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  • 1.So, who are the Youth of Today?

2. JESUS AND THE RICH YOUNG MAN (MK. 10: 17-22) 3. Good Teacher, what must I do to attain eternal life? (Mk. 10:17) 4. STRENGTHS OF THE MODERN YOUTH INQUISITIVE INNOVATIVE INVOLVED Enthusiastic to learn new things (3 Is) 5. Young people now are more Inquisitive (Sense of Curiosity) INQUISITIVE INNOVATIVE INVOLVED 6. INQUISITIVE INNOVATIVE INVOLVED Young people now are more Innovative 7. Young people are more Involved INQUISITIVE INNOVATIVE INVOLVED 8. STRENGTHS OF THE MODERN YOUTH Young People are Dynamic, Confident and Energetic I have obeyed each commandment since I was young. (Mk. 10:18-22) 9. WEAKNESSES OF THE MODERN YOUTH Jesus said, Go and sell all your belongings and give the proceeds to the poor. Then come and follow Me. (Mk.10:21) 10. FLOODED WITH SO MUCH MATERIALISM AND WORLDLINESS Upon hearing this, the rich young man became sad and went away (Mk.10:22) WEAKNESSES OF THE MODERN YOUTH 11. WRONG CONCEPT/ UNDERSTANDING OF HAPPINESS WEAKNESSES OF THE MODERN YOUTH 12. IMPULSIVE (Padalos-dalos) IN OUR DECISION-MAKING WEAKNESSES OF THE MODERN YOUTH 13. CHALLENGES OF THE MODERN YOUTH 14. CHALLENGES OF THE MODERN YOUTH LIVE A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY 15. RIGHT UNDERSTANDING OF TRUE HAPPINESS CHALLENGES OF THE MODERN YOUTH 16. BE REFLECTIVE Think before you act! CHALLENGES FOR THE MODERN YOUTH 17. THE YOUTH IN THE HEART OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH 18. THE YOUTH IN THE HEART OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH and Jesus looked at him with love. Mk.10:21 Jesus loved you and gave His life for you. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary. Pope Benedict XVI 19. The youth as hope and future of the Church Dear young people, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are. Blessed John Paul II THE YOUTH IN THE HEART OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH 20. The youth as new evangelizers So do not keep Christ to yourselves! Share with others the joy of your faith. Pope Benedict XVI WYD 11 THE YOUTH IN THE HEART OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH 21. THE YOUTH IS THE CHURCH THE YOUTH IN THE HEART OF CHRIST AND THE CHURCH 22. POINTS FOR REFLECTION 1. 2. 3. HOW DID I CARRY OUT MY ROLE AS A YOUTH IN MY PARISH? HOW CAN I SHARE MY FAITH IN JESUS TO OTHER PEOPLE? WHAT CAN I DO IN ORDER TO LIVE A LIFE OF SIMPLICITY AS A RESPONSE TO CHRISTS CALL? 23. YOUTH AND THE SACRAMENTS 24. SACRAMENTS What is Sacrament? What is the relevance of the Sacraments in our lives? Are Sacraments really important? 25. WHAT IS SACRAMENT? SACRAMENT is instituted by Christ as visible signs of Gods saving power and love. Main Purpose: TO GIVE GRACE 26. Origin of the Sacrament: Actions of Christ 27. THE SACRAMENTS CONTINUE CHRISTS SAVING ACTION TODAY THROUGH THE CHURCH SACRAMENTS CHRIST 28. DO YOU KNOW YOUR SACRAMENTS? 29. SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION 30. This are the sacraments where we become members of the Christian community It draws us into full union with Christ It empowers us to carry out our mission as Christians SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION 31. BAPTISM The sacrament when we first receive Gods sanctifying grace Go and make disciples of all nations, baptize them, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Mt. 28:19) 32. Fruits of Baptism We become Gods children We are incorporated in the Church New life in Christ BAPTISM 33. MATTER OF BAPTISM: WATER "Truly, truly, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. (Jn.3:3) BAPTISM 34. CONFIRMATION through this sacrament, the faithful is more perfectly bound in the Church and her mission, endowed with the strength from the Holy Spirit 35. the sacrament where we receive the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses. (Acts 1:8) CONFIRMATION 36. Acts 19:5-6 - the people of Ephesus were baptized in Christ, but Paul laid hands on them to seal them with the Holy Spirit. Fruit: Strengthen and Confirm the grace of Baptism CONFIRMATION 37. Fruit: Empowers the faithful to be a Witness of Christ In Him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvationhaving also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise (Eph. 1:13) CONFIRMATION 38. Matter for Confirmation: Holy Chrism CONFIRMATION 39. EUCHARIST Instituted by Christ during the Last Supper While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body. (Mt. 26:26) 40. the sacrament where we encounter and receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. (Jn. 6:35) EUCHARIST 41. the highest form of prayer and act of thanksgiving (Eucharistien) EUCHARIST 42. BASIC DESCRIPTION OF THE EUCHARIST Thanksgiving Sacrifice Real Presence of Christ EUCHARIST 43. FRUITS: We receive the Body and Blood of Christ Forgiveness of our sins and the sins of others including the dead We are in communion with the Church EUCHARIST 44. WHAT ARE THE SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION? 45. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING 46. Rooted in Christs healing ministry of curing the sick and calling people to repentance SACRAMENTS OF HEALING 47. The sacrament in which the Church continues the healing ministry of Christ SACRAMENTS OF HEALING 48. WHAT ARE THE SACRAMENTS OF HEALING? The sacraments of healing are Penance/Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick 49. RECONCILIATION the sacrament where we ask for Gods mercy and forgiveness by confessing our sins and live a life of renewal Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain are retained. (Jn.20:22-23) 50. FRUITS: Remits all our sins and gives sanctifying grace We are reconciled with God and the Church RECONCILIATION 51. MATTER: Confession of Sins Absolution (authority of the priest to forgive sins) Gods mercy is greater than any sin. St. Faustina RECONCILIATION 52. ANOINTING OF THE SICK the sacrament given to the severely ill and the dying to give them healing and strength of body and spirit during time of illnesses You will lay your hands on the sick, who will recover. (Mk. 16:18) 53. FRUITS: Unites the sick person with the passion of Jesus Gives him comfort, peace and strength Forgives all sins Restores the person in good health if it is good for his salvation Prepares him for a peaceful death ANOINTING OF THE SICK 54. MATTER: Blessed Oil ANOINTING OF THE SICK 55. WHAT ARE THE SACRAMENTS OF HEALING? 56. SACRAMENTS OF VOCATION 57. WHAT IS VOCATION? comes from the Latin word Vocare which means to call it is also a chosen way of life in which we commit ourselves to God, to the Church and the need of others 58. WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF VOCATION? 59. WHAT ARE THE TWO SACRAMENTS OF VOCATION? HOLY ORDERS HOLY MATRIMONY 60. HOLY ORDER Instituted by Christ during the Last Supper, when He washed His disciples feet 61. the sacrament administered to a man who offers his life to Christ and the Church through the ministry of priesthood HOLY ORDER 62. FRUITS OF ORDINATION DIACONATE EPISCOPACYPRIESTHOOD 63. MATTER OF ORDINATION IMPOSITION OF HANDS 64. HOLY MATRIMONY is a sacrament and covenant of love between man and woman which models the love between Christ and His Church FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. (Eph.5:31=32) 65. 3 FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF MARRIAGE UNITY (ONENESS OF MAN AND WOMAN) INDISSOLUBILITY (WE CANNOT DIVORCE OUR SPOUSE) FECUNDITY (OPEN TO THE PROCREATION OF CHILDREN) Let no man separate what God has joined. (Mt. 19:6) 66. FRUITS OF HOLY MATRIMONY Perpetual and Exclusive Bond Sacramental Grace 67. MATTER OF HOLY MATRIMONY EXCHANGE OF CONSENT For this reason, man shall leave his father and mother and be with his wife, and the two of them shall become one flesh. (Mt.19:5) 68. WHAT ARE THE TWO SACRAMENTS OF VOCATION? 69. RELATION OF THE SACRAMENTS TO OUR NATURAL GROWTH AS HUMAN PERSONS BAPTISM CONFIRMATION EUCHARIST RECONCILIATION AND ANOINTING MATRIMONY AND HOLY ORDERS PHYSICAL BIRTH MATURITY NOURISHMENT PHYSICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALING COMMUNITY, FAMILY AND LEADERSHIP 70. LETS MAKE IT SIMPLE Sacraments are rituals instituted by Christ to make us one in Him Sacraments are visible signs instituted by Christ in order to give grace 71. Sacraments originated from the saving actions of Christ and in His name, is continued by the Church LETS MAKE IT SIMPLE 72. How do we live out the effects and grace we receive from the Sacraments? The Question is 73. YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP 74. WHO IS A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST? 75. A person who commits Himself to follow Jesus Come and follow me. Mk. 10:21 WHO IS A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST? 76. HOW DO WE COMMIT OURSELVES TO JESUS? know Him and love Him more I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death. Phil. 3:10 77. Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mt. 16:24 Be selfless like Jesus HOW DO WE COMMIT OURSELVES TO JESUS? 78. Obey and live out His teachings Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall. Mt.7:24-25 HOW DO WE COMMIT OURSELVES TO JESUS? 79. Talk to Him, PRAY Encounter and receive Him in the Eucharist HOW DO WE COMMIT OURSELVES TO JESUS? 80. WHO IS A DISCIPLE OF CHRIST? A PERSON WHO BRINGS THE GOOD NEWS AND THE LIGHT OF CHRIST TO OTHERS You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Mt. 5:14-16 81. IN SHORT, A DISCIPLE IS CALLED TO BE 82. CAN OTHER PEOPLE SEE JESUS IN YOU?

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