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Page 1: March 6th, 2013



theThursday, March 7, 2013


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. 18

LIbrary Build Continues

Page 2

In Russia Space Explores You!

Page 5

Women Who Inspire Us

Pages 6-7

Cougars Prepare for Nationals!

Page 12

Spring Break Movies to Catch

Page 8

Off Campus ExodusChanges to Housing to Come with Upcoming Year

HOUSING 3 > page Changes to resident housing will be coming with the next school year. The Xavierite

Nicole Rosales & Nermeen ShaabnehSenior News Editor News Editor

Saint Xavier University has announced that it will continue reducing the number of off-campus apartments available to students during the 2013-2014 academic year. In a letter to residential students, Vice President for Student Affairs, John Pelrine, Jr. announced the decision to reduce the number of off-campus apartments and renovations that will happen to Pacelli Hall. “In order to be f iscal ly responsible, we are reducing the number of off-campus spaces for the 2013-2014 academic year to a total of 54 spaces” wrote Pelrine. Pelrine continued: “This means that a limited number of one and two-bedroom apartments will be available at the Riviera Complex and the university-owned building at 10140 S. Pulaski for the Spring 2013 Housing Reassignment Lottery.” It was announced in the letter that SXU plans to be eliminate all off campus housing by the Fall of 2014. Pelrine stated that although the number of first-year students at Saint Xavier has remained consistently stable, fewer of those students are choosing to live in

Joshua HumphryNews Correspondent

Snowed Out at Saint Xavier

Snow covered the SXU campus on Tuesday. The Xavierite

A blizzard expected to produce 10 inches of snow caused Saint Xavier to close at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5. All afternoon and evening classes were cancelled and a majority of the facilities on campus either closed at two or closed early. University grounds keeping tried to keep up with the descending snow in order to maintain clear sidewalks and parking lots, but these attempts proved largely futile. Dining services on campus with the exception of Starbucks closed earlier in the evening, slightly inconveniencing resident students. Students spent a majority of their suddenly aquired free time during the day inside studying and

relaxing due to the low visibility caused by the extreme downpouring of snow. Commuter students, however, appreciated being allowed to commute home before the winter storm made driving conditions too dangerous. Alexis Medina, sophomore nursing major and commuter student, said that she appreciated classes being cancelled. “It was too dangerous to drive anywhere,” she said of her twenty minute commute. The day was not all cold and uneventful, however. Once the snow-storm had run its course, resident students took advantage of this winter’s last hurrah by congregating in the Quad outside of the resident halls for a impromptu, Facebook organinized event. Star t ing at 10:30 p.m.,

residents started arriving in the quad and in a few minutes, a variety of winter festivities commenced. Over the course of the following hour, more than 30 students occupied the Quad participating in student-organized activities included snowman building, romping around in the snow and a massive snowball war with new faces joining the fray as others called it a night. The fun in the snow-covered Quad lasted until shortly after 11:30, when residents started to head back inside to get some sleep.

Page 2: March 6th, 2013

Photo Credits from Front Page:,,, SXU Athletics, The Xavierite

Any undergraduate students may write for The Xavierite. Other interested graduate students, faculty, administration and staff may write a “Letter to the Editor.”

[email protected]


The Xavierite

Saint Xavier University

3700 W. 103rd StreetChicago, IL 60655

Staff:Editor in Chief Tony Bara

Deputy Editor in ChiefGreg Pilafas

Senior News EditorsNicole Rosales

News EditorNermeen Shaabneh

Senior Viewpoints EditorGrant Vargas

Viewpoints EditorBrian Laughran

Senior Features EditorBecki Brown

Features EditorLauren Dwyer

Features CorrespondentKristen Mabry

Senior Sports EditorAmanda Magee

Sports EditorFrank Markasovic

Sports CorrespondentsWill WeyantBrandon Swanson

Business ManagerRay Galvin

Copy EditorsJoshua HumphryBrittany Klyczek

WebmasterNicole Callsen

PhotographerJessica Cruz

Distribution ManagerRobert Lachowski

Director of Student MediaPeter Kreten

The Xavierite

Walled Off

On February 25, students arriving to Saint Xavier were greeted by a giant construction wall blocking off the art gallery and lower level library section of the Warde Academic Center. The temporary wall was in place because of the library renovations which will be ongoing this semester. Peter Skach, Director of Facilities Management at Saint

Xavier University, says the wall was put up to ensure pedestrian safety. “Some barrier will be in place throughout the project to protect students, staff and faculty from entering a construction zone,” says Skach. The wall blocked off half of the main library stairs on the first floor near the L-wing and coverered most of the entrances from the Smith-Morris Quad. Construction will continue until August.

The construction wall in the L-wing will be up until August. The Xavierite

Page 2 Thursday March 7, 2013

Campus News Poll

Does SXU offer enough social events?







*40 students from Saint Xavier University were polled at random.

World BitsOn Monday, March 4, the “Size of Wales” charity has raised their goal of 2 million pounds in order to save a rain forest in Africa. In this celebration, their next goal is to save a rainforest the size of Europe’s entirety. (

In Australia, fifteen miners have been fired from their jobs following a video of the workers performing the Harlem Shake underground, which was posted online. The company Barminco could not be reached for com-ments on the firing.(

After burning up a month ago, a Brazilian nightclub’s death toll has risen up to 240 victims. As a result, peo-ple have asked for stricter legislation. On Friday, March 1, a Brazilian court “request-ed” the preventive arrest of four people in connection with the disaster. (

3.7.13Blue Man Group Briar Street Theater 3133 N. Halsted, Tickets start at $49

3.8.13The Art Institue After Dark 111 S. Michigan Ave. 9pm-Midnight Tickets $25 adults, $20 students

3.10.13 Chicago Blackhawks vs.

the Edmonton Oilers United Center

6pm, Tickets start at $30

3.16.13 St. Patrick’s Day Parade/

Dyeing of the River Columbus Dr. from Balbo

St. to Monore Street

Event Calendar

Tony BaraEditor in Chief

Joshua HumphryNews Correspondent

On Wednesday, March 13, SXU’s Orland Park Campus will be holding the sixth annual Support and Technical Assistance Regionally Network (STAR NET) Region VI conference. STAR NET is an organization funded by a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education that specializes in providing resources such as training and consultation to those who deal with young children. Next week’s conference is no different. Entitled “Early Childhood Today: Achieving Standards That Support Children,” the intended attendees are teachers, caregivers, parents or anyone who

would deal with young children in a professional manner. The conference will consist of a day full of workshops with the highlight being a lecture by Kathey Chvostal Smith, a child development specialist, entitled “Nobody Told Me About the Parents…” For those who wish to attend, preregistration is required along with a nonrefundable fee of $35. The conference will last from check-in at 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Lunch is included in the registration fee and childcare will not be provided. Yo u may f in d f u r the r information at

SXU to Hold STAR NET6th Annual Meeting at Orland Campus

Page 3: March 6th, 2013

Page Thursday March 7, 2013

Interested in furthering your education?

MBA Info Sessions



RSVP to (773) 298-3600 or register online at a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or from the Graham School of Management. Attend an information session

Finance Financial Fraud Examination and Management


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The Quad Halls will continue to house upperclassman in Fall 2013. The Xavierite

student housing. Pelrine also expects this trend to continue into the upcoming fall semester. Last August, the administration of SXU announced that Pacelli Hall would be temporarily closed due to the decline of students choosing to reside on campus for the 2012-2013 school year. Pelrine also confirmed that Pacelli Hall would remain closed for the upcoming 2013-2014 academic school. In the past few years, Pacelli Hall has primarily been used as housing for first-year students. “Over the next year, we will conduct a thorough assessment of Pacelli Hall to prepare it for re-opening in Fall 2014 as a building better geared to support second year residents,” Pelrine said.

“The review of Pacelli Hall will include how to improve its appearance, electrical capacity, technology, study areas, and gathering spaces. We will also consider the inclusion of single room options in Pacelli that may be attractive to upper-division students.” These announcements came as the housing re-assignment process begins for residential students. Eileen Doherty, Dean of Students at Saint Xavier University, recently stated: “Residence Life sent out an e-mail on Friday, March 1, regarding the Intent to Return process.” Doherty describes the process students will need to participate in if they seek to reside on campus. “ S t u d e n t s w i s h i n g t o par t i c ipate in the hous ing reassignment process need to complete the Intent to Return

form.” Doher ty exp la ined the re - a s s ignment process a s a “randomized lottery system that groups students according to credit hour.” Students with more credit hours are given a higher preference. Housing re-assignment will take place on April 9 and 10. “Residence Life will distribute complete guidelines for the reassignment process in the near future. Also, multiple meetings will be offered to explain the process in detail and answer any questions” said Doherty. In te rms o f the l e s se r availability of off-campus housing locations to come, many students have expressed discontent with the closing off the university apartments and condos. “Administrators may view the removal of off-campus living spaces as the responsible thing to do, but

in my opinion, it takes away the likelihood of students opting for on-campus living,” Jazmyne Brown, sophomore psychology major, stated. Most students live on campus for the opportunity to gain this freedom [living at off-campus housing locations] as a junior or senior. At least, I know I did” Brown continued. A student wishing to remain anonymous argued a similar point. “I don’t think it’s going to attract people to this school. Most people dea l wi th dorming so they can eventually move into apartments,” the student stated. In the same letter addressed to residential students, Pelrine stated: “that although it is understood that the housing option changes may cause an inconvenience, the university ‘must strive to be fiscally responsible’.”

Pelrine encourages students to voice concerns, ask questions, give feedback, and explain any constructive ideas on changes in policies, activities, or living accommodations to the Resident Hall Association (RHA) to help the experience of resident students. “I encourage you to work with RHA to bring forth your concerns and questions, as well constructive ideas for improving policies, activities, and the overall experience of living in university housing,” Pelrine wrote. To assist in the voicing of student concerns, an open session will be held in McGuire Hall on Monday, March 18 at noon. All resident students are welcome to attend. In addition, students who are unable to attend can contact Pelrine via e-mail at [email protected] or by the extension 3121.

HOUSING 1 > page

Page 4: March 6th, 2013

Page 4 Thursday March 7, 2013


There is a time for civil debate and discussion. There is a time for compromise and bipartisanship. But there is also a time for sticking up for what you know to be right and not backing down because doing so would mean bargaining away your most sacred moral values. That is why in this article I am taking a serious moral stand that, although it may offend some, it is a stand that I unabashedly take. Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York proposed a bill that would allow abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy to protect a woman’s health. This would go further than that state’s current law, which allows these late term abortions to occur only if the woman’s life is in danger (New York Times). Essentially, under this law, a woman could carry a baby into the third trimester and then kill it if her and her doctor decided she has “health issues.” It would add a whole new level of barbarism to an already brutal practice. First of all, what are “health issues?” The term is so vague it could be abused to a ridiculous scale. People and their doctors often create or exaggerate health problems just to get out of going

to work or school. This law would allow women to do the same to get out of a pregnancy. If a woman did have a more serious disease or condition, chances are she would have known about it since early on during the pregnancy. Why would she carry the child around for over six months before deciding to sap its life out? But let us suppose that a more serious health problem did exist, and that she did not know about it early on. How does any non-life-threatening health issue justify the murder of a nearly-developed baby? By the 24th week of pregnancy, a fetus’s brain, lungs and even taste buds and eyelids are already developing. It has a very recognizable human shape, weighing around 1.3 pounds and being close to a foot in length. In fact, depending on the circumstances, the baby may be able to survive outside the womb at this point, making it viable. Thus, it is clearly a human being, which is what makes the manner by which these abortions are done all the more disgusting. A common method is called Dilation and Evacuation (D&E). First, the cervix is dilated so that the abortionist may insert his tools into the woman’s uterus. A vacuum is placed in the uterus which dismembers and sucks out (evacuates) the child’s body. Forceps are then used to pick off any remnants of the body still stuck in the uterus. Finally, the vacuum

does one final sweep to ensure that the baby has been completely extracted (WebMD). This is butchery, and it is sickening to think that there are people who legitimately support it. I know I am going to get angry comments saying that I should not judge people who would have these late-term abortions because I am not in their shoes. However, society judges people who throw babies into dumpsters to get rid of them. Those people go to jail. What is the difference between that and late term abortions? I really don’t see one. In 2003, the U.S. passed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. This act banned the even more barbaric “partial-birth” abortions which I do not even want to describe. However, the reason the ban does not apply to other late term abortion methods, like D&E, is because in these other types, the baby is not partially removed from the body before being killed. This is why I call for a federal ban on all late term abortions. Thousands of years ago, the Spartans used to throw babies they did not want off a cliff to eliminate them. Now, thousands of years later, we are essentially doing the same thing, only with modern technology. We are going backward instead of forward. This is not about women’s rights. It is about the right of an innocent child to live instead of die. [email protected]

Late-Term Abortions: Legalized Murder

The Unbarable TruthTony BaraEditor in Chief

Never Fear! Our Favorite, Depressed Superheroes are Here!

This summer audiences will get to indulge once again in the great comic book worlds that Marvel and DC comics have worked so hard to create over the past few years. Yet I feel that there has been a potential misstep with a few of this summer’s superhero blockbusters. I say “potential” because I haven’t seen these movies yet. But last week a new poster for “Iron Man 3” was posted. The movie poster features Robert Downey Jr. once again in the armor of our favorite metal-clad hero, Tony Stark (unless of course your favorite metal-clad hero is Steel, but I’m doubtful there are many of you). The poster makes a real statement of what the attitude of the film might be. Tony Stark is wearing his armor and standing atop rubbish in the Pacific as his Malibu mansion is brought down into the sea. His armor is battered and several key pieces are missing. Several Iron Man suits are flying around in the sky by Stark’s mansion. It’s edgy, dark and foreboding. There in-lies the problem. One thing that Marvel has always had in its favor in terms of its

cinema in comparison with DC is its light and comedic mixes within great action adventure movies. DC in years passed redefined the comic genre film with Christopher Nolan’s “Dark Knight” trilogy. Marvel, during these years, was clever enough to go a different route and pitch fun adventure films in place of something like Nolan’s brooding Batman. I’d be lying if I said that 2008’s “Iron Man” is a better film than the same year’s “The Dark Knight”. Christopher Nolan created a crime epic with that movie, but Jon Favreau did something incredible with his depiction of Iron Man. It’s certainly a film that’s more fun to watch than “The Dark Knight”. If you had told me back in 2008 that I would have more fun watching “Iron Man” than “The Dark Knight”, I would’ve called you nuts. I’ve been a lifelong Batman fan. But, I had more fun in “Iron Man” than I did during “The Dark Knight”. Having said that, “The Dark Knight” is a technically more brilliant film, but doesn’t have the same let’s-have-a-good-time energy as “Iron Man”. Same could be said of last summer. I loved “The Avengers” and “The Dark Knight Rises”, but I enjoyed every frame of “The Avengers” because of its bombastic and boisterous energy and I worry that perhaps Marvel may be threatening that same spirit with its potentially new take on the

“Iron Man” mythos. They have a good thing going; people love the rock and roll attitude of Tony Stark. The character would need shaking up if maybe Tony Stark was a less well-rounded character, but the writers of these films have gone out of their way to make Stark a well-written character over the path of three films. Maybe the new director Shane Black and the movie’s screenwriters will take Stark in a new direction and what seems to be a dark twist will have a huge payoff; I don’t know, I’m just speculating based on the poster and the trailers that Marvel has released. Similarly, DC appears to be taking Superman in a darker, more Nolan-esque direction with “Man of Steel”. Again, this is all based on speculation, but why do all our superheroes have to be dark and hurting? Superman is known as the big, blue boy scout; he doesn’t need a gross depression beard and moody glances that are tailor-made for a trailer. Again, DC could provide audiences with a fun, spectacular romp in the same style as the flawlessly executed in Richard Donner “Superman”. I don’t know, again, this is all based on the trailers. I just hope that Marvel Studios doesn’t get too caught up in making everything darker and moodier. But with a title like “Thor 2: The Dark World”, I’m not that optimistic that their winning formula is going to remain the same.

Crusader of Sanity

Brian LaughranViewpoints Correspondent

Editorial PolicyThe Xavierite welcomes and encourages letters to the editor. Letters will not be edited for content reasons, though we reserve the right to not print letters that are libelous. We also reserve the right to edit for length but promise that no content will be compromised.

Letter PolicyAll letters to the editor must be signed. Anonymous letters will not be printed. For students, we ask that letters be signed with your full name, major and year. For faculty and staff, we ask that your letters be signed with your full name and university position. All letters can be sent to [email protected]. Please include “letter to the editor” in the subject bar to ensure prompt review and printing. Thank you for your time and support. We cannot wait to receive your letters!

The Xavierite Staff

SXU in Arizona? Last week, SXU President Christine Wiseman gave her third annual “State of the University” address on the topics of the current financial state of the University and the Administration’s plans for the future. In this address, however, there were a couple points that were mentioned that have since sparked curiosity among the student body. Chief among these curiosities is the University’s potential plans to open a satellite campus in Gilbert, Arizona. While these plans are not definite nor do they directly affect the current upperclassmen, the student body does have a few questions that should be answered regarding the potential plans. Among these questions, and perhaps the most important one, is “How will the construction and maintenance of a satellite campus in Gilbert affect the University’s financial state and tuition fees?” (This is solely dependent on whether or not the university decides to create a satellite campus.) Saint Xavier has had satellite campuses in the past; particularly, the University opened one in Paris and one in Milan back in 1987 when SXU was still Saint Xavier College (SXC). In 1995, the University closed the doors on its satellite campus in Paris, followed by the Milan campus in 1996 due to financial deficit and lowered admissions. With the University currently trying to find and adopt newer, alternative means of revenues to get around the University’s current problems with lower then expected revenues from tuition due to lower retention rates of students, does SXU really have the financial resources to construct and manage a campus roughly 1,600 miles away as well as the two campuses it already manages? After all, the University has been having trouble in the area of retaining students and the tuition revenues they provide. On top of that, plans to construct a new science center and potentially a student center along with renovation the Driehaus Center are rather large expenditures by themselves, let alone the extra resources that could potentially be used in the creation and then

maintenance of another, smaller SXU campus. A s s u m i n g t h a t t h e Administration can find a way to make the plans financially viable leads into the next question of “How will a satellite campus in Arizona benefit SXU as a whole?” I f neither the satel l i te campus in Paris nor the one in Milan provided enough of a benefit to Saint Xavier to warrant maintaining either of them, then how will a satellite campus in Gilbert, Arizona fare? Obviously, the SXU of today is not the same SXU that closed the satellite campuses over seas, but these questions do need asking, and the Administration will need to be able to answer them, should it decide to more forward on this potential opportunity to expand. Gilbert could be a massive opportunity that might be regretted for decades if not seized upon. Or it could turn into a disastrous sinkhole where the University’s time and resources are funneled into oblivion. Hopefully, the Administration is carefully examining the entire situation in order to have the best possible idea of which of the two the potential satellite campus will prove to be. Related to the question of how a satellite campus will affect the university as a whole, is the obvious question of “How will it affect the student body of both the Chicago and Orland Park campuses, whether it be directly or indirectly?” Will the potential Gilbert campus be closer to a community college with a majority of its students living in the communities surrounding Gilbert, or will it become its own entity of sorts with its own unique community? Will students enrolling to SXU get to choose between the Chicago and the potential Gilbert campus? H o w e x a c t l y d o e s a community develop at a satellite campus in regards to its relation to the greater SXU community? These are all questions that the Administration will need to answer if a satellite campus in Arizona is to become a successful part of the future development of SXU.

Page 5: March 6th, 2013

Page Thursday March 7, 2013

Rocks Reminding Us to Look Up

On February 15th the world got a wakeup call from something we normally see as cold and dead: outer space. A small meteor, estimated 50 feet wide (weight is unknown but in the range of several thousand pounds) exploded with a 300 kiloton yield over Chelyabinsk, Russia and injured 1,200 people from glass debris ( This happened under the watchful eye of every radar and like detection system, and the most disturbing thing is that even if someone had detected the space-rock, there is nothing we could have done to stop it. There is no weapon system in existence that can shoot down or capture an object traveling at 11 miles per second. This impact event could have been easily been a lot worse in all sorts of ways, so the $33 million in damages is thankfully minimal; but it still nonetheless this event demonstrates how underdeveloped our space capabilities are. It is time to build up our interplanetary infrastructure and we can utilize the very thing plunged into our atmosphere to power a new industrial age. There are 10,000 known Near Earth Objects (NEO), which are asteroids that fly through the inner solar system (nothing past

mars counts), and there could be upwards of 500 thousand more hurtling past our door step ( As we all know, a fairly large asteroid hit Earth and killed all the dinosaurs; but had they developed a space program, the evolution of mammals would have turned out very differently. Instead of waiting around for one of planet killers to hit us, we go to them and create a solar empire with their materials. Asteroid mining is a new industry that wants to do exactly that: capture, mine, and expand. The two companies that are on the forefront of asteroid mining are Planetary Resources (PR) and Deep Space Industries (DSI), and they plan to start launching space craft within the next five years. This first generation Arkyd (PR) and Firefly (DSI) will be small-robotic-swarms of observation and retrieval probes that could bring back small asteroids like the size of the one that hit Russia back to Earth. Hauling space rocks around does not seem all that attractive, until you realize that they are loaded with metals that are found nowhere on Earth (aside from meteor impact site) such as Palladium, Iridium and Platinum which are used in advanced electrons and medical equipment. They also contain water (as ice), iron and everything else needed to create rocket fuel and construction material. A single small asteroid has the potential to hold tens of billions of dollars worth of minerals in something no

bigger than a football field, and that is just the crumbs in the cornucopia of our solar system. The financial reasons for starting asteroid mining could not be more impressive, but the investors can sit there salivating all they want, but at they need creative college educated people to make the technology real. While not everyone wants to build rockets and space probes, everyone will want the benefits of what those crafts will bring back. With the resources that will be brought back, we can fight illness with better tools, build more efficient green technology and reduce costs of all modern goods. To put the effect this influx of rare material will have, consider aluminum one of the most abundant metals on Earth but no

one could give out a way to isolate it from other impurities, which made it more valuable than gold. After a break through in the early 1800s, aluminum became one of the cheapest and widely used metals and helped spark the Industrial Revolution ( Once the initial investments have paid off, asteroid miners will begin to construct fuel depots and supply stations between Earth, the moon, and mars. The cost of space travel has traditionally laid in the cost of fuel, but with plentiful fuel awaiting ships at regular points the ships save millions; thus making space more accessible to the public and future businesses. Going back to the Mars One mission from a few issues ago, the colonists might be able to journy home at somepoint because they replenish their fuel

supplies, which is the reason why they cannot make return trip. More people would probably be willing to become space colonists, if they have the option of coming home to Earth. Sure there will be a group who never look back and journey further out, but the more bodies we have in space the better. The politicians and public need to stop treating the space industry as a special interest group and begin to build our solar infrastructure. We need to look up at the sky and respect it because it harbors our fate in destruction or ascension. Let us make it a goal that in the next 65 million years, the most intelligent life form will look down at the reconstructed skeleton of Homo sapiens and not say, “They had the foresight to see their own doom, but did nothing to stop it.”

Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to live on this future space station?

Hadrian’s WallGrant VargasViewpoints Editor

COUGAR WEEKEND EVENTSThursday, March 77:00 p.m.Bible StudyMercy Ministry CenterSponsored by: University Ministry

Friday, March 83:00 p.m.

Men’s Prayer Group Orientation SessionMercy Ministry Center

Sponsored by: University Ministry

Sunday, March 10No Sunday Student Mass due to the

Spring Break University closure.

Thursday, March 78:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Eggrolls and Elevators in the

Regina Hall elevator

40% off regular price of interior & exterior

$7.00 Exteriorwhen you present

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Page 6: March 6th, 2013

Page 6 Thursday March 7, 2013

“When you educate a woman, you educate a whole family.” -Robert M. Maciver

The Xavierite celebrates Women’s History Month with

Whenever I am asked who the biggest inspiration in my life is, the only person I can ever think of is my mom, Jackie Dwyer. As typical as that may be, it is true. (And no, I am not just trying to suck up to her.) My mom is one strong independent woman and I strive to be as strong as her one day. My mom grew up in a very small town in New York, the kind of town that people get stuck in and never do anything with their lives. However, she rose above that. She went to college and received her bachelor’s degree even while having to take care of me on her own. She juggled working, a baby, school, and bills. Whenever things get tough for me, I think of my mom. If she could get through all of that and be successful, so can I. And now, my mom impresses me more than ever. Not only is she a single mother of three, working a successful job here at SXU, but she is also training to be a bodybuilder. The amount of discipline that goes into doing something like this is crazy. While I most likely will never aspire to be a bodybuilder like her, she has inspired me to become more fit and be more conscious of what I put into my body. My mom has gone through so much and is still able to be positive throughout everything. She always comes out on top no matter what has happened. She is loving and caring about her family and friends. She is passionate about what she does with her life. And she has also always been there for me when I needed help. Ever since I have been young, I have always said, “I want to be like my mom when I grow up.” To this day, those words still stand true. You are the greatest, mom, and in case you were unaware, you are my inspiration in life. Happy Women’s History Month!-Lauren Dwyer

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” -Dorothy Canfield Fisher

“Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister?”-Alice Walker

The Xavierite

The Xavierite

My family is filled with women who inspire me. My mom has been very supportive of me in all that she does. She has even pushed back her expected time of retirement to help me pay for college. My grandma is still selling Avon and living by herself on the third floor of an apartment building with no elevator. My cousin Shaina is currently studying Biology and is the mother of two beautiful children. My aunt is a lawyer and is a partner at a title company. As you can see, I am at no loss for women who inspire me; between successful mothers and ambitious businesswomen I have a variety of inspirations without even looking outside my family. One woman in my family that I feel especially inspired by is my cousin Rachel. Rachel went to school at Grinnell College and University of Wisconsin. She has received a PhD in Computer Science. She got a job at Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), a part of Lucasfilm that was at the time run by Lucas himself. ILM was taken over by Disney when it gained control of Lucasfilm, but Disney has kept the company’s previous employees. Rachel has helped with several movie projects, including Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (she made the monkeys) and Iron Man (she fixed a problem with the arc reactor). She also worked on Rango, and her name was even included in the credits, which makes it one of the few non-Marvel movies that I sit through the entirety of the ending credits. Since having her name in a movie, Rachel has become the head of the Research and Development department of ILM. She has also been to other countries, including Switzerland, for conferences. I think it is just amazing that she has advanced so far in her field, especially computer science, a field that is currently male-dominated. I think that it is really inspiring to see a woman who can do that. She is doing well not only in her job but also in her family life. She has a daughter, Clara, who already knows more sign language than I do and is currently going through her “fences” phase of her artistic career. Knowing our family, Clara will end up like her mother, making the way to the top of her field, whether it be painting or otherwise. I feel blessed to be related to such wonderful and inspiring women. I hope that one day, a relative of mine will be asked to talk about a woman who inspires them and they will talk about me with such pride as I talk about women in my family now.-Becki Brown

Page 7: March 6th, 2013

Page Thursday March 7, 2013

The Xavierite celebrates Women’s History Month with Women who inspire us!

There are a vast amount of famous and successful women who inspire girls around the world, helping them pursue greatness. Some girls look up to celebrities, athletes, philanthropists, or leaders in their future career fields. While these are all excellent role models, I have been inspired by a woman who conquered some of life’s most challenging obstacles—my mom. When my little brother Thomas was diagnosed with autism at age two, my mom devoted all of her time to running his home program, using ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) therapy. She even learned sign language and taught it to my brother so he could communicate with our family. When it was time for Thomas to start school, my mom went into a 2-year battle with the school district to get Thomas a private placement in a school for children with autism. In the end, my mom got Thomas the placement, and he is still at that school today. Five years ago, my father abandoned our family, leaving my mom to raise three children on her poverty-level salary. Despite working a hectic schedule and managing a household all on her own, she still finds time to work on reading and math with Thomas everyday. While my mother is unable to contribute much towards my education financially, she has always been there for me emotionally; her love and support have helped me become successful in my education here at Saint Xavier. She taught me that willpower is enough to succeed at even the most difficult challenges, not only in the nursing program but also in every facet of life. My mom is the strongest woman I know, devoted to her children above all else. She is the reason why Thomas is where he’s at today. Her love for us children and her perseverance through the hardest times of our lives are what motivate me to strive to be the best person I can. I hope to become half the mother she is one day.-Nicole Callsen

It’s Women’s History Month and it is about time to remember those phenomenal women that paved the way for us today. Mary Wollstonecraft, Amelia Earheart, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, and many more have proven themselves amazing authors, great leaders, or inspiring examples. Well, there is no doubt that I thank them for their hard work and great example not just this month, but every day. However, I cannot deny that I may know someone that has the wit of Mary Wollstonecraft, the courage of Amelia Earheart, the guts that won Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks their missions, and the drive of Susan B. Anthony. I would like to call out Nevien Shaabneh, my older sister, my hero, my role model, and my inspiration. A high school teacher, mother of three, daughter, aunt, and sister, Nevien has never failed, and we all know she never will. She is always taking on more than she could, until she grows stronger. As of now, she is the strongest person I know, and I thank the universe, life, and God every day for her and her amazing insight. As a working mother of three, Nevien obviously has a lot on her plate. However, she never tells us that. She takes on anything you throw at her, she will help you when she has yet to finish her own work, and she will never forget to tell you how amazing and special you are. Although my sister is an amazing person, she is also an amazing writer. She has given me much insight on writing and literature more than my high school and college career did. As my sister in life, she has also been my teacher. She is the reason I am a good writer now, and more importantly, she is the reason I am who I am today. Nevien has always been my base. Whenever I veered off and did my own thing, I always came back to her for help, insight, and answers. As a woman, a Muslim woman, my sister has represented Islam, her family, and her culture so perfectly that it is almost like experiencing our religion and culture for the first time when we are around her. She never forgets to teach you something, and she never fails to do it well. If I can explain Nevien in one word, I couldn’t, and I’m not going to try. She doesn’t deserve to be given one word to summarize her and her experience here on earth. One day, if you ever get to meet her, you will realize why one word would never suffice. I wish you all the opportunity.-Nermeen Shaabneh

“A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.” -Dorothy Canfield Fisher

“Is solace anywhere more comforting than in the arms of a sister?”-Alice Walker

The Xavierite

The Xavierite

Page 8: March 6th, 2013

Page 8 Thursday March 7, 2013

Becki BrownSenior Features Editor

All that I’m saying is “give Selena a chance”

Lately, I have been noticing a lot of people being very negative about Selena Gomez. For those of you who have not heard of her, Selena Gomez was a star on Disney Channel and the on-again, off-again girlfriend of Justin Bieber. I do not understand why people are being so negative towards her. I know she dated Justin Bieber, but I am sure we can all think of at least one ex that we are

not too proud of. I can probably think of a couple, and if you can’t think of an ex you might regret dating, then I doubt you have ever dated anyone. In which case, you should not be casting stones about someone’s choice in significant other. I also understand that she was a Disney Channel star, which seems to immediately make people disliked nowadays. Do you know who else was a Disney star at one point? Brenda Song, Raven Symone, Aly Michalka, and Anne Hathaway just

to name a few. They were in shows and movies that at the time might have been criticized harshly, but they have become more liked now that they have transitioned to adulthood. Selena is the singer and founder of the band Selena Gomez & the Scene. It is not the greatest band ever, but the songs are very catchy and sound a lot better to me than most pop songs out now. Plus, in my opinion at least, Gomez has a pretty stellar voice. Gomez also owns six rescue dogs and is a spokesperson for UNICEF. There are people who do nothing to help others, and they are not being criticized as harshly as poor Selena. Pret ty much, I do not understand why people are so harsh on Selena. Yes, she did date Justin Bieber, and she was on Wizards of Waverly Place, which was not the best show but was not the worst show on the planet. She has a pretty kickin’ band and a bunch of cute and cuddly rescue dogs. If you need one more good argument for why Selena should be given a chance and some respect, check out the short online video Fifty Shades of Blue, which stars Gomez and Ricky Kroll. It totally makes fun of the whole Fifty Shades of Grey franchise.

In Defense of Miss Gomez

The newest album from Selena Gomez & The Scene: When the Sun Goes

Lauren DwyerFeatures Editor

Awesome Women in Pop Culture Since it is Women’s History Month, what better way to celebrate it than to shed light on some impressive women that are in pop culture?

Too often we focus all of our energy on the “hottest” women or the ones that are not so hot. However, when do people in our society take the time to look more in depth at these female icons and praise them for what they are all

about instead of what they are wearing? In honor of the greatest month of the year, I will focus on women that may not get the admiration they deserve for the little things they do to better our lives.

Rebel Wilson Rebel Wilson is the larger than life Australian actress and comedienne that is very up and coming these days. Recent movies you may have seen her in are Bridesmaids and Pitch Perfect. In Bridesmaids, she plays the privacy invading roommate with the odd relationship with her brother. In Pitch Perfect, she plays Fat Amy, a confident, over-the-top, and dramatic singer in an all female accapella group. In both of these roles, she steals the scenes with her humor and wit. My favorite thing about Wilson is that not only is she hilarious, but she is also very body positive. She is not the typical waif-thin actress that is most prominent on the silver screen these days and is proud of her body. She has even announced the beginnings of her own plus size clothing line. Currently there are only two shirts for sale, but she is hoping to extend it soon enough. Wilson will also be the host of the 2013 MTV Video Awards. The last female host of this show was Sarah Silverman, back in 2007. Rebel Wilson is an idol for young women of all sizes to look up to so that they too can pursue their dreams on the stage. My only hopes for Wilson are that she steps out of the roles where she is the butt of the fat jokes and the humor is focused on other things.

Kathy Griffin Kathy Griffin is everyone’s favorite D-list celebrity that they love to hate. She is the boisterous redhead that is always ready to voice her opinions. She started as a stand-up comedy and then made her way into very small parts on both television and film. Unfortunately, she has never made her way to any prominent roles, thus securing her a spot on the D-list. While Griffin may be obscene and even obnoxious at times, she is still awesome. She speaks for what she believes in and is not willing to back down. Griffin not only acknowledges her D-list status, but she embraces it. From 2005-2010, she had her own television show called “Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-list”. The show showcases her struggle for fame, something that many people have trouble with in Hollywood. However, Griffin is not on this list because she is an obscene actress, she is here, because she stands for what she believes in. Griffin is an active LGBT advocate. She has stood side by side with protestors, she has organized rallies against DADT, and she is a long-time support of the Aid For AIDS annual fundraiser. While Griffin may not always say the right things, she is a strong woman who is firm in her beliefs and is a very cool woman in today’s pop culture.

Tina Fey Tina Fey is one of the greatest write comedienne out there right now. After her very successful run on “Saturday Night Live”, she moved on to “30 Rock” and even into some of the greatest movies ever made, such as Mean Girls and Date Night. Not only is Tina Fey an actress, but she is also an award winning writer. Recently, she became the third and youngest woman ever to win the Mark Twain Prize, an award for humor. Fey may not be the typical blonde bombshell that is expected of female actresses these days. She also is not someone who seems out of touch with the way things are either. She is an outstanding role model for young women. She balances a successful career as well as a family and is happy doing all of it. Another thing I love about Tina Fey is that she does not feel the need to be so overtly sexual to make herself look better. While she may be beautiful, she is not seen scantily clad in the latest designer clothes and constantly worrying about what she looks like. On the red carpet, she never has the most beautiful dress, which does not win her points with Joan Rivers; however she always looks happy and is truly enjoying her life. You are awesome, Tina Fey.

a psychotic killer that kidnaps an innocent teenage girl. The Call stars Abigail Breslin as a teenager that is taken captive by a deranged man and a 9-1-1 operator played by former Oscar winner Halle Berry is the only one that can save her. The movie will have your heart pounding as you sit on the edge of your seat through each scene waiting to see what happens next. The Call shows just how disturbing a situation like that can be and how hard it is to hold out hope that you will escape. This is an excellent movie to go see and will get your adrenaline pumping more than Red Bull.

Oz the Great and Powerful The original Wizard of Oz was a pure classic but this time though were not focusing on the girl with sparkling red shoes, the adorable dog, and her merry band of unique characters. Oz the Great and Powerful focuses on what happen before Dorothy and the gang followed the yellow brick road in the land of Oz. This movie stars James Franco who is destined to become the great and all powerful wizard of Oz but faces opposition from an evil witch played by Michelle Williams. T h e m ov i e i s v i s u a l l y astonishing as your eyes will fall in love with what’s on the screen and the story it displays is magically breathtaking. Go and see this amazing prequel you won’t be disappointed.

Spring Break FlicksDamone GriffinFeatures Correspondent

Spring break is coming! You know what that means: lots of time sitting at home waiting for school to start again (because it is awesome). Instead of sitting at home, being bored, grab some friends and head to the theaters to see all of these awesome movies!21 & Over People say you only turn twenty one once so to celebrate you have to go all out. This is exactly what twenty year old Jeff Chang’s friends were thinking the night he turned twenty one 21 & Over is a new film that tells the story of Jeff Chang, a straight A student with big dreams of attending medical school. Two of his best friends convince him to go out on his 21st birthday, but the catch is he must be ready the next morning for a medical school interview. Chang and his friends end up taking the audience on an insane journey that will make them laugh out loud. It has more “OMG” and “W TF” moments than The Hangover and Project X put together. If you want to laugh or just a few ideas on how to celebrate your 21st birthday you should see this movie.

The Call You have to see a good thriller over spring break even if it involves

You have really gotta see these





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Page 9: March 6th, 2013

Page Thursday March 7, 2013

Aries (3/21-4/19)Continue to rest and lie low on Monday. Your energy rises nicely Wednesday: tackle chores – more correctly, obligations – that have daunted you previously. Chase money Thursday night into Saturday. Seek (or give) therapy, advice.

Your Weekly Horoscope By: Kristen Mabry

Taurus (4/20-5/20)Wishes can still come true this week. Life was once good, and it will be good again. Monday, your popularity, optimism and delight grow! But retreat for a second wind Tuesday. Your energy surges Thursday afternoon to Saturday.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)Be ambitious on Monday. Use your time to reconnect with friends and family. This is a good time for you to catch up on your work and put your time to good use. Try not to procrastinate, because it won’t work out this week.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)All looks smooth, but a “contrary element” lurks – perhaps a co-operator or partner is against the creative elements you’ve introduced, but isn’t ready to say so, yet. Popularity, wish fulfillment, and possibly a light romance will arrive on Friday.

Leo (7/23-8/22)A doorway to mystery faces. Wisdom, gentle love visits you during the midweek. You have many possibilities this week; do your best to get to them all. Pay attention to what is happening around you, there might be things you are missing.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)Your relationship’s “meaning” stands before you on Monday. You might renew a former link, in love or practical areas. Life’s mysteries and dreams fill midweek. A far different relationship awaits you, and this is part of the river pushing you toward it.

Libra (9/23-10/22)Wrap up outstanding chores this week. Do the work now so you’ll be free to pursue bright new things when they come. Make sure to not procrastinate on assignments. This could spell out disaster. Don’t fret; good will come out of it all.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)Midweek brings you chores. Meanwhile, romance, creative urges, pleasure and beauty, risk and reward fill this week. But let it be an ongoing romance (or contact an old f lame). Relationships fill Thursday noon to Saturday. Be flexible and eager.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)Renew family contacts, restart abandoned repairs, or dea l wi th ongoing situations. Your romantic (and beauty) sensors come alive Tuesday: treat this as a hint of what’s to come, rather than as “the thing itself.”

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)The accent continues on communications. This is a talk period, not a do period. This is not merely a delay: it hints, to a degree, that you simply should not be expanding this area at all this week. Romance strikes Thursday!

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)Money, earnings, costs, and possessions remain in focus. Monday might spark a “redo” of an old money project. Midweek brings friends, talks, trips, and all sorts of minor interesting bits and pieces of information: be a sponge, soak up facts.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)Your energy and charisma remain high. Monday: you’re the star, and everybody knows it. So enjoy this week. Aim your efforts toward collecting past favors and re-connecting with those you might have slighted or ignored in times past.

Sam’s Snack Time: Beverly Bakery and Cafe

Sam CotugnoFeatures Correspondent

Are you on your way to school in the early morning and hungry? Are you craving a doughnut? Do you have cash burning a hole in your pocket? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, I may have a good place for you! The Beverly Bakery and Café, located on S. Western between 105th and 106th, offers a good selection of baked goods and coffee. Upon wa lk ing in to th i s l i t t l e establishment, one may be first warmly greeted by the pleasant smell of coffee, or by the sight of their enormous selection of whole-bean coffee; although, it is hard to miss the deliciously appealing sight of the baked goods. I ordered a mocha to start, and was pleasantly surprised by the size and quality. It was creamy, and chocolatey. Not the richest mocha I’ve ever had, being that it was a tad bit watery, but it was delectable nonetheless. I also ordered the portabella benedict, a scrumptious twist on the eggs benedict. I will admit, this place is surprisingly pricey for the portion size of my order. The portabella benedict was around $11.00, and was a medium sized portion with hash browns or

fruit. If I am paying $11.00 for a breakfast with no meat, I would expect the portions to be huge. The food itself tasted fairly good. It wasn’t anything too special in my personal opinion, but it wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t extraordinarily outstanding. My friend and photographer ordered the western avenue omelet. This included green peppers, onion, ham, and American cheese with a side of toast and hash browns. The egg was exceptionally fluffy, and the ham flavor was definitely prominent in the batter. Again, at close to $10.00, the omelet was not particularly cheap. The portion size was a little better for the price, but not exactly worth it. The one item I did have to fall in love with, however, was the doughnut. The doughnut was fluffy, but not too fluffy. It was just dense enough to be savory and fluffy enough to be sweet. It was to die for! All in all, the Beverly Bakery and Café is a good spot, if you have the cash. It is not one of my top places because of the portions, prices, and to be completely honest, I’ve had a better benedict. On the flip side, I would highly recommend their bakery and coffee selection. The baked goods are absolutely wonderful, and they even have a gluten free selection to choose from! They actually ship in their gluten free baked goods from a small bakery in Evanston, Illinois. The gluten-free goods are available at only one of their locations, at 1909 W 103rd Street. You can visit Beverly Bakery and Café online at, or you can visit them at 10528 S. Western Ave. Their hours are from 7:00 am—2:00 pm on Tuesdays through Fridays, 8:00 am—2:00 pm on Saturdays and Sundays, and they are closed on Mondays. Tom RohlfsWell the mocha is good...kind of.

Page 10: March 6th, 2013

Page 10 Thursday March 7, 2013

SXU Soccer Teams Add to

Next Year’s Rosters

Magee’s MinuteAmanda Magee

Senior Sports Editor

Both the men’s and women’s soccer teams at Saint Xavier have added successful players onto their rosters for next year. On the women’s side, Mariana Hoerr will be joining the Cougars for their 2013 season. Hoerr is from Canton, Ohio and while in high school, she was a part of Ohio’s best 4x100 meter relay. This speed will definitely be beneficial for SXU next year. Erik Diaz will join the men’s team next season. Diaz attends high school in Chicago where he is a center back. This fall, Diaz was named a member of Illinois High School Soccer Coaches Association (IHSSCA) Honorable Mention All-Sectional Team. Just like Hoerr, Diaz also will bring a lot of speed to the soccer program here at Saint Xavier. B o t h t h e S X U m e n ’ s and women’s soccer coaches are extremely excited for what Hoerr and Diaz will have to offer throughout their collegiate career. Welcome to Saint Xavier!

Saint Xavier Softball Set to Begin Season

Track and Field Competes at Nationals!Will WeyantSports Correspondant

The 2013 Saint Xavier University softball campaign is set to kick-off on March 8 down in Clermont, Fla. SXU was ranked No. 25 in the 2013 NAIA Softball Coaches’ Preseason Top 25 Poll. The Cougars will have some new faces, but they are accustomed to that as eight new faces joined this team last year and they did very well. Saint Xavier finished the season at 37-16 and made a trip to the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) Tournament Championship against Olivet Nazarene University (Ill.). SXU fell 2-1 in the CCAC Tournament Championship, but

this current team will look to rebound from that tough end to last season. The Cougars will have two new pitchers this year as both Amie Brown and Nicole Derezinski competed last year in their senior seasons. Saint Xavier will return Megan Nonnemacher and adds two freshman in Shannon Pedersen and Nicole Nonnemacher to the p i t ch ing s t a f f . Megan Nonnemacher led the pitching staff last year with an 18-8 record and a 1.54 earned run average (ERA). She also led the team in strikeouts with 169, Brown was second with 133 on the season. SXU will miss Ashley Hunter who was an RBI machine for

this team last year after posting a team-leading 43 runs batted in last season. Senior shortstop Ashley Sullivan was second in the RBI category last year for the Cougars with 29 on the season. Senior third baseman Kate Mollohan joins Sullivan as the only two seniors on this squad. Mollohan had 55 hits last year which was good for second on the team and she also recorded 22 RBI’s on the campaign. Sa in t Xav i e r t ake s on Hannibal-LaGrange University (Mo.) and Point Park University (Pa.) on Friday, March 8. The games are slated for a 2 p.m. and a 4 p.m. start in Clermont, Fla.

The indoor track and field season has come and gone now as the season wrapped up this past weekend when members of the track and field teams competed in the NAIA Indoor Track and Field National Championships. The Cougars had a lot of members of the track and field teams competing in the events. In the men’s 800 meter run, juniors Brian Corcoran and Shane Kenney competed in the event, but were unable to advance to the final race. The Cougars had a team

compete in the men’s distance medley. The team consisted of juniors Corcoran and Kenney, freshman Eric Hancock and sophomore John Stancato . Unfortunately this team was unable to advance to the final round. “Running at the national level is always an awesome experience,” said Kenney. “We ran some good times and learned a lot about ourselves, and that made the trip worthwhile to the fullest extent.” Senior Jackie Ott competed in the women’s 1,000 meter run. Unfortunately Ott was unable to advance to the final race. Competing in the women’s one mile run was senior Rachael Dean. Dean was able to take fourth

place and finished with a time of 5:01.97. With the fourth place finish, Dean earned All-American recognition and also set a new school record with the time. S e n i o r A s h l ey S h a r e s competed in the women’s 5000 meter run. Shares finished in ninth place with a time of 18:06.70. In the women’s 3,000 meter race walk, senior Mercedes Mancha placed 10th with a time of 16:28.92. A team of Cougars competed in the women’s distance medley. The team of junior Leslie Rosario, seniors Ott and Dean, and sophomore Ana Galvez were unable to qualify for the final round. Overall, the Cougars had

a great indoor track season, and the track season is not over yet as outdoor track will begin soon! Outdoor track begins March 28.

Congratulations to all of the Cougars that competed in the event!

[email protected]

Greg PilafasDeputy Editor in Chief

Rachael Dean and Brian Corcoran.SXU Athletics




Attend an Information Session

or at

SXU AthleticsKate Mollohan.

Page 11: March 6th, 2013

Page Thursday March 7, 2013

Athlete Spotlight: Chrissy HeineGreg PilafasDeputy Editor in Chief

SXU AthleticsChrissy Heine.

Q: What are your expectations for the rest of the season?

A: We want to go down to Nationals and win it. That is everyone’s goal which is to go down there and win that big prize.

Q: With ‘Senior Night’ having passed, what are your thoughts on

the departing seniors?

A: It is really sad especially because this past year Mo [Riley] and I stayed in the same room during road trips and freshman year I got really close to her. Romisha Taylor this year, we have been really bonding. It is nice to be so close to the team, but it is sad to see them go. I know that they are going to do well in whatever they choose to do.

Q: Your sister is an assistant coach for this team, what does it mean for you to have her around?

A: It is really nice because you have family always there. She knows since I was little how much more she can push me before it gets on my nerves. She’s a coach now and you have to think Coach.

Q: Next season will be your senior year, are you ready to take over the leader role?

A: I am ready for it. It is scary to say “senior” since it is your last year, but I am ready for it and I am ready to help my team like they have helped me in the past.

Q: What made you get in to the game of basketball?

A: It was my dad. We always played in the back behind the barn. We played horse and two-on-two; I was always on my dad’s team because I was the shortest. Of course we dominated anyways, but I guess I am just following in family tradition. I love it.

Q: Do you have any role models?

A: My dad has been one of the biggest role models for me because he always gave so much and expected nothing. I live in his old footsteps.

Q: What made you come here to Saint Xavier?

A: Jackie [Heine] went here and I loved how the c a m p u s w a s a n d h ow t h e community was. A l s o , C o a c h Hallberg, because I heard how good of a coach he was and playing for him has been a real honor for me.

Q : W h a t i s s o m e t h i n g that the typical person does not know about you?

A: I was actually in the band and color guard in high school.

Q: What is the best advice you have ever received?

A: Don’t take life too seriously and don’t become a workaholic because there are more important things in life than just work.

Q: What would your message be to someone who is interested in playing basketball?

A: Play with all of your heart because if you don’t have your heart, you’re not doing anything

fun and you’re not going to enjoy it. Give everything you have got because you never know.

Q: Fill in the blank; I’m a blank and proud of it.

A: I am a women’s basketball player and a student at Saint Xavier and I am very proud of it.

To view the video interview of this athlete spotlight along with other video interviews please visit and click on the Cougar Close-Ups link. Junior forward Chrissy Heine shoots a lay-up against IUSB. SXU Athletics

The Mighty Blackhawks Keep A-Streakin’!Frank MarkasovicSports EditorNHL This Week

Another week in the NHL has one by this season. To no one’s surprise, it has been another outstanding week for hockey. A l t h o u g h t h e E a s t e r n Conference has not had too much fluctuation in its standings, some of its teams are making new impressions, both good and bad. Montreal still leads the Conference with its, as of 3/4/13, record of 14-4-4 and point total of 32. The Canadians are showing great promise to keep their top tier status as a solid playoff team this year. Will they keep it up? That is highly debatable, especially with a hot Boston Bruins team following very close behind with 30 points and a 14-3-2 record. Actually, the Northeast Division overall is dominating the Eastern Conference. Montreal, Boston, Ottawa, and Toronto are all in the top eight as of 3/4/13. The only Northeast Division team that is not within the top eight is the Buffalo Sabres. The Sabres currently sit at 12th place with a record of 9-12-2 and a point total of 20, only three points from the current 8th ranked position of the Philadelphia Flyers. As far as the bottom of the East goes, there is one team that should be doing a lot better, and in my opinion, does not belong there. That team is the New York Rangers. The Rangers had a most impressive

season last year, that is, until they reached the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Besides the fact, in my opinion, the Rangers should definitely be in the top eight of the Eastern Conference given their offensive, defensive, and goaltending capabilities. With off-season transactions including the big trade to get star-forward Rick Nash, combined with skilled forwards like Marian Gaborik, Brad Richards, Carl Hagelin, Ryan Callahan, and Derek Stepan, the Rangers’ offense should be winning them more games. I expect more out of the Rangers as the season progresses and I do hope that they can make another consecutive Playoff appearance. The Western Conference has not slowed down one bit since the season started on January 19th. The top eight teams have mostly stayed the same, the three Division Leaders have virtually all stayed the same as well. Chicago continues to dominate with their 41 points and incredible record of 19-0-3; Anaheim follows with 32 points and an also impressive 15-3-2 record; and Vancouver sits in 3rd place, just above Minnesota, with their 26 points and 11-6-4 record. Speaking of Minnesota, the Wild have now entered into the top eight of the Western Conference with a record of 11-8-2 and a point total of 24. I believe them to decent threat this year, especially with off-season acquisitions of star-forward Zach Parise and star-defenseman Ryan

Suter. However, with only 24 points, Minnesota walks a very thin line in the standings. This is because San Jose, St.Louis, Dallas, and Detroit all have 24 points as well, not to mention, Phoenix and Nashville sit just below the top eight with each team having 23 points. This sets up for an interesting week ahead of us with a playoff-type of mentality coursing through the West. As for the ladder half, Phoenix and Nashville look to have the most promise as they sit just 1 point below the top eight teams, while the LA Kings sit only 2 points below with a total of 22 points. Not too far behind are Calgary, Colorado, and Edmonton all tied with 20 points and all fighting for the upper hand in their Northwestern Division. Columbus still holds the 15th place in the West and the 30th place in the NHL. I expect Nashville and Phoenix to cause a stir this week in the West that will disrupt the 4th through 8th place tie of 24 points, and possibly put them within the top eight.

Blackhawks Update

The mighty Blackhawks c o n t i n u e t o ro l l t h ro u g h opponents. So far this season the Hawks simply want to win. How have they done that? For one they have strengthened the Penalty Kill, reducing the amount of goals by a

lot. They have also made small tweaks and adjustments to their lines, mixing star players like Jonathan Toews and Marian Hossa with young guns like Brandon Saad. This helps development and maturity in Saad’s gameplay as it did for Andrew Shaw last year when he shared a line with Toews. The Hawks have also tightened up their defense and goaltending drastically, which, lo and behold, reduces the amount of Goals Against that helps to win games. But, most impressively, the Hawks have managed to come back from adversity. They have had several games where they have been down by a goal or two and have bounced back to win the game or at least take it to overtime where they still earn a point. I hope they keep these features up so they continue their record setting success and make a run for the Cup in the playoffs. As always there are Hawks to thank for their outstanding contributions to the Hawks’ previous success. Patrick Kane still leads the team in points with a total of 26; 11 goals and 15 assists. He continues to deke and dangle his way to the net as he produces consistently for the Hawks in the most astonishing of ways. Immediately following, as always, are the point-producing core players like Jonathan Toews,

Marian Hossa, Patrick Sharp, and even Duncan Keith with his 12 points this season. Most importantly, the role players on the Hawks have also been producing in great numbers like Viktor Stalberg, Bryan Bickell, Andrew Shaw, Dave Bolland, Marcus Kruger, and rookie Brandon Saad. The Blackhawks’ defensive unit has also continued to produce offense with Seabrook, Leddy, Rozsival, and Oduya all contributing with their assists and even some with goals. Most importantly, the Hawks’ goaltending has continued to be spectacular. Crawford and Emery have never looked so good in their performances as they have together as a dynamic duo as of late. Crawford has an awesome GAA of 1.41 and a SV% of .945 while Emery has a GAA of 2.02 and a SV% of .926. Both goalies have stayed strong in net so far this season, a lot of the Hawks’ success comes directly from them. Let’s hope to keep this point streak going and to keep on winning as we approach the Playoffs. LETS GO HAWKS!

Division Leaders

East: Montreal (NORTHEAST); Pittsburgh (ATLANTIC); and Carolina (SOUTHEAST).

West: Chicago (CENTRAL); Anaheim (PACIFIC); Vancouver (NORTHWEST).

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Page 12 Thursday March 7, 2013


Wednesday, 3/6

Thursday, 3/7

Friday, 3/8

Saturday, 3/9

Sunday, 3/10

Monday, 3/11

Tuesday, 3/12

Women’s BasketballVs. Saint Thomas

University (FL)

8:30 a.m.

Men’s BasketballVs. Saint

Mary University


9:45 p.m.

Men’s Volleyball

Vs. Missouri Valley

College (MO)11 a.m.1 p.m.


University (MO)2 p.m.

SoftballVs.Point Park

University (PA)4 p.m.

SoftballVs.Saint Anselm

University (NH)

8 a.m.

Upcoming Cougar Athletic Events


College (IN)8 a.m.


Vernon Nazarene University

(OH)12 p.m.

BaseballVs.Spring ArborUniversity (MI)

3 p.m.


International-University (FL)

6 p.m.


International-University (FL)

11 a.m.

BaseballVs. Spring Ar-bor University


2 p.m.


University (NE)

8:30 a.m.

BaseballVs.University of Saint Fran-

cis (IN)12:30 p.m.

BaseballVs.Florida Christian

College (FL)11 a.m.

Saint Xavier Basketball Prepares for National TournamentBrandon SwansonSports Correspondent

Greg PilafasDeputy Editor in Chief

The Saint Xavier Cougars will travel to Sioux City, Iowa on Monday to get ready for the Nat ional Tournament . The Cougars were given the No. 18 overall ranking going into the tournament; and the No. 5 seed in their part of the bracket. The bracket is split up into four, eight team quadrants based on the NAIA Ratings Poll. The Cougars will be taking on the No. 4 team in their bracket, Saint Thomas University (Fla.). Sa int Thomas f in i shed the season with a 27-3 record, and saw their 15 game winning streak snapped in the semifinal round of the Sun Conference Championship. The Bobcats received one of the 11 at-large bids to play in the NAIA Tournament. Saint Xavier also received an at large bid after they ended the season at 24-6 after falling short of their goals in the CCAC Conference Tournament. They were knocked out by Indiana University-South Bend in the Quarterfinal round, 70-64.

The Cougars, like Saint Thomas, had their own winning streak this season which consisted of 14 straight wins in a row. During this winning streak Saint Xavier beat five teams within the top 25, and three of the teams were within the top 10 at the time. Coach Hallberg last year would always say that you cannot come out and have a cold game in this tournament solely for the fact that if you do you will be going home early. The first game for the Cougars will be played on Wednesday, March 6 at 8:30 a.m. After asking the girls how they felt about the game time they gave the impression that even though it would be early they were used to it and were not surprised by it at all; which could bode well in their favor. This will be the 11th straight season that the Cougars will be advancing to the NAIA National Tournament. Saint Xavier has also advanced to the second round in five out of the past seven seasons. For all the coverage of the women’s basketball games tune into WXAV 88.3 fm Chicago or

The Saint Xavier University men’s basketball team is prepared to travel down to Point Lookout, Missouri, to compete in the 2013 NAIA Division II Men’s Basketball National Championship beginning on Wednesday, March 6. The first round will span two days between both Wednesday and Thursday with games played throughout the day. The 32-team tournament will be single-elimination so it will win or go home for all of the teams involved. SXU and Cardinal Stritch University (Wis.) are the only two representatives from the Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference (CCAC) that will be at the National Championship tournament. The Cougars have drawn University of St. Mary (Kan.) in the first round that will be played on Wednesday, March 6. The game will be a late evening contest as it will begin at 9:45 p.m. following the Parade of Champions that will happen following the 8 p.m. game. T h e S p i r e s e n t e r t h e tournament after winning the Kansas Col leg ia te Athlet i c Conference (KCAC) and finishing the season with a 22-8 overall record. USM lost to McPherson University (Kan.) in the quarterfinals of the KCAC Conference Tournament, but after finishing first in the conference regular season, they have earned a trip to the National Tournament. Saint Xavier was seeded number six in the tournament and finished the season ranked No. 7 in the nation after posting a 28-5 overall record. SXU fell in the CCAC Conference Championship to the No. 2 ranked Wolves of Cardinal Stritch, 84-75. Due to finishing as conference runner-up, the Cougars will be in the National Tournament for the first time since the 2009-10 season. Saint Xavier fell in the opening round to Oklahoma Baptist University, who eventually went on to win the NAIA National

Championship that year. “It’s really exciting knowing that all of the work the team has put in over the years has earned us a bid to the tournament,” said junior guard Brad Karp. “In no way are we satisfied with just making the tournament.” “We want to make a run when get to Point Lookout. Our work is going to be cut out for us though as St. Mary’s is a very good team that is well coached. It’s going to be a

great match-up and I cannot wait to get the tourney started.” If you cannot make it down to Point Lookout, Mo., WXAV 88.3 FM will be covering all of the games throughout the tournament. Also, be sure to check out for updates during the tournament as well as the SXU Cougars Facebook and Twitter pages as consistent updates will be made to inform fans of all the action.

SXU AthleticsCoach O’Malley draws up a play for the SXU men’s basketball team.

SXU AthleticsCoach Bob Hallberg discusses a play with the women’s basketball squad.

SXU Men’s VolleyballGreg PilafasDeputy Editor in Chief The Saint Xavier University men’s volleyball team (as of March 4) has won three straight games including a big victory over No. 6 ranked Cardinal Stritch University (Wis.). SXU defeated host Robert Morris University (Ill.) in Mid-America Men’s Volleyball In te rco l l eg ia te Conference (MAMVIC) action on Friday, March 1. The Cougars defeated the RMU Eagles in three sets with the final scores of 25-17, 25-18 and 25-23. The following day, Saint Xavier found themselves in a hard fought battle with the Wolves of Cardinal Stritch. SXU won in five sets (14-25, 25-19, 25-18, 20-25 and 15-13). Over the weekend, the Cougars were led by junior outside hitter Justin Cousin who racked up 26 kills between both games of the Robert Morris University Tri-Match. Cousin had 18 kills in the win over Cardinal Stritch and

that tied his career high for kills in a game. Freshman middle blocker Sam Kull posted 16 kills over the weekend as he continues his strong play in his first season with Saint Xavier. Junior middle blocker J.T. O’Connell had a nice weekend with 13 combined kills in the wins over RMU and CSU. Sophomore setter Dan French was instrumental in setting up SXU with some nice assists after recording 63 in the two games. French also had five blocks assists and 12 digs in the matches. With the two victories on the weekend, the Cougars now have a record of 5-13 overall and 3-7 in their respective conference. Saint Xavier takes on Missouri Valley College in a double-header on Saturday, March 9. The first match is scheduled for an 11 a.m. start with the second match following that at 1 p.m. The next home game for SXU comes on Thursday, March 14 against Warner University (Fla). The match is set to begin at 6 p.m.

SXU AthleticsJunior Justin Cousin.

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