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Page 1: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.


strategyBy Mai ly Curreaux

Page 2: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and you average realtor with a drone is professionalism. 

Anytime and anywhere, our equipment fits in carry on and allow us to travel anywhere around the word if needed. Our company works around current FAA regulations to ensure a safe atmosphere. We do not charge money to fly our aircrafts, for we are a multimedia studio that charges customers for editing/producing pictures and film. We highly stress that safety is our #1 priority, and that all of our aircraft and personnel are  insured while on the job site


Page 3: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Reach a larger target market outside the state

Develop Social Media and engage audience

Provide quality work

Develop advertising


Page 4: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Be known outside Seattle

Keep track and data for each Social Media’s audience

Come up with unique advertising ideas



Page 5: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

HOOTstudios LLC had already some platforms set up in which the consistency and development were great, including an existing audience.

Instagram and Facebook: Those two Social Media were used by my client and constantly updtated. Facebook had 1000 «friends » while Instagram had 70 followers and 30 posts.




Page 6: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Costumized website: My client already created a website for their company in which they present their projects, their philosophy/background, the terms of services and their prices as well.

Youtube channel: HOOTstudios LLC had set up a Youtube channel in which they share their videos (7 shared) made with previous clients or for advertising with their audience that provided them more than 17,273 views.


Page 7: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.


Page 8: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.
Page 9: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.
Page 10: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Despite my client already set up some platforms and constantly updated them, I thought we could use others Social Media in order to increase their audience and engagment.

Twitter: My client did not have any existing Twitter account, so after a few weeks I set up a new one where my client could directly engage and have feedback on their company.


Page 11: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

LinkedIn: This Social Media was inexistent for my client unti l recently. I decided to add a profi le and some skil ls they could share about their company. I also add some videos and photos in order to i l lustrate their work more deeply. le/view?id=AAMAABr7cPsBsAb5mpQy_KthskJ5MQ_cMqEGctg&trk=hp-identity-photo

Google +: The last platform I decided to create because of its inexistence was Google +. I had the chance to choose some topic that my client could be interested in, and to creatre some circles.


Page 12: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.


Page 13: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

After a few weeks trying to set up new prof i les and to develop old ones with my cl ient, we were able to see some results.

Social Media as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram are more engaging and toward cl ient than ever before. The content is professional and updated in order to show the best image of my cl ient. However, « fol lowers » or « fr iends » did not increase or grow up during this t ime, which we are actual ly working on. We are aware i t takes some t ime and wi l l be patient.

Youtube channels saw an increasing in the number of views compare to before. Possible because a l ink has been insert through each of those social media previously presented, which al lowed audience to cl ick on them and be able to see the work done by the company.

LinkedIn and Google + are the last recent platforms that I am st i l l working on and try to develop in order to attract more people into them, and also because I am sure i t could be a great way to make the company known around the country. Prof i le has been updated with some more information and invi tat ion to fol low has been sent .


Page 14: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Improve Twitter account in order to engage more followers to their profile. For that, my client will need to be more engaging and to accentuate the frequency of their post, l ike they do with Facebook or Instagram. They will also need to find some influencers and be present to their profile in order to be known by a mutual audience.

Develop LinkedIn and add deeper information in order to be recognized by some other organizations. If my client wants to have more contact on this website, they will need to add a resume of the company (which they didn’t add yet), and others important and details informations that would make them unique.

Define precise target market and focus on it.


Page 15: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.

Keep up the good constancy and work in platform such as Facebook, or Youtube but to really take a good advantage of Instagram by photos and videos and by link this profile to others platforms in order to get more followers.

Link every platforms to their actual websites in order for audience to have others way to follow company news, updates or projects.

Create an advertising campaign on Social Media, accompaigned with a print advertising (flyers,..) that would be distributed around Seattle.


Page 16: Marketing strategy By Maily Curreaux.  Hoot Studios specializes in real estate marketing with ultra HD video. The difference between Hoot Studios and.