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PowerPoint Presentation

The Boston Tea Party for 5th graders

Fiona Matear


Technology Integration RationaleTechnology is a huge factor in the daily lives of children. It is not uncommon for a child to have an iPad readily available for their amusement. Using technology keeps students engaged in the lesson.

Technology allows students to conduct their own research. Using a computer or iPad, students are able to effectively research key elements of the Boston Tea Party. Students will be able to create a project or report on the Boston Tea Party using their research.

The Boston Tea Party is a key element into American History. It is important that students are aware of the events that led to the American Revolution.

The purpose of this PowerPoint is to show effective ways to use apps, videos, and other resources that can keep students engaged in their learning.


Internet Content The internet offers infinite amounts of information regarding the Boston Tea Party. There are countless of websites that discusses the cause and effect of the Boston Tea Party. All of the sites are from reputable sources and have been reviewed to ensure that its content is relevant and accurate. The URLS are cited in the notes sections and will bring you directly to the site Hyperlinks will also work when the PowerPoint is displayed in presentation view. Please copy and paste the URL from the notes section if you are viewing the presentation in its normal mode.


YouTube Video

I want to show this video to the students because it is a catchy way of teaching them the basics of the Boston Tea Party. Hopefully they get the song stuck in their heads and start singing about the Boston Tea Party. 4

Social Studies for Kids The Boston Tea Party

A website that gives detailed descriptions of events leading up to and after the Boston Tea Party

What I love about this website is how detailed it is about the events that led up to the Boston Tea Party. This site also keeps it simple for kids to understand which is extremely important. If the students dont understand what they are reading, how are they supposed to learn? 5

Kahn Academy

Video on the chronological events leading up to the Boston Tea Party

This video is great because the actor makes it engaging for students. He also brings in some humor by acting this out and providing students with a visual. Although this can be a lengthy video, he keeps students interested by being over animated and using language that is not over students heads. 6

Internet Resources Social Studies for Kids: A website dedicated to topics discussing history, geography, culture, current events. PBS: Designed to fully engage students in American history using a six part series: Liberty! The American Revolution. Federal Resources for Educational Excellence: The U.S. Department of Education sponsored website that provides teachers with resources from government agencies and non-profits. It also highlights different holidays, awareness months, or season topics.Smithsonian History Explorer: A website sponsored by the Smithsonian National Museum of American History that features many history lessons and interactive activities

Sources :



This graphic organizer was made using kidspiration. This is beneficial to students because it provides them with a visualization of the causes and effect the Boston Tea Party had on America. This graphic organizer makes it easier for students to understand how one event can lead to another event, enhancing their learning. 8

Teaching Materials

To begin the lesson, students will be given a KWL chart where they will complete the first two columns about their knowledge of the American Revolution.



Teaching Materials

To kick start the lesson, we will have a read aloud of the The Boston Tea Party. This books serves as a nice introduction to the overall lesson.

Sources: 10

Teaching Materials As mentioned earlier in the presentation, the YouTube video entitled Dump it off will be played for the students The following worksheet found on teach-nology will be given to the students as an exit slip



Theres an App for that!

Kahoot! is an interactive app where students compete against each other to answer questions based on the lesson just taught serving as the teachers way to assess their learning

Subject-Specific Internet based resource Teach-nology is a fantastic website and resource for teachers. The site has countless of activities, worksheets, and videos that can be incorporated into a lesson. One of the resources listed includes short stories about the Revolution, followed with questions. This is a way to assess the students reading comprehension throughout the activity.


Uses of the Internet Interactive Websites: Comic Creator : Teacher will read the headline of the Boston Gazette regarding the Boston Tea Party. Students will then be assigned to create their own political cartoon on Comic Creator and share their cartoons with classmates Road to the Revolution : This website depicts the morning newspaper following the Boston Tea Party. After reading the article, students can participate in the Road to the Revolution Game



Web 2.0Edmodo is a website that allows parents, students, and teachers to interact with each other. This site allows teachers to post reminders about homework, quizzes, or assignments. Parents also have access to their childs academic information so they are constantly up to date with their childs academics. Bloomz is a website that also aids parent/teacher communication. It allows teachers to manage their classroom and keep parents connected. Parents get notifications or updates through email. This site allows teachers to send parents reminders about permission slips, field trip photos, and it even can organize parent teacher conferences.

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