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Photo: Comunidad Andina de Naciones

Low Carbon North Oxford 25 January 2011

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Source: Guardian 5 March 2010, Based on Met Office data

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Link between Arctic sea ice melt and cold winters?

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Cancun December 2010


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• Advance from Copenhagen - ‘politically feasible deal’

• Green Climate Fund, deforestation, ways to monitor emissions

• The UN itself, and leading analysts, calculate that the pledges made so far by 80 countries mean a minimum 3.2C rise – which for many countries spells disaster.

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• ‘Today, a large body of evidence has been collected to support the broad scientific understanding that global climate warming, as evident these last few decades, is unprecedented for the past 1000 years — and this change is due to human activities. 

• The biggest question is what choices we and our children should make about energy use. The more dependent we are on carbon-emitting energy sources, the more our climate will change.

• As climate scientists, we have a responsibility to share our understanding with the public and policy makers. But the future depends not on what scientists have learnt and conveyed, Rather it depends on what society chooses to do with that knowledge.’

• JAMES MCCARTHY, LISA GRAUMLICH , CHRIS FIELD & JAMES HURRELL , four US climate scientists, July 2010

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