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Home Tutors:Help Your Child Excel in Math

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Math is a difficult subject for

millions of children. If your

child struggles with math,

there are many steps you can

take to help him or her excel.

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One of the best ways to

ensure your child is an

excellent math student is to

hire a private tutor for your


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Personal Attention

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A home tutor can give your

child the personal attention

a school teacher simply


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A teacher must divide her

attention between dozens of

students, but a private tutor

can focus all his attention

on your child.

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Your child's home tutor will

understand your child

better as a result of this

personal attention.

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He or she will be able to tell

when your child is struggling

with a particular concept, and

can devote extra time to help

your child conquer the


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In-depth instruction

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A private tutor can give

your child in-depth

instruction that dwarfs the

level of instruction offered

in the classroom.

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Tutors are not constrained by

the need to teach massive

numbers of children; home

tutors only need to teach

your child.

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If your child expresses

interest in a particular

mathematical concept,

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a home tutor has the option

to spend time investigating

that idea with your child.

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Proper Pace

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Every child learns at a different rate.

A private tutor can tailor the

pace of instruction to your

child's needs.

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If your child takes her time learning a new concept,

a home tutor can let her fully explore the

concept before introducing a new one.

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If your child is an eager learner

and always wants to learn

something new,

a private tutor can aggressively teach your child new ideas.

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Your child won't become

frustrated or bored as she

might if she is limited to

classroom instruction.

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Different Techniques

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An in-home tutor, is free to

use whatever technique

works best for your child.

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If one explanation for a

particular mathematical

concept seems to confuse

your child, the tutor can

simply try another


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Wider Selection of Teachers

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You have many choices

when hiring a tutor.

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Best of all, you get to decide

which of the potential tutors

will ultimately teach your


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Easier to Ask for Help

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A private tutor provides

your child with a safe way

to ask for math help.

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Your child can ask her

tutor questions without

worrying about what her

friends will think.

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With the help of a private

math tutor, your child can

gain confidence and

competence in a challenging


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If you're looking for a

private home tutor in

Phoenix or the Ahwatukee

area, call Bright Tutoring at

(480) 203-1873.

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They and their tutors are

friendly and professional,

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and have a lot of glowing

testimonials from parents

you can review here.

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(480) 203-1873

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Contact one of our Local Offices

Scottsdale Ahwatukee & East Valley Phoenix & West Valley

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