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Page 1: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

James K. Peterson

Department of Biological Sciences and Department of Mathematical SciencesClemson University

January 10, 2019

Page 2: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One


1 Introduction to the Class

2 Mathematical Induction

3 Homework

Page 3: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Introduction to the Class

First, a few comments about this class.

This class is about training you to think in a different way.MATH 4530 is about analysis and you will find the way wethink about problems here is different than the way we handleproblems in MATH 4120 which is about abstract algebra.Our job is to get you to think about the underpinnings of thematerial you have already mastered in calculus more abstractlyand train you to really think through the consequences ofassumptions.

The basic outline of this course is

Sequences of numbersLimits of functionsContinuity and Differentiation of FunctionsDeeper ideas such as compactnessExtremal Theory: minimum and maximum for functionsApproximation Ideas using Taylor polynomials

Page 4: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Introduction to the Class

First, a few comments about this class.

This class is about training you to think in a different way.MATH 4530 is about analysis and you will find the way wethink about problems here is different than the way we handleproblems in MATH 4120 which is about abstract algebra.Our job is to get you to think about the underpinnings of thematerial you have already mastered in calculus more abstractlyand train you to really think through the consequences ofassumptions.

The basic outline of this course is

Sequences of numbersLimits of functionsContinuity and Differentiation of FunctionsDeeper ideas such as compactnessExtremal Theory: minimum and maximum for functionsApproximation Ideas using Taylor polynomials

Page 5: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Introduction to the Class

This class is organized like this

3 Exams and One Final which is cumulative and all have totake it. The days for the exams and the final are already setand you can’t change those so make you travel plansaccordingly.Usually HW is assigned every lectureTwo projects which let you look at some topics in detail aswell as train you how to write mathematics.


Handwritten notes by me. You’ll get used to my handwritingas it is the same stuff you see when I write on the boardNo textbookNo blackboard type stuff: I’ll assign HW via email after eachLecture.I take daily attendance and give you bonus points at the end.

Page 6: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Introduction to the Class

This class is organized like this

3 Exams and One Final which is cumulative and all have totake it. The days for the exams and the final are already setand you can’t change those so make you travel plansaccordingly.Usually HW is assigned every lectureTwo projects which let you look at some topics in detail aswell as train you how to write mathematics.


Handwritten notes by me. You’ll get used to my handwritingas it is the same stuff you see when I write on the boardNo textbookNo blackboard type stuff: I’ll assign HW via email after eachLecture.I take daily attendance and give you bonus points at the end.

Page 7: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Introduction to the Class

Some words about studying

HW is essential. I give about 2 - 4 exercises per lecture so that isabout 80 - 160 exercises in all. In addition, there are two projects.All are designed to make you learn and to see how to think aboutthings on your own. This takes time so do the work and be patient.

I give 3 sample exams on the web site. You should do this toprepare for an exam:

Study hard and then take sample exam 1 as a timed test for 60minutes. You will know what you didn’t get right and so youcan figure out what to study. I don’t give answers to thesetests as this is stuff you should know.After studying again, take the second sample exam as a 60minute timed exam and see how you did. Then study again tofill in the gaps.Take the third sample exam as a timed 60 minute exam. Youshould be able to do well and you are now prepared for the realexam.

Page 8: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Introduction to the Class

Some words about studying

HW is essential. I give about 2 - 4 exercises per lecture so that isabout 80 - 160 exercises in all. In addition, there are two projects.All are designed to make you learn and to see how to think aboutthings on your own. This takes time so do the work and be patient.

I give 3 sample exams on the web site. You should do this toprepare for an exam:

Study hard and then take sample exam 1 as a timed test for 60minutes. You will know what you didn’t get right and so youcan figure out what to study. I don’t give answers to thesetests as this is stuff you should know.After studying again, take the second sample exam as a 60minute timed exam and see how you did. Then study again tofill in the gaps.Take the third sample exam as a timed 60 minute exam. Youshould be able to do well and you are now prepared for the realexam.

Page 9: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

Mathematical Induction


The Principle of Mathematical InductionFor each natural number n, let P(n) be a statement or propositionabout the numbers n.

P(1) is true: This is called the BASIS STEP

P(k + 1) is true when P(k) is true:

This is called the INDUCTIVE STEP

then we can conclude P(n) is true for all natural numbers n.

Page 10: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction


The natural numbers or counting numbers are usually denoted bythe symbol N. The set of all integers, positive, negative and zero isdenoted by Z and the real numbers is denoted by < or R.


The phrase for all or for every is usually denoted by the symbol ∀.


The phrase there is or there exists, although we haven’t gottento using that phrase yet, is denoted by ∃.

Page 11: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

There are many alternative versions of this.


The Principle of Mathematical InductionFor each natural number n, let P(n) be a statement or propositionabout the numbers n. If

If there is a number n0 so that P(n0) is true: BASIS STEP

P(k + 1) is true when P(k) is true for all k ≥ n0:


then we can conclude P(n) is true for all natural numbers n ≥ n0.

Page 12: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

The POMI Template

State the Proposition Here


BASISVerify P(1) is true

INDUCTIVEAssume P(k) is true for arbitrary k and use thatinformation to prove P(k + 1) is true.

We have verified the inductive step. Hence, bythe POMI, P(n) holds for all n.

QEDYou must include this finishing statement as partof your proof and show the QED as above.


QED is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or thatwhich was to be shown. We often use the symbol instead of QED.

Page 13: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

The POMI Template

So in outline, we haveProposition Statement Body


BASIS Verification

INDUCTIVE Body of Argument

Finishing Phrase

QED or


Note we try to use pleasing indentation strategies and white space toimprove readability and understanding.

Page 14: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction


n! ≥ 2n−1 ∀n ≥ 1


BASIS : P(1) is the statement 1! ≥ 21−1 = 20 = 1 which is true. Sothe basis step is verified.

INDUCTIVE : We assume P(k) is true for an arbitrary k > 1. We usek > 1 because in the basis step we found out the proposition holds fork = 1. Hence, we know

k! ≥ 2k−1.

Now look at P(k + 1). We note

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) k!

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MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction


But, by the induction assumption, we know k! ≥ 2k−1. Plugging this factin, we have

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) k! ≥ (k + 1) 2k−1.

To finish, we note since k > 1, k + 1 > 2. Thus, we have the final step

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) k! ≥ (k + 1) 2k−1 ≥ 2× 2k−1 = 2k .

This is precisely the statement P(k + 1). Thus P(k + 1) is true and wehave verifed the inductive step. Hence, by the POMI, P(n) holds for alln.

Page 16: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

Let’s change it a bit.


n! ≥ 3n−1 ∀n ≥ 5


BASIS : P(5) is the statement 5! = 120 ≥ 35−1 = 34 = 81 which istrue. So the basis step is verified.

INDUCTIVE : We assume P(k) is true for an arbitrary k > 5. We usek > 5 because in the basis step we found out the proposition holds fork = 5. Hence, we know

k! ≥ 3k−1.

Now look at P(k + 1). We note

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) k!

Page 17: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction


But, by the induction assumption, we know k! ≥ 3k−1. Plugging this factin, we have

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) k! ≥ (k + 1) 3k−1.

To finish, we note since k > 5, k + 1 > 6 > 3. Thus, we have the finalstep

(k + 1)! = (k + 1) k! ≥ (k + 1) 3k−1 ≥ 3× 3k−1 = 3k .

This is precisely the statement P(k + 1). Thus P(k + 1) is true and wehave verifed the inductive step. Hence, by the POMI, P(n) holds for alln ≥ 5.


Note we use a different form of POMI here.

Page 18: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction

This one is a bit harder.


12 − 22 + 32 − · · ·+ (−1)n+1n2 =1

2(−1)n+1 n (n + 1) ∀ n ≥ 1


BASIS : P(1) is what we get when we plug in n = 1 here. This gives 12

on the left hand side and 12 (−1)21(2) on the right hand side. We can see

1 = 1 here and so P(1) is true.

INDUCTIVE : We assume P(k) is true for an arbitrary k > 1. Hence,we know

12 − 22 + 32 − · · ·+ (−1)k+1k2 =1

2(−1)k+1 k (k + 1)

Page 19: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction


Now look at the left hand side of P(k + 1). We note at k + 1, we havethe part that stops at k + 1 and a new term that stops at k + 2. We canwrite this as(

12 − 22 + 32 − · · ·+ (−1)k+1k2)

+ (−1)k+2(k + 1)2.

But the first part of this sum corresponds to the induction assumption orhypothesis. We plug this into the left hand side of P(k + 1) to get


2(−1)k+1 k (k + 1) + (−1)k+2(k + 1)2.

Now factor out the common (−1)k+1(k + 1) to get

(−1)k+1(k + 1)


2k − (k + 1)



2(−1)k+1(k + 1) {k − 2k − 2}

Page 20: Mathematical Induction - Clemson is an abbreviation for the Latin Quod Erat Demonstratum or that which was to be shown.

MATH 4530: Analysis One

Mathematical Induction


The term k − 2k − 2 = −k − 2 and so bringing out another −1 andputting it into the (−1)k+1, we have

(−1)k+1(k + 1)


2k − (k + 1)



2(−1)k+2(k + 1)(k + 2)

This is precisely the statement P(k + 1). Thus P(k + 1) is true and wehave verifed the inductive step. Hence, by the POMI, P(n) holds for alln ≥ 1.


This argument was a lot harder as we had to think hard about how tomanipulate the left hand side. So remember, it can be tricky to see howto finish the induction part of the argument!

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MATH 4530: Analysis One


Homework 1

Provide a careful proof of this proposition. There are also moreworked out examples of POMI in the notes. So make sure you readthrough that material.



n! ≥ 4n ∀n ≥ 9

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