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  • Louisiana Senate Finance Committee

    FY21 ProposedBudget

    13 –Department of Environmental Quality

    June 2020

    Senator Patrick Page Cortez, PresidentSenator Bodi White, Chairman

  • FY21 Proposed Budget Schedule 13 — Environmental Quality Agencies

    Departmental mission — “The mission of the Department of Environmental Quality is toprovide service to the people of Louisiana through comprehensive environmental protection inorder to promote and protect health, safety and welfare while considering sound policiesregarding employment and economic development.”

    13-856 Office of

    Environmental Quality

    Secretary Environmental ComplianceEnvironmental

    ServicesManagement and




  • Environmental QualityFY21 Program Descriptions by Agency

    Office of the Secretary:• Audit Services. Conducts performance, operational, investigative, and financial audits of the operations of the


    • Legal Affairs. Provides advice, consultation, and representation to all offices of the department for every type of environmental action.

    • Executive Administration. Provides executive oversight and leadership of the five agency functions of the department.

    • Business & Community Outreach. Provides both regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to ensure protection and improvement of the environment through technical assistance, outreach and partnership building.

    • Public Information. Handles all media functions including media inquiries, press releases, the LDEQ web site, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

    • Criminal Investigations. Acts as the deterrent to would-be criminal violators of environmental laws by making arrests, serving search warrants, and developing and investigating environmental criminal cases for prosecution.

    Office of Environmental Compliance:• Surveillance. Inspects facilities for compliance with their permits or other authorizations (regulations or enforcement

    actions) by the department and to respond to complaints.

    • Enforcement. Ensures compliance with the environmental permitting laws and regulations and to deter future non-compliance by issuing the appropriate enforcement actions.

    • Emergency & Rad Services. Responds to chemical and environmental emergencies, provides a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for reporting spills and complaints to the department, and provides administrative services for radiation sources.


  • Environmental QualityFY21 Program Descriptions by Agency

    Office of Environmental Services:

    • Air Permits. Conducts comprehensive technical evaluations of incoming air permit applications to ensure the protection of human health and the environment.

    • Water Permits. Conducts comprehensive technical evaluations of incoming water permit applications to ensure the protection of human health and the environment.

    • Waste Permits. Conducts comprehensive reviews of permit requests and regulatory determinations for generators, processors, and disposers of solid and hazardous waste.

    • Public Participation & Permits Support. Facilitates public participations and provides administrative, database and certification notifications support to the media-based permit divisions.

    • La Environmental Lab Accreditation. Accredits and audits commercial laboratories to confirm approved methods and quality to ensure accuracy, precision, and reliability of data provided to the department.

    Office of Management and Finance:

    • Financial Services. Budget and expenditure reporting, accounts payable, employee travel reimbursement, billing & data management, accounts receivable, funds management, grant and contract processing, property and fleet control.

    • Human Resources. Provides Human Capital Management function to the department.

    • Waste Tires (OMF-Payments). Processes payments to the authorized waste tire processors.

    • OMF Support & Department wide Costs. Provides processing and reporting of Clean Water State Revolving Loan program which provides financial assistance to the municipalities for improvement and/or construction of wastewater treatment facilities. Also provides department wide services such as building rent, mails, trainings, telecommunications, and insurance. 4

  • Environmental QualityFY21 Program Descriptions by Agency

    Office of Management and Finance Continued:

    • Aircraft Services. Provides the aircraft services.

    • OTS and Records Management. Provides IT related services to the department through DOA Office of Technology Services and Records/Data Management services.

    Office of Environmental Assessment:

    • Air Planning and Assessment. Evaluates the overall quality of the air resources of the state and ensures compliance with the federal air standards and regulations.

    • Water Planning and Assessment. Evaluates the overall quality of the water resources of the state, establishes and assesses water quality standards, and assists with environmental restoration and protection actions.

    • Remediation. Investigates, evaluates, monitors, and cleans up contamination at both active and/or abandoned hazardous waste, solid waste, Superfund, and Brownfields sites for restoration and preservation of the soil, groundwater, and surface water.

    • Underground Storage Tanks. Investigates, evaluates, monitors, and cleans up contamination at both active and closed Underground Storage Tank sites for restoration and preservation of the soil, groundwater, and surface water.


  • Environmental QualityChanges in Funding since FY13

    FY13 Actual FY14 Actual FY15 Actual FY16 Actual FY17 Actual FY18 Actual FY19 Actual FY20EnactedFY20 as of



    SGF $484,712 $474,735 $482,377 $405,794 $- $- $- $- $- $-IAT $1,404,61 $1,014,57 $212,160 $327,558 $212,757 $240,882 $35,773 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000FSGR $30,359 $21,994 $20,515 $23,126 $20,414 $19,242 $20,080 $24,790 $24,790 $78,025,0STAT DED $81,497,5 $80,449,2 $86,717,1 $82,735,5 $86,418,5 $93,177,1 $99,953,1 $114,319, $120,671, $38,727,8FED $17,385,7 $17,565,2 $17,043,4 $18,005,4 $16,420,0 $16,627,8 $15,212,7 $19,634,3 $19,634,3 $19,634,3










    Total Budget by Fiscal Year and Means of Finance(in $ millions)

    The difference between FY18 and FY19 is dueto excess budget authority due to historicalexpenditure patterns. In the FY21 Budget, the

    Environmental Trust Fund is reclassified to Feesand Self-generated Revenues.

    Interim Updates:

    DEQ Carry-Forward BA-7totaling $169,103 wasapproved at the August2019 JLCB. The funding isout of the HazardousWaste Site Cleanup Fundand Environmental TrustFund. The funds wereallocated for professionalservices, vehicle purchases,and medical monitoring.

    DEQ Carry-Forward BA-7totaling $6,194,519 wasapproved at the August2019 JLCB. The funding isout of the HazardousWaste Site Cleanup Fundand Environmental TrustFund. The funds wereallocated for professionalservices, acquisition ofvehicles, mobile labs,buses, and legal fees.


    $100.8 $99.5$104.5 $101.5 $103.1


    Change from FY13 to FY21 is +35.3%.



    $134.0 $136.4

  • 7

    Environmental QualityStatewide Adjustments Proposed for FY21

    State General Fund


    Interagency Transfers

    Fees and Self-generated


    Statutory Dedications IEB Federal Funds Total T.O. Adjustment

    $0 $30,000 $24,790 $120,671,105 $0 $19,634,301 $140,360,196 706 FY20 Existing Operating Budget as of 12-1-19$0 $0 $1,669,557 $0 $0 $0 $1,669,557 0 Market Rate Salary Adjustment – Classified$0 $0 $108,463 $0 $0 $0 $108,463 0 Unclassified Pay Increase$0 $0 $173,540 $0 $0 $0 $173,540 0 Civil Service Training Series Adjustment$0 $0 $160,084 $0 $0 $0 $160,084 0 Related Benefits Base Adjustment$0 $0 ($235,650) $0 $0 $0 ($235,650) 0 Retirement Rate Adjustment$0 $0 $137,883 $0 $0 $0 $137,883 0 Group Insurance Rate Adjustment for Active Employees$0 $0 $106,332 $0 $0 $0 $106,332 0 Group Insurance Rate Adjustment for Retirees$0 $0 $294,552 $109,540 $0 $0 $404,092 0 Salary Base Adjustment$0 $0 ($1,112,491) $0 $0 $0 ($1,112,491) 0 Attrition Adjustment$0 $0 $1,158,400 $0 $0 $0 $1,158,400 0 Acquisitions & Major Repairs$0 $0 $0 ($1,410,347) $0 $0 ($1,410,347) 0 Non-recurring Acquisitions & Major Repairs$0 $0 $0 ($6,351,510) $0 $0 ($6,351,510) 0 Non-Recurring Carryforwards$0 $0 $38,130 $0 $0 $0 $38,130 0 Risk Management$0 $0 ($4,041) $0 $0 $0 ($4,041) 0 Legislative Auditor Fees$0 $0 ($14,686) $0 $0 $0 ($14,686) 0 Rent in State-owned Buildings$0 $0 ($1,814) $0 $0 $0 ($1,814) 0 Maintenance in State-owned Buildings$0 $0 $1,928 $0 $0 $0 $1,928 0 Capitol Park Security$0 $0 ($38) $0 $0 $0 ($38) 0 Capitol Police$0 $0 $147 $0 $0 $0 $147 0 UPS Fees$0 $0 $20,182 $0 $0 $0 $20,182 0 Civil Service Fees$0 $0 ($1,382) $0 $0 $0 ($1,382) 0 State Treasury Fees$0 $0 $302,528 $0 $0 $0 $302,528 0 Office of Technology Services (OTS)$0 $0 $13,435 $0 $0 $0 $13,435 0 Administrative Law Judges$0 $0 ($34,047) $0 $0 $0 ($34,047) 0 Office of State Procurement$0 $0 ($71,671) $0 $0 $0 ($71,671) 0 Topographic Mapping$0 $0 $2,709,341 ($7,652,317) $0 $0 ($4,942,976) 0 Total Statewide Adjustments$0 $0 $75,290,958 ($75,290,958) $0 $0 $0 0 Total Means of Financing Substitution Adjustments$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 Total Non-Recurring Other Adjustments$0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 3 Total Other Adjustments$0 $30,000 $78,025,089 $38,727,830 $0 $19,634,301 $136,417,220 709 Total FY21 Proposed Budget


    Summary of LDH Budget Adjustments for Fiscal Year 2018-2019

    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsIEBFederal FundsTotalT.O.Explanation

    $2,415,119,251$306,924,794$510,154,478$842,350,843$0$9,519,368,265$13,593,917,6315,794FY18 Existing Opreating Budget as of 12/01/2017

    $0$0$2,709,341($7,652,317)$0$0($4,942,976)0Total Statewide Adjustments

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Means of Financing Substutitions

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Non-recurrring Adjustments

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Other Adjustments

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Annualizations

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Technical Adjustments

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Workload Adjustments

    $0$0$2,709,341($7,652,317)$0$0($4,942,976)0Total Adjustments in the Governor's Executive Budget Recommendations

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total House Appropriaitons Committee Amendments to House Bill No. 1

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total House Floor Amendments to House Bill No. 1

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Senate Finance Committee Amendments to House Bill No. 1

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Senate Floor Amendments to House Bill No. 1

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Conference Committee Amendments to House Bill No. 1

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Gubernatorial Vetoes of Line-item Amendments to House Bill No. 1

    $2,415,119,251$306,924,794$512,863,819$834,698,526$0$9,519,368,265$13,588,974,6555,794Total Appropriated


    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsIEBFederal FundsTotalT.O.Adjustment

    $0$30,000$24,790$120,671,105$0$19,634,301$140,360,196706FY20 Existing Operating Budget as of 12-1-19

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$002% General Salary Increase Annualization – Classified

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$002% General Salary Increase Annualization – Unclassified

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Structural Salary Increase Annualization – Classified

    $0$0$1,669,557$0$0$0$1,669,5570Market Rate Salary Adjustment – Classified

    $0$0$108,463$0$0$0$108,4630Unclassified Pay Increase

    $0$0$173,540$0$0$0$173,5400Civil Service Training Series Adjustment

    $0$0$160,084$0$0$0$160,0840Related Benefits Base Adjustment

    $0$0($235,650)$0$0$0($235,650)0Retirement Rate Adjustment

    $0$0$137,883$0$0$0$137,8830Group Insurance Rate Adjustment for Active Employees

    $0$0$106,332$0$0$0$106,3320Group Insurance Rate Adjustment for Retirees

    $0$0$294,552$109,540$0$0$404,0920Salary Base Adjustment

    $0$0($1,112,491)$0$0$0($1,112,491)0Attrition Adjustment

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Personnel Reductions

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Non-recurring Acquisitions & Major Repairs

    $0$0$1,158,400$0$0$0$1,158,4000Acquisitions & Major Repairs

    $0$0$0($1,410,347)$0$0($1,410,347)0Non-recurring Acquisitions & Major Repairs

    $0$0$0($6,351,510)$0$0($6,351,510)0Non-Recurring Carryforwards

    $0$0$38,130$0$0$0$38,1300Risk Management

    $0$0($4,041)$0$0$0($4,041)0Legislative Auditor Fees

    $0$0($14,686)$0$0$0($14,686)0Rent in State-owned Buildings

    $0$0($1,814)$0$0$0($1,814)0Maintenance in State-owned Buildings

    $0$0$1,928$0$0$0$1,9280Capitol Park Security

    $0$0($38)$0$0$0($38)0Capitol Police

    $0$0$147$0$0$0$1470UPS Fees

    $0$0$20,182$0$0$0$20,1820Civil Service Fees

    $0$0($1,382)$0$0$0($1,382)0State Treasury Fees

    $0$0$302,528$0$0$0$302,5280Office of Technology Services (OTS)

    $0$0$13,435$0$0$0$13,4350Administrative Law Judges

    $0$0($34,047)$0$0$0($34,047)0Office of State Procurement

    $0$0($71,671)$0$0$0($71,671)0Topographic Mapping

    $0$0$2,709,341($7,652,317)$0$0($4,942,976)0Total Statewide Adjustments

    $0$0$75,290,958($75,290,958)$0$0$00Total Means of Financing Substitution Adjustments

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Non-Recurring Other Adjustments

    $0$0$0$1,000,000$0$0$1,000,0003Total Other Adjustments

    $0$30,000$78,025,089$38,727,830$0$19,634,301$136,417,220709Total FY21 Proposed Budget

    $0$0$78,000,299($81,943,275)$0$0($3,942,976)3Total Adjustments (Statewide and Agency-Specific)





    Tradtional Other Adjustments

    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsIEBFederal FundsTotalT.O.Explanation

    $2,684,006$918,541$970$0$0$298,532$3,902,04902% General Salary Increase Annualization – Classified

    $70,574$0$0$0$0$19,827$90,40102% General Salary Increase Annualization – Unclassified

    $1,537,065$244,060$0$0$0$168,957$1,950,0820Structural Salary Increase Annualization – Classified

    $8,953,608$3,719,109$2,989$0$0$941,932$13,617,6380Market Rate Salary Adjustment – Classified

    $136,558$0$0$0$0$0$136,5580Market Rate Salary Adjustment – Unclassified

    $354,724$307,125$0$0$0$7,322$669,1710Civil Service Training Series Adjustment

    $5,846,851($947,262)($10,490)$0$0$36,131$4,925,2300Related Benefits Base Adjustmentq

    $7,523$61$0$0$0$180$7,7640Retirement Rate Adjustment

    $12,845,176$614,662$33,443$0$0$1,510,148$15,003,4290Salary Base Adjustment

    ($14,761,043)($5,151,250)($8,090)$0$0($1,378,173)($21,298,556)0Attrition Adjustment

    ($6,054,077)$0$0$0$0$0($6,054,077)0Personnel Reductions

    $0$1,747,787$302,482$0$0$479,025$2,529,2940Acquisitions & Major Repairs

    ($318,554)($1,645,332)($193,155)$0$0($515,854)($2,672,895)0Non-Recurring Acquisitions & Major Repairs

    ($4,169,060)$0$0$0$0($20,188,797)($24,357,857)0Non-recurring Carryforwards

    ($501,218)($1,571,579)$0$0$0($135,131)($2,207,928)0Risk Management

    $430,804$0$0$0$0$0$430,8040Legislative Auditor Fees

    ($395,396)$0$0$0$0$3,778($391,618)0Rent in State-Owned Buildings

    ($2,825)$0$0$0$0($1,038)($3,863)0Maintenance in State-Owned Buildings

    $8,174$0$0$0$0$0$8,1740Capitol Park Security

    $16,785$0$0$0$0$0$16,7850Capitol Police

    ($12,227)($2,093)$0$0$0($2,037)($16,357)0UPS Fees

    ($50,958)($2,186)$0$0$0($14,419)($67,563)0Civil Service Fees

    ($3,592)$0$0$0$0($4,023)($7,615)0State Treasury Fees

    $588,822$189,746$61,026$0$0$711,752$1,551,3460Office of Technology Services (OTS)

    ($1,942,634)$0$0$0$0$0($1,942,634)0Administrative Law Judges

    ($165,678)$0$0$0$0($30,706)($196,384)0Office of State Procurement

    $139,112$0$0$0$0$0$139,1120Topographic Mapping

    $5,242,520($1,578,611)$189,175$0$0($18,092,594)($14,239,510)0Total Statewide Adjustments

    Reductions to Balance Budget to Decline in Revenues for FY19

    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsIEBFederal FundsTotalT.O.Explanation

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Florida Parishes Human Services Authority

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Capital Area Human Services District

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Developmental Disabilities Council

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Metropolitan Human Services District

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Medical Vendor Administration

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Medical Vendor Payments

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Office of the Secretary

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Northeast Delta Human Services Authority

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Office of Aging and Adult Services

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Louisiana Emergency Response Network

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Acadiana Area Human Services District

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Office of Public Health

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Office of Behavioral Health

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Central Louisiana Human Services District

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Northwest Louisiana Human Services District

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Total Reductions to Balance Budget to Decline in Revenues for FY19


    MVP Cuts

    Program/ServiceState General Fund (Direct)Other State Funding Federal FundsTotal

    Eliminate Long-term Care Special Income Level Program (Individuals with functional needs requiring an institutional level of care with incomes up to 300% of the SSI level) ($260,560,661)($82,736,374)($628,390,017)($971,687,052)

    Eliminate Provisional Medicaid Eligibility Program (Individuals with disabilities or age 65 and older with income below the Federal Benefit Rate (FBR) and resources that meet SSI limits and the disability determination may be made by Medicaid’s Medical Eligibility Determination Team (MEDT) without first having an SSI determination made by the SSA)($38,229,293)$0($68,350,280)($106,579,573)

    Medically Needy Program – Regular and Spenddown (Individuals and families who meet all Medicaid program requirements, except that their income is above those program limits, can spend-down or reduce their income to Medicaid eligibility levels using incurred medical expenses)($11,740,332)$0($20,990,576)($32,730,908)

    Eliminate Children's Choice Waiver (Provides a variety of community-based services to children with developmental disabilities from birth to age 18 in lieu of institutionalization)($4,687,388)$0($8,748,044)($13,435,432)

    Eliminate Supports Waiver (Provides a variety of community-based services to individuals with developmental disabilities aged 18 or over in lieu of institutionalization)($4,754,892)$0($8,703,619)($13,458,511)

    Reduce the New Opportunity Waiver (NOW) – Reduce the Support Coordination Rate and Eliminate Supported Independent Living Services($4,824,862)$0($8,663,709)($13,488,571)

    Eliminate Pediatric Day Health Centers (PDHC) Services (Facilities providing care for medically fragile children under the age of twenty-one, including technology dependent children who require close supervision, up to 12-hours per day) ($10,877,713)$0($19,448,299)($30,326,012)

    Eliminate Long-term Personal Care Services (Services to help qualified Medicaid recipients – either age 65 or older or age 21 or older with disabilities per the Social Security Administration disability criteria and meeting the medical standards for admission to a nursing facility and additional targeting criteria – with the activities of daily living)($55,962,600)($110,121)($104,021,109)($160,093,830)

    Eliminate Nursing Home Bed Hold Payments (Partial per diem payments to a nursing home when a Medicaid resident is hospitalized or on home leave for a limited number of day per year)($1,050,292)$0($1,922,513)($2,972,805)

    Eliminate Nursing Home Reimbursement Rate Rebasing in FY19 (State rules and regulations provide for nursing home reimbursement rates to be updated at least every two years; the last update was in FY17)($3,690,066)($16,455,222)($36,875,057)($57,020,345)

    Eliminate Most Mental Health Rehabilitation Services for Individuals Aged 21 or Older and Reduce Inpatient Psychiatric Services (Services targeted for elimination include psychosocial rehabilitation services, community psychiatric support and treatment services, crisis intervention services, and services provided by licensed mental health professionals)($17,618,668)$0($32,415,805)($50,034,473)

    Eliminate Outpatient and Residental Substance Abuse Services for Individual Aged 21 or Older($26,044,341)$0($47,677,422)($73,721,763)

    Ambulatory Surgical Centers (Outpatient facilities providing same-day surgical services, including diagnostic and preventive procedures)($3,669,732)($351,667)($11,619,725)($15,641,124)

    Reduce Supplemental Hospital Upper Payment Limit (UPL)/Full Medicaid Pricing (FMP) Payments (UPL and FMP payments are supplemental payments to providers of the difference between the current Medicaid rates for those services and the maximum payment amount allowed under federal regulations.Usually, this maximum is the Medicare rate or a computation of what Medicare would pay for that service under fee-for-service payments or actuarially soundness for services under managed care plans.) ($4,049,647)$0($58,252,615)($62,302,262)

    Eliminate Disproportionate Share (DSH) Payments to Hospitals for Uncompensated Care Costs (UCC) (DSH or UCC payments are the primary source of reimbursements for health care services provided to the uninsured. Such payments also may include reimbursement for Medicaid "Shortfall," the difference between the Mediciaid reimbursements and the hospital's actual cost of providing health care serivces to Medicaid enrollees.)($201,605,034)($67,610,306)($499,971,346)($769,186,686)

    Eliminate DSH Payments to OBH Public Private Partnerships - Community Care and Northlake Payments($5,141,791)$0($9,549,040)($14,690,831)





    Total Reductions($654,507,312)($167,263,690)($1,565,599,176)($2,387,370,178)







  • Environmental QualityNon-Statewide Adjustments for FY21


    State General Fund


    Interagency Transfers

    Fees and Self-generated


    Statutory Dedications Federal Funds Total T.O. Adjustment

    $0 $0 $6,396,522 ($6,396,522) $0 $0 0

    Office of the Secretary - Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund andincreasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular LegislativeSession.

    $0 $0 $20,541,387 ($20,541,387) $0 $0 0

    Envirtonmental Compliance -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fundand increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 RegularLegislative Session.

    $0 $0 $11,198,132 ($11,198,132) $0 $0 0

    ENV SERVICES -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund and increasingthe fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session.

    $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0

    Management and Finance -Means of finance substitution for indirect cost to be applied in FY20 from the Environmental Trust Fund($1,255,000) to the Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund - $1,200,000 and to the Lead Hazard Reduction Fund - $55,000 to support theadministration functions of the Department.

    $0 $0 $18,942,975 ($18,942,975) $0 $0 0

    Management and Finance -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund andincreasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular LegislativeSession.

    $0 $0 $18,211,942 ($18,211,942) $0 $0 0

    Environmental Assessment -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fundand increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 RegularLegislative Session.

    $0 $0 $75,290,958 ($75,290,958) $0 $0 $0 Total MOF Substitutions

    State General Fund


    Interagency Transfers

    Fees and Self-generated


    Statutory Dedications Federal Funds Total T.O. Adjustment

    $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2 Office of the Secretary -Provides for the conversion of non-TO positions to classified positions as per Civil Service rule.

    $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 0

    Management and Finance -Provides for an increase in the Motor Fuels Underground Tank Trust Fund to perform abandonedUnderground Storage Tank response action activities at Underground Storage Tank sites for unknown/undetermined, unresponsive,and/or financially unable Underground Storage Tank owners.

    $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 Management and Finance -Provides for the conversion of non-TO positions to classified positions as per Civil Service rule.$0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 3 Total Other Adjustments

    Means of Financing Substitutions

    Other Adjustments


    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsIEBFederal FundsTotalT.O.Adjustment

    $524,428,847$14,024,103$49,877,094$1,014,000$0$2,230,697$591,574,7414,899FY20 Existing Operating Budget as of 12-1-19

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$002% General Salary Increase Annualization – Classified

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$002% General Salary Increase Annualization – Unclassified

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Structural Salary Increase Annualization – Classified

    $8,227,290$0$64,925$0$0$0$8,292,2150Market Rate Salary Adjustment – Classified

    $57,948$0$0$0$0$0$57,9480Unclassified Pay Increase

    $1,064,145$0$8,532$0$0$0$1,072,6770Civil Service Training Series Adjustment

    ($2,309,857)$0($52,129)$0$0$0($2,361,986)0Related Benefits Base Adjustment

    $3,122,224$0$28,715$0$0$0$3,150,9390Retirement Rate Adjustment

    $928,345$0$7,441$0$0$0$935,7860Group Insurance Rate Adjustment for Active Employees

    $668,246$0$0$0$0$0$668,2460Group Insurance Rate Adjustment for Retirees

    ($522,661)$0($110,977)$0$0$0($633,638)0Salary Base Adjustment

    ($3,262,406)$0$0$0$0$0($3,262,406)0Attrition Adjustment

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Personnel Reductions

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Non-recurring Acquisitions & Major Repairs

    ($7,600,504)$0$0$0$0$0($7,600,504)0Non-recurring Carryforwards

    ($128,402)$0$125,558$0$0$0($2,844)0Risk Management

    $550$0$0$0$0$0$5500Legislative Auditor Fees

    ($69,992)$0$0$0$0$0($69,992)0Rent in State-owned Buildings

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Maintenance in State-owned Buildings

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Capitol Park Security

    $5,312$0$0$0$0$0$5,3120Capitol Police

    ($1,717)$0$0$0$0$0($1,717)0UPS Fees

    $85,571$0$0$0$0$0$85,5710Civil Service Fees

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00State Treasury Fees

    $1,015,673$0$0$0$0$0$1,015,6730Office of Technology Services (OTS)

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Administrative Law Judges

    ($68,613)$0$0$0$0$0($68,613)0Office of State Procurement

    $0$0$0$0$0$0$00Topographic Mapping

    $1,211,152$0$72,065$0$0$0$1,283,2170Total Statewide Adjustments

    ($169,893)$0$223,893($54,000)$0$0$00Total Means of Financing Substitution Adjustments

    ($34,260)$0$0$0$0$0($34,260)0Total Non-Recurring Other Adjustments

    ($12,375,262)($51,001)($124,782)$0$0$0($12,551,045)0Total Other Adjustments

    $513,060,584$13,973,102$50,048,270$960,000$0$2,230,697$580,272,6534,899Total FY21 Proposed Budget

    ($11,368,263)($51,001)$171,176($54,000)$0$0($11,302,088)0Total Adjustments (Statewide and Agency-Specific)

    Agency Specific

    Means of Financing Substitutions

    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsFederal FundsTotalT.O.Adjustment

    $0$0$6,396,522($6,396,522)$0$00Office of the Secretary - Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund and increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session.

    $0$0$20,541,387($20,541,387)$0$00Envirtonmental Compliance -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund and increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session.

    $0$0$11,198,132($11,198,132)$0$00ENV SERVICES -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund and increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session.

    $0$0$0$0$0$00Management and Finance -Means of finance substitution for indirect cost to be applied in FY20 from the Environmental Trust Fund ($1,255,000) to the Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund - $1,200,000 and to the Lead Hazard Reduction Fund - $55,000 to support the administration functions of the Department.

    $0$0$18,942,975($18,942,975)$0$00Management and Finance -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund and increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session.

    $0$0$18,211,942($18,211,942)$0$00Environmental Assessment -Means of finance substitution removing funding from the Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fund and increasing the fund account re-classified as Fees & Self-generated Revenue in accordance with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session.

    $0$0$75,290,958($75,290,958)$0$0$0Total MOF Substitutions

    Other Adjustments

    State General Fund (Direct)Interagency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsFederal FundsTotalT.O.Adjustment

    $0$0$0$0$0$02Office of the Secretary -Provides for the conversion of non-TO positions to classified positions as per Civil Service rule.

    $0$0$0$1,000,000$0$1,000,0000Management and Finance -Provides for an increase in the Motor Fuels Underground Tank Trust Fund to perform abandoned Underground Storage Tank response action activities at Underground Storage Tank sites for unknown/undetermined, unresponsive, and/or financially unable Underground Storage Tank owners.

    $0$0$0$0$0$01Management and Finance -Provides for the conversion of non-TO positions to classified positions as per Civil Service rule.

    $0$0$0$1,000,000$0$1,000,0003Total Other Adjustments

  • SGF$-



    Less than 1%

    Fees & SGR$78.0 56%

    Stat Deds$38.7 29%

    Federal$19.6 14%

    FY21 Recommended Total Means of Finance

    (In Millions)

    Total $136.4m.

    Non-SGF Sources of Funding:

    Non-State General Fund sources of funding for the Department ofEnvironmental Quality are derived from Interagency Transfers,Fees and Self-generated Revenues, Statutory Dedications, andFederal Funds.

    The Interagency Transfers are from GOHSEP for demolitionand landfill oversight.

    Fees and Self-generated Revenues are derived from the sale ofregulations, manifest forms, photocopies, and registration feespaid by the participants in seminars conducted by thedepartment. The Statutorily Dedicated Environmental Trust Fundwas re-classified as Fees and Self-generated Revenues in accordance

    with Act 404 of the 2019 Regular Session.Statutory Dedications, which make up twenty-nine percent ofDEQ’s total means of finance, are derived from theEnvironmental Trust Fund, Oil Spill Contingency Fund, MotorFuels Underground Tank Fund, Waste Tire Management Fund,Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund and the Clean Water StateRevolving Fund.

    Federal Funds are derived from grants issued by theEnvironmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Energy,and the U.S. Department of Defense.

    Environmental QualityFY21 Proposed Means of Finance


  • Environmental Quality Dedicated FundsFY19, FY20, and FY21

    Dedicated Funds Source of Funding FY19 Actual FY20 EOB FY21 ProposedClean Water State Revolving Fund Federal grants $2,060,620 $2,855,500 $2,855,500

    Environmental Trust Fund

    Monies for the fund are to be generated from fees for monitoring, maintenance, licenses, registration, permits and variances. Funds in excess of $6 million in the Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund. Reimbursement for response activities conducted due to any pollution discharge or disposal, environmental emergency, or remedial action. Grants or allocations from federal government. Reimbursement or judgements awarding damages for restoration or damanges to the state's natural resources. $67,488,027 $83,964,006 $0

    Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund

    Judgments, settlements, assessments of civil or criminal penalties. $4,552,325 $4,880,140 $5,845,871

    Lead Hazard Reduction Fund

    Fund for the fees collected from Lead contractors and inspectors obtaining a license to be involved in lead hazard reduction activities. $95,000 $95,000 $150,000

    Motor Fuels Underground Tank Fund

    The annual underground storage tank trust fee collected from every owner of an underground storage tank, any late charge penalty and or any interest earned on the trust are transferred into this fund. $14,141,868 $15,649,485 $16,649,485

    Oil Spill Contingency Fund Settlements and judgements. $127,574 $226,974 $226,974

    Waste Tire Management Fund

    Fund for any fees collected on the sale of new tires, and any other appropriations, gifts, grants, or other monies received. $11,487,700 $13,000,000 $13,000,000

    TOTALS $99,953,114 $120,671,105 $38,727,830

    Dedicated Fund Review Subcommittee recommendation:Environmental Trust Fund = Eliminate and reclassify to Fees and Self-Generated Revenues (2018)Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund = No Change (2018)Motor Fuels Underground Tank Fund = No Change (2018)Oil Spill Contingency Fund = No Change (2019) 10


    Dedicated FundsSource of FundingFY19 ActualFY20 EOBFY21 Proposed

    Clean Water State Revolving FundFederal grants$2,060,620$2,855,500$2,855,500

    Environmental Trust FundMonies for the fund are to be generated from fees for monitoring, maintenance, licenses, registration, permits and variances. Funds in excess of $6 million in the Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund. Reimbursement for response activities conducted due to any pollution discharge or disposal, environmental emergency, or remedial action. Grants or allocations from federal government. Reimbursement or judgements awarding damages for restoration or damanges to the state's natural resources.$67,488,027$83,964,006$0

    Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup FundJudgments, settlements, assessments of civil or criminal penalties.$4,552,325$4,880,140$5,845,871

    Lead Hazard Reduction FundFund for the fees collected from Lead contractors and inspectors obtaining a license to be involved in lead hazard reduction activities.$95,000$95,000$150,000

    Motor Fuels Underground Tank FundThe annual underground storage tank trust fee collected from every owner of an underground storage tank, any late charge penalty and or any interest earned on the trust are transferred into this fund.$14,141,868$15,649,485$16,649,485

    Oil Spill Contingency FundSettlements and judgements.$127,574$226,974$226,974

    Waste Tire Management FundFund for any fees collected on the sale of new tires, and any other appropriations, gifts, grants, or other monies received.$11,487,700$13,000,000$13,000,000


  • Environmental QualityFY20 Enacted vs. FY21 Proposed Means of Finance by Agency


    FY20 Enacted Total MOF by Agency SGF IAT FSGR Stat Deds Federal TotalOffice of the Secretary $0 $0 $0 $6,729,522 $1,458,661 $8,188,183Environmental Compliance $0 $0 $0 $21,294,963 $2,952,974 $24,247,937Environmental Services $0 $0 $19,790 $12,077,124 $3,423,151 $15,520,065Management and Finance $0 $0 $5,000 $48,640,468 $3,176,058 $51,821,526Environmental Assessment $0 $30,000 $0 $25,577,518 $8,623,457 $34,230,975

    TOTALS $0 $30,000 $24,790 $114,319,595 $19,634,301 $134,008,686

    FY21 Proposed Total MOF by Agency SGF IAT FSGR Stat Deds Federal TotalOffice of the Secretary $0 $0 $6,742,840 $250,000 $1,458,661 $8,451,501Environmental Compliance $0 $0 $21,003,651 $281,229 $2,952,974 $24,237,854Environmental Services $0 $0 $11,398,654 $878,992 $3,423,151 $15,700,797Management and Finance $0 $0 $19,489,222 $30,612,493 $3,176,058 $53,277,773Environmental Assessment $0 $30,000 $19,390,722 $6,705,116 $8,623,457 $34,749,295

    TOTALS $0 $30,000 $78,025,089 $38,727,830 $19,634,301 $136,417,220Difference FY20 Enacted to FY21 Proposed $0 $0 $78,000,299 ($75,591,765) $0 $2,408,534

    The FY21 Proposed Budget for DEQ is an increase of $2.4 million over FY20 Enacted. This equates to a percentage increase of 1.8.

    The Office of Management and Finance showed the largest increase at $1.5 million, followed by the Office of Environmental Assessment at$518,320, the Office of the Secretary at $263,318, and the Office of Environmental Services at $180,732.

    There was a minor decrease in the Office of Environmental Compliance at ($10,083).

    Fees and Self-generated Revenues was the means of finance with the greatest increase at $78 million due to the reclassification of theEnvironmental Trust Fund from Statutory Dedications to Fees and Self-generated Revenues.


    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal

    Management and Finance$0$5,766,719$15,805,457$7,387,226$0$28,959,402

    State Police$0$26,962,242$135,971,054$143,552,092$10,894,158$317,379,546

    Motor Vehicles$0$325,000$45,145,970$10,078,401$1,890,750$57,440,121

    Fire Marshal$0$2,551,000$2,500,000$19,335,339$90,600$24,476,939

    Gaming Control Board$0$0$0$902,051$0$902,051

    Liq. Pet. Gas Commission$0$0$415,061$1,031,100$0$1,446,161

    La. Highway Safety Comm.$0$2,653,350$503,131$0$35,065,923$38,222,404


    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal

    Office of the Secretary$731,279$4,700,941$260,639$7,105,304$2,293,328$15,091,491


    Mineral Resources$5,258,547$550,000$20,000$5,004,326$0$10,832,873

    Coastal Management$246,673$2,871,619$19,000$795,435$2,244,091$6,176,818


    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal



    Mgt. and Finance$0$0$26,505$42,216,606$0$42,243,111

    Engineering and Operations$0$8,910,000$28,645,910$518,122,284$32,420,794$588,098,988





    Multimodal Commerce$0$0$0$1,979,686$273,115$2,252,801

    TOTAL Administration and Engineering and Operations$0$8,910,000$28,672,415$571,055,043$32,420,794$641,058,252

    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal


    La. State Penitentiary$134,708,207$172,500$12,676,696$0$0$147,557,403

    Laborde Correctional Center$27,775,386$144,859$2,293,947$0$0$30,214,192

    La. Correctional Inst. For Women$22,145,202$72,430$1,638,444$0$0$23,856,076

    Winn Correctional Center$10,130,209$51,001$124,782$0$0$10,305,992

    Allen Correctional Center$13,478,340$51,001$1,174,176$0$0$14,703,517

    Dixon Correctional Center$40,554,903$1,715,447$2,736,508$0$0$45,006,858

    Hunt Correctional Center$60,566,164$237,613$2,553,631$0$0$63,357,408

    Wade Correctional Center$25,867,517$86,191$2,161,801$0$0$28,115,509

    Rayburn Correctional Center$23,458,324$144,860$2,061,242$0$0$25,664,426

    Adult Probation and Parole$53,370,426$0$19,230,105$1,014,000$0$73,614,531


    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal


    North Region$30,723,731$3,006,740$98,694$0$51,402$33,880,567

    Central/Southwest Region$7,672,178$1,392,576$254,474$0$10,900$9,330,128

    Southeast Region$22,292,099$1,375,709$58,147$0$32,927$23,758,882

    Contract Services$21,583,832$4,347,575$92,604$149,022$712,551$26,885,584



    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal

    Management and Finance$78,592,024$36,250,193$0$0$99,926,135$214,768,352

    Child Welfare$60,705,761$11,890,435$2,601,768$0$194,262,823$269,460,787

    Family Support$65,386,509$2,054,663$15,790,842$477,047$251,561,404$335,270,465


    Public Safety

    AgencyProgram Description

    Management and FinanceProvides management and finance administration, support services, and the Office of Legal Affairs.

    OSP - Traffic EnforcementPatrols state roads and enforces statutes and regulations; enforces laws governing commercial motor carriers; provides the La. Oil Spill Coordinator's Office.

    OSP - Criminal InvestigationProvides criminal investigation activities, insurance fraud investigations, and investigative support.

    OSP - Operational SupportHouses the Office of the Superintendent, operational development and planning, support services, the Crime Lab, Protective Services, and DPS police services.

    OSP - Gaming EnforcementEnforces regulations in the gaming industry, including licensing of gaming operations and ensuring the integrity of gaming devices and systems.

    OMV - LicensingProvides motor vehicle administration, issuance of driver's licenses and ID cards, issuance of plates and titles, and suspension of driver's licenses and revocation of plates.

    SFM - Fire PreventionConducts fire and safety inspections; reviews plans and specifications for structures, watercraft, and movables through the Uniform Construction Code; conducts arson investigations; and other emergency services.

    Gaming Control BoardRegulates, controls, and has jurisdiction over all aspects of gaming activities and operations under the Louisiana Riverboat Economic Development and Gaming Control Law.

    LPGC - AdministrativeAllows for safe distribution, handling, and usage of liquefied petroleum gases and anhydrous ammonia.

    LHSC - AdministrativeDevelops and implements comprehensive strategies aimed at saving lives and preventing injuries on highways in the State of Louisiana.

    FY20 Enacted Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal

    Office of the Secretary$0$0$0$6,729,522$1,458,661$8,188,183

    Environmental Compliance$0$0$0$21,294,963$2,952,974$24,247,937

    Environmental Services$0$0$19,790$12,077,124$3,423,151$15,520,065

    Management and Finance$0$0$5,000$48,640,468$3,176,058$51,821,526

    Environmental Assessment$0$30,000$0$25,577,518$8,623,457$34,230,975




    FY21 Proposed Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal

    Office of the Secretary$0$0$6,742,840$250,000$1,458,661$8,451,501$263,318

    Environmental Compliance$0$0$21,003,651$281,229$2,952,974$24,237,854-$10,083

    Environmental Services$0$0$11,398,654$878,992$3,423,151$15,700,797$180,732

    Management and Finance$0$0$19,489,222$30,612,493$3,176,058$53,277,773$1,456,247

    Environmental Assessment$0$30,000$19,390,722$6,705,116$8,623,457$34,749,295$518,320




    Difference FY20 Enacted to FY21 Proposed$0$0$78,000,299($75,591,765)$0$2,408,534

  • DEQ Categorical ExpendituresFY19, FY20, and FY21

    Proposed Budget Category as Percent of Total

    Personal Services: $65,961,916 $70,004,360 $71,416,170 52% $1,411,810Salaries $42,003,791 $43,999,621 $45,059,544 33% $1,059,923

    Other Compensation $789,364 $211,043 $211,043 0% $0Related Benefits $23,168,761 $25,793,696 $26,145,583 19% $351,887

    Operating Expenses: $2,968,874 $3,894,957 $3,894,957 3% $0Travel $328,021 $373,443 $373,443 0% $0

    Operating Services $1,830,894 $2,628,472 $2,628,472 2% $0Supplies $809,959 $893,042 $893,042 1% $0

    Professional Services $3,099,246 $3,393,163 $3,597,110 3% $203,947

    Other Charges: $41,496,899 $58,937,047 $56,350,583 41% ($2,586,464)Other Charges $29,653,552 $42,164,837 $41,579,702 30% ($585,135)

    Debt Service $0 $0 $0 0% $0Interagency Transfers $11,843,347 $16,772,210 $14,770,881 11% ($2,001,329)$557,533,37

    Acquisitions & Major Repairs: $1,694,801 $4,130,669 $1,158,400 1% ($2,972,269)

    Acquisitions $1,694,801 $4,130,669 $1,158,400 1% ($2,972,269)Major Repairs $0 $0 $0 0% $0

    Total Expenditures $115,221,736 $140,360,196 $136,417,220 100% ($3,942,976)

    Expenditure Category FY19 Actual FY20 EOB (as of 12-01-19)

    FY21 Difference FY20 to FY21


    Note: Other Charges include funding for Motor Fuels Underground Storage Tank to reimburse Response Action Contractors of eligible tanks for cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks; Legal services provided by the Department of Justice; Waste Tire program for payments to permitted processors for proper disposal of collected waste tires to authorized enduse markets; To provide services for investigation, testing, containment, control and cleanup of hazardous waste sites; Louisiana Volkswagen Settlement funds to be used to purchase busesFor various school boars across the state.


    Expenditure CategoryFY19 ActualFY20 EOB (as of 12-01-19)FY21Difference FY20 to FY21

    Proposed BudgetCategory as Percent of Total

    Personal Services:$65,961,916$70,004,360$71,416,17052%$1,411,810


    Other Compensation$789,364$211,043$211,0430%$0

    Related Benefits$23,168,761$25,793,696$26,145,58319%$351,887

    Operating Expenses:$2,968,874$3,894,957$3,894,9573%$0


    Operating Services$1,830,894$2,628,472$2,628,4722%$0


    Professional Services$3,099,246$3,393,163$3,597,1103%$203,947

    Other Charges:$41,496,899$58,937,047$56,350,58341%($2,586,464)

    Other Charges$29,653,552$42,164,837$41,579,70230%($585,135)

    Debt Service$0$0$00%$0

    Interagency Transfers$11,843,347$16,772,210$14,770,88111%($2,001,329)


    Acquisitions & Major Repairs:$1,694,801$4,130,669$1,158,4001%($2,972,269)


    Major Repairs$0$0$00%$0

    Total Expenditures$115,221,736$140,360,196$136,417,220100%($3,942,976)

  • Environmental QualityFTEs, Authorized Positions, and Other Charges Positions

    FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21Prop.Total FTEs (as of July 1 of each fiscal year) 757 729 654 654 653 649 664 680 680 -Total Authorized Positions (Enacted) 805 762 699 691 677 677 698 702 706 709Authorized Other Charges Positions - - - - - - - -











    FY21 Proposed Budget includes funding for related benefits of all

    positions in the amount of $26.1m.

    Out of the $26.1m, $14.8m are for UAL

    payments, $3.7m are for retirees’ health benefits, the remaining amount of $7.7m are the employer

    contributions to the benefits of active

    employees, of which 0% is SGF.

    Notes: Data for Total FTEs uses the first weekly employment report published by State Civil Service in July at the start of the named fiscal year.Data for Total Authorized Positions uses fiscal year enacted levels, except for FY20 Proposed.Data for Other Charges Positions are reflected in the Executive Budget per Act 377 of the 2013 Regular Legislative Session (beginning in FY15). 13

  • FY21 Proposed Budget Environmental Quality— Staff Demographic Data


    The following table shows a breakdown of departmental staff by demographic data.

    GenderFemale 386

    Male 304Race

    Black 118White 524Other 48

    Retirement Eligible Within 1 Year 153

  • Environmental QualityFY21 Recommended Total Authorized Positions by Agency

    Office of the Secretary,


    Environmental Compliance,235

    Environmental Services,


    Management and Finance, 54

    Environmental Assessment, 187

    Office of the Secretary 73 Office of Environmental Compliance 235 Office of Environmental Services 160 Office of Management and Finance 54 Office of Environmental Assessment 187

    Total Positions 709

    Office of Environmental Quality



    Office of Environmental Quality

    Office of the Secretary73

    Office of Environmental Compliance235

    Office of Environmental Services160

    Office of Management and Finance54

    Office of Environmental Assessment187

    Total Positions709

  • Environmental QualityFY21 Proposed Means of Finance by Agency

    Total MOF by Agency SGF IAT FSGR Stat Deds Federal Total

    Environmental Quality $0 $30,000 $78,025,089 $38,727,830 $19,634,301 $83,139,447 Office of the Secretary $0 $0 $6,742,840 $250,000 $1,458,661 $8,451,501

    Environmental Compliance $0 $0 $21,003,651 $281,229 $2,952,974 $24,237,854 Environmental Services $0 $0 $11,398,654 $878,992 $3,423,151 $15,700,797

    Management and Finance $0 $0 $19,489,222 $30,612,493 $3,176,058 $53,277,773 Environmental Assessment $0 $30,000 $19,390,722 $6,705,116 $8,623,457 $34,749,295

    Environmental Quality $0 $30,000 $78,025,089 $38,727,830 $19,634,301 $136,417,220

    Total Funding FY19 Actual FY20 Enacted FY20 EOB as of 12-1-19 FY21 Proposed Difference FY21 Proposed vs. FY20 EOB as of 12-1-


    Environmental Quality $ 115,221,736 $ 134,008,686 $ 140,360,196 $ 136,417,220 $ (3,942,976)TOTAL $ 115,221,736 $ 134,008,686 $ 140,360,196 $ 136,417,220 $ (3,942,976)

    Total Positions 702 706 706 709 3


    FY21 Total Means of Finance


    Total MOF by AgencySGFIATFSGRStat DedsFederalTotal














    Environmental Quality$0$30,000$78,025,089$38,727,830$19,634,301$83,139,447

    Office of the Secretary$0$0$6,742,840$250,000$1,458,661$8,451,501

    Environmental Compliance$0$0$21,003,651$281,229$2,952,974$24,237,854

    Environmental Services$0$0$11,398,654$878,992$3,423,151$15,700,797

    Management and Finance$0$0$19,489,222$30,612,493$3,176,058$53,277,773

    Environmental Assessment$0$30,000$19,390,722$6,705,116$8,623,457$34,749,295




    Environmental Quality$0$30,000$78,025,089$38,727,830$19,634,301$136,417,220


    Total FundingFY19 ActualFY20 EnactedFY20 EOB as of 12-1-19FY21 ProposedDifference FY21 Proposed vs. FY20 EOB as of 12-1-19

    Environmental Quality$ 115,221,736$ 134,008,686$ 140,360,196$ 136,417,220$ (3,942,976)

    TOTAL$ 115,221,736$ 134,008,686$ 140,360,196$ 136,417,220$ (3,942,976)

    Total Positions7027067067093

  • Department of Environmental QualityWaste Tire Fee Collection History – FY00 to FY20

    Source: Department of Environmental Quality.

    Note: Act 846 of the 2004 RLS changed the tires to which the fee was applicable and greatly increased annual tire fee revenues, as shown. See LRS 30:2418.Note: As of 3/31/19 FY19 collections total $8.7 million.



  • Environmental QualityAudit Findings


    Progress Report: Fee Collection in the Waste Tire Management Program – Louisiana Department ofEnvironmental Quality

    July 10, 2019 - A follow-up to a report issued by the Legislative Auditor in 2014 found that LDEQ made progress inaddressing the eight recommendations in the previous report. However, the report also identified areas where LDEQcould further improve its oversight of the Waste Tire Management Program. For example, the Department was using anew module of LaGov that identifies waste tire generators that do not submit their fees and reports each month, but itcould not ensure that it identified all non-compliant generators and collected all waste tire fees because it did not havean accurate list of active generators. In addition, limitations with LaGov resulted in LDEQ not assessing generators alllate fees, and LDEQ did not yet have a process in place to use LaGov to pursue tire fees and associated late fees fromgenerators that do not pay their waste tire fees on time. In addition, between fiscal years 2014 and 2018, the amountof fees the Department collected did not cover the costs associated with the Waste Tire Management Program.

    Financial Assurance Process for Solid and Hazardous Waste Facilities – Louisiana Department ofEnvironmental Quality

    November 6, 2019 - The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality did not ensure that 13.7% of permitted solidand hazardous waste facilities it had jurisdiction over submitted updated cost estimates and financial assurancemechanisms to demonstrate they had the financial capacity to cover the costs of closure and post-closure activities.LDEQ also could not ensure that local governments that own 10.1% of permitted solid waste facilities had the financialcapacity needed to cover costs of closure and post-closure activities. In addition, as of June 30, 2018, LDEQ had notreceived financial assurance that 75% of the solid waste facilities in corrective action could cover an estimated $5million in expenses associated with their corrective action activities.

    Source: Legislative Auditor

  • Impact from COVID-19


    The Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed its financial position for FY21 and has projected a 2% or $1.2 millionreduction in Environmental Trust Fund Account fees collected (in FY21). The department reviewed past disasters and recessions and took the most conservative approach in calculating this number. In each of the past disasters and recessions, DEQ fees reduced by less than 1.5%. DEQ is working with OPB to make reductions in REC and to the FY21 budget request to account for an estimated reduction in expenditures in the FY21 request.

    DEQ is assigned ESF-10 by GOSHEP and participate in daily UCG briefings. In addition DEQ preformed the following duties:

    • DEQ assisted with the production of hand sanitizer at Hunt Correctional on 3/24. Some materials were donated, however some items were procured by LDEQ for this production.

    • Participated in the Battelle Decon System assembly at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans and periodically monitored the system to ensure it meets all environmental requirements.

    • Anticipated costs are estimated to be less than $75,000 through June 30, 2020. To date DEQ has expended $37,325 for COVID-19 related activities – this includes all personnel costs and needed supplies for the production of hand sanitizer.

    To date there is no provision for DEQ to receive funds in any of the federal COVID-19 legislation.

    Source: Department of Environmental Quality

  • Environmental QualityEnacted Appropriation vs. Actual Expenditure Analysis — FY17 to FY19


    Note 1 – Negative Differencenumbers show excess budget authority or less revenue than


    Note 2 — Cells highlighted in yellow mean more funding was needed or that a funding source

    was underbudgeted.

    In any given year, DEQ tends to be overbudgeted in all means of

    financing, but particularly Statutory Dedications and Fees

    and Federal Funds. DEQ receives no State General Fund dollars.

    The following charts show Enacted vs. Actual budget comparisons for the specified fiscal years. Rarely are these totals exactly the same. Thedifferences can be attributed to a number of reasons: revenue that was not collected, and therefore, expenditures that could not be made;unanticipated revenue shortfalls that may require a supplemental appropriation; expenditure authority that was anticipated to be neededbut the expense never materialized; etc.

  • Environmental QualityHouse Amendments to HB 105

    HB 105 State General FundInteragency


    Fees and Self-generated Revenues

    Statutory Dedications Federal TOTAL

    Original $0 $30,000 $78,025,089 $38,727,830 $19,634,301 $136,417,220

    Appropriations Amendments: State General FundInteragency


    Fees and Self-generated Revenues

    Statutory Dedications Federal TOTAL

    Office of Environmental Quality - Transfers funding between programs within the Office of Environmental Quality for salaries.

    $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

    Office of Environmental Quality - Increases funding for overtime and on-call pay for employeesthat respond to large-scale emergencies. $0 $0 $703,049 $0 $0 $703,049

    Office of Environmental Quality - Provides Funding for one (1) additonal authorized position and related expenses in the Office of Environmental Assessment Program to monitor the existing statewide gauge network. $0 $144,361 $0 $0 $0 $144,361

    Engrossed $0 $174,361 $78,728,138 $38,727,830 $19,634,301 $137,264,630Difference HB105 Original to HB105 Engrossed $0 $144,361 $703,049 $0 $0 $847,410

    House Amendments to HB105


    HB 1 Original is the same total as HB 105 Re-engrossed at $137,264,630.


    House Amendments to HB105

    HB 105State General FundInteragency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsFederal TOTAL


    Appropriations Amendments:State General FundInteragency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsFederal TOTAL

    Office of Environmental Quality - Transfers funding between programs within the Office of Environmental Quality for salaries.$0$0$0$0$0$0

    Office of Environmental Quality - Increases funding for overtime and on-call pay for employeesthat respond to large-scale emergencies.$0$0$703,049$0$0$703,049

    Office of Environmental Quality - Provides Funding for one (1) additonal authorized position and related expenses in the Office of Environmental Assessment Program to monitor the existing statewide gauge network.$0$144,361$0$0$0$144,361



    House Floor Amendments:State General FundInteragency TransfersFees and Self-generated RevenuesStatutory DedicationsFederal TOTAL

    Amendment 1$0($500,000)$0$0$0($500,000)

    Amendment 2$0$0$45,000$0$0$45,000


    Difference HB105 Original to HB105 Engrossed$0$144,361$703,049$0$0$847,410

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