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  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 1

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 2









  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 3

    Constructing MultipleChoice Items

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 4

    8 California

    A contains the tallest mountain in the United States

    B has an eagle on its state flag

    C is the second largest state in terms of area

    D was the location of the Gold Rush of 1849

    9 What is the main reason so many people moved to California in


    A California land was fertile, plentiful, and inexpensive.

    B Gold was discovered in central California. *

    C The east was preparing for a civil war.

    D They wanted to establish religious settlements.

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 5

    1 If the pressure of a certain amount of gas is held constant, what will

    happen if its volume is increased?

    A The temperature of the gas will decrease.

    B The temperature of the gas will increase.*C The temperature of the gas will remain the same.

    2 If you increase the volume of a certain amount of gas while holding

    its pressure constant, its temperature will

    A decrease

    B increase *

    C remain the same

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 6

    8 Suppose you are a mathematics professor who wants todetermine whether or not your teaching of the unit on

    probability has had a significant effect on your students.

    You decide to analyze their scores from a test they took

    before the instruction and their scores from another

    exam taken after the instruction. Which of the following

    t-tests is appropriate to use in this situation?

    A Dependent samples *

    B Heterogeneous samplesC Homogeneous samples

    D Independent samples

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 7

    9 When analyzing your students pretest and posttest

    scores to determine if your teaching has had a significant

    effect, an appropriate statistic to use is the t-test for

    A dependent samples *

    B heterogeneous samples

    C homogeneous samples

    D independent samples

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  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 9

    6 The term hypothesis, as used in research, is defined as

    A a conception or proposition formed by speculation or deduction

    or by abstraction and generalization from facts, explaining

    or relating an observed set of facts, given probability by

    experimental evidence or by factual or conceptual analysis

    but not conclusively established or accepted

    B a statement of an order or relation of phenomena that so far asis known is invariable under the given conditions, formulated on

    the basis of conclusive evidence or tests and universally

    accepted, that has been tested and proven to conform to facts

    C a proposition tentatively assumed in order to draw out its

    logical or empirical consequences and so test its accord with

    facts that are known or may be determined, of such a nature as

    to be either proved or disproved by comparison with observed


  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 10

    7 How long does an annualplant generally live?

    A It dies after the first year.*

    B It lives for many years.

    C It lives for more than one year.

    D It needs to be replanted each year.*

    8 How long does an annualplant generally live?

    A Only one year*

    B Only two years

    C Several years

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 11

    6 Non-metals

    A cannot exist as solids at room temperature

    B can combine only with metals to form stable compounds

    C usually have more than three electrons in the outermost shellof the atom*

    D are usually found on the left hand side of the Periodic Table

    7 How many electrons could be found in the outermost shell of anon-metal atom?

    A 1B 2

    C 3

    D 4*

    Select the Better Example

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 12

    7 Which of the following solutions is the least concentrated?

    A 50 g of calcium carbonate in 100 cm3 of water

    B 60 g of sodium chloride in 200 cm3 of water

    C 65 g of potassium nitrate in 100 cm3 of water

    D 120 g of potassium sulphate in 200cm3 of water *

    8 Which of the following solutions is the most concentrated?

    A 50 g of calcium carbonate in 100 cm3 of water

    B 60 g of sodium chloride in 200 cm


    of waterC 65 g of potassium nitrate in 100 cm3 of water*

    D 120 g of potassium sulphate in 200cm3 of water

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 13

    6 Water-type extinguisher is not suitable for putting out fire causedby burning

    A alcohol*

    B cotton

    C paper

    D wood

    7 Water-type extinguisher is suitable for putting out fire caused byburning all of the following except

    A alcohol*

    B cotton

    C paper

    D wood

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 14

    6 What volume of water should be added to 57.35 cm3 of 1.96 MN

    aCl in order to dilute it to 1.50 M?A 17.59 cm3*

    B 42.65 cm3

    C 74.94 cm3

    D 112.41 cm3

    7 What volume of water in cubic centimeters should be added to 60cm3 of 2.0 M NaCl in order to dilute it to 1.5 M?

    A 20*

    B 40

    C 80

    D 120

    Select the Better Example

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 16

    7You have just spent ten minutes trying to teach one of your newemployees how to change a typewriter ribbon. The employee is stillhaving a great deal of difficulty changing the ribbon, even though youhave always found it simple to do. At this point, you should

    A tell the employee to ask an experienced employee working nearbyto change the ribbon in the future

    B tell the employee that you never found this difficult, and ask what heor she finds difficult about it

    C review each of the steps you have already explained, anddetermine whether the employee understands them *

    D tell the employee that you will continue teaching him or her later,because you are becoming irritable

    Select the Better Example

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 17

    8 You have just spent ten minutes trying to teach one of your newemployees how to change a typewriter ribbon. The employee is stillhaving a great deal of difficulty changing the ribbon, even though youhave always found it simple to do. At this point, you should

    A ask an experienced employee working nearby to change the ribbonin the future

    B mention that you never found this difficult, and ask what heor she finds difficult about it

    C review each of the steps you have already explained, anddetermine whether the employee understands them *

    D tell the employee that you will continue teaching him or her later,because you are becoming irritable

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 18

    8 Which of the following is the best indication of high morale in asupervisors unit?

    A The employees are rarely required to work overtime.

    B The employees willingly give first priority to attaining groupobjectives.*

    C The supervisor enjoys staying late to plan the next day.

    D The unit members give expensive birthday presents to each other.

    9 Which of the following is the best indication of high morale in asupervisors unit?

    A The employees are rarely required to work overtime.

    B The employees are willing to give first priority to attaining groupobjectives, subordinating any personal desires they may have.*

    C The supervisor enjoys staying late to plan the next day.

    D The unit gives expensive birthday presents to each other.

    Select the Better Example

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 19

    3 The term operant conditioning refers to the learning situation in which

    A a familiar response is associated with a new stimulus

    B individual associations are linked together in sequence

    C a response of the learner is instrumental in leading to a subsequentreinforcing event *

    D verbal responses are made to verbal stimuli

    4 The term operant conditioning refers to the learning situation in which

    A a familiar response is associated with a new stimulus

    B individual associations are linked together in sequence

    C the learners response leads to reinforcement *

    D verbal responses are made to verbal stimuli

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 20

    8 To avoid infection after receiving a puncture wound to the hand, you should

    A always go to the immunization center to receive a tetanus shot

    B be treated with an antibiotic only if the wound is painful

    C ensure that no foreign object has been left in the wound *

    D never wipe the wound with alcohol unless it is still bleeding

    9 To avoid infection after receiving a puncture wound to the hand, you should

    A go to the immunization center to receive a tetanus shot

    B be treated with an antibiotic only if the wound is painful

    C ensure that no foreign object has been left in the wound *

    D wipe the wound with alcohol unless it is still bleeding

    Select the Better Example

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    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 24


    Which of the following substances would relight a glowing splint?A carbon dioxide

    B chlorine

    C nitrogen

    D none of the above*

    7 Which of the following substances would relight a glowing splint?

    A carbon dioxide

    B chlorine

    C nitrogen

    D oxygen*

    Select the Better Example

  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


    Prof Madya Dr.Othman Md.Johan 25

    6 Which statement is true of most plastics?

    A They have no reaction with acids.

    B They can be moulded easily.

    C They are flammable.

    D All of the above.*

    7 Which statement is true of most plastics?

    A They have no reaction with acids.*

    B They are difficult to be moulded.

    C They are nonflammable.

    D They are good conductors of heat.

    Select the Better Example

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  • 8/9/2019 Mana Soalan Lebih Baik


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