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Page 1: Maged Daniel New Nation Study Guide

How the US came from notso Awesomeness toAwesomeness

By Maged and Dan

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• What is the system of governmentthat balances power between stateand central government?

• What is a framework or plan for agovernment?

• What is the name of the act thatestablished the federal courtsystem?

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• Federalism

• A Constitution

• The Judiciary Act

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Geography in the 1790’s

• What environmental challengesdid the U.S. face in it’scolonies?

• What forces kept the U.S. fromexpanding?

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• The Appalachian Mountains

• The British in British Canada, theSpanish in New Spain, and theNative Americas still in the Area(who were being helped by theBritish.)

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Life in the 1790’s

• What families could havepaintings done of themselves?

• How did people communicatewith people far away and abouthow much time did this take?

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• Wealthy families.

• International messages got sent byship and national messages got sentby horse. This took 3 months by sea.A horse message from New York toBoston would take 2 days minimum.

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Important People whodid Important Things • Why was the first president of the

United States liked so much by thepeople during his term?

• Who was the founder of theFederalist party that believed inloose interpretation of theConstitution?

• Who was the founder of theDemocratic-Republican party thatbelieved in a STRICT interpretationof the Constitution?

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• George Washington was a famous militarygeneral in the revolutionary war, so thepeople thought he would be a good leader.

• Alexander Hamilton

• Thomas Jefferson

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Economic Issues

• What was the main internationalcause of this crisis?

• What was the compromisebetween the north and thesouth about paying the debt?

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• The main international cause of the criseswas the money owed to Britain and Franceduring the Revolutionary war.

• The compromise made to pay off the debtbetween the north and the south was thatthe rich south would pay the north’s debt,IF the U.S.’s capitol was moved more southto Virginia, thus creating Washington D.C.

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Interpretations of theConstitution

• What two cabinet members hadopposing views aboutinterpreting the constitution?Why?

• What was the result of thisdisagreement?

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• Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jeffersondisagreed about interpreting the Constitution, theydisagreed because Hamilton wanted to interpret itloosely so the government can do more things, andJefferson wanted to interpret it strictly and limitgovernment intervention with the people.

• The result was the creation of the governmentheavy Federalist party and representatives of thepeople, the Democratic-Republican party.

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National Bank

• What was the concept ofmaking a national bank?

• Which cabinet memberoriginated the idea of making anational bank?

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• The concept of creating a national bankwas to make a place where all debts werepaid, taxes were stored, and so that thestates all shared one place to solveeconomic issues.

• Alexander Hamilton was the one whothought of the idea of a National bank,which Jefferson naturally opposed.

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Foreign Policy

• What nation was having somegovernmental issues in the1790’s?

• What nations began to fighteach other in the 1790’s thatthrew the U.S. into a moraldilemma and why?

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• France had just overthrown their monarchy and werehaving a violent democratic revolution and for a longtime, were in complete anarchy.

• France, after establishing a new government, declaredwar on Britain and Spain, which in turn made their alliesdeclare war on France, this made the U.S. fall into adilemma because both the French and British hadsomething they needed, the French were their allies,which a new nation needed, and the British were theheart of the American economy, and declaring war onthem would make them close their ports.

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The NeutralityProclamation

• Who wrote and announced theNeutrality Proclamation andwhy?

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• George Washington wrote theproclamation, he also announced it.He did it because the U.S. couldn’tafford another war, and they alsocouldn’t afford loosing their alliancewith France or their trade withBritain.

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Slavery during GeorgeWashington’s presidency

• What was George Washington'sposition on slavery? Why didsome people criticize him for it?

• What region of America had themost slaves? Which state hadthe most out of this region andthe whole country?

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• He refused to talk, mention, or even actlike it exists for his whole presidency.People criticized him for this because hefought for freedom, but never freed his ownslaves.

• The South had more slaves, and Virginiaspecifically had the most, in the region andin the country.

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George Washington'sfarewell address

• What did George Washingtonwarn the American peopleabout in the address, and whatadvice did he give?

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• He warned about the dangers of thepolitical parties, and he gave adviceto be on good terms with foreignnations, keep good commercial/tradeconnections, but not go into foreignpolitical affairs (such as wars.)

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