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Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness and inky blackness.”

“ In the beginning,God created the Heavens and Earthall we see, all we don't see.

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Let light come up!

And light came up to separate light from dark.



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.And the fungus was there...

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And the fungus was there...



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ct ... created the atmosphere to separate thewater under sky and the water above sky.

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"Separated water from Land, and the oceans were there"

"Earth, green up! Grow all varieties of seed-bearing plants.

It was so good.



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And the fugus was there...

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... And the fungus was there.



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ct "Lights! Come out! Shine in Heaven's sky! Separate Day from Night. Mark seasons and days and years, I twas so good

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And the fugus was there...



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ct"Swarm, Ocean, with fish and all sea life!

Birds, fly through the sky over Earth!"

"Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Ocean! It was so good.

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And the fugus was there...



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ct "Earth, generate life! Every sort and kind: cattleand reptiles and wild animals—all kinds." It was so good.

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Then God looked at the mirror and created human beings, making them to reflect his own nature.

So they can be responsible for the animals and whole nature

"Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge!



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And the fungus was there

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Heaven and Earth were finished, down to the last detail.

Then God rested under the trees from all his work.

Trusting men would take care of the so gorgeous creation



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Earth was harmonious and joyful

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The earth is a planet of beauty and abundance; the earth system is wonderfully intricate and incredibly complex.

But today living creatures, and the air, soil, and water that support them, face unprecedented threats.

Our current practices may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life in the manner we know.

Twin problems--excessive consumption by industrialized nations, and relentless growth of human population worldwide--jeopardize efforts to achieve a sustainable future.

These problems spring from and intensify social injustices.

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end result...

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end result...

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The despoiling of the environment is nothing less than the degradation of God's gracious gift of creation- “ The earth is the Lord´s and everything in it (Psalms 24:1).

God enjoys the world and sees it as "good," even before humankind comes on the scene. All creation, not just humankind, is viewed as "very good".

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Processes of environ-mental degradation feed on one another. The resulting damages to environ-mental systems are frightening:

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depletion of non-renewable resources, especially oil;

loss of the variety of life through rapid destruction of habitats;

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pollution of air by toxic emissions from industries and vehicles, and pollution of water by wastes;











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dangerous global warming, caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide

the depletion of the protective ozone layer, resulting from the use of volatile compounds containing chlorine and bromine

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Scientific research now demonstrates that global warming is real, catastrophic, and created by humans. These issues will depend on how soon we convert to renewable energy

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"Climate change is for real. We have just a small window of opportunity and it is closing rather rapidly. There is not a moment to lose. We are risking the ability of the human race to survive.“Dr Pachauri, head of the IPCC, 2005:




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In addition to global warming, species extinctions have reached catastrophic proportions. Biologists are calling what is happening now, the sixth mass extinction, and they are warning that we could lose more than 25 percent of the species on Earth by the end of this century, creating unknown cascading effects throughout entire ecosystems.

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“With climate change, there is an ecological time bomb

ticking away. “ International Panel Climate Change (IPCC),2005

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No matter how fast we respond, the world will soon be radically different, perhaps in as little as one decade.

Many of those who realize how serious our ecological crises are, do not realize how urgentthey are. Our response needs to be total and immediate. It is no time for relaxing

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The Earth’s carbon cycle and hydrological cycle have limits. We must learn to live within the Earth’s limits or we will overrunour environment, and cause massive ecological collapse.

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…because we cannot achieve a rapid, world-wide transition to clean energy within our current market-based economic structure. If one honestly acknowledges the scale and urgency of the problem, it becomes clear that it cannot be effectively addressed without major structural changes to global economic dynamics.” Ross Gelbspan

None of our current theories are adequate to deal with the enormity of our ecological crises.

“… the environmental establishment is inherently incapable of truly addressing the climate challenge in all its magnitude

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Ecological justiceRenewable energy

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“ecological justice” (eco-justice): environmental issues are inextricably tied up with issues of human justice. The reverse is also true. Issues of human justice invariably have a connection with our human degradation of the Earth. In our economic system we treat both people and natural resources as commodities to be exploited for economic gain.

Changing this dynamic is our challenge

“The fight for justice must be integrated with the fight for life in all its forms.” James Cone

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Creating the needed changes can bring a message of hope. We really are capable of making a profound positive shift in our thinking over the next few years.

This involves redefining our concepts of success, and increasing the growing commitment to breaking free of consumerism. It also means learning new skills such as the skills of dialogue, and renewing our commitment to each other and to the natural world.

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Participation :involve all people and represent all life forms in decisions that affect their well-being

Solidarity :recognize the kinship of all life forms and assist those who suffer most from environmental degradation

Making eco-justice decisions:

•Sustainability :provide for long-range needs of humans and long-range preservation of nature

•Sufficiency :grant all forms of life the right to share in the goods of creation

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God's gift of responsibility for the earth dignifies humanity without debasing the rest of creation. We depend upon God, who places us in a web of life with one another and with all creation.

The new ecological worldview is a moral vision based on a nurturant morality and an ethics of care, centering on empathy and responsibility. This includes creating a moral politics and a moral economy, with the requirements of the Earth, and democratic, equality at the center.

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Ecology now is also a system of social, economic, and political thought that sees environmental destruction as only one more symptom (along with poverty and the unequal distribution of wealth and power) of our entire unhealthy modern world-view and belief system.

Creating solutions requires a total system response.

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To pull away from materialism and consumerism, we need to find non-material forms of fulfillment, and shift our spiritual focus from individual salvation to planetary salvation This will require us to see the planet as one global interrelated community of people, animals, and plants.

Choosing the values of life and care, and overcoming materialism, requires that we respect the mystery in human life and resist the secularization of experience. Even though our culture is completely secularized—the sacred has not disappeared. We need to recognize and name concepts of the sacred so that they can again determine social action.

Our future depends on how creative we can be together, and how quickly we can learn.

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When we face today's crisis, we do not despair.

We act

Our tradition offers many glimpses of hope triumphant over despair.

When Martin Luther was asked what he would do if the world were to end tomorrow, he reportedly answered, "I would plant an apple tree today."


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If we commit to a worldwide crash program to convert to renewable energy and planting trees to capture the CO2, the change could be less disruptive.

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It still

Otherwise the fungus only will remain...

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I saw a new sky and a new earth

But I saw a new earth and a new atmosphere.. (Apocalypse)

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SOS SEMI-ARID – Social CarbonNeutralbrazilPlanting & Producing

to Protect the Planet

Act. Get

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