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Page 1: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

on Wednesday, Feb. 28the Federal District Court insan antonio released the in-terim maps to be used forthe 2012 elections in texas.the court’s congressionalmap (Plan C235) appears tobe nearly identical to a com-promise plan agreed to bythe latino task Force andtexas republicans.

the interim plan is avictory for african ameri-can and hispanic voters innorth texas. new District33 is a coalition district thatincludes the core africanamerican and hispanicneighborhoods in tarrantCounty and then extendseast into Dallas County toinclude hispanic neighbor-

hoods in oak Cliff and partsof Grand Prairie and irving.the turnout in Democraticprimaries favors tarrantCounty. the new congres-sional district includes mostof the state house Districtof representative marcveasey. veasey is expected

stating “there is nogreater contribution a city canmake than educating our chil-dren,” Dallas mayor mikerawlings tuesday an-nounced a goal to recruit 150Dallas businesses to support400 summer internships aspart of the mayor mike

rawlings intern Fellows pro-gram. the eight-week intern-ships will give Dallas publicand charter high school stu-dents an opportunity to soakup real-world knowledge andeye-opening experiences atDallas’ top corporations,large non-profits, legal and

professional firms. “educating our young

people will strengthen ourneighborhoods, our families,our economy – and our fu-ture,” said mayor rawlings.

the mayor’s officefounded the program in 2008

Goal of 400 paid summerinternships for Dallas students

the american Civilliberties union and theaClu of south Carolinalast week asked a federalcourt to block south Car-olina’s discriminatoryvoter identification lawthat would keep minoritiesand others from exercising

their right to vote. “south Car-

olina’s voter iDlaw is a prime ex-ample why thevoting rights actis necessary andrelevant today,”said nancy abu-

du, senior staff attorneywith the aClu votingrights Project. “if it werenot for the protections thatthe voting rights act pro-vides, south Carolina andmany other states wouldenact discriminatory vot-

ACLU files motion in federal district court tostop law that would disenfranchise voters

Comment letters opposing a voter ID law in Texas also filed

By Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis jr.nnPa Columnist

all of humanity contin-ues to be irreversibly up-lifted by the indefatigableleadership and irrepressiblespirit of nelson mandela.south africa, the africannational Congress (anC),as well as all peoplethroughout the world shouldpause with the greatest ofrespect while “madiba” isstill alive to express thehighest tribute to him for alifetime of achievement and

commitment to worldwidefreedom, justice, equality,empowerment and humandignity.

african americans andall african people in partic-ular are so inspired by theperseverance and boldcourageous example of nel-son mandela who not onlyhelped to lead the disman-tlement of apartheid insouth africa, but also hecontinues today to stand atthe age of 93 as a global rolemodel and force for pro-gressive change, moral in-

Volume XXII, Number VIII

Your Paper, Your Opportunity...

Visit Us Online at

JJ Smith Candace Hickey Dr. Julianne Malveaux

People In The News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Op/Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Community News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Cover Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Arts & Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Career Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Church Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-16

Sister Tarpley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 See Page 2

INSIDE... People In The News…



See DOCTOR, Page 9


Founded 1991


See MANDELA, Page 3

GlobalSalute to

Nelson Mandela

March 1 - 7, 2012

Dallas doctor and staffarrested for alleged health

care fraud of nearly $375 million

Court releases interim redistricting plans Plan includes new North Texas minority opportunity congressional district, but not Travis County-based district


NDG Gossip: Curves andNatural Hair at the Oscars

For more information see pg.

See MAYOR, Page 16

See PLANS, Page 13

See ACLU, Page 11

Henry Cuellar

JaVonte Starling

Page 2: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

Dr. julianne malveaux,President of Bennett Col-lege, announced her inten-

tion to step down as the in-stitution’s chief executive,effective may 6, 2012.malveaux has been presi-dent of the college since2007.

Dr. malveaux, an econ-

omist, author, and popularspeaker, cited her desire topursue other challenges as

the reason forher resigna-tion.

“ l e a d i n gBennett Col-lege has beenone of the mostrewarding ex-periences ofmy life. in myfive years atthe college, wehave embracedBennett’s his-toric commit-ment to createan oasis wherewomen are ed-ucated, cele-

brated, and transformedinto 21st century leadersand global thinkers. as ireflect on my accomplish-ments and of the college’sgrowth and transformationduring my tenure, i realize

that it is time for Bennett,and for me, to embark on anew chapter. Five years isthe longest time i’ve everheld a job in my life, andwhile i remain committedto hBCus and the com-pelling cause of access inhigher education, i will ac-tualize that commitment,now, in other arenas. i willmiss Bennett College andwill remain one of its mostpassionate advocates.”

Charles Barrentine,Chair of the Board oftrustees, expressed appre-ciation for malveaux andnoted the progress thatmalveaux has ushered induring her tenure at Ben-nett.

“the Board of trusteesrespects Dr. malveaux’sdesire to pursue her otherinterests at this time. Wehave been extremely fortu-nate to have her at the helmof Bennett College for thelast five years. Given hermany talents, the college

has been enhanced by hav-ing Dr. malveaux as ourleader. under Dr.malveaux’s leadership thecollege completed an am-bitious $21 million capitalimprovements programthat renovated existing fa-cilities and erected fournew buildings – the firstnew construction on cam-pus in 28 years. she in-creased enrollment to a his-toric high of more than 735students in 2009, expandedalumnae involvement, andenhanced the curriculumwith a focus on women’sleadership, entrepreneur-ship, excellence in commu-nications, and globalawareness.”

“also, under Dr.malveaux’s leadership,Bennett’s accreditation hasbeen reaffirmed through2014 by the southern as-sociation of Colleges andschools. she also created a2020 master Plan, whichadvocates, among other

things, construction of anew high‐tech library.overall, Dr. malveaux em-powered the college tobuild on its historic legacy.

in recognition of her dis-tinguished work, she willbe named Presidentemerita of Bennett College

local reality tv starand proud mother oftriplets, Candace hickey, isamong the cast of the We tvreality series, “Texas MultiMamas.” this energeticand dramatic series cap-tures the multi-faceted livesof six texas mothers as theyface the many challengesthat come with raisingtwins, triplets and quadru-plets. Following a success-ful first season, a marathonof the “Texas Multi Ma-mas” episodes will air onmarch 5 from 11 a.m. to 4p.m. on the We tv network.

“i am extremely excited

to be part of a show thathighlights the joys and chal-lenges of being a mother ofmultiples,” said Candacehickey, texas multi mamaof triplets. “it is a show thatevery woman will find re-latable as we all have manyroles and responsibilitiesthat we have to juggledaily.”

the “Texas Multi Ma-mas” reality tv show fol-lows the lives of six moth-ers of multiples providing apeek inside the exclusiveworld of parenting twins,triplets and quadruples.

From packing lunches

and preparing baths tocoordinating play datesand arranging traveling,these mothers have theunique challenge of si-multaneously managingtwo, three and fouryoung children of thesame age. not lackingsignature reality tvdrama, Candace hickeyalong with the othermothers let their ponytails down to explorethe social scene, whilealso experiencing theirfare amount of break-ups, make-ups, tearsand fights. Fromepisode to episode,viewers experience a

journey of em-otional highsand lows withthese energeticmothers ofmultiples whopo-ssess hugepersonalities,st-rong opin-ions and bighearts.

“ T e x a sMulti Mamas”is an authenticand relatablereality appeals to allwomen and su-ccessfully cap-tures the chaosof raising mul-

tiples, al-ong with the chal-lenges of balancing themany roles in life such aswife, friend, and mother.episodes from the first sea-son will air on monday,march 5 from 11 a.m. to 4p.m. on the We tv net-work. For additional infor-mation about the “texasmulti mamas “series,please visit www. For additional in-formation on Candacehickey and the additionalcast of moms, please cast/candace .

after appearing on theSteve Harvey MorningShow last week, nutritionistjj smith's new book, LoseWeight Without Dieting orWorking Out was the #1health, Fitness and Dietingbook, and #4 in overallbooks, on the amazon.combestseller charts.

the book offers a break-through solution that "helpsyou lose weight withoutcounting calories, starvingyourself, or eating blandpackaged foods. you will

see results even if you don'tmaintain an exercise regi-men."

"i can recall two timesin my life, in my twentiesand again in my thirties, thati was very committed to los-ing weight so i followed allthe typical advice to ’eatless and exercise more' butit just didn't work for, being a nutritionist, i de-signed a weight-loss sys-tem, the Detox-eat-move(Dem) system, that hashelped me and my clients

shed pounds fast. the re-sults in just a few shortweeks are remarkable," sayssmith.

according to smith,"the Dem system is not adiet, but a lifestyle ofhealthy living! the Demsystem is a three-phase sys-tem that allows you to getrid of stubborn body fat andreverse some of your healthissues and ailments, restor-ing your body to optimalhealth." interested ones canlearn more about the book

the nutrition-ist-designed pro-gram provideseasy- to - fo l lowguidelines for eat-ing "clean and bal-anced" foods thatnot only helpsreaders loseweight, but causethem to look andfeel younger andhe-althier thanthey have in years.the Dem systemfeatures methodsto detoxify thebody, balance hor-

mones, and speed up metab-olism. readers will learnhow to eat foods that helpthem stay slim and avoidfoods that cause them to getfat.

smith comments, "i re-alized there were a lot ofhard-working people likeme who didn't always havetime to diet or exercise, butstill wanted to lose weightand stay slim; and now, thisprogram is designed just forthem."

in the book, readers willlearn to:

Dr. Julianne Malveaux

People in the News

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2 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette

JJ Smith

Candace Hickey

See SMITH, Page 10

See MALVEAUx, Page 4

Page 3: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

tegrity and equal justice forall. in short, mandela repre-sents the best wisdom-con-sciousness for the affirmationof the oneness of humanity.even after spending 27 yearsimprisoned unjustly by a bru-tally vicious apartheid regime,mandela came out of prisonwith the strength and insightto lead south africa nonvio-lently into a multiracialdemocracy and a growingemerging world economy.

While we live in a worldwhere millions of people oneach continent are crying outlouder and louder by the hourfor an end to poverty, injusticeand inequality, the mandela-leadership example of socialtransformation that transcendsrace, ethnicity, tribe, religion,and political ideology needsto be highlighted and betterunderstood. in fact the anCcontinues to have a long tradi-tion and legacy of leadershipicons that first and foremoststrive to represent the interestsof the masses of african peo-ple who struggle for a betterquality of life. it is so sadtoday that in many otherplaces in the internationalcommunity some rulers useviolence and war to suppressthe cries of the masses of thepeople for freedom, democ-racy and justice.

here in the united states,the 2012 national electionsseason appears to be focusedon who has the most money inpolitics over against the bestleadership to offer the nationand global communityprogress on the critical issues.of course america is notsouth africa. that is not thepoint. the point is that whilebillions of dollars are being

spent to hijack the democraticprocess in the united states,we should learn valuable les-sons from how mandela andthe anC were guided suc-cessfully by principles of in-clusive, participatory democ-racy verses the voter suppres-sive moves and exclusivistviews of those want a back-wardly divided and regressivefuture america.

those of us in occupy theDream embrace both thedream of martin luther Kingjr. and the democratic wisdomof nelson mandela. We willsoon be in the south to recog-nize the anniversary of thevoting rights struggle inselma, alabama with the an-nual retracing of the crossing

of the edmund Pettus Bridgein selma for the march tomontgomery, alabama thatwitnessed the horrible conse-quence of those who wouldgo to any extent to deny thevoting rights of Blacks andothers. We have come a longways since the original selmavoting rights march back in1965. But we must renew ourvigor and commitment toachieve more progress towardmaking our democracy moreequal and just. income in-equality is increasing theranks of those in poverty. Weneed a Constitutional amend-ment to get money out of pol-itics in america.

We should work to build aglobal movement for eco-

nomic justice and equality.thank God for mandela.

let’s also work harder now inamerica to further transformour society and to make ourdemocracy representative ofall of the people.

Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis President of the Hip-HopSummit Action Network andeducation Online ServicesCorporation, as well as serv-ing as the National Directorof Occupy the Dream and canbe reached at drbenjamin.-chavis@gmail. com.

read more: jamin- f -chav i s - j r /# ixzz1nfeyKvgu

MANDELA, continued from Page 1 Op-Ed

March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette | 3

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By Charlene CroWell

When the Consumer Fi-nancial Protection Bureauvisited new york City onFebruary 22, a roundtablediscussion with bankers andconsumer advocates began aday of focused discussion ofbank products that cost cus-tomers billions per year in un-fair fees. in his opening re-marks, CFPB Directorrichard Cordray called for a“candid discussion” and

noted how less than 10 per-cent of checking account cus-tomers bear the brunt of morethan 80 percent of all over-draft fees charged by banks.

Director Cordray an-nounced new a new initiativewherein the agency will ex-amine the practice of reorder-ing customer transactions toboost overdraft fees. CFPBwill also look at disclosuresand marketing, particularlywith an eye toward impact onthe low-income and young

consumers. roundtable participant

rebecca Borne, senior policycounsel with the Center forresponsible lending, ad-vised that overdraft fees arethe number one reason bankcustomers lose their checkingaccounts.

“We are so pleased thatthere is finally a regulator, theCFPB, whose primary re-sponsibility and commitmentis to ensuring that reasonablerules of the road are in place

to reform harmful and reck-less financial practices” saidBorne. “today’s typical bankoverdraft practices remain indire need of that reform.”

sarah ludwig, executivedirector of the new-yorkbased neighborhood eco-nomic Development advo-cacy Project, drew a connec-tion between costly overdraftfees and the emergence ofbank payday loans. as

Consumers welcome scrutiny ofbank overdraft practices

See CONSUMERS, Page 12

The real drug problem in the U.S.?As India and Australia lend the U.S. a hand in attempting to overcome the market failures thathave led to severe drug shortages in this country, Matt Davies shakes his head in wonder."

Page 4: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

irving Pal is hosting arape aggression defenseclass for women, ages 13years and older, from 6 to 9p.m. march 5-7 at the irvingPolice training academy,located at 2603 estersroad. registration closesmarch 2.

the rape aggressionDefense system is a pro-gram of realistic self-de-fense tactics and tech-niques. the comprehensive,women-only course beginswith awareness, prevention,risk reduction and risk

avoidance,while pro-gressing tothe basicsof hands-on defenset r a i n i n g .each par-t i c i p a n tmust pro-vide a $20 donation forkids’ programs, sign threewaivers, and attend all threesessions.

For more information,call officer joseph Palomarat 972-721-2545 or visit andchoose “Community train-ing.”

the Centers for medi-caid & medicaid services(Cms) announced tuesdaythat it will partner withtext4Baby, a free nationalhealth texting service, topromote enrollment in bothmedicaid and the Chil-dren’s health insuranceProgram (ChiP) and pro-vide pregnant women andnew mothers free text mes-sages on important healthcare issues.

the announcement ispart of activities markingthe anniversaries of both thesigning of the Children’shealth insurance Programreauthorization act of2009 (ChiPra) and thelaunch of text4Baby,whose partners includehealthy mothers, healthyBabies Coalition, voxiva,which provides the mobilehealth platforms, and a hostof wireless carriers.

“as a mother, i knowhow important health cov-erage and health informa-tion is for pregnant womenand new moms,” said hhssecretary Kathleen sebe-lius. “through ChiPra,the health care law and thispartnership, we are helpingmore and more womenacross the country have theinsurance and informationthey need to have healthybabies and keep themhealthy as they grow up.”

organizations across thecountry are using the

ChiPra and text4Babyanniversaries to highlighthow access to both healthcoverage and health infor-mation is critical for fami-lies.

“the partnership an-nounced today will help en-courage eligible mothersand children to enroll inmedicaid and ChiP,” saidmarilyn tavenner, Cmsacting administrator.“text4Baby users will bealerted to the availability ofhealth insurance options,and we are encouraging ourpartners and other organiza-tions working to help getchildren enrolled in healthcoverage to make sure thatnew moms know how tosign up with text4Baby forall kinds of health tips andreminders.”

“text-messaging is apart of the culture in termsof how we communicate,”said u.s. surgeon General,regina Benjamin. “usingtext-messaging to help con-duct outreach to familiesabout health coverage fortheir children is just onemore way that the appropri-ate use of technology is en-hancing how we make surepregnant women and chil-dren get the health care theyneed.”

in 2011, medicaid andthe Children’s health insur-ance Program covered 43.5million children. underChiPra, Cms has

awarded a total of $90 mil-lion in grants to states,tribes, nonprofit groups,schools, health careproviders and others to con-duct activities to ensure thateligible children are en-rolled in health coverageand remain enrolled for aslong as they qualify.

“on the third anniver-sary of this law being en-acted, we are providing animportant new tool that canhelp connect mothers andchildren to affordable cov-erage,” said Cindy mann,Cms Deputy administratorand Director of the Centerfor medicaid and ChiPservices. “this new tool isan important vehicle forreaching young mothers.”

more than 184,000 cur-rent text4Baby users are re-ceiving a new messagealerting them to the avail-ability of free and low-costhealth coverage throughmedicaid and ChiP. themessage will provide a con-nection to the insureKid-snow phone number andwebsite for informationabout how to sign up. ad-ditional messages will beperiodically texted to pro-vide text4Baby users infor-mation about the impor-tance of prenatal visits forwomen and the value ofhealth coverage for keepingchildren healthy and gettingthe care they need whenthey’re sick.

CMS and Text4Baby using texts to sharehealth coverage news and information

the visiting nurse as-sociation of Collin Countyneeds hospice volunteerswho want to help terminallyill patients and their fami-lies.

an 18-hour class in vol-unteer hospice care will beheld tuesdays and thurs-days, march 13 to march29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. atthe vna of Collin Countyoffice on 2414 West uni-versity Drive, #200 inmcKinney. there is no cost

to attend the training. volunteers are an essen-

tial part of the hospice teamand help in many ways. Di-rect patient care volunteersprovide support for termi-nally ill patients and theirfamilies through friendlyvisits, caregiver relief, andassistance with errands.

Caring companion vol-unteers help comfort termi-nally ill patients and theirfamilies during the finalstage of the illness.

Bereavement volunteersprovide follow-up calls andvisits to families after thedeath of their loved ones,co-facilitate grief supportgroups, and assist with bi-monthly luncheons.

to register for the vol-unteer training class, con-tact Connie Williams, vnaof Collin County hospicevolunteer Coordinator, at972-562-0140 or [email protected].

4 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette


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at the may 6 commence-ment.”

the Board of trusteesasked Dr. malveaux tospend the remainingmonths of her tenure focus-ing on critical fundraisingefforts. as she devotes thebulk of her time to thattask, Dr. esther terry,Chief academic officer,

will have responsibility forthe day to day operations ofthe College in coordinationwith Dr. james Dixon,Chief administrative offi-cer. effective with Dr.malveaux’s resignation,Dr. esther terry will as-sume responsibility as in-terim President on may 7,2012.

MALVEAUX , continued from Page 2

Women’s Defense Classoffered in Irving

Page 5: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

the City of irving, inpartnership with Key lifehomes, is set to begin con-struction on new single-fam-ily residences on tudor lane.the construction begins anew chapter for the lamar/Brown neighborhood. Four-teen single-family attachedand 13 single-family de-tached homes will be avail-able for purchase.

Federal grant fund assis-tance is available for quali-fied first-time homebuyers.seminars are planned to edu-cate prospective buyers aboutthe program, qualification re-quirements and eligibility for

assistance. the seminars areset for 2 to 3 p.m. at 125 n.macarthur Blvd., on the fol-lowing dates:

• march 17 • april 21

• may 19reservations are required

and space is limited. to signup, visit call 214-396-4071.

Federal grants available topurchase new homes in Irving

Dallas Councilwomanann margolin, honoraryChair for the Dallas interna-tional Festival and Chair ofDallas' arts, Culture & li-braries Committee an-nounces that visiting artistsfrom russia and mexico willlead the lineup at the may 26Dallas international Festival.the free event will be held atthe Dallas arts District alongFlora street from Pearl torouth from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Krystall Balalaika fromsaratov russia and Las Arte-sanas de Michoacan frommexico will be featuredalong with groups fromhouston and austin and

dozens of metroplex artsgroups representing culturesfrom asia, africa, europe,and the americas.

in addition to the visitingartists from russia and mex-ico, the Paredes MiddleSchool Orchestra fromaustin will present music ofthe middle east while hous-ton's Chilean Folklife share a

musical tour of the 'longestnation' in the americas.among the 60 dance, musicand martial arts ensemblesfrom across the north texasregion who will perform onthree stages are the follow-ing:

BRAZIL: Capoeira An-gola and Capo-eira Dallas

MEXICO: GarlandI.S.D. Mariachi estrellas

USA: 4 ever young Bar-bershop Quartet

WEST AFRICA: Ban-dan Koro African Drum andDance ensemble

ZIMBABWE: Zimma-Rimba Marimba and Rattle-tree Marimba

Teen Court volunteerapplication deadline April 12

the lewisville-Flowermound teen Court willhold a volunteer trainingsession saturday, april 14,from 9 a.m. to 3 pm. at thelewisville municipalannex, 1197 West mainstreet. registration dead-line is thursday, april 12.

youth ages 13 through17 or still in high schoolare eligible to volunteer asattorneys, bailiffs, judges,jurors or check-in clerks.lunch will be providedalong with door prizes forattendance and participa-tion.

teen Court is advanta-geous to both the offenderand the volunteers who runit. teen Court is an alterna-tive, voluntary programthat offers young offendersan opportunity to makerestitution for an offense inlieu of a fine. they arecourt-ordered to performcommunity service hours ata non-profit agency, as well

as serving as a teen Courtjuror.

instead of paying a finefor the offense, successfulcompletion of the courtorder dismisses the casefrom their record. Bybringing the youth offenderbefore a jury of peers, theprogram seeks to preventunlawful behavior in thefuture while educating theoffender and volunteersabout the judicial system.all roles in teen Court arefilled by teenagers, exceptfor an adult judge and afew adult volunteers.

many of the teen Courtvolunteers are studentswho enjoy learning aboutthe judicial system. someare on debate teams, in-volved in Green Chord pro-grams at school, nationalhonor society and otherorganizations. By volun-teering for teen Court, thevolunteers earn communityservice hours for the organ-

izations which they are in-volved in. other studentsjust enjoy volunteering andbeing a part of the process.teen Court improves con-fidence, public speakingskills and community in-volvement for the volun-teer.

teen court is held twicea month on tuesdayevenings from 5:30 to 8:30p.m. high school seniorswho volunteer can earn a$1,000 scholarship for theirparticipation in the pro-gram. teen Court is open tothe public and can be ob-served by anyone.

to register for teenCourt volunteer training,please contact teen CourtCoordinator laurieyonkers at 972.219.3671 oremail [email protected]. leavethe following information:name, age, school, emailaddress and phone number.

Community News

March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette | 5

Visiting Artists for DallasInternational Festival on May 26

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2nd Annual Glam Galore Shopping Soireethe 2nd annual Glam

Galore shopping soiree isapril 21 at the richardsonCivic Center, 411 W. ara-paho, ste. 102, from 5 10 p.m. With 40 localvendors, a fashion show,free mini makeovers andcocktails and so muchmore, the Glam Galoreshopping soiree is sure tomake any just for the Girls

night out fun filled. Guestswill enjoy a night of music,fun, shopping, treats andcocktails and they will besurprised by special appear-ances and a special guesthost.

ladies will enjoy anight filled with laughter,fun and did we mention freecocktails and minimakeovers? tickets start at

$20. viP tickets are alsoavailable and include theexclusive Glam GaloresWaGG bag, sponsored byPerfected magazine.

vendor and sponsorshipopportunities are still avail-able, so contact melissaFranz, at 214-810-6176 oremail [email protected].

Page 6: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

only one state cele-brates its independencewith an official holiday –texas.

texans will celebratemarch 2 the 176th anniver-sary of the adoption of thetexas Declaration of inde-pendence. DeGolyer li-brary at southern methodistuniversity (smu) pos-sesses one of 12 existingcopies of the texas Decla-ration of independence, aswell as a 5,000-photo col-lection of texas historyranging from 1846 to 1945.

“The people ofTexas do now consti-tute a free, Sover-eign, and independ-ent republic.”

the texas Decla-ration of independ-ence was adoptedmarch 2, 1836, atWashington-on-the-Brazos. after it wassigned by the 59 del-egates to the conven-tion, five copies weredistributed to thetowns Bexar, Goliad,nacogdoches, Brazo-

ria and san Felipe.the printer at sanFelipe was asked toprint 1,000 copies tobe distributed ashandbills. the De-Golyer copy, ac-quired in 1984, isone of the survivinghandbills.

the only originalphoto of kidnappedtexas pioneer Cyn-thia ann Parker, for-mal portraits ofmexican Generalantonio lopez de

santa anna and photo-graphs of Comanche ChiefQuanah Parker are amongthe 5,000 texas historicalphotos acquired by De-Golyer library in 2009from austin collector larryjones. the lawrence t.jones iii texas Photogra-phy Collection also in-cludes hundreds of photosof everyday life rangingfrom cattle roundups to cot-ton gins. much of the col-lection can be viewed on-line

6 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette


Texas Declaration and rare photos online for Texas Independence Day

over 400 people gavestanding ovations to Willardstimpson, pharmacist andowner of Cut-rate Phar-macy and Donald stafford,retired executive assistantChief of Dallas Police De-partment, legacy honoreesat the 2012 urban league ofGreater Dallas and northCentral texas annual meet-ing Community reportluncheon. the event washeld on Friday, February 24,

2012 at the hilton anatolehotel. the honorees wererecognized for their out-standing contributions to theDallas Community in thehealthcare and civil serviceprofessions. they passedtheir legacy torch to robertmayes, a local pharmacistand Dallas Police Depart-ment Deputy Chief vernonhale who are the next gen-eration of individuals whohave made achievements in

their professions and out-standing contributions totheir communities.

“our honorees have ahistory of accomplishmentsin their professions whichare exemplary,” said Dr.Beverly mitchell-Brooks,urban league Presidentand Ceo, “and they con-tinue to set high standardsthrough their volunteerism

Urban League luncheon a success

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College Altamirano in Hebbronville, Texas, was a school for Hispanicstudents founded in 1887. Photo taken about 1899.

See SUCCESS, Page 7

nationwide insuranceconducted a “Quote forCause” cause-related pro-gram that raised $5,000 forunCF’s Campaign Foremergency student aid.this emergency scholarshipprogram is helping thou-sands of college seniors athistorically black collegesand universities pay theirbills in time for graduation.

also, unCF (unitednegro College Fund) thenation's largest privateprovider of scholarships toafrican americans andother students of color, hasreceived a grant fromexxonmobil worth up to$500,000. the grant willprovide emergency educa-tion assistance to collegejuniors and seniors im-pacted by the strugglingeconomy and facing billsfor tuition, books, and roomand board that must be paidbefore seniors can graduateand juniors can continue totheir senior year.

the exxonmobil contri-bution is in the form of achallenge grant. exxonmo-bil has made an immediatecontribution of $250,000,and will match, dollar-for-dollar, each contribution,large or small, up to a totalof $250,000. meeting theexxonmobil challengewould yield a total of$750,000 for the emergencyscholarship fund, enough tohelp 500 students stay inschool.

the emergency scholar-ship fund was established in2009 and by the end of2011 raised $12 million tohelp more than 7,000 stu-dents stay in college so theycould graduate.

"exxonmobil's invest-ment in unCF studentscould not be more welcomeand could not come at a bet-ter time," said unCF Presi-dent and Ceo michael l.lomax, Ph.D. "these jun-iors and seniors have donetheir part. they have stud-ied hard and kept theirgrades up.seniors arewithin sightof gradua-tion day inmay. jun-iors will bere-enrollingfor theirfinal year.they can-not affordto fall shortnow. Wecannot af-ford to havethem fallshort."

the up-front portion ofexxonmobil's grant has al-ready made a difference.travis lindsey, jr., a more-house College senior inBusiness Development,faced a financial shortfallafter his parents lost theirjobs of 25 years due to lay-offs. But thanks to exxon-mobil's contribution to theCampaign for emergencystudent aid grant, he willgraduate in may.

another senior, DeawehBenson of unCF memberinstitution spelman Col-lege, was left with unpaidcollege expenses after hermother lost her job and gotsick. an emergency stu-dent aid scholarship, sup-ported by the exxonmobilgrant, will also allowDeaweh to graduate on

time. "When i received theemergency funding frommy angel, unCF," saidBenson, "i was speechless.they believed in meenough to invest in me andhelp me graduate. now ican stay in school and focuson being successful inschool and after college in

my career." those who want to help

a unCF student stay inschool can go to unCF.organd click on the Campaignfor emergency student aidbox to charge a contributionto a credit card. ten-dollarcontributions can be madeby texting "unCF" to50555 on cell phones tohelp students walk the lastmile of their education.Donors can also sendchecks to unCF, 8260 Wil-low oaks Corporate Drive,Fairfax, va 22031. thanksto the exxonmobil chal-lenge, every contribution upto $250,000 will be dou-bled; a $100 contribution,for example, means $200 tohelp a senior graduate inmay.

Nationwide and ExxonMobil donations toUNCF helping college seniors this spring

(left to right): Damon Johnson – Nationwide Insur-ance – AVP, Exclusive Agency Sales, Diane Stephen-son- UNCF Area Director, and Terrance Williams –Nationwide Insurance Regional Vice President

Page 7: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

SUCCESS , continued from Page 6

and community service. Proclamations from

u.s. Congresswoman eddieBernice johnson and staterepresentative yvonne

Davis were also presentedto the honorees.

the theme, “i am urban

league”, was highlighted atthe luncheon when testi-monies were given by par-ticipants from differenturban league Depart-ments.

Donald Foreman repre-senting the veterans Pro-gram told of being on drugsand homeless after servinghis country in the unitedstates air Force. he was re-ferred to the league’s effi-ciency apartment support-ive housing veterans Pro-

gram by the veterans ad-ministration. he has beendrug free for six years and isa supervisor in charge ofclinical staff members and

responsible for the rehabili-tation of 50 clients at theDallas County judicial

treatment Center. Glendel johnson, repre-

senting the housing Depart-ment, was at the brink offoreclosure when he came

to the urban league forhelp. his housing Coun-selor was able to negotiate amuch smaller mortgagepayment with his lender. hecan now enjoy his retire-ment and work only parttime as a warehouse man-ager.

it was not long ago thatDarrell Brown was servingtime in prison for sellingdrugs. after completing theurban league’s Project 4victory re-entry Programhe is now employed as asales Consultant for a localcar dealer.

nakia Douglas, Princi-pal of the Barack obamamale leadership academy,participated in the league’s100 Fellows Program whenhe was a senior in highschool. he says the programequipped him for collegethrough the motivational

speakers, college visits andworkshops. he now offersthe young men at his acad-emy exposure to an ad-vanced college prep curricu-lum.

in the league’s annualreport to the Community,Dr. mitchell-Brooks de-

tailed the outcomes and im-pact of the investments ofleague supporters who con-tribute their time and fund-ing. “Weaving the threads ofeach individual’s life makesus all a better community,thus a better city,” said Dr.mitchell-Brooks

Arts & Community Spotlight

March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette | 7




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Urban League Board of Trustees & CSBG Managing Board Officers

Dr Beverly Mitchell-Brooks and 2012 Legacy Honorees

State Rep. Helen Giddings

Judge John Cruezot, Outgoing Bd Chair Stan Levenson,Bd Chair Emeritus Dr. Wright Lassiter Jr..

Outgoing Bd Chair Stan Levenson acceptsGavel from Bd Member H.Ron White Esq.

Page 8: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

8 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette

Proud To Be An ActivePartner In The Community

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Community Calendar Visit and click on Community Calendar for more events!


every two weeks on mon-day the Plano City Councilholds its City CouncilMeeting at the Plano mu-nicipal Center, CouncilChambers, 1520 K avenue,Plano, from 7pm – 9:30pm.Free and open to the pub-lic. info:

harwood 609, 609 har-wood street, Dallas, hasSalsa Night every thurs-day night starting at9:30pm. info: or 214-740-0609.

Be Fit Frisco presentsweekly Fitness in theSquare sessions thursdayevenings 6:30pm – 7:30pmat simpson Plaza in frontof City hall, 6101 Friscosquare Blvd, Frisco.Free. info:

the Dallas museum of art,1717 harwood street, Dal-las, hosts Jazz in theAtrium every thursday6pm – 8pm. Performanceincluded with general ad-mission $10 and or 214-922-1200.

harwood 609, 609 har-wood street, Dallas, hostsan All You Can Eat Sun-day Brunch with SmoothJazz Sounds of MajikTouch every sunday at11am. info: or 214-740-0609.

Want to become a betterpublic speaker? Toastmas-ters International hashelped people for decadesin a mutually supportive,positive, and fun environ-ment. see what it is like forFree!!! mtgs are everymonday at 5:45 p.m. info:214-566-4086 or

Collin County BlackChamber of Commercegeneral membership event,monthly every 2nd thurs-day, 6:30 p.m., at variouslocations within Collin

County. speakers, Powernetworking, Business re-ferrals, and more! or call469 424-0120.

Through April 2

Intermediate Sign Lan-guage Classes will be of-fered on monday nightsfrom 5:30-6:45 p.m., in theBritain library, 631 ed-mondson. Classes are freeto families of deaf students,$10 for district employeesand $20 for all others. Formore information, call 972-600-3821

Through December 8

New Life Skills Certifi-cate program for AfricanWomen each saturdaymorning from 9:45 a.m. to12:30 p.m. at the audeliaBranch library located10045 audelia rd. (atChurch st.) in Dallas. info:[email protected]

Through April 16

AARP is offering free taxassistance 8:30 a.m. - 2:30p.m. every monday at thelewisville senior activityCenter, 1950a s. valleyParkway. info: 972-219-5050.

Through April 29

texas Discovery Gardens’gallery space unveils a newexhibition, “Echoes ofRemembered Gardens,”by Dallas artist susanlecky; admission applies.$8/adults, $6/ages 60+, and$4/ages 3 to 11. Free formembers or on tuesdays(butterfly house admissionregular price).

March 1

Free screening of HarryBelafonte SING YOURSONG at 7 p.m. at studiomovie Grill, 225 merchantrow in arlington

Matt Wadsworth is theguest speaker at the Vis-iting Nurse Assn. on“how to ride the GriefWaves”

March 1 – 24

Garland Civic theatre willpresent Love from aStranger tickets: 972-205-2790, or 972-485-8884

March 2 – 22

GISD Senior Art Show atGranville arts CenterGallery in Garland

March 2-3

Free screening of HarryBelafonte SING YOURSONG at 7 p.m. at DockCinema, 6637 meadow-brook Dr. in Fort Worth

March 2-4

Opening celebration ofthe Margaret Hunt HillBridge

Camp Dragonfly is a com-munity-based grief campfor children at all saintsCamp on lake texoma,info:

March 3

Dallas County sheriff lupeValdez’s Wine and CheeseFundraiser from 4- 6 [email protected]

March 4

the turtle Creek Chorale’smadonna to Madonna -The Ageless Strength ofWomen at 8 p.m. at themorton h. meyerson sym-phony Center (2301 Florastreet, Dallas).

Walk in Writing Clinicfrom10 a.m. until 2 p.m. atthe Pan african ConnectionBookstore located at 8284th ave., Dallas

March 8

The Texas Discovery Gar-dens “Books ‘N Bugs”from 11 a.m. to noon.

The DBA DemocraticForum at 5:30 p.m. at thePavilion at the Belo man-sion, 2101 ross avenue in

downtown Dallas

st. Philip’s upcoming Des-tiny Award Luncheon,featuring olympian jackiejoyner Kersee at the Belomansion.

March 11

“Preach Woman Preach”& “The Pastor’s Wife” at7:30 p.m. at the Plaza the-atre in Garland Bridgettemonroe’s two-in-onegospel music stage ticketsavailable at www. are $20 inadvance or $25 at the 214-259-6052 or 214-607-2363.

Book signing for MelvinChilds the author ofNever Would Have MadeIt with Bridgette monroetwo and one stage plays“the Pastor’s Wife” and“Preach Woman Preach”from 1 – 2:30 p.m. withshowtime 3 p.m. and 7:30p.m. at the Garland Plazatheatre 512 West statestreet Garland, texas75040 Presale tickets: $20at the door $25

Family Craft Day between2 and 3 p.m., at thelewisville Public librarylocated at 1197 W. mainstreet. join for a drop-incrafting day. just bringyour crafty selves, every-thing else is provided in theCynthia Bennett Children’sWing.

Lewisville Public LibraryTeen Advisory Group willmeet at 7 p.m. teens will beasked to help create theteen experiences availableat the library. Pick up an ap-plication at the youth serv-ice desk, and come to themeetings on the thirdthursday of the month.

March 15

The DBA RepublicanForum at 5:30 p.m. at thePavilion at the Belo man-sion, 2101 ross avenue indowntown Dallas

March 16-17

lewisville summer musi-cals season will kick offwith “His Eye in on theSparrow: The Ethel Wa-ters Story.” this powerfulmusical drama by play-wright larry Parr is basedon the heart-wrenching taleof ethel Waters and herearly life in and info: or800-547-4697

March 17

Dallas observer and houseof Blues entertainment, alive nation Company arepresenting St Patrick’sDay Concert featuringryan BinGham anDthe DeaD horses withjona-than tyleranD the northernliGhts. info: www.Dal-lasstPats. com

Fine Arts Chamber Play-ers invites you to free Ban-croft Family Concert at theDallas museum of art at 3p.m. info: 214-520-2219

March 24

"Sharia: Threat orHype?" - Open House atislamic Center of irvingfrom 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at2555 esters road in irving.Food and refreshments willbe served. also includesmosque tour. this event isFree and oPen to thepublic of all faith back-grounds. Pre-registration atht tp: / /outreach. i or call 972-812-2230, ext. 1005.

March 25

LegoMania! from 2 – 3p.m., at the lewisville Pub-lic library located at 1197W. main street in the Ben-nett Program room. Creat-ing with legos takes placeon the fourth sunday ofeach month. Children under6 years must be accompa-nied by an adult in the pro-gram.

March 29

“Elections, the Law andLanguages at the Border”discussion by luis Fraga,director of the Diversity re-search institute and politicalscience professor at the uni-versity of Washington; luisPlascencia, social and be-havioral sciences professorat arizona state university;and john lipski, professorof spanish linguistics atPennsylvania state univer-sity. 5:30–7:30 p.m., smumcCord auditorium, 306Dallas hall

March 30

ut arlington’s annualWorld-Class Glass ArtShow and Sale at the studioart Center, 810 s. Davis Dr.,arlington from 9 a.m. to 5p.m. with silent auction bidsaccepted 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

April 1

2nd Annual Academy ofMcKinney & Plano The-atres 2012 AMP Awards atthe Courtyard theatre lo-cated at 1520 avenue h inPlano.

April 2

“What is New About Im-migration in the UnitedStates?” nancy Foner, aDistinguished Professor ofsociology at hunter Collegeand the Graduate Center,City university of newyork, will present smu’s2012 George and mary Fos-ter lecture in Cultural an-thropology. 5:30–7:30 p.m.,smu mcCord auditorium,306 Dallas hall

April 4

“Screening of El Norte,with Commentary bySMU Distinguished An-thropology Professor Car-oline B. Brettell.” the 1983documentary el norte, di-rected by Gregory nava, isthe story of two Guatemalamayan peasants, a brotherand sister, who flee theircountry because of politicalpersecution and head north.6:30–8:30 p.m., smu mc-Cord auditorium, 306 Dal-las hall

Page 9: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

a physician and the of-fice manager of his medicalpractice, along with fiveowners of home healthagencies, were arrestedtoday on charges related totheir alleged participationin a nearly $375 millionhealth care fraud schemeinvolving fraudulent claimsfor home health services.

the arrests and chargeswere announced tuesdayby Deputy attorney Gen-eral james Cole and healthand human services(hhs) Deputy secretaryBill Corr, along with assis-tant attorney Generallanny a. Breuer of the jus-tice Department’s CriminalDivision; u.s. attorneysarah r. saldaña of thenorthern District of texas;hhs inspector GeneralDaniel r. levinson; spe-cial agent in Chargerobert e. Casey jr. of theFBi’s Dallas Field office;Dr. Peter Budetti, Deputyadministrator for Programintegrity for the Centers formedicare and medicaidservices (Cms); and thetexas attorney General’smedicaid Fraud Controlunit (mFCu).

the indictment, filed inthe northern District oftexas and unsealed,charges jacques roy, m.D.,54, of rockwall, texas;Cynthia stiger, 49, of Dal-las; Wilbert james veaseyjr., 60, of Dallas; Cyprianakamnonu, 63, of Cedarhill, texas; Patricia akam-nonu, rn, 48, of Cedarhill; teri sivils, 44, ofmidlothian, texas; andCharity eleda, rn, 51, ofrowlett, texas, each withone count of conspiracy tocommit health care fraud.roy also is charged withnine counts of substantivehealth care fraud, andveasey, Patricia akamnonuand eleda are each chargedwith three counts of healthcare fraud.

in addition to the in-

dictment, Cms announcedthe suspension of an addi-tional 78 home healthagencies (hha) associatedwith roy based on credibleallegations of fraud againstthem.

the enforcement ac-tions are the result of themedicare Fraud strikeForce operations, which arepart of the health CareFraud Prevention & en-forcement action team(heat). heat is a jointinitiative announced inmay 2009 between the De-partment of justice andhhs to focus their effortsto prevent and deter fraudand enforce anti-fraud lawsaround the country.

“thanks to our newfraud detection tools, wehave greater abilities toidentify the kind of sophis-ticated fraud scheme thatpreviously could have es-caped scrutiny,” said hhsDeputy secretary Corr.

according to the indict-ment, Dr. roy owned andoperated medistat Groupassociates P.a. in the Dal-las area. medistat was anassociation of health careproviders that primarilyprovided home health cer-tifications and performedpatient home visits. Dr.roy allegedly certified ordirected the certification ofmore than 11,000 individ-ual patients from more than500 hhas for home healthservices during the past

five years. Between janu-ary 2006 and november2011, medistat certifiedmore medicare beneficiar-ies for home health serv-ices and had more pur-ported patients than anyother medical practice inthe united states. thesecertifications allegedly re-sulted in more than $350million being fraudulentlybilled to medicare andmore than $24 millionbeing fraudulently billed tomedicaid by medistat andhhas.

“today, the medicareFraud strike Force is tak-ing aim at the largest al-leged home health fraudscheme ever committed,”said assistant attorneyGeneral Breuer. “accord-ing to the indictment, Dr.roy and his co-conspira-tors, for years, ran a well-oiled fraudulent enterprisein the Dallas area, makingmillions by recruiting thou-sands of patients for unnec-essary services, and billingmedicare for those serv-ices.”

hhs inspector Generallevinson said, “in thiscase, our analysts discov-ered that in 2010, while 99percent of physicians whocertified patients for homehealth signed off on 104 orfewer people – Dr. roy cer-tified more than 5,000.”

FBi special agent inCharge Casey pointed out,“today’s arrests by the

Dallas medicare Fraudstrike Force send aclear message to thosepersons who are notonly defrauding ourfederal medicare andmedicaid and privatehealth insurance pro-grams, but victimizingthe elderly, the disad-vantaged, and thosewho are at a vulnerabletime in their lives dueto legitimate health is-sues.”

Dr. roy and othermedistat physicians certi-fied and recertified plans ofcare so that hhas alsowere able to billmedicare forhome health ser-vices that werenot medicallynecessary and notprovided. in ad-dition, Dr. royallegedly per-formed unneces-sary home visitsand ordered un-necessary med-ical services.

according tothe indictment,medistat main-tained a “485 De-p a r t m e n t , ”named for the number ofthe medicare form onwhich the plan of care wasdocumented. Dr. roy al-legedly instructed medistatemployees to complete the485s by either signing hisname by hand or by usinghis electronic signature onthe document.

three of the hhas Dr.roy used as part of thescheme were apple of youreye healthcare servicesinc., owned and operatedby stiger and veasey; ulti-mate Care home healthservices inc., owned andoperated by Cyprian andPatricia akamnonu; andCharry home Care serv-ices inc., owned and oper-ated by eleda. according tothe indictment, veasey,

akamnonu, eleda and oth-ers recruited beneficiariesto be placed at their hhasso that they could billmedicare for the unneces-sary and not provided serv-ices.

as part of her role inthe scheme, eleda al-legedly visited the Bridgehomeless shelter in Dallasto recruit homeless benefi-ciaries staying at the facil-ity, paying recruiters $50per beneficiary they foundat the Bridge and directedto eleda’s vehicle parkedoutside the shelter’s gates.

apple allegedly sub-

mitted claims to medicarefrom jan. 1, 2006, throughjuly 31, 2011, totaling$9,157,646 for home healthservices to medicare bene-ficiaries that were med-ically unnecessary and notprovided. Dr. roy or an-other medistat physiciancertified the services. Fromjan. 1, 2006, to aug. 31,2011, ultimate submittedclaims for medically un-necessary home healthservices totaling$43,184,628. Charry al-legedly submitted fraudu-lent claims from aug. 1,2008, to june 30, 2011, to-taling $468,858 in med-ically unnecessary and notprovided home health serv-ices.

the indictment alleges

that sivils, as medistat’soffice manager, helped fa-cilitate the fraud schemeby, among other actions,supervising the processingof thousands of plans ofcare that contained Dr.roy’s electronic signatureand other medistat physi-cians’ signatures, permit-ting hhas to bill medicarefor unnecessary homehealth services and accept-ing cash payments fromCyprian akamnonu in ex-change for ensuring plansof care contained Dr. royor another medistat physi-cian’s signature.

as outlined in the gov-ernment’s request to thecourt to detain Dr. roy, injune 2011, Cms suspendedprovider numbers for Dr.roy and medistat based oncredible allegations offraud, thus ensuring Dr.roy did not receive pay-ment from medicare.

immediately after thesuspension, nearly all ofmedistat’s employeesstarted billing medicareunder the provider numberfor medcare houseCalls.the court document allegesthat Dr. roy was in fact incharge of day-to-day opera-tions at medcare, and thatDr. roy continued to cer-tify patients for homehealth despite the suspen-sion. Cover Story

Dallas doctor and staff arrested for allegedhealth care fraud of nearly $375 million

March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette | 9

Feds hold press conference discussing the largest healthcare fraud

case in U.S. history

W. Rick Copeland, Director of Medical Fraud Control Unit of the Office of

the Texas Attorney General, stands next to a chart outlining a healthcare

fraud scheme during a news conference Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012

Page 10: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

Car Review

10 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette

Arts & Entertainment

By latrisha mCDuFFie

NDG staFF Writer

i was jumping up anddown on my couch whenoctavia spencer’s name wascalled for Best actress in asupporting role at the os-cars. Davis looked ab-solutely beautiful in a whitegown by her favorite de-signer tadashi shoji that ac-centuated the curves honey.BBW’s (Big BeautifulWomen) are back! and to allthe haters who complained

about Davis taking the roleof minny jackson; howabout you eat some specialpie!

also, making a come-back on the red carpet wasnatural hair. viola Daviswho was also nominated forher role in the help tossedher usual wigs and rocked ashort, sassy, and all naturalmini fro. i must say that ithink she looks much betterwith her natural hair. no,wonder her new husbandwas smiling from ear to ear.

NDG Gossip: Curves andNatural Hair at the Oscars

By latrisha mCDuFFie

NDG staFF Writer

every parent shouldtake their little girl to seethe Dallas Black Dancetheatre.

in a world where theonly images of beauty areof barely clad pop starsdancing provocatively onBet’s 106 and Park, theDallas Black Dance the-atre program paints a pic-ture of true beauty and ele-gance. the company pre-sented the Cultural aware-ness series at the Wylytheatre. the night beganwith In*ter*pret set toPeter i. tchaikovsky’s Ser-enade for Strings in Cmajor and choreographedby hope Boykin (2005).the dancers moved spirit-edly across the stage likechildren on a playgroundsetting a gaily mood.

the mood shifts dra-matically as the programmoved into the secondpiece. nycole ray dancedto Donald mcKayle’s An-gelitos Negros (1972), setto music composed bymanuel alvarez macisteand sung by the incompa-rable roberta Flack in

spanish. in a white flow-ing dress designed by Beththomason of Designsunique, ray was a vision.Fusing the passion of fla-menco and the grace of theballet, ray moved throughthe air like notes from aspanish Guitar.

in one word, ray’s per-formance was stunning. icould not breathe through-out her entire performance.

amber j. merrick andjamie thompson werebrilliant in milton myers’Pacing (1986), set to Fran-cis Bebey of Cameroon.the suite was a mishmashof african and european-infused movements andhighlighted powerful torsoaction and linear patterncomplemented by aprovocative musicalarrangement.

the show closed withDianne mcintyre’s, TheNina Simone Project, atribute to the high Priest-ess of soul with autobio-graphical narration per-formed by melissa m.young. The Nina SimoneProject was set to thesoundtrack of simone’slife and chronicles herjourney from the church in

north Carolina to love,and thro-ugh the Civilrights era. i found Back-lash Blues and Funkierthan a Mosquito’s Tweeter,to be absolutely divine.

the Dallas BlackDance theatre ii willrestage Bruce Wood’sSmoke for their annual per-formance series, SpringFiesta at the latino Cul-tural Center march 2 -3,.DBDt ii Director, nycoleray, will present her workLove Songs and richard a.Freeman jr. choreographshis premiere work agony.

tickets can be pur-chased online at

Dallas Black Dance Theatre’sCultural Awareness Series is a

worthy family affair

2012 Academy Award nominees Viola Davis(left) and Octavia Spencer (right) share a laughwith Alfre Woodard (center). Photo credit:(Casey Rodgers/AP Images for Grey Goose)

local author sylvialucas launches her newnovel Brighter Side ofDarkness on saturday,march 3 from 12 p.m. – 3p.m. at mardel in Plano.

twenty years in themaking, lucas’ inspira-tional narrative urgeswomen to stop settling forless and to start buildingbetter relationships andmaking better choices.Brighter Side of Darknessfollows Donna Brown, athirty-something Creole/african american, on an in-credible journey to finding

love and herself. as an ambitious news

anchor new to Dallas,Donna faces all the pres-sures of women in the mod-ern day workplace trying toget ahead. she struggleswith her weight, her rela-tionships, her family andfinding a balance.

Coming from a brokenhome, she craves approvaland acceptance from men.ignoring her spiritual up-bringing and values, Donna

is determined to find loveeven if it means dealingwith the occasional internetstalker or wayward fiancé.if that weren’t enough, afteryears of substance abuse,her recently “born again”younger sister leavesChicago with her son andcomes to live with Donna.

throughout all this andthe ever present doubt as toher paternity, Donna’s de-termination to overcomelow self-esteem, failed rela-tionships and making baddecisions is a testament toall women seeking truelove.

lucas was born andraised in Chicago, illinoiswhere she discovered hergift for writing at the age of12 when she won 1st placein an essay competitionabout Dr. martin lutherKing, jr. sponsored by op-eration Push.

in 1993, lucas wroteher first unpublished novelDiamond in the Rough.While the novel receivedmany praises, she could notfind an agent willing to takeon new talent. Wearing the

multiple hats of wife,mother, writer, chauffer,cook and teacher just toname a few posed manychallenges throughout theyears as she pursued herdream. it was her faith thatupheld her and strengthenedher belief that nothing isimpossible for those whobeliever in their dreams andGod’s power.

in 2003, lucas decidedto rewrite her first noveland changed the title toBrighter Side of Darkness.meanwhile, she partici-pated in an anthology withfellow members of theWriter’s block, inc. and of-ficially became a publishedauthor with the publicationof her short story hannah’shallelujah. the short storylater became a play per-formed by a local theatretroupe in Dallas.

july 3, 2011, lucas offi-cially reached her goal ofbecoming a published au-thor of a novel whenBrighter side of Darknesswas printed. it took nearly20 years, but she never gaveup on her dream.

in December 2012,lucas became the ownerand Ceo of Page Publish-ing, llC.

lucas is a youth leaderat mt. olive Church ofPlano and a member ofalpha Kappa alpha soror-ity, inc. she resides with herhusband and three childrenin Dallas County.

to read more about theauthor and Brighter Side ofDarkness, go to

Author Sylvia Lucas launchesnew novel with book signing

NorthDallasGazettefor more Oscars

recap photos

Sylvia Lucas

Octavia Spencer

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SMITH , continued from Page 2

Grey Goose pre-Oscar dinner hosted by AlfreWoodard honoring African American women infilm. Photo credit: (Casey Rodgers/AP Imagesfor Grey Goose)

Alfre Woodard and fellow HollywoodDivas enjoy Pre-Oscar Grey Goose party

Page 11: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

It's Tax Time: AARP Texas Can Help!Filing your 2011 federal

tax return doesn’t have to bea pull-your-hair-out experi-ence. aarP tax-aide vol-unteers are here to make fil-ing your taxes as stress-freeas possible.

aarP tax-aide is thelargest free, volunteer-runtax service in the nation. itassists taxpayers with low-and moderate-incomes, withspecial attention to individu-als ages 60 and older. lastyear, more than 2,200 tax-aide volunteers servednearly 160,000 taxpayers intexas alone. this year, theprogram is back with evenmore volunteers at 325 sitesin communities around thestate.

"We know that filing taxreturns gets complicated. of-

fering a free service lets usreally help people whostruggle with it, or might nothave access to other types oftax preparation services...and we’re glad to do it," saysaarP tax-aide Westernregion Coordinator ronCraig, who oversees the pro-gram in texas. "it's great tosee how many people use theservice, and would recom-mend it to a friend."

tax-aide volunteers are

trained to assist with filingthe 1040 form and standardschedules a and B. elec-tronic filing is offered atmost sites at no charge to thetaxpayer, ensuring more ac-curate tax returns and fasterprocessing of refunds. tax-aide volunteers will be help-ing file returns until april15.

to search online for atax-aide site near you, visit

Financial Takeover: Leaving a LegacyBy CeDriC DuKes

nDG sPeCial


two things are guaran-teed in life—taxes anddeath.

one of the most diffi-cult challenges for familiesto handle is the death of aloved one. there is apainful void and a long,healing process that takesplace. there is also a real-ization of a harsh but un-deniable truth: in mostcases, when a loved one

dies, so does his or her in-come.

let’s refer back to 2Kings 4:1–7. We talkedabout the woman who wasin debt and the creditorswere coming to take hersons. her husband wasdead, and she did not haveany way to pay her bills.We do not know how shegot into this position, butwe do know that her needshad to be met. all she didwas obey the prophet ofGod and, immediately, hersituation turned around.

often God answersyour need–immediately. iwrote that to say this: yes,God gives us miracles andhe can allow us to experi-ence his supernatural pres-ence. however, we have aresponsibility to try to pre-vent our lives from spiral-ing out of control. God canand will deliver and com-fort in your time of loss.

how does God want usto meet the needs of ourfamily? Proverbs 13:22says, “A good man leavethan inheritance to his chil-

dren’s children...” Goodman is defined in thisscripture as someone whois agreeable, pleasant,happy, prosperous and up-right. a good man leaveshis inheritance to otherssince he cannot take theriches with him or her. inmy estimation, your inher-itance in this time of life isinsurance. We should leavesomething to those whoare remaining.

having insurance doesnot negate God’s sover-eignty or ability to take

care of your loved ones. itprovides protection foryour family in the future. itis a legacy you can leaveyour family. they will re-member you because youhave left them in bettershape than they could havebeen. life insurance isused to support the livingsurvivors until the rest ofthe family is stable enoughto replace the missing in-come of that loved one. orit can be used as anotherpart of the wealth buildingplan. you can get any type

of insurance for any priceat any time. you have torealize that insurance isone of your buildingblocks for the investmentpyramid.

in the next column wewill take a look at the stepsto build this strategy.

Cedric Dukes is the au-thor of Hostile Takeover -Manifesting God’s Planand Purpose for your Fi-nances and newly releasedbook, The Power of may contact him

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ing laws that make it harderfor minorities to vote.”

the aClu filed a mo-tion in the u.s. DistrictCourt for the District of Co-lumbia in order to intervenein south Carolina v. holder,in which south Carolina isseeking to have its voter iDlaw approved. in order tointervene in the case, thecourt must first grant theaClu’s motion. theaClu has already hadsimilar motions granted inother voting rights cases,including in arizona, Geor-gia and north Carolina.

the motion was filedon behalf of three regis-tered voters, including twoafrican-americans, whodo not have an acceptableform of iD under the newlaw.

“Despite the lack ofproof that voter imperson-ation is a problem in southCarolina, and despite evi-dence that african-ameri-cans are less likely thanwhites to possess the formsof iD that the law requires,state officials have chosento defend this unnecessaryand unfair law,” said victo-ria middleton, executive di-rector of the aClu ofsouth Carolina. “ourelected officials shouldmake it easier for southCarolinians to exercisetheir right to vote, not putmore barriers in their way.”

the motion was alsofiled on behalf of the Fam-ily unit, a sumter-basednon-profit organization thathelps people register tovote. as a result of the law,

the organization wouldhave to devote more of itslimited resources to helpingpeople obtain iD.

“the voter iD law hasplaced substantial burdenson the shoulders of count-less voters, primarily thosewho are african-american,elderly and low-income,”said Brenda Williams, ex-ecutive director of the Fam-ily unit. “these individualsare being denied rightsguaranteed by the u.s.Constitution. By passingthis law, our state is goingback to a dark time in his-tory when it comes to civilrights.”

under section 5 of thevoting rights act, stateswith a history of discrimi-natory voting laws – in-cluding south Carolina –

must have changes to theirvoting laws approved, orprecleared, by the u.s. De-partment of justice (Doj)or the federal district courtin Washington. the aClusubmitted two commentletters to Doj opposingpreclearance of south Car-olina’s law, act r54. Dojblocked the law in Decem-ber and on Feb. 7, southCarolina took the issue tocourt.

to read the motion tointervene, go to: a r o l i n a - v - h o l d e r -memorandum-support-motion-leave-intervene-defendants.

For more informationabout voter suppression, goto:

ACLU, continued from Page 1

Hispanic Association seeksnominees for Its Hall of Champions

the hispanic associa-tion of Colleges and uni-versities (haCu) are seek-ing nominations for thehaCu hall of Championswill be accepted throughFriday, april 13, 2012, 5:00p.m. (CDt).

the haCu hall ofChampions was establishedto honor those who em-body the mission of the as-sociation through exem-plary efforts "to Championhispanic success in highereducation." Dr. antoniorigual, a pioneer of his-panic higher education, be-came the inaugural in-ductee during the associa-

tion's silver anniversarylast year.

"haCu encourages in-dividuals to consider nom-inating a peer who hasmade a lasting contributionto hispanic higher educa-tion," said haCu Presi-dent and Ceo antonio r.Flores. "For haCu hall ofChampion inductees, agreat part of the honor is tohave been nominated bytheir peers for their dedica-tion and contributions tohispanic higher educa-tion."

any individual can sub-mit a nomination. the eli-gibility criteria are:

• nominees may be liv-ing or deceased.

• nominees must havemade extraordinary contri-butions to hispanic highereducation success over asignificant period of time.

• nominations shalldocument nominees' spe-cial accomplishments inchampioning hispanichigher education success.

nominations can bemade online or sent bypostal mail to the attentionof the haCu hall ofChampions selectionCommittee, 8415 Data-point Drive, suite 400, sanantonio, texas 78229.

Page 12: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through


12 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette



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lenders sat nearby, ms. lud-wig presented a letter withsignatures from more than250 national, state and localorganizations from across thecountry calling for immediatefederal action to stop bankpayday loans.

the list of supporters in-cluded representatives of reli-gious, civil rights, labor,higher education, fair hous-ing, consumers and commu-nity activists. together, theseorganizations warned againstthe looming prospect of over-draft fees worsening con-sumer financial circum-stances once bank paydayloans are made. the letter andits full list of signers is avail-able at:

in part the letter advised,“ultimately, payday loanserode the assets of bank cus-tomers and, rather than pro-mote savings, make checkingaccounts unsafe for manycustomers. they lead to un-collected debt, bank accountclosures, and greater numbersof unbanked americans. allof these outcomes are incon-sistent with consumer protec-tion and harm the safety and

soundness of financial institu-tions.”

the letter was also mailedto three other federal regula-tors: Federal reserve, FederalDeposit insurance Corpora-tion, and the office of theComptroller of the Currency.

Currently, Wells FargoBank, us Bank, Fifth thirdBank and regions Bank use asystem previously developedby storefront payday banks market the loan as ashort-term cash advance forchecking account customers,the predatory product typi-cally leads to a long-termcycle of high-cost debt – justlike a storefront payday loan.

Banks offering paydayloans repay themselves first.the entire loan and its ac-companying fee are taken di-rectly from the account assoon as a customer’s pay-check or benefits check is de-posited. typically, bankscharge $10 per hundred bor-rowed; with an average loanof only 10 days, the annualpercentage rate for bank pay-day loans is 365 percent. ac-cording to research the Cen-ter for responsible lending,bank payday borrowers are in

debt an average 175 days ofthe year. social security re-cipients are especially vulner-able, making up one quarterof bank payday borrowers.

once bank payday loansare repaid, the likelihood ofaccounts falling short offunds for regular purchasesruns high for customers withlittle or no cushion in theirchecking accounts. With anaverage overdraft fee of $34,multiple fees can be chargedto these customers withouttheir knowledge – until afterfees are assessed when a bankstatement arrives.

the connection betweenbank payday and overdraftfees is akin to that of the kneebone’s connection to the legbone – financially they affectthe same consumer. no oneneeds or wants a product thatdevastates their finances andbuilds debt instead of wealth.Consumer lending shouldn’tmake anyone financially crip-pled.

Charlene Crowell is acommunications managerwith the Center for Responsi-ble Lending. She can bereached at: [email protected].

CONSUMERS , continued from Page 3

Page 13: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

to run for the seat and shouldbe considered the early fa-vorite.

lone star Project Direc-tor matt angle released astatement saying the newmap includes good news forminority voters in northtexas. however minoritiesdid not far as well in otherparts of the state.

"the court’s map is goodnews for north texas, espe-cially Fort Worth. tarrantCounty minority voters willfinally have a chance to electa responsible representativeto Congress in new District33. the plan is not particu-larly good news for minorityvoters outside of northtexas. minority voters inaustin, Corpus Christi andin san antonio lost District 33 in northtexas is the only real newminority opportunity district.everywhere else in the state,the new minority districtssimply replace existing dis-tricts where minority voterselect their candidate ofchoice, according to angle"

outside of north texas,the interim plan does not re-flect the population growthof hispanics and africanamericans in texas.

• While new District 35is created and extends fromaustin to san antonio, it isoffset by the dismantling oftravis County-based District25 which is converted froma minority crossover districtto a safe anglo republicanDistrict.

• new District 34 basedin Cameron County is offsetby the loss of District 27from a latino opportunitydistrict to a anglo republi-can-controlled District.

• the latino votingstrength in sanantonio/West texas District23 is also reduced. howeverDemocrats are fielding avery strong candidate instate representative PeteGallego, so he can likely windisproportionate supportfrom some anglo voters anddefeat republican incum-bent Francisco Canseco.

most of the plaintiffgroups who challenged therepublican congressionalplan hoped for a better in-terim map. these hopeswere undermined, however,when Congressman henryCuellar and one of the latinoplaintiff groups – the latinotask Force – agreed to a

compromise proposal thatgave up at least three, andperhaps all four, of the addi-tional texas seats to the re-publicans.

next month, the FederalDistrict Court in Washing-ton, DC is expected to re-lease its decision detailingall of the violations in thestate’s originally enacted re-districting plan. ultimately,the DC Court’s decision willguide the redrawing of newmaps when the legislaturemeets again in 2013.

here is a breakdown ofthe Districts under theCourt’s plan where minorityvoters can elect their candi-date of choice:

CD 9 – al Green , hous-ton – african american op-portunity District

CD15 – ruben hinojosa,hidalgo County – hispanicopportunity District

CD16 – silvestre reyes,el Paso – hispanic opportu-nity District

CD18 – sheila jacksonlee, houston – africanamerican opportunity Dis-trict

CD20 – Charlie Gonza-

lez, san antonio – hispanicopportunity District

CD23 – FranciscoCanseco, san antonio/Westtexas – marginalized his-panic opportunity District*

CD28 – henry Cuellar,laredo – hispanic opportu-nity District

CD29 – Gene Green,houston – hispanic oppor-tunity District

CD30 – eddie Bernicejohnson, Dallas – africanamerican opportunity Dis-trict

CD33 – new open, FortWorth/Dallas – minority

Coalition District CD34 – new open,

Cameron County – hispanicopportunity District

CD35 – new open,austin/san antonio – his-panic opportunity District

*The Court’s interimplan reduces the Latino vot-

ing strength in CD23 belowthe level of the benchmarkplan, but strong Democraticcandidate Pete Gallegoshould be able to claim thedistrict against RepublicanFrancisco Canseco.

Source: Lone Star Proj-ect

PLANS , continued from Page 1

March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette | 13 Contact 972-509-9049 for Career Opportunity Advertising

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KHVN Radio is seeking a fulltimesales professional, preferably withChristian radio sales experience. Ap-plicants should be knowledgeable increating, managing and maintainingaccounts as well as being a self-mo-tivator with excellent communicationskills. All interested parties should faxtheir resume to 214-331-1908 or youmay mail your resume to the attentionof KHVN office manager at 5787South Hampton Road; Suite 285,Dallas, TX 75232.

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Page 14: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

14 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette

Church Happenings


Mondays – FridaysCall 972-423-8833 for aF-FeCt, inc. or email: [email protected] for counselingservices, resources and assis-tance for job readiness and train-ing programs for individuals.For couples we offer servicesfor marital relationships and forex-offenders we offer programsfor getting back into the workforce.

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March 4join us in sunday school at 9:35a.m.; and sunday Worship at 11a.m. as we worship and praiseGod. the Word of God trans-forms lives.

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theship3C’s Prayer lines forthose in need are 972-649-0566and 972-649-0567 or they maybe submitted via email to:[email protected]

March 7, 7:00’re invited to our Wednes-day night live in the joycieturner Fellowship hall on Bel-mont Drive. also, come to ourCorporate Prayer and our KidzZone (an environment to equipchildren to grow and to showGod’s love.)Dr. W. L. Stafford, Sr., Ed.D.

Senior Pastor1550 Edelweiss DriveIn Allen for SundayMorning Worship.

Admin. Building AddressIs 200 W. Belmont Drive

Allen, TX 75013 972-359-9956 _______________________


“The Rock”

March 4, 10 a.m.join us in sunday Worship aswe give God excellence praisewithout excuse.

March 7Come to our noonday Bible

study to learn more about theWord of God; and at 7 p.m. forour Wednesday night Biblestudy.

Pastor Robert Townsend11611 Webb Chapel Road

Dallas, TX 75229972-241-6151 _______________________


March 6, 6:30 p.m.there are reading and math tu-toring classes for grades 1-6,call for details and bring yourchildren.

Dr. Robert Price, Sr.,Senior Pastor

9550 Shepherd RoadDallas, TX 75243




March 3, 12 NoonFor those in need, come to ourGrief recovery support Group.Call tera mcFarland at 972-437-3493, ext 111 or email herat [email protected] for de-tails.

Dr. Leslie W. Smith,Senior Pastor

1010-1020 S. Sherman StreetRichardson, TX 75081



March 4join us in Prayer with Pastor at8:30 a.m. and stay for WorshipCelebration at 10 a.m. as wehonor and praise God for hisblessings.

March 7, 7’re invited to Bible study

and awana as we worship andpraise God.

Timothy Jones,Lead Pastor

21 Prestige CircleAllen, TX 75002



March 4, 9:30 a.m.join us in our education min-istries and stay for our WorshipCelebration at 10:45 a.m.

March 10, 12 p.m.all senior saints are invited toour Double nickel (55 andabove) luncheon @ the new-some Center on amscott streetin mcKinney. activities includelunch, bingo and door prizes.Come and bring a friend. if youare homebound, we will deliverto you. Please call 972-542-6178 no later than the Friday,(march 9th this month) beforethe luncheon and leave a mes-sage with your name, address,phone number and how manymeals you need.

Dr. Charles WattleySenior Pastor

1308 Wilcox StreetMcKinney TX 75069



March 4, 8 a.m.And 11 a.m.

join us in our morning Worshiptimes and stay for our sundayschool at 10 a.m.

March 7, 7’re invited to our midweekservice as we worship andpraise God.

March 9, 6 to 10 p.m.Don’t miss our human re-

source ministry’s “Girls nightout” event for fun, fashion, per-sonal care/career tips and net-working; also relax and enjoy afeet soak. Call the church fordetails or log on our websitebelow.

Dr. Isaiah Joshua, Jr.Senior Pastor

920 E. 14th StreetPlano, TX 75074



March 4, 7:30 a.m.join us as we worship, honorand magnify God’s holy name.

March 5, 7 p.m.Come to monday school as westudy the Word of God and wor-ship and praise his holy name.

Pastor Rickie Rush7701 S. Westmoreland Road

Dallas, TX 75237972-372-4262



March 4you’re invited to us on sundaymornings at 9:30 a.m. in sun-day school and 11 a.m. inmorning Worship as we cele-brate, praise and worship God.

Shaun Rabb, Senior Pastor9314 Elam Road

Dallas, TX 75217214-391-3430 ______________________



March 4you are invited to a life trans-forming service that willchange your life as we praiseand worship God for his bless-ings.

1100 Business Parkway,Suite 1007

Richardson, TX 75081_______________________


Early Prayerjoin us in prayer early in themorning at 6 a.m. on monday -Friday at 1-661-673-8600,Code # 142219 and please putyour phone on mute. Prayerwill change people, things andsituations.

Dr. Gregory E. Voss,Senior Pastor

2765 Trinity Mills RoadBuilding 300

Carrollton, TX 75006214-514-9147

A Terrible Thing HappensWhen You Don't Advertise......

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Page 15: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

2012 national theme:Women’s education –Women’s empowerment.

although women nowoutnumber men in americancolleges nationwide, the re-versal of the gap is a very re-cent phenomenon. the fightto learn was a valiant strugglewaged by many tenaciouswomen, especially Blackwomen.

i will highlight somefacts about Black women andtheir contributions to man-kind. “to God be all theglory” for Godly women.

i thank God for theBlack women that he has al-lowed to cross my path in life.those women may not havedone things that made greatchanges for mankind, butthey made a big difference tome. each lady left me withcherished memories andgodly wisdom.

in 1978 the unitedstates Post office Depart-ment issued the first stamp tocommemorate the contribu-tions of african americansfemales. you can log on theinternet to see the contribu-tion each lady made to our so-ciety. the harriet tubmanstamp was the first female inthe Black heritage series, a13¢ stamp was issued on Feb-ruary 1, 1978.

tubman (born aramintaharriet ross, 1820 – march10, 1913) was a Civil Warnurse and spy; suffragist andCivil rights activist. on june

2, 1863 she led the unionarmy guerillas into marylandand freed more than 700slaves using the network ofanti-slavery activist and safehouses known as the under-ground railroad which wasorganized on april 20, 1853.a devout Christian, tubmanascribed the visions and vividdreams to revelations fromGod.

the mary mcleodBethune stamp, a 22¢ onmarch 5, 1985. Bethune(july 10, 1875 – may 18,1955) was an educator andcivil rights leader started aschool for Black students inDaytona Beach, Fl that even-tually became Bethune-Cook-man university. the school’seducational quality far sur-passed the standards of edu-cation for Black students andrivaled those of schools forCaucasian students. she wasalso known for being an advi-sor to President Franklin D.roosevelt.

the sojourner truthstamp, a 22¢ on February 4,1986. sojourner truth (no-vember 18, 1787 – november26, 1883) was the self-givenname, from 1843 onward, ofisabella Baumfree, anafrican-american abolition-ist and women's rights ac-tivist. she was born into slav-ery in swartekill, ulsterCounty, new york, but es-caped with her infant daugh-ter to freedom in 1826. aftergoing to court to recover herson, she became the firstBlack woman to win such acase against a Caucasian man.

her best-known extempo-raneous speech on racial in-equalities, “ain't i aWoman?” was delivered in1851 at the ohio Women'srights Convention in akron,ohio. During the Civil War,she helped recruit Blacktroops for the union army;after the war, truth tried un-successfully to secure landgrants from the federal gov-ernment for former slaves.

the ida B. Wells stamp a25¢ on February 1, 1990. idaBell Wells-Barnett (july 16,1862 – march 25, 1931) shewas an african americanjournalist, newspaper editorand, with her husband, news-paper owner Ferdinand l.Barnett, an early leader in thecivil rights movement. shedocumented lynching in theunited states, showing how itwas often a way to control orpunish Blacks who competedwith Caucasians. she was ac-tive in the women's rights andthe women's suffrage move-ment, establishing several no-table women's organizations.Wells was a skilled and per-suasive rhetorician. she re-

ceived her education atFreedman’s school, rust Col-lege and Fisk university. shealso traveled internationallyon lecture tours.

elizabeth “Bessie” Cole-man (january 26, 1892 –april 30, 1926) was an amer-ican civil aviator. she was thefirst female pilot of africanamerican descent and thefirst person of african amer-ican descent to hold an inter-national pilot license. shewas born in atlanta, texas,the tenth of thirteen children.her father was part Cherokee.Coleman began school at agesix and had to walk four mileseach day to her all-Black,one-room school. she was anexcellent student and sheloved to read; and establishedherself as an outstandingmath student. she had a u. s.postage stamp issued in herhonor on april 27, 1995.

Cathay Williams (sep-tember 1844 - 1892) was anamerican soldier. she wasthe first Black female to en-list, and the only documentedBlack female to serve in theunited states army posing as

a man under the pseudonym.she served as a Buffalo sol-

der of the 9th and 10th Cal-vary from 1866 to 1868.

Women’s History Month

Mr. Larry D. and Ms. Davida Tarpley Johnson fromWolf City, TX in the City of Carrollton to witness theiryoung cousin, Chance Jones-Thompson’s Christening.

March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette | 15 Church Directory

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Page 16: March 1 - 7, 2012 Y arrested for alleged health Dallas ... · health, Fitness and Dieting book, and #4 in overall books, on the bestseller charts. the book offers a break-through

in partnership with Dallas-based nonprofit education isFreedom and lead partnerat&t. over the past fouryears, 340 students have par-ticipated. of the interns thatgraduated since 2008, 82%are currently enrolled in col-lege attending schools suchas Georgetown, northwest-ern university, southernmethodist university, ut-austin, texas a&m andother schools.

richard Boyd, the vicePresident of Business Devel-opment & marketing andtexas health Partners joinedthe program in 2008. theirintern during the last 18months is javonte starling, asenior at skyline in Dallas.starling has worked fortexas health Partners sincelast summer, with a long-term goal of becoming a sur-geon. he was accepted to theuniversity of texas-austinfor fall 2012 enrollment.

starling’s performancethroughout the internship hasdeeply impressed staff andcustomers across the board attexas health Partners. Boyd

shared, “We put him in verydifficult situations,” and be-lieve he met the challenge.starling brings dedication toevery assignment whether itis filling out paperwork or in-teracting with customers.starling displays not only ahigh iQ, but business acu-men as well, an unusualcombination according toBoyd.

“We are trying to helphim excel. everyone workswith him; on making sure hecan greet customers profes-sionally and having him un-derstand what we provide toour customers,” Boyd said.

For example, Dr. soren

singel a spineand neurosur-geon, has al-lowed starlingto observe dur-ing surgeriesand clinic vis-its. this oppor-tunity providedstarling withexposure to avariety of diag-nosis and pa-tient interac-tion.

usually the internshipprogram is reserved for sum-mer participation only. how-ever, the human resourcesdepartment provided ap-proval to allow Boyd to re-turn during spring, thanks-giving and Christmas breaks.

When asked what advicehe would offer to companiesparticiatping in the mayor’sinternship program Boydsaid, “ask yourself what isthat you do; and allow whatyou do to transcend intosomeone’s life. they willtake what you teach themand use it for the rest of theirlife.”

For Boyd, being a part ofthe intern Fellows program isimportant and it is personal.

“i grew up in a strongCatholic family and i am aproduct of the people who in-vested in me. it is importantto me to reach back, lettingthem know, i just didn’tmake it overnight. you haveto set goals, you have toreach for both attainable andunattainable goals; failuresare accomplishments as longas you continue to reach for-ward,” Boyd shared.

the deadline for compa-nies to sign up is april 1. onapril 4, human resource pro-fessionals from the partici-pating companies will inter-view students at a real-lifejob fair to be held at the Dal-las sheraton hotel. theeight-week internships willbegin on june 6.

the program is open tostudents 16 and older whoare sophomores or juniors atany Dallas public or charterhigh school who are eligibleto work in the u.s. studentsmust have a minimum 2.5GPa and solid attendance

record and must participatein at least one full day oftraining prior to beginningtheir sessions. the compre-hensive training sessionsfocus upon office etiquette,communication skills, pro-fessional dress, financial

planning and other topics. to learn more or register

online, go to or call education isFreedom at 214-432-8552.

Additional reporting byRuth Ferguson, NDG editor

16 | March 1 - 7, 2012 | North Dallas Gazette

Church Directory

Sunday . ( ' & % $ ( # # # # # # " " ! AMSunday School # # # # # # " " " � � � AMAwana (Wednesday) # # # " � � PMBible Study � � ( + , ( � + * ) � " " " � � PM

Saturday morning Radio Ministry at 11am on 1040AM

and 102.5FM

� ! Prestige Circle| Allen, Texas � � �� ! � " � � � " � � � �

� � � " ' � $ � � ' % + � ( $ � - ' $ � " $ � �

Sunday . ( ' & % $ ( # # # # # # " " ! AMSunday School # # # # # # " " " � � � AMAwana (Wednesday) # # # " � � PMBible Study � � ( + , ( � + * ) � " " " � � PM

Saturday morning Radio Ministry at 11am on 1040AM

and 102.5FM

� ! Prestige Circle| Allen, Texas � � �� ! � " � � � " � � � �

� � � " ' � $ � � ' % + � ( $ � - ' $ � " $ � �

21 Prestige Circle Allen, Texas 75002 ~

Lead PastorTimothy Jones

7:30 AM • 9:30 AM • 11:30 AM

Bible Way Community Baptist Church

Dr. Timothy J. Wilbert, Sr.Senior Pastor

Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sunday Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wed Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Daily Radio broadcast: KGGR 1040 & 102.5 FM10:00 A.M. - 10:25

4215 N. Greenview Dr. • Irving, TX 75062972-257-3766

The place where Jesus Christ is Lordand the Word of God Transforms lives

9:35 A.M.11:00 A.M.7:00 P.M.

Avenue F Church of Christ1026 Avenue F • Plano, TX 75074

Ramon Hodridge, Minister

Early Sunday Morning ...................8:00 amSunday Bible Class .........................9:45 amSunday Morning Worship............10:45 amEvening Worship ...........................3:00 pmWednesday Bible Class ..................7:00 pm

Radio Program @ 7:30 am onKHVN 970 AM Sunday Mornings

Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church

Isiah Joshua, Jr.Pastor

Worship Times: 8 and 11 a.m.Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

Mid-week: Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.Service: Every 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sunday at

10:45 a.m.AWANA: Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.

Contact Information:

2012 Theme:Serving the Savior,Seeking the Sinner

and Sustaining the Saved

Serving the Plano Community for 127 Years

Founded 1884

920 E 14th Street Plano, TX

MAYOR, continued from Page 1

Richard Boyd, VP of Business Development &

Marketing, Texas Health Partners, JaVonte Star-

ling, a senior at Skyline and Mayor Rawlings.

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