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  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Atomic structure Important properties of the solid material depend on the

    geometrical atomic arrangement and also the interaction betweenatoms or molecules

    Each atom consist of nucleus composed of protons and neutrons whichis encircled by moving electrons. The top most orbital electrons, valance electrons affect most material

    properties that are of interest to engineer. E.g. chemical properties, nature of bonding size of an atom

    Both proton and electron are electrically charged with magnitude of

    1.6*10^-19 C. Masses are infinitesimally small Mp & Mn =~ 1.67*10^-27Kg it is also called AMU(atomic mass unit) Me=~ 9.11*10^-31Kg Atomic Number(Z)_ Number of protons in the nucleus

    for electrically neutral atom the atomic number can also be equal tonumber of electrons. 1

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    Atomic mass(A)_.

    It Is the sum of masses of proton and neutron inside thenucleus

    Atomic mass is always measured in atomic mass unit(amu) A=~Z+N

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Atomic bonding in solids what makes atom to cluster together.? How atoms are arranged.?

    Inter atomic bonds Primary bonds Secondary bonds

    Primary bonds

    they are relatively stronger &exists in almost all solids Ionic Covalant Metallic

    Secondary bonds Relatively weaker bonds. Exists in many substances like water alongwith primary bonds

    Van der walls Hydrogen

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  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Metallic Bonds Metals are characterized by high thermal and electrical conductivities.

    This bond comes into picture when a valance electrons are shared

    between number of atoms. Unlike covalent bond shared electrons are not specific pair of atoms i.e.

    electrons are delocalized

    Since the shared electrons are delocalized the metallic bonds are nondirectional

    High thermal and electrical conductivity is the result of thisdelocalization.

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    Covalent bond This bond comes into existence if valence electrons are shared

    between a pair of atoms, thus acquire stability by saturating thevalence configuration.

    Covalent bonds are stereospecific i.e. each bond is between aspecific pair of atoms, which share a pair of electrons

    Covalent bonds are very strong and directional in nature

    The diamond is the result of covalent bond where the carbon atom

    is covalently bonded with 4 neighbor atoms and each neighboratom is bonded with equal number of atoms to form a rigidstructure

    Red= electron from hydrogen

    blue= electron from carbon

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    Ionic Bonds Exists between 2 atoms when 1 is +ve and other is ve charged.

    +ve charged==loss of electron

    -ve charged==extra electron Strong direct attraction

    They are non directional in nature

    E.g. NaCl

    Na is +ve and Cl is ve

    They are the strongestbonds

    Usually exists in material

    along with the covalant



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    Secondary bonds Van der waals bond

    Origin is quantum mechanical in nature & mainly due to the dipole

    moment of atoms or molecules Usually atoms are neutral and hence no dipole moment

    Polarized atoms experience the van der waal forces

    Weak in nature

    E.g. carbon tetrocloride

    Hydrogen bond

    Exists between the atoms/molecules having permanent dipole moment

    E.g. Water

    e- in oxygen tens to concentrate away from hydrogen so the resulting charge

    difference between molecule allows the bonding of water molecule. More strong than vander waal forces

    Important for life

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Crystal It is a material which constitute atoms,molecules, or ions which are

    arranged in orderly pattern extending in all 3 dimensions

    Structures which are not crystalline are called as amorphousstructures.

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    Crystal structure

    Arrangement of crystals in specific order/pattern to form a3D structure is called as crystal structure.

    To analyze arrangement of atom we use 2 basic technique Lattice and basis concept

    Unit cell

    ASSUMPTION_ atoms as a hard sphere with fix radius

    Lattice and basis

    lattice_ its an arrangement of points such that surroundings ofeach point in the lattice are identical

    Types_ 1D 2D 3D

    Basis_ group of 1 or more atoms located in particular way withrespect to each other and associated with each lattice point isknown as basis.

    Crystal structure Atoms of basis placed on lattice point.

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Possible ways of arranging point in lattice structure 1D__ only 1 way 1 1D lattice

    2D__ 5 ways 5 2D lattice structures

    3D__ 14 ways

    14 3D lattice structuresTo arrange a point in such a way that so as to have the same surrounding

    Known as Bravias lattices

    These 14 structures are grouped into 7 crystal systems

    Cubic_____________________ cube

    Tetragonal_________________ square prism Orthorhombic______________ rectangular prism

    Hexagonal_________________ 120 degree rhombic prism

    Trigonal___________________ parallelepiped

    Monoclinic_________________ parallogramic prism

    Triclinic____________________ parallelepiped

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  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Based on the lattice point in the unit cell we have 4types of Bravais lattice Simple cubic, Face centered, Body centered , Base centered

    Atoms are arranged at the corner ofthe cube.

    Face centered_ atoms are arranged at the

    corner and at the each face

    of the cube.

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Body centered_Atoms are arranged at each

    corner and at the center ofthe cube

    Base centered_Atoms are arranged at each corner of thecube and 1 atom on each top and bottomplane of hexagon.

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    Sr.No. Crystalsystem

    shape Bravais lattice

    SC FC BC Base C.

    1 cubic Cube Y Y Y

    2 Tetragonal Square prism Y Y

    3 Orthorhombic Rect. Prism Y Y Y Y

    4 Hexagonal 120 degreerhombic prism


    5 Trigonal Parallelepiped Y

    6 Monoclinic Parallogramicprism

    Y Y

    7 Triclinic parallelepiped Y

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  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    U i ll

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Unit cell Main aim was to analyze the structure of the atom and to develop the

    notion to model the crystalline solid structures

    Unit cell concept is different from lattice and basis but the end result

    is Representation of Crystal Structure_ Definition_

    Single unit which when duplicated and translated, reproduces theentire crystal structure is called as unit cell.

    E.g 2D crystal Rubiks cube

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    Concept of unit cell and 2D structure In 2D structure we have (1/4) atom per corner

    With 4 corners (1/4)*4=1 unit atom per unit cell

    In 3D structurewe have 8 corners and (1/8) atom at eachcorner

    For simple cubic structure_

    Base Upper layer

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    For body centered cubic structure

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    For face centered cubic structure

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Miller Indices_ Introduced by British mineralogist Willam mille in 1839.

    They are defined w.r.t. any unit cell

    Any crystal consist of an infinite planes seperated by perticulardistance a

    Miller indices are nothing but the numbers used to designate the palnein a crystal

    As well as it gives the direction of the plane

    Pr dur t find mill r indi

  • 7/29/2019 Material Science 2 PPT


    Procedure to find miller indices Consider a right handed co-ordinate system

    Determine the co-ordinates that lie on the required direction

    Subtract the co-ordinates of tail point from the head point to

    obtained the number of lattice parameters traveled in thatparticular direction

    Clear fractions

    Enclose the number in square bracket []

    If negative sign is produced then represent negative sign with barover the number.


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