoppers-Amanda Longoria:$500;

Pioneer Criminal Justice & Fire Service:$250

Hatzold, Madison N.Howard Payne University Yellow Jacket Scolar:$56,000;

Diamondback Athletc Booster Club:TBA; National FFA:$1,000; Sharyland Pioneer Chapter:$500

Padilla, Hannah R.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Martinez, JavierPHS Band Booster Club:TBA

Lopez, SergioDiamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA



Sharyland Pioneer H.S. Alma MaterPionee r our Alma Mater , w e wi l l a lways love thy name, and today we stand together r eady

to pr oc la im thy fame . Light o f l earn ing eve r burn ing , to the tr uths w e hold sinc er e .Diamondbacks stand pr oud as we sing a loud, w e wi l l be t r ue to r ed and gray a l l our day s.A be tt er schoo l than ours sur ely cou ld not be, we ’l l cher i sh you thr ough l oss and vi c to r y!


Aleman, Jose F.Dare to Dream:$500; Dr. Billy J Freel Memorial Scholarship:$2,000; Payne Auto Group City Clash:$500; Texas A&M Aggie Merit:$2,000;

Texas A&M Opportunity Award:$1,250; Texas FEA Anticipated Scholarship:$2,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815; TX Public Information

Grant:$1,500; Texas Greant-Initial:$5,000

Barrientos, Stephanie M.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA; Academic

Excellence Scholarship at Texas Lutheran University:$54,000; Texas Lutheran Grant:$3,090; Federal

Pell Grant:$3,565; Tuition Equalization Grant:$3,364

Cantu, VictoriaSt. Edward’sUniversity Grant:$26,358; Tuition Equalization

Grant:$3,364; Federal Pell Grant:L$665

Garza, Analisa C. Dare to Dream:$250; Israel Sanchez Memorial-College Makes

“Cents”:$500; Texas A&M Community Connection:$3,000; Texas A&M Opportunity Award:$1,000; Texas A&M Regents:$20,000;

Federal Pell Grant:$3,365; TS Public Education Grant:$1,500

Gomez, Nadia K.Hidalgo 4H Foundation-James Carlton McQueen

Memorial:$5,000; Mission Regional Medical Center:$1,000; Diamondback FFA Booster Club:$1,600; Junior Service

League of Mission:$500; RGV Lead Ambassadors$200; SISD Education Foundation:$500*

Guerra, Matthew J. Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA; St. John of

the Fields-Knights of Columbus:$500; SMU Merit-based Scholarship:$36,000; SMU Dean’s:$90,000**

Pena, KarynnaDiamond Belles:$1,000; Texas Aggie Grant:$2,500;

Texas Public Education Grant:$2,000

Moreno-Gutierrez, DianaSADD Scholarship:$300; St. Mary’s University


Lopez, EliseBoys & Girls Club of Mission:$500; Diamondback

Athletic Booster Club:TBA; Keys to Aggieland School Outreach:$500

Alvarez, Keren A.Palm Valley Association of Retired School Personnel:$800; Raul Tijerina Jr. Foundation-Far Horizon:$3,000; Dare to Dream:$250; SISD Education

Foundation:$500; Texas A&M Aggieland Bound:$8,000; Texas A&M Opportunity Award:$5,000; Texas A&M Regents:$20,000; Texas A&M Anticipated

Outside:$3,000; Federal Pell Grant:$4,865

Mills, HollisIBC A.R. Sanchez Memorial:$1,000; Dare to

Dream:$500; UTRGV Joe & Jessie Crump:$500; UTRGV Davidson Foundation:$500

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Shepherd, Jennifer R.Mission Regional Medical Center:$1,000; Diamond

Belles:$1,100; Junior Service League of Mission:$500; Leo Club:$250; Texas A&M Aggieland Bound:$1,000; Texas A&M

Sul Ross/Corps:$1,200; PHS Band Booster Club:TBA

Villarreal, Daisy S.PHS Art Club:$300

Villarreal, Christoper A.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Villalobos, Rocio G.PHS Book Club:$100

Viera, Bianca N.PHS Cheerleading Booster Club:TBA

Vela, Raelene D. RGV Lead Ambassadors:$500

Vasquez, Camille R.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA; Our Lady

of Perpetual Help-Knights of Columbus:$500

Trigg, Jacob T.Diamondback Athletic Booster Club:TBA

Salazar, Juan J.RGV Lead Ambassadors:$200; SADD:$500; Johnson

& Wales University NSO:$15,000

Saenz, Juan MauricioDonna Wernecke:$500

Students with scholarships not picturedCagly, Mercury A. - The University of Iowa Hawkeye Achievement Award:$8,000; Iowa Heritage Award:$6,000Cedillo, Joshua - Dare to Dream:$250; Texas A&M Kingsville Presidential Scholarship:$8,000Garcia, Immanuel A. - Dare to Dream Scholarship:$150Garza, Brooke L. - Diamonback Athletic Booster Club:TBA; PHS Cheerleading Booster Club:TBA; Federal Pell Grants:$765; TEXAS Grant-New Initial High School:$5,000

Liang, William - Dare to Dream Scholarship:$500Lopez, Joanna T. - RGV Lead Ambassadors Scholarship:$150Madrigal, Jacobo N. - Texas A&M University Regents:$20,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815; Texas Public Education Grant-Texas Resident:$1,500; Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant:$600; Sharyland Pioneer Chapter:$500

Underhill, Robert L.UTSA Distriguished Presidential


Rodriguez, AngelicaTexas Tech University Presidential:$3,000; Texas Tech University Grant:$1,825; PHS Band Booster


Rodriguez, Joel A.UTRGV AT&T-UTPA:$500

Ramirez, Andrea R.Dare to Dream:$500; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815;

TEXAS Grant-New Initial HS:$5,000

Runge, Dylan M.RGV Lead Ambassadors:$150

Rodriguez, Ayden M.Texas Tech TPEG Grant:$3,000; Texas Tech


Reyes, Harry H.Rotary Club of Mission:$500

Regino, Kelly D.Epsilon Upsilon Chapter:$500; Dare to Dream:$500; St. Edward’s University Grant:$45,875; Federal Pell

Grant:$5,815; CAMP Grant 2016-2017:$2,110

Ramos, Ramsey L.St. Mary’s University Bordeaux:$48,000

Perez, Esmeralda G.Dare to Dream:$500

Perez, ArmandoPHS Media Club:$100



Sharyland Pioneer H.S. Alma MaterPionee r our Alma Mater , w e wi l l a lways love thy name, and today we stand together r eady

to pr oc la im thy fame . Light o f l earn ing eve r burn ing , to the tr uths w e hold sinc er e .Diamondbacks stand pr oud as we sing a loud, w e wi l l be t r ue to r ed and gray a l l our day s.A be tt er schoo l than ours sur ely cou ld not be, we ’l l cher i sh you thr ough l oss and vi c to r y!


*Gomez, Nadia K. - cont’d: Texas A&M Opportunity Award:$1,000; Texas Aggie Grant:$2,500; Hidalgo STAR A&M Club Aggie Achievement Award:$1,000; RGV Livestock Show Academic:$500; RGV Livestock Show Reserve Grand Champion Horticulture Project 2007:$500; RGV Livestock Show Reserve Grand Champion Horticulture Project 2010:$500; RGV Livestock Show Grand Champion Market Goat 2016:$500; Smokin’ on the Rio Academic:$2,000; HOSA Academic:$500; South Texas Agriculture Roundup:$750; Shining STAR Queen:$1,000; Whataburger STAR:$750; Carmen C. Guerra Memorial:$1,000; Career & Technology Association of Texas:$1,000

**Guerra, Matthew J - cont’d: SMU Miller Diversity Scholarship:$30,000; SMU Upportunity Grant:$4,246; Tuition Equalization Grant:$3,364; A.F.G.E. Local 3106:$500

Torres, Kassandra M.Diamondback FFA Booster Club:$1,000; Sharyland

Pioneer Chapter:$500

Torres, CarolinaDare to Dream:$500; Leo Club:$250; PHS Media


Stickle, Leslie A. PHS Book Club:$100; UTRGV TPEG:$1,250

Solis, Sandra S. Boys & Girls Club of Mission:$500; Junior Service

League of Mission:$500; SADD:$300

Serna, Kailee MPHS Cheerleading Booster Club:TBA

Salazar, Vanessa M.Mission Crime Stoppers-Amanda Longoria


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Best StyleArriana Vasquez & Thomas James

Most AthleticJayda Garcia & Jose Alaman

Most FiendlyNadia Gomez & JJ Salazar

Most HelpfulNadia Gomez &Phillip Escamilla

Most Beautiful Girl& Most Handsome

Joelle Villalon & Jose Oliveria

Most InvolvedVeronica Rodriguez

& JJ Salazar

Most SpiritedVeronica Rodriguez& Josiah Gonxalez

Most HumorousLauren Ballesteros

& Tanner Trigg

Mr & Miss PHSNadia Gomez & Jonathan Jones

Fred Moron, R. Ph.581-54992120 E. Griffin Pkwy. Mission, TX

Alberto Vela, R. Ph.583-27001242 E. Bus. 83, #7 Mission, TX

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Page 10: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

Fourteen SHS students competed as part of the FCCLA (Family, Ca-

reer, and Community Lead-ers of America) State Lead-ership Conference, April 7- 9 in Dallas. Congratulations to them and their advisers Mary Jo Brisnahan, Amanda Medi-na and Alexandra Pena.

According to Ms. Pena, FCCLA prepares students by exposing them to fami-ly values, career advice and experience, and leadership skills that they can take with them to college. They com-pete in mock job interviews, teaching situations, and pub-lic speaking. The Sharyland FCCLA Chapter has a histo-ry of succeeding in previous competitions.

“I learned how to work in a team environment,” Maria-jose Longoria said. “It was fun.”

Junior Erika Takovich wanted to experience some-thing new this year. She wanted to enforce her com-munication skills to prepare for her senior year. To her surprise, she ended up ex-ceeding her expectations, earning a gold medal.

“I enjoyed attending the award ceremony because I qualified to advance to na-tionals,” she said.

STAR EVENT results in-clude:

1st Place (National Quali-fier) – Job Interview – Angel Felix

2nd Place (National Qual-ifier) – Teach And Train – Ana T. Flores

2nd Place (National Qual-ifier) – Illustrated Talk – Na-hir Kalaf, Ethan Espinoza, and Erika Takovich

3rd Place (Nat. Qualifier Alt.) – Teach And Train –

Janneth SanchezFCSA’S Medalists:

(These are individual skills assessment exams.)

Gold Medalists: Nahir Kalaf, Ana T. Flores, Maria-jose Longoria, and Jennifer De La Fuente

Silver Medalists: Janneth Sanchez, Michelle Her-nandes, Roman Vasquez, Ethan Espinoza, Natalia Mendoza, Erika Takovich, Angel Felix

Bronze Medalist: Sebas-tian Arizola

Students who qualified for the FCCLA National Leader-ship Conference, as well as Region V Vice-President of Correspondence Jennifer de la Fuente, will travel to San Diego, CA July 2-6, 2016 to represent Sharyland FCCLA and the state of Texas.

Sharyland FCCLA students competed at the State Leadership Conference in Dallas, earning the right to advance to the National Leadership Conference in July.

Sharyland FCCLA attends state conference, advances to national level

After gaining the title of South Regional Champions in Janu-

ary, the Rattler Criminal Jus-tice team placed second at the Texas Public Service As-sociation State Competition in Crowley, Texas on April 29-30. Sharyland students placed in a wide range of events, from obstacle cours-es to case analyses. Congrat-ulations to the team and their advisors Frank Elizondo and Aaron Clemons.

Through these compe-titions, students are able to gain knowledge and expe-rience in Law, Fire control, Public Safety, Corrections, and/or Security career path-ways.

In one of these competi-tions, senior Blake William-son, who plans to go into a career of law, was able to demonstrate skills in his fu-ture profession through a mock trial. Prior to trial, con-tenders have to prepare by studying cases and become prepped for the court set-ting. Blake placed first in his Opening Statement during the mock trial. A two-year member of the club, Blake said that “it felt great to be awarded and recognized for the hard work [he] put in.”

TPSA offers events in-volving prison settings for

students to demonstrate cor-rectional skills. Students Galilea Lopez and Ana Pau-la Guajardo took part and earned third place in the Ide-al Prison event, where they had to design a prison setting that fit certain requirements.

“Criminal justice requires a lot of research and there’s a wide variety of different things involved in it,” Ana Paula said. “Placing was a nice surprise and felt good, especially considering all the effort I put into it.”

Freshman Zack Clem-ons earned first place in the Firefighter Obstacle Course event. The event requires the students to sprint while wearing certain parts of a firefighter uniform and to pull dead weight and heavy power tools in the lowest amount of time possible.

“I got first in the firefight-er obstacle course, making me the best in the state in that event,” Zack said. “When I won I was really surprised because I was going against guys who were older than me and had been doing it for years and being the first year I do this, it was very amazed. I barely qualified for state in area, so I doubted I would even place at all.”

The Criminal Justice meet had over 600 students from

all over Texas participate. Judge positions were held by actual or former police offi-cers or people whose career correlates with the event they judge.

“Participating in TPSA makes me think that I might be good in a job that has something to do with law and pursue it as a career path,” Zack said. “I’ve learned that being part of the law is very hardworking and you have to be both physically strong and mentally strong at all times no matter the situation.”

Following is the complete list of students who placed: 1st Place in Opening State-ment - Blake Williamson, 1st Place in Closing Argu-ments - Mariel Salinas, 1st Place in Fingerprint Lifting - Michelle Hernandez, 1st Place in Police Report Writ-ing - Ana Paula Guajardo, 1st Place in Firefighter Obstacle Course - Zack Clemons, 1st Place in Criminal Case Anal-ysis - Mariel Salinas & Je-sus De La Fuente, 3rd Place in EMS First Responder - Camila Guerrero, 3rd Place in Criminal Case Analysis - Roberto Hernandez & Dan-iela Valladares, and 3rd Place in Ideal Prison - Galilea Lo-pez & Ana Paula Guajardo.

Sharyland Criminal Justice earns second at TPSA State Competition

Sharyland High School senior Salma Ruiz placed third in The

Letters About Literature Competition, a state writ-ing competition sponsored by the Center for the Book. Last year, she made it to the top ten in her age division.

“In this competition, students choose a book and write a letter to the author explaining how the book influenced them,” Nicole Cruz, SHS Librarian said.

SHS senior wins third place in writing competition

SHS Criminal Justice Team

Salma Ruiz

This year the Health Sci-ence Department introduced a new certification in Cer-tified Clinical Medical As-sistant through the National Healthcare Association. This certification allows the stu-dent to work in a large hos-

pital, doctors office or inpa-tient or outpatient clinic. To obtain certification, students took a difficult college level exam including many medi-cal skills, knowledge reten-tion and analysis.

“This is the first cohort

and we are very proud to be producing excellent health-care professionals that will be taking care of us in the fu-ture,” Cynthia Aldape Clini-cal Instructor said.

SHS students obtain Clinical Medical Assistant certification

Front Row: Jacquelyn Garcia. Back Row: Cynthia Aldape Clinical Instructor, Jose Ayala, Andrea Lopez, Selene Aguirre, Sophia Flores, Julio Perez.

Salma wrote a letter to Khaled Hosseini.

“The book is about im-migration and the violence in Afghanistan,” Salma said. “It made me think about Mexico when I was living there and about being a woman. The protagonist is also a woman and I related to her.”

In her letter, she explained how his novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, reminded her of her own experience with the prejudices that come with being a woman.

She writes:All my life I have dealt

with one simple yet confin-ing and limiting fact: the fact that I am a woman. The fact that anywhere my pres-ence grasps, I will be treated, seen, and thought of differ-ently. Khaled, being a wom-an is not easy, but not many seem to understand that. For-tunately, you did, you under-stood perfectly and I thank you for that.

Her age category received 645 submissions. Out of

those 645 letters, 158 made it to the second round and 45 advance to the third. Eleven of the 45 were sent to state-wide judging to pick first, second, and third place win-ners.

“It was super amazing,” Salma said. “I’m blessed to have won and I’m grateful that I put all my thoughts in a way that I could move peo-ple.”

Salma took Estela Sali-nas’ AP English 4 class.

“I am very proud of Sal-ma,” Salinas said. “Her writing represents not only her talent as a writer but also her spirit as an individual and her courage as a woman. She certainly has a powerful voice through her writing. She is an awesome young lady and I am glad to have been her teacher this year.

Salma Ruiz Sandoval’s Letter About Literature is published on this website:

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PHS TOP 3 from pg 1C

Education Through Commitment, Cooperation and Communication


2015-2016 Sharyland ISD Board of Trustees – Ricky Longoria, President

Dr. Noe Oliveira, Vice-PresidentJulia Cerda-Secretary

Melissa Smith-Assistant Secretary

Jose Garcia, MemberRolando Peña, Member

Dr. Noel O. Garza, Member

Superintendent: Dr. Robert O’Connor H.S. Principal: Carolyn Mendiola

Katharine Garcia is the daughter of Albert and Eliza Garcia. She is deciding whether to go to Stan-ford University or Columbia University in New York City to major in Political Science and minor in Philos-ophy. Throughout high school, her mentor was Jose Nava, calculus teacher and Math Dept. Chair, who taught her to stay true to her passion. Katharine’s areas of concentration throughout high school were social studies classes, such as U.S. History and Gov-ernment, as well as Calculus and Debate.

Katharine has been recognized as Valedictorian, AP Scholar with Distinction, National Hispanic Scholar, 4-Time UIL State qualifier in policy debate, TFA State Qualifier for policy debate, 2-Time District Champion in policy debate, and Area level French Horn player. She is also a published au-thor for writing SHS’ Best Life Stories.

Daisy Abraham is daughter of Biju Abraham and Abraham Markose. She will be attending Texas A&M University to double major in anthropology and biology, then attend A&M College of Medicine to receive her M.D. through the Partnership for Pri-mary Care program. Her mentor is Jordan Meiners, AP World History Teacher, for teacher her to chal-lenge herself and unearth her love for world history. Daisy’s areas of concentration in high school were Health Science, Biology, and World History.

Daisy Has been recognized as Salutatorian, AP Scholar with Distinction, Outstanding Student award in Biology, 1st Place Ready Writing 5A Veterans Division, along with having A Honor Roll throughout high school. She also held leadership positions as NHS President, HOSA Vice Presi-dent, Masterminds Captain, Cross Country Captain, Spelling Team Captain, and Ready Writing Team Captain.

Sofia Marian Cortez Padilla is daughter of An-gel Gerardo Cortez Benitez and Celia Esther Padilla de Cortez. She plans on pursuing a business edu-cation, to then work at a company and eventually have her own business. She hopes to complete an MBA and eventually work for the United Nations in the Business and Economics division. Her areas of concentration in high school were business-related classes, along with taking various language courses. Sofia’s mentor is Biology teacher Mrs. Diane Smed-ley, who showed her the true meaning of passion by

showing up to class every day with great enthusiasm and showing kindness to others.Sofia has been awarded the United States Achievement Academy National

Award and she is an All-American Scholar. She earned a perfect score on the AP Spanish Language and Culture Test in 2014. She earned the bronze in the His-panic Heritage Youth Awards, the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award, the Honorary Certificate from the American Association of French Professors, and she served as Youth Ambassador of the Province of Liege.

Gabriela Cazares is the daughter of Aldo and Rosy Cazares. She will be attending MIT with a major in chemistry and a minor in atmospheric chemistry, to them perform environmental research. Through-out high school, her areas of concentration were STEM and Health Science. Her mentor is Health Sci-ence Instructor, Mrs. Cynthia Aldape, who not only taught her health science, but provided support and advice, whether personal, mental, emotional, or educational.

Gabriela has been awarded AP Scholar with Dis-tinction, Principal’s Award in Chemistry, Physics, and Health Science, National French Exam Finalist, Solo and Ensemble 1st Divisions, and Academic Honor Roll. She participated in Band, the UT HSC health science program, HOSA, UIL Math and Science, NHS, Student Council, Leo CLub, Meet in the Middle, Book Club, French Club, and church group.

Jacob Padilla is the son of Martin and Maria Padilla. He is planning on attending the University of Texas at Austin to obtain a Bachelor’s in political science. Then he hopes to pursue a Master’s in a spe-cialization of political science, such as international relations, to one day hold public office. Throughout high school, his areas of concentration revolved around humanities and social sciences. He focused in foreign languages and U.S. History, while having a heavy influence from the fine arts through band. His mentor is Band Director Frank Salinas who taught

him how to work with others and how to push his limits. He was the Percussion Section Leader is the school’s band from 2015 to

2016, and he was awarded TMEA All-State Musician, AP Scholar with Honor, National French Exam National Placer, A Honor Roll from 9th-11th grade, Perfect Attendance from 9th-11th grade, and TMA Region 15 Honor Band Member.

Madeleine Garza is the daughter of Roseann and Frank Garza. She plans on either attending Tex-as A&M University or the University of Maryland. Her areas of concentration in high school were math related, as she took both Calculus A/B and B/C. Her mentor is Basketball Assistant Coach Julie Clinton, who not only helped her improve her skills as a bas-ketball player, but taught her how to live her life and treat others.

Madeleine was awarded the United States Achieve-ment Academy- National Science Award. With both her vol-

leyball and basketball teams, she earned two 1st Team Academic All State Volleyball and Basketball awards. She was Volleyball and Basketball captain from 2014-2016, National Honor Society Historian, and Sharyland Student Council girls Athletic Liaison.

Sang Yoon Kim is the son of Hyunji Kim and Young-Do Kim. After high school, he plans on attending college and pursuing a career in Business Management or Mar-keting. In high school, his areas of concentration were Business, STEM, and Fine Arts. As his mentor, he chose Head Counselor Delilah Rodriguez, who guided him through times of trouble and doubt and introduced him to the different fields that the school had to offer.

Sang has received awards such as A&B Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, Environmental Club Beau, and All-Region Band. He participated in Band, LEO

Club, Chess, Business Professionals of America, Skills U.S.A., UIL, and Environ-mental Club.

Alexa De La Torre is the daughter of Patricia and Marco Antonio De La Torre. She plans on at-tending either the University of Texas at Austin or A&M University to earn a bachelor’s degree in Neu-roscience with minors in Biochemistry and Genetics. Throughout high school, her areas of concentration were science and math. Her mentor is Foreign Lan-guage Teacher, Mrs. Martine Garcia. Mrs. Garcia taught her how to work harder and become a better student and more efficient person.

Alexa has been recognized as an Outstanding Senior, National French Exam Winner, National Society of High School Scholars, Leos in Service Award, and A Honor Roll. She also held leadership positions as Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) President, and Rattlers Guided Rattlers.

Ah Hyun Kim is the daughter of Mi Ja Je and Kyu Dong Kim. She will be attending Pratt Institute in New York to major in the field of interior design. Her areas of concentration in high school were Art, Drawing, Painting, portrait, sculpture, design, and English. Her mentor is fine arts teacher, Mr. Perez. Mr. Perez not only expanded her love for the fine arts, but taught her about self-reliance, personal responsibilities, and hard work.

Ah Hyun has been recognized as Outstanding in Biology; she received the National Science Award

and maintained A Honor Roll from 2012-2013 and A/B honor roll from 2013-2015. She participated in leo Club, NHS, and Art Club throughout high school and volunteered in the RGV diabetes association camp, Leo Club family fair, the 4th annual welcome home winter Texans part, and Pet projects.

Yujin Seo is the daughter of Myeongsil Lee and Taelyong Seo. She will be attending the University of Texas at Austin to major in Computer Science. In high school, her areas of concentration were math and science. Her mentor is English teacher Elida Salinas. Mrs. Salinas motivated her to pursue knowledge and wisdom and inspired her to become a better person.

Yujin has been recognized as Outstanding in Pre-Cal. She earned 1st place in computer appli-cations UIL as a novice, 3rd place in mathematics

UIL, 4th place in computer applications UIL in the pre-district meet, 3rd place in computer applications UIL at the district meet, and 1st place team Number Sense UIL. She also participated in LEO Club, UIL, and Art Club.

Katharine Garcia Valedictorian

Sang Yoon Kim 7th Ranking Student

Alexa De La Torre 8th Ranking Student

Hyun Kim 9th Ranking Student

Yujin Seo 10th Ranking Student

Daisy Abraham Salutatorian

Sofia Marian Cortez Padilla 3rd Ranking Student

Gabriela Cazares 4th Ranking Student

Jacob Padilla 5th Ranking Student


The top ten senior of Sharyland High School were honored during the Super Achiever’s Banquet on Monday, May 9th at The Club at Cimarron. This banquet honors the top ten seniors who excelled in their academic courses and earned the highest GPA in their class of 450 students.

The students were not only joined by their parents but also their mentors. Sharyland ISD board of trustees, central administrative staff, SHS administration, and counselors were all there to celebrate and honor these students.

Principal Carolyn Mendiola began the evening by recognizing the students and introducing all the guests.

“At Sharyland High School, we have five core beliefs that we instill in our students: Pride, Leadership, Excellence, Respect and Responsibility,” Mendiola said. “Tonight we take the time to recognize an exemplary group of students who epitomize all five of these core values. These students have worked diligently and relentlessly their 4 years of high school to achieve this very special recognition.”

Mendiola then introduced Salutatorian Daisy Elizabeth Abraham who led everyone in prayer.

After dinner was served, the presentation

started. Mendiola recognized each student and presented them a plaque. As each student received their award, they took the opportunity to address the audience and thank those who helped them reach their goals

Abraham spoke about being grateful for the people who supported her throughout her high school education.

“The treasures that I have been given thus far are extraordinary, and as I leave high school, I will carry them within my heart.” Abraham said. “So once more, thank you. Thank you for the support. Thank you for the patience. And thank you for enabling me to achieve all that I aspire.”

Sofia Marian Cortez spoke about being thankful for the school where she got her education.

“I thank God giving me the chance to be a part of this amazing Rattler family that helped me become not only a better student, but also, and most importantly, a better person,” Cortez said. “Academically, Sharyland High School has been a place where I have been able to discover and explore.”

After all the honor students received their award and addressed the audience,

Valedictorian Katharine Garcia gave the Farewell Address.

“I’d like to attribute the final note of gratitude to everyone who has encouraged these young minds to strive for more—not just in the classroom, but also as human beings,” Garcia said. “As we part ways in just a few short weeks, I hope our paths will soon cross again; but I want to encourage all of you to embrace the new experiences that lie ahead.”

The evening ended with Superintendent Dr. Robert O’Connor’s closing remarks and Principal Mendiola’s final address to the honor students. She presented them with a journal, each personalized with the student’s name, the school logo and the following quote: “Imagine…the possibilities when you shoot for the stars. Believe…you can accomplish all your heart’s desires. Achieve…the bright future waiting for you just over the horizon. Anything is possible when you believe”’

“Always remember Sharyland High School,” Mendiola said. “As you move on to the next chapter in your lives …record those special moments that you will experience throughout your life in college.”

Madeleine Garza 6th Ranking Student

football game concession stands, fundraisers, home-coming booths and librar-ies. He too was involved in the Pioneer High School LEO Club, as well as the Environmental Club and National Honor Society.

He explains why he chose cross country coach, David Munson, as his most important mentor in high school.

“Coach Munson has made me believe that I can do great things with my abilities, and has helped me become extremely mentally tough. He has made me believe that I can do anything I set my mind to as long as I work smart and hard to achieve it,” said Aleman. “He showed me a better way to train and has taught me that we must work smarter, not harder to accomplish our goals.”

With aspirations of be-coming a surgeon, third ranking student Angelica Rodriguez took an interest in medicine even in high school. In addition to serving as an office of Pi-oneer’s chapter of Health Occupation Students of America, she concentrated her studies on Health Sci-ence Career Cluster Prin-ciples of Health Science, Medical Terminology and Pathophysiology, Clinical Rotations as well as upper level/AP science and math

courses. She even gravitated to

medicine in her volunteer work, serving as a Volun-TEEN at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, and vol-unteering at Rio Grande Regional Hospital and with Ronald McDonald House.

But she enjoys other in-terests besides medicine, serving as drum major for the high school band, All Region Band member and a member of the 2015 5A UIL State Marching band. She also enjoyed partici-pating in the school’s LEO Club.

As her most influential mentor in high school she chose Assistant Band Di-rector/Color Guard Direc-tor Sammy Aguilar.

In describing Mr. Agui-lar, she said, “His unyield-ing work ethic has served as a display for anyone wanting to be successful to follow. Moreover, his upbeat attitude and reas-suring demeanor serve as a beacon to his students in trying times. The lessons he has taught me in band go beyond any perfor-mance. The most import-ant lesson he has taught me is to treat each special moment as a chapter, and when the time comes to close it do so, in order for success to be obtained in the future.”

drives. She also assisted at the Vannie Cook Clinic ban-quet, was a McAllen Medical Center Junior Volunteer for three years, and participated in the MedEd Program.

She thanks her parents, siblings and educators for their support but gives spe-cial credit to her parents.

“Amma, I couldn’t have made it this far without you,” Daisy said. “You have taught me the value of diligence and to always put forth my full effort into everything I do. Appa, thank you for encour-aging me to pursue my pas-sions–from taking me to the library every day, to running with me every night, you have enabled me to do what I love, and that is profound.”

Third ranking student So-fia Cortez will attend New York University to major in Business.

“[I’m] insanely proud [of myself]. I feel like I’ve worked very hard for it, and to see your work payoff is pretty cool,” Sofia said.

Her goal in life it to work in the UN branch of business putting her knowledge and skills to the benefit of others.

Throughout her high

school career Sofia has learned to take charge and lead fellow club members and future generations; Sofia is the NHS Vice-President, LEO Senior Representative and is an Ambassador for the National Society of High School Scholars.

For her success, Sofia credits her Rattler family, her friends and educators who have made her a better per-son and her family.

“I would like to thank my unconditional circle of love: my parents and my brother,” Sofia said. “I feel so incred-ibly lucky for having you as my family. To you I owe ev-erything I have, everything I am, and everything I will be. For the laughs and the tears, the ups and the downs, for your unquestioning support and your unconditional love, I am, and always will be, in-finitely and incredibly grate-ful to you.”

These young ladies are on a path that will lead cur-rent and future generations towards a better society and these SHS graduates are just at the start of their journey.

SHS TOP 3 from pg 1C

Sharyland High School earned second place in district after losing to Robert Vela High School at the very last event.

“It was a stiff compe-tition, however, our stu-dents are incredible and humble competitors and were very happy with all of their results,” Gar-

za said. “We are very proud

of our group this year. They’ve been working really hard and them making it to regionals is a testament of their hard work and their motiva-tion,” UIL Co-coordi-nator Angie Culberson said.

UIL from pg 1C

Yes, you can make your dreams come true. You are amazing! Stay true to who you are. You are unique, God only made one of you.

In closing, I’ll remind you that family is the one true constant in life. Take care of your family relationships. Through the good times and the bad times more than likely you will have a family member by your side. Take time to thank

them for their support and appreciate them.

Life is a great jour-ney. As Dr. Seuss said, “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So…get on your way!” I wish you nothing but the best in your life journey.

Dr. Rob O’ConnorSuperintendent, Sharyland ISD

MESSAGE from pg 1C

President Ricky Lon-goria will present the diplomas to the graduat-ing students.

The ceremony will end with the singing of the Sharyland “Alma Mater,” which will be led by honor students Sang Yoon Kim, Alexa De La Torre, Ah Hyun

Kim, and Yujin Seo and performed by the SHS Choir.

The Sharyland Class of 2016 will then pro-ceed out of the arena as the band plays “Pomp and Circumstance.”

DIPLOMAS from pg 1C

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Page 12: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

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Sharyland high School 2016 graduateS

De la Tejera Flan-dez, Jose Luis

De la Pena, Jorge Luis, Jr.

De la Garza, ElsaDe Jong, Tyler Kees

Dahl, Rylee JeanCuesta, AlejandroCosta Motta De Carvalho, Isadora

Cortez Padilla, Sofia Marian

Cortez Guerrero, Kassandra Abi

Contreras, Vicente

Colegio, Gerardo Benjamin

Cisneros, Karen Michelle

Choi, Hyuk JunChavez, EmilioChavez, DanielaChapa, Carlos Abraham

Cespedes Aguilar, Jorge Albert

Cerda, Jaime, JrCecin Tajonar, Ana Paula

Cazares, GabrielaCavazos, Benja-min, III

Cavazos, Ana Gabriela

Cavazos Salazar, Jesus Omar

Cavazos Marin, Mariela Alejandra

Castor, Graham Haydon

Castillo, SalvadorCastillo, Juan-pablo

Castillo, Javier Ramon

Castillo, Ernesto Adrian

Castellanos San-chez, Jennifer

Castaneda, Paul Michael

Castaneda, Ivanna

Carter, Seth Christopher

Carretero Alvara-do, Ayme Adria

Cardenas, Jorge Alonso

Cardenas, Gabri-ella Mia

Cantu, PaulinaCantu, Natalia Abigail

Cantu, LaurenCantu, JulissaCantu, Andrew Michael

Cantu, AaronCantu Padilla, Ricardo

Cano, Philip Houston

Campos, Manuel Alejandro

Campos, JasminCambrianis Hoy, Camila Alejandra

Calles McDonald, Ilenia Alexandra

Briseno Rosas, Karen Lucero

Borjon, Jeszel Edwin

Bettini, Maxi-miliano

Berazaluce, Sergio Marcelo

Berazaluce, Diego Sergio

Benet Cantu, Luis Eduardo

Benavides, IsabelBarajas, YolandaBalderas, Desiree Marie

Baggett, ChristianAvila Gonzalez, Joaquin Alejandro

Ascencio, YazmeliArzamendi Risser, Daisy

Arizola, Victor Sebastian

Arguelles, Fer-nando

Araya, Anna Nicole

Alvarez, Lauren Micaela

Alvarez, Jacque-line Beatriz

Alvarez, Diego Alberto

Alvarez, AylinAlvarez, Ana Margarita

Alvarez Del Cas-tillo, Hector J.

Alvarado Garcia, Omar Alberto

Almazo, Loretto Estfania

Almasri, Nataly Waleed

Almaraz Rodriguez, Luis

Aldama, Alejan-dra Monserrat

Alanis, Jay Anthony

Aguilera, MarcelaAdame, Lorenzo Antonio

Acuna, Luis Eduardo

Abraham, Daisy Elizabeth

Gonzalez, IvanGonzalez, Eduar-do Daniel

Gonzalez, AndresGonzalez Salinas, Rebeca Jessu

Gonzalez Luna, Sofia

Gonzales, Mat-thew Paul

Gonzales, Alfredo Nathaniel

Gomez, Tamarah Alyssa

Gomez, MoisesGomez, Edgar Edelmiro, Jr.

Geathers, Roman Elias

Garza, NallelyGarza, Miguel Angel

Garza, Melanie Regina

Garza, Madeleine Louise

Garza, Jose Gerardo

Garza, GiovannaGarza, GabrielGarza, EduardoGarza, Abraham, Jr.

Garcia, PaulinaGarcia, NataliaGarcia, Michael Angelo

Garcia, Mauro Eduardo

Garcia, Katharine Leia

Garcia, Julian Ignacio

Garcia, JorgeGarcia, JocelynGarcia, Isaiah Ruben

Garcia, David Eliud

Garcia, Carmen Jacqueline

Garcia, Bryan LeeGarcia, BridgeetGarcia, Brandon

Garcia, Alejan-dro, III

Garcia-Garcia, Juan Alberto

Garcia Zertuche, Paulina

Garcia Reyes, Giselle

Garcia Gonzalez, Natalia

Garcia Cuellar, Maximiliano

Garcia Cisneros, Alan Arturo

Garay, MisaelGaouette, Damian James

Gannon, Tyler Christian

Galvan, EmilieGalvan, Devany Edith

Galvan, BrandonGallo Ponce, Andrea Carolina

Gallardo, Narda Sofia

Frias, Amanda JoFranco, Victoria Maapol

Flores, Victoria Keverina

Flores, MarianaFlores, JosueFlores, Ana Teresa

Flores-Pena, Jose Raul

Flores de Leon, Jose Guadalupe

Finn, Allison Jenny Ho

Felipe Tadeo, Moises

Fausto, Clarissa Alexandra

Estevan, Fernan-do Leobardo

Esqueda, Leon-ardo

Espinosa, Victor Hugo

Escamilla, Karina Abigail

Erana, Ana JoseElvira, Patricia Nicole

Elizondo, Javier Andres

Elizondo, Erin Celeste

Eden Wynter, Emily Yadira

Duena, Felipe Mathew

Dominguez, Kimberly

Diaz, Maria Moncerrat

Diaz, EduardoDennison, Kelly Marie

Delgado Ibarra, Mariza Rubi

Del Rio, Miguel Angel

De Leon, Jeniffer Francisca

De Lama, DinoDe la Torre, Carlos Alberto

De La Torre, Alexa

Gutierrez, Alexa Sophia

Gutierrez Contre-ras, Karen Mon

Guerrero, DanielaGuerra, Paulina Sofia

Guerra, MarianoGuerra, JannethGuerra Valdez, Jose Carlos

Guerra Saldivar, Carlos Robert

Guajardo, ValeriaGuajardo, Ana Paulina

Guajardo Escamil-la, Raymundo

Grunn, Bradley DGrande, Brianna Geneve

Gracia, Joshua Alexander

Gracia, JorgeGracia, DianaGonzalez, RafaelGonzalez, Phillip Giovann

Gonzalez, Mat-thew Alexander

Gonzalez, MartinGonzalez, Manuela

Gonzalez, Jon-athan

Kim, Sang YoonKim, Ah HyunKelley, Ralph Leroy, III

Jones, Paige Mackenzie

Johnson, Hannah Gwendlyn

Jewell, Michael Richard

Islas Alanis, Humberto

Ibarra, Teresa Nicole

Ibarra, Cesar Maecelo

Hollingshead, Amber Lynn

Hinojosa, RenataHinojosa, Even Hervey

Hinojosa, AbigailHinojosa Rodri-guez, Sabrina

Herrera, Ryan Miguel

Hernandez, Ramses II

Hernandez, Michelle Ceri

Hernandez, Maryann Zilue

Hernandez, Jocellyn Gisell

Hernandez, Eliza-beth Nicole

Hernandez, Cyn-thia Monique

Hernandez, Christopher

Hayter, Kristin Nicole

Hausenfluck, Trevor Derek

Guzman, Rodrigo Rabelo

Gutierrez, Ruben Alexis

Gutierrez, PaulinaGutierrez, Marcus Ruben

Page 13: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

May 27, 2016 page |

Graduates not pictured:

sharyland hiGh school 2016 Graduates

Mascorro, Mario A.

Martinez, Jesus Irael

Martinez, Jaime Efrain

Martinez, Diana Laura

Martinez, AndreaMartinez Silva, Anilath Daniel

Martinez Bulnes, Ana Izavelle

Manriquez, Edna Walkiria

Magana Negrete, Luis Raul

Madrigal, Lily AnnMacias Guilhoux, Efren Alejandro

Luna, Alyssa Monigue

Lozano, Mariana Leticia

Lozano, Marcela Isabel

Lopez, Vivianne Aalyah

Lopez, Jose Alejandro

Lopez, JenniferLopez, CindyLopez Gonzalez, Adriana Samanta

Lopez Cantu, Sofia Elizabeth

Longoria, Mariajose

Longoria, Jorge Eloy

Loera, Dayanna Jarenny

Lince, Daniel Santiago

Leyja Sanchez, Juan Carlos

Lewis Moreno, Estefania

Lee, Jinwoo.jpgLee, Heon Hui.jpgLeal Narvaez, Salma

Lavoie, Evan.jpg

Salameh, Raja Nicolas, II

Sala, Noah PatrickSada Lopez De La Cerda, Andrea

Ruiz, Carlos Manuel

Ruiz-Sottil, Alberto

Ruiz Sandoval, Salma

Rosas-Martinez, Guillermo Rodo

Ronquillo, JoseRomo, SabrinaRojas, Jessica Graciela

Rojas, Cesar Julian

Rodriguez, Roy II

Rodriguez, KevinRodriguez, Joel Alejandro

Rodriguez, Jacob Ammon

Rodriguez Mata, Noel Alexis

Rodriguez Gonza-lez, Josue David

Rivera, Ana Victoria

Rivera Garcia, Alexis Ian

Rios, ReginaRios, AprilRios Penaloza, Ivan

Reza, Hugo, Jr.Reynoso, BrittanyReyna, Jesus Eduardo

Rassman, Tehya Ashlyn

Rassman, Logan Elyse

Rangel Larronde, Roberto Hermi

Ramos, ValeriaRamos Rodri-guez, Mario

Ramos Barrera Emilia

Ramirez, EstefanyQuiroga Leal, Valeria

Quintero Hervert, Ismael Alejandro

Quinanilla, Luis Angel

Puga Montoya, Ruben Dario

Pruneda, Alexis Claris

Pinon, Maximilia-no Gabriel

Pineda Garcia, Frida Alejandra

Perez, Jorge Miguel

Pena, Rene RafaelPena, Paulina Marylin

Pena, Desiree Marie

Pena-Banda, Erika Fernanda

Paredes Todober-to, Tessa

Palacio, Jose Ramon

Padilla, JacobOzuna, Gissel Victoria

Oyevides Garcia, Maximiliano

Ortiz, Daniel Alejandro

Ortiz, CristinaOlivares, ErikOlguin, SharonOchoa, Alyssa Marie

Ocanas Hernandez, Jose Miguel

Nelson, Ethan Issac

Nava Rodriguez, Christian Brya

Munoz, RomanMoron, Ricardo, Jr.

Moreno, DanielaMoreno Trevino, Paulina Fernan

Morales, Esmer-alda

Montano, Jorge Eduardo

Montano, Diego Julian

Montalvo, Hannah Ynez

Molina, BrandonMijes, FernandaMijes, Dulce Paulina

Mijes, Adrian Guadalupe

Merle, MarianaMendoza, Jocelyn Marie

Mendoza Natalia Abril

Mendiola, Chanoa Agustin Sasak

Mendez Chaves, Jorge Eduardo

Medina, Selene Karely

Medina, AlejandroMedina Solis, Veronica

Medina Mendez, Roberto Emilian

Medina Alvarez, Rodrigo Gabrie

Mcfarland, Brian Patrick

Zuniga, Roberto

Zertuche Cantu, Jose Roberto

Zapata, DominicYoung, Andrea Sofia

Yoon, JinhoYbarra De La Pena, German Euge

Wright, Mckenna Nicole

Williamson, Blake Matthew

Williams, Jaylen LWeeden JamesVon Nacher Honfgo, Hiromi Aless

Villarreal, Luis Eric

Villarreal, Jesus Alejandro

Villarreal, Gilberto Pedro

Villa, Francisco Javier

Vilades, SabrinaVidegaray, Roberto

Velez, CarolinaVela, Daniela Claudet

Vasquez, RomanVasquez, AlessaVarela, Juan Angel, Jr.

Valdez, Leslie Abigail

Valdez, Blanca Carolina

Valdez, AndreaValdez Fernandez, Angela Valer

Uresti, MaraTrevnio, Julio IIITrevnio, Jose Angel

Trevino, Jorge Carlos

Trevino, GilbertoTrevino, Alexan-dra Kristine

Trejo Guerrero, Cinthya Paloma

Tovar, Kenneth Andres

Torres, Nathan Andrew

Torres Alvear, Christian Alber

Torre-Mejia, CesarTornero Rivera, Sergio David

Tamez-Vasquez, Christian Adrian

Tamez Lozano, Cristian Antonio

Tamez Garza, Katia Larissa

Stingley, Jacob Benefiled

Soliz, Elijah

Solis, Janelle Paola

Soberon, MauricioSilva,Edson MateoShinn-Roland, Christina Danielle

Serrato, Luis Antonio

Serrato, Jose Eduardo

Serna, FabiolaSepulveda, Laura Paola

Seo, YujinSegura, DanielaSchweitzer, Isaac Raymond

Santa Ana-Gonza-lez, Jorge Fari

Sandoval, Zhze-bystyne

Sanchez, Mauricio

Sanchez, JannethSanchez, AaronSanchez De La Cruz, Annia Maye

San Roman, April Aolani

San Miguel, Carolina

San Miguel Garza, Fernando

Salinas, Thomas Nicholas

Salinas, Mario Alonso

Salinas, Karime Fabiola

Salinas, Juan Manuel, Jr.

Salinas, Jorge Eduardo

Salinas, Jacob Andrew

Salinas, Dylan Erik

Salinas, Carlos Alberto

Salinas, AlejandroSalinas Martinez, Mauricio

Aguilar Aguirre, Jose Gre-gorioAguilera, Sofia ErdmannAnzaldua, Mariano Alejan-droBallesteros, LuzyannetBarnhart, Neva KarolineBarrera, Juan CarlosBeber, Justin WrayBenavides, IsabelCabrera, JoseCamacho, Damariz Candanoza, Jose Daniel

Cantu, Brianna VictoriaCastillo Briones, Jose Ar-turoCerda, Diana PaolaCienfuegos, Vanesa Coronel, OswaldoCortez, Eric DavidFregoso, Hector GerardoGarcia, Erika PauletteGil Abreu, Jose DanielGonzalez, Ana T. Gonzalez, KamilaGonzalez, Paulina

Guerrero, RicardoGutierrez, Andres AaronGutierrez, StephanieHinojosa, Luis MauricioJuarez, Nadia LizethLedesma, AshleyLopez, SamuelMartinez, Yessica MichelleMendez, Jessica SaudithMeza, Jorge Moreno, Jose AlfredoMunoz, Guillermo JorgeOrtega Barbosa, Javier

EduardoPrado, Isis S.Quintero Escamilla, Jose Humberto Rendon, Alyssa MarieRivas, Roberto RodrigoRodriguez, AshleyRodriguez, Kevin AlejandroRuiz Cantu, RoelSada, Abraham JacobSiehr, ZacharySuarez, Jose AlejandroTorres, Maria Fernanda

Trevino Cantu, SoniaTritz Jr., Joseph AllenVasquez, Raul Alexi Vazquez, ArianaVela, CarolinaVelasco, Bertha MayelaVillarreal, AlejandroVillarreal, Jorge AlejandroYbarra, Jason Senovio Zarate, Diego Ariel

Page 14: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

Cantu, Natalia A.University of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Berazaluce, SergioUniversity of Texas RGV Scholars:$5,000

Almazo, LorettoSouth Texas College: TBA;

SHS Choir Scholarship:$250

Alanis, JayUniversity of Texas RGV: TBA;

SHS Choir Schlarship:$150

Abraham, DaisyTexas A&M Aggie Merit:$2,000; Opportunity Award:$1,000; Lechner Scholarship:$2,500

Elizondo, Javier A.Army National Guard:$94,000

De La Torre Schutz, AlexaUniversity of Texas Austin:TBA; SHS SADD/RADD


De La Garza, ElsaUniversity of Texas RGV SHS Art Club:$200

Cavazos Marin, MarielaThe University of Texas RGV Grant:$5,000;

TPEG:$2,000; Shary-Shivers Foundation:$1,000

Cavazos, AnaThe University of Texas RGV: TBA;


Castillo, Juanpablo St. Edward’s University:TBA; SHS General


Castillo, ErnestoUniversity of Texas RGV Assistance:$2,250;


Carretero, AymeUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; Amand Longoria

Scholarship-Mission Crime Stoppers:$500

Castillo, JavierSouth Texas College:TBA; SHS Choir:$150

Chapa, CarlosUniversity of Texas RGV Grant:$5,000; Federal Pell


Castaneda, IvannaUniversity of Texas RGV: TBA; Mission Regional Medical


Cazares, GabrielaMassachusetts Institute of Technology:$54,728; Federal SEOG:$4,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Choi, Hyuk JunUniversity of Texas Austin Presidential


Cortez Padilla, SofiaNew York University:$45,140; SHS General


Gonzalez Salinas, RebecaUniversity of Texas RGV Joe and Jesse Crump:$500; Leadership Mission Endowment:$500; SHS General

Scholarship:$500; SHS Gene Olszewski Leo Club:$500

Gonzales, Alfredo N.University of Texas San Antonio:TBA; SHS General


Geathers, RomanUniversity of Houston Academic Excellence:$18,000

Garcia, AlejandroUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS BPA:$150

Garcia, AlanTexas State University:TBA; First Annual Adam

Hardison Memorial Scholarship:$1,000; SHS BPA:$150

Fausto, ClarissaUniversity of Texas RGV Grant:$5,000; Federal Pell


Cisneros, KarenSouth Texas College:TBA; SHS Go Center:$150

Carter, SethTexas A&M RGV Livestock Show:$7,000; STAR :$1,000;

Whataburger STAR:$500; Victor Guerra Memorial:$500; Sharyland FFA:$600; James T. & Peggy Jarrett


Campos, ManuelUniversity of Texas at San Antonio Grant:$5,704;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Arguelles, FernandoUniversity of Texas at San Antonio Grant:$5,815



Sharyland H.S. Alma MaterWe always wil l r emember, and sing our prai se to you , All hai l our Alma Mater,

wi th hear ts f or ever t rue. Unfur l your banners pr oud ly f or a l l the wor ld to se eThe r ed and whi t e of S .H.S . The pr ide of Shar yland High School

Flores Guajardo, MarianaRogers State University Athletic Scholarship:$7,500;

SHS General Scholarship:$500

Flores, AnaUniversity of TExas RGV Grant:$5,000; Shary-

Shivers Foundation:$1,000; TPEG:$2,000

Erana, Ana JoseSt. Edwards’s Golf:$40,000; Dean’s Merit:$70,000

Elizondo, ErinUniversity of Texas San Antonio:TBA; Sharyland


Duena, FelipeTexas State University Grant:$5,000; Federal Pell

Grant:$5,815; SHS General Scholarship:$500

Del Rio, MiguelUniversity of Texas Austin Terry Foundation

Scholarship:$80,800; Presidential Achievement:$20,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,816

De Jong, TylerUniversuty of Texas Austin:TBA; National

Merit:$1,000; SHS General Scholarship:$500; SHS Yearbook Staff Achievement:$500

Garza, JoseTexas A&M University Grant:$5,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815; Federal SEOG Grant:$700; TX Public

Education Grant:$2,000; Martinez Elementary:$500

Garcia Cuellar, Maximiliano University of Texas RGV Grant:$1,000

Garcia, MauroUniversity of Texas RGV Grant:$5,000; Federal Pell


Garcia, KatharineColumbia University Kluge Grant:$49,542

Garcia, BryanUniversity of Texas San Antonio Grant:$5,704;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Frias, AmandaUniversity of Texas San Antonio Grant:$5,541; Federal Pell Grant:$5,465; Sharyland FFA:$200

Guerra Saldivar, CarlosNorwich University Dean Scholarship:$92,000;

Norwich University Grant:$6,811

Guajardo, Ana PaulinaUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS Go Club:$150

Gracia Lopez, DianaUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$2,500;

Federal Pell Grant:$2,882

Garza, MiguelUniversity of Texas Austin Presidential

Scholars:$20,000; Mission Regional Medical Center:$1,000

Grande, BriannaSouth Texas College:TBA; SHS Cheerleading

Booster Club:$500

Guerrero, DanielaUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS General


Garza, MadeleineTexas A&M AggielandBound:$4,000; Texas A&M Community Connections:$3,000; Opportunity Award:$1,000; SHS General Scholarship:$500


page 14C May 27, |

Page 15: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

Trevino III, JulioUniversity of Texas RGV Texaco Endowed


Torres, NathanUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; Rick Lewis Memorial Scholarship:$1,000; SHS Criminal Justice Club:$100

Santa Ana-Gonzalez, JorgeUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$2,003; UTRGV

Scholars:$5,000; Federal Pell Grant:$2,665

Sanmiguel Lejarza, CarolinaUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

San Roman, AprilUniversity of California, Irvine:TBA; SHS SADD/

RADD Club:$300

Salameh, RajaUniversity of Texas Auston, TBA; SHS Gene

Olszewski Leo Club:$500

Sada, AndreaUniversity of Texas Austin:TBA; BPA Regional


Quintanilla, LuisSouth Texas College:TBA; Sharyland FFA:$200

Puga, RubenUniversity of Texas Austin:TBA; Linebarger,

Groggan, Blair and Sampson, LLP Scholarship:$500

Palacio, JoseUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS General


Moron, RicardoUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS Yearbook


Montano, DiegoUniversity of Texas RGV TPEG:$1,250; Mariachi


Montalvo, HannahUniversity of Houston Academic Excellence

Scholarship:$8,000; Payne Auto Group:$1,000

Merle, MariannaUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Martinez, DianaUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS General


Luna, AlyssaSouth Texas College:TBA; SHS General


Lopez Gonzalez, AdrianaTexas A&M Mays Business School:$12,000; Aggieland

Bound:$8,000; Opportunity Award:$1,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815; Regents Scholarship:$20,000; Federal SEOG

Grant:$600; Texas Publication Education Grant:$1,500; Texas Grant:$5,000; SHS General Scholarship:>$500

Lince, DanielLindenwood University Athletic


Lee, HeonUniversity of Texas RGV: TBA; SHS BPA:$150

Kim, Ah HyunPratt Institute Presidential Merit-Based

Scholarship:$21,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815; Federal SEOG:$900; SHS Art Club:$300; SHS General


Johnson, HannahTexas A&M University:TBA; Sharyland FFA:$600

Villa, FranciscoSouth Texas College:TBA; Alex Ballesteros

Memorial Scholarship:$400

Students with scholarships not picturedBeber, Justin - Charleston Southern University Scholar:$48,000

Garcia, Erika - University of Texas RGV: TBA; Mission Lions Foundation:$500Gutierrez, Andres - University of Texas RGV Jones Academic Scholarship:$1,000; TPEG:$1,250; Mariachi Senior:$500

Juarez, Nadia - St. Edward’s University Dean’s Merit Scholarship:$28,000

Rodriguez, Ashley - South Texas College:TBA; Texas Association of Future Educators:$150Vela, Carolina - Texas A&M Aggieland Bound:$8,000; Federall Pell Grant:$5,815; Regents Scholarship:$20,000; Federal SEOG

Grant:$600; TPEG:$1,500; Texas Grant:$5,000; Dr. Freel’s Memorial Scholarship:$2,000; A.R. Sanchez Memorial Scholarship:$1,000;Raul Tijerina Jr. Foundation:$3,000

Wright, McKenna Avenue 5 Beauty School:TBA; Sharyland FFA:$200

Tamez Lozano, CristianUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$2,500;

Federal Pell Grant:$2,782

Sanchez, Janneth Texas State University:TBA; Sharyland

FFA:$600; :James T. and Peggy Jarrett Memorial Scholarship:$500

Reyna, JesusUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; SHS BPA:$200

Medina Solis, VeronicaUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000;

Federal Pell Grant:$4,965

Macias, EfrenUniversity ofthe Incarnate Word

Endowed Scholarship:$332; Academic Scholarship:$8,000; International


Hinojosa, RenataTexas State University Grant:$10,815; Bill of Rights


Islas Alanis, HumbertoUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$2,500;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,765

Gutierrez, RubenUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000;

Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Ruiz-Sottil, AlbertoUniversity of Texas Austin Grants and

Scholarship:$5,245; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815

Quiroga Leal, ValeriaUniversity of Texas RGV:TBA; Rio Grande Valley

Quilt Guild:$2,000

Longoria, VivianneUniversity of Texas San Antonio Grant:$4,582

Jewell, MichaelNorth Texas University:TBA; Alex Ballesteros

Memorial Scholarship:$400

Hollingshead, AmberTexas A&M University Corpus Christi:TBA;

Sharyland FFA:$600

Hinojosa, AbigailUniversity of Texas Austin:TBA; Mariachi


Hernandez, MichelleSouth Texas College:TBA; Mission Lions Foundation:$500;

Amanda Longoria Scholarship-Mission Crime Stoppers:$500; SHS Criminal Justice Club:$250

Hausenfluck, TrevorUniversity of Texas San Antonio Distinguished

Presidential Scholarship:$12,000

Gutierrez, PaulinaUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000; Federal Pell Grant:$5,815; SHS Go Club:$150

Gutierrez, MarcusSouth Texas College:TBA; SHS Book Club:$200

Longoria, MariajoseUniversity of Texas RGV Texas Grant:$5,000;


NOTE:Scholarship amound are subject to change and may not be reflected. All scholarships listed were submitted byt time of press.

Sharyland H.S. Alma MaterWe always will remember, and sing our praise to you, All hail our Alma Mater, with

hearts forever true. Unfurl your banners proudly for all the world to see The red and white of S.H.S. The pride of Sharyland High School

May 27, 2016 page |

Page 16: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

page 16C May 27, |

Page 17: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

HIGH SCHOOLclass of 2016


Best StyleMatthew Gonzales

& Jocellyne Hernandez

Most AthleticMaddie Garza& Seth Carter

Most FriendlyJocellyne Hernandez & Matthew Gonzales

Most HelpfulNatalia Cantu

& Nick Salameh

Senior FavoriteAndrea Sada

& Nathan Torres

Most Beautiful & Most HandsomeRylee Dahl & Noah Sala

Most Likely to SucceedKatia Tamez & Miguel Garza

Most InvolvedRebeca Gonzalez& Bradley Grun

Most SpiritedKristin Hayter & Bradley Grun

Most HumorousBlanca Valdez

& Juan Pablo Castillo

Mr. & Miss SHSMadaleine Garza& Nick Salameh


Rick A. Young, D.D.S.2407-A Griffin Pkwy • Mission • 581-2773

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Timothy W. Brann, D.D.S.

We are proud to wish the Class of 2016much success for tomorrow and beyond.

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Alberto Vela, R. Ph.583-27001242 E. Bus. 83, #7 Mission, TX

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May 27, 2016 page |

Page 18: May 27, 2016 Progress Times - Campus Chronicle Sharyland ISD

Sharyland Pioneer FFA members attended the Area X FFA Leadership Development Event in Kingsville, Texas on Nov.

23, 2015. Ten teams advanced from the RGV District FFA LDE to the Area X FFA Leadership Development Event at

TAMUK. Four earned first place honors and the title of Area Champions, allowing them to compete at the State FFA

Leadership Development Event in Huntsville on December 5th through 6th. District Champions/Area Champions/State

Qualifiers were: Greenhand Skills Demonstration, Bella Alaniz, Michael Landavazo, Emily Michki; Senior Skills Demonstration,

Nadia Gomez, John Ryan Rodriguez, Richard Longoria;Public Relations, Johhny Howell, Lauren Esqueda, Andrea

Guajardo, Jacob Madrigal; Greenhand FFA Creed Bella Alaniz; Greenhand Quiz Jackelyn Gonzalez, Lena Marcellus, Jennifer

Rivera, Miranda Torres – District High Point Individual.

PHS FFA Earns 1st place honors!

Coach Guillermo Guzman helped organize our First Special Olympics Basketball Competition held at Sharyland Pioneer

High School on Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2016. The event allowed student organizations and faculty and staff to volunteer

in making this event such a successful one. Pioneer High School has become the new home of the Area 1 basketball

competition which outgrew its former home at Weslaco High School. Axel Garcia (shown above), carried the Olympic

torch to help 1000 athletes begin the competition. Broken up into small groups, competitions consisted of individual

dribbling, shooting and passing skills, as well as 3-on-3 and 5-on-5 basketball games. Awards ceremonies were held in

the school cafeteria.

PHS hosts it’s 1st Special Olympics Basketball Tournament

Proud to announce that our UIL One-Act Play, “King O’ the Moon” placed 2nd out of seven plays, going on to compete

at the Bi-District Contest on March 24th. PHS also came home with three acting awards: Immanuel Garcia received

Best Actor, Tanner Trigg received an All-Star Cast award, and Alicia Davila received an Honorable Mention All-Star Cast

Award. We are so proud of our kids. Our group is under the direction of Ms. Lilia Fertig.

PHS One Act Play Earns High Honors

Sharyland Pioneer High School members of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

competed on Friday, February 12th in Corpus Christi at the Texas Region V Conference. The following students

competed in Corpus Christi at the Texas Region V Meeting: JJ Salazar, 12, Gold Medal, Heather Gunn, 11, Silver Medal,

Hollis Mills, 12, Silver Medal, Zeta Mills, 9, Silver Medal, and Gabriel Lucero, 12, Silver Medal. The following members competed in STAR Events (Students Taking Action with

Recognition) advancing to the State Competition in Dallas, Texas in April: Heather Gunn placed 1st in Recycle Redesign,

and Gabriel Lucero & Hollis Mills placed 6th in Advocacy,

Sharyland Pioneer High School FCCLA Members At-tend Region V Conference

At the Universal Cheerleader Association at the University of Texas in Austin Cheer camp, Pioneer had four seniors earn

the highest individual award as All American Cheerleaders. All four earned the opportunity to participate in the New

Year’s Day parade in London, England. Kailee Serna travelled to participate and representing her school.

All American Cheerleaders at UT

January 24, 2016, our Pioneer Diamondback SWAT group competed at the 2016 Texas Public Service Association’s

(TPSA) South Region Contest January 22-23, at PSJA Southwest HS. For this two-day event, 11 high schools

around the Rio Grande Valley competed against each other in different areas of law enforcement, fire and public safety.

Pioneer qualified 25 students for the State Competition to be held in Fort Worth, Tx on April 29-30, 2016. We look forward

to see their many successes!

Another State Bound Diamondback Team!

January 16, 2016, Pioneer High School held its first Chess Tournament, concluding with a great success! A huge

Congratulations to Pioneer’s chess team and Nancy Ochoa-Garza, as they were crowned Champions of the Invitational

Meet. Highest points went to Senior, Jonas Cuanang, Marco Jacome, Senior Jesus A Rodriguez, and Miguel Garcia, who

was overall Champion!

Pioneer Chess Champions!

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