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Page 1: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

Puhoi • Warkworth • Snells • Matakana • Omaha • Leigh • Pakiri • Wellsford • Port Albert • Kaiwaka • Mangawhai

1 April 2011Your LOCAL Community Newspaper

A division of Local Matters

Proudly NZ Owned


Delivered twice a month to 12,600 homes & businesses throughout north Auckland

Inside this issueAuckland PlanConsultation time – page 3

Wide horizonsYouth feature – pages 27 to 31

Sports round-uppages 36 to 41

continued page 10

continued page 2

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off the drawing board this month . . . . New HomesSandspit & Whangaparaoa

Major silt build up in the Mahurangi River is severely restricting its use and it is hoped that $2m set aside in the draft Auckland Council annual plan for navigational dredging in Rodney may provide some relief.

Peter Thompson standing atop a silt bank at the upper end of the Warkworth wharf where there was originally a least a metre of water at low tide.

Escalating siltation clogs Mahurangi waterway, undermining river’s use

Riverbank Enhancement Group chairman and Jane Gifford Restoration trustee Peter Thompson says the river is an important asset which is in

desperate need of dredging. When the wharf was first established in the mid-1990s there was a metre of water alongside it at low tide, while many

areas now end up high and dry.Flooding on Auckland Anniversary Weekend seriously exacerbated the

Rodney Local Board members are initiating an intensive community engagement plan to ensure the district’s needs are accurately reflected in the Auckland Plan. Local board member Tracey Martin says that in addition to a special website ( and survey and feedback forms that will appear in libraries and service centres, community groups’ representatives have been invited to 10 major meetings throughout Mahurangi and Wellsford.She and other local representatives – Steven Garner, June Turner and James Rolfe – are working jointly to get involvement from all sectors of the community.

Crunch timefor commenton city vision

Page 2: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20112

Mahurangimatters is a locally owned publication, circulated twice a month to more than 12,600 homes and businesses.

Next issues are April 13 & May 4 – Book your advertising now

Enquiries: ph 425 9068 • fax 425 9088 • PO Box 701, Warkworth 0941 17 Neville Street (corner Neville & Alnwick Streets) Warkworth [email protected] • Jannette Thompson • ph 425 9068 • [email protected]: Cathy Butland • ph 431 4966 • [email protected] Sandra Staines • ph 431 5649 • [email protected]

Views expressed in Mahurangi Matters are not necessarily endorsed by the publishers. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the editor is prohibited.

Issue 177

River under pressure from page 1


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Debris washed down river in recent floods threatens to damage pontoons already pushed up by silt.

issue, depositing up to a metre-and-a-half of silt under the Warkworth wharf pontoons, and raising the already silted riverbed by about a metre in the town basin and by around 500mm in wider areas towards the river mouth. Limited dredging by Council directly under the wharf and pontoons within the next few weeks will remove some of the debris from the floods so that it doesn’t damage the pontoons and other assets, but it won’t tackle the wider issue.Historic sailing scow, the Jane Gifford is already restricted to sailings within about two hours either side of high tide, a timeframe that is reducing as silt builds up. Mr Thompson says that when the restored vessel was launched in May 2009 the area under the pontoons was cleared out to allow a metre of water below the pontoons at low tide, but they’re now shunted onto an angle by the banks of silt. He says extended access for the community-owned vessel and other river users would have positive benefits from an historic and environmental point of view, as well as enhancing tourism in the area.“Where else in Auckland is there a river like the Mahurangi?” he asks. “It is a jewel in Auckland’s crown and it needs preserving.” Former Rodney District Council

harbour master and current deputy harbour master of Auckland Council, David Thatcher says Rodney council initially earmarked the funding for dredging of the Sandspit estuary, in order to provide access to a fuel supply at the boatyard there. However, when the fuel supply was moved by Caltex the money was put into a fund for general navigational dredging, to be used “as appropriate” around the district.The Rodney council also undertook a feasibility study on the Mahurangi dredging over the last 18 months to identify which areas of the river would need to be dredged to maintain an all-tide channel, to identify how many cubic metres of the dredging would be required and to consider possible disposal sites, he says.Rodney Local Board member Tracey Martin is adamant that the funding has been allocated to the Mahurangi district, not other areas of Rodney such as Kaipara, although details are still being worked out.Auckland Council project leader, sustainable catchments, Kim Morrisey, says a report is being prepared on the background and options for the funding, and will be reviewed by senior management before consideration by the local board and if necessary, the Council, a process that may take several months.

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For or against?A call for a review of local government representation in north Rodney, ahead of this year’s general election, has met with a mixed response from the Rodney Local Board. A motion to not support the Northern Action Group’s (NAG) request for an independent review failed by just one vote. Board members Thomas Grace, Warren Flaunty and John McLean had their votes in favour of the motion recorded. NAG believes the general election opens a “window of opportunity to restore democratic justice to north Rodney.” If the review is not conducted this year, it will have to wait until 2014. NAG chairman Bill Townson says that by then the Auckland governance model will be so well entrenched as to be nigh on impossible to change. “It’s probably now or never for this community,” he says. The matter now rests with Auckland Council.

Omaha Park costsIn the final chapter of the failed Omaha Park development, the Environment Court has awarded costs of $66,000 to Omaha Beach Community (OBC) Inc and $15,000 to the Ching Family Trust. However, the amounts fell well short of what the two parties had requested. The Ching Family Trust was seeking $105,000 as a contribution towards its legal costs, while OBC applied for $66,000 for providing visual mock-ups plus $405,000 for general costs. The Court considered the residents’ application for waiver of the time limit for their application for general costs and found that it did not meet the threshold test of undue prejudice, and declined it accordingly.

Mangawhai new principalMangawhai Beach School has appointed a new principal who will start on May 2. Aaron Kemp, currently principal of Vauxhall School in Devonport, will take over from acting principal Paula Tornquist who has held the role since October last year. Aaron has been a principal at various schools around the North Island for a total of 10 years.

What’s good for Auckland will be good for the region, as well as the rest of New Zealand.

The Auckland Plan discussion document was released at a summit which included a number of workshop sessions. Several Rodney Local Board representatives attended, including Wellsford representative James Rolfe (centre).

Auckland’s 30-year plan out for comment

Countdown increases in sizeProgressive Enterprises has confirmed that it is seeking a variance to its resource consent for the Countdown supermarket in Neville Street, Warkworth. A company spokesperson said additional land had been acquired from the Warkworth Bowls Club, which would allow for the construction of a larger supermarket. The initial design was for 3500sqm supermarket plus five specialty shops. It is possible the store may now be closer to 4000sqm.

That was one of the messages delivered by a number of speakers at the launch of the Auckland Plan on March 23.Prime Minster John Key described Auckland as the nation’s “flagship” city, but with a ticking time bomb of infrastructure needs.“This plan should be about delivering value for money – what Auckland doesn’t need is a series of ad hoc decisions,” he told an audience of about 400. “What we want is a city that is vibrant and safe, offers job opportunities and has a transport system that works.”Mayor Len Brown said that as NZ’s only true international city, Auckland must realise its potential and, in particular, become much more the economic powerhouse of the nation – the spearhead that leads NZ’s drive into the global marketplace.Reserve Bank Board chair Dr Arthur Grimes said although the Auckland region was the most productive in NZ, a large part of the city’s workforce was low skilled.“Auckland is primarily an importer and a service centre for the rest of NZ,” he said.“Although it’s important to link-in with Northland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty, Auckland means ‘urban’, not ‘rural’.“If you want a little dairy farm in the country, then go and live in New Plymouth or Wanganui. Auckland needs fast clear decision-making, affordable land, transport that works and a great environment and environs.”Council envisages the Auckland Plan becoming the blueprint for building the region over the next 30 years. The 220-page discussion document called Auckland Unleashed covers

the gamut of issues the city is facing from employment, transport and the environment to cultural diversity, land use and heritage.In a section on The Big Picture, opportunities identified in the north-western area include: y an innovation centre for NZ with information, communication and technology, digital and media knowledge industries in Albany

y a base for Auckland’s marine and film sectors of global scale providing high quality jobs

y becoming a model for new public private partnerships to improve housing supply options and build strong communities

y unique business opportunities

leveraging off the beauty of the Waitemata Harbour, the Waitakere Ranges and all of northern rural and coastal Auckland.

Long-term forecasting indicates that greenhouse gas emissions in the Auckland region could increase by 30 percent, primarily driven by increases in electricity use, and petrol and diesel transport emissions. The Mayor has set an ambitious target to cut carbon emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. He sees this being achieved by better building design and retrofitting buildings, renewable energy, better urban planning, the purchase of electric or low emission vehicles, including bus fleets, tree planting and the reduction and removal of green waste from landfills.

Consultation timetable (see also story on Page 1, on Rodney Local Board liaison)The plan can be viewed at most libraries and Council offices, and is available online at Comments must be received by 4pm on May 31. It is intended that a draft Auckland Plan, which will go through a formal consultation process, will be published in August 2011. Council hopes to adopt the final plan by the end of the year.

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20114

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Tunnel visionA major point, frequently overlooked in the debate on the future of the Northland rail line is that a failure to upgrade the tunnels on the route has greatly inhibited its ability to grow the rail business and thus become a modern economic proposition. A major part of rail freight in most countries consists of international sea containers and some of the tunnels are too small to accommodate them. The cost of enlarging the tunnels is most likely to be greatly less than building the Holiday Highway and the economic benefits to the North probably much greater, certainly in the long term when unavoidable fossil fuel price increases really start to bite and make long haul road transport a high cost operation – if it is not so already.If only a fraction of the money spent on Northland’s roads had been

Bouncing chequesThe Auckland Plan summit provided plenty of words but not all of them came out in quite the correct order. In explaining that a levy to help rebuild Christchurch equated to the government sending all taxpayers a bill and expecting a cheque in return, PM John Key said: “The idea of the government sending everyone a cheque is probably not one most people would be looking forward to”. By the cheer that went around the room, it seemed most people would be very happy with that idea.

The last frontierMeanwhile, attendees at the Auckland Summit were entertained with a short film clip featuring some well-known Aucklanders expressing their aspirations for the city. Comedian Rhys Darby said he felt all the main things such as arts, culture, transport and so on were covered, but what Auckland really needed was its own space programme, perhaps based at the Planetarium on One Tree Hill. “Launching rockets from the greatest city on earth; how cool would that be!”

Slow train to SilverdaleAt the launch of the Auckland North Business Awards last week, a representative of sponsor Westpac apologised that Mayor Len Brown could not be present. “Len would like to be here to kick the event off, but he’s still on a train coming across the harbour bridge,” the representative said.

What’s up with surf?You might be forgiven for thinking the universe was not in favour of the NZ Surf Lifesaving Nationals, held last month. Originally, they were to be held at New Brighton Beach, Christchurch in celebration of 100 years of surf lifesaving, which started with the first patrol on that beach in 1910. The earthquake forced a switch to Mt Maunganui, then the tsunami warning occurred during the event, disrupting proceedings even further.

spent on the tunnels the Northland rail line would probably be in profit now and providing lively competition for road haulage.

Roy Vaughan Mangawhai (Abridged)

(Read full letter in the Opinion section online at

Turbines threaten KaiparaCrest energy’s proposal to place turbines in the mouth of the Kaipara Harbour is an insult to the intelligence of the people of this land. The proposal places 200 massive turbines in the deepest part of the harbour entrance. This is a one-of-a-kind, dynamic aquatic sandscape, the doorway to the largest breeding ground in the southern hemisphere for a smorgasbord of fish, as well as whales, dolphins and sharks. Some are endangered, some

commercially important, all are under pressure already from environmental degradation and fishing.The proposal is for three turbines initially, two years to monitor the effects and then successive installations over subsequent years until all 200 are in.We need to be very careful of the ecology in our harbours and waterways. They are under stress; we need them more than we need more electricity. There are other ways to generate electricity, but there is only one Kaipara Harbour. Crest Energy’s Kaipara turbine proposal is currently awaiting final approval by the Minister of Conservation as recommended by the Environment Court. Make a noise; she’s our puppet – and it’s an election year.

James Andrews Kaiwaka (Abridged)

(Read full letter in the Opinion section online at

War veterans are being invited to sail for free on the Jane Gifford on Anzac Day, while the public can support the vessel’s ongoing restoration by boarding sailings throughout this month.Restoration Trust Steering Committee chairman Dave Parker says the Jane Gifford Trust has recently backed a number of Christchurch fundraising activities with free use of the vessel and

the sailings represent an opportunity for the community to continue to back the the country’s last remaining rigged sailing scow herself.One hour excursions on April 10 and 23 (11am), Sunday April 24 (12 noon) and Anzac Day, Monday April 25 (12.15pm). Adults $15, children $5, families (2 adults, 3 children) $40. Reservations required for the Anzac Day sailing.

Phone 425 5006 or 0274 849935. For information on future public sailings visit, the Jane Gifford recently sailed into the Waitemata Harbour for the first time in 65 years. She was in Auckland as part of a Voyager Maritime Museum promotion. To view a short video of the voyage, courtesy of Majorlook Productions, visit

Veterans invited to cruise for free on Jane Gifford

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An ancient kauri log, four metres long and around 800cm in diameter, has washed up in a paddock on Waiteitei Road, Tomarata.

Cyclone Wilma caused chaos throughout the Rodney district in February, but for Stuart Paterson (pictured) it has brought some good fortune.

Look what the storm blew in

A stream that runs through Stuart Paterson’s dairy farm flooded when cyclone Wilma blew in, in February.“I found the log when I was out checking on my stock during the storm,” he says. “I’m not sure what to do with it. It’s a great find; it looks like it was milled around 100 years ago because it has been sniped (rounding the leading edge of a log to keep it from digging in during yarding operations).

“I’d like to find out more about its history if any locals could give me any insight.”Stuart thought about re-submerging the log to prevent it drying out and cracking, but has instead moved it to his garage until he decides the best way to make use of it.“If anyone has any ideas on the best way to process it and what could be done with it, give me a call.” Info: 423 9388

Around 100 business representatives crowded into the Silverdale Rugby Club for the launch of the Westpac Auckland North Business awards last week. The awards, run by Auckland Council’s Tourism Events & Economic Development CCO (ATEED), provide a platform for promoting businesses of all sizes, and rewarding excellence.Formerly held on the North Shore, Waitakere and Manukau (since 1998) the awards were extended last year to include Rodney businesses, but under Auckland Council’s Tourism Events & Economic Development arm have now been divided into regions – north, west, south and central. Auckland

North extends from the Auckland Harbour Bridge to Te Hana and west to Hobsonville.The only criteria are that the business must have been trading for 12 months. Categories include Best Emerging Business, Excellence in Innovation, Excellence in Marketing, Excellence in Technology and Best Startup BusinessAll entries are judged by an independent panel of senior business executives from Auckland businesses.Entries close June 2 and the awards will be presented at a gala dinner on September 2. Info and entries:, email [email protected] or phone Keri Hickmott, 09 414 1341.

Business excellence rewarded

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20116

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think global act localn COMMUNIT Y IN AC TION

Warkworth School has spent a week monitoring children’s travel to and from school to improve safety awareness through a Travelwise programme.

Some of the Warkworth Primary children who have wised up to safe travel.

Travelwise promotes safer school journeys

Assistant principal Maxine Hatfull says the programme is run annually in a bid to encourage its more than 500 pupils in active, safe and sustainable travel, regardless of whether they get to school by bus, car, on foot or riding bikes or scooters.The school has a particular challenge in operating on a split site separated by Hill Street, with year zero to year three students on one side and year

four to six students on the other. Problems like cars speeding past the school and inconsiderate parking have partially been tackled through increased police attention this year, as well as the installation of added signage, flashing lights and painted braking areas on either side of the pedestrian crossing. Mrs Hatfull says parents have been supportive of the campaign, which

also aims to reduce dangerous car congestion at the school gate.“We’ve been encouraging those who have to come by car to park further away, like down by the tennis courts, and walk up from there.”Children demonstrating safe behaviour have been encouraged with a range of spot prizes handed out at the school gate.

Warm as toastAnother 2583 New Zealand households have taken advantage of the Government’s home insulation and heating scheme in February. This brings the total to just over 90,000 since July 2009. Anyone who has a home built before 2000 is eligible for 33 per cent off the cost of installing ceiling and under floor insulation up to a maximum of $1300. Community Service Card holders can get 60 per cent off the cost of installing insulation. Some groups are being given special assistance through a series of targeted projects, often with significant co-funding from other organisations. Info:

Marine talk kicks off winter seriesMarine biologist and an active campaigner for marine conservation, Dr Roger Grace, will be the guest speaker at the Mid North Forest and Bird annual meeting on April 14.Dr Grace will talk about the pitfalls in NZ fisheries management and the need for marine reserves. He is a long-standing Mid North Forest and Bird member and has previously spoken to the group about the issue of over-fishing in the Mediterranean and a 10-point plan for the Whangateau Harbour.The meeting will be held at the Catholic Church Hall in Alnwick Street, Warkworth, starting at 7.30pm.Further talks in the winter talk series will be held every third Thursday of the month at the Totara Park Village Hall, starting at 7pm. Local branch chair Warrick Massey says members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings.Meanwhile, the Tamahunga Trappers will lead an educational summit track walk on April 3. The group is working to reduce the numbers of introduced predators on Tamahunga. They meet on a fortnightly roster to check the four trapping lines and also undertake species monitoring. The total count of pests caught is now more than 90, including 65 rats and 12 stoats. Mid North Forest and Bird is sponsoring new traps to put down on a new trail being formed to the west of the summit and neighbouring landowners are becoming involved in trapping on their land.

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Hive of activityBy Sharon KastMarch proved to be a busy time at Tawharanui Open Sanctuary, with the fledging of nine NZ dotterel, 13 variable oystercatchers, 51 North Island robins, and one grey-faced petrel chick, as well as numerous young whiteheads, several kiwi and a kaka. Two kakariki were seen regularly near the Maori Bay track intersection, but no young observed. Ten pateke ducklings were frequently seen along the Ecology Stream.And it’s not just the birds that have been busy. Paul Williams’ TOSSI nursery team has been meeting every week to sow seeds, prick out seedlings and bag plants and prepare kahikatea for the May 1 wetland planting day. Additionally, many TOSSI projects are commencing in the next 12 months. Kevin Parker has a proposal for a saddleback translocation to Tawharanui; Roger Williams is leading the construction of new boardwalks in the lagoon and Mangatawhiri wetlands; Alison Stanes and I are arranging the revamp of the Sanctuary Hut; and James Ross is investigating the use of sound-anchoring in the hopes of accelerating the return of seabirds to Tawharanui.TOSSI offers a broad range of volunteer activities. Check out the TOSSI website and join the team. Our next Sunday in the Park (volunteer work day) is April 3, at Woolshed at 9.15am. Work is followed by a complimentary sausage sizzle at noon and guest speaker Sam Hill will talk about tui vocalisation. If Sunday in the Park is not your thing, then join Roger Williams’ flexible working party in the construction and carpentry activities in boardwalk building in the lagoon and Mangatawhiri wetlands. Email [email protected] to join the team. All are welcome.

Guest speaker Chris Gaskin spoke at the fully-subscribed K Syrah celebration dinner at Ransom Wines last month. The evening celebrated Ransom’s sponsorship of TOSSI and the release of their K Syrah 2008 – $1 from each bottle sold is donated to TOSSI. Gaskin, a seabird advocate and researcher, presented a lively audio-visual presentation about seabirds of the Hauraki Gulf and the work on seabirds restoration at Tawharanui. TOSSI chair Steve Palmer expressed TOSSI’s appreciation for Ransom’s generous sponsorship.

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Kaipara ratepayers are facing a proposed general rate increase of 7.47 percent this year. The need for economic development and tourism growth are two of the main aspirations identified by Council in its draft annual plan 2011/12, which is currently out for consultation.

Kaipara rate rise to fund economic and tourism growthThe proposed rate increase will help fund the following additional projects: y $60,000 towards a Council website upgrade

y $10,000 to enable free access to community libraries

y $250,000 to implement an organisational review

y $50,000 to help fight the battle of the increasing fires in the area

Mayor Neil Tiller says that currently as much as 20 percent of Council rate income is used to service Council borrowings. This, coupled with the 50 to 60 percent of the budget allocated to roading, means there is little left for anything else.“Last year Council struck a one percent general rate increase, as opposed to the four percent indicated in Council’s 2009/19 Long Term Plan, to allow ratepayers breathing space to cope with the impacts of the recession and the drought,” he says. “Although we have some of the lowest rates in NZ, Council now also faces the largest number of rate arrears in its history.”Chief executive Jack McKerchar says that last year the Government cut crucial funding to the district roading programme by $5 million, meaning the unsealed network remained unsealed.“Unfortunately, this has not changed, so it is business as usual with us continuing our normal grading and pothole patching, but things

like preventative maintenance, seal extension, drainage works and minor safety works will not happen,” he says.Revenue this year is expected to be down by $6.5 million, mainly due to a drop in contributions, investment income, subsidies and rates. Council’s net debt is expected to rise from $78 million to $80.7 million (equivalent to a public debt per person of $4395). A significant contributor to the debt level is the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme which totalled just under $53 million. The principal reason for this was the large ‘one-off ’ uniform targeted rates for connections to the new scheme.The LTCCP had budgeted for deposits of $21.7 million, but received only $6.4 million. Assessments made at the time Kaipara’s Future - Working Together was prepared assumed that most ratepayers would opt for the most cost-effective alternative and pay in full on connection. However, an unprecedented number of ratepayers opted to pay the rate over 25 years instead, resulting in substantially less up-front cash at the start of the scheme.Council is proposing to spend $760,000 on bridge replacement work, which will include the Tara Road Culvert and $360,000 on emergency slip repairs including Paparoa-Oakleigh Road.Council is requesting specific feedback from residents on a number of issues.

These include – Development contributionsThe Otamatea Roading Development Contribution Policy was developed to address the impacts of growth on the roading network. It was envisaged that any Development Contributions received would attract NZ Transport Agency funding assistance and this funding would then be applied to roads in Mangawhai and Otamatea areas. However, concern has been voiced that development contributions are a disincentive to development. Council is considering a number of options including whether to retain the status quo, lower the amount of the contributions, put the contributions on hold or remove them altogether.Cames Road, MangawhaiCouncil is asking should Cames Road be a through-road as suggested or should it remain as two separate roads which end in cul-de-sacs? The cost, approximately $2 million for any change to the paper road portion of Cames Road, would normally come out of the general rate. However, another option would be a targeted rate on those in the vicinity of Cames Road.Hakaru landfillLeachate management is an ongoing and costly issue. At a one-off cost of $550,000 Council is planning to dig out and remove the contents of the closed landfill site. This will have paid

for itself in two to four years as the annual cost to remove leachate which is weather-dependant is an ongoing expense of between $150,000 and $230,000 per annum.Service Centre MangawhaiCouncil believes it needs a stronger presence in Mangawhai. Council is therefore looking at constructing a purpose-built facility in Mangawhai which would house a number of Council services. Looking to the future this facility could also potentially provide a location for the community library. This project could be funded using Mangawhai Endowment Fund capital. Council would then rent the facility from the Endowment Fund, giving certainty to the dollars available in this Fund for distribution to local community groups.Mangawhai Pensioner HousingWith the new units in Mangawhai now completed it is time to look at the old units which are in need of substantial upgrades. These units are on prime real estate in Fagan Place at Mangawhai Heads and Council is seeking feedback on what is the best option for this land. Council can retain this area as pensioner housing and upgrade the units, or demolish the units and use this space for some other community purpose.Submissions on the plan close at 5pm on April 15. Copies of the plan can be viewed at

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Building and rebuildingThe Christchurch earthquake on February 22 sent shockwaves around New Zealand. Lives changed, communities changed and New Zealand’s economic outlook changed. Over the following weeks I was proud to watch Aucklanders from all over the region open their hearts to Christchurch. We offered our homes to Cantabrians seeking respite from the destruction – with listings on a special Trade Me site showing Auckland offers from Matakana to Waitakere and Pukekohe.We wore red and black, standing in silence to show solidarity and respect; and gave money and gifts to help the rebuilding. Businesses donated expertise, products and time. The flags on the Auckland Harbour Bridge flew at half-mast and even the SkyTower turned red and black for nights on end as poignant, visible displays of our care and concern. I want to thank all Aucklanders who responded, and are still responding, to Christchurch’s need. You are showing a spirit of true community. We now live in a changed world. But although our world has changed, we do not have to abandon our goals – and nor should we. We may, however, have to think differently about how we are going to achieve them. Take for example the large infrastructure projects that are important for Auckland’s future, such as the Auckland rail loop, the third harbour crossing and rail to the airport. Several people have suggested all our large infrastructure projects must now be shelved as the Government focuses on rebuilding Christchurch. To that I say: the agenda and timing may have changed, but they are still crucial to the prosperity of Auckland – and therefore of the country. Our Council, central Government and business must now all think about how, given Christchurch’s need to rebuild, we can still deliver to Auckland the vital infrastructure it needs to prosper. Auckland fully accepts it will have to contribute funds to building its transport and infrastructure networks – and we can do that in various ways. We need to talk honestly about innovative funding mechanisms such as congestion charging, public private partnerships (PPPs), infrastructure bonds, tax increment financing (TIFs), regional petrol taxes and tolls – if we want to get on with building vital transport infrastructure and not have to rely solely on government or increased rates. As a prosperous Auckland is vital in boosting New Zealand’s economic performance – therefore increasing the finances available to rebuild Christchurch – it’s also vital that central Government takes the same approach. Cantabrians have been remarkably resilient. They are not saying “We can’t rebuild Christchurch”, instead they are asking “How can we rebuild Christchurch?” We need to learn from them. Our question should be, “How can we fund Auckland’s vital infrastructure?” It can and must be done – we have to work out how.

Viewpointwith Len Brown, Super City Mayor, Auckland

“We’ll be advertising publicly so individuals can come, but we’d certainly like groups that represent a number of people to attend so we can explain how to participate in the City’s vision.” Tracey says the board will also engage with tangata whenua, inviting Ngati Whatua and Ngati Manuhiri to Orewa. Mataawaka (people from other wakas living in the area) will meet at Mahurangi College and Heartlands in Helensville.Initial consultation will finish at the end of this month to allow the board to gather the information into a document to submit as part of the draft Auckland Plan. The draft plan will then be released for public submissions. Tracey says spending the day at Auckland Unleashed (Council’s launch of its Auckland vision) emphasised how different this region is compared to other parts of the city.“We have a good opportunity to

Mayor Len Brown will be fielding questions and comments from north Rodney residents when he pulls up a chair in Argyll Angle, Warkworth, on Wednesday, April 6.

Mayor drops in on Warkworth

Mayor in the Chair sessions have already been held at Helensville, Titirangi, Pukekohe and Milford.“It’s important to me to hear about Aucklanders’ experiences and issues in their own words,” Mr Brown says.

“People are welcome to drop by, wait their turn, then take a seat and share their hopes, dreams and concerns about their community.”The Mayor will be in the Argyll Angle courtyard, from midday until 1pm.

Comments sought from page 1benefit from Len Brown’s four key vision points which include one about pristine environments and another about resilient communities. I’m hoping we’ll find that we can lobby hard to keep our identity, attaching it particularly to those two visionary points and using them to create income and jobs, but under our terms.”The board is also hoping to benefit from a partnership with Franklin that will allow the two peripheral areas to present a combined front on the importance of Auckland’s green belts.Chairmen of the respective boards are already in discussion and once the individual draft plans are prepared it’s hoped the full boards will meet and develop a rural strategy that will “double punch” Auckland on the need to recognise and retain their special character. Tracey says Rodney is one step ahead of other local boards as a Rodney District Council officer had the foresight to produce a document linking the district’s existing rural strategy and Long Term Community Council Plan to Auckland’s.There are several ways to provide the board with feedback: y Attend one of their meetings y Get in touch with a Board member (email addresses will be on the form)

y Fill out the survey form on line (above)

y Written - the forms will also be in every library and service centre

y By phoning board members

Auckland by numbers y 20% of residents moved to the city in the last five years

y 80% of us drive to work y Around 250,000 of residents have a disability

y About 30% (about 400,000) live in communities of high deprivation

y 44% of residents will be of Asian or Pacific Island descent by 2020

y We each create one tonne of landfill rubbish a year

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Hospice Warkworth Wellsford has bought two new 4WD vehicles using grants from the Lion Foundation and Pub Charity.

Warkworth Wellsford Hospice nursing team leader Paula Garner takes possession of two new vehicles from sales consultant Ben White.

Vehicles help Hospice careHospice’s six palliative care nurses will use the new vehicles to visit terminally ill patients from Puhoi to Mangawhai.Nursing team leader Paula Garner says because Warkworth Wellsford Hospice does not have an in-patient unit, the nurses see all their patients at home, wherever they live.“We often have to travel long distances over unsealed roads and negotiate steep gravel driveways,” she says.“The old vehicles we were using weren’t cut out for the really rugged drives. On occasion we have had to call a tow truck to get the car out of a ditch.”

The Lion foundation provided $30,000 towards the cost of one vehicle, and Pub Charity gave $20,000 towards the other.Although the funding did not cover the full cost of the vehicles, Simon Lucas North Shore offered a generous discount to make the purchase more affordable.Having previously worked for a Wellington Hospice as a radiation therapist, Simon says he understands and admires the selfless and compassionate care that the Hospice movement brings to caring for the terminally ill.

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Te Hana


























Johnstone's HillTunnels


Puhoi to Wellsford ProjectSummary of feedback on indicative route – Puhoi to Warkworth

Roads of national significance


THE NEED FOR THE ROADWe found that people:• Supporttheneedforthehighwayandwantit

builtasquicklyaspossible.• WantthehighwaytocontinuetoWellsford.• Areopposedtotheideaofanewhighway

becausethey; - donotbelievethatthecountrycanafford thehighway - donotbelievethatthebenefitsofthe newhighwayoutweighthecosts - believemajortrafficproblemsonlyoccur rarely.• Opposethehighwayoradvocatedifferent

alternativeslike; - doingnothing–keeptheexistingroad - upgradetheexistingroad - upgradetheHillStintersection - bypassWarkworthandWellsfordonly - improvepublictransport - improverailandsealinkswithNorthland.• Supporttheindicativealignmentasitisand


THE LOCAL ISSUESWe found that people:• Haveidentifiedareaswheretheybelieve


• AreconcernedthatabypassofWarkworthwillhaveanegativeimpactonthetown.

• BelievethatabypassofWarkworthwillhaveapositiveimpactonthetown.

• AreconcernedabouttheimpacttheroadwillhaveinthevicinityofPerryRoadandsuggestedthattheroadismovedfurtherwest.

• AreconcernedabouttheimpacttheroadwillhaveontheareaofMoirsHillRoad.

• Areconcernedabouttheeffectstheroadwillhaveontheairandnoisequalityfortheirproperty/lifestyles.

• Areconcernedaboutthevisualimpactthenewroadwillhaveintheirareaorontheirproperty/lifestyles.

• Areconcernedabouthowconstructiontrafficwillaccesstheconstructionarea.


THE FEATURES OF THE ROUTEFeedbackincluded:• Supportforthenorthernaccessat

Warkworth.• DesireforanaccesssouthofWarkworthas

wellasinthenorth.• SupportforanaccesstoWarkworthat

WoodcocksRoad.• OppositiontoanaccesstoWarkworthat

WoodcocksRoad.• PerryRoadbeingproposedasasouthern

accesspointforaWarkworthbypass.• Requestingaccesstothemotorwayat

Puhoi/MahurangiWestbecause; - itisnecessaryforthecommunitiesand localbusinessestosurvive - itisnecessaryfortheaccessof emergencyservicesorthediversionof trafficinanincident - otherwisetheexistingaccesstothe NorthernGatewayTollRoadwillbedenied - noaccesswillreducetollrevenueonthe NorthernGatewayTollRoad.• Notwantingaccesstothemotorwayat

Puhoi/MahurangiWestbecause; - itwouldnegativelyimpactthevillageof Puhoi - itwouldaddalotofcosttotheproject.• Requestingotherimprovementstothelocal


- aMatakanalinkroad - theWesternCollectorroadinWarkworth.• Suggestingprioritisingabypassfor


What’snext?The indicative route is now being reviewed and where changes are made, the team will be in direct contact with the affected property owners to discuss.

The next phase of the project is to prepare reports to support lodging a Notice of Requirement (NOR) and applying for resource consents.

The NOR is the process by which we apply to protect the route for future use as a highway under the planning legislation. Resource consents refer to the consents (or planning approvals) that set out what will be built and how.

The NOR and resource consents need to be approved before the highway can be constructed. It is likely that this process will take 12-18 months. For more detailed information please visit































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A full service salon, specialising in great




Behind Lee & Hart Pharmacy, Warkworth (in the courtyard by Kodak Express)

Phone 425 0441




Nail Technician

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Senior Citizens Day

Tomarata resident Trevor Watkins has had four motorists crash through his property over the last month, with two of the cars being completely written off.

Trevor Watkins is fed-up with having to clean up the mess left from motorists crashing through his fence.

Lack of intersection signage could be deadly

His farm boundary is located opposite the intersection of School Road and Ocean View Road.Trevor says all four motorists were travelling at speeds of around 100kph along School Road and did not realise there was a sudden ‘stop’ ahead.“Locals know but tourists and out of towners, who don’t know the road, are the ones who concern me most,” he says. “The hill gives the elusion that it carries on but in fact, it doesn’t and travelling at 100kph makes it really difficult to stop quickly. Someone will be killed if something isn’t done about the inadequate signage.”Concerned for his own safety, Trevor has resorted to stacking a pile of logs in front of his fence where the motorists are hitting.“If I’m out on the quad bike and someone comes flying through the intersection then it could be me they hit.” There is a small ‘stop’ sign located 50 metres before the intersection but Trevor says it isn’t enough. He’d like to see a ‘reduce speed, intersection ahead’ sign put up so people can see it as they come up the hill.Trevor has lodged a complaint with Auckland Council and has billed them for the damage the motorists have caused to his property. A Council spokesperson said it could take several weeks before a sign is in place.

Two major business support agencies in Rodney are joining forces.From April 1, some services currently offered by Rodney Economic Development Trust will be taken over by Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, an Auckland Council subsidiary.The local office will move to Centreway Road in Orewa with three staff to directly support local businesses. Two of these positions will be filled by existing staff – Leanna Covacich, as rural development specialist, and Nicky Harnett, as business advisor.Rodney Economic Development Trust chief executive Valerie Freeman says more services will be available through the new office in the way of business events, training, and information and access to government funding schemes.“Enterprise North Shore has been incorporated into the new organisation and operates from Albany, so Rodney businesses stand to benefit enormously from the new arrangements.”Trust chair Neil Barr says the trust will continue to exist in some format and will examine how it can further support Rodney’s business communities.“We’re particularly keen to establish a forum of Rodney’s top business brains that can provide an insight into the area and lateral thinking about the local economy,” says Mr Barr.

Economic trust merges with Auckland

A handmade sign has been erected in an effort to stop accidents at the intersection of School Road and Ocean View Road in Tomarata.

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localbusinessWellsford Dental

The new team at Wellsford Dental, from left, Amy Forbes, Susie Richards, Britta Conrad, Dr Karthik Mohan and Helen Young.

Patients will hardly recognise the Wellsford Dental practice since new owner Dr Karthik Mohan moved in.He has refurbished the clinic, giving it a fresh, clean and welcoming feel.Dr Mohan, BDS MDS, is a general dental surgeon and has spent a number of years practicing dentistry in private practices on the North Shore and in Auckland before he moving to Wellsford. He graduated with a Master’s degree in Endodontics bringing with him over 15 years of valuable experience. His dental aptitude at university earned him prizes in restorative dentistry (fillings, restorations and crowns) and endodontics (root canal treatments).In his spare time he enjoys listening to music, watching cricket and likes to travel. He keeps up-to-date with the latest techniques in his field by regularly attending international conferences.“One of the most important things to consider when you choose a dentist is whether or not you feel comfortable with them,” he says. “I am able to help my patients overcome their apprehensions by talking about any issues and answering any questions they have about a procedure.”For very anxious patients, Dr Mohan also offers sedation dentistry. Information on this and other services is available on the practice’s website.

“We’re a happy friendly team and I hope that this is coming across to people in the area who want an excellent range of treatments at very affordable prices. So if you have not been to a dentist in many years and are worried that it might be too late, please know that we are here to help and it is never too late to start caring for your teeth.”

Digger driver scoops national awardHe may not have brought home the title of NZ’s top digger operator, but Te Hana’s Michael Smith didn’t walk away empty-handed from the National Excavator Operator Competition, held last month. Michael won the Humes Award for the most helpful and considerate contestant. The competition, organised by the NZ Contractors’ Federation, presented a range of challenges, from planning and completing a construction job to carrying out many other tasks using 12-tonne Hitachi machines, provided by major sponsor Cable Price. The overall winner was Matthew Hareb, of New Plymouth. Runner-up was Andrew Hollands, of Hollands Excavation of Mosgiel, Otago, and third place went to 2008 national champion Brian Hoffman, of Auckland, owner of Oratia-based earthmoving company Brian Hoffmann Ltd.

Michael Smith

Kaiwaka wearable lights showLast year a record 270 people participated in the Wearable Lights Moonlight Walk in Kaiwaka, and organisers are hoping even more people will join the event in this year. Space travel is the theme and participants are being encouraged to be as creative as possible. The walk will be held at the Kaiwaka Sports Complex on Saturday, April 9, starting at 7pm. Entry is free and there are some great prizes on offer. Info:

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Puncturesafe uses cutting edge technology and propriety processes to create the worlds’ most advanced puncture prevention system. Puncturesafe saves lives, reduces fuel consumption and is environmentally friendly. The market covers push bikes to heavy industrial vehicles and everything in between. International success means that Puncturesafe is available in NZ for the first time. We are seeking people in Rodney, North Shore and Northland that have the capability to develop a Puncturesafe Installation Centre, as a stand alone

Business Opportunity

• Punctures are dangerous, costly and unnecessary. • Blowouts can be deadly. Extend the life of your tyres. • Save up to 8% on your fuel bill. • 80% of tyres are under-inflated, increasing the likelihood of a serious accident occurring.• Protect yourself and your loved ones today.

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business or addition to an existing business.

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The world’s most advanced puncture prevention system is now available in NZ

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Vehicle Owners

local businessn INTRODUCING

A new Warkworth-based business is offering locals an opportunity to improve fuel efficiency and decrease downtime and inconvenience due to punctures and leaks with a new product imported from the United Kingdom.Uninterrupted motoring is important to Puncturesafe North owner and Warkworth resident Alan Campbell, a motorbike buff who likes to keep his BMW R1200GS moving and also enjoys off-road riding with his son Jack.A qualified project manager, working in business process re-engineering for large corporates, Alan was looking for a new direction and was impressed by the Puncturesafe and its extensive research and development backing. “It’s an environmentally-friendly product that’s water soluble and doesn’t have any nasty chemicals in it, so it’s nice and safe to handle,” says Alan.The puncture preventative is simply pumped into the tyres, coating the inside and bonding with the rubber as the tyre is rotated and lasting for the life of the tyre. A small amount of residue remains to seal up any leaks or punctures (up to 6mm diameter) as they occur preventing blowouts and maintaining tyre pressure, saving money in running costs and repairs while improving driver safety.“At worst, blowouts and punctures can

Puncturesafe North

cause accidents and fatalities, but even a slow leak can be costing you money. Running a tyre just 8psi below the recommended pressure can increase fuel consumption by three per cent. That’s 3c a litre that you don’t need to pay.”Alan says lubrication from the product often helps to expel embedded objects, but otherwise these can be removed and Puncturesafe completes the seal. The product is suited for all pneumatic tyres including everything from ride-on mowers and motorbikes, to cars, trucks and earthmoving equipment.He has the rights for the product in NZ from North Shore north and hopes to attract other businesses and individuals to get involved as installers, either as an add-on to existing businesses, or as a stand alone income.

Alan Campbell

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Once known as “taximan” Warkworth’s Noel Beale is now morphing into “scooterman” as he and wife Lyn launch a new service through their company Mobility Scooters Rodney and North Shore.Fifteen years of experience in Auckland mobility taxi services highlighted to Noel the need for support of the mobility-impaired locally and both now look forward to transforming lives by helping to maximise people’s independence.“When someone loses their license or physical mobility it’s a real boost to both their physical and emotional well-being to be able to get out and about and socialise with friends,” Noel says.Scooters aren’t just for old people and a hire service recognises those that may require them on a temporary basis while visiting from another area, or recovering from illness or injury. Other services include sales, repair, maintenance, advice and safety training, in-home demonstrations and scooter swaps or loans. Lyn will handle administration and help with demonstrations, while Noel will draw on his experience as a former electrician, and a refrigeration and plastics engineer, to tackle the more technical aspects of the business.

Noel and Lyn Beale

Mobility Scooters Rodney and North Shore Ltd

Webfeet Design

With a range of 12 models - from a small three-wheel option that can be broken down to fit into a boot, to a luxury, high-powered variety, with a top speed of 17km/h and a carrying capacity of 205kg - it’s vital to accurately match the person with the scooter. Important factors include rider ability, location, terrain and expected use. For example, a three-wheel scooter is more manoeuvrable, but a four-wheel scooter is more stable, or someone operating on hilly or rough terrain may require a bigger motor or larger wheels to safely navigate the conditions, says Lyn. Standard features include lights, adjustable swivel seats, long lasting rechargeable batteries, storage and automatic braking and safety cutout switches, while modifications can be made to suit specific impairments, with all controls to the left or right, or speed limiters. Accessories include everything from safety flags and sun or rain hoods, to holders for canes, walking frames, oxygen bottles and more. Well-built scooters can be expected to last from 5-10 years and if kept in the home are automatically covered by household insurance. Legally classified as pedestrians, scooter drivers share all pedestrian rights.

The internet has consigned the traditional view of business – an office or shop front that opens five days a week – to the pages of history, according to website designer John Crisford.“The commercial reality is that people are now doing business at times that suit themselves because websites offer trading 24/7,” he says.“A business that doesn’t have a web presence is not really serious about being in business.”John, who is based on Kawau Island, says it also means that location is no longer an issue either.“The one thing that makes our business very different from almost any other business is that it is both geographically-isolated and at the same time globally-connected. By using a satellite internet connection we are able to upload content to our hosting servers, which are based in Auckland.”John has spent most of his working life in the IT industry, working first as a hardware importer and then as a software developer.He says the development of Content Management Systems (CMS), which allow developers to create and deliver web content that is both highly

John Crisford

functional and looks great, has been a major step forward.“Although the set-up still requires the same care and attention to issues such as security, a huge advantage is that, with training, they can also be managed by clients.”John says a good website functions well, looks good and is competitive.“If it’s not search engine friendly, then you are just wasting your time.”

Bumpy rideKaipara District Council maintains about 1554 kilometres of road across the District – 430 kms sealed and 1124 kms unsealed. About 75 percent of the district has unsealed roads. Source, Kaipara annual plan 2011/12.

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Consultation and design to meet your

space and style

Contact Angela at AJM Interior Design p. 027 561 5903e. [email protected]

or Brett at Timberworld Phone 09 425 1021 for all your kitchen needs

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local businessn INTRODUCING

AJM Interior Design offers Rodney residents access to an internationally experienced designer with a down to earth approach.Owner Angela McCool has been designing in Auckland for the past eight years but recently came to Warkworth with her husband and 20-month-old son to make a welcome return to their country roots, building a new home on a bare five acre block.After gaining a Bachelor of Interior Design from Wellington Central Institute of Technology more than 15 years ago, she worked internationally, including jobs for a London-based fabric house and residential interior design consultancy in England and Ireland, before trying commercial design in Sydney.In her Rodney business she plans to focus on residential design, including both soft furnishing (including furniture, window treatment and accessory selection) and hard fitout (including designing kitchens, bathrooms and selecting fittings and finishes). The designer behind all kitchens provided through Warkworth’s Timber World, Angela says that while people expect kitchen design services, bathrooms are sometimes overlooked.“Bathrooms are another big investment, but can be quite difficult to lay out and visualise, making a designer’s input a worthwhile investment.”No job is too big or too small and Angela is happy to work on both refurbishments and new builds, including advice on external colours, fittings and finishes. In all cases, she recognises that budget is a key

Angela McCool

AJM Interior Design

consideration and tailors designs accordingly. An initial consultation is normally free, before a quote is prepared for the work required, which can be simply providing a design template or recommendations, or can include shopping for and supplying the required components.While she describes her own style as “classic contemporary”, Angela is keen to reflect the personal preferences of her clients and their environment and says her “down to earth” approach isn’t about leaving her stamp on a place.“I find people often say they don’t know what they want through a lack of confidence and once we have considered the options and identified their preferences I’m able to pull it all together to reflect their individual style.”

Local ultra-fast broadband provider Uber Group has secured a position alongside major players in the rollout of broadband services to Northland.

Delivering high speed locally

Group director Hayden Simon says the existing client base is primarily in the health and rural sectors. “Being named as a preferred regional retailer of broadband services allows us to extend the wireless network to new subscribers, particularly to those in high-demand urban areas,” he says. Crown Fibre Holdings, the government agency responsible for managing the Crown’s investment in ultra-fast broadband infrastructure, says that successful broadband retailers are expected to offer superior internet and voice services at competitive prices.

Coast to Coast Rodney District and North

to Mangawhai Heads





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52 Queen Street, Warkworth | Phone 09 422 3336 | Fax 09 422 3337 | Email: [email protected]

local business

Warkworth is where it’s happening‘Poor old Warkworth’ – how many times do you hear that in general conversation. ‘Matakana has stolen our thunder!’ ‘We’re not trendy like Matakana or Omaha.’ ‘We have the Hill Street intersection.’ ‘It‘s hard to sell our property.’ ‘Our commercial rent is expensive and our business is struggling.’Take Hill Street and Matakana out of the equation, and our problems are similar to any other small town in New Zealand. Come to think of it, I think we might be a lot better off. The opening of Stockyard Falls in conjunction with the Mitre 10 Mega Store and the expected opening of Ceratelle Marketing, Siteworks Lighting and KinderCare within the next 12 months will provide impetus and a shot in the arm for our local economy. Stage 2 of the development will include nine other retailers and Neil Barr the founder and developer of Stockyard Falls believes that up to 500 new employment opportunities could be created when both stages are open. We can add the new supermarket to this development and note rapid progress is currently being made on the site.Imagine 500 new jobs being created. It is not hard to visualise that the 200 surplus residential sections will have been sold in the next three years with the housing market subject to increasing demand. In fact, it could provide a catalyst for further expansion and development opportunities in our small town.Not withstanding the dreadful Canterbury Earthquakes; the Puhoi to Wellsford motorway or ‘the Holiday Highway’ is a priority for the Government. The completion of this and the increased accessibility to Auckland for job opportunities will provide significant growth for Warkworth and Rodney. It’s not going to take much for the conversation to change to ‘Wow, do you live in Warkworth’ or ‘Warkworth – what a cool place’.We have a picturesque little town that has suffered in recent years from growing pains. However the signs are looking good that it will soon become a thriving town on the banks of the Mahurangi River providing a gateway to the east and west coasts, and the fantastic natural recreational amenities that are all available within 45 minutes of Auckland. Warkworth already is (or soon will be) a great little town to call home.

Propertywith Matthew Buchanan, Registered Valuer

A senior Warkworth planning consultant is urging locals to get involved in development of Auckland’s spatial plan – the Auckland Plan, which will set the direction for Auckland’s growth and development for decades to come.

O’Connor Planning Consultants Ltd director Burnette O’Connor

Opportunity for input on high level Auckland spatial plan

O’Connor Planning Consultants director Burnette O’Connor says that although the spatial plan is a broad-based, high level document and there will be opportunity for input into more detailed local area planning documents that will be developed later, it may be hard to get traction on issues that have been left out of it.“If things aren’t in the spatial plan it’s harder to get them in later; there won’t be any guarantees.”Public comment is now being sought on an initial spatial plan discussion document released by Auckland Council on March 23, before a first draft is completed in June. Feedback on this will be followed by a second draft in August and formal public consultation before the final plan is adopted in December.“Given the very short time frame to produce such an extensive document it is likely that there will be little detail in it. However, it will be important that key features or issues are identified so that the detail may be fleshed out in local planning documents that will follow.”To be effective, written submissions on the plan should be backed up

with sufficient detailed information and evidence to explain the proposed position, she says.The vision for the Auckland Plan as defined by the Mayor is for Auckland to be the ‘most liveable city in the world’ while the Auckland Future Vision Committee resolved that it should aim to achieve balanced socio-economic development, improve the quality of life of residents, responsibly manage the natural and physical environment (including heritage) and provide a land use plan that identifies where growth will go.

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Mahurangimatters 1 April 2011 | 19

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The vulnerability of coastal areas in earthquake and tsunami was underlined by recent disasters in Christchurch and Japan.

Spotlight turns on Rodney’s emergency preparedness

In both cases, seaside areas were devastated; the tsunami threat was experienced in larger than normal swells and fast-running currents throughout the Auckland region. While Civil Defence stress that the risk is low in our region, the damage in an event such as a tsunami caused by an earthquake offshore could be immense.Modelling commissioned by the former Auckland Regional Council last October resulted in a report prepared by the Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences and the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research that assessed the tsunami risk in the region. The report demonstrated that Omaha, Orewa and surrounding areas have one of the highest risks of inundation of all the east coast areas covered by the former ARC. Further into the Hauraki Gulf, the risk lessens, as the areas are sheltered by outlying islands.With last year’s change in Auckland governance came a merger of the civil defence units of the seven previous councils into a central Emergency Coordination Centre (ECC) in Pitt Street, Auckland, with backup centres in Mairangi Bay and Henderson. Part of this process was de-activating the Emergency Centre that used to operate from Hilltop, and was moved to Orewa Service Centre last year. Auckland Civil Defence manager Clive Manley says that the fact that the Orewa Service Centre in Centreway Rd is vulnerable to tsunami and sitting on a flood plain was not behind the decision and that local preparedness for an emergency is unaffected.“Previously the centre in Orewa would have had local people coming to it for advice,” Mr Manley says. “The officers would have contacted Auckland, who in turn contact Wellington in order to get the expert opinion required. Under the new structure, we have experts employed by Council so the response would be more immediate. Most of the queries come in by phone or email anyway, so it’s not important where the centre is based.”Mr Manley says that the three Civil Defence and Emergency Management staff based in Orewa (the same number employed by the former Council) would be tasked by the ECC to work with emergency services and residents on a house-by-house level.“Those staff are invaluable, as they know the local issues.”

Police also have a vital role to play in any Civil Defence emergency. Orewa Police discovered during a ‘table top’ tsunami operation last year that their station would be swamped if a 3m wave hit Orewa. As a result, the station was looking for an emergency operations base on higher ground. Hibiscus Coast Sub Area Manager Niki Seager says Police have recently organised an alternative emergency base at Orewa Community Church to evacuate to should a tsunami be imminent and are currently in the middle of an emergency relocation project, ensuring everything officers need will be available there.Mr Manley says that local preparedness is in the hands of individual citizens, which is why Mayor Len Brown instigated Neighbourhood Response Plans. These work in a similar way to Neighbourhood Watch, with communities using Council resources to prepare plans that provide assistance in various scenarios. Eight are currently underway in the region.“We can never look after every single person in a disaster,” Mr Manley says. “People must be able to take the initiative themselves by being self-sufficient as individuals or families for a few days. Communities and businesses should look at what could impact their area and prepare with a Neighbourhood Response Plan.”

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 201120

Gifts Matai Furniture Homeware & Kitchenware Crystals, Gems and Candles Tiffany Leadlight Lamps Custom Built Kitchens Gardenware


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There’s a little touch of magic at Frog Pool Farm

We look forward to seeing you

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Rob & Karen LennonRob & Karen Lennon

That’s Country

The Warkworth Brass Band has played the National Anthem through the reign of five monarchs and a display of band memorabilia can be viewed at the Warkworth and Districts Museum. The following tells the story of the early days of the band in a letter written in the 1950’s by William McElroy (1877-1969) to Mrs Rose Carroll.“I joined the band after it had been in existence some six weeks and was introduced to the baritone. Thomas Bear was living in a bushman’s camp with his brother and it was to there I repaired to receive my first lesson. I recall the night vividly and with much delight, rejoicing that I could play Nellie Bly (sic) although none of my family were musical.“The members of the band in the days of long ago were Cornets John Taylor, Alf & Will Clements, Geoff Trevicich, Robert Morrison, Peter Thomson, myself baritone, George Snook bass drum, Malcolm Morrison euphonium, Hughie Thomson and H Grice trombone, Willie Warin and Trant Bradnam tenor horn, Alf Rayner B flat bass, Edmund Blucher bass and Connely the kettle drum.“We met for practice in the old Town Hall and from that position made ourselves heard far and wide. As loyal citizens we played God Save

History with Judy Waters, Warkworth & District Museum the band played on

The boys in the band.

The Queen (Victoria) and for Dr. Shoesmith’s benefit his favourite After the Ball. Once a month Bandmaster Hunter from Auckland Garrison came by steamer to the Warkworth Hotel to give us two days’ tuition. The hotel charged one shilling for each service. One could enjoy two meals, a bed, your boots cleaned and two horse feeds for five shillings.“When those sweet old music hall songs came into being Tom Bear transposed them to band parts and we played Daisy Bell, Sweet Marie and Maggie Murphy doing them full justice. Those were the days when, in winter, it would take an hour to travel

five miles. We were just boys, so on the way home we would give our senorita a few bars of Bay of Biscay or disturb some farmer from his well earned rest.“Tom and Charlie Bear went to the Calgoolie gold fields from which they escaped with their lives but no gold and they didn’t come back to Warkworth. Geoff Trevicich left to train as an engineer. Members were drifting away and I myself moved too far away to attend practice. “It seems strange to be relating these happenings of 60-70 years ago. I am the only one left, an old stump on the hillside. I wonder if my old baritone is still usable.”

Warkworth’s Tracey Martin has been confirmed at electorate level as New Zealand First’s Rodney candidate in this year’s general election, a decision expected to be ratified by the party’s national board of directors within the next four to six weeks. Tracey has been involved with the party since its inception in 1993, has been a member of its Board of Directors since 2008 and is currently membership secretary, responsible for party membership nationally. The daughter of current party secretary, Ann Martin, she also stood as the party’s Rodney candidate in the 2008 election.A mother of three school-aged children, Tracey’s current community roles include being an elected member of the Rodney Local Board, chairman of Mahurangi College Board of Trustees, a member of Maori support group Te Whanau O Mahurangi, treasurer of the Hibiscus Coast branch National Council of Women, and member of the Warkworth Primary School Board of Trustees.Tracey says that as one of the coordinators of the community consultation process her current major focus is on local board consultation on the Auckland Plan.

Tracey Martin

Martin contests general election

Anzac participationRodney Local Board members will support Anzac services throughout the district. Cr Penny Webster will attend Leigh’s 11am service, Steve Garner will be at the Warkworth dawn service at 6am, June Turner will attend the 10.30am service at Warkworth, Tracey Martin is pencilled in to be at the Upper Waiwera Cenotaph at 2.30pm and James Rolfe will attend the Wellsford service at 5.45am.

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Mahurangimatters 1 April 2011 | 21

Matakana Re-vegetation & Landscape Services

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Matakana Community Group is reassured that Auckland Council is continuing consultation on the draft Plan Change 64 after a recent meeting with council planners.

Talks continue on planning rules for Matakana Village

Community group chairman Richard Wintle says members of the group met informally with two planners from Council to talk through various aspects of the amendment to the Rodney District Plan, which was initially notified by Rodney District Council last October.“Plenty of small areas are becoming swamped in a sea of brick and tile group housing,” he says. “We’re trying to make Matakana a bit special in character, without making building much more onerous or costly than it is elsewhere.”Auckland Council’s manager, operative plans, Warren Maclennan says the intention of the proposed Special 23 (Matakana Village) Zone is to give effect to the adopted Matakana Village Sustainable Development Plan which seeks to protect and enhance the unique character of the village.

As the document is only in draft form, Council has been seeking informal feedback to get a feel for the community’s response. “We want to produce a document that best reflects community needs and aspirations for the village,” he says. Dates and timelines have still to be set for presenting an item to Council’s Planning and Urban Design  Forum, where the draft plan, feedback, issues and options will be considered. The forum will determine the next steps, but does not have the delegation to initiate or approve a plan change, which would have to be initiated by the Regional Development and Operations Committee.“If Council resolves to initiate a plan change, the document will be formally notified, submissions and further submissions will be received, followed by a hearing,” Mr McLennan says.

The extent to which urban design rules should be used to dictate the character and form of Matakana is discussed in the draft Plan Change 64 document.

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Congratulations to Cathy on your Special Day from Shadze of Lace

Five generations of the McRae family gathered at the Hoteo North Hall last month to celebrate 100 years of settlement of their family farm.

Members of the McRae family assemble for a family portrait.

Farming family celebrates century of settlement

Around 100 family members attended – the oldest was Graham McRae, aged 73 years, while the youngest was his granddaughter, Hannah McRae, aged 13 years.

The McRaes have always been a farming family. They migrated from Scotland to the Marlborough region in the 1840s, then moved to Tokomaru. However, they became fed up with the rabbit infestations on their dairy and sheep farm, and made a move to Hoteo North. Graham McRae took over the family farm from his father Douglas, who

was preceded by his father George Richard McRae.Graham’s brother Felton died during WWI whilst his other brother Ian was the harbourmaster in Gisborne for many years. Members of the McRae family stretch from Nelson to Kerikeri. Graham says it was nice to see all the family and he looks forward to the next reunion.

A new president and vice-president were elected at the Warkworth and Districts RSA Women’s Section annual general meeting last month.Lorraine Lowden and Kath Wright were respectively invited into their new positions at the meeting. Lorraine was previously the vice-president for the past four years. Secretary Marion Ross is serving her sixth term, along with Jean Knight who is in her

fifth year as treasurer.The Warkworth and Districts RSA Women’s Section has around 100 members, who meet on the first Tuesday of every month at the RSA and usually have a guest speaker. The next meeting will be held on April 5, starting at 1.30pm. The guest speaker will be Steve McClean, owner of Chocolate Brown, who will talk about all things chocolate.

RSA Women welcome new president

Anzac messagesThe New Zealand Defence Force is encouraging the public to send a message to Kiwi defence personnel who will be overseas on Anzac Day (25 April). An online form on the Defence Force’s website allows people to post either a general or individual message to military personnel deployed overseas. The messages will be sent to personnel on 22 April, so that they will be received before Anzac Day. To post a message visit

Page 23: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

Mahurangimatters 1 April 2011 | 23Your handy pull-out guide Mahurangimatters - 1 April 2011

Glaziers & Joiners ......................................1Automotive .................................................1Builders, Roofers & Suppliers...........1-2Brick & Block Layers .................................2Concrete Specialists ................................2Construction & Earthworks ..............2-3Engineering ................................................3Flooring ........................................................3Electrical ......................................................3Design, Survey & Property Valuers .....3Lawn mowing ............................................3Landscaping ...............................................3

Property Maintenance .......................3-4Tree Services...............................................4Mobility Scooters ......................................4Retail .............................................................4Health & Beauty ........................................4Furniture ......................................................4Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners ..............4Laundry & Dry Cleaning .........................4Interior Design ...........................................4Painters/Decorators & Plasterers ........4Heat Pump Specialists ................................4Swimming/Spa Pool Specialists ..............5Water Pump Specialists ..............................5

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Mahurangimatters 1 April 2011 | 25

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Your handy pull-out guide Mahurangimatters - 1 April 2011 3

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Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20114

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• Duvets (including inners)

• Sheets • Towels • Linen (pressed)Dry Cleaning Agents

13 Neville Street, WarkworthPhone 09 425 9775

Interior/Exterior n Waterblasting n Roof Painting Airless Spraying n Plastering n Wallpapering

Colour Consulting n Decorative EffectsQualified Tradesmen - Honest/Reliable

Ph Mandy 09 425 9007 or 021 507 463


Leigh Decorators

Your Painter/Decoratorwith over 25 years experienceserving all surrounding areas

Painting • Paperhanging • Roofs • Airless Spraying• Stopping (small jobs) • Repaints • New Homes

For your Free Quote and/or Consultation phone GaryHOME: 09-422-6695 • MOBILE: 021-024-44941

EMAIL: [email protected]




PH 09 4315565 • MOB 021 1690 790Email: [email protected]




Ph 425 9030 • Dome Valley 5 minutes past Warkworth

Custom Built Kitchens

NZ Made Solid Wood

Recycled Matai


Grant & Jeanette StewartOwner/Operators

100% MANGAWHAI ELECTRICAL12b Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads

T +64 (0)9 431 4651F +64 (0)9 431 4290 E [email protected]

12B Wood Street, Mangawhai HeadsM 021 280 4008 P 09 431 4651

E [email protected]

Riverside Arcade, Queen St, WarkworthPhone 4259623 • Email: [email protected]

• Wide range of supplements • Organic hair, skincare & makeup• Homeopathy and Aromatherapy • Herbal Dispensary

• Naturopathic & herbal consultations with Jasmin Sturm DipNat DipHerbMed BHSc(CompMed)

We can also post to you!

WarkworthNatural Health


Best furniture deals with Dave


149 Rodney Street, WellsfordPhone 09 423 7302

Furniture Wellsford



09 422 2615 Warkworth0800 002 884

INNERSPACE• interior design• home staging• colour and lighting

09-4257474 [email protected] 021-794394

Judy Tindill pdinz

Page 27: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

Mahurangimatters 1 April 2011 | 27


itchen Coloursand Wood Finishes

Spraypainters of quality kitchensLacquers, enamels, 2 pacs, clearcoats

Resprays and RecoloursPhone / Fax Gary 425 7669

Unit 21/30 Hudson Road, Warkworth


Arcadia Tree Care

Specialising in;• Fine pruning • Tree removal • Stump grinding • Hedge trimming

Ph Kevin on 021 725 757


HEAT PUMPSSupplied • Installed • Serviced

h: 09 425 6776 m: 021 148 3845 e: [email protected]

Tree Services | Mobility Scooters | Retail | Health & Beauty | Carpet & Upholstery | Furniture | Laundry & Dry Cleaning | Interior Design | Painters & Decorators | Heat Pumps

Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20114

for head to toe pampering

Beauty Therapy &

Nail Creations

• Facials• Waxing• Tinting• GelNails• AcrylicNails• Manicures• Pedicures• Electrolysis• Make-up• BodyWraps• Massage• SprayTans

Alison WechC.I.D.E.S.C.O, C.I.B.T.A.C, dip Beauty Therapy,

dip Electrolysis, dip Body Therapy, dip Nail Technician

46 McKinney Road, Warkworth Mob 021 051 3661 • Ph 09 425 7776 [email protected]


Paddy & Gaye WebbEmail: [email protected]

Carpet & Upholstery CleanersGeneral Commercial Cleaners

Ph/Fax 09 425 6844 Mobile 021 079 8578 or 021 886 475

Call FREE 0800 022 101Mobile 021 456 429Email: [email protected]



Emergency Flood ServiceTechnical Experience 12 years

Fully qualified and certified

Certi�ed Member of theCarpet Cleaning

Association of NZ


• Duvets (including inners)

• Sheets • Towels • Linen (pressed)Dry Cleaning Agents

13 Neville Street, WarkworthPhone 09 425 9775

Interior/Exterior n Waterblasting n Roof Painting Airless Spraying n Plastering n Wallpapering

Colour Consulting n Decorative EffectsQualified Tradesmen - Honest/Reliable

Ph Mandy 09 425 9007 or 021 507 463


Leigh Decorators

Your Painter/Decoratorwith over 25 years experienceserving all surrounding areas

Painting • Paperhanging • Roofs • Airless Spraying• Stopping (small jobs) • Repaints • New Homes

For your Free Quote and/or Consultation phone GaryHOME: 09-422-6695 • MOBILE: 021-024-44941

EMAIL: [email protected]




PH 09 4315565 • MOB 021 1690 790Email: [email protected]




Ph 425 9030 • Dome Valley 5 minutes past Warkworth

Custom Built Kitchens

NZ Made Solid Wood

Recycled Matai


Grant & Jeanette StewartOwner/Operators

100% MANGAWHAI ELECTRICAL12b Wood Street, Mangawhai Heads

T +64 (0)9 431 4651F +64 (0)9 431 4290 E [email protected]

12B Wood Street, Mangawhai HeadsM 021 280 4008 P 09 431 4651

E [email protected]

Riverside Arcade, Queen St, WarkworthPhone 4259623 • Email: [email protected]

• Wide range of supplements • Organic hair, skincare & makeup• Homeopathy and Aromatherapy • Herbal Dispensary

• Naturopathic & herbal consultations with Jasmin Sturm DipNat DipHerbMed BHSc(CompMed)

We can also post to you!

WarkworthNatural Health


Best furniture deals with Dave


149 Rodney Street, WellsfordPhone 09 423 7302

Furniture Wellsford



09 422 2615 Warkworth0800 002 884

INNERSPACE• interior design• home staging• colour and lighting

09-4257474 [email protected] 021-794394

Judy Tindill pdinz

Phone/Fax 425-5619Mobile 0800 733 765

New Pump Sales Serv ice In stal la tion



‘ T H E D . I . Y. W E B S I T E ’

ezSiteWe’re Local.0508 WEBDESIGN

Water Pump Services | Pool Specialists | Marine & Small Engines | Plumbing | Printers & Website Design | Computer & TV Services | Septic Tank Cleaning

Your handy pull-out guide Mahurangimatters - 1 April 2011 5

Pumps / Water Tanks / Filtration / TreatmentSpa & Pool Shop / Pool Valet Service

Water Blasters / SprayersHose & Fittings / Mobile & Workshop Service31 WOODCOCKS RD - WARKWORTH - PH 425 9100


• Filtration• UV Sterilizers• Softeners and Neutralizers• Iron Removal• Agent for Stallion Pumps

Phone 021 771 878 • 24hrs 09 425 6002 Email: [email protected]


Owen Ward

H2O PUMPSWater Treatment Pumping Systems

Pump & Filtration Services(2007) Ltd

• Water treatment & Filtration• Pumps • Pool & Spas• Waterblasters

7days / 24hours Paul Harris

M: 021 425 887 T: 09 425 0075E: [email protected]

Water lters - Underbench - UV - Whole House• Water Coolers • Water Pumps • Sales & Service

[email protected]

0800 PURE WATER“If you don’t have a lter you are the lter”


Available from:

MAHURANGI MARINE LTD330 Mahurangi East Rd, Snells Beach

Phone 425-5806


P LU M B I N G L T DSTEPHEN JONES09 422 7618027 494 5499

Maintenance New Homes Craftsman Plumber Free Quotes

After Hours Callout 30 years experience Phone 425 7257

or email: [email protected]

• Plan Printing, Colour & B/W Photocopying• Laminating, Binding, Fax and Scanning Service

• Internet and Email Service

58-60 Queen StreetWarkworthArgyll Angle

Rodney Septic Tank Cleaning

Peter Cairns

Mob 027 494 6370 • Phone 422 7166


Freeview Sales & InstallationTV & FM Aerials

GAVIN BROUGHPh 09 425 5495

Mob 0274 766 115


027 239 216709 426 9015 • 09 412 7644153M

Pool / Spa ValetsCrystal Water Chemicals

Pool Equipment ReplacementRepairs & Maintenance

Pool RefurbishmentWaterblasting

Warkworth to Mangawhai

(09) 422 9524 • 021 952 338Michelle Woolley





utilising A.E.S. Hydrojet Cleaning MachineDrain location / camera inspection

Phone Ian on 027 495 8566 Workshop: (09) 423 8576 | [email protected]


09 431 4814

keep your car and boatserviced with us to ensure reliability & safety

service & repair specialists

194 Molesworth Drive Mangawhai Industrial Estate

5 Hexham Street, Warkworth • Ph 09 425 7048 Email: [email protected] Mon-Fri 9am-12midday, but leave a message anytime


We provide the folloWing free services:•FamilySupportincludingrelationships&parenting;youthcounsellingandworkwithchildrenexperiencingdifficulties.




Page 28: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

| Mahurangimatters 1 April 201128

• Airport Shuttle • Local and national trips and tours • 10-seater Minibus for club/group functions

Phone Linda 425-0000


Phone 0274 889 216 • Ah 09 422 7495

• Specialist Furniture Truck

• Packing & Storage• Caring Owner/ Operator

• Carriers Liability Insurance







CONGRATULATIONS Mary & Fraser Perkins

on your Golden Wedding Anniversary. Love from your family


HALLS FOR HIRE. The Warkworth Town Hall (limit 99 people) and the old Masonic Hall are available for hire at reasonable rates. Contact the Warkworth Service Centre of the Auckland Council on toll-free (09) 301 0101.

PUHOI CENTENNIAL HALL Capacity 200, reasonable rates. Contact Kathy 09 422 0891 or [email protected]

SAND ARENA 60x40 jumps and poles available. Point Wells Road. Individual or group concessions. For bookings phone Liz 021 300 450 or 422 9705.

FOR HIRETHE SETTLERS ROOM at rear of The Stables Restaurant Matakana is available for hire for group bookings; anniversaries, birthday parties, etc. fully catered. Ph Daniel O’Donnell 422 7360.

FOR SALEKITTENS BIRMAN rego vacc house reared, 10 weeks plus, chocolate, lilac, blue tabby, seal, & blue. Ready now $450 each. Ph 09 426 9118 or 021 063 6268.KUMARA SPRAy-FREE $3 PER KG. Open Days Extended - More time to pick your own. April 2nd, 3rd, 9th & 10th from 8am-5pm. 873 Whangaripo Valley Road, Wellsford. Phone 09 423 7079.

FOR SALEWarkworth - Commercial

4 x Retail units plus 1 o�ce unit. Central Warkworth, currently returning $136,297 + GST p.a. For information pack phone Gary Seekup 027 226 9880

DDI 09 359 7880 Email: [email protected]


Licensed under the REAA 2008

Water Tank Cleaning & Testing | Water Supplies | Transport | Storage | Furniture Removals | Marriage Celebrants

Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20116

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGAdvertise your classifieds and church notices here for only 30c+GST per word for run-ons or $6.70 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts.


RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS available. Phone Patrick 425 0448.

LOCAL NUTS Macadamia Nuts Fresh & locally grown.

Three choices - plain, honeyed and chocolate coated. Yum Yum!

$5.50 a packet; larger quantities available on order. Available from the Mahurangi Matters office, 17 Neville

Street, Warkworth and Kakariki Health Store, The Hub, Mangawhai.



TABLE TENNIS Tuesdays 7.30pm, Matakana Hall. All welcome, Phone 425 8146.



MUSEUM SUMMER MARKET, 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Steet, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8482.

0800 GET H204 3 8 4 2 6



Household Drinking


0800 638 254 09 422 3700OR


HouseholdWater Deliveries

0800 747 928mobile: 027 556 6111

Dave Parker QSM, JP

P: 09 425 5006 M: 0274 849 935E: [email protected]

Marriage Celebrant - Available for Weddings on the Jane GiffordCommunity Relations ~ Events Warkworth ~ Funeral Celebrant

Master of Ceremonies ~ Justice of the Peace

PO Box 581Warkworth 0941

New Zealand


Phone Simon Breeze (09) 422 9345 [email protected] |

We collect samples of your tank or bore water, have them analysed for microbes at an IANZ reg. laboratory.Our written report explains the results and makes recommendations.

clean. care. repair.WATER TANK & WATER APPLICATION

CLEANING AGENCYPhone John or Annette Carr

p: 09 425 7477 | m: 027 240 7791 | f: 09 425 7483

Mangawhai: Phil Lathrote 431 4608 | 027 493 8961email: [email protected]

SHOTOKAN KARATE (SKIF)3rd Dan Instructor Supervised by 7th Dan. Suitable for high school to retirement. Affiliated directly

to Japan (Kanazawa Sensei)• Ajapaneseartandcultural experience • Aninterestingwaytokeepfit • Goodforstaminaandflexibility • Improvesbalanceand co-ordination • Achieveacalmalertfocus

Training: Wed & Fri 6pm, Warkworth Town Hall

(Mon training available). Ring Bob 422 5229 for a free trial

SCENIC FLIGHTS $39, 20 mins; $49, 30 mins. Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $75. Gift vouchers available. GREAT BARRIER FLIGHTS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $99. Min. 3 passengers. NORTH CAPE FLIGHTS $375 each. Min 3 passengers.

Rodney Aero Club Ph 425 8735 or Rod Miller Phone 425 5612



Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses and poniesBirthday rides • Lessons

Suit beginners & experienced riders and people with Disabilities

Social, Language & School Groups

Please book NoW1hour $40 • 2hours $70

Phone 425 851742 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth


PRESERVE yOUR MEMORIESVideos, slides & old 8mm films

all onto DVD. Ph TeTotara Video (09) 422 5710.


BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of the month, Upstairs New Masonic Lodge, Baxter Street, Warkworth. 7.15pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.

You are invited to attend: "THE BIG ASK"

A series of DVD’s entitled: Confronting Life’s Tough Questions

with Rob Harley, a multi award winning investigative journalist.At 11am Sunday 3rd, 10th & 17th April

in Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth – duration 15 mins plus conversationQueries: Phone 425 8054 or

GAMBLING HELPLINE Professional counsellors available 24

hours to help those suffering from gambling problems or affected by

another’s gambling. Immediate, free, confidential support. Phone 0800 654 655.

Sponsored by Mahurangi Matters


Providing programmes for men who need assistance to change abusive behaviours and attitudes and work

on equality and respect. Held in Orewa and Warkworth.

For enquiries phone 09 425 8130. We also provide programmes for women that are or have been in

abusive relationships. Held in Orewa & Warkworth.

Phone 09 422 2102 or 021 023 20297Sponsored by Mahurangi Matters

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGAdvertise your classifieds and church notices here for only 30c+GST per word for run-ons or $6.70 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts.

Your handy pull-out guide Mahurangimatters - 1 April 2011 7



9th May, 2011 at 7.30pm at the Mahurangi Community

Centre, Snells Beach Snells Beach Ratepayers & Residents

Association Inc, AGM

GRACEFARM SPECIAL COUNTRy LIVING You are invited to an open weekend, Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd April, 10am-4pm, 20 Mangawhai Road, Wellsford. Farm. Farm walks, bring a picnic, quad bike rides, activities for children. Phone Ray or Pam 09 423 8707 or 027 493 9703 or visit

WARKWORTH LIMOUSINE White Ford LTD (Not a ‘stretch’) available for private hire. Airport, weddings, tours,executive transport. Phone 425


Clairvoyant/ MediuMBeryl Clarke genuine accurate

messages from spirit. For confidential appointment

Phone 428 3887


TAHAAROA SCHOOL CENTENNIAL 2011Saturday 23rd April and Sunday 24th April, 2011.

Expressions of interest, please email: [email protected]

or phone (07) 876 7335

SITUATIONS VACANTPET ANGELS WANTED New Zealand’s leading pet care service provider needs dedicated and passionate dog walkers, pet feeders, house sitters and dog home boarders (caring for dog in your own home) from the Harbour Bridge as far as Wellsford. This is casual employment that fits around your life. Online applications only at

TRAVELSHORT BREAK CRUISES 4 nights Auckland to Sydney or vv, June & December. From $579pp quad or $729pp twin including one way flight. Contact Debbie for more info PH: (09) 425 8009 or email [email protected] WELLINGTON FLy/RAIL PACKAGES including flight one way, train one way, 2 nights accommodation, Wellington transfers all from just $339pp ex Auckland. Contact Lynette for more info PH: (09) 425 8009 or email [email protected]

QUEENSTOWN SKI PACKAGE including return flights, 4 nights accommodation, lift passes & mountain transfers from $799pp. Contact Kelly for more info PH: (09) 425 8009 or email [email protected]


DISHWASHER / KITCHEN HANDCHEF/SOUS CHEF with 4-5 years experience in European cuisine - must be able to work weekends.

WAIT STAFF 2 full time vacancies. The applicants should have a positive, friendly, welcoming, customercentric manner, capable of independent working. The job involves weekend work as well as split shifts. Barista skills necessary. We require a Team Player with upselling skills and experience in a similar position.

DISHWASHER & KITCHEN HAND - Job involves working on weekdays and some nights.

Please apply with a copy of your work experience and certificates to:Restaurant Manager

Plume, the vineyard restaurant 49A Sharp Road, RD2, Warkworth 0982, Ph 09 422 7915



TV SERVICES & SALESTV TUNING. DVD’s / Sky / Video / Freeview etc. Phone 425 5431.

TV SERVICES Freeview, dishes, aerials, boxes. Sales, installation and repairs. Phone Gavin 027 4766115.


SING RIGHT LESSONS available. Includes presentation and performance. Experienced teacher. Singers workshops available. Phone Robyn on 0274 725 610 or email: [email protected]

VEHICLESPARK AND SELL Gull Snells Beach. Weekly rates. Great exposure. Phone 09 425 4092.


FOR OREWA/WHANGAPAOROAPMP Distribution is one of NZ’s most established companies which is responsible for distributing circulars and papers into letterboxes. We are seeking to employ the services of a well organized, conscientious person to oversee the distribution of advertising material to household letterboxes in the Orewa & Whangapaoroa residential area. You would be supervising an established team of people who deliver advertising material and papers into letterboxes. This is a part-time position, where you could be able to co-ordinate the majority of your work from home. You would need to have a phone, email, Internet access and a suitable vehicle.

For any further details, please email [email protected]

Warkworth MethodistCnr Neville & Church StsWarkworthPhone 425 8660Sunday Service10.30am

Hall Bookings Ph 425 8053

Snell's Beach Community Church325 Mahurangi East Rd

Sunday Service 9amHall Bookings Ph 425 5707

Point Wells Community ChurchWilliams Cres, Point Wells

Sunday Services 2nd & 4th Sundays at 9.30am

MaHurangi MetHodiSt PariSH



REID EQUESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Phone Ron 423 9666.

Page 29: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

Mahurangimatters 1 April 2011 | 29

• Airport Shuttle • Local and national trips and tours • 10-seater Minibus for club/group functions

Phone Linda 425-0000


Phone 0274 889 216 • Ah 09 422 7495

• Specialist Furniture Truck

• Packing & Storage• Caring Owner/ Operator

• Carriers Liability Insurance







CONGRATULATIONS Mary & Fraser Perkins

on your Golden Wedding Anniversary. Love from your family


HALLS FOR HIRE. The Warkworth Town Hall (limit 99 people) and the old Masonic Hall are available for hire at reasonable rates. Contact the Warkworth Service Centre of the Auckland Council on toll-free (09) 301 0101.

PUHOI CENTENNIAL HALL Capacity 200, reasonable rates. Contact Kathy 09 422 0891 or [email protected]

SAND ARENA 60x40 jumps and poles available. Point Wells Road. Individual or group concessions. For bookings phone Liz 021 300 450 or 422 9705.

FOR HIRETHE SETTLERS ROOM at rear of The Stables Restaurant Matakana is available for hire for group bookings; anniversaries, birthday parties, etc. fully catered. Ph Daniel O’Donnell 422 7360.

FOR SALEKITTENS BIRMAN rego vacc house reared, 10 weeks plus, chocolate, lilac, blue tabby, seal, & blue. Ready now $450 each. Ph 09 426 9118 or 021 063 6268.KUMARA SPRAy-FREE $3 PER KG. Open Days Extended - More time to pick your own. April 2nd, 3rd, 9th & 10th from 8am-5pm. 873 Whangaripo Valley Road, Wellsford. Phone 09 423 7079.

FOR SALEWarkworth - Commercial

4 x Retail units plus 1 o�ce unit. Central Warkworth, currently returning $136,297 + GST p.a. For information pack phone Gary Seekup 027 226 9880

DDI 09 359 7880 Email: [email protected]


Licensed under the REAA 2008

Water Tank Cleaning & Testing | Water Supplies | Transport | Storage | Furniture Removals | Marriage Celebrants

Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20116

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGAdvertise your classifieds and church notices here for only 30c+GST per word for run-ons or $6.70 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts.


RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS available. Phone Patrick 425 0448.

LOCAL NUTS Macadamia Nuts Fresh & locally grown.

Three choices - plain, honeyed and chocolate coated. Yum Yum!

$5.50 a packet; larger quantities available on order. Available from the Mahurangi Matters office, 17 Neville

Street, Warkworth and Kakariki Health Store, The Hub, Mangawhai.



TABLE TENNIS Tuesdays 7.30pm, Matakana Hall. All welcome, Phone 425 8146.



MUSEUM SUMMER MARKET, 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Steet, Warkworth. Enquiries Warkworth 425 8482.

0800 GET H204 3 8 4 2 6



Household Drinking


0800 638 254 09 422 3700OR


HouseholdWater Deliveries

0800 747 928mobile: 027 556 6111

Dave Parker QSM, JP

P: 09 425 5006 M: 0274 849 935E: [email protected]

Marriage Celebrant - Available for Weddings on the Jane GiffordCommunity Relations ~ Events Warkworth ~ Funeral Celebrant

Master of Ceremonies ~ Justice of the Peace

PO Box 581Warkworth 0941

New Zealand


Phone Simon Breeze (09) 422 9345 [email protected] |

We collect samples of your tank or bore water, have them analysed for microbes at an IANZ reg. laboratory.Our written report explains the results and makes recommendations.

clean. care. repair.WATER TANK & WATER APPLICATION

CLEANING AGENCYPhone John or Annette Carr

p: 09 425 7477 | m: 027 240 7791 | f: 09 425 7483

Mangawhai: Phil Lathrote 431 4608 | 027 493 8961email: [email protected]

SHOTOKAN KARATE (SKIF)3rd Dan Instructor Supervised by 7th Dan. Suitable for high school to retirement. Affiliated directly

to Japan (Kanazawa Sensei)• Ajapaneseartandcultural experience • Aninterestingwaytokeepfit • Goodforstaminaandflexibility • Improvesbalanceand co-ordination • Achieveacalmalertfocus

Training: Wed & Fri 6pm, Warkworth Town Hall

(Mon training available). Ring Bob 422 5229 for a free trial

SCENIC FLIGHTS $39, 20 mins; $49, 30 mins. Min. 3 passengers. Trial flights $75. Gift vouchers available. GREAT BARRIER FLIGHTS. Special stopover up to 4 hours. Return $99. Min. 3 passengers. NORTH CAPE FLIGHTS $375 each. Min 3 passengers.

Rodney Aero Club Ph 425 8735 or Rod Miller Phone 425 5612



Family Fun Scenic farm & forest rides Quiet horses and poniesBirthday rides • Lessons

Suit beginners & experienced riders and people with Disabilities

Social, Language & School Groups

Please book NoW1hour $40 • 2hours $70

Phone 425 851742 Kaipara Flats Road, Warkworth


PRESERVE yOUR MEMORIESVideos, slides & old 8mm films

all onto DVD. Ph TeTotara Video (09) 422 5710.


BINGO, BINGO, BINGO! Come and join the fun, 1st Monday of the month, Upstairs New Masonic Lodge, Baxter Street, Warkworth. 7.15pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.

You are invited to attend: "THE BIG ASK"

A series of DVD’s entitled: Confronting Life’s Tough Questions

with Rob Harley, a multi award winning investigative journalist.At 11am Sunday 3rd, 10th & 17th April

in Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth – duration 15 mins plus conversationQueries: Phone 425 8054 or

GAMBLING HELPLINE Professional counsellors available 24

hours to help those suffering from gambling problems or affected by

another’s gambling. Immediate, free, confidential support. Phone 0800 654 655.

Sponsored by Mahurangi Matters


Providing programmes for men who need assistance to change abusive behaviours and attitudes and work

on equality and respect. Held in Orewa and Warkworth.

For enquiries phone 09 425 8130. We also provide programmes for women that are or have been in

abusive relationships. Held in Orewa & Warkworth.

Phone 09 422 2102 or 021 023 20297Sponsored by Mahurangi Matters

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGAdvertise your classifieds and church notices here for only 30c+GST per word for run-ons or $6.70 per/cm+GST for boxed adverts.

Your handy pull-out guide Mahurangimatters - 1 April 2011 7



9th May, 2011 at 7.30pm at the Mahurangi Community

Centre, Snells Beach Snells Beach Ratepayers & Residents

Association Inc, AGM

GRACEFARM SPECIAL COUNTRy LIVING You are invited to an open weekend, Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd April, 10am-4pm, 20 Mangawhai Road, Wellsford. Farm. Farm walks, bring a picnic, quad bike rides, activities for children. Phone Ray or Pam 09 423 8707 or 027 493 9703 or visit

WARKWORTH LIMOUSINE White Ford LTD (Not a ‘stretch’) available for private hire. Airport, weddings, tours,executive transport. Phone 425


Clairvoyant/ MediuMBeryl Clarke genuine accurate

messages from spirit. For confidential appointment

Phone 428 3887


TAHAAROA SCHOOL CENTENNIAL 2011Saturday 23rd April and Sunday 24th April, 2011.

Expressions of interest, please email: [email protected]

or phone (07) 876 7335

SITUATIONS VACANTPET ANGELS WANTED New Zealand’s leading pet care service provider needs dedicated and passionate dog walkers, pet feeders, house sitters and dog home boarders (caring for dog in your own home) from the Harbour Bridge as far as Wellsford. This is casual employment that fits around your life. Online applications only at

TRAVELSHORT BREAK CRUISES 4 nights Auckland to Sydney or vv, June & December. From $579pp quad or $729pp twin including one way flight. Contact Debbie for more info PH: (09) 425 8009 or email [email protected] WELLINGTON FLy/RAIL PACKAGES including flight one way, train one way, 2 nights accommodation, Wellington transfers all from just $339pp ex Auckland. Contact Lynette for more info PH: (09) 425 8009 or email [email protected]

QUEENSTOWN SKI PACKAGE including return flights, 4 nights accommodation, lift passes & mountain transfers from $799pp. Contact Kelly for more info PH: (09) 425 8009 or email [email protected]


DISHWASHER / KITCHEN HANDCHEF/SOUS CHEF with 4-5 years experience in European cuisine - must be able to work weekends.

WAIT STAFF 2 full time vacancies. The applicants should have a positive, friendly, welcoming, customercentric manner, capable of independent working. The job involves weekend work as well as split shifts. Barista skills necessary. We require a Team Player with upselling skills and experience in a similar position.

DISHWASHER & KITCHEN HAND - Job involves working on weekdays and some nights.

Please apply with a copy of your work experience and certificates to:Restaurant Manager

Plume, the vineyard restaurant 49A Sharp Road, RD2, Warkworth 0982, Ph 09 422 7915



TV SERVICES & SALESTV TUNING. DVD’s / Sky / Video / Freeview etc. Phone 425 5431.

TV SERVICES Freeview, dishes, aerials, boxes. Sales, installation and repairs. Phone Gavin 027 4766115.


SING RIGHT LESSONS available. Includes presentation and performance. Experienced teacher. Singers workshops available. Phone Robyn on 0274 725 610 or email: [email protected]

VEHICLESPARK AND SELL Gull Snells Beach. Weekly rates. Great exposure. Phone 09 425 4092.


FOR OREWA/WHANGAPAOROAPMP Distribution is one of NZ’s most established companies which is responsible for distributing circulars and papers into letterboxes. We are seeking to employ the services of a well organized, conscientious person to oversee the distribution of advertising material to household letterboxes in the Orewa & Whangapaoroa residential area. You would be supervising an established team of people who deliver advertising material and papers into letterboxes. This is a part-time position, where you could be able to co-ordinate the majority of your work from home. You would need to have a phone, email, Internet access and a suitable vehicle.

For any further details, please email [email protected]

Warkworth MethodistCnr Neville & Church StsWarkworthPhone 425 8660Sunday Service10.30am

Hall Bookings Ph 425 8053

Snell's Beach Community Church325 Mahurangi East Rd

Sunday Service 9amHall Bookings Ph 425 5707

Point Wells Community ChurchWilliams Cres, Point Wells

Sunday Services 2nd & 4th Sundays at 9.30am

MaHurangi MetHodiSt PariSH



REID EQUESTRIAN ENGINEERING, Wellsford. Float rebuilds, horse truck conversions, etc. Dog kennels made to measure. Quality work. Phone Ron 423 9666.

Page 30: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

| Mahurangimatters 1 April 201130 Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20118


2 9 5

5 1 6

9 3 7

1 8 6

9 4 5 8

8 4 7

6 4 2

3 6 9

1 5 4

Fill in this grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution page 40

Sudoku - the numbers game


WARKWORTHHoly Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street

Saturday Vigil: 6.00pmSunday: 10.30am

Holy Mass Timetable:

Phone 425 8545

PUHOISS. Peter & Paul Church

Sunday: 8.30am

Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am

5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861



Powerful Exciting Church


P: 09 423 0148

Sunday Service @ 10am

Warkworth Town Hall


CHURCH NOTICES cont.Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20118


2 9 5

5 1 6

9 3 7

1 8 6

9 4 5 8

8 4 7

6 4 2

3 6 9

1 5 4

Fill in this grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution page 40

Sudoku - the numbers game


WARKWORTHHoly Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street

Saturday Vigil: 6.00pmSunday: 10.30am

Holy Mass Timetable:

Phone 425 8545

PUHOISS. Peter & Paul Church

Sunday: 8.30am

Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am

5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861



Powerful Exciting Church


P: 09 423 0148

Sunday Service @ 10am

Warkworth Town Hall


CHURCH NOTICES cont. A decision on the proposed Sandspit Marina remains pending as parties continue with Environment Court mediation, with a second hearing set for April 1.

Sandspit Marina appeal decision pending

The Sandspit Yacht Club Marina Society appealed the decision of former Rodney District Council to decline its resource consent application for the project last year, after independent commissioners advised that negative effects on the environment were likely because of increased traffic, disturbance from construction and more boats refuelling.However, the former Auckland Regional Council granted coastal permits for the proposal, therefore those aspects of the project are not part of the mediation process.The Auckland Council, Sandspit Yacht Club Marina Society, Sandspit Residents and Ratepayers Association (SRRA), Sandspit SOS Inc and a number of individuals, are all represented at the mediation, which involves working through possible conditions for a resource consent that would be agreeable to all parties.

The residents and ratepayers association had previously reported to members that the marina society’s proposal for mediation included a change of location for spoil disposal (to the Ports Of Auckland Ferguson Wharf reclamation) and revised parking plans, but did not address other concerns expressed by the SRRA.Marina society spokesperson Phil Brooker says the society is hoping that if it can satisfy Council and all of the issues are resolved, the consent will be granted.Auckland City’s team manager resolutions, Robert Andrews, says council officers do not have the authority to decide on the resource consent even if a settlement is reached through mediation, but would report back to Council’s hearings committee for a final decision, which could take about a month after the mediation

process is complete. If a settlement is not reached, the matter can still be heard through the Environment Court.The most recent survey of Sandspit residents on the marina issue (conducted by the SRRA in October 2010) gained responses from almost half of the area’s 200 residents and indicated that 49 per cent were opposed to the proposed marina, 29 per cent were neutral and 23 per cent were in favour.More recently, a website titled “” has appeared on the internet, claiming to represent 16 anonymous local Sandspit Yacht Club members opposed to the marina. Marina society spokesperson Phil Brooker says he has no comment about the anonymous website. He says he and other marina society members are always open to answering questions about the marina proposal.

Snells Beach bagpipe player Brian Smith welcomed players at the Mahurangi East Bowling Club jubilee tournament.

Jubilee tournament celebrates 25 years of bowlingTwenty-five years of bowling at the Mahurangi East Bowling Club was celebrated with a jubilee tournament last month.Twenty-eight triples teams from around the region, including several past members, played for meat packs and fresh fish prize packs sponsored by Leigh Fisheries.Two life members, Velma Wallis and

Dave Heenan, cut the jubilee cake as the players wound down the afternoon enjoying a slice of cake and a drink.North Harbour Bowls president Kevin Holland spoke briefly of the Scottish history of bowls and congratulated the club on its status within North Harbour Bowls.President Fran Cladwell spoke about the how hard work and determination

of the foundation members and others over the last 25 years. Today the club has two greens which could be floodlit, a comfortable clubhouse and 80 members.Fran asked for a minute’s silence before the tournament in honour of the Christchurch quake victims, which was followed by a piper’s version of Amazing Grace.

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MATAKANA: 41 Matakana Valley Rd, Matakana P: 09 422 7220WELLSFORD: 220 Rodney St, Wellsford P: 09 423 7449MANGAWHAI: 4a Wood St, Mangawhai P: 09 431 4558



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lifemattersn FAMILY HEALTH & BEAUT Y

Your handy pull-out guideMahurangimatters - 1 April 20118


2 9 5

5 1 6

9 3 7

1 8 6

9 4 5 8

8 4 7

6 4 2

3 6 9

1 5 4

Fill in this grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. Solution page 40

Sudoku - the numbers game


WARKWORTHHoly Name Church, 6 Alnwick Street

Saturday Vigil: 6.00pmSunday: 10.30am

Holy Mass Timetable:

Phone 425 8545

PUHOISS. Peter & Paul Church

Sunday: 8.30am

Sunday Services 9am & 10.30am

5 Pulham Road, Warkworth Phone 425 8861



Powerful Exciting Church


P: 09 423 0148

Sunday Service @ 10am

Warkworth Town Hall



Forty years of living with diabetes has taught Alex Pert not to be embarrassed by the disease, which he says no-one should feel ashamed about.

Group support makes living with diabetes diagnosis easierThe Wellsford 86-year-old, recently retired as coordinator of the Wellsford Mangawhai Diabetic Support Group, after 20 years service. As a founding member of the group, he was initially treasurer before taking over as coordinator from the late Phil Crombet-Beolene a decade ago.Alex was diagnosed 40 years ago when a nagging thirst and frequent need to urinate alerted him to a problem he thought might be a “chill” in his kidneys. However, tests revealed it was Type 1 diabetes and he began a daily regime involving five insulin level tests and three injections a day.Although arduous at first, Alex says the demands of regulating blood glucose eventually became routine and has become much easier with the finger-prick blood tests possible today, rather than the urine dipstick tests that used to be required.Keeping up with developments in diabetes has been one of the benefits of being part of a support group, which provides the opportunity to hear from experts and other diabetics about their experience in a relaxed and confidential social setting. He thinks that being able to talk about the condition is important.“Unfortunately, it seems that some people are too embarrassed to talk about their complaint but they shouldn’t be, it’s a sickness and you’ve just got to manage it,” he says. New group coordinator Colleen James knows the feeling of isolation that can be part of being

diagnosed with diabetes, after finding herself in that situation a year ago.“Living in Mangawhai I thought I might be the only one,” she says. However, getting in touch with the local support group has been reassuring. In fact, official statistics suggest that Colleen is one of 19 people diagnosed with the condition every day and it is estimated that around 280,000 New Zealanders currently have either diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes.

The support group works in conjunction with Diabetes Auckland and monthly meetings are held alternately at Mangawhai and Wellsford, providing a chance to socialise and share morning tea, as well as hear from guest speakers on a range of topics from health-related issues to a range of other interests and activities. The next meeting is scheduled at Wellsford Anglican Church on April 15. New members are welcome and anyone requiring information about diabetes can contact Colleen on 431 4238.

Former Diabetic Support Group coordinator Alex Pert with Colleen James and group members.

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 201132

Rooms: (09) 524-6473Fax: (09) 524-6472 Residence: (09) 520-7140Cell Phone: (021) 952-293

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Matakana Village would like to extend a very warm thank you to those who contributed and

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life matters n FAMILY HEALTH & BEAUTY

Matakana retailers and community raised more than $15,000 through a sell-out film fundraiser screening of The Fighter, an auction and raffles at Matakana Village Cinema recently.

Matakana pulls together for Lyttelton quake fundraiser

Comedians Michelle A’Court and Jeremy Elwood warmed up the 180-strong crowd before local auctioneer Ben Kloppers sold off 13 items including a Montblanc watch worth more than $2000, a year’s supply of coffee from the Love Shack, art works from the Matakana Gallery and a concept landscape plan from The Potting Shed. Canapes and wine were supplied by

Matakana Market Kitchen and The Vintry.Six raffles also offered up major prizes donated the Piece Gallery, Red Letter Day, Heavenly Soles, Noir Blonde and The Village Health Shop. The community chose to support Lyttelton which was the home town of local retailers Ange Spechman from The Love Shack and Caro Allison of Dual, who also had a factory there that was damaged and demolished.A letter from the Lyttelton Time Bank Co-ordinator Julie Lee expressed the community’s gratitude for the fundraising effort.“We are completely blown away down here, not just from the amazing amount raised, over $15000, but because of the sheer generosity from your community to ours. We shake, rattle and roll with aftershocks, but you know – ‘we get by with a little help from our friends’. Matakana you are a true friend of Lyttleton.”

A gala event at Matakana Village Cinemas raised much-needed funds for quake victims in Lyttleton.

Health scholarshipsMaori tertiary students working towards health-related qualifications are being encouraged to apply for Hauora Maori Scholarships to help them start or finish their studies. This year a new category has been included for community health workers. To be eligible students must be studying a health-related, NZQA-accredited course. Application forms can be completed online at and close on April 8.


North Rodney Victim Support Group Inc pro vides 24 hour, seven day a week service to victims of crime and trauma living within

the Warkworth, Mahurangi, Wellsford and Mangawhai ar e as.

09 425 0832 or 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846)North Rodney Victim Support Group Inc • PO Box 8, Warkworth

Manaaki Tangata

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n FAMILY HEALTH & BEAUTY life matters

Warkworth/Wellsford Anglicans hope to launch a local “Seasons” peer support programme to help children handle grief, starting in conjunction with the third school term in August.

Helping children to grieve

Warkworth Anglican vicar Jan Olsen says community notices about the donation-based service have highlighted the need for it, with a number of people already recommending children who would benefit. However, the first steps are to appoint a part-time coordinator and enlist volunteers.The non-religious Seasons programme originated in Australia and has been in use in other parts of New Zealand for the past 15 years, with considerable success in helping children through traumatic events.“Grief issues can arise for a wide variety of reasons including divorce, separation or death in the child’s family and Seasons provides a safe place for them to express their thoughts and feelings,” Jan says. The programme is not a counselling service, but a child-centred, activity-based programme that runs for an hour or two weekly, over eight or nine weeks. Trained volunteers work with small groups of children to acknowledge, integrate and normalise their grief through activities involving discussions, stories, poetry, arts and

crafts, music, drama and celebrations.“Kids realise they are not alone and are quick to grasp that what goes on in the group stays in the group and won’t get discussed with anyone else.”Referrals come from a variety of sources including schools noticing behaviour issues and parents and caregivers aware that a child is going through a stressful time, many of whom report a noticeable difference by the end of the course.Jan says the Warkworth-Wellsford courses will initially focus on primary school aged children but could extend to older age groups in time. The church is seeking a paid part-time coordinator to promote the programme through schools and coordinate children, volunteers and venues. Volunteers running the programme will be subject to police checks and will be trained for the role through the Anglican church’s Waiapu Diocese, which oversees the programme in New Zealand.“Volunteer companions need to be savvy enough to work with children and respectful enough to walk alongside them,” Jan says.

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ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER VACANCYDo you want to improve the wellbeing, health and vitality of your

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Tension headachesHeadaches can have many causes, however serious causes of headaches are quite rare and these often have clear signals that can be picked up by health professionals. We need to be particularly careful if:• The patient is over 50 or under 10 years of age,• Headache is very severe and continuous, or different from one’s usual headache,• Headache is getting progressively worse or has come on very suddenly.Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, numbness, pins and needles.By far the commonest type of headache is tension headache. Often the real cause can be difficult to isolate, but frequently problems with stress, tiredness, the upper back and neck can all contribute. It can be helpful to use a headache diary to see if there is any clear pattern, or other obvious exacerbating factors.Initially simple painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (Nurofen) can be very effective, but these may only provide short-term relief, and do not address underlying problems. Ongoing, frequent use of painkillers can actually worsen the headache or create a “rebound headache” situation. Thus, it is best not to use painkillers more than two to three times per week and to avoid pain killers containing Codeine.Tension headaches are frequently caused by muscle tightness and tension in the upper back, neck and head. Any identifiable problems with posture, neck or the back should be addressed. A hot flannel, warm bath or massage can often relieve tightness and tenderness. Physiotherapy, an exercise programme, yoga, pilates, acupuncture or meditation can all be helpful.Identifying and addressing stress is important. Talking about stress with a trusted family member, friend or health professional, and then making lifestyle changes may also help to relief stress.

Healthwith Dr Warwick Palmer

Northland Regional Council ratepayers are being asked to back a change that will allow Council to directly fund projects that will grow the region’s economy.

Regional plan promotes change

The regional council says its overall general rates revenue – excluding targeted river rates – could increase anywhere from a low of 4.56 percent up to 15.3 percent in the upcoming 2011/12 financial year depending on what items are funded through its Annual Plan. A proposal to redirect Council’s income is one of a raft of measures spelt out in the draft plan which is currently out for consultation. Submissions open on Wednesday, April 6, and close at 3pm on May 6. A 16-page summary will be distributed to homes this month. Info:

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wide horizons

While many people can only dream of working in the music industry, secondary school students from across north Auckland are turning dreams into reality by recording albums under their own music label.

Former Split Enz rocker Mike Chunn encourages Young Enterprise Scheme students to start a music business using the talents within their own schools.

Entrepreneurs given a spin

More than 400 budding entrepreneurs from the area attended Enterprise Day (E-Day) in Northcote to launch the 2011 Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme, a national programme encouraging innovation and business.The year-long scheme sees year 12 and 13 students form real companies to produce and sell innovative products ranging from unique t-shirts to electronic devices; with the addition this year of producing music.Students embarking on the musical business challenge will be eligible for the Young Enterprise Scheme’s national competition as well as the Enterprising Music Competition, run by the Play it Strange Trust; and the ROCKSHOP Album of the Year prize.Trust chief executive, and former Split Enz band member, Mike Chunn

encouraged Auckland YES students at E-Day to grasp the opportunity to explore the music industry in an imaginative and creative way and the world of business as a co-operative venture.“This is an amazing opportunity for our future business entrepreneurs to showcase the immense musical talents housed within their own schools,” says Mr Chunn.Business Development Manager Ngaio Merrick says the YES programme is a unique opportunity for students to experience first-hand the realities of business.The YES programme runs until November and concludes with a regional awards ceremony. Winners of the ROCKSHOP Album of the Year award and the Enterprising Music Competition will be announced in October and November respectively.

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20113628LM


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Just as teens get to a point in their lives when appearance becomes a major part of their identity, skin concerns such as acne begin to surface.

Franklin’s cosmetic counter manager Debbie Ferguson demonstrates a simple cleansing technique on her son Sam Fish.

Good skin care starts young

Maintaining a consistent skin care regime will help sustain healthy skin during the challenging teenage years when self-confidence can easily be shaken. Franklins Amcal Pharmacy Warkworth retail manager Megan Bayer recommends to avoid using soap on the face as it dries out the skin.“It’s important to use the right kind of facial products for your skin type,” she says. “Younger people should use a gentle cleanser, then tone and moisturise, twice a day.”The skin on the face has a protective barrier that is slightly acidic and relies on a certain amount of oil and good bacteria. Using an alkaline cleanser or soap, although making the face feel squeaky clean, can actually destroy good bacteria, strip the skin of natural oil, and increase loss of water, leaving the skin open to infection. When an adolescent reaches puberty, there is a sudden increase in the production of the hormones testosterone and oestrogen, surging through the bloodstream.These hormones stimulate the

sebaceous (oil secreting) glands to become highly active.Sebaceous glands are found in the forehead, the nose, the cheeks, and the chin. When the glands go into overdrive, these areas of the face become shiny and oily as the sebum being produced comes to the surface through the skin’s pores, producing black heads and pimples. If the skin becomes red and blotchy, and sores and pustules have developed it is best to see a pharmacist or a doctor for treatment advice.Cosmetic counter manager Debbie Ferguson says the condition of one’s skin is also a result of their lifestyle.“Diet and exercise along with other medications play a role in the health of someone’s skin. Drink plenty of water to hydrate the skin, wear moisturiser or foundation that has SPF sunscreen in it as well. Girls should always remove make up before going to bed, when someone enters the REM part of their sleep the body and skin is repairing itself and can’t properly if make up is left on.”

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The experiences at kindergarten give your child plenty to get excited about!

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Fun with Kids in the School Holidays Week 1- Bring your children aged 4-12 for fun activities and have a special time with one or all of your children. All materials for cooking, craft and games supplied. Please enrol with your name and contact number and the name and age of each child you are bringing, plus the names and ages of children for crèche. Tues 19 April 9:30-12:30 at the Methodist Hall. Tutors: Maureen, Sandy & Natalie.

Fun with Kids in the School Holidays Week 2 – More fun activities different from previous week. Fri 29 April 9:30-12:30 at the Methodist Hall. Tutors: Maureen, Sandy & Natalie.

Artistic talent could win Year 7 and 8 students action-packed prizes in the New Zealand Defence Force “Operation Anzac Spirit” art competition which closes on Anzac Day, April 25.

Last year’s Anzac art winner Christchurch’s Mikeala Kyle-Bellam who won a day with the Air Force at Ohakea.

The competition aims to raise awareness about Anzac Day and the significance of the ANZAC spirit which was forged 96 years ago at Gallipoli but remains relevant today.Students can submit artworks in a range of media (but not computer generated) up to A3 size showing what Anzac Day means to them. Entries will be judged by a NZ Army artist.

Three main prizes will be awarded including a visit for the winner and a friend to the Devonport Naval Base; Waiouru, Linton or Burnham Army camp; and the RNZAF Base at Auckland or Ohakea. Winners will also get a copy of The Reluctant Hero signed by Corporal Willie Apiata VC. Info:

Art for adrenalin-packed prizes

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20113830

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wide horizons

Ti Point’s Ivan Borich was a builder by trade, but a wildlife enthusiast at heart, so it’s no surprise that his most notable creation is not a building but what is by far the largest collection of reptiles in the country, established over more than 40 years.

Ivan Borich holding a female Jackson’s chameleon.

Reptile enthusiast builds nation’s largest collection

Ivan says he’s been fascinated by wildlife from a young age and when he and his wife Myfanwy moved to Ti Point they already had a small collection of reptiles, a lot of different birds and all sorts of mammals, which quickly expanded to incorporate things like zebra, bison and deer. The decision to focus on reptiles was intended to reduce the menagerie, but quickly expanded to a 24/7 commitment.The Reptile Park takes up about half of his five-hectare bush block and includes a variety of natives and exotics including more than 200 lizards, more than 50 tortoises, two alligators and four tuatara (as well as the vestiges of the wider menagerie – an ego-centric sulphur-crested cockatoo and two capuchin monkeys). Being a builder has come in handy when creating the private zoo’s MAF-approved enclosures, but being passionate about reptiles has been the key to almost single-handedly

developing the park into a notable tourist attraction and valuable conservation resource. Without formal zoology qualifications, Ivan labels himself an “enthusiast” rather than an expert, but is often consulted about reptiles by others. The park is an official part of national breeding programmes for endangered native geckos and skinks, has hosted a number of veterinary students seeking experience with the cold-blooded animals, and sends discarded reptile skins to the airport for use in training sniffer dogs.“Reptiles have always been the poor relations to the birds in terms of conservation, but some good programmes have now come to the fore.”In the past couple of decades, the number of recognised native species has increased from around 20 to more than 100.Feeding the lizards involves breeding a vast amount of insects, including locusts, house flies, crickets, meal worms, which are either hand fed to the animals or released live into enclosures. Bigger lizards eat commercial dog food along with plant matter, like grated carrot, while tortoises have a vegetarian diet including cactus grown on the property and de-prickled for consumption. The alligators consume possum, rabbit or fish.Ivan is frequently entrusted with the care of animals from other zoos and currently has a 40-year-old Galapagos tortoise on permanent loan from Auckland Zoo. With a shell around a metre long and weighing in at around 250kg, man-handling him is out of the question and care involves patient coercion.“You always get the impression he’s in charge of the operation, not you.”Patience also enhances the experience for visitors, Ivan says. While he used to worry that children would not take the time to observe the often well-camouflaged creatures, he’s discovered they enjoy the challenge and are often better at it than adults.Visitors were welcomed right from the start although, at first, there was

continued next page

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Snells Beach Kindergarten visitor Jewel Bianca, 4, with a Galapagos tortoise.

from page 30

much less traffic, as Goat Island had not yet been declared a marine reserve and Matakana was “just an old dairy factory.” Since then the venue has been a hit with all ages from pre-schoolers to pensioners and has been a learning experience for school groups, as well as a novel location for birthday parties. “We never anticipated the area developing the way it has, but now that the park’s here it’s a shame not to be able to keep it going and we need people to support it.”

One of two American alligators resident at the park.

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20114032

The finest comedy lineup EVER is coming to Ascension Wine Estate at the end of April!Featuring special guest MC Rhys Darby, ‘7 Days’ stars Jeremy Corbett & Paul Ego, plus BBC sitcom star Jarred Christmas,

‘Billy T Winner’ Chris Brain and Sydney Comedy Festival “Best of the Fest” Winner Glen Wool from Canada.Thursday April 28th and Saturday April 30th - Tickets $60pp, theatre-style non-reserved seating.

Doors & bar open 7pm (for the best seats!) show starts 8.30pm. Full beverage service and snack food will be available.To be on the safe side, these shows are not suitable for children!

New Zealand Comedy Festival Preview

Book tickets at (09) 422-9601 ext 2

($5 booking fee per transaction) or pick up from the winery at

480 Matakana Road,

localentertainmentA lineup of world-class comic talent in town for the NZ International Comedy Festival will entertain at Ascension Wine Estate at the end of April.

Right, Glenn Wool Photo by Seth Olenick

Jarred Christmas

Comedy wags line up for festival laughsSpecial guest Rhys Darby is in town, taking a well-earned break from movie premieres and LA-LA Land to be MC for the night, introducing the likes of Jeremy Corbett (host of 7 Days and More FM Breakfast) who joins comedy arch nemesis and mate Paul Ego (also of 7 days, The Rock morning rumble). The shows also see the return of New Zealand’s own international success story, Jarred Christmas, now a familiar face on British TV following a starring role in a BBC2 sitcom as well as appearances on hit UK panel shows “Mock the Week” and “8 out of 10 Cats”. Jarred has performed at the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal with comedy legend Steve Martin and has won the UK’s prestigious 2010 Chortle Best Compere title. Time Out, London labelled him “One of the funniest men to pick up a microphone.” Other award-winning talent will include Billy T winner and maverick performer Chris Brain, notorious for a razor-sharp wit including glimpses into the dark side of existence. Brain can be expected to take no hostages when tackling everything from religion to the political left wing.

A particular highlight of this year’s festival is expected to be Canadian Glenn Wool who won Best of the Fest at last year’s Sydney Comedy Festival. Glen is known for incisive gags and steely observations have won him praise with reviewers who proclaim he is “extraordinarily funny and smart as a whip”. Glenn is a regular TV face in a number of BBC comedy shows and continues to be a regular in TV2’s Comedy Cuts.Shows will be held on April 28 and 30.

The churchyard at St Leonard Anglican Church in Matakana will be a place for quiet contemplation this Easter.For the second year running, parishioners and friends are painting a labyrinth on the church lawns as an aid to meditation and reflection. Rev Dianne Hawken says this year’s labyrinth will be made of seven circles in a classical shape, compared to last year’s three-circle design.“There’s been a renaissance in labyrinths in the last decade,” she says. “In the busy world we live in, they provide an opportunity to be still, relax and walk slowly.”The Matakana labyrinth will be painted on the grass on April 15, with work starting at 11am. Anyone who is interested is welcome to lend a hand.Labyrinths have been around for 5000 years, being part of almost all religions. The first historical record of the Christian use of a labyrinth was in the fourth century in a church in Algiers. In 1201, an elegant labyrinth was made in the floor of the new Chartres Cathedral, in France, which has recently been rediscovered. Labyrinths can be quite individual, using a variety of materials such as stones, shells and candles.

Walk of silence in churchyard

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Visual Art from New Zealand’s top secondary school art students will be featured in two touring exhibitions on display at Mahurangi College, from June 20 to 24.

Top Art visits Warkworth

The two collections bring together a selection of the top 55 visual arts portfolios from students who gained Excellence in NCEA Level 3 last year.The exhibitions will feature photography, design, printmaking, sculpture and painting.Organisers say the Top Art tour sets out to inspire the next generation of artists to emerge and achieve in the visual arts. It provides the public with the opportunity

to see the high standard of art produced in secondary schools and gives students and teachers an understanding of what is required to achieve Excellence in Visual Art at Level 3.The exhibition is one of two touring NZ which will be on show at 32 different venues over the next five months.The 2010 Top Art collections can be viewed at:

Matakana Market stallholders and customers joined forces to raise close to $900 for the Lyttleton Market, which was devastated in the February quake. Over two weekends, customers were asked to guess the weight of the large pumpkins on display. Market coordinator Michael Kessell says a lot of people got into the spirit of the promotion by dressing in black and red. “The incredible, spontaneous nature and goodwill of the customers will give others more in need, a chance to start again. A very big thanks to all who gave from their stalls and Gert, our tomato man, who presented us with a lovely gift basket for second prize.” Pictured is one of the pumpkin competition winners Raquel Dane, 6.

Pumpkin comps well supported

Gypsy caravans pull in to Snells BeachFortune telling with a tarot reading, target shooting, and a range of craft stalls await visitors to the annual Gypsy Travellers Fair, which will be at the Goodall Reserve in Snells Beach on April 16 and 17. Entry is free with the fair running from 9am till 5pm each day. There will also be aromatic incense, hand-made jewellery, ethnic fabrics, crystals, handcrafted leadlight, hair braids, massage oils, lucky dips for children, a bouncy castle, traditional toys, a variety of ornaments and lots of pretty decorative nick-nacks.

Family fun at quake day outA community Red Cross Earthquake Appeal fundraising festival featuring music, food, festival rides and crafts will be held at Orewa’s Western Reserve (behind Estuary Arts Centre) on Sunday April 3, from 1-6pm. An auction of quality goods and services will also be held on the day. Entry via the HBC Youth Centre. Tickets: family $30 (two adults and children, under the age of 15), adult $10, child $5 (5-15yrs) and children under five free. To donate to the auction contact Paul Collins 021 426 885 or [email protected] Info:

Getting creative for ChristchurchThe public is invited to a fundraising Creative Workshop Performance of ‘The Story Book’ in the grounds of Donnellan Orchards at 372 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, on April 10, from 2-4pm. The performance incorporating members of the IHC Mahurangi AIM (Adults In Motion) Special Needs Unit. The show will also feature actors Lisa Chappell, Ash Jones, Nikki Bennett, Jesse Johnston-Steele, local performing arts children and Catherine Chappell through Touch Compass. Donations will go to a Christchurch earthquake appeal. BYO chair.


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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20114234

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leisure time

Reviewed by The Village Bookshop, Matakana

Left Neglected by Lisa Genova

This is the new novel from the acclaimed author of Still Alice. It is the story of a woman who is trying to combine a very high-powered career with motherhood, not always successfully, when she has a bad car accident. A traumatic brain injury means that she has lost the ability to recognise anything on her left hand side. This is a medical condition known as left neglect. As she struggles to come to terms with her disability, she has to make changes and decisions that will affect both her family and herself. Fabulous reading and great for bookclubs.

More Than You Can Say by Paul Torday

Paul Torday is back on form with this new novel. Richard is running out of money, doesn’t have a job, has split up with his fiancée, is an ex-soldier and during a late night gambling session, is challenged to a bet that he can’t resist. The bet is that he has to walk from London to Oxford and be there in time for lunch the next day. He is definitely up for the challenge but on the journey he is kidnapped by a mysterious stranger and is offered a chance to turn his life around. If you enjoyed Salmon Fishing In The Yemen, you will love this new one.

life for under fivesPlay groups, Plunket and playgymsA new play group has just started up in Maungaturoto. Every Thursday from 9am, a relaxed group for Mums and under fives meet for friendship and fun. Call Susan on 431 9085 for more details. There is no charge for the group.Maungaturoto Mainly Music takes place every Tuesday, 10am during term time at the Congregational Church Hall, Hurndall Street. A donation of $2 is appreciated but not essential. A fun-filled music and movement session followed by morning tea with lots of toys to keep the kiddies entertained so parents can catch up. Call Ruth 431 8491 or Elaine 431 8317 for more details.The Otamatea Gymnastics Club under five playgym might be just the place to take your budding gymnast. Let your under five burn off steam and develop skills like balance, concentration and agility. This is a parent-participation class so you can get in there with your little one as they tackle new challenges. Contact Stephanie Brown on 431 2022 or 021 1803821 for registration details.Mangawhai Plunket Clinic runs the first and third Thursday of the month alongside a friendly coffee morning. You don’t have to be enrolled with Plunket to join the coffee group. Pop in to meet other local Mums at the Rose Maddison cottage at the Mangawhai Domain. Plunket also has a mobile clinic the first Wednesday of the month outside the Kaiwaka Hall. Clinic starts at 9am. Call Plunket Nurse Cynthia on 431 8187 or phone/text 027 675 3588 to make an appointment.Mangawhai Toy Library is open every Wednesday 10am to noon, operating from the Mangawhai Plunket Rooms. Toy libraries are a fantastic way to save a bit of cash while still having new exciting toys for your child on a regular basis.Plunket accepts self referrals, referrals from midwives, GPs or you can pre-register online even before bub is born! Info: to sign up.To list any activity for under five year olds in our local community, email Cat on [email protected]

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WarkWorth theatre GroupauDItIoNS WorkShop

Bruce Mason’s “Pohutukawa Tree”Sunday 17 April 1pm - 3pm inclusive

Mahurangi College Drama RoomBeing presented July 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 29th & 30th

Roles: 1 Mature Maori Woman, 1 Teen Maori girl, 1 Teen Maori boy, 7 European Males, 3 European Females,

mixed European wedding guests. For more information Call Frances Sullivan 422 2033 or Annette Atkins 423 9551

Kowhai Singers and Hibiscus Coast Singers will perform

Organist – Indra HughesSoloists

Soprano – Susan HaydayMezzo-soprano – Beverley Hicks

Tenor – Peter StewartBass – Iain Tetley

3.30pm on Sunday 1st May at Mahurangi College Auditorium

3.30pm on Sunday 8th May at Orewa Arts and Events Centre

Tickets $20 (school children FREE) Available from Warkworth i-SITE, Orewa Menswear,

Choir Members or at the door.


The Kowhai Singers of Warkworth and the Hibiscus Coast Singers will give two performances of Handel’s famous oratorio Messiah next month.

The Kowhai Singers of Warkworth (pictured) will team up with neighbouring Hibiscus Coast Singers for two shows next month.

Around 100 singers are involved. It is many years since Messiah has been performed in Rodney, but it has remained a choral favourite world wide since its first performance in Dublin in 1742.Kowhai Singers director Peter Cammell will conduct the Warkworth show on May 1, at the Mahurangi College Auditorium. Hibiscus Coast Singers director Norman Firth will conduct the second performance, on May 8 at the Orewa Arts and Events Centre.Auckland organist and choir trainer Indra Hughes will accompany and play a score created by Auckland City organist Dr John Wells. Dr Wells has transferred the complexities of the original orchestral score to a more manageable version for

Choirs present choral favourite

one player at the organ. Featured soloists will be Susan Hayday and Beverley Hicks, as well as Auckland singers Peter Stewart and Iain Tetley.Tickets are available from Warkworth i-SITE, Orewa Menswear, choir members or at the door.Info: Jocelyn on 425 5495 or Duncan on 09 428 5623.

Easter fashion frolicThe latest top-to-toe looks will be on display at an Easter fashion parade at Warkworth Bowls in Mill Lane on April 19 from 7.30pm. An Easter bonnet competition will also be part of the event organised by Kowhai Coast Lions in conjunction with Warkworth store Dorothy’s to raise funds for digital hearing books for the local community. Styles will be complete with shoes by Warkworth Footwear and hats and accessories from Not Just Hats. Tickets $10, including a light supper, are on sale from all of the retailers involved.

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20114436


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Hakaru Pony Club’s One Day Event at the Bygraves property, in Brown Rd, Hakaru recently drew 68 entries from as far afield as Auckland and Kerikeri, as well as strong praise from officials.

Training level winner 19-year-old Megan Schischka, riding Hollywood Wannabe.

Enthusiastic field competes in Hakaru Pony Club open day

The annual event on the private farm course included pre-training, training and open events, challenging riders with jumps of 80cm, 95cm and 1.1m jumps respectively.In a letter to organisers, assistant technical delegate David Wilkinson heaped praise on the day, describing it as “the perfect event” loved by riders for its different obstacles and technicality and appreciated by spectators for the beautiful presentation. Winners were Zoe Ander on Spook Hill (pre-training), Megan Schischka, riding Hollywood Wannabe (training) and Stephanie Kate Vervoot on

Waimanu Diva (open). Meanwhile, Hakaru Pony Club rider Sarah Lusty, riding Southern Comfort, gained an impressive third place in the open category.Riders and spectators are welcome to a second One Day Event at the Hakaru Pony Club Grounds in Settlement Road on April 17 from 8.30am-3.30pm. The event will include dressage, show jumping and cross-country, with lower height jumps at intro (50cm), intro (65cm) and pre-training (80cm) levels. Rider registration in advance is required. Info: secretary Raylee Campbell 431 5580.

The Rodney Rams Whangateau Touch module had their end-of-season tournament last month with 22 teams competing for cups, prizes and bragging rights.Team of the year went to Leigh Fisheries who also took out first place in grades one and three. Rodney Rams Rugby League chairperson Lynette Penney says the club is growing in numbers every year.“It’s a fun social sport where families really get involved,” she says.The season runs from October to March and is played in two rounds. The first round runs through to

Christmas. The teams are then graded on experience, from one to three, before the start of round two. Most improved junior player was awarded to Terrayne Maginely who plays for Cracked It. The John and Glenis Memorial Cup for most supportive team was awarded to Shag’n’Run, which has been playing together for 15 years.Results: Grade one – Leigh Fisheries (team 1) 1, You Got Served 2, Low Key 3, Wharehine 4. Grade two – Cracked It 1, MCK 2, Shag’n’Run 3, Autohaus 4. Grade three – Leigh Fisheries (team two) 1, Fire-Dogs 2, Game-on 3, Slam’n’Jammin 4.

Rodney touch wraps up season

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Former Mahurangi College student Rachel Basevi has had her sailing skills recognised with a Prime Minister’s Scholarship, valued at $3200. The scholarship was announced last month and Rachel will put the money towards her goal of competing at the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.The Prime Minister’s Sport Scholarships help sports people pursue tertiary study or professional development while continuing to strive for sporting success. Other recipients of the scholarship include Commonwealth Games 800m and 1500m silver medallist Nikki Hamblin, Paralympics swimming gold medallist Sophie Pascoe, Silver Fern Temepara George, and rugby coach Todd Blackadder.Rachel says she is very pleased with her win.“It means I can train more and work less to fund my study and sailing,” she says. Rachel will travel to France for three weeks at the end of this month to compete in the World Regatta. She will compete in the women’s Olympic single-handed class in a laser radial.It’s been a busy time for Rachel since she left school. In 2009 she completed her first year of a physiotherapy degree at AUT, won the NZ youth sailing trails and represented NZ at the ISAF youth worlds in Brazil. This was her first youth worlds competition where she placed 9th in the girls single-handed laser radial class.Last year she took a year off from study to focus on training and to compete in European regattas during the NZ winter. She was in the UK for two months and says one of the highlights was missing the NZ winter.“I went to Scotland for the Laser Radial Women’s

Rachel Basevi has her eyes set on Olympic gold.

Mahurangi sailor takes on the world one wave at a time

Worlds which was my first worlds in the Open Women’s division,” she says.“I finished up 44th in the 119-boat fleet which was an ‘okay’ result for my first women’s worlds. At Weymouth, on England’s southern coast, I

competed in the World Cup regatta Sail For Gold. I improved on my results from worlds to finish 32nd.”Most recently Rachel competed in the Sail Auckland regatta finishing second in the women’s, and fifth overall.

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 201146



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More than 100 competitors from 10 clubs took part in the third annual Rodney Tae Kwon Do Open competition in Stanmore Bay last month.

Tae kwon do competitors show their skills at an open competition in Stanmore Bay.

Martial arts event a hit with local clubs

Organiser Avin Reddy of JLR Tae kwon do says participation has more than doubled in three years, showing the popularity of martial arts in the region.Competitors ranged from black belts and juniors to the youngest at just three years old.The event included the poomsae (sequences of hand strikes and kicks), judged on technical skill, as well as free sparring fights that involved three short rounds.Points are scored through the accurate kicking of the target areas of the opponent’s chest or head.Grandmaster Jung Nam Lee, of South Korea, founder of the World Tae Kwon Do Federation of New Zealand, attended the Rodney Open to show his support. Members of local club JLR Tae kwon do took five gold medals: Alisha Reddy and Tom Anderson (Jnr

Poomsae Pairs); Alisha Reddy (Young Jnr female); Shay Reddy (Young Jnr male); Tom Anderson (Young Jnr

male); Rody O’Reily (Adult male). Sponsors included Rodney Engraving, Dads Pies and the Mad Butcher.

Puhoi axeman Lance Trow came out top among the hard hitters at the North Harbour Axemen’s Carnival held in Dairy Flat recently. He successfully defended the Eric

Hard-hitter Lance Trow takes a blow for the Puhoi Axemen.

Puhoi axemen make the cut at North Harbour compTorrington Memorial Trophy as well as placing in almost every event he entered. But the performance people will still be talking about next season was his win of the Standing, Hard Hitting event. This requires axemen to take turns to sever their blocks in as few blows as possible in under two minutes. It’s a demonstration of sheer power as well as technique and, as such, a real crowd-pleaser. Lance was the last axeman to tackle the block, with the best attempt standing at 34 blows when he took up his axe. Lance took just 28 good clean blows

to win the event.Over the two days of competition, on March 19 and 20, around 30 axemen from eight North Island clubs took part in cross saw, underhand block and standing events.On several occasions competition was so close that a video camera was needed to determine the winner. The end of season tournament attracted a good crowd of onlookers, who enjoyed the food, drink and pool at North Harbour Country Club, where the event took place.

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250 Mahurangi East Road, Snells Beach | Phone (09) 425 5400Open 6 Days – 7.15am to 5.15pm (closed public holidays) |

Full range of contractors and handyman equipment

Guns for Hire

warmuptime scoreboard A roundup of sports activities and events in the district

The annual George Heaven Wellsford to Te Hana Road Race is celebrating 50 years this month.

Wellsford road racers clock up half century anniversary

The event will be held on April 10, starting at 1pm, from School Road, Wellsford.In recognition of the run’s first half-century, everyone who finishes the 5.5km race will receive a commemorative certificate and medal. Entries will be taken at the Wellsford School Hall from 11.30am. There are several age-group trophies available with the overall winner receiving the Tom Henderson Memorial Trophy. Henderson was the 1972 winner who died in a car crash a few weeks after the event. Kevin Raven has been the most successful victor winning nine times, between 1984 and 1993, followed by Robert Scott with eight victories. In the ladies race, Carol Farr has won the event nine times followed by Christine Heaven with four victories. Local runners have fared well in the race over the years, but in recent races, the Whangarei runners have been topping the charts. Numbers peaked for the event in 1982 with 357 entries and dropped to a low of 52 entries in 1974.

The first race was organised by Albertland Dairy Company’s Rod Dennis, starting from what was then known as Carters Hill, just north of Wellsford, and finishing at the Te Hana Rugby Club. The Rugby Club organised the next couple of events, with the help of Wellsford High School headmaster Bruce Hunter, where the race started from the then Wellsford Post Office and finished at the rugby club.Between 1968 and 1970 the race was in recess, but the newly formed Wellsford Road Runners resurrected it in 1971, starting it at the Wellsford Farmers Store (now Caltex) and finishing at Te Hana Stores. Peter Millar was at this time the driving force.Two firms have been generous sponsors of the race over the years – Moore and Heaven Machinery (George Heaven) and Izard Irwin Industries. This year’s race is supported by Wharehine, The Lions, and Kauri Springs.Traffic congestion on SH 1 saw the race start change to its present course, which runs via Gubb’s Hill.Info: Keith Marshall 423 7191 or Darrin Heaven [email protected]


y Kaiwaka – Players of all ages and ability welcome. Coaching is held every Saturday, from 9am, at the Kaiwaka Courts. Fees $30. Info: Innes 431 2250

y Paparoa – Adults daytime tennis, Thursdays from 10am-12 noon. All levels of skill welcome. Adults evening, Tuesdays from 6pm. Juniors Saturday mornings from 9.30am, last session April 9. Fun social tournament Sunday, April 10, from 1pm. Spot prizes and BBQ to follow. Info: Pete 4316 822


y Warkworth (Tuesday Social) – Players of all abilities welcome, Mahurangi East Community Centre, Snells Beach, from 9.30am. Info: Rhondda 422 3565

y Paparoa – Season starts at the beginning of term two, Paparoa Hall. First session will be Thursday May 5. Juniors (years 5 and over) 5.30pm-7pm, adults 7pm-9pm. All welcome. Info: Pete 4316 822


y Wellsford Juniors – Training every Thursday starting from April 7, 4.30pm at the Wellsford Rugby Club. New players welcome. The club needs parent helpers for coaching and managing. Info: Mick Sweetman on 423-8973


y Mahurangi East – New members welcome. Games held every Tuesday at the club, any combination triples, from 9.30am. Info: Roy 425 4557


y Maungaturoto – Players needed for second women’s team, years 9 and over welcome. Info: Karen 4318530

y Golden Oldies – Tournament, Port Albert Domain, April 3 from 10am. $10 Hangi provided, numbers needed so call in advance. Info: Pat 423 7129


y Kaiwaka Sports Association – Sportsperson of the year awards dinner, Kaiwaka sports complex, April 13 from 6.30pm. Tickets available from Jaques Four Square, Kaiwaka Sports Association members or phone Cheryl Anderson on 4312051

To list information about your club or team’s sporting activities, phone Nichole on 425 9068 or email [email protected]

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20114840

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Get involvedThose at Snells Beach on a recent Sunday would have witnessed a great deal of fun on the beach as about 100 athletes of different ages splashed, pedalled and dashed along the beach in a fun triathlon organised by the Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Collective. Despite the water levels in the sea being a little strange due to the tsunami, the day was a wonderful success. Thanks to all the collective members who did a great job. The event raised money for our van, which was provided at very reasonable cost by the Mahurangi East Fire Brigade. This van will enable me to travel to all our local primary schools with lots of fun gear and help our students learn new skills and games. Any local people or organisations who would like to help with running costs of the van, please contact me on 021 021 57701.Winter sports registrations are mostly completed. If your son or daughter would like to play a winter sport this year, check out one of the many local clubs. I attended the Mahurangi Rugby Club junior registration and it was a fun day with lots of activities and games. Contact Danielle Cameron 422 9964 or 021 057 9901 if you have not yet registered. If your children are not playing any sport this winter, I strongly encourage you to get them involved. Active bodies are essential for our kids to be healthy. Yes, it is a commitment in terms of money for registrations and travel but it is a vital aspect of a healthy community. Get involved! It’s also lots of fun to be a helper and coach. People who give the most are generally the happiest people on earth. Each term I run a six-week fun tournament. This term it is Mahu 2 touch. We play Wednesdays at the Mahurangi Rugby Club (Warkworth Showgrounds) from 4pm to 5.30pm. Years 4-8 welcome. Thanks to the Mahurangi Christian school for their participation as they bring over a large number of students each week. Next term I am intending to run a winter touch module. Contact me if you are interested. Further details to follow.Sports organisations Do you belong to our collective? We are building a group with strength in numbers and a common voice for the Mahurangi area in order to provide local opportunities and facilities for our children. Contact Bridget Farmiloe 425 6649 if you would like to be part of our group.

Sportwith Simon Mills [email protected]

Sudoku - the solution2 6 3 8 7 4 9 5 17 5 1 9 2 6 8 4 38 4 9 1 5 3 7 2 6

1 3 7 5 8 2 4 6 96 9 4 7 3 1 5 8 25 8 2 6 4 9 1 3 7

3 7 6 4 9 5 2 1 84 2 8 3 1 7 6 9 59 1 5 2 6 8 3 7 4

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Times for North Rodney locations differ from Auckland as below:Whangateau ...................................... HW and LW times same as Auckland. Mahurangi .......................................... HW +2 mins, LW +12 minsBon Accord ........................................ HW -22 mins, LW -1 minManghawai, Leigh, Sandspit ............. HW +5 mins, LW +5 mins. Kaipara - Poutu Pt. ............................ HW +3hrs4mins, LW +3hrs14mins Tinopai .......................................... HW +3hrs39mins, LW +3hrs49minsSource: LAND INFORMATION NZ Tide Predictions. NZ Standard Time


0210 3.00815 0.91430 2.82039 1.0

0310 2.90915 1.01530 2.82143 1.0

0408 2.91013 1.01630 2.82241 1.0

0502 2.91105 1.01726 2.82333 1.0

0551 2.91153 0.91816 2.9

0018 0.90636 3.01237 0.81901 2.9

0058 0.90718 3.01318 0.81942 3.0

28/03 29/03 30/03 31/03 1/04 2/04 3/04

0136 0.80758 3.01356 0.72020 3.0

0212 0.80836 3.01433 0.72056 3.1

0249 0.80913 3.01510 0.72132 3.1

0326 0.80950 3.01547 0.72208 3.1

0405 0.91029 3.01625 0.72247 3.0

0446 0.91110 2.91706 0.82329 3.0

0532 0.91154 2.91750 0.8

4/04 5/04 6/04 7/04 8/04 9/04 10/04

0016 3.00622 1.01242 2.91841 0.8

0109 2.90718 1.01336 2.91939 0.9

0208 3.00818 0.91437 2.92043 0.9

0310 3.00919 0.81541 3.02148 0.8

0411 3.11020 0.71646 3.12249 0.7

0510 3.21118 0.61747 3.22346 0.5

0606 3.41214 0.41843 3.4

11/04 12/04 13/04 14/04 15/04 16/04 17/04

0041 0.40701 3.41308 0.31937 3.5

0133 0.30755 3.51401 0.22029 3.6

0224 0.30848 3.51451 0.22119 3.6

0316 0.40940 3.41541 0.32210 3.5

0407 0.51031 3.31630 0.42301 3.4

0500 0.61122 3.21720 0.62353 3.3

0554 0.71214 3.11812 0.7

18/04 19/04 20/04 21/04 22/04 23/04 24/04

0046 3.10650 0.81307 2.91908 0.9

0142 3.00747 0.91401 2.82007 1.0

0238 2.90843 1.01458 2.82108 1.1

0424 2.91029 1.01651 2.82257 1.0

0513 2.91117 0.91742 2.82343 1.0

0558 2.91201 0.91828 2.9

25/04 26/04 27/04 28/04 29/04 30/04 1/05 0332 2.90938 1.01556 2.72206 1.1


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Shooters had more than one aim in their sights when they joined in a social clay target event at Kaipara Flats on March 20.

Boyana Trophy winners, from left, Gordon Parker and Lloyd Clayden, with Smokin Joe Franich.

Dual targets for clay shooters

As well as shooting, the family-friendly event on Somai and Andrew Hudson’s farm included quickfire raffles, lolly scrambles and a barbeque, targeting Christchurch’s earthquake recovery.Gordon Parker and Lloyd Clayden jointly claimed the Boyana Trophy as the top shooters, but the biggest winner was Christchurch, with $1200

raised for the shattered city.Organised by Warkworth’s Franich family and friends, the novel fundraiser was generously backed by Warkworth businesses, New World, Outdoor Apparel Co, Hunting and Fishing NZ, Sportsworld, United Travel, Super Liquor and home mechanic Bob Watson.

Strong tides, shifting sandbanks and drifting logs and trees are among challenges facing local authority staff carrying out more than $20,000 of upgrades and maintenance on Kaipara Harbour’s buoys and beacons.The Northland Regional Council’s 16.4 metre workboat Waikare travelled from its Opua base to a temporary berth at Te Kopuru Boating Club recently for several weeks’ of work on the harbour.Staff last visited the Kaipara Harbour in 2005/06. This latest visit will include the installation of several new buoys in areas with some of the harbour’s strongest currents, as well as a new five-mile LED light at Pouto Point.The work will involve a range of waterblasting, painting, mooring line and battery replacement and other maintenance and staff will also investigate reports of an uncharted rock in the Hargreaves Basin, the regional council’s southern boundary.

Maintenance for Kaipara buoys

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| Mahurangimatters 1 April 20115042

April Special Flavours Easter Bun Gelato and Easter Egg Gelato

Open 7 days - 9am-5pm17 Sharp Road, RD2, Matakana, Warkworth

Phone 09 422 7942 •

Picking Table Grapes throughout AprilFinal day for season - Sunday 8th May

Children’sCup Cake

decorating challenge

where Pantry meets Kitchen

2-4 Neville Street,Warkworth

Ph/Fax: 09 425 0302

Open: Mon-Fri 9-5.30pm;

Sat 9-4pm; Sun 10-3pm

Email: [email protected]:


Name: ........................................................................................

Age: ............. Telephone: .........................................................

No entry fee - Three age categories

• Under 7 years • 7 to10 years • 10 to 13 yearsGreat prizes, judging panel headed by

guest mastercook Ann Skinner. Entry forms must be submitted by 4pm,

Monday 18th April. Cupcakes must be delivered to Taste by 11am, Thursday 21st April.

Winners announced at 12noon, 21st April.


Hospice House 51 Woodcocks Rd Warkworth P: (09) 425 9535 E: [email protected]

WEARABLE ARTS contestAscension Wine Estate

26 & 27 August 2011

$4500 in prizes ⎜3 shows ⎜750 spectatorsfantastic cause⎜promoted Auckland-wide

RAISING FUNDS FOR Warkworth Wellsford Hospice

Hospice House 51 Woodcocks Rd Warkworth P: (09) 425 9535

Dear community,Thanks for supporting our Hospice RED & BLACK garage sale on March 16.

You helped us raise over $3,000 for hospice in Christchurch.You are amazing!Love fromWarkworth Wellsford Hospice

Cuisinewith Andrea Hinchco

Easter indulgenceLiving at the bottom of the world means we always celebrate traditional festivals in the wrong season. Easter is a classic example of the early Christian church adapting an existing pagan ritual to suit its own purposes and in this country the significance of spring bunnies, lambs and eggs is somewhat irrelevant but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying it all. For me Easter is a time to embrace autumn, to be with family and friends and to be a little indulgent with the meals that are shared. I will be using the season as an excuse to make the most delicious dark chocolate mousse cake. (We will be making it in store on Tuesday, April 19, if anyone wants to try a piece or have the recipe.) For those of you who are unfortunate enough not to be chocoholics, cupcakes are a good substitute as they can be decorated to suit any occasion. My kitchen mentor friend, Ann, has kindly allowed me to publish her divine, never-fail cupcake recipe.

Ann’s Vanilla CupcakesMakes 24 (and they freeze well)

2¾ cup flour 2 tsp baking powder200g softened butter 1¾ cup castor sugar4 eggs 1 tblsp vanilla1 cup milk

Pre-heat oven to 170C. Sift flour and baking powder together.Cream the butter in a large bowl, add sugar and beat with electric whisk until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs one at a time. Add vanilla and lightly beat in. Add a third of the flour and beat at low speed until combined. Then add half of the milk, again beating until combined at low speed. Repeat until all ingredients are well combined but don’t over-beat as it will toughen the mixture. Cook in cupcake cases three quarters full, for 18 to 20 minutes. Don’t overcook, use a skewer to check if they’re done. Cool on a cake rack for at least 30 minutes before icing.Complete with your favourite butter icing. Use raspberry or strawberry essence as colouring, it gives a lovely pale pink look with a gorgeous flavour.

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Ticket giveawayMahurangi Matters has one double pass to giveaway to the Anika Moa show at the Leigh Sawmill Café on April 22. Write your name and daytime phone number on the back of an envelope and post to: Anika Moa Competition, Mahurangi Matters, PO Box 701 Warkworth. Entries close April 15.


what’s on April 2011

For inclusion in the What’s On, here and on our website email your events to [email protected]

41 QUEEN ST , WARKWORTH PH 09 425 0110




Valid until 30/04/11

Matakana Gull Service Station

Snells Beach Gull Service Station

Leigh General Store Omaha Beach Superette





2 Waipu Saturday Market, Coronation Hall 9am - 1pm. Info: Sue 0274 586144.

2 Museum Summer Market, 1st Saturday of the month, 8am, Old Masonic Hall, Baxter Street, Warkworth. Phone 425 8482.

2&3 Auckland Croquet Association handicap doubles, Warkworth Croquet Club, Point Wells, 8.30am start.

3 Rodney community fundraising event for Christchurch, Orewa’s Western Reserve, opposite the Orewa Beach Holiday Park & behind Estuary Arts Centre, 1pm to 6pm (see brief p33).

3 Mahurangi Kindergarten Gala, 9am to 1pm.3&10 Mangawhai Beach & Country Market @ The Domain,

Mangawhai, 9am to 1pm. Info: Sue 0274 586 144.3, 10, 17 The Big Ask - A series of DVD’s entitled: Confronting Life’s

Tough Questions with Rob Harley, multi award winning investigative journalist. Held at Christ Church, Church Hill, Warkworth. Info: 425 8054 or

4 Bingo, 1st Monday of the month, upstairs New Masonic Lodge, Baxter St, Warkworth, 7.15pm. Proceeds to Warkworth Museum.

10 The Story Book, presented by Healing Through Arts Trust, Donnellan Orchards, 372 Woodcocks Road, Warkworth, 2pm-4pm BYO chair (see brief p33).

10 Wellsford to Te Hana Fun Run/Walk (see story p39).10 Warkworth Market, Wharf Rd, from 8am to 3pm.10 One hour public excursion on The Jane Gifford departing from the

Warkworth Wharf 11am. Info: (see story p4).15 A Christchurch fundraiser Variety Concert organised by

Mahurangi College students, featuring a range of musical acts including local talent. 7.30 pm at the college hall. Tickets $20 at the school office from April 4.

16 Art & Craft sale, Matakana Hall, 8.30am to 2.30pm. Jewellery, leatherwork, crochet & knitting, painting, pottery, porcelain, flax weaving, decorated eggs, felting & weaving. Local art & craft by local artisans. Info: Cheryl 09 422 9363.

16&17 Gypsy Travellers Fair, Goodall Reserve Snells Beach, 9am-5pm. 17 One Day Event, Hakaru Pony Club Grounds, Settlement Rd,

Hakaru. Info: Events secretary 09 431 5580 (see story p36).25 Puhoi Historic Library open day and Anzac display. Free

morning and afternoon teas. 10am-3pm.23 One hour public excursion on The Jane Gifford departing from the

Warkworth Wharf 11am. Info: One hour public excursion on The Jane Gifford departing from the

Warkworth Wharf 12noon. Info: Anzac Day – service times will be advertised in next issue.25 Anzac Day one hour public excursion on Jane Gifford departing

Warkworth Wharf 12.15pm. War Veterans travel free. Adult $15, child $5, family (2 adults, 3 children) $40. Reservations required. Ph 425 5006 or 0274 849 935 (see story p4).

May1 Wetland planting day, Tawharanui (see TOSSI column p7).1 Kowhai Coast Singers & Hibiscus Coast Singers perform Messiah,

Mahurangi College Auditorium from 3.30pm (see story p35).

Page 52: Mahurangi Matters - April 1

| Mahurangimatters 1 April 201152

visit Mahurangi Matters online at


On 1 April, a number of important changes to the Holidays Act and the Employment Relations Act come into effect (including changes to the 90 day trial period, annual holidays, public and alternative holidays and more). Our employment law team can advise you in relation to these changes or other hiring, restructuring and employment matters you need assistance with. With non compliance penalties now costing between $5000 and $20,000, we may even save you a penny or two.

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phone 422 2190 27 Percy Street, Warkworth

Employment Law Experts

Young Warkworth athletes performed above expectations landing a major medal haul after a strong performance at the Auckland Championships, at Mt Smart Stadium, on March 19.

Medal haul for Warkworth’s junior athletes

Warkworth Athletics Club president Stephen Hailes says the team of 7 to 14 year olds had “spectacular success” excelling across all age groups and events (including running from 60-800m, long jump, shot put and discus). Fifteen of the 17-strong team qualified for finals and the final medal count was three gold, three silver and six bronze.Mr Hailes says the results are a dramatic improvement over previous years and credits them to a new programme introduced last year to give top athletes additional coaching

sessions, the ongoing assistance of sports coach Simon Mills and “the obvious natural talent and dedication of the children”.Medal winners included Trent Eagle (gold, two silvers , bronze), Josh Eagle (bronze), Kaleigh Morris (gold, two bronze), Jay Morris (silver), Bradley Morris (bronze) and Jedd Blennerhassett (gold and bronze). There were a number of other strong placings in the team that included Maddie Hailes, Nick Hailes, Thomas Peacock, Poppy Billington, Chloe Billington, Cormac

Blennerhassett, Lachie Clark, James Norman, Lauchie Williams, Jack Gothard and Toby Webb.Josh, Nick, and Jay also performed well when they represented Auckland in the January Trans Tasman competition in Sydney, with Jay picking up two silver medals and Josh and Nick both reaching their finals.Mr Hailes says the results augur well for the future of athletics in Warkworth and he is looking forward to helping more athletes to fulfill their potential in coming years.

Auckland champions show off their impressive medal haul, from left, Jay Morris, Josh Eagle, Jedd Blennerhassett, Trent Eagle and Kaleigh Morris.

Mahurangi College touch representatives turned in another strong performance at the regional competition held in Palmerston North last month. Six players have qualified for national age-group sides. They are Brooke Moka, Kiritapu Demant and Ariaana Osborne in the under 15 girls; Kayne Middleton in under 17 boys; Ruahei Demant in under 17 girls; and Michael-Lydia Winiana in the under 17 mixed.College sports coordinator Sandra Hawken says Mahurangi players are turning in some consistently good performances, reflecting the development programme put in place several years ago by coach Michael Winiana.After returning home from Palmerston North, the girls senior and mixed senior both finished runners-up in the North harbour competition.“Given the fact that we’re up against schools such as Rangitoto and Westlake, we’re very proud of how our teams are doing,” Sandra says.The 15-17 boys and girls teams will participate in the Australian NYC (National Youth Championships) being held in Kawana in September.

Touch playersscore place in national teams

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