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Schools Guns and Much More...

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Millenial-A PERSON BORN IN THE 1980S OR 1990S.


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About the

Team Moose is a Group of Ethnographers trying to find research about millennials They try and focus on controversial topics that will give a lot of impute on the way millennials think. Being millennial themselves and having their own opinions they try and leave them out of the picture and to create this unbiased magazine, and provide information and entertainment to 80 00 magazine viewers.



Hometown: Norfolk, VirginiaMajor: Industrial DesignFun Fact: Has not cut his hair in over a year.

Jonathan HendersonHometown: Cali, ColombiaMajor: Service DesignFun Fact: Has lived in six different countries in the past twenty-one years.

Catalina Caicedo

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Each of our monthly magazines is based on a high profile controvercial news topic. Each topic is related to millenial lives and we use interviews to show multiple personas.


Hometown: Lake Orion, MichiganMajor: Industrial DesignFun Fact: Loves Hawaiian themed shirts

Craig Matola

Hometown: New JerseyMajor: Industrial DesignFun Fact: Enjoys blowing glass in his freetime.

Matt LimHometown: Seoul, Korea Major: Industrial DesignFun Fact: Can’t stop eating and loves turtles.

Christine Kim

Hometown: Barranquilla, Colombia Major: Industrial Design Fun Fact: Has a dog named Moose and that's why we named our team “Moose”. A lso love cooking and crocheting.

Michelle Mogollon

About the

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Creation of a personaDrinking wine with friendsMoney HabitsEttiquette and Your EnviromentLextant said what?!Keep the GunsRegulation of GunsSchools and GunsGuns vs DogsThe Mental DilemaPrivate Sale of GunsHow to Safely Buy a gunIn ConversationReframingWhat if...

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F /



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Creation of a PersonaBy: Catalina Caicedo

The use of personas is key when trying to figure out whom to design for. It brings clarity to the conversation; it makes it easier to bring the user into the process to help the team determine what ideas meet the user requirements and/or desires. A good persona is accurate, enduring, clear and relatable. When comparing personas, between female millennials and male millennials, we tend to find some yet many differences when bringing them into our research. Millennials have their own values, goals, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, their own ideal experience, and emotions to take into consideration. Personas tend to vary depending on what the research team is looking at. Personas can vary in attitude, emotions, and behaviors and believes. The Lextant personas are based on strong patterns in the data which increases their validity. Millennials think about the benefits, the ideal solution, the features, and the attributes. The majorit y of mil lennia l ma les and fema les that participated on our Gun Control Probe at the Art March on May 6th, 2016 tend to agree that law enforcement should be able to remove guns from an individual who is likely to harm themselves or others. When gathering this data we figured out millennials agree that people that are a threat to themselves or others shouldn’t own a gun or be in a household with one.

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Bad food

Choose Wisely

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Good Food

Choose Wisely

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14Images from Dan Hetteix via Project Noun

They are the highest consumer

of wine in the United States.

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If you think about Millennials having a good time partying probably thoughts of hardcore alcohol and chugs of beer come to mind. Think again because we love a good wine.

There is nothing better than to sit down and rela x with friends while having a drink. This practice has been going on for as long as we all can recall. But a new addition to it ,in the Millennial generation would be the wine part to it. We tend to choose wine over other alcoholics drinks. The scenario may change and still, wine would be one of, or if not our primary choice.

I as a millennial believe this is because we take wine as a drink that will relax you and make you enjoy your time with your friends or if consumed to a greater extent it will most definitely make you a happy drunk. If we are good at anything, it would be texting and wine drinking.

Last year 42% of all the wine in the US was drank by millennial. That’s according to “ new research” in the nonprofit Wine Market Council. That is almost half the wine in the entire

US! That means also that we drank more wine that any other generation on that year, by far.

That report by the Wine Market Council also found that on frequent drinkers the average millennial will drink 3.1 glasses of wine per sitting. This means we consume more wine per sitting than other generations as well.

Now knowing how much wine we drink, the market concluded that in our generation “ wine is winning with woman”. We consume 57% of the wine in the us. Meaning that the women in the millennial generation are the highest consumer of wine in the United States.

We can’t get enough of wine.

Drinking Wine with Friends

By: Michelle Mogollon

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Forsyth Farmers Market is Where the Heart is

This Saturday 8am-3pm

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To m i l l e n n i a l s i n t h i s contemporary society, coffee is one of essential factors not only for tasty but also many reasons. It is clear that we love coffee, according to our research three out of five people go to cafés to drink coffee every day. Since Savannah has more local cafés than big chain cafés, most people go to local cafés, on the other hand, according to article “The Appeal of Coffee Shops for Millennials”, millennials who are in the U.S. mostly go to huge and famous coffee brands. There are some reasons for people going to cafés such as personal reasons and also that cafés set attractive strategies to attract customers. First, people regard cafés as a socialize place. In our interview, Abbey, who is a SCAD student, said she usually goes to cafés with her friends at night after homework. Meanwhile, it seems like cafés also have made great strategies to attract customers. Secondly, the café is a place for working. According to the article “The Appeal of Coffee Shops for Millennia ls”, “Results from f ive experiments demonstrate that a moderate (70 dB) versus low (50 dB) level of ambient noise enhances performance on creative tasks and increases the buying likelihood of innovative products.” This is obviously true by showing in our

interview, four out of five, go to café to study. A nd nex t, ca fés have made great strategies for catching customers; attention. First, rewards that engage Millennials, by developing technology, people having a phone, there are bunch of apps on the phone, most coffee shops have made their own café’s application for coupon system. This fun part makes people keep coming to their café instead of people having adventure to visit other shops. Unfortunately, Gallery espresso doesn’t serve coupons but interviewers had coupons for Starbucks, and Smoothie k ing. A nother reason is that coffee shops are not anymore only for drink hey are also event venues. According to our interview, two out of five people have come to see exhibitions at Gallery Espresso. For these reason, people live in this period cannot stop to drink coffee and goes to cafe. We, millennial love coffee and go to café. This is certain facts based on our research survey and articles.

Millenial in the Cafe Trap

Journal of Consumer Research 39.4 (2012): 784-99. Web."The Appeal Of Coffee Shops For Millennials." Millenial Magazine RSS. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 May 2016.

“Why Starbucks Is Still Number One With Millennials | Millennial Marketing.” Millennial Marketing. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 May 2016.Mehta, Ravi, Zhu Rui (Juliet), and Cheema Amar. "Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition."

By: Christine Kim

Forsyth Farmers Market is Where the Heart is

This Saturday 8am-3pm

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16%are “happy”

34%are “content”

Millennials & their feelings on their Finances

22% are“overwhelmed”

20% 20%



Millennial Money Research | Millennial Money The Millennial Generation | Millennial Money

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We are said to be the generation, which is having more difficulty managing their money and being uncertain of our monetary future

According to Mark P. Cussen, in “ Money Habits of Millennials”, the Great Recession was a big reason why we feel like we wont be able to achieve material goals such as finding a perfect house and working a dream job or even retiring. The article also mentions how the earlier millennial are still trying to get on their feet financially. And along with the market crash of 2008 it made us distrust financial advices coming from professionals or even the millennial parents. We tend to go more on our own instincts to believe what we think is best.

Cussen as well mentioned how the American institute of certified public account made a survey in which three quarters of millennials want the same material things as their friends. Half of them have to use credit cards to pay for daily necessities. 25% have late payments or are dealing with bill collectors.

In our research done in millennial dining we observed how out of 9 millennials, only 3 decided to pay in cash and the rest used some sort of credit card payment, therefore these are going to be in some sort of debt. Consequently they can’t keep track of how much they are spending or need. The article mentioned how seven out of ten millennials define financial stability as being able to pay all their bills each month. In comparison, a Baby Boomer or a non-millennial would probably say living comfortably and then able to enjoy some extra.

So our generation dealt with difficult times and it may be one of the reasons why we struggle to manage all of our money and invest properly. We also tend to have more resources with which we can see our value and make ourselves believe what’s best. So our monetary and financial future depends on many factors and how we learn to deal with them. If not luck… M






By: Michelle Mogollon

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The differences in dining etiquette differ with the type of restaurant or place a person is in. When a restaurant is more formal, millennials tend to be dressed well and the way the act is more formal. People tend to be more aware of their surroundings and the way they act if its a more serious location or event. We researched several restaurants and locations to gather information on this topic. We went to Funky Brunch and noticed that millennials and their etiquette were different than when we researched in Belford’s and in The Florence.

At the Funky Brunch, people tend to be more focused on doing their own pancakes and taking pictures of their work or being on social media than they are focused on the conversation going on. At Belford’s and The Florence people were completely focused on the conversation and the people they were surrounded by. Millennials were also seen using their napkins on their lap while they were having dinner in Belford’s and The Florence while at The Funky Brunch they were on the table.

Millennials tend to go out to eat more often than their parents (Generation X) or their grandparents (Baby Boomers). 53% of millennials go out to eat at least once a week, says Morgan Stanley from Business Insider. Our definition of ‘healthy’ is totally different, we are more into fresh, less processed and fewer artificial ingredients. Fast casual is when a restaurant serves casual-dining quality food at fast food speeds. Millennials feel like they are getting great-tasting food for a good price.

Ettiquette and Your Environment.By: Catalina Caicedo

image from:

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The Mil lennia l generation is completely different from all the previous generations. As Millennial we are more willing to buy from less known brands or popular brands that are lower in price due to the need to balance spending with lower incomes or the desire to experience new things. Living healthy is now the most popular thing in our generation. We started combining fun exercise with food that is nutritious and good at the same time. Lextant: The Human Experience Firm report says that we are “making conscious efforts to stay stress free.” Health-related sporting events, organic foods and the tracking health goals and health in general are very important for all of the Millennial generation. This generation allows for new experiences, independence and productivity all at the same, especially transportation. Transportation services like biking or driving have always been key to generations, but the Millennial generation has made bike sharing and car-sharing services thrive around the US. The flexibility this allows makes for new ways to travel. Lextant says “Transportation is being redefined,” that Millenials tend to value it more than previous generations, but at the same time transportation is just as important to the Millennial generation as it is for other generation. The way we transport around might be different but we value it way more than any other generation historically. It is not changing for Millennials in a sense of the type of transportation in general; the only thing that has really changed is the importance.

Millennials have seven values that are divided into three sections; I want to live, I want to love, and I want to do. In the section of I want to live, Lextant says that the first three values are Enjoyment, Independence, and Discovery. Millennials are driven to be independent, we want to figure things our in our own way. We believe that what is “important is to do the things we love and have a good time as it is to work hard and achieve success,” says Lextant. The second section is I want to love, Lextant says that the next two values are Giving to others and Meaningful Relationships. The next two values, Accomplishment and Involvement, are part of the last section called I want to do. We like to be involved and to achieve our goals to the max. When comparing Lextant’s research and our own, they don’t differ much. We found out that Money is something we want to worry about just like Lextant; the Millennial generation doesn’t want to worry about having enough of it. We work to secure our future and to make good and smart decisions. Health is very important, we like taking care of our physical and mental health. Time balancing is important for the balancing of professional and personal life; they are both critical to our happiness. The only difference between Lextant’s research and ours is that we focused more on the enablers than the seven values we have and that others portray.

Lextant said what?!By: Catalina Caicedo

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“We have a newperspective And

understanding on whattruly drives them.”

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Gun Control has become an important topic in the US in recent years. Whether or not Americans should have the right to own guns has been hotly debated, and is now one of the main issues that politicians’ platforms stand upon. A prevalent opinion is that the right to own a gun was once an important thing, when the nation was young; now that the US is a modern, civilised industrial society, it is no longer something we need. In doing research on millennials, we found that many actually oppose this idea. In fact, our studies pointed out that older generations favor gun control significantly more than the millennial generation.

A study of millennials in the Gulfstream Center for Design building at SCAD showed a little over half favored gun control. In contrast, a study done at Art March showed that more millennials were opposed to it. (Insert Infographic) This could show that college students specifically may be less in favor of gun rights as a group than millennials as a whole. We also realized that people who had served in the military seemed more likely to oppose restrictions on gun ownership.

Some comments we received on this issue highlighted important information that could reveal why people want to keep the ability to own guns. One person commented that both of their parents own guns and their father uses them to hunt. Another person said that they owned a gun, but that it is stored in a safe bolted to their house. These comments showed us that people came from various backgrounds and ways of thinking about firearms.

One type of gun control that millennials strongly support is restricting concealed carry firearms from college campuses. Roughly three-fourths of millennials polled said that concealed carry should not be allowed on campus. (Insert Infog raphic) However, we did receive some comments from people saying that it was a good thing because one can defend himself.

In conclusion, we can say that the right to own guns is still an important thing to many people.



We Say,

By: Jonathan Henderson

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This is a very controversial topic. Being one of the mainly debated discussions currently, it was though that at least the millenials would have been leaning ithe majority in a ceratin respose; in comparison to the other generations. suprisingly our theory got

proven wrong when discovered that In The United States 50% of millennial believe its best how the laws are regulated currently, that is by the state. And the other 50 %

agree that it should be regulated Nationally. This is according to research done by our team of ethnographic researchers on the Scad college For Art and Design. It should be taken into account that being in an art college makes the millennials think in a more

liberal way than the other general millennial population. Regardless of having this liberal way of thinking still the millenial way of thinking was clearly devided.

A good point in which some comments were made were on this topic were “ Its biased because if you are a republican and the president is a republican you would most definitely support ‘nationally’ but if you are a democrat and the president is

a republican you would say by ‘state’. And vice versa. It depends a lot on the belief we have with the president and what he believes on.”

Regulation of Guns

to learn more go to www.

Should Gun Laws be Regulated by State or Nationally?

By: Michelle Mogollon

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C a r r y i n g w e a p o n s o n campus can either bring a sense of security for each individual or not carrying weapons at all will bring a sense of security in general. This two have valid points on which you for one would want to protect yourself and not having some sort of weapon can leave you at a disadvantage. But another valid point will be if no one was carrying a weapon that disadvantage will be eliminated.

When we asked in Savannah College of Art and Design what the millennial thoughts about this two things 75.96% of them agreed that it was for the best if there were not allowed to carry on campus. But still 24.04% still argued that they should be able to protect themselves in case of an emergency.

R e - p h r a s i n g a n d generalizing the questions to a ll campuses the question was asked in an event called “ the art March” in Sava nna h, G eorg ia. We a sk mil lennia ls and non mil lennia ls of what they thoughthought of concea led carr y on campus and

the anseranswer of millennials which were not in the universit y e n v i r o n m e n t w a s s i m i l a r t o the ones that were asked in the college. With 28.79% as agreeing with concealed carry and 71.21% disagreeing. The non- millennials surprisingly were similar within this two percentages in their answers as well.

A comment that was mentioned among those millennial’s that do agree on carrying weapons was “ How do you stop a bad guy with gun? With a good guy with a gun.” But then is the debate of us being in a campus with security and therefore they would be the “ guy “ which will protect us.

Schools and Guns...

“How do you stop

a bad guy with a gun?”

By: Michelle Mogollon

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Of course this steps are relative and will change depending on where you purchase either of these but, lets rough it out.

W e l l j u s t o n p a s t experiences on buying a dog here in the United states about five major steps. For starts there is finding the dog and where I purchase mine was from a website. The second major step was calling the website and then getting in contact with them and at the same time the breeder. They would ask you a series of questions to see if you are compatible with the dog or whether your living condition is enough to support a dog, or if even your apartment or house have all the requirements in order to be acceptable for the dog. The third step would be paying and giving your personal information in order for them to book a flight for the dog and in order for them to be sure you are the correct person that needs to get

the dog. also this include the signing of about 3 or 4 contracts. fou r t h is ca l l i ng a nd giving all the information of t h e vet that you are taking the dog when arriving. Then they will choose the flight when they think is best for the dog and they will tell you what day to g to the airport. Fifth is arriving to get the dog and giving all your information again and signing more papers. Followed by some calls and follow up from the breeders.

This process was not as simple as many people think. And the procedure to getting a gun is not so different ass well. There is more or less 3 steps for this but it changes depending on the state. The website states that you start by sending you information to a judge that will do a background check on you and decide whether or not you are capable of owning a

gun. Second you will pay more or less the $75 dollars for

your license and will be valid for about 5 years. And lastly you would go and find a seller, which will sell you the gun. And go to retrieve it personally.

M i l l e n n i a l h a v e v e r y different opinions on how simple and easy is to get a gun on this state or in general. But it is shocking on how uncomplicated is to get a license to have a g un and how sometimes getting a puppy seem more complicated or more of a “responsibilit y” because a l l the follow –ups and all the things that needed to be done. Regardless is all relative but if you even encounter of one of these situations think of the process that you had to go through in comparison with something much simpler.



By: Michelle Mogollon

How many steps does it

take to adopt a dog verses purchasing a


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The Mental Dilema...By: Craig Matola

According to Mayo clinic Mental Instability is define as a wide range of mental health conditions and disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. The topic of the mind and its illness’ has been on the rise in the news lately. In a cultural probe our team took at the Savannah College of Art and Design and surrounding area we connected metal instability and guns. People connect the two ideas and thoughts go immediately to, bad idea, harm to themselves and others, irresponsibility, dangerous.

However, according to an article from the New York Times “ less than 5 percent of gun homicides between 2001 and 2010 were committed by people with diagnoses of mental illness”. Many mass shootings and murders are not because all the people have mental illness. With varying levels of mental health conditions it becomes difficult to track who is at risk to themselves and others. When our ethnographers researched the topic the findings varied drastically. By changing and re-phrasing questions they were able to scrape the surface of the millennial generations thoughts. The questions were…

“Should law enforcement be able to temporarily remove guns from an individual who is likely to harm

himself or others?”“Should we restrict gun rights from people with

mental instability?”“To keep a gun should you have regular mental checks?”

The first question resulted in 84% of millennials in favor of removing the guns temporarily if harm may occur. While when the question was phrased in a new way it turned into an almost unanimous agreement of 99% people were against people with mental instability from getting guns. Surprisingly when a realistic form of checking on the mental state of gun owners

image from

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Save Lives or


Bullets: Space Arm by flaticon, (

arose the poll became a lot more controversial. The amount of people that were for having checks was only 65% of people polled.

While talking to people and reviewing comments we were able to develop the conclusion that, it is very difficult to determine at what point a mental illness becomes detrimental and whose job it should be to determine this. Even if mental checks were initiated, with the high costs of doctors and many would not have the proper training to evaluate all gun owners. This program would take a long time to be in full effects and would remain expensive to run leaving the question to who will pay for it. While on the other side people brought the opinion that even though it

would be expensive, a similar program could save lives and stop horrific events. They brought up the fact that guns would only be

removed if they were thought to be used to harm someone and keep them until their confirmed to be safe again.

No matter the opinion of the interviewee the over all percentages were still for doing something about mental instability and guns. The topic needs

to be discussed more to develop a better solution but, we hope we can spark this discussion now and revisit the topic soon with a solution.

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The laws regarding the private sale of f irearms by civilians is a hazy issue and is not controlled as strongly as the sale of firearms by licensed dealers. We found that female millennials more so than male, along with parents of millennials, were opposed to the private buying and selling of firearms in the US. Those that do not own firearms may not be aware of the existing laws regarding private sellers of firearms. According to our data, far fewer female millennials own guns than males.

In the US, under federal law “A person may transfer a f irearm to an unlicensed resident of his or her State, provided the transferor does not know or have reasonable cause to believe the transferee is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under Federal law.”1 In contrast to the regulations regarding FFL (Federal Firearms License) holders, this is a fairly unregulated transaction, with no mandatory background check. Because it is fairly easy to obtain a gun from an unlicensed dealer, even many of those who are in favor of gun rights are wary of the current laws on private firearm trade. Especially in a city like Savannah, where shootings can be a daily occurrence, this is an understandable stance to take.

Private Sale of GunsBy: Jonathan Henderson

Clay, Natalie. Battery. GB: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Gupta, Rohan. No Chemicals. IN: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Rowe, Mike. Two Thirds. AU: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Demushkin, Sergey. Arm Sling. RU: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Boatman, Edward. Greetings. US: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Shaull, Lorie. Rash. US: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Kolodziejski, Piotr. Smell. PL: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.David, Maxim. Clean Tshirt. IT: The Noun Project, n.d. SVG.Shower. N.p.: National Park Service Collection, n.d. SVG., Alfredo. 3 Xs. Digital image. The Noun Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2016.

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WA 27.7%

OR 26.6%

CA 20.1%


ID 56.9%




WA 27.7%




















PA 27.1%





WV 54.2%




















Guns Ownership by percent of population

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48 Gun

Buy a gun from a licensed retailer

Study the federa l reg u lations before buy ing a g un for g un ownership. The rule of carry a gun depends on where you are in. Someplace treat it very strict or lenient way. And also it depends on what kind of gun you buy, for instance, rifles or shotguns may be purchased by over the age of 18, and handguns by over the age of 21. Here are federal regulations: The buyer must be a current citizen of the United States or a permanent resident (green card holder). The buyer must not be under indictment for a crime punishable by a year in prison, or to have been previously convicted of a crime with a similar punishment. The buyer must not have a current restraining f iled by an intimate partner or child, and the buyer must not have been convicted of domestic violence. The buyer must not be a fugitive, or a user of controlled substances. The buyer must not be committed currently to a mental institution.

How to Safely Buy a GunBy: Christine Kim

St udy a lso loca l reg u lat ions in your state. Genera lly, state a nd municipa l laws a re more specialized and restrained than federal laws so you need to know local instructors to avoid breaking the rule.

Buy a gun from a licensed retailer i f requ i red i n you r st ate of residence. In the US, every seller of gun retailers need to have a Federal Firearm License (FFL) to sell firearms legally. Every seller of f irearms should be willing to provide proof of license.

1 2 3

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Provide the necessary information. It is not done that after you find a l icensed reta i ler for a g un, you will need to provide your identification and confirmation of the above Federal guidelines with information of firearms. However, this process might be different depends on rule of country.

Know your rights when it comes to private purchases. In some places, it is legal to buy used guns from an individual in the same state, who will not require you to submit to a background check before making the sale, or declare the sale. It is, however, illegal for private sellers to sell to individuals who don’t fit the federal requirements for gun ownership, so know that the lack of oversight in no way excuses you from Federal regulations. Owning a gun will still be illegal if youbuy it privately and don’t meet the regulations.

Store your gun safely. After you buy used or new gun f inishing checking the life of firearm, now time to find the place to store your awesome gun to protect from your family and friends. Gun should be stored place where is able to be locked with case.


your rightStore

the gun safely

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“I thought latte art was

so cool!”

In Conversation with Nicholas Taormina

By: Craig Matola Food. It’s the magical thing that keeps us all going in life. Not only being a lover of consuming food but, also loving the magic of cooking, I genuinely enjoy the process everyday. There aren’t many daily tasks that have the potential to be outstanding and change your mood in the way that food can. How you eat sets the mood for the day or it gives you the midday reenergization to get you through the back nine. If you have three meals a day that makes over 1,000 meals a year, they can get bland or you go through phases of eating the same three meals for dinner and two breakfasts. It happens to all of us. I recently found myself in one of these culinary luls and needed a way out. I decided to seek out a smaller part of the foody life, the morning coffee. To learn more I sat down and spoke with Nicholas Taormina. Taormina is from Montclair, New Jersey. He has worked at a Movie theater under a large company, at a mom and pop shop as a busboy and at Raymonds as a brewista for nearly three years before he moved to Savannah, Ga where he worked as a Brewista once again. We focused our conversation mostly on the Brewista job at Raymond’s in Montclair. Taormina explains the city as an “area of young people, few chain restaurants with lots of family owned shops.” Starting as a low level employee, he looked up to the Brewristas which were only a couple years older but far more experienced at the time, thinking, “I thought latte art was so cool!” Taormina mesmerized by the abilities of taste smell and how beautifully you could transform a drink into a canvas. He once admired and then grew close to the other employees, building a community inside the restaurant which customers noticed their joy through the food and drink. As all good things come to an end people change and move, Taormina stayed as others left the business and the business expanded to a second location. Taormina said that being in a small restaurant

that worked close together was different than even a restaurant with two location or 100 locations, “At a larger corporation it’s mostly young people doing their first or second job, the managers can’t be as personal with you. Everything is stricter and you have a bunch of guidelines to follow. I much prefer to work for a smaller business, you can suggest changes and they’re heard.” Being able to talk to people in the food business is especially important. Two places can serve exactly the same food but, if one doesn’t have great communication with customers from the beginning it will be a worse experience for them. With only about an hour or so to grab a customer and make them want to come back time and time again is a very short time to make a massive impact on them. There is the opportunity to get their attention real fast though and that’s exactly what Taormino loves. “With food it may take you an hour to make a meal that can blow people away. Art and design take so much longer to blow someone away, and you usually enjoy it with them or you share it with someone.” Taormino explained the best possible way that food affects millennials. He explained a scenario where from the bar he could watch the waitress interact with a group of millennials all on their phones. They are uninterested but, one orders a latte. After Taormino pulls the espresso and foams the milk finely, he carefully crafts a kitten face on the top and finishes it off with two dollops of foam as paws protruding from the mug. When the drink arrives at the table turns from girls once glued to their phones to being able to “hear them from across the restaurant, ‘O MY GOD THIS IS SO CUTE’ it’s hilarious.” And the joy is returned unknowingly to the master who crafted it, even before they taste it. Taormino says he keeps instagram going because of this tasteful little art surprising people with a new face on their mug and challenging himself to make a new creation.

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That is how food changes our mood, whether it’s crafting it ourselves or seeking out the cutest latte in town. Food runs deeper than we realized because we enjoy it so often, and it never has to be nuisance to find something to ‘ just eat’ because you’re hungry in the moment. It can be frustrating when you’re starving and you see open seats but, the host tells you its a twenty minute wait. Luckily Taormino gave us a few things to think about next time we visit a restaurant...“A lot goes into restaurants that you don’t really think about. Waits at restaurants are actually calculated, the wait for a seat is determined by how to keep the kitchen,

staff and patrons in the most efficient manner.”

“Sometimes the kitchen area is backed up but the drinks area is fine. Just wait it out people.”

“Luckily when you’re in a restaurant you’re kinda like a king of olden times, you sit there and people bring you food...but, then eventually you have to pay.”

Image from:

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Reframing is an exercise that contains four steps: stating an insight, creating four supporting statements for that insight, creating four opposing statements, and forming an opposing insight to the original. Our process started with our core belief that using soap while showering is important. After thinking through this process we came to the conclusion that our four opposing statements were: feeling of being clean, removes dirt, prevents infections and smell is important. The forming opposing insights to the original we got: it is natural to rinse off, chemicals are unnecessary, the body heals naturally and your body has a natural scent. Showering is not important.


By: Catalina CaicedoShowers are important,

yet they are not at thesame time

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What do you think the world would be if there were no more guns in it? Do you think less violence and trauma would occur? Or do you think that more Tragedy because that weapon of easy protection that we have will be gone? About 100 scenarios may happen but lets put one in theory and show possibilities of what could happen.

Starting by our daily live routines like walking at night, going grocery shopping, and eating on a restaurant. You don’t even think of danger or anybody can just go crazy and harm you because there are no guns. Guns aren’t a possibility and if someone decided to carry a knife, people can defend themselves and law enforcement can come and protect everyone easier too. Its not that he can easily kill as many people or harm people as quickly either with a pull of a trigger. Also think about all the money that the governments will be saving from all of that. All that money could be invested in solving problems like world hunger support Fema, ending terrorism, ect.

Not everything will be harmony and goodness in the world though we are just taking a weapon from the bad people but keep into account that we are taking away that same weapon from law enforcement and good people too. For many individuals that sort of weapon is needed in order to provide for their families or for themselves taking it away only will add to difficulty of it. There fore there is a possibility that more hunger in the world will appear. Also according to “ if there were no guns” by Joe Huffman it is said “ one man with a gun can control a hundred with ought one. But the odds are probably not much different for one well-trained man with a Bronze sword and a shield.

Many people will call you ignorant if you believe that a world with out guns will be better but many would argue the contrary, seeing that you cant picture a better place without that form of violence.

What if...By: Michelle Mogollon

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