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Fill in the blank spaces in the following chapter summaries using the spare words

in the box. Once completed, compare these summaries to the summaries you

have written in your booklets and add anything you might have missed.


Lord of the  Flies  By William Golding

Name ______________________

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Chapter 1  

“The sound of the shell”  

Asthma Aunt Badge Bomb Cap Chief Choir

Conch Fat Flames Golden Hair Hunters Jack

Kill Knife Navy Piggy Piglet Shell Simon

Spectacles Swim Twelve Vote

The story begins with the boy with fair ______________ climbing down the rocks. A voice behind him calls

out for him to wait. This voice comes from a ______________ boy who wears ______________ or glasses.

The first boy introduces himself as, Ralph and the second boy introduces himself as ______________.

The two boys are on an island with no grown-ups because their plane was shot down. Ralph, who is

______________ years old, thinks that the pilot will be back to get the boys, but Piggy tells him that he saw

the part of the plane with the pilot in ______________. He continues to tell Ralph that the passenger part of

the plane was carried out to sea by a storm. Piggy assumes that there must be other boys on the island.

Ralph seems not to pay too much attention to Piggy and runs through the jungle. Piggy says that he

shouldn’t run on account of his ______________.

Ralph gets naked and goes for a swim in the pool. Piggy does not go because he cannot ______________;

he wasn’t allowed to because of his asthma. Ralph says he learned how because his dad is in the

______________. Piggy’s father is dead, and he was living with his ______________. He tells Piggy that his

father will come and rescue them once he gets some time off. Piggy doesn’t think this is possible because

the pilot had told them that there was an atom ______________ and the people at the airport were all dead.

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After Ralph’s swim, the two boys come across a conch; a ______________ that can be used like a trumpet

to call any other boys on the island. The ______________ was cream colour with a bit of fading pink

throughout the shell. After Ralph gets the conch to sound, boys start gathering in front of Ralph and Piggy.

Many boys come, but the last group of boys is a choir. Each member wears a black ______________ with

a silver ______________ on it. Their entire bodies are covered by a black cloak, which “bore a silver cross

on the left breast.” The boy who is in charge of this group wears a ______________ badge on his cap. This

boy introduces himself by his last name Merridew although his first name is ______________.

After everyone laughs at Piggy because of his name and after everyone introduces themselves, Ralph

suggests that they decide on a chief to make decisions. Jack says that he should be chief because he is

the head boy of the ______________ and he can sing a C sharp. Roger suggests that all the boys vote to

see who should be ______________. The boys ______________ Ralph to be chief. Ralph offers Jack

control of the choir, and Jack decides that the choir will be ______________.

Ralph, Jack, and ______________ go on an exploration to decide that they are indeed on an island. On

their way back from the exploration, they find a ______________ stuck in the creepers. Jack raises his

______________ to kill it, but he hesitates and it gets away. He promises himself that the next time he has

the chance to ______________ there will be no mercy.

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Beastie Branch Cold Conch Fear Fire Glasses

Hunters Island Last Match Mountain Pig Piggy

Ralph Rescued Rules Shelters Simon Six Smoke

True Wood Younger

After the three boys - Ralph, Jack, and ______________ return from their exploration, Ralph explains to the

rest of the boys that they are indeed on an uninhabited ______________. Jack tells the boys about the

need for ______________ and the story of the ______________ that they encountered.

Realising that there needs to be order, Ralph tells the boys that there needs to be ______________ when

speaking. The boy who holds the ______________ is the only one allowed to talk. And the only one who is

allowed to interrupt is ______________.

Piggy takes the conch and is upset because nobody is allowing Ralph to say what is most important.

______________ tells the boys that nobody knows they are there. Ralph tells the boys that that is

______________, but the island is terrific and they will have a good time while they wait to be


Chapter 2  

“Fire on the mountain”  

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Jack asks if anyone else has found anything. No one speaks, but a little boy of about ______________

years of age comes up. He timidly takes the conch and speaks. He asks what is going to be done about

the snake-thing; he later calls it a ______________. The boys laughed at first, but later they sense some

______________. Ralph tries to make everyone comfortable by telling them that an island couldn’t have a


Ralph suggests that making a ______________ will help get the boys rescued. Jack yells, “Follow me,” and

the boys rashly run up to the top of the ______________ and gather dried ______________ to start a fire.

Piggy is the ______________ to make it up the mountain. When he arrives, the boys are trying to figure out

how to make fire Ralph doesn’t know how, and he stupidly asks if anyone has a ______________. Jack, on

the other, figures out he can use Piggy’s ______________.

The boys discover that the fire was no good because there was only flame, no ______________. A boy

suggests putting a green ______________ on the fire next time. Piggy is outraged and grabs the conch and

tries to speak. He thinks it was stupid to build a fire haphazardly and not to think about building

______________ for the evening. He says that it gets ______________ at night on the ______________.

While Piggy is talking, the boys realize that they have accidentally set the island on fire. Piggy makes Ralph

realize that some of the ______________ boys probably are scared because of the fire.

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Bath Beastie Fire Forest Home Hunters Huts

Jack Kill Littluns Meat Meetings Pig Rain

Ralph Rescued Screamed Secret Ship Simon Sprinter

Submarine Sun Tree Water

Jack is crouched down like a ______________. He is half-naked and trying to hunt a ______________. After

he is unable to kill a pig, he comes out of the dark ______________ and sees Ralph and ______________

building ______________ for shelter. He asks for some ______________, which Ralph tells him is by the


Ralph is disappointed in the way the ______________, or children, do not help him build the shelters.

Simon suggests telling them off, but Ralph shows his disappointment with ______________. He says they

could have one, and they would decide to do something like build a ______________, but five minutes later

everyone would be off playing and not helping. When ______________ implies that Jack is also guilty of

leaving responsibility, Jack argues that they all need ______________. Ralph antagonises Jack by saying

that Jack has yet to ______________ anything.

Ralph tries to argue that shelters are needed in case of ______________. But also they need shelter to

create a sense of ______________. The children are still afraid of the ______________, or the snake-thing,

and shelter might help calm that fear.

Chapter 3  

“Huts on the beach”  

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Ralph argues that the most important thing is to get ______________. Jack has a hard time remembering

what that word means. He says that he would prefer to catch a pig first.

While Ralph is telling Jack to make sure his ______________ remember to keep the ______________

going, ______________ realizes where the pig must be hiding from the hot ______________. This angers

Ralph because the way Jack ______________ when he made this discovery made Ralph think Jack saw a


After they are done talking, they notice that Simon is gone. They assume that he is taking a

______________. But he is not in the bathing pool; rather, he has escaped to a ______________ place in

the forest.

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Apology Blood Castles Dazzle Dead Eric Glasses

Henry Hunt Jack Meat Original Out Piggy

Punches Ralph Roger Sea Ship Simon Smoke

Stones Throat Youngest Transparencies

The chapter begins with three littluns, the generic title for the smaller boys, building sand ______________.

The three boys are Percival, the smallest and ______________ of the three; Henry, the biggest of them; and

Johnny, who is well built.

After ______________ gets bored, he leaves, and Roger follows him. Henry becomes interested in tiny

transparencies, little creatures from the ______________. He starts to become fascinated with controlling

the movement of these scavengers. While Henry’s attention is on the ______________, Roger starts to

throw ______________ at Henry. He misses him on purpose.

About ten yards behind him, Jack calls for ______________. He follows Jack and finds Sam, Eric, Bill, and

Jack putting ______________ paint on their faces. They are going on a ______________ for a pig. A

problem is that Sam and ______________ are neglecting their duty of the fire. This later proves disastrous

because Ralph sees smoke from a ______________, but there is no ______________ for the ship to see


Chapter 4  

“Painted faces & Long Hair”  

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______________ and his crew return with a ______________ pig. They are chanting, “Kill the pig. Cut her

______________. Spill her ______________ ” Ralph interrupts Jack’s glory from the hunt to yell at him about

letting the fire go ______________ . Piggy also yells at Jack, but this drives Jack to violence. Jack

______________ Piggy in the stomach and smacks his head, which causes Piggy’s ______________ to


Jack offers an ______________ to Ralph for letting the fire go out. And then they begin to start another fire,

but they do so in a different location because ______________ will not move from the site of the

______________ fire.

Later they start to eat the pig. Ralph, who originally wants to resist eating the ______________, eats it. Piggy

brings on more humiliation by asking about his share of the meat. Jack tells him he didn’t hunt. But,

______________ responds that neither did Ralph nor Simon. ______________gives Piggy his share of


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Beastie Boys Coconut Conch Cry Crybabies Diarrhoea

Fire Ghosts Hair Hunt Jack Meeting Mountain

Piggy Ralph Rules Science Shelters Shorts Simon

Toilet Trees Triangle Water

Ralph paces, thinking about what he is going to say at the ______________. He has decided that the

meeting should not be fun; rather, it should be all business. Ralph has grown disgusted with the way he

has been living. He dislikes flicking the tangled _______________ out of his face, and he dislikes how his

frayed _______________ make him uncomfortable.

Before Ralph begins to talk, he thinks that a chief really needs to be able to think, and the problem is he

cannot think as well as _______________ can. Ralph then calls the meeting. Almost everyone sits in the

triangle except for Piggy who stands outside the _______________ to show his disapproval.

Ralph goes over the things the boys have decided in assemblies and have not gone through with. The first

thing Ralph mentions is how the boys decided to bring water up and put it in the _______________ shells,

but now they don’t. And the boys go down to the river to drink. The second thing he lists is the failure to

build the _______________. He says that all the boys helped on the first one. But only four boys helped on

the second one. And only he and Simon worked on the third one, which is tottery. Then Ralph complains

about how the boys are no longer using the rocks beyond the bathing pool as their lavatory. It was the best

place to have as a _______________ because the tide cleans it up. But now the boys seem to go

Chapter 5  

“Beast from water”  

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everywhere, which is disgusting because the littluns suffer from diarrhoea. Ralph tells the boys if they are

suffering from _______________ to stay away from the fruit. Then Ralph says that they should die before

they let the _______________ go out again. Ralph’s last command is that they don’t make a fire anywhere

but on the _______________.

The group gets bored and restless with Ralph, but he tries to say one last thing; he tries to talk about the

_______________ and fear that has taken over the island. Once _______________ is done speaking, Jack

stands up and tells the littluns that they started all this stuff about beasts. He says that the littluns are

nothing but a bunch of _______________ and sissies. He says that if there is a beastie, he will

_______________ it. After Jack is done, Piggy tries to convince the boys that there are no such things as

beasties or ghosts and that _______________ can prove it. Then a littlun by the name of Phil stands up and

talks about how he saw something moving in the _______________. As it turns out, it wasn’t a beastie; it

was _______________ going to his secret place in the forest.

Next Percival stands up. He is too timid to give his name. Percival starts to _______________ and the rest

of the littluns join him. Maurice finally tells the group that he thinks the beastie comes out of the

_______________. The boys truly get frightened when Simon speaks up and says that maybe there is a

beastie and maybe it is the _______________ themselves. One of the boys interprets what Simon said as

meaning that there are _______________. The group basically breaks into chaos over the mention of them.

Piggy grabs the _______________ and says that he didn’t vote for ghosts. Jack interrupts him, and Ralph

tries to gain order. But Jack says there is no need for _______________ and that he is tired of Ralph always

taking Piggy’s side.

The meeting breaks up and Piggy tells Ralph that if he gives up, _______________ will want to hurt Ralph

but won’t be able to. But Jack will strike out against the next best thing, and that is Piggy.

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Awake Bad Beastie Boulder Cave Claws Eric

Explosion Fire Fort Glory Jack Man Mock

Parachute Plane Platform Ralph Rock Signal Teacher

Water Waxy Weapon Wings

As Simon, Piggy, and Ralph go to sleep, there is an _______________ in the air about ten miles above

them. Although no one is _______________ to see it, a _______________ is shot down. And afterwards a

man strapped to a _______________ comes down to the island.

Sam and _______________ almost let the fire go out. Once they get it going again, one of them comments

that had it gone out, Ralph would have been _______________. Then they _______________ Ralph and a

previous school _______________. As they are sitting by the fire, Eric sees something and calls Sam’s

attention to it. Once they both see the dead _______________ on a rock, they go running to Ralph. They

tell the boys that they saw the _______________, and they embellish and say they saw the

_______________ and _______________ of the beast. Ralph, Jack, and Piggy decide what to do.

_______________ wants to hunt it right away. Ralph wants to wait until they have the _______________

going. And Piggy wants to live on the _______________. Ralph suggests checking the castle

_______________, where they haven’t been before.

Chapter 6  

“Beast from air”  

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When they reach it, _______________ goes alone to explore. Jack shortly follows because he couldn’t let

Ralph have all the _______________. Once Jack sees the _______________, he tells Ralph that it would be

great for a _______________. Ralph thinks it is a _______________ idea because there is not much fresh

_______________ there. While Jack explains how to use the _______________ as a _______________,

Ralph realizes that there is no _______________.

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Boys Crazy Dark Dead Fire Frog Game

Home Hunt Jack Mountain Parachute Pig Piggy

Pretend Ralph Robert Roger Saw Scared Ship

Simon Spear Tired Wound

Simon realizes that Ralph is thinking about _______________. He tells Ralph that he knows that he will

make it back all right. Ralph thinks Simon is batty, or _______________, and asks him sarcastically if he has

a _______________ in his pocket.

On their way to the mountain, the boys _______________ for a pig. _______________ gets his first

experience at hunting, and he enjoys it. He is able to get his _______________ into the pig.

_______________ is injured slightly by the boar because he waited too long to put his spear into him.

Simon tells Jack to suck on the _______________ to make it better.

After this the boys get excited and start to _______________ they are hunting a pig. They use

_______________ as the pig. The _______________ get too involved and Robert ends up getting hurt. Jack

and Ralph play it off as if it were nothing but a _______________. Jack says next time they should have a

littlun play the _______________.

Chapter 7  

“Shadows & Tall Trees”  

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It is getting late, and Ralph still wants to make it to the _______________ to restart the _______________.

Maurice suggests that they should get back to _______________. _______________ volunteers to go alone

to Piggy and tell him that the rest won’t be back until later.

Jack and Ralph keep pushing each other to go up the mountain in the _______________. The rest of the

boys all leave Jack, Ralph, and _______________ by themselves. They are not scared, they say, but rather


Jack goes up the mountain alone after Ralph implied that he was too _______________ to do so. He later

comes down saying he _______________ something. Roger scares the two of them when he suggests it is

a _______________. The three of them go up to have a look and they see the _______________ man with

the _______________. The three of them run, leaving their spears on the mountain.

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Beastie Blood Chief Conch Conversation Cowards Fight

Gift Head Hide Hunt Hunters Jack Meat

Mountain Piggy Play Ralph Rocks Secret Simon

Sow Sticks Throat Vote

After Jack and Ralph come back, Piggy can hardly believe that there really is a beastie up on the

_______________. Jack meanly tells _______________ to go check for himself, hoping he will get hurt.

Ralph explains to Piggy that no one could _______________ the beastie. He says that even Jack would

_______________ if the beast came after them. Ralph goes on to say that the _______________ are

nothing but boys with _______________ and that they are no good against the _______________.

Jack is insulted and takes the _______________ and calls a meeting. He first tells the boys that they did

see the beastie. Then he tells them that Ralph thinks the hunters are _______________ because they ran

away from the boar and the beastie. And third, he tells the boys that Ralph says things like Piggy; therefore,

he isn’t a proper _______________. Jack then calls for a _______________ to see who thinks Ralph

shouldn’t be chief. No one openly votes against _______________. This hurts Jack, and he says that he is

no longer going to _______________ any longer.

After _______________ runs from the platform, Ralph and the rest behind sit depressed. _______________

stands and suggests that they climb the mountain and face the beastie. The group basically ignores Simon,

and Piggy suggests what Ralph should suggest: keep the fire going. Piggy says that they can keep the fire

on the _______________ so that they don’t have to go up the mountain.

Chapter 8  

“Gift for Darkness”  

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Jack declares himself chief and says that they should _______________. They come upon a sow nursing

her piglets. They decide to kill the helpless _______________. After Jack cuts the pig’s _______________,

he laughs as he flicks the _______________ from his palms. He then wipes a bunch of the blood on

Maurice’s cheeks. After he cleans the pig’s guts out, he says that they will raid the platform for their fire.

Before going they sharpen a stick and post the pig’s _______________. This is meant as a

_______________ for the beastie.

When Jack and his tribe raid the beach for fire, Jack is stark naked except for his belt and paint. He invites

the boys on the beach, including Ralph and Piggy, to have some _______________ at their feast. This is

very tempting to the boys. Simon comes out of his _______________ place and sees the pig’s head, which

is referred to as the Lord of the Flies. He hallucinates a _______________ with the head, which tells him that

he is really the Beast. After the pig’s head threatens to kill Simon he fainted.

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Beach Beastie Bled Blood Boys Chief Conch

Dance Dead Fainting Head Hungry Hunters Jack

Kill Man Meat Mountain Parachute Party Ralph

Simon Spear Throat Tribe

Simon wakes up from his _______________ spell. His nose _______________, but the flies are more

interested in the pig’s _______________. He decides to go up the _______________ and look for the

_______________. Once on the mountain, he sees the dead _______________ attached to the parachute.

Simon frees the _______________ lines from the rock. He then looks at the island and sees that most, if not

all, of the _______________ are on Jack’s end of the _______________.

Because _______________ and Piggy are _______________ and curious, they go visit Jack’s

_______________. Once there Jack is sitting on a log. When he speaks, he waves his _______________.

He commands some boys to give Piggy and Ralph some _______________.

After the boys have eaten all that they want, Jack asks who is going to join his _______________. Ralph

says that he was voted as _______________. And Jack says that his _______________ will protect the

boys from the beastie. _______________ points out to Ralph that he doesn’t have the _______________

and if he did have it, it wouldn't matter on this side of the beach.

Chapter 9  

“A view to a death”  

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During Jack and Ralph’s argument about who should be chief, Jack told the boys to do their

_______________. There is thunder and lightning. The boys are chanting, “Kill the beast! Cut his

_______________! Spill his _______________!” Out from the forest comes _______________ crying out that

the beastie was nothing but a _______________ man. The other boys jump Simon and _______________


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Beastie Bill Camp Chief Dance Day Eric

Fire Glasses Guard Head Hours Jack Littluns

Log Murder Outside Robert Roger Samneric Scratch

Simon Stopped Tribe Wilfred

Ralph learns from Piggy that only a few _______________ and Samneric are left. The rest have joined

Jack’s _______________. Ralph is upset about the _______________ of Simon the night before. Piggy tries

to persuade Ralph that they weren’t involved in the murder because they were on the _______________ of

the circle. He also tries to suggest that maybe _______________ was just pretending, but he is sure that he

wasn’t. Piggy tells Ralph that they cannot tell _______________ about the dance. Samneric, however, try to

cover up their involvement in the _______________ also. They tell Ralph and Piggy that they left the feast

early before the dance. But Sam somehow has a _______________ on his forehead and _______________

has a split lip.

When _______________ approaches the Castle Rock, he is challenged. Robert, who is the

_______________, asks him who he is even though he can obviously see who it is. He tells Roger that Jack

has commanded that he challenge everyone. Roger tells them that he couldn’t have _______________ him

if he tried, but _______________ draws his attention to a rock with a _______________ jammed under it. He

indicates that he could have smashed him. This really impresses Roger; he says, “He’s a proper

_______________, isn’t he?”

Chapter 10  

“The shell & the glass”  

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Robert changes the subject and tells Roger that Jack is going to beat _______________ for making him

angry. He tells Roger that the boy has been tied up for _______________.

Jack tells the boys that they still need to be careful about the _______________. He implies that the beast

came disguised as Simon, but that they did not know it. They still need to offer it the _______________ if

they go hunting. Then he tells the boys that they will go hunting the following day. _______________ asks

Jack how they are going to light a fire. Jack tells him that they will just take the _______________ from the

other boys again.

However, when Jack and his boys show up at Ralph’s _______________, there is no fire. There is no fire

because Ralph, Piggy, and Samneric have decided to keep the fire going only during the

_______________. Jack and his boys then decide to steal Piggy’s _______________. They enter the shelter

and fight. _______________ exits with the glasses.

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Asked Assembly Blows Capture Castle Conch Fight

Fire Forest Glasses Hair Jack Littluns Paint

Piggy Ralph Right Roger Sabers Samneric Sow

Spear Stolen Thief Wash

After Piggy’s _______________ are stolen, he urges Ralph to blow the _______________ and call an

_______________. Ralph does, but only Samneric, Piggy, Ralph, and a few _______________ appear.

Ralph is very upset that Jack has _______________ Piggy’s glasses. He says that he would have given

Jack _______________ if he had _______________ for it.

At the assembly, Piggy suggests that they go and demand that Jack give back the glasses because

“what’s right’s _______________.” Samneric say that they should put _______________ on since Jack’s

boys are all painted. Ralph suggests they should _______________. Piggy suggests they should tie their

_______________ back if it is bothering them.

When Piggy, Ralph, and _______________ arrive at the _______________ Rock, Ralph _______________

the conch and calls a meeting. Jack comes from the _______________ carrying a headless

_______________ and asks Ralph what he wants. Ralph tells him that he wants the fire and the glasses. He

calls Jack a _______________. Because of this, Jack starts to _______________ with Ralph using spears

Chapter 11  

“Castle Rock”  

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as _______________. They eventually stop fighting. Piggy reminds Ralph that they are there to get his

glasses. Jack tells his boys to _______________ Samneric.

_______________ releases the rock and kills _______________. Then _______________ throws his

_______________ at Ralph, injuring him. After this the rest of the tribe starts throwing spears, and

_______________ runs away into the forest.

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Big Boss Climb Fire Games Hiding Hunt

Jack Meat Officer Piggy Platform Ralph Rescue

Rock Roger Samneric Sharpened Skull Smoke Stick

Thicket Tortured Tribe Twins

Ralph decides that he cannot stay on the _______________ by himself. He starts back toward Castle

_______________. On the way, he meets the Lord of the Flies and knocks the _______________ off the

stick and takes the _______________ with him as a weapon. When Ralph reaches Castle Rock, he talks to

_______________, who are guarding the entrance. They have joined Jack’s _______________ because

_______________ tortured them. They warn Ralph that the following day all the boys are going to

_______________ him. They tell Ralph that they are going to sweep the island and find him. They tell him

that Jack has _______________ a stick at both ends.

Ralph tells the _______________ that he will hide in the _______________ near where _______________

was killed. He asks the twins to keep the hunt away from him. One of the twins gives Ralph a piece of

_______________ before he leaves.

All does not go as planned, however. Samneric are once again _______________ by Roger. During this

bout of torture they give up Ralph’s _______________ spot. _______________ and Roger drop

_______________ rocks on the spot and eventually try to _______________ Ralph out with fire. Ralph runs

out, trying to decide whether he should attack or _______________ a tree.

Chapter 12  

“Cry of the hunters”  

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Because the boys had set the island on _______________, a British Naval _______________ arrives to

_______________ the boys. When _______________ comes out of the forest, he sees an officer. The naval

officer asks who is _______________, and Ralph says he is. The officer passes off what was happening on

the island as a bit of “fun and _______________.”

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